Page 1: KFH - FuNctioNal MaiNteNaNce oN tiMber€¦ · KFH - FuNctioNal MaiNteNaNce oN tiMber expert statement Nr. Ga-2017/115-Mey. impresses with its longevity, environmental friendliness

KFH - FuNctioNal MaiNteNaNce oN tiMber


Nr. Ga-2017/115-Mey

. impresses with its longevity, environmental friendliness and sustainability



.retainsitsmechanicalpropertiesincaseoffiremuchlongerthanuntreatedsteelwith the same static design according to DiN eN 1995-1-2

Page 2: KFH - FuNctioNal MaiNteNaNce oN tiMber€¦ · KFH - FuNctioNal MaiNteNaNce oN tiMber expert statement Nr. Ga-2017/115-Mey. impresses with its longevity, environmental friendliness

Disk head screw NHS...


Fire protection plate bSP...

Inadditiontothecalculatedverificationoftheserviceconditi-on, load-bearing timber constructions must also be designed forafireresistancedurationof30or60minutesforasingleormulti-sidedfireload,dependingontheconstruction,ac-cording to the unit temperature time curve according to DiN 4102Part2orDINEN1363-1onthebasis,forexample,ofDiN 4102 Part 4 or DiN eN 1995-1-2 ("hot design").

For fastening the cable support or installation systems, an additional backing of the direct fastening area in the shear joint between the cable support system and the load-bearing timbercomponentwiththefireprotectionboardsofbuildingmaterial class a1 listed on the right is prescribed.

these prevent or reduce the burning of the timber construc-tion in the area where the load-bearing system is attached to the timber construction and ensure that the connection to the timber construction remains intact due to the increased bending stress of the load-bearing system.IffireresistanceclassF30isrequired,fireprotectionboardswithaminimumthicknessof20mm,forF6030mm,mustbeused.Furtherrequirementswithregardtosettlementdepths,edgedistances, reduced support distances and cable loads can be found in the expert statement No. Ga-2017/115-Mey and the general building inspection test certificatesmentionedtherein.

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Niedax GmbH & co. KGAsbacherStraße141.D-53545Linz/RheinTel:+49(0)2644/5606-0.Fax:[email protected]



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