
Key findings of the report

The Value of an Open Internet for India

Research Questions

What is the value of the internet in India?

Does an open internet increase its value? If yes, what is the value of an open internet for


Does the choice of the internet governance model (multilateral versus multistakeholder)

influence openness and consequently the value of the internet?

What could be the key components of India’s internet policy , especially on issues of

openness and governance?



Root Servers

Critical Internet


Network Neutrality

Web Standards

Cyber security




Data Protection


Consumer protection

Content policies &


Child Safety

Human rights

Areas of concern:

Many terms lack clear definitions,

change with context, eg. “Internet


Minimal data on contribution of

different components of India’s

Internet value chain

Specifics of the multistakeholder


Discussion Structure

Methods and Estimates for the valuation of the Internet in India

Definitions for Openness and its impact on value

Governance Models

Part I:

Value of the Internet in India

Existing Estimates of Internet Value

Research by Country Methodology Value

Boston Consulting Group India

Survey data and stakeholder-based

estimates. Methodology adopted across

several countries

$60 billion in 2013

Gartner India

Estimates of IT Spending in India across

devices, data centres, software, IT services

and telecom services

$67.058 billion in


Copenhagen Economics India

Expenditure approach for estimating the

impact of online intermediaries: sum of

private consumption expenditure,

investment, government expenditure and

net exports

$41 billion –

estimate for


excluding private


McKinsey & Company Argentina Expenditure method using OECD data2.2% of GDP in


Boston Consulting Group Hong Kong Expenditure method 5.9% of GDP in 2009

Boston Consulting Group Sweden Expenditure method 7.7% of GDP in 2012

ICT Contribution Across Economies

Challenges of Measurement

Defining economic impact/value

General Purpose Technology characteristics, network effects, overlap between social,

political and economic gains make it difficult to define the constituents of the static

and dynamic value of the Internet.

Developing a non-monetary yardstick for measurement

Traditional economic methods use price as the unit of measurement of economic

value. Digital expansion has enabled the emergence of goods and services that are

often invisible in price, making measurement of value especially complex.

The quality problem

Statistical methods have not been able to accurately capture the rapid decline in the

cost of digital technologies, gains in quality of consumption as well as product


Challenges of Measurement

Intangible inputs

National Accounts Statistics only extend to purchases of software as far as digital

capital inputs are concerned. The intangible inputs, such as investment in human

resource systems, business organization etc do not get captured in this data.

Data inadequacy

Currently, one of the biggest hurdles (particularly in India) in measuring the value of

the Internet is the limited scope of existing surveys and inadequate services data.

The nature of the digital transformation is such that it calls for microdata at the

individual and firm level.

Statistical framework

There is still no widely accepted method to measure the value of the Internet, or

define the contours of the digital economy.

ICRIER’s Estimates of Internet Value – Method I

Expenditure Method

The total expenditure on the Internet is obtained using the standard National Income

Accounting identity:

Y= C+I+G+(X-M)

Y: Aggregate expenditure of the economy on the Internet

C: Private final consumption expenditure on the Internet

I: Gross fixed capital formation accruing to the Internet

G: Government expenditure on the Internet

X-M: Net exports of ICT goods and services (enabled by the internet)

Private Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE)

We use “Household Consumption of Various Goods and Services in India”, 2011-12, 68th round, NSSO,

and the Reserve Bank of India Database on the Indian Economy (RBI-DBIE) to determine the PFCE

accruing to the Internet.

The PFCE on the Internet consists of four components:

Total household expenditure on mobile data

NSSO data records the total mobile phone charges incurred by households. Since only a part of

this accrues to data usage, we weigh this data by the average share of service provider revenue

accruing to data usage to estimate the total expenditure on mobile data (20% in 2011-12). The

average share of service provider revenue from data usage is based on data from TRAI.

Internet expenses

The annual expenditure of households on accessing the Internet is recorded in the NSSO data.

Mobile handset expenditure

The survey data records the total expenditure of households on mobile handsets. We weigh this

by the proportion of mobile subscribers using wireless internet to arrive at an estimate of mobile

handset expenditure accruing to the Internet (49% in 2011-12).

PC/Laptop expenditure

The annual household expenditure on PC/Laptops is obtained from the NSSO data. No robust

methodology was found to estimate the expenditure accruing only to the Internet.

Private Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE)

Limitations of the NSSO survey on household expenditure:

Discrepancies between estimates of aggregate consumption expenditure obtained from the

survey data and from national account statistics.

Estimates obtained from national account statistics typically exceed those obtained from the

survey data.

Most commonly identified reason for this is underreporting of consumption by richer households

(concentrated in urban areas) in surveys.

Recognizing the risk of underestimation , instead of estimating the total consumption expenditure

of households on the internet, we use the survey data to measure the share of the total

household expenditure that is spent on obtaining access to the Internet. (0.78% for 2011-


Estimating PFCE for the Internet:

We weigh the aggregate PFCE for the economy (obtained from RBI-DBIE) by the share of the

total household expenditure spent on obtaining access to the Internet (obtained from the NSSO

survey) to estimate the aggregate PFCE accruing to the Internet .

Private Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE)

Consumption Expenditure Distribution (NSSO 68th round) for 2011-12 in USD billion**

(1)Mobile phone expenses 9.65

(2) Proportion of mobile phone expenses accruing to data usage: (1)*0.2 1.93

(3)Internet expenses 0.52

(4)Expenditure on PC/Laptop 0.51

(5)Expenditure on mobile devices 1.12

(6) Expenditure on internet on mobile devices: (5)*0.49 0.55

(7) Total consumption expenditure on the Internet of all households: (2)+ (3) + (4)+ (6) 3.51

(8) Total consumption expenditure of all households 451.11

(9) Proportion of household expenditure spent on the Internet: (7)/(8) 0.78%

(10) Total consumption expenditure of the economy 1076.55

(11) Total consumption expenditure accruing to the Internet in 2012: 0.78% of (10) 8.40

**The average dollar to rupee exchange rate in 2011-12 was $1= Rs. 48

Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

It is usually possible to estimate GFCF of industries using the Annual Survey of Industries

(ASI). However, ASI does not record data on Internet related investments.

We use the Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy (CMIE) Prowess database to

analyze the distribution of GFCF of 8000 listed companies across various categories of


We consider the following categories of GFCF:

Software additions

Computer system additions

Communication equipment additions

According to our calculations, on average, 2.6% of a company’s total GFCF accrues to


We weigh the total GFCF of the economy (obtained from RBI-DBIE) by this share to obtain

the aggregate GFCF accruing to ICT.

Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) in 2011-12 in USD billion**

(1) Total GFCF in the economy 619.01

(2) GFCF accruing to the Internet in 2011-12: 0.026*(1) 16.09

**The average dollar to rupee exchange rate in 2011-12 was $1= Rs. 48

Government Expenditure on IT

There is a dearth of publicly available data for government expenditure on IT, especially

the Internet

We use estimates from Gartner’s report “Enterprise IT Spending for the Government and

Education Markets, Worldwide” for government expenditure on IT.

Gartner includes spending on internal services, software, IT services, data center, devices

and telecom services by both local and national governments.

The estimate for 2011-12 is $5.98 billion.

Net Exports of ICT goods and services

Data source: World Integrated Trade Service (WITS), World Bank; RBI-DBIE

Net Exports of ICT goods and services (in USD billion, 2011-12)

(1) Balance of Trade (goods) -4.64

(2)Balance of Payments (services): Telecom,

Computer & Information

(i)Telecom 0.16

(ii)Computer 61.08

(iii)Information -0.04

(3)Total BoP in 2011-12 61.21

(4)Net Exports of ICT goods and services: (1)+ (3) 56.5

Net Exports of ICT goods and services

Attributing the balance of payments in ICT goods and services entirely to the Internet

would lead to an overestimate.

There is a distinction between the ICT exports made possible through connectivity

(dedicated channels) and those made possible by the Internet. If the Internet were to shut

down, only a small part of the net exports would be affected.

Industry experts have suggested that approximately $10 billion of the total net exports of

ICT goods and services can be attributed to the Internet.

We have estimated the total expenditure on the Internet using both these estimates of net

exports to provide a range.

Total Expenditure on the Internet in India (2011-12)

Aggregate Expenditure on the Internet in 2011-12Upper Bound(USD

billion)Internet+ Connectivity

Lower Bound(USD


(1)Private Final Consumption Expenditure 8.4 8.4

(2)Gross Fixed Capital formation 16.09 16.09

(3)Government Expenditure 5.98 5.98

(4)Net Exports 56.6 10

(5)Total expenditure on the Internet:

(1)+(2)+(3)+(4)87.07 40.47

ICRIER’s Estimates of Internet Value – Method II

We use a fixed effects instrumental variable regression to estimate the impact of the Internet for India . This is a sub-

national estimation using panel data regression. The data pertains to 19 states in India for the period 2001 to 2014

SGDPit = αo+ α1Kit + α2Lit + α3ISubit + εit

Kit is gross capital formation excluding investments in telecom in ith state in year t;

Litis the total number of persons engaged in telecom in state i for year t;

ISubitis the number of internet subscribers in the ithstate in year t;

SGDPitis per capita GDP for ith state in year t;

eit is the error term

We use a two period lead of the natural log of Internet Subscribers as an instrument for Internet



Using state data from 2001-2014, the model estimates –

A 10% increase in rate of growth of Internet subscribers will result in a 2.4%

increase in rate of growth of state per capita income.

In terms of levels, the model implies that a 16% increase in the number of

internet subscribers in 2011-12 led to an increase in the GDP in that year by

$62.2 billion.

Difference in results of the two methods measures the spillover benefits of the


(1)Expenditure Method (direct value)$40.5 billion (2.5% of nominal


(2)Barro's Growth Model (direct and indirect


$62.2 billion (3.8% of nominal


(3)Spillovers: (2)-(1)$21.7 billion (1.3% of

nominal GDP)

Part II:


Understanding Openness

The Internet’s growth is often attributed in large part to its openness.

Many consider the characteristic fundamental – Since 2007, 7 IGFs have featured openness as a

primary theme

Economic benefits

Coupled with greater access –

“Permission-less innovation” / Light-touch regulation

Buyers and sellers can access international customer bases

Reduce transactions costs

Efficient firms can jump to GVCs

On the other hand, policies suppressing openness can create redundant requirements/costs

Incentivize large firms to reduce investments, prevent small firms from expanding

Lack of concrete, universal definition

Openness may then be technical, economic, political, legal, institutional…


“Openness” definitions extend to all manner of ways in which the Internet can produce economic

benefits (incl. for education, commerce, governance, etc.). Often becomes -

“The Internet” = “The Completely Open Internet”

Literature and Stakeholder Discussions reveal that envisioning the scope of “the Open Internet” would

necessitate measuring –

Freedom of Expression (on the Internet, but also offline)

Including privacy and the possibility of self-censorship

Access to Knowledge

IPR – Being measured by Dr. Walter Park

User Rights as defined by Exceptions and Limitations (“Fair Use”)

Alternatives to IP Regimes (FOSS, Open Standards, Open Content, Open Educational Resources)

Public Domain

Open Data and Open Government Data

Fragmentation/Balkanisation/Data Localisation/Mandatory Local Routing (due to the jurisdiction problem

which remains unresolved) – GDP impacts being explored by the GCIG and Bauer

Language Universalisation

Universal Accessibility

Physical Layer Openness

Such as with bans on unlicensed spectrum for Slum Wifi

Identification, Licensing and KYC Requirements that prevent people from going online


Dalberg Internet Openness Framework


OECD Internet Openness Framework


An alternate policy exercise suggests measuring the costs of targeted, individual closed

policies – without attempting to define the entirety of the Internet’s form

Rob Atkinson at the ITIF lists some of these costs as possibly including –

Network Inefficiency

Limitations on Access to Information –

Costs in themselves but also

Reduce the perceived value of the Internet itself, disincentivise activity

Increased transactions costs

Reduced Possibilities for the use of Big Data (including by Governments)

Redundant Duplication Costs (eg. Hardware)

But these again become nebulous – consequently, attempting to put a number on the

exact value of “openness” or the total cost of “closedness” is nearly impossible

Made worse by a lack of data and dependence on counterfactual reasoning

Using Relative Measures

Relative Measures of openness (and/or “Freedom”) such as the FOTN index and the WEF Network

Readiness Index are useful to obtain some idea of the relative changes in country Internet Regimes

These can then be further used to obtain some sense of the value impact from greater openness or


Dalberg (2014) plot a relationship between a country’s FOTN Score against its score on the Economic

Impacts sub-index on Network Readiness

They find a similar result when plotting Internet Contribution to GDP against FOTN scores (with

China as a significant outlier)

There is thus some reason to think that more “freedom” on the Internet correlates with an

increase in the Internet’s contribution to the Economy

We attempt to peg a number of that contribution, given India’s current regime – which consultations

reveal may currently be driven primarily by Access and is currently de-facto open/partly free.

The hypothesis on access driving value may now change.

Internet Governance

Building on the hypothesis of Access as the primary driver of current value

Stakeholders generally argued that this would mean choice of IG models would presently have minimal

effect on value.

Nevertheless, a number of reasons to focus on India’s choice of IG model exist –

In addition to the need for greater and wider representation, there exist the need to –

Build Capacity (which takes time)

Ensure that India does not become an outlier in IG for a / Encourage Participation across


Recognize the inherently private and international character of Internet infrastructure and

service provision

Improve transparency in decision making

The evolution of the relationship between Government and other stakeholders domestically must also

continue to evolve along MS lines

Governance Frameworks

The Internet’s operations are predominantly on private infrastructure

With significant inter-dependence between stakeholders

Conceptually, multi-stakeholder arrangements place a premium on the benefits of

information and resource sharing, given resource limitations across participants.

Multilateral Multistakeholder

SubjectsExisting issues of International law,


Technical architecture, Internet

infrastructure, access, security

ConcernsState authority to protect internal

political conditions, security

Representation, predominantly private


CriticismsLack of transparency, non-inclusive,

lack of capacity, slow, lack of

institutions for redressal

Questions over legitimacy, power

differentials between participants, lack

of authority, “talk shops”

ParticipantsGovernments, with non-state

participation if authorised by


Governments, private sector, civil

society, technical community,


Governance Frameworks (Domestic)

International IG Institutions are relatively easier to build up in a manner that allows non-

state participation – no supreme institution internationally

Domestically, this is not the case.

Top-down regulatory regimes beset by Transaction Costs

Need for reiterative regulation/Trial and Error

Information Asymmetry

Coordination Problems

The markers of inclusive, open and multistakeholder institutions include –

Robust consultative components within the decision making framework

Where access is a precondition for unlocking the value of Internet openness, ensuring

representation from underrepresented groups is essential

Local level fora for discussing IG

Capacity building

Government assistance for participation

Coordinating Umbrella Institutions – IIGF, Brazil’s

Internet Governance and Openness

As a GPT, the Internet’s value is best unlocked when unconstrained by overregulation

Tempering factors include user safety, privacy, cybersecurity

Widening gap between number of ways Internet can be used / institutional capacity to

rapidly absorb changes and evolve balanced responses

As regulation lags behind innovation, institutions limited to a single perspective can find it difficult

to evolve regulatory regimes that are balanced / pro-growth

Other difficulty – implementation

Multistakeholder institutions better placed to address these

Way Forward

Source: WDR 2016

Internet Contribution to GDP has an

inflection point – there exists evidence of a

critical mass

The contribution of openness to value will

probably increase in the wake of this shift

Future Work

Systematic and regular tracking of Internet

Contribution to GDP / Determine point of


Gather more data w.r.t. Internet Indicators

Track movement of openness indicators

against contribution to GDP