Page 1: Kid's box unit 3 box 2 EXERCISES

NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: _______________

Exercise 1- Answer

1. Whose house is this? (Ana) _______________________

2. Whose money is this? (Brian) _____________________

3. Whose book is these? (Phil) _______________________

4. Whose cars are there? (Jake) ______________________

5. Whose pencils are these? (Nicole) __________________

Exercise 2 – Listen and complete (track 39 CD1)

Toys in the toy box, come alive

Walk and talk on the count of five

One, two, three, four, five

TREVOR: ___________ is this robot?

MASKMAN: It’s ____________.

TREVOR: Hello. ____________ your name?

ROBOT: My ____________ is Metal Mouth.

TREVOR: Oh. Can you ___________, Metal Mouth?

ROBOT: I can walk and I can __________.

MASKMAN: Well, I can walk, I can talk and I can _______. U-g-l-y.

TREVOR: I know! I know! … It’s __________!

MASKMAN: Yes, it is … and it can’t _______

MARIE: Maskman! Say ______, please.


TREVOR: It’s OK, Maskman. You’re a superhero and you’re __________ favorite toy.
