Page 1: Kerrang! Contents page analysis

Rolling Stone Contents Page Analysis

Branding The contents page does follow the convention of contents pages by having the masthead present on the contents page. This text can be found at the top of the page and is mainly the first thing read which reinforces the branding to the reader. The magazine also uses a colour to brand the page. It follows the mastheads colours which is a common feature used by editors in a magazine to keep continuity and an attractive design.

Images The images used are not images that relate to the feature article, which goes against the conventions I have found that are commonly used on contents pages. The images all are positioned on the left hand side and this feature works well for the page but there are only two images and ones included in the editor’s note so technically there is only one image which breaks convention as contents pages normally have a lot of images to show the content. This has been done so it catches the readers attrition as people read from the left and the images are down the left so they are the first thing the reader will see when they look at the page..

Subscription Information On this contents page they have included some information about subscribing to the magazine. This is done by the magazine so they can get a guaranteed source of money and so they know how many copies to print to save money. They can also make more money. The magazine used an image of loads of other magazine covers to illustrate to the reader how they will have access to more issues. They have also used bright colours to attract the reader’s attention.

Features The features is a very traditional feature and almost all magazines have one in some way. Kerrang! magazine have used it to indicate the type of topics the magazine will cover and set out its target audience. As the magazine focuses heavily on rock it is shown by the feature articles included. It also shows that the target audience is a very rock centric group/emo styled group with all content relating to such.

Language The language used in a contents page sets the tone for the magazine and it’s important to set out the right impression after capturing the reader’s attention through the cover page. In this magazine it uses very youthful language as the target audience is going to be rebellious youths with a passion for punk rock.

Regulars The regulars section in this contents page are very important and take up most of the right side of the page. These are very important in indicate what content is in the magazine in trying to interest the readers. It has a wide range of topics which all focus on its youthful audience such as posters and gig guides.

Editor’s note This magazine has an editor’s note at the bottom of the page. This is done to share future work coming up and to give thoughts on the content. This is a fairly informal feature and is commonly in magazines with a younger target audience as mature adults care not for the editor’s opinion and only care for the content.