  • 8/13/2019 Keyboard Shortcuts in Win 7


    Keyboard shortcuts in Win 71. Managing 'Windows' in Windows 7

    Win+Arrow Down Set window to Restored (if Maximized) or Minimized (if Restored)

    Win+Arrow Up Maximize window (if Restored)

    Win+Shift+Arrow Down/Win+Shift+Arrow Up Maximize Restored window verticall / Restore window to previo!s state

    Win+Arrow Ri"ht/Win+Arrow #eft Move Restored window to left/center/ri"ht$ Wor%s across m!ltiple monitors

    Win+Shift+Arrow Ri"ht/Win+Shift+Arrow #eft Move window to left monitor / to ri"ht monitor when !sin" m!ltiple monitors

    Alt+Space &pens the title 'ar men!

    Alt+Space+nter Restore Window

    Alt+Space+x Maximize Window

    Alt+Space+n Minimize Window

    ** !rn f!ll pa"e view on or off

    ,Maximized, means f!ll screen- ,Restored, means varia'le window size- and ,Minimized, means minimized to tas%'ar$

    Switch between Applications


    .cles thro!"h open pro"rams in tas%'ar$ old alt and contin!o!sl press ta' to move forward 'etween applications$ Release %es to switch tselected$ Add shift to reverse direction$

    Alt+.trl+ta'- then !se arrow %es to select application.cles thro!"h open pro"rams in tas%'ar witho!t needin" to hold alt contin!o!sl$ 0ress alt+ctrl+ta' once- then contin!e with arrow %esandapplication$

    Alt+sc/Alt+Shift+sc .cle thro!"h pro"rams on tas%'ar in the order the were opened or accessed

    Win+a' .cle thro!"h pro"rams !sin" Aero lip 1D

    .trl+Win+a' .cle thro!"h pro"rams on as%'ar !sin" Aero lip 1D

    Win+" .cle thro!"h 2ad"et Window

    Manage Multiple Windows

    Win+d Minimize all windows on all Monitors$ 0ress a"ain to restore previo!s state

    Win+m Minimize all windows on c!rrent Monitor

    Win+Shift+m Restore previo!sl minimized windows on c!rrent Monitor

    Win+ome Set all windows to Minimized on c!rrent Monitor except active

    Win+Space 0review Des%top / ma%e windows transparent (Ma not wor% with all Settin"s)

    2. Accessing Windows Features

    Win+e Start Windows xplorer (in M .omp!ter)

    Win+r &pen the R!n window

    Win+f &pen Windows Search$ f1 on empt des%top wor%s- too$

    Win+l #oc% the %e'oard/ comp!ter

    Win+* Displa Windows elp

    Alt+Shift .han"e %e'oard lan"!a"e lao!t if m!ltiple lan"!a"e lao!ts are active3

    shift when insertin" .D or D4D 0revent .D or D4D from a!tomaticall plain"

    Win+p .hoose 0resentation Displa Mode

    Win+x &pen Mo'ilit .enter

    3 When wor%in" with m!ltiple 5e'oards #ao!ts (e$"$ Spanish/n"lish/2erman)$ Add !nlimited #ao!ts !nder Re"ional settin"s and activate lan"!a"e 'ar in as%'ar to see c!rrent lan"!a"e$ Switch with shortc!t an time$

    3. Windows 7 Taskbar

    win or ctrl+sc Activate Start 6!tton$ hen !se arrow %es- space and enter to navi"ate within Start Men!

    Win+t 2o to first item in tas%'ar- contin!e with arrow %es

    Win+' 2o to first item in sstem tra

    Shift+clic% on a tas%'ar item Start new instance of tas%'ar item

    .trl+Shift+clic% on a tas%'ar item Start new instance of tas%'ar item as administrator

    Shift+ri"ht7clic% on a tas%'ar item Show the window men! for the pro"ram

    Win+*$$$8 Switch to application in position 9 on tas%'ar (or la!nch pinned application)

    Shift+Win+*$$$8 Start new instance of tas%'ar item in position 9 on tas%'ar

    Unfort!natel- Microsoft removed the possi'ilit to select m!ltiple tas%'ar items in Windows :

    4. Naigating !esktop

    Arrow 5es 9avi"ate 'etween and select sin"le icons on des%top (when foc!s is on the des%top)

    ome/nd Select first / select last o';ect on des%top

    nter #a!nch active icon

    Shift+*< Activate context men! of active icon ' sim!lates ri"ht mo!se '!tton$ &nce in the context men! !se arrow %es- a7z and enter to select item

    ta'- shif t+t a' on empt des%t op 9 avi "at e ' et wee n des %t op- the =!ic %7 la!n ch 'ar- tas % 'ar and noti fi cat ion 'ar$ hen !s e arr ow %es and ent er or space to act ivat e specifi c icons

    a- '- c- $$$0ressin" the initial letter of the name of an o';ects will hi"hli"ht the respective application or folder$ .ontin!e tpin" the o';ect name if m!ltiple o';ects start with the sameletter

    ". Windows #$plorer


    Win+e Start Windows xplorer (M .omp!ter)

    Alt+Arrow Up 2o !p one folder

    Alt+Arrow #eft/Alt+Arrow Ri"ht 2o to previo!s folder / "o to next folder

    a'/Shift+a' Switch foc!s forward/ 'ac%ward 'etween Address 'ar- Search 6ar- ool'ar- 9avi"ation 0ane- and ile #ist (Defa!lt is !s!all ile #ist)

  • 8/13/2019 Keyboard Shortcuts in Win 7


    Alt+d or f> ?!mp to the Address 'ar and select a'sol!te address$ .op address with ctrl+c if desired

    .trl+e or ctrl+f ?!mp to Search 6ox in xplorer

    .trl+n &pen new instance of Windows xplorer

    ** Maximize window

    Naigate &ile 'ist and Naigation (ane

    Arrow 5es 9avi"ate 'etween files and folders

    nter &pen folder or start application

    ome/nd ?!mp to first / ;!mp to last item

    @ .han"e the file name of active item

    f@- then arrow left/Arrow Ri"ht Move one character to the left / to the ri"ht in item name

    f@- then ctrl+Arrow #eft/.trl+Arrow Ri"ht ?!mp one word to the left / to the ri"ht of item name

    f@- then home /nd ?!mp to 'e"innin" / ;!mp to end of item name

    f@- then ctrl+a Select complete o';ect name incl!din" s!ffix (defa!lt excl!des s!ffix)

    Arrow #eft/Arrow Ri"ht xpand folder / collapse folder (navi"ation pane onl)

    &ile 'ist

    Alt+p Displa or hide 0review 0ane

    Alt+v then d 4iew details$ .hec% 4iew men! for more options

    Alt+v then x 4iew extra7lar"e icons$ .hec% 4iew men! for more options

    .trl+mo!se scroll wheel .han"e size of icons

    Select )te*s in &ile 'ist and Naigation (ane

    Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down Select m!ltiple ad;acent items (directl a'ove or 'elow)

    ct rl w it h ar row %es and space Select m! lti ple non7 ad;acent it ems$ ol d ct rl - !se a rrow %es to move t o nex t i tem- and pres s sp ace t o add/ remov e from sel ect ion

    .trl+a Select all

    a $$$z and *$$8 0ress the initial letter an item to ;!mp to it$ .ontin!e tpin" the f!ll name if m!ltiple items start with the same letter

    Manipulate )te*s in #$plorer

    .trl+c- ctrl+x- ctrl+v ctrl+c for cop- ctrl+x for c!t and ctrl+v for paste

    .trl+z Undo an action

    .trl+ Redo an action

    Delete Delete an item and place it into the Reccle 6in

    Shift+Delete Delete an item permanentl witho!t placin" it into the Reccle 6in

    Shift+*< Activate context men! of active o';ect$ Replaces the ri"ht mo!se '!tton$ &nce in the context men! !se arrow %es- a7z and enter to "et to the selection

    .trl+Shift+n .reate new folder

    Alt+nter &pen 0roperties dialo" 'ox

    +. (hoto ,iewer

    Arrow #eft/Arrow Ri"ht 2o to next / "o to previo!s photo

    .trl+$ Rotate photo cloc%wise

    .trl+- Rotate photo co!nter7cloc%wise

    +B/7 Coom in / zoom o!t (or mo!se wheel)

    .trl+< (zero) it to Window

    Delete Delete c!rrent photo

    Shift+Delete 0ermanentl delete c!rrent photo

    Alt+nter Show properties of c!rrent photo

    Alt+e or ctrl+s mail c!rrent photo

    .trl+c .op c!rrent photo file to clip'oard

    Alt+o &pen c!rrent photo in other application (e$"$ 0aint of &ffice)

    7. !ialog %o$es

    .trl+a'/.trl+Shift+a' Move forward / move 'ac%wards thro!"h ta's

    a'/Shift+a' Move forward / move 'ac%wards thro!"h options

    Alt+!nderlined letter 0erform the command (or select the option) that "oes with that letter

    nter Replaces clic%in" the mo!se for man selected commands

    Space Select or clear the chec% 'ox if the active option is a chec% 'ox

    Arrow 5es Select a '!tton if the active option is a "ro!p of option '!ttons

    > Displa the items in the active list

    6ac%space &pen a folder one level !p if a folder is selected in the Save As or &pen dialo" 'ox

    -. Windows Ad*in

    Ad*in Tasks

    .trl+Win+f Search for .omp!ters (with Active Director activated)

    Win+pa!se/'rea% Displa Sstem 0roperties which holds sstem properties- comp!ter name- device mana"er and so on

    .trl+Shift+sc &pens Windows as% Mana"er

    e*ote !esktop

    Alt+0a"e Up/Alt+0a"e Down Move 'etween pro"rams from left to ri"ht / from ri"ht to left

    Alt+nsert .cle thro!"h pro"rams in the order that the were started in

    Alt+ome Displa the Start men!

    .trl+Alt+pa!se/'rea% Switch 'etween a window and f!ll screen

    .trl+Alt+nd Displa the Windows Sec!rit dialo" 'ox

    Alt+Delete Displa the sstem men!

    /. Windows 0elp

    a' Move 'etween lin%s

    Alt+c Displa the a'le of .ontents

  • 8/13/2019 Keyboard Shortcuts in Win 7


    Alt+n Displa the .onnection Settin"s men!

    *< Displa the &ptions men!

    Alt+Arrow #eft/Alt+Arrow Ri"ht Move 'ac% / move forward to the previo!sl/ next viewed topic

    Alt+a Displa the c!stomer s!pport pa"e

    Alt+ome Displa the elp and S!pport home pa"e

    ome/nd Move to the 'e"innin" / to the end of a topic

    .trl+f Search the c!rrent topic$ 0ress ta' to leave

    .trl+p 0rint a topic

    1 Move the c!rsor to the search 'ox$ 0ress ta' to leave

    12. #ase o Access a nd Magniier

    #ase o Access

    Win+! &pen ase of Access .enter

    0ress shift five times$ !rn Stic% 5es on or off

    0ress n!m loc% for five seconds !rn o""le 5es on or off

    Ri"ht shift for ei"ht seconds !rn ilter 5es on or off

    left alt + left shift +9!m #oc% !rn Mo!se 5es on or off

    left alt + left shift + prtScn !rn i"h .ontract on or off (.aref!l- will chan"e themeE)


    Win++B Start Ma"nifier and zoom in

    Win+7 Coom o!t with Ma"nifier active

    .trl+Alt+i nvert colors in Ma"nifier displa

    Win+sc xit Ma"nifier

    .trl+Alt+Arrow 5es Move the Ma"nifier windows

    9oteF Microsoft lists more shortc!ts for Ma"nifier- '!t not all of them seem to wor%$