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CONTENT Page no.


1. Importance of the study.

2. Meaning and Definition.

3. Theories of Job satisfaction.

4. Various factors of the Job satisfaction.


1. Methodology of the study.

2. Objectives of the study.

3. Scope of the study.

4. Limitation of the study.

5. Sample size.


1. Cement Industry in India.

2. Efforts in the state.

3. An outlook of Kesoram Cement Industries Limited.

4. Awards.

5. Policies.



Annexure - 1. Questionnaire. 40-41

Bibliography 42

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The study taken up to identify the job satisfaction of employees at kesoram cement

industry facilitates to attain a practical understand on the job satisfaction in

manufacturing industry (Cement in specific) and also enables the management to know

the perceptions and aspirations of the employee’s job that they are performing on day to

day basis. In the term ‘Job Satisfaction’ the term satisfaction reveals and focuses on the

likes and dislikes of the employees of the K.C.I.L. The study tries to identify the causes

for satisfaction or dissatisfaction among the employees. So this survey using schedules

and understanding the real picture of satisfaction will be the most effective and selective

instrument for diagnosing and peeping into the employees and problems at work place.

The success of any organization depends on the effective utilization and motivation of its

human resources. Job satisfaction is an integral component of the organization climate

and an important element in management employee’s relationship.


The analysis of this Job satisfaction survey gives information regarding the

perception and causes of satisfaction among employees towards their job. Job

satisfaction may be either positive or negative. The positive feelings can be re-enforced

and negative can be rectified. This survey provides employees an opportunity to express

their inner and real feelings undoubtedly (As this is a schedule most of their feelings are

observed). Every human being possesses unique skill set, such skills if properly utilized

can become a supportive strength in achieving organization goals.

The deteriorating conditions of the organization may be a result of low job

satisfaction. In its sinister forms, it lurks behind wild at strikes, slows down work and

increases absenteeism and higher employee turnover. It may also be a part of grievances,

low productivity, disciplinary problems, and other organizational problems.

Job satisfaction exists when job characteristics (Profile) and wants of employees are in

agreement. It relates to inner feelings of the workers regarding his job. Job satisfaction

may be accounted to an individual or a group.


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When we study the interaction between human needs and organizational climate several

questions arise. Such as, what does workers expect from job up to organization? How do

attitudes of workers effect from quantity up quality of products? What do they think

about the management? Etc the answer of all these questions may be that they think

favorable if they are satisfied with the job or if they are unsatisfied or dissatisfied they

think unfavorable. Thus job-satisfaction is the key to main problem.

Job satisfaction is derived from the Latin word “Satis” and “facere” which means

“enough and to do “respectively.

C.L. Hulpin measured the effects of community characteristics of job satisfaction of

female clerical workers. He found that job conditions held constant job satisfaction.

The success of any organization depends on the effective utilization and motivation of

human resources.

More often “Employee Attitude”, “Job satisfaction” and industrial morale are used

synonymously but they are not the same.

A favorable attitude may contribute to job-satisfaction because job satisfaction is the

result of so many attitudes. Likewise job satisfaction and morale do not carry the same

meaning, though job satisfaction improves the employee morale.


The term job satisfaction refers to an employee’s general attitude towards his job. Job

satisfaction is the favorableness or un-favorableness with which employees view their

work. A person is satisfied with his home and community life is also satisfied with his



According to “Keith Davis” job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state

resulting from the appraisal of ones or job experience”.

According to “LOCKE” job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state

resulting from the appraisal of ones or job experience”.


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According to “ROBERT C.KAHN” job satisfaction does seem to reduce absence,

turnover and perhaps accident rates.



There are three types of theories

1. Hertz berg theory2. Maslows need hierarchy theory3. Social reference group theory.


In these studies, he tried to understand the motivation problem and felt the

knowledge about human behavior, nature motives and needs could be invaluable to

organization and individual.

According to Hertz berg’s theory of motivation, achievement recognition,

advancement, possibility of growth and responsibility factors are motivators, where as

job security, salary, personal life, status, company policy and administration, working

conditions these factors must be maintained by organization otherwise the employees will

feel dissatisfied.


According to this theory it is believed that a person is satisfied, if he gets what he wants

and the more he want something or the more important it is to him, more satisfied he is

when he gets it and he is dissatisfied he doesn’t get it.


The social reference group theory is similar to need-fulfillment theory expect that it takes

into account not desires, needs and interest of the individual, but rather the point of view

and opinions of the group to whom the individual looks for guidance. Such groups are

defined as the reference –group. According to this theory that if a job meets the interests,


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desires an requirements of person’s reference group, he will like it and if it doesn’t he

will not like it.

C.L.Hulin measured effects of community characteristics of job satisfaction of female

clerical workers employed in 300 different catalogue order offices. He found that with

job conditions held constant job satisfaction was less among person living in a well-to-

do-neighborhood than among this whose neighborhood was poor.

The above theories help us as follows:

1. Job satisfactions a function of, or is positively related to the degree to which

ones personal needs are fulfilled in the job situations, and

2. Job satisfaction is a function of, or is positively related to the degree to which

the characteristics of the job meet with approval and the desires of the group

to which the individual looks for the guidance in evaluating the world and

defining social reality.


According to “Abraham A. Kumar” there are two types of variables.

1. Characteristics of the individual

2. Characteristics of the job

Characteristics of the individual:

The following characteristics of an individual affect the job satisfaction of a worker.

A. Individual Difference:

Individual difference make the study of the job satisfaction complicated because each one

is different in his habits, attitudes, nature, etc., so each one differs in his perception

towards his job and the organization he works for. A person may be fully satisfied with

his job and the organization or may not. While few may be fully satisfied, some other


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may feel quite indifferent in the similar work environment. Thus individual differences

show case the complexity in determining unified levels of job satisfaction.

B. Age:

Hertzberg has established an important correlation between age and job satisfaction.

According to him, in the early years of a youngster’s employment morale of the youth is

high and it decreases after sometime. In the present era, researches show that taking into

account the occupational level constant there is generally positive correlation between

age and job satisfaction up to the age- of early sixties and then there is a sharp decrease.

On the other hand, there are studies that show on relationship between age and job-


C. Educational Level:

With occupational level held constant there is a negative relationship between the

educational level and job satisfaction. The higher the education, the higher the reference

group, which the individual looks to for guidance to evaluate his job, rewards.

D. Sex:

There is yet no consistent evidence as to whether women are more satisfied with their

jobs than man, holding constant the generally lower occupational aspiration of woman.



The higher the level of the job, the greater the satisfaction of the individual. This is

because higher level jobs carry greater prestige an self-control. This relationship

between occupational level and job-satisfaction stems from social reference group theory

in that our society values some jobs more then others. Hence people in valued jobs will

like them more than those who are in no valued jobs. The relationship may also stem

from the need-fulfillment theory. People in higher level jobs find most of their needs

satisfied then when they are in lower level ones.


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JOB CONTENT:Greater the variation and the less there repetitiveness with which the tasks must be

performed, the greater the satisfaction of the individuals involved. Since job content in

terms of variety an nature of tasks called for is a function of occupational level, the

theoretical arguments given above apply here also.


People like to be treated with consideration. Hence leadership results in higher job

satisfaction than unconsidered leadership.

SOCIAL INTERACTION:Interaction of people with others or groups may result line job satisfaction and

dissatisfaction. if Interaction is unsatisfying a person may withdraw himself in case of

voluntary group to withdraw and result is frustrating and the more the interaction the

more the frustration. The Interaction is more satisfying if others behavior in the group is

similar to Is own and others recognize him in the achievement of goals.

SECURITY OF JOB:Security of job is an important factor in determining the job satisfaction if the

organization provides job security the people in the organization feel satisfied and if they

are quite insecure they will be frustrated, job security is an important consideration on

lower level or unskilled jobs while it is secondary on higher level or technical or skilled



If working conditions on the job in the organization are better in comparison to similar

jobs in other organizations, the workers will be more satisfied.

PAY AND PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES:These two variables are positively to job satisfaction. this is both of these variables tied

up with occupation if level and social prestige. In addition, each of these variables also

has the capacity of fulfill an increasing number of needs. if there are promotional avenues


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open in a particular job the person concerned will feel satisfied because promotional

avenues are important considerations in job satisfaction.

A person will feel dissatisfied if there is no promotion or if the job lacks

promotional avenues. Though promotional opportunities are closely related with the

merit but seniority is also considered.


The intrinsic value of job is also related to job satisfaction. The intrinsic value of job

differs from man to man so job satisfaction also differs. A person is satisfied with his job

because he is especially trained for that job and has the acceptability of performing it

well, he prefers that job only because, he gets recognition in the group of society. Few

others may be interested in the job because it is easy to perform. What so ever may be the

reason for accepting the job they may feel himself satisfied or dissatisfied with the job

due to number of reasons. A more skilled worker may feel dissatisfied if there is low job




Originally if assumed that well satisfied worker would produce more but later researched

proved that this assumption was wrong. A satisfied worker may be high or low or

average producer. In some case, job satisfaction and productivity are interrelated. Both

influence each other and have circular relationship. The relationship between job

satisfaction and productivity depends on the management technique. In different

techniques the relationship may be

1) Higher productivity and low job satisfaction.

2) High productivity and high satisfaction.

3) low productivity with high satisfaction.

B) TURNOVER: job satisfaction consistently correlates with turnover. It might have

been seen that employees having low job satisfaction leave their employer as early as


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possible. So, low job satisfaction increases the turnover and high job satisfaction

decreases it. Thus it has a negative correlation with labour turnover.

C) ABSENTEEISM: absenteeism is the same relationship with the job satisfaction as

has the turnover. Both are negatively correlated. Employees who have low job

satisfaction tend to remain absent of and on from their job.


Job satisfaction is influenced by community condition. It is generally advocated that

poor community conditions pull down job satisfaction and better community conditions

push it up. But this is not always true. What usually happens is that employees compare

their community conditions with their job conditions. If job conditions are better that of

community conditions, job satisfaction is higher.


Several benefits are derived from the study of job satisfaction by the management

A) INDICATION OF GENERAL LEVEL: A study of job satisfaction gives the

management an indication of general level of satisfaction among the workers of the

company. The study can be made with references to a particular subject up a particular

group of employees in other works, The study tells how employees feel about their job

and about the organization what part of their feeling need attention up whose feelings

are involved for looking at employees problems.

B) COMMUNICATIONS: The various communications is brought on by job

satisfaction survey. The flow of communication is in all directions i.e., upwards,

downward and lateral because such surveys are planned, taken up and discussed. where

this encourages the workers to explain what is in their minds upward communication may

be fruitful.

C) IMPROVED ATTITUDES: The attitudes of workers are improved through job

satisfaction study . It acts as a safely values, release one’s emotions by expressing their


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emotions during the course of survey . On the other hand it shows an expression of

management interest in employees welfare which gives employees a better feelings

towards management.

D) TRAINING NEEDS: It determines the training needs of the employee and

the supervisors , during the course of survey. It can be well established in what areas ,

the employees are satisfied or not satisfied it helps the management to determine

whether employees or supervisors need training and in which field, so that management

can arrange for the training.

E) UNIONS: Generally executives and union office bears discuss about the

various wants of the employees but survey verify such arguments. Union rarely opposes

the survey results and in the most of the cases suppo0rt them, especially when they know

that they will share the results


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Chapter- 2: Research Methodology


The main objective of the study is to analyze and examine level of job satisfaction

in the Kesoram Cement Industries Limited and to know the problems faced by the

employees. The specific objectives as follows:

To highlight the level of satisfaction among the employees relating to the nature

of job and other factors.

To find out the impact of work life on job satisfaction

To evaluate the working conditions in the cement industry

To observe the difficulties of employees regarding their job

To suggest suitable measures to improve welfare measures in the organization.


This study has geographical scope as employees of Kesoram Cement Industries

Limited. Job satisfaction of the employees has been covered on the basis of the following


Salaries and material benefits

Job security

Medical care

Housing facilities


Superior and sub-ordinate relationship

Freedom or expression

Nature of job

Working hours

Working conditions


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As we know that a happy worker is a productive worker. So keeping a worker

happy is management responsibility as to get the work done. But, to feel happy is

employees perception. So the satisfied employee may contribute in effective way to the

organizations efficiency.

H10 - Job satisfaction among employee is essential element for improving his efficiency

and effectiveness.

H1a - Job satisfaction among employee is not an essential element for improving his

efficiency and effectiveness.

H20 - Job satisfaction among employees does not reduce the Employee turnover.

H2a - Job satisfaction among employees reduces the Employee turnover.

H30-Job satisfaction does not reduce the resistance among employees for new


H3a-Job satisfaction reduces the resistance among employees for new


Data Collection:

As this is investigative case analysis. The data comprises of both primary and secondary



The primary data, which is first hand information, is collected basing on a logically

arranged questionnaire. Manager level to Executives of and organization. The data can be

obtained from these people by surveying questionnaire face to face interaction between

researcher and respondent and critical observation method of day to day work



For the study Secondary data is obtained from magazines, books, Journals, Statistical

Reports and Web sites etc.


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Data, which is gathered by administering questionnaires, was processed in simple manner

to determine the level if satisfaction among employees. The Questionnaire has few

questions dependent on Likert scale to ease the statistical analysis. For data

representation various graphs, tables and diagrams can be used. Apt Statistics analysis

done to prove the Hypothesis.


In order to achieve the objective of the study and to test the hypothesis framed there of,

the following scheme of chapterisation has been adopted. The study is divided in to five

chapters based on the content of the study.

The first chapter, which is naturally an introduction, deals with the theme of the study

along with need and importance of the study based on which the research is to be

pursued. The definition and meaning along with theories of Behaviour are discussed


The second chapter deals with the Research Methodology explaining about the

methodology of research for the study. The third chapter is completely devoted to the

Company profile where in the fourth chapter covers to examine the analysis of data. The

last chapter presents the summary, conclusions and suggestions of the study.


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In India cement is one among the products of high volume sales and high revenue

generation products across markets. Many countries produce cement in large scale for

their domestic use as well as for the benefits of the nation (Infrastructure maintenance).

Among such countries Indian cement industry is the fourth largest in the world. India’s

cement industry has witnessed tremendous growth on the back of continuously rising

demand from the housing sector, increased activity in infrastructure, and construction

boom, according to RNCOS’ latest research report titled, ‘Indian Cement Industry

Forecast to 2012’.

The country’s cement production is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate

(CAGR) of around 12 per cent during 2011-12 - 2013-14 to reach 303 million metric

tonnes (MMT), as per the RNCOS research report.

India is the second largest cement producing country with 137 large and 365 mini cement

plants. The large plants employ 120,000 people, according to a recent report on the

Indian cement industry published by Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA). Cement

production in the country is expected to increase to 315-320 million tonne (MT) by end

of this financial year from the current 300 MT.

India dates back to 1914 for the first production of cement in porbandar with 100 tones.

At that time India was in fifth place in cement production.


One of the industrial giants in the country today, serving the nation on the industrial

front, Kesoram Industries Ltd. Has a checked and eventful history dating back to the

twenties when the industrial house of Birla acquired it with only a textile Mill under its

1924, it grown from strength to strength and Spreads its activities.

To newer field like Rayon, Pulp Transparent paper, Spun pipes, Refractoties, Tyres and

other products. Looking to the wide gap between the demand and supply of vital


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commodity cement, which plays an important role in nation building activity, the

Government of India de-licensed the cement industry in the year 1966 with a view to a

attract private entrepreneur to argument the cement product Kesoram rose to occasion up


To setup a few cement plants in the country. The first unit at Basanthagar with a capacity

of 2.5 lakhs tones incorporating suspension preheated system was commissioned during

the year 1969. The second followed suit in 1971 which added 2.0 lack tones capacity.

The third unit with capacity 2.5 tones went on stream in 1978. It was further expanded

to make it a 9.0 tones plant at Basanthnagar.

Kesoram has an excellent record of performance achieving overall 100% capacity

utilization. Kesoram Cement distribution itself stands top among the cement factories in

India. Bagging the covered National productivity Award for two successive years i.e

1985 & 1986. Kesoram also bagged NCBM,S (National council for cement and Building

Materials) National Award for energy. Kesoram Cement undertaking marketing

activities extensively in the states of M.P.,. Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Maharastra

and Gujarat.

Earlier, the federation of A.P. chamber of commerce & industry (FAPCCI) conferred on

kesoram and gave Award for best industries promotion. In 1991 Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

gave silver rolling Trophy for best industrial productivity effort. In the state also India

Memorial National Award for Excellency in industry was awarded to Kesoram.

In A.P state, facilities are located in different areas like Karimnagar, Warangal,

Nizambad, Vijayawada and Nellore. In the other states it has opened around 10 depots.

The market shares of Kesoram Cement industries in different States:


Andhra pradesh 70.5%

Tamilnadu 0.94%

Karnataka 4.09%

Maharastra 2.81%


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The cement industry in India dates back to 1914 when the first unit was established in

Porbandar with a production just 1000 tones in a year it had attained fifth place among

producing countries in the world, only China, Russia, Japan, U.S.A. were ahead of


The Cement manufacturing Association came in to existence in 1961 with 17

member companies, the main objectives are

1) To promote interest of its members in relation to customers and infantry in


2) To link with trade and industrial organization in India and abroad.

3) To encourage friendly cooperation and cordial relation among the cement


4) To study the problems faced by the cement industry and individual

manufacturers and make representation to Government and other authorities

urging tingly action.

5) To encourage the research and technical advancement of the industry.

6) To promote the image and goodwill of the industry among the customers and

public at large.

The cement has contributed significantly to the growth of important sectors of

housing, roads, dams etc., in India and is now recognized as a significant infrastructure

sectors to the growth of India economy.

It is a matter of great pride for the India cement Industry. That the prestigious projects

like Bakranangal dam, Mangalore, Vizag and Navasevasports road and rail bridges

across the mighty rivers bramaputra, Ganga etc., Rajasthan canal and big housing

projects works all built with India cement. At these are standing examples of high quality

of India Cement as also their Strength and durability to fully. Meet all performance

requirements in driver’s types of application.


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Expertise has been developed by the cement companies in construction of concentrate

will be happy sharing the experience and know how for adoption in other countries.

Supply of cement can be arranged through 50 kg of paper of HDPE etc., to suit the

customer’s requirement with packing does fully automatic rotary packing machines

which would ensure that each bag is filled with correct weight.

Starting with a modest export in 1989-90, the Indian cement linker exports have crossed

one million tones in 1992-93 currently exports are done to about 10 countries by 34

cement plants.


Kesoram cement bagged prestigious award including national award for productivity

technology, conservation and several state awards.

For the year 1984 kesoram bagged “best family planning effort in the starter” of the

federating of A.D. chambers of commerce &industry also bagged the national

award for energy efficiency for the year 1989-90for the best performance among all

cement plants in India. This awards installed by national council for cement and building

material(NCBM)in association with the department of power ministry of energy,

Government of India.

Kesoram bagged the prestigious A.P. state productivity award in 1987-89 also annexed

the state award for industrial management in 1988-89 also.

“Best industrial promotion expansion effort in the state and “Vozamany Ratnal” was

bagged for its contribution towards the social responsibility of rural and community

development programs. For the year 1991 bagged may daily Award of the government

of A.P. for best management and pt. Jawaharlal Nehru “Silver Rolling Trophy” for tar

industrial productivity effort in tar state of A.P. by FAPPCI also the Indira Gandhi

memorial national award for excellence in industry management award of the

government of A.P for the year 1993 during the last three years government of A.P. has

given the following awards “nests management” award for the years 1993 . “Best


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industrial retain award conservation award for 1995 to keep the ecological balance , they

have been nominate by government of India for “VRIKSHA MITRA AWARD”, best

effort of an industrial unit in the state of rural department 1994-95, presented by chief

minister in march, 1996 “Best family welfare” award for 1996-97.


Recreation club:

Two auditoriums are provided for the employees to play the indoor games like

shuttle, chess and for organizing cultural functions.

Libraries and Reading Rooms:

About 6,000 books are available in the library. All kinds of newspapers and magazines

are made available in reading rooms for the family reading of the employees and their



It provided to cater to need of the employers for supply of snacks, tea, coffee and meals,

they are provided with normal charges.

School: English medium school telugu medium schools and oriya medium schools are provided

to meet the educational requirement of the employees children with nominal charges.


The company has provided a dispensary with qualified medical officer and Para medical

staffs for the benefit of employees are covered under ESL scheme to avail the medical

facilities from the ESI hospitals.

House journal: A house journal in the name of “Basanth nagar samachar” is brought out quarterly where

in all the important activities of the plant are published.


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Kesoram consumer-co-operative stores:

Consumer co-operative stores is available to meet the needs of the employees for the

supply of essential commodities like rice, wheat, sugar, etc.,

Sports and Games: Competitions in sports and gamed are conducted every year on august 15th independence

day and January 26th republic day for the employees.

Grievance procedure:

Normally employees with grievance shall first represent immediately to his supervisor

and explain to him. In some cases if supervisor is not available to settle the grievance, the

employee shall explain the same to his department head.

The department head will review the position of the grievance with the supervisor taking

in to consideration. The company policy will find a solution and communicate the same

to the concerned employee.

In case no solution is found for the grievance at the department head level, the grievance

shall be referred to the personal department. To take into consideration the various factors

and discuss with concerned department head and why to find out the solution and redress

the grievance of the employee according to the policy of the company.

LIST OF AWARDS BAGGED BY KESORAM CEMENTSl. No. Year Details01 1976 FAPCCI award for Best Family Planning Efforts in the State

02 1978FAPCCI award for Best Industrial Promotions / Expansion Efforts in the State.

03 1984 Best Family Planning Efforts in the State04 1985 National Productivity Award.05 1985-86 National Award for mines safety.06 1986 National Productivity Award.07 1986-87 National Award for Mines Safety.08 1987-88 A.P State Productivity Award09 1987-88 Best Family Planning Effort in the State.10 1988-89 A.P State Award for Best Industrial Relations.


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11 1989 A.P State yajamanya Ratna and Best Management Award.12 1989-90 Best Family planning effort in the state by FAPCCI.13 1989-90 NCBM’s National Award for Energy Performance.14 1991-92 Indira Gandhi Memorial National Award for Excellence in Industry.

15 1991FAPCCI Award Jawaharlal Nehru Award Silver Rolling Trophy for Best Industrial Productivity in the state.

16 1993 Mines safety Award in A.P.17 1993 Best Management Award by AP Govt.,

18 1994Commendation prize for best industrial relations by A.P. productivity council.

19 1994 A.P State Karimkaratna Award in consolation category.20 1994 Mines Safety Award in A.P.

21 1995Commendation Prize for Best Industrial Relations by A.P Productivity Council.

22 1995 Award for Mines safety in A.P.


FAPCCI Award for Best Rural Development efforts of an Industrial unit in the state.

24 1995-96 Best workers welfare including family planning by FAPCCI25 1995-96 Shri Sitraram Rungta Memorial social awareness award by FIMI

26 1996Commendation prize for best industrial relations by AP productivity council.

27 1996 A.P State award for environment & Mineral conservation.28 1997 Mines environment & Mineral conservation award in A.P State

29 1998The “Bala Tondon” Gold Medal award has been bagged by basanthanagar limestone mines for Environmental protection form the mining engineers association of India, New Delhi.


The “Best Pay roll saving group award among private sector”.

31 1999 Mines Environment and pollution control32 1999 Mines environment and pollution control permanent shield.

33 1999Injury Rate performance received form by Dy. Director of General of mines and safety.


Award for Best efforts in environment protection in region by the GPPPG

FIMI - Federation of India Mineral Industries.GPPPG - Godavari Pradushana Paryavarna Parirakshnaa Gavakshamu, Godavarikhani


The business strategies and practices have to be changed continuously and they should be

adapted to a changing world. Towards this direction many great companies have


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developed their policies for their vision for future is core values. The kesoram also set the

vision and core values.


Kesoram in their continuous pursuit for excellent cement quality and customer

satisfaction is committed to achieve cost leadership optimally utilizing their resources by

Striving for ‘zero’ accidents, ‘zero’ quality complaints and ‘zero’ down-time.

Enhancing individual skill through training and motivation.

Total involvement through participative management activities.

Creating healthy and safe environment.

Continuous efforts for improving productivity


To make the contribution for the advancement of the society and humanity.

To help the public and government to take up construction activities for

individual/ national development.

To develop the rural areas and provide employment opportunities.

Updating of latest technologies to meet the challenges


Kesoram Cements is committed to produce and deliver quality cement as per customers’

requirement in compliance with applicable standards and continually improve the

effectiveness of the quality management system with an aim to enhance customer



Improvement in quality of raw materials inputs.

Progressive improvement in productivity and equipment efficiency.

Total involvement of employees through participative management activities.


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Enhancing individual skills through training and motivation.

Reduction of chronic losses.

Technological innovations.


Kesoram Cements is engaged in manufacturing of cement and are committed to protect

the environment through continual improvement by reducing pollution, energy, water

consumption and maintaining clean and green environment by implementing

environmental management system as per ISO-14001.


Reducing the emissions and other pollutants form all sources. Comply with relevant environment legislation and regulation as applicable to our

plant operations. Maintaining clean and green environment by reducing energy and water

consumption. Providing training to all the employees for achieving the required objectives and

targets, Subjects to review. This policy available to all our employees can be made available to public



At kesoram cements, continual improvement in occupational health safety performance,

and strive to target of zero accident.


To improve work facilities to reduce risk by implementing occupational health and safety management programs.

To create awareness and involve all employees and interested parties in implementing OHS policy and objectives.

To comply with applicable legislation and other regulations. To reduce leakages to create a healthy and safe environment. To further improve the healthy measures by implementing the systems of

periodical medical check up of the employees.


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Aspects of Analysis


To highlight the level of satisfaction among the employees relating to the nature

of job and other factors.

To find out the impact of work life on job satisfaction

To evaluate the working conditions in the cement industry

To observe the difficulties of employees regarding their job

To suggest suitable measures to improve welfare measures in the organization.

SCOPE OF THE STUDY – Aspects and Area of Focus

This study has geographical scope as employees of Kesoram Cement Industries

Limited at Karimnagar. Job satisfaction of the employees has been covered on the basis

of the following variables,

Salaries and Monetary benefits: The Financial emoluments that employees at

Kesoram cements get are considered as Salary and Monetary benefits.

Job security: The probability of employee to keep his or her job.

Medical care: The Medical assistance provided at shop floor as well as the

employees families.

Housing facilities: The quarters and the ambiance of the residential region are

considered as Housing facilities.

Conveyance: The allowances/ facilities provided to the employees to reach the

company are treated as conveyance.

Superior and sub-ordinate relationship (Employee/Peer Relationship): The

relationship maintained between boss and his subordinates or among co-

employees at work place is considered as Superior and Sub-ordinate relationship.

Freedom of expression: The communication option and the relationship the

management maintains with employees in order of receiving their opinions and

suggestions is considered to be the Freedom of expression.

Nature of job: The work/responsibility allotted to an employee at work place.


Page 24: Kesoram - Job Satis

Working hours: The number of hours employees are subjected to work, which is

naturally 8 hours. This also includes over time duties and the convenience of

such timings.

Working conditions: The ambiance including the level of convenience and

security measurements at the work place.

HYPOTHESIS TO BE TESTEDH10 - Job satisfaction among employee is essential element for improving his efficiency

and effectiveness.

H1a - Job satisfaction among employee is not an essential element for improving his

efficiency and effectiveness.

H20 - Job satisfaction among employees does not reduce the Employee turnover.

H2a - Job satisfaction among employees reduces the Employee turnover.

H30-Job satisfaction does not reduce the resistance among employees for new


H3a-Job satisfaction reduces the resistance among employees for new


Data Collection:PRIMARY DATA:The primary data, which is first hand information, is collected basing on a logically

arranged questionnaire. Manager level to Executives of and organization. The

Questionnaire were used mostly as a schedule (i.e. interviewing the employees in person

by researcher and noting down their opinions).

SECONDARY DATA:For the study Secondary data is obtained from magazines, books, Journals, Statistical

Reports and Web sites etc.

DATA PROCESSING OF ANALYZING:Data, which is gathered by administering questionnaires, was interpreted through graphs.

The Questionnaire has few questions dependent on Likert scale to ease the statistical

analysis. Chi-Square test was used to test the hypothesis and Correlation was used find

the relationship between the factors.


Page 25: Kesoram - Job Satis

As stated earlier in chapter I about 100 questionnaires were distributed to the executives

of Kesoram Cement Industries Limited. The questionnaires are on a 5- point scale.

a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied

c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied

e) Highly dissatisfied

From the 100 questionnaires returned back 14 factors of job satisfaction concerned with

different aspects of the service conditions were faced before the respondents, opinions of

a general nature from the concerned employee along with observation were taken for a

proper understanding.

1. Employee Satisfaction towards Salary and monetary benefits of at Kesoram cements.

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:Salary and monetary benefits are the primary factors for the job satisfaction of an employee. Among the respondents, 59% of the respondents are satisfied with these benefits. 22% of the respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and the remaining 19% of the respondents are not satisfied with their salary and monetary benefits. Irrespective of facilities provided at Kesoram cements, employees feel that few facilities can be created with an option of monetary allowances, so that those who do not require that facility would go for the monetary options. But, this is practically difficult for the organization. This leads to the higher level of dissatisfaction.


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2. Employee Satisfaction towards Nature of the job at Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:65% of the respondents are satisfied with the nature of their job. 15% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 20% respondents are not satisfied with the same. Few employees who have improved their qualification along with experience expect a change in their level of responsibilities. But organization goes by periodical appraisal this leads to dissatisfaction in the nature of job.


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3. Employee Satisfaction towards Managerial communication among employees at Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation: 77% of the respondents are satisfied with the managerial communication. 13% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 10% respondents are not satisfied with the same. Personalized written communication is provided for the updates of the company. But, managerial interaction to the lower level of employees is less which leads to the 10% dissatisfaction.

4. Employee Satisfaction towards Peer Relations among employees of Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:83% of the respondents are satisfied with the peer relations. 8% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 9% respondents are not satisfied with the same. The relationships between superiors and subordinates as well as co-employees are exceedingly good at Kesoram.


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5. Employee Satisfaction towards Housing Facilities provided to employees at Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:38% of the respondents are satisfied with the housing facilities. 35% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 27% respondents are not satisfied with the same. Employees are uncomfortable in the issues of privacy at quarters as most of them are not individual residences. Their dissatisfaction was even towards lower level of ventilation provided to quarters.

6. Employee Satisfaction towards Conveyance facilities provided at Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:69% of the respondents are satisfied with the conveyance. 15% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 16% respondents are not satisfied with the same. Employees who travel by company bus are happy with the facilities whereas others are a bit dissatisfied by the allowance paid instead.


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7. Employee Satisfaction towards Work environment at Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:72% of the respondents are satisfied with their work environment. 10% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 18% respondents are not satisfied with the same. Most of employees were happy with the work environment where as few employees expected more advanced equipment at few shop floors.

8. Employee Satisfaction towards Working hours at Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:78% of the respondents are satisfied with the working hours. 12% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 10% respondents are not satisfied with the same. Working hours (8 Hours shifts) are satisfactory to the employees and the additional stretch of two hours in peak seasons is a bit dissatisfactory to few employees depending on the compensation towards that over time.


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9. Employee Satisfaction towards Management relationship with employees at Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:59% of the respondents are satisfied with their relationship with the management. 18% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 23% respondents are not satisfied with the same. The only weak link in Kesoram is the lesser number of interactions that management make with employees as a whole. They communicate mostly through hierarchy which is leading to dissatisfaction in a part of employees.


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10. Employee Satisfaction towards Congenial climate at Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:88% of the respondents are satisfied with congeniality of the climate. 8% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 4% respondents are not satisfied with the same. Congenial climate refers to the uniform treatment towards all the employees. Every body at Kesoram are expected to move in the work place in their respective dress codes showing that all the employees are equal at work place.


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11. Employee Satisfaction towards Performance appraisal at Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation: 84% of the respondents are satisfied with the performance appraisal. 8% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 3% respondents are not satisfied with the same. Employees were highly satisfied by the periodical appraisal made over their performance and are very comfortable with the unbiased ways of appraising.

12. Employee Satisfaction towards Recreation facilities available at Kesoram cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:85% of the respondents are satisfied with the recreational facilities. 12% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 3% respondents are not satisfied


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with the same. The relaxation breaks at work place and amusement facilities at the housing colony were extremely satisfactory to the employees.

13. Training and development

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:72% of the respondents are satisfied with the training and development. 18% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 10% respondents are not satisfied with the same. The employees satisfaction was due to the apt training mechanisms provided by Kesoram cements to work in a safe and secured work environment and the continuous learning ambiance provided to work.

14. Overall Employee satisfaction at Kesoram Cements

Source: Primary data collected through the questionnaire for the study

Interpretation:72% of the respondents are satisfied with kesoram cement. 15% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The remaining 13% respondents are not satisfied with


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the same. Employees would be more satisfied if their opinions as mentioned above towards each factor are further upgraded.

Statistical Analysis and Testing of HypothesisStatistical Analysis

Correlation AnalysisOverall Satisfaction




















c Wor













f ap




e T &





Pearson Correlation

Sig (2-tailed)









































Observation: The correlation analysis performed over the primary data collected gives

an outcome that all factors considered for the study stating that they have influence on

job satisfaction of an employee at Kesoram Cements have significant relationship with

overall job satisfaction. Here we can notice that for the factors like Managerial

communication, Work environment, recreation to the employees and training &

development have comparatively low pearson correlation values stating their weakness in

association with overall satisfaction. A special emphasis by Kesoram is required to see

that those factors too influence the job satisfaction of their employees which in turn will

increase job satisfaction of all employees as a whole.

Hypothesis Testing using Chi-Square:

Hypothesis Formulation

Hypothesis – 1:H10 - Job satisfaction among employee is essential element for improving his efficiency

and effectiveness of an employee.

H1a - Job satisfaction among employee is not an essential element for improving his

efficiency and effectiveness of an employee.

To prove this hypothesis Chi-Square performed over the variables Overall Job

Satisfaction and the Latest Performance appraisal report (The grades provided by the Hr


Page 35: Kesoram - Job Satis

team were converted into 5 point scale as follows and were used for the analysis, A* - 5,

A-4, B-3, C-2 and D-1) the Chi-Square analysis result was as follows,

Employee Performance * Overall SatisfactionChi-Square Tests

Value dfAsymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 5.317a 2 .000

Likelihood Ratio 5.115 2 .000

Linear-by-Linear Association 4.957 1 .002

N of Valid Cases 100


This indicates that there is a significant impact of Job Satisfaction on the performance

of the employee which indicates that the satisfaction of employee towards his job makes

him improve this effectiveness and efficiency.

Result: Hence the Null Hypothesis stating that Job satisfaction is essential element for

improving efficiency and effectiveness of an employee is accepted to be true.

Hypothesis – 2

H20 - Job satisfaction among employees does not reduce the Employee turnover.

H2a - Job satisfaction among employees reduces the Employee turnover.

To test the Employee turn over based on Job satisfaction, experience which we have

collected as respondents general information in the first part of questionnaire is converted

in 5-point rating scales considering the following conversion pattern,

Experience >10 years – Rating 5

Experience >8 years but Less than10 – Rating 4

Experience >6 years but Less than 8 – Rating 3

Experience > 4 years but Less than 6 – Rating 2

Experience >2 years but Less than 4 – Rating 1

Note: There wasn’t any recruitment for this plant for the last 2 years as there was no

requirement for additional man power. Hence, the employee experience suggests how

many new employees are there in substitution to earlier turn outs.

Then, the data under the Employee experience is considered for the test and the results

are as follows,


Page 36: Kesoram - Job Satis

Emp_exp* Overall satisfaction

Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square .956a 4 .016

Likelihood Ratio .960 4 .002

Linear-by-Linear Association .425 1 .002

N of Valid Cases 100

Inference: The Chi – Square test indicates that there is a significant impact of Job satisfaction

towards Employee experience indicating that there is strong association between these

two factors and as the satisfaction levels of the employees are high the turnover rate is


Result: Hence, the alternative hypothesis stating that Job satisfaction reduces employees

turn over holds good.

Hypothesis – 3:

H30-Training and Development activities do not have significant impact on Job


H3a- Training and Development activities have significant impact on Job Satisfaction.

Training and Develop * Overall satisfaction

Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 1.199a 4 .000

Likelihood Ratio 1.232 4 .000

Linear-by-Linear Association .004 1 .001

N of Valid Cases 101

Inference: The results of the Chi-Square analysis suggest that there is significant impact

of Training and Development activities on Job Satisfaction.


Page 37: Kesoram - Job Satis

Result: Hence the alternative hypothesis stating that Training and Development

Activities have significant impact on Job Satisfaction holds well.


Objective Wise Findings

The interpretation of the primary data suggested the following levels of satisfaction in the employees of Kesoram cements Ltd.

Sl.No. Factor Highly satisfied (%)


Highly Dissatisfied(%)

1. Nature of the Job 59 22 192. Salary and Monetary benefits 65 15 20

3. Managerial communication 77 13 10

4. Peer Relations 83 8 95. Housing Facilities 38 35 276. Conveyance 69 15 167. Work environment 72 10 188. Working hours 78 12 109. Management relationship with

employees59 18 23

10. Congenial (friendly) Climate 88 8 411. Performance appraisal 84 8 312. Recreation facilites 85 12 313. Training and Development 72 18 10

14. Overall Satisfaction 72 15 13These satisfaction levels infers the following objective wise findings,

Objective -1 focuses on the understanding over the job satisfaction of employees

pertaining to Nature of job and other factors, at Kesoram Cements 59% of the

employees are satisfied by their nature of job and 22% stay neutral neither

dissatisfied nor satisfied. A minor segment of 19% of the employees is

dissatisfied by the nature of job. Overall satisfaction of the employees towards

their job considering all factors is 72% where as there are 13% of the employees

who are dissatisfied.

Objective -2 emphasizes on Work life and Job Satisfaciton, At kesoram cements it

is observed that 38% of the employees are satisfied by the housing facilities, 85%


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are satisfied by Recreation facilities, 72% were satisfied by the work environment

and 78% are satisfied by Working hours this conveys that except for the housing

facilities, employees are very much satisfied towards the facilities and time

provided by the Kesoram cements to them which in turn suggests that the balance

which they attain through these facilities is improving the job satisfaction.

Objective – 3 focuses on the working conditions in Cement industry, the above

satisfaction levels of employees towards the Working environment, congenial

clime and Peer relations suggests the working conditions at Kesoram. The

findings suggests that on an aggregate 82% of the employees are satisfied under

these factors indicate the sophisticated and employee friendly environment that

Kesoram provide.

The other findings of the study include the statistical inferences which are as follows,

The correlation analysis performed over the primary data collected gives an

outcome that all factors considered for the study stating that they have influence

on job satisfaction of an employee at Kesoram Cements have significant

relationship with overall job satisfaction. Here we can notice that for the factors

like Managerial communication, Work environment, recreation to the employees

and training & development have comparatively low pearson correlation values

stating their weakness in association with overall satisfaction. A special emphasis

by Kesoram is required to see that those factors too influence the job satisfaction

of their employees which in turn will increase job satisfaction of all employees as

a whole.

Hypothesis-1: Null hypothesis was accepted indicating, Job satisfaction among

employee is essential element for improving his efficiency and effectiveness.

Hypothesis-2: Alternative Hypothesis was accepted stating, Job satisfaction

among employees reduces the Employee turnover.

Hypothesis – 3: Alternative Hypothesis was accepted indicating that there is

significant impact of Training and Development activities on Job Satisfaction.


Page 39: Kesoram - Job Satis


Nature of job, Colleagues, Welfare facilities, Conveyance, working hours, managerial

communication are accepted to be at higher level satisfaction by the respondents. Salary

and monetary benefits, higher post else in future, Congenial and general climate, safety

and security and stated to be fairly satisfied. Housing facilities is not up to the

acceptable level of satisfaction.

This indicates that for an organization with commitment towards Quality, care and

concern at Work place has to take care of all the factors which contribute to job

satisfaction in order to retain the employees and also improve their levels of productivity

seeking to the organizations profitability. Every organization should take care of the

employees as their primary customers and should have major priority satisfying them so

that in turn their productive and efficient work would lead to customer satisfaction and

organization profitability.


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As far as Housing facilities in KCIL are concerned there are no proper ventilation

and cleanness. It is very much obvious from the responses given by the executives that

they need to be fine tuned. Educational facilities are not completely satisfactory due to

the Lengthy procedure and Terms and conditions.

Proper attention has not been paid to the social atmosphere in the company that is

why executives feel that they are more mechanical the social elements. So we have to

conduct games, sports, creative arts, get together, distribution of prizes, recognition

awards etc. Due to hazardous nature of work the technical staff has been deprived of the

healthy working environment. The working conditions need to be monitored constantly

in order to reduce the work hazards. Welfare measures like prompt medical facilities,

canteens, restrooms, conveyances should be given top priority.


Page 41: Kesoram - Job Satis


A) personnel profile of Respondent

1. Name

2. Age

3. Sex: : Male / Female

4. Educational Qualifications :

5. Place of work :

6. Designation :

7. Year of appointment to the

Present Center :

8. Number & age of the children:

9. Employee ID:

B) Job Related Factors

Express your level of satisfaction as for the rating scale given below for different

factors influencing Job satisfaction,

Rate 5 if you are highly satisfiedRate 4 If you are satisfiedRate 3 if you feel goodRate 2 if you are dissatisfiedRate 1 If you are highly dissatisfied

Sl.No. Factor Level of Satisfaction

1. Nature of the Job2. Salary and Monetary benefits3. Managerial communication 4. Peer Relations5. Housing Facilities6. Conveyance7. Work environment8. Working hours9. Management relationship with employees10. Congenial Climate11. Performance appraisal12. Recreation facilites13. Training and Development14. Overall Satisfaction


Page 42: Kesoram - Job Satis

15) Who bears the liability of paying Fringe benefits Tax in your organisation?A. The employer(entirely)B. The employeeC. The employer but recover from employeeD. Partially the employer and partially the employee

16) I what is the effect on total tax liability and Net Take-Home-Pay of the employee, CTC package remaining the same?

A. Tax liability increase and Net Take-Home-Pay decreaseB. Tax liability decrease and Net Take-Home-pay increase C. Not much affected

17) The amount of tax paid by both of them is decided on what basis?A. Some fixed ratio B. Any prior agreementC. According to the income tax rulesD. Any other (specify)

18) What is the criterion of allocating different benefits between different levels of employees?

A. On the basis of gradesB. On the basis of basic salary C. At the option of employees* D. Any other (specify)

19) How do you segregate and apportion the various fringe benefits between different grades and designations of employees?

A. Same benefits for all grades and designations of employeesB. Different benefits for different grades and designations of employeesC. Increase the benefits according to increase in grade pay and designation of

employees D.none of above.

SUGGESTIONS FOR THE STUDY :_________________________________________



Page 43: Kesoram - Job Satis


Aswathappa: Human Resource Management, Pearson,2009.

C.B.Mamoria: Personnel Management, Excel Books,2009.

Thirupathi: Personal Management and Industrial Relations,Himalaya,2009.

Keith Davis: Human Resource at work, TMH,2009.

Noe & Hollenbeck: Human Resource Management, Pearson, 2009.



