Page 1: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Kern River WaterData: Wed. 6 a.m.

Storage, IsabellaReservoir334, 977 acre-feet.(Low point was155,858 ac-ft. Nov.26. Pool capacity is568,075 ac.-ft. at thespillway. Current limitis 360,000 ac.-ft.)

Inflow, North Fork ofKern at Kernville3316 cfs (5-hr avg.)

Outflow, Lower Kern 3912 cfs

Borel Canal flow596 cfs

Data from U.S. Army

Corps of Engineers

cfs=cubic feet per second

1 cu.ft. = 7.48 U.S. gallons

1 ac.ft.= 325,851 U.S. gal.

Volunteerto helphospice

patients bysinging to them.

Whenthat wall

of flame headstoward yourhouse, youcould be ready.


owe millions toveterans asresult of newact.


PRESORTED KernvilleStandardU.S. Postage PAIDPermit 25


This isbear

country, and weneed to learn tolive with them.




Friday, May 20, 2011 A Locally-Owned Community Partner and Award-Winning Newspaper Vol. 8 No. 16

Lake Isabella’sweekend weather

Fri: Sunny, high 76.

Fri. night: Mostlyclear, low 56.

Sat.: Mostly sunny,high 78.

Sat. night: Partlycloudy, low 56.

Sun.: Mostly sunny,high 74.

Sun. night: Partlycloudy, low 53.

National Weather Service

Mike DevichKern River Courier

The fisherman in April’sIsabella Lake Fishing Derbywho caught a $10,000 troutdidn’t get any money afterall.

“He was not awarded the$10,000,” said derby chair-man Fred Roach earlier thisweek. “He caught the fish onFriday” (the day before thederby officially started). It isagainst the rules to hold afish caught early until thederby starts.

Roach said the man inquestion (the derby is notreleasing his name) told hiswife that the big money fishwas caught before the derbyperiod, and he came backlater and confessed to thederby people that he could-n’t accept the prize after all.

The reason the storycouldn’t be told immediatelyis that the matter had to behanded over to the insur-ance company for their deci-sion.

The Isabella Lake FishingDerby, like most derbies,purchases an insurance poli-cy from a company that spe-cializes in such things. Theinsurance company hopesthe big money fish won’t becaught, of course, so theywon’t have to pay out the bigbucks. They usually establishan iron-clad set of rules.

One rule is that anglerswho bring in a $10,000 fishto the local derby for pay-ment are required to take apolygraph test to confirmdetails about when the fishwas caught.

The sponsoring organiza-tion usually hopes that bigmoney will be paid out bythe insurance company,because it’s great publicity.In this case, the Isabella LakeFishing Derby wants the bigmoney paid out. The derbyput on by the Kern RiverValley Chamber ofCommerce, which wantsgood publicity out thereabout our beautiful KernRiver Valley.

$10,000 prize for troutnot awarded to angler

Mike DevichKern River Courier

The Kernville Chamber ofCommerce has stepped up to theplate and is now keeping theiroffice open on weekends to helpreduce the potential damage to thetown from the reduced officehours at Kernville’s Forest Serviceoffice.

The Forest Service recentlyannounced that the Kernvilleoffice would close on weekends,necessitating a trip to the nextnearest office in Lake Isabella,about a 20-minute drive (if the

Mike DevichKern River Courier

The Sequoia NationalForest is considering a largevegetation treatment projectnear Alta Sierra, and a publicscoping meeting about it isscheduled for Saturday, June4 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at theOdd Fellows Hall inKernville.

The subject of discussion isa 6,000-acre area of NationalForest lands near RancheriaRoad in the GreenhornMountains. The RancheriaForest Restoration Projectwould treat the area to

reduce “uncharacteristicallysevere” wildfire. The object isto promote forest conditionsthrough thinning that wouldresult in a smaller and lower-intensity fire if one shouldignite.

The treatment strategies toaccomplish this project wouldhave to be designed, and thefederal NEPA act requiresthat the Forest Serviceinvolve the public during theplanning process.

Public comments will alsobe accepted through e-mail.The address is Comments-paci f [email protected].

Rancheria reforestationproject will thin trees

Michael Batelaan/Kern River Courier

Water gushes from the pipes at the Main Dam on Wednesday. A storm earlier this weekdumped even more rain and snow on the region and temperatures were chilly.

Jennie Cox/Special to the Courier

Paul Tovmassian from Los Angeles, left, holds up a four-pound trouthe caught near Limestone Campground on Sunday.

KernvilleChambernow openweekends

Shell out fireworks moneyMike DevichKern River Courier

Chances are that on Wednesday when it was rainingand 45 degrees, you weren’t thinking much of theFourth of July.

And lately when you’ve seen the fireworks canistersin local businesses, you probably haven’t given it a sin-

See CHAMBER, Page 5


Page 2: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Page 2 Kern River Courier Friday, May 20, 2011

LegendBoat Launch Ramps Camp Grounds Towns Hospital + Other Features


Drainage Area 2,093 Square MilesCapacity, Gross Pool 570,000 Acre-Ft.Surface Area, Gross Pool 11,400Shoreline, Gross Pool 38 milesLength, Gross Pool 9 miles

Main DamMaximum Height 185 FeetLength at Crest 1695 Feet

Auxiliary DamMaximum Height 100 FeetMaximum Length 3,257 Feet

Lake ConstructionStarted March 1948Finished April 1953


Tillie CreekLive Oak

North Fork Marina

Boulder Gulch

Rich GulchHungry Gulch

West SideFrench Gulch

French Gulch MarinaPioneer Point




to Ridgecrest




M.L. Ludiker Artwork & Design

Lake Isabella

South Fork Recreation Area

South Fork Wildlife ParkingArea


Robinson Cove

County Dump


Golf Course

Cyrus Canyon OHV AreaTarget Range



Main DamKissack BayLI Visitor Center

Old Isabella RdAuxiliary DamEngineer Point

Wildlife Area




a Way




To Baker



Hanning Flat

Map courtesyMike Ludiker

For recreation InfoU.S. Forest Service

Lake Isabella office:4875 Ponderosa Dr. (enter from

Hwy. 155 just over the hill fromHwy. 178)

(760) 379-5646

Kernville Office:105 Whitney Rd. (around the

corner from the museum)(760) 376-3781(closed on weekends – go to

the Kernville Chamber ofChamber office for permits)

For general KRV Info

Kern River Valley Chamber ofCommerce

6404 Lake Isabella Blvd. Across from Senior CenterLocal: (760) 379-5236Toll Free: (866) KRV4FUN

Kernville Chamber of Commerce

11447 Kernville Rd. KernvilleCorner Sierra Way & Kernville

Road Local: (760) 376-2629Toll Free: 866-KERNVILLE

Emergencies - call 911Kern Valley Hospital &Kern Valley Healthcare District

McCray and Laurel, Mt. Mesa(760) 379-2681

Kern Valley Substation

Sheriff’s Department and CHP7050 Lake Isabella Blvd.(760) 549-2100Weekdays only, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Kern County Fire Stations arelocated in Lake Isabella, Kernvilleand Southlake. Call 911 to report afire – there are other fire agencies.

Kern River Valley information

We’re on the Web at

Each entire issue of the Kern River Courierappears on our Web site, ads and all! If you’re anadvertiser, look at your costs for separate Internetadvertising and be in the Courier instead.

Ask your customers what they’re reading. It’llbe the Kern River Courier, hands down. They’ll seeyour ad, Web or paper copy!

Call (760) 376-2860 and ask for Michael Batelaan

■ Full Hook-Ups

■ Shaded Campsites

■ 30/50 Amp Service

■ Tents Welcome

■ Table & Fire Ring/Grill

■ Hot Showers (Incl.)

■ Air Station

■ Dump Station

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as low as$20.00aweek

Look out for bears hereCalifornia DFGSpecial to the Courier

The California Department ofFish and Game (DFG) remindscampers, anglers and hikers enjoy-ing the outdoors to take precautionsto limit black bear encounters. Akey element to safe camping andrecreating in bear country is to limitfood odors that attract bears.

“Bears are constantly in search ofeasily obtainable food sources,” saidMarc Kenyon, DFG statewide bearprogram coordinator. “A bear’s fateis almost always sealed once it asso-ciates human activity with potentialfood. It’s always unfortunate when abear has to be killed because peopleeither haven’t learned how toappropriately store food and trash,or simply don’t care.”

California’s growing black bearpopulation is now estimated atmore than 40,000. Black bears arelocated in most of the state wheresuitable habitat exists.

And bear/human encounters arenot isolated to wilderness settings.For example, last year black bearsstirred up trouble in one ofCalifornia’s premier tourist destina-tions, as DFG staff logged more

than 5,200 hours handling blackbear nuisance issues in the LakeTahoe region alone.

DFG wardens and biologists alsoresponded to numerous wildlifefeeding issues across the state, andbears obtaining human food is citedin the majority of public safety inci-dents involving bears. Access tohuman food or garbage, whether itis overflowing from a campgroundor residential dumpster or in theform of snacks in a tent, is the pri-mary culprit in attracting bears.When wild animals are allowed tofeed on human food and garbage,they lose their natural ways – oftenresulting in death for the animal.

Feeding wildlife or allowingwildlife access to human food pro-vides false food sources, habituatesanimals to humans and can changeanimal behavior from foraging forfood in the wild to relying on humanfood sources in or near urban areas,which can lead to bears breakinginto cars or houses to seek out food.

DFG’s Keep Me Wild campaignwas developed in part to addressthe increasing number of conflictsbetween black bears and people.

See BEARS, Page 7

Page 3: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011 Kern River Courier Page 3

Published Fridays by KRV Publishing

Spotlighting the best of the Kern River Valley

Publisher Michael BatelaanEditors, Writers Michael Batelaan, Mike Ludiker, MikeDevich

ColumnistsMike Mencarini Rod Middleworth Matt Freeman Bodfish BobRon Bolyard Jack DuitsmanCalifornia Joe Richard RoweClarence Semonious Harry ThalPhotographersMichael Batelaan, Mike LudikerContributing PhotographersMurdoc Douglas, Jack Robson, MikeDevichAd ProductionMichael Batelaan, Mike LudikerAdvertising SalesValerie MinouxBusiness OfficeSara WakemanAdvertising policiesPublisher reserves the right to reject or cancelany advertising at any time. Cancellations orrejection shall not preclude payment on similaradvertising previously run. KRV Publishingand the Kern River Courier are not liable forerrors in copy or an advertisement beyond thecost of the actual space occupied by the error.Publisher reserves the right to place the word“advertisement” on any ad copy that appearsto resemble editorial matter.

Submission policiesEditorial and photo submissions are wel-come and will run at the discretion of theeditors. Submissions will only be returnedwhen accompanied by a self-addressedstamped envelope. The editors reserve theright to edit all submissions. The entire con-tents of the Kern River Courier are copy-right ©2011 KRV Publishing. Reproductionin whole or in part is prohibited without priorwritten consent. All rights reserved.

Letters policiesLetters to the Editor are run when space per-mits. They are meant as an open forum forexpression. The views expressed in the lettersto the editor within this paper are not necessar-ily the views of this paper, nor those of the staff.Letters to the editor pertaining to local issuesand events or those that affect our area areencouraged. Please include your real name,address and phone number for verification.Pen names or incomplete names are notallowed. The Kern River Courier reserves theright to exclude any letter to the editor, or editits contents for length and prevention of libel,or for other reasons as seen fit by the editors.Letters should not exceed 200 words.

Kern River CourierMailing: P.O. Box 1145Wofford Heights, CA 93285

Office: 6392B Wofford Blvd.Wofford Heights(next to WH Post Office)

Phone: 760-376-2860FAX: 760-376-2862

Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and byappointment.

E-mail address:[email protected]: www.kernrivercourier.comSubscriptionsThe Kern River Courier is publishedand mailed weekly for $36 per year.Send payment to:

Kern River CourierP.O. Box 1145Wofford Heights, CA 93285

The Kern River Courier is adivision of KRV Publishing

Kern River CourierWhiskey Flat Claim Jumper Kern Angler

©2011 KRV Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

Bake sale benefits horse cen-ter Saturday, May 21

On Saturday, May 21 theLakeshore Farmers Market inWofford Heights will host afundraising bake sale from 9 1 p.m. to benefit the High SierraWild Horse Sanctuary andGentling Center. The sanctuaryhas 41 horses and 10 donkeys tosupport and find homes for.Music will be provided by JayBarush. Lakeshore FarmersMarket is located in WoffordHeights, across from St. Jude'sChurch.

Dog show by Ladies of ElksSaturday, May 21

The Ladies of the Elks’ popularDog Show is scheduled forSaturday, May 21 at 10am. Theentry fee is $5 and lunch will alsobe available in the Lodge Parkbehind the lodge on WoffordHeights Blvd. Everyone is wel-come and Pat and Laurie areawaiting your call at 376-2762.

Broadband survey to be puton Monday, May 23

The Eastern Sierra Connectproject will be holding a KernValley meeting on May 23 at 7p.m. at the Vets Hall next to theSenior Center in Lake Isabella.You are also welcome to take theonline survey ( survey will help identify theunserved and underserved com-munities in Inyo, Mono andEastern Kern counties that needbroadband Internet connectivityand the broadband technologiesthat might be appropriate andaffordable to residents and busi-nesses. For more info [email protected].

Workshop about vacationrentals Monday, May 23

The Kern County PlanningDepartment plans to hold a publicworkshop about vacation rentalsin the Kern River Valley area at theSenior Center on May 23 at 6:30p.m. Comment on the currentlimit of 6 persons.

Food commodities date to beTuesday, May 24

Government food commoditieswill be distributed to those quali-fied on Tuesday, May 24 at theElks Lodge in Wofford Heights,Grace Chapel on Highway 178 inMt. Mesa, and the Senior Centerin Lake Isabella. Distributionstarts at 8 a.m.

Memorial weekend May 28-30 includes KRVAA art show

The Kern River Valley ArtAssociation’s Sierra Arts andCrafts Festival will take place May28, 29, and 30 at Circle Park inKernville. Show hours are 9 AM -5 PM on Saturday and Sunday, 9AM -1 PM on Monday. For showinformation contact Judy Deemsat 760-378-4109.

RegularactivitiesFridays• 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition,Senior Center, Lake Isabella. 379-5831.• 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.- TOPS #2293 weight lossgroup, Veterans Hall #2, 417-2272.• 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Alzheimers respite groupmeets at Vets Hall, Lake Isabella. 379-0848.• 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.- TOPS weight loss group,Mt.View Church, Lake Isabella. 378-3935.•10-11 a.m.- Grief Support Group, 6048L.I.Blvd. 1st and 3rd Fridays. (661) 410-1010.• 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. - AA, 6407 Lake IsabellaBlvd., Lake Isabella.• 11 a.m.-3p.m.- Lunch at Eagles, open topublic, Mt. Mesa. 379-3394• 1 p.m.- Happy Hookers crochet club, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 379-6335• 4 p.m. - KV Cruisers Cruise Night, El PortalII Lake Isabella, 1st Fri. 549-3855• 6 p.m. - Kernville Baptist Church gamenight, 2nd Fri. Next to Pizza Barn. 223-1036.• 7:30 p.m.- Al-Anon, 80 Evans Rd, WoffordHts. 760-379-7318 or 760-379-8985.

Saturdays• 9 a.m.- 2 p.m - Farmer’s Market, NuuiCunni Ctr, French Gulch. 549-0800 • 9 a.m.- 1 p.m - Farmer’s Market, LakeshoreLodge, Wofford Heights.• 5 p.m., Havilah Centennial Group , 1stSaturday, schoolhouse. 379-2636.• 5-7 p.m. Dinner at Eagles open to public,Mt. Mesa. 379-3394• 7-10 p.m.- Dam Dancers square dancing,1st Saturday, Senior Center, Lake Isabella.

Sundays• 9 a.m. to noon - VFW Breakfast, open to thepublic. 2811 Nugget, Lake Isabella. 379-3877.• 9 a.m. to noon - Eagles Breakfast, open tothe public. Highway 178, Mt. Mesa. 379-3394.*10 a.m. - Al Anon meeting for adult children,113 Dawson Dr., WH. 376-6136.

Mondays• 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition,Senior Center, Lake Isabella. 379-5831.• 10 a.m. - Exercise Class, LakeridgeClubhouse, Lake Isabella. 379-3206.• 1 p.m. - Kern Valley Democratic Club,Senior Center, 3rd Monday.• 1 p.m., Line dance classes, Senior Center.379-0043.• 3 p.m. - Kernville Chamber, board 2nd

Mon., membership 4th Mon. 376-2629.• 5-7 p.m. Eagles spaghetti dinner, Mt. Mesa,open to public, 1st. Mon. 379-3394.• 6-9 p.m. KRV Community Orchestra meetsat Cerro Coso Lake Isabella. 376-4461.• 7 p.m. KRV Art Association meets, 3rdMon., Senior Center. 379-2844.• 7 p.m. - AA meeting, 113 Dawson Dr., WH.376-6136.• 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon, KV Hosp Cafe. 760-379-7318 or 760-379-8985.

Tuesdays• 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition,Senior Center, Lake Isabella. 379-5831.• 8:30 a.m. - Yoga Practice Group, KernvilleMethodist Church. (909) 753-9043.• 9:30-11a.m.- Me & My Friends children’splaygroup, 1st Baptist Church, LI. 379-2556.• 10 a.m. Kern Valley Garden Group, 2ndTues. 379-1129.• 12:30 p.m. Bridge Club, Rod & Gun Club,E. Evans Rd., Wofford Heights. 376-4249.• 2 p.m. - KRV Cemetery District. 2ndTuesday. Public invited. 376-2189.• 6 p.m. - LI-Bodfish Prop. Owners meet atSenior Center. 2nd Tues. (760) 379-1830.• 6:30 p.m. Epilepsy Support Group,

Bakersfield, 2nd Tues. 376-1606.• 7 p.m. - KRV Historical Society meets,Senior Center, Lake Isabella, 4th Tues.

Wednesdays• 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition,Sen. Ctr., 6407 Lk. Isabella Blvd., 379-5831.•9 -11:30 a.m., Dam Quilters, senior apts

behind Vons, 1st & 3rd Wed. 661-867-1603.• 9:30 a.m. - TOPS weight loss group, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. (661) 867-2579.• 9:30-11 a.m.- Me & My Friends children’splaygroup, Kernville Methodist, 379-2556.• Noon- KRV Chamber of Commerce meet-ing, El Portal II. 2nd Wed, 379-5236.• Noon - Eagles Lunch/Shuffleboard, opento public, Mt. Mesa, 379-3394.• 12:30 p.m. - Bridge Club, Eagles Lodge Mt.Mesa, 376-4249.• 1- 2:30 p.m. - Alzheimers CaregiverSupport Group, Vets Hall, Lake Isabella, 1stWed. 379-0848.• 1:30 - 3 p.m. Grief Support Group, OptimalHospice, 6504E L.I. Blvd.• 5:30 p.m. Weight Watchers, WeldonMethodist Church, (760) 267-4693.• 5:30 p.m. LapBand Support Group, hospi-cal cafeteria, (760) 379-2681 2nd Wed.• 6:00 p.m. American Legion, Lake IsabellaSr. Ctr. Veterans Rm., 3rd Wed. 379-5086.• 7 p.m. - Fish & Game Habitat Club, 631 E.Evans Rd, Wofford Hts, third Wed.• 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m.- Senior Dance, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella dining rm., live band.• 7 p.m. Al-Anon, 80 Evans Rd. Wofford Hts,760-379-7318 or 760-379-8985.• 7 p.m. - Elks meet, Wofford Heights Blvd.

Thursdays• 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition,Senior Center, Lake Isabella. 379-5831.• 8:30 a.m. - Yoga Practice Group, KernvilleMethodist Church. (909) 753-9043.• 9 a.m. to noon - Thursday Painters,Community Room, Senior Center, 379-5329.• 9:30 a.m. - Fire Safe Council, SupervisorMcQuiston’s office, Lake Isabella. 3rd Thurs.• 9:30 a.m. - Aglow Int’l, Senior Center,Room 1. 2nd Thurs. For women.• 11:45 a.m. - KRV Woman’s Club meets,Elks Lodge 4th Thurs. (some exceptions).• Noon, Exchange Club, Paradise Cove.• 1 p.m.- Clan Diggers meet at the LakeIsabella Library. 2nd Thurs. 379-2303.• 2 p.m.- 8-ball Tournament at Eagles in Mt,Mesa. Open to public. 379-3374.• 5 -7 p.m. - TANF Cultural Night - FrenchGulch Campground.• 5-7 p.m. VFW Taco Thursday, open to public.379-3877.• 5 p.m.- Republicans of Kern Valley meet3rd Thurs. at Moose Lodge. 378-3602.• 6 p.m. - Rotary Club meets, golf course,Kernville. (760) 376-1421.• 6:30 p.m.-Sweet Adelines, Senior Center,Lake Isabella. New members welcome.• 7 p.m.- Kern Valley Astronomy Club,museum, Kernville. 3rd Thurs. 376-1291.• 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon KV Hospital, Mt. Mesa.760-379-7318 or 760-379-8985.

Bingo GuideFriday, noon, Eagles Bingo, EaglesLodge, Mt. MesaSaturday, noon, South Fork Woman’sClub Bingo, Fay Ranch Rd., WeldonSunday, 1 p.m.. Moose Bingo, Mooselodge, Lake Isabella Blvd.Wednesday, 1 p.m - Senior CenterBingo, Lake Isabella.Thursday, Early Bird 12:15-Regular 1 p.m.St. Jude Bingo, Hwy 155 & Nellie DentDr., Wofford Hts.

This information is sent to the Courierby the groups listed. It is suggested thatgroups provide a phone number in caseinterested individuals need more informa-tion, or meeting times have changed. Allarea codes are 760 unless otherwise noted.

The Courier CalendarRafting outfitter dedicatesrefurbished center June 1

Kern River Outfitters RaftingCenter will hold its grand-reopen-ing after refurbishing its hospitali-ty building at the corner ofWofford Blvd. and Evans Rd. onJune 1 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Theexterior is decorated with Eldaricapine trees surrounded by man-zanita, juniper, Texas Sage, pen-stemons and other native plants.There will be refreshments anddoor prizes. Please RSVP to JimRitter at 1-866-213-7754.

Squirrel Valley to have 10thannual yard sale June 4

Squirrel Valley will have its 10thAnnual Yard Sale Day onSaturday, June 4. There will be lotsof different yard sales on the sameday in the Squirrel Valley area.Maps marked with each saleaddress can be picked up in front

of Mountain Mesa Market onSaturday, June 4 at 7:30 a.m. (notbefore.)

Kids Fishing Derby comes upthis year on Saturday, June 4

The 24th annual Kids FishingDerby will take place on Saturday,June 4. Open to all kids. First,Second and Third place trophieswill be presented to kids in eachage group – 4-6, 7-9,10-12 and 13-15. Free lunch to all kids. Free raf-fle prizes. Sponsored locally bymerchants and organizations ofthe Kern River Valley. For moreinformation call Elaine Johnson at(760) 376 8997.

REVA to hold benefit golffundraiser Saturday, June 4

There will be a benefit golf tour-nament on Saturday, June 4 for

See EVENTS, Page 14

Days until Fire HazardAbatement must be



Page 4: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Page 4 Friday, May 20, 2011EntertainmentK E R N R I V E R

Bodfish Bob's Egg Salad Spread

4 hard boiled eggs 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 1/2 teaspoons prepared yellowmustard 2 teaspoons rice vinegar, cider vine-gar or leftover pickle juice 1 1/2 teaspoons granulated sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 stalk celery, minced 2 teaspoons pickle relish Paprika

Hard-boil eggs at least 15 min-utes. Run under cold water andpeel. Place eggs in a bowl andsmash with a fork until choppedup. Add all ingredients, exceptpaprika. Mix well, chill for at least5 minutes and spoon on pieces ofbread, lettuce leaves, combina-tion salad or crackers. Sprinklewith paprika.

Bodfish Bob's AlohaBouillabaisse

1 tablespoon olive oil2 tablespoons champagne3 ounces island fish1 pound shrimp3 pieces mussels2 pieces scallops1 crab leg, cut14 ounces bouillabaisse base

Bouillabaisse base1 teaspoon olive oil1 tablespoon Maui onionPinch ground fennelPinch crushed red chiliesPinch fresh cracked pepper2 tablespoons leeks, chopped4 tablespoons celery, chopped1/2 teaspoon garlic, minced1/2 teaspoon thymePinch of saffronShot of champagne3/4 cup whole pear tomato6 fluid ounces fish stockSalt, to taste

Prepare base:Sweat onion in olive oil, add

fennel, crushed chilies and freshpepper. Add leeks and celery,saute another couple of minutes.Add garlic, thyme and saffron,toss and deglaze with cham-pagne. Add tomatoes, stock andsimmer for 15-20 minutes, addsalt to taste.

Visit Bodfish Bob on the Web You canwrite to him at [email protected]

Recipes for Dummies by Bodfish Bob

Previews of new DVDs by DNA Smith

New DVDs reviewed in thiscolumn will beavailable instores the weekof May 30.


"Drive Angry"(R) -- You canalways count onNicolas Cage tobring the crazy,and in "DriveAngry," he bringsit with an atomic gusto notseen since "The Wicker Man."

Cage stars as Milton, a con-demned soul who escapesfrom Hell to avenge the deathof his daughter and to savethe life of his infant grand-daughter, who is to be sacri-ficed by an insane cult leader(Billy Burke). Aiding Milton onhis mission is the spunky wait-ress Piper (Amber Heard).

Of course, one doesn't sim-ply walk out of Hell, and pur-suing Milton and Piper is TheAccountant (William Fichtner),a ruthless servant of Satansavagely determined to dragMilton back to the fiery abyss.Packed with blood, explosionsand breasts, "Drive Angry" isridiculous, gory, vulgar neo-grindhouse fun. I haven'tenjoyed a film this much since"From Dusk Til Dawn."

"Stanley Kubrick: LimitedEdition Collection" (R) -- Ninemovies, 10 discs, all high-defremastered on Blu-ray, thisboxed set contains the bestworks of one of cinema's

grand masters: "Spartacus,""Lolita," "Dr. Strangelove,""2001: A Space Odyssey," "AClockwork Orange," "Barry

Lyndon," "TheShining," "FullMetal Jacket" and"Eyes Wide Shut."Also included inthe set is a hard-cover 40-pagebook packed withphotos and essaysabout the films.

TV SHOWS"True Blood:

The CompleteThird Season

"Stargate Universe:Complete Final Season

"Psych: The Complete FifthSeason

"Rookie Blue" The CompleteFirst Season

"Swamp People" Season 1"American Chopper: Senior

Vs. Junior""Dog Whisperer with Cesar

Millan" Season 5 "Ultimate Factories Car

Collection""Ellery Queen Mysteries""Red Green Show: The Mid-

Life Crisis Years""Secrets of the Dead:

China's Terracotta Warriors""Secrets of the Dead: Lost in

the Amazon""Upstairs, Downstairs"

Series Three "Genius of Britain""Nature: Salmon""Ben Bailey: Road Rage &

Accidental Ornithology""The Abbott and Costello

Show: Hit the Road"

c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Couch TheaterMovie is grindhouse fun

Nicolas Cage

By Cindy Elavsky

Q: I was so happy to hearthat FX's "Justified" hasbeen renewed for a thirdseason; however, I was sadto see Joseph Lyle Taylor'scharacter, Doyle, get killedin the second-season finale.Now that hisrun on"Justified" isover, wherecan I catchthis talentedactor next? --Fanny R.,Tulsa, Okla.

A: Joseph'snext role is thatof MartinChisholm in thefeature film"Seven Days inUtopia," which also stars MelissaLeo, Robert Duvall and LucasBlack. Joseph told me a bit aboutthe film: "It's really a heartfeltmovie about this kid, played byLucas Black, finding himself. Iplay his father. It's such a prettyscript.

"My character rides his sonhard to do his best in golf andmakes him practice and this andthat. He ends up giving himsome bad advice, and his sonends up not winning the tourna-ment, takes off and that is where

he meets Robert Duvall (whoplays Johnny Crawford) out inUtopia. He learns some life les-sons out there, and he comesback and tries to make amendswith his father. It's really touch-ing."

***Q: What has my favorite

actress, MerylStreep, beenup to lately? --David R. inAlabama

A: Meryl isbusy filming "TheIron Lady," whereshe plays theU.K.'s first femaleprime minister,MargaretThatcher. Wordfrom the set isthat her portrayal

is astonishing, and her transfor-mation is absolutely stunning.Look for "The Iron Lady" in late2011, just in time to be consid-ered for the Oscars.

***Write to Cindy at King

Features Weekly Service, P.O.Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475; or e-mail her [email protected].

(c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Transformation amazingCelebrity Extra

Joseph Lyle Taylor

Page 5: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Mike Mencarini Kern River Courier columnist

There is some good news toreport thisweek. The KernRiver ValleyChamber ofCommerce hadanother truck-load of Alpersstocked in thelake. The boatlaunch at Red’sMarina shouldbe a best bet.

I don’t know how you feelabout our current weatherpatterns but enough isenough! Let’s face it, the northside of the lake has incurredthe wrath of Mother Naturethis year. Those Decemberstorms fill the lake at a tooearly point in the season. Thelake could have been drawn toa level that coincided with anormal time of year. I believethat when fish spawn theyreturn to a familiar territory.The places I usually catchcrappie this time of year havebeen well covered and toodeep for their spawn, not tomention the water temp hasbarely cracked the 50-degreemark in the North Fork. I real-ize that the lake is still produc-ing fish but conditions are

awful for most of us oldertypes. I mean, look, it’s themiddle of May and we’re stillgetting snow flurries up onEvans Road. And to add insultto injury, another one to twoinches of rain. The lake level ischanging every day, whichchanges the decision on whereto fish but what the fish aredoing. Here today but whoknows where tomorrow? OK,I’ll stop with the whining.

The fishing in the Upperand Lower Kern is difficultand extremely dangerous. Thestocking of fish has sloweduntil water conditions havesettled down. Although I wasupriver Wednesday and thebarricades were down on theroad to the Trail of 100 Giants.Don’t quote me, though.

I certainly hope that thepeople in charge of our lakeand dams have been diligentat what they do.

Please use caution whenusing the river and lake.

Mike Mencarini is a WoffordHeights resident and a volun-teer at the Kern River FishHatchery. For questions orcomments you can reach himthrough the Kern RiverCourier, [email protected].

Friday, May 20, 2011 Page 5AdventuresK E R N R I V E R

Mike Mencarini

Enough winter already!Courier Fishing Report

P.O.Box 1145, Wofford Heights, CA 93285760-376-2860

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road isn’t crowded with campers and boats). The reduce the inconvenience for visitors, the chamber’s office at

Kernville Road and Sierra Way will be open on weekends from nowthroughout the summer from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The chamber will be issuing campfire permits as well as wilderness per-mits, and will be dispensing visitor information to those recreating in thearea, including points north.

gle thought that the Fourth of July is only a little over a month away. But it is coming that soon, believe it or not. That’s not very much time for

the Kern River Valley Chamber of Commerce to collect enough money toput on the annual show.

Your help is needed to send those fireworks up into the sky to celebratethe birth of our country. The show costs over $14,000 to put on, and thechamber is still far short of that goal. Start putting a dollar a day into thosecanisters.

More is better, of course.Businesses are also asked to sponsor a shell. To sponsor a shell via cred-

it card, you can do that online at http://fireworks.kernrivervalley.comFor more information, please call the Kern River Valley Chamber of

Commerce at (760) 379-5236.

CHAMBER continued from page 1

FIREWORKS continued from page 1

Driver’s Ed course June 1-16Driver's Education is the topic of

a Community Education classbeing offered by Cerro CosoCommunity College this summer.The course will meet on Mondaythrough Friday from 12:30 to 3:30p.m. at Lake Isabella High Schoolbeginning June 1st and endingJune 16.

This course meets the require-ments of the Department of MotorVehicles (DMV), but does not offerbehind the wheel instruction. Theclass takes students step by step

from the basics of vehicle control, tothe specific dangers of differentdriving environments, to theresponsibilities of vehicle owner-ship.

There is a $50 class fee andparental consent is required. Forcomplete registration and courseinformation visit us on the web at or contact Stephen Gexler,Community Education Manager at(760) 384-6106 or [email protected].

Page 6: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Page 6 Friday, May 20, 2011ellnessWK E R N R I V E R

Harry P. ThalKern River Courier Columnist

Procrastination will soon be a verycostly trait to those people who havebeen putting off thepurchase of indi-vidual health insur-ance. Anthem BlueCross, which offerssome of the mostcost-competitiveindividual healthinsurance plans, ismaking a smallchange to the ruleswhich will legally eliminate someapplicants.

There is no denying that the costof health insurance is high. One con-tributing factor is that some peoplepurchase health insurance just beforethey get sick. Joe has gone yearswithout health insurance.Occasionally he has needed theEmergency Room for a small acci-dent, and occasionally he has been tothe doctor for minor problems. But,for the past several years, he has notneeded any medical attention.However, Joe has a "feeling" some-thing isn't just right. He goes out andapplies for a health insurance policy.He is able to answer the medicalquestion "no," as he hasn't seen adoctor in years. The policy isapproved with the insurance compa-ny assuming Joe is in good health,but just a few months later, he puts ina claim for a colonoscopy, and thensurgery for colon cancer.

Joe was able to play the systemand win. He didn't falsify informa-

tion and honestly answered the ques-tions.

Anthem Blue Cross will be imple-menting a new para-medical examprocess beginning June 15. “Theexams will only be performed onIndividuals age 55 or older who havenot been seen by a physician in thelast 24 months,or applicants age 30to 54 who have not seen a physicianin the last five (5) years - at no cost tothe applicant." (Anthem Blue Cross"Producer's Buzz" 5/16/2011)

Those people who have been sit-ting on the fence just thinking that"some day" they need to get healthinsurance will be in for a shock whenthese new rules go into effect June15th.. Bottom line is that if you wantto have your application evaluated onyour current medical history, anddon't desire to have a para-medicalexamination, applications shoud beapplied for BEFORE these new rulesgo into effect. We all know that ifone company requires an examina-tion, all the other major companieswill also institute similar rules. Theseare just new ways of controllingcosts. After all, why should thosewho have been paying for insirancefor years need to pay the cost of theperson "gaming" the system?

Harry P. Thal, MA, is a licensedinsurance broker. He is President ofthe Kern Association of HealthUnderwriters and on the NationalAssociation of Health UnderwritersMedicare Advisory Board. He may bereached at 760-376-2100, e-mail [email protected] or visit him on theweb at

Harry Thal

New rules include examsHealth Insurance Matters

Paul G. Donohue, M.D.Courier Syndicated Columnist

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Doyou have information ongout? I am 65, and my son-in-law is 32. We both have it.It is so painful. My doctorwas pretty vague. He askedme to go on the computer tofind which foods I should orshould not eat. I found thatyou can't eat meat and fish,but salmon and chicken areall right. Some vegetablescan't be eaten. How abouttomatoes and tomato prod-ucts? Does one attack meangout is forever? What is themedicine of choice? -- C.B.

ANSWER: Gout comes aboutwhen the blood uric-acid levelrises. Uric acid seeps into jointsto form needle-shaped crystalsthat cause joint swelling andunspeakable pain. Uric acid, inturn, is a byproduct of cell chem-istry. Its blood level rises becausea person makes too much orpasses too little into the urine.

A first gout attack most oftenoccurs in the joint at the base ofthe big toe. The skin over thejoint turns red, and the jointswells and becomes exceedinglypainful. Gout can affect otherjoints: the knee, wrist, ankle andfingers. One attack of gout does-n't call for lifelong treatment.

Indocin (indomethacin) is thedrug most often used for anacute gout attack. Colchicine andcortisone also work well.

Medicines for gout preventionare taken if a person has frequentattacks (two or three a year), hasformed uric-acid kidney stones,

has kidney damage secondary togout or passes large amounts ofuric acid into the urine. Zyloprim(allopurinol) reduces uric acidproduction. Probenecid increasesits elimination into the urine.Uloric, a new gout drug, is forthose not responding to thesetwo.

Diet was the sole means forgout treatment in the old days.Now, with effective medicines, ittakes a back seat. You ought toeliminate organ meats -- liver,kidney, sweetbreads and brain.Decrease but don't eliminate redmeat and shellfish. Beer shouldbe avoided. Wine can be taken insmall amounts. Soft drinks con-taining high-fructose corn syrup(and most do) shouldn't bedrunk. You can eat all vegetablesand any vegetable you want.That's the gout diet. Not compli-cated.

The booklet on gout explainsthis common disorder in detail.To order a copy, write: Dr.Donohue -- No. 302, Box 536475,Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclosea check or money order (no cash)for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with therecipient's printed name andaddress. Please allow four weeksfor delivery.

***Dr. Donohue regrets that he is

unable to answer individual let-ters, but he will incorporate themin his column whenever possible.Readers may write him or requestan order form of available healthnewsletters at P.O. Box 536475,Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

(c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc. (c)2011 North America Synd., Inc. All RightsReserved.

Gout treatment not just dietTo Your Good Health

More thanjust your ruralCommunityHospitalRural Health Clinic• Family Practice• Pediatrics• Women's’ Health• Internal Medicine• Surgical Services• Podiatry4300 Birch Ave.Mt. Mesa 760-379-1791

Hospital& Healthcare Services• 24-Hour

Emergency Care• Pediatrics• Skilled Nursing Facility• Surgical Services• Radiology• Laboratory• Cardiac/Pulmonary• Physical Therapy6412 Laurel Ave.Mt. Mesa 760-379-2681

Mesa Clinical Pharmacy• Prescription Drugs• Over-The-Counter

Medications• Medical Supplies12608 Mt. Mesa Rd.Mt. Mesa 760-379-6106

Kern Valley HospitalAuxiliary Gift Shop• Gifts, cards & Snacks6412 Laurel Ave.Mt. Mesa 760-379-2681

Kern Valley HospitalAuxiliary Thrift Shop• Clothing• Household Items6701 Lake Isabella Blvd.Lake Isabella760-379-5959

Kern Valley HospitalFoundation• Fundraising6412 Laurel Ave.Mt. Mesa 760-379-2681

HospitalAuxiliaryGift Shop


Patient gifts, cards and snacks are sold byHospital Auxiliary volunteers in the gift shoplocated in the Hospital lobby.

If you have always wanted to bekind to hospice patients but didn’tknow how, Optimal Hospice is look-ing for you. They need volunteerswho can be karaoke singers, hair-dressers, and people who can makehospital gowns for the patients.

The hairdressers are needed tooccasionally cut patients who areunable to leave home. Optimal isglad to work around busy sched-ules.

Everyone loves to listen to music,and if you love to sing, volunteer to

sing with a karaoke machine toentertain hospice patients.

Those who love to sew can use upsome of their stocks of material anddo some good for other people atthe same time by making comfort-able hospital gowns.

If you are interested in sharingthese gifts with hospice families inKern County, please contact the vol-unteer department at 661-716-4000or email [email protected]

Volunteer to help hospice carepatients by singing or sewing

Murdoc Douglas/Kern River Courier

Out of the Blue entertains at History Days at the museum in KernvilleSaturday.

Page 7: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011 Page 7aithFK E R N R I V E R

KernvilleFather’s Heart Foursquare ChurchKernville Elementary School, KernvilleService Sunday 9:30 a.m.(760) 223-6704First Baptist Church of Kernville46 Valley View Drive, KernvilleSunday Service — 10:45 a.m.. (760) 376-6403Kernville United Methodist Church251 Big Blue Rd., Kernville Worship Celebration, 9:30 a.m.(760) 376-2751Prince of Peace Lutheran Fellowship Center44 Big Blue Road, KernvilleSunday School 9 a.m., Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. (760) 417-2014St. Peter’s Anglican Church11900 Sierra Way, KernvilleSunday Service 10:00 a.m. (760) 376-6362St. Sherrian’s Episcopal ChurchServices held at Kernville United Methodist ChurchSundays 11 a.m.

Wofford HeightsFamily Life Center Foursquare Church20 W. Panorama, Wofford Heights Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. (760) 376-6719New Life Assembly of God25 Arden Av., Wofford Heights Sunday Services 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.(760) 376-6402St. Jude Catholic Church86 Nellie Dent Dr., Wofford Heights Sunday Mass 8 a.m. & 10 a.m., Sat. 4 p.m.(760) 376-2416Calvary Chapel125 Sycamore Drive, Wofford HeightsSunday Service 10 a.m. (760) 376-8789Christ Fellowship80 Evans Road, Wofford HeightsSunday Service 10:30 a.m.

Lake IsabellaFirst Baptist Church of Lake Isabella 3701 Suhre, Lake Isabella Sunday Services 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. (760) 379-5615Fountain of Christ Church 5101 #A Lake Isabella Blvd, Lake IsabellaSunday Service: 9:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Wed. 6 p.m. (760) 417-0793 Landmark Missionary Baptist Church2741 Mountain View Rd, Lake Isabella Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.(760) 379-5640Mt. View Southern Baptist Church2959 Erskine Creek Rd, Lake Isabella Sunday Services 8:30, 11:15 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. (760) 379-4296Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall1911 Edith Ave., Lake Isabella (760) 379-8672Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (LCMS)377 Highway 155, Lake Isabella

Sunday Services 11 a.m. (760) 379-2343Kern Valley Bible Church3920 Golden Spur, Lake Isabella Sunday Services 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.(760) 379-5482 Church of the Nazarene2931 Erskine Creek Rd., Lake IsabellaSunday Service 10:30 a.m. (760) 379-2062Highland Chapel United Methodist 5301 Lake Isabella Bl., Lake Isabella Sunday School & Worship 9:30 a.m. (760) 379-2120Lake Isabella Church of Christ3711 Golden Spur, Lake IsabellaWorship Sunday 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., Wed. 6 p.m.Bible study Sun. 10 a.m.Kern River Valley Seventh Day Adventist 3801 Golden Spur, Lake Isabella Saturday Service 9:30 a.m. (760) 379-3206Kern Valley Pentecostal LightHouse Church3730 Wagon Wheel Dr., Lake Isabella Sunday School 9:45 Services 10:45 a.m., 5 p.m. Wed. Service 6 p.m. (760) 379-5819

Mt. MesaChurch of Christ Mt. Mesa6400 Dogwood Av., Mt. MesaSunday Services 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.(760) 379-4792Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints6400 Park Av., Mt. Mesa Sunday Services 10:00 a.m. (760) 379-2904Grace Chapel12312 Mt. Mesa Rd., Mt. Mesa Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. (760) 379-4093Christian Assembly12424 Mountain Mesa Rd., Mt. Mesa Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. (760) 379-6377Victory Tabernacle (United Pentecostal Church)4324 Birch, Mt. Mesa Sunday Services 4 p.m. (760) 379-6360

Southlake/WeldonKern Christian Church “The River”14900 Hwy 178, Southlake Sunday Services 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. (760) 378-3780He Cares Fellowship16475 Hwy 178, Southlake Services Sunday 9:30 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m.(760) 379-6935Weldon United Methodist Church20021 Hwy. 178, WeldonSunday Services 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.(760) 378-2321Weldon Baptist Church20674 Highway 178 Sunday Services 10 a.m. & 6 p.m.(760) 378-4964

Church listings are free. Please contact our office.

Churches of the ValleyJack Duitsman, pastorFather’s Heart Foursquare Church,Kernville

He leads me beside quietwaters, - Psalm 23:2

And as thosewho bore the arkcame to theJordan, and thefeet of the priestswho bore the arkdipped in the edgeof the water (forthe Jordan over-flows all its banksduring the wholetime of harvest), -Joshua 3:15

It is spring here at the south-ern tip of the Sierra Nevada, andthe winter snowpack is meltingwith the warmth that is return-ing. As a result, the Kern River isswollen with the runoff, and whathas been a lazy, quiet river for thepast six months is now a pulsingand noisy body of water thatmoves with a determined forcethat is inspiring and awesome towatch. And so it will be for thisseason of the year as the snowsslowly recede from the higherelevations. The question thenthat looks for an answer then iswhere are the "quiet waters" dur-ing this season of the year, andmore specifically, during the sea-sons of life that stubbornly refuseto fit into the idea that immedi-ately comes to mind when weread the above phrase from the23rd Psalm?

I have also included the abovepassage from the book of Joshuain a desire to offer a differentglimpse into the Lord's touch andleading in our life. Perhaps

"quiet" is a noun rather than averb, and what we are lookingfor in practice is really to beexperienced as an inner principle.The Hebrew word men-oo-khaw',(pronunciation, not spelling) isdefined as "repose, peaceful, con-solation, an abode, comfortable,ease, quiet, rest (-ing place), still."

The above Joshua passagecomes as a result of the Lord'sdirect leading to the nation ofIsrael, and was the moment ofremarkable miracle for God'speople. If we are willing to see it,God was leading His people"beside quiet waters," eventhough the flow of the river"overflowing its banks" was quiteforceful.

The calm, quiet, resting placehappens with our souls, as welearn to trust the leading of theLord in every season of life.Certainly there may be momentswhen we actively work to slowthe pace and circumstance of life,but if we are forever looking foroutward repose, we will miss theamazing health that can come toour souls in learning to rest in theLord during the seasons of lifethat hold activity, strain, and pro-ductivity. The invitation is ongo-ing even though the applicationof the invitation may be in a stateof constant flux. Can life foreverbe lived on the tropical beach ofan island paradise? We maywish it so, but we know better.Can we live with an inner calmand peace worked by the HolySpirit in the midst of circum-stance that is anything but reflec-tive of those qualities? Thispromise is given by the Father,and is available for all whosehearts are thirsty.


Waters of life

The Kern River Courier is your best bet for legal ads.

Call (760) 376-2860 or e-mail [email protected]

The campaign provides important tips for living and recreating safely inbear habitat, and advice on what to do if you encounter one of these wildanimals. Please visit for moreinformation.

Bear Country Precautions:

• Keep a close watch on children and teach them what to do if theyencounter a bear.

• While hiking, make noise to avoid a surprise encounter with a bear.• Never keep food in your tent.• Store food and toiletries in bear-proof containers or in an airtight con-

tainer in the trunk of your vehicle.• Keep a clean camp by cleaning up and storing food and garbage imme-

diately after meals.• Use bear-proof garbage cans whenever possible or store your garbage

in a secure location with your food.• Don’t bury or burn excess food; bears will still be attracted to the resid-

ual smell.• Garbage should be packed out of camp if no trash receptacles are

available.• Never approach a bear or pick up a bear cub.• Do not attempt to attract a bear to your location; observe the animal

and take pictures from afar.• If you encounter a bear, do not run; instead, face the animal, make

noise and try to appear as large as possible.• If attacked, fight back.• If a bear harms a person in any way, immediately call 911.

BEARS continued from page 2


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Page 8: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Page 8 Kern River Courier Friday, May 20, 2011




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ONLY $12,500 Ready to build?? All utilities in place. WaterMeter, Electric, even septic is all on the property. #2211362

ONLY $20,000 Quiet 55+ park in Lake Isabella. 1981 Fleetwood2 bedroom and 1 3/4 Baths on a permanent foundation. Homehas been well cared for. #2211345

ONLY $27,500 SUPER PRICE! SUPER PRICE! This is asuper cute mobile home, WITH A GARAGE. #2211516

ONLY $49,000 This place is turn key, literally move in readyjust bring your toothbrush! The seller has taken care of this lovely1973 Single wide Mobile Home. Property has been updatedinside and out, including a brand new roof over. #2211410

ONLY $53,999 Here is a really cute, clean home ready to moveinto. Two bedroom, One and half bath. All new flooring. #2211423

ONLY $80,000 Here it is! The perfect starter or retirement homein Lake Isabella. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, Built in 2007. Hurry,NEW listing #2211496

ONLY $84,000 Very clean home with pride of ownership inCanyon Meadows, has an incredible view too! Call for moredetails. #2211494

ONLY $92,000 It is not often that you will find a place that has 2separate residences on one lot. This one is it! #2211352

ONLY $129,000 Looking for a place that has lake views? Thishome is as close as you can get, it is a Take-Line Lake Property,meaning it actually borders the lake. There are no parcels betweenit and the water just the lake easement itself. #2211497


Matt FreemanKern River Courier Columnist

Throughout the years realestate in California has alwayshad its ups and downs. Manyremember the boom in the ‘70sor the downmarket in the‘90s after DesertStorm. Whatthis market isgoing throughnow is notsomething new.Recession,depresssion,war and strife,real estate val-ues have always fluctuated buthave always appreciated overthe long term. Take any 30-yearperiod in the history ofCalifornia real estate valuesand you will find an averageappreciation of around 8%,through the ups and downs.With stocks so down and CDsand Treasuries paying so little,it is understandable why somany folks that do have moneyare buying up real estate rightnow. Bank Owned Properties,declining values, plenty ofselection and great interestrates make for a true buyer'smarket. There are quite a fewBank Owned Properties on themarket right now and theyhave for some time been a sig-nificant part of the real estateMarket here in the Kern RiverValley. They are usually the

ones you want to focus on ifyou are looking for a rental ora flip.

One of the best real estateinvestments to make is onrental property. Why? Well, theproperty itself has the samehistoric highs and lows just likeany other type of real estate;what is different about rentalproperty is the fact that it liter-ally pays for itself. Usuallythere are higher down pay-ments involved and a bit higherinterest than a primary resi-dence, but that is pretty muchnegated by the fact that if arental property "pencils out"(meaning that it at least paysfor itself every month) it is agreat investment. A duplex, a 4plex, something like that canhave huge advantages in thiskind of market environmentbecause you can buy themcheap right now and the prop-erty can make you money intwo ways. The property itselfcan go up in value and the ten-ants are always paying themortgage down for you. Paycash for one and have instantretirement income. Mortgageone and let the tenants pay themortgage off. Either way, WinWin!

Matt Freeman is a Realtorwith Freeman’s Lakeside Realty(760) 379-5915 or cell 223-0880.His column is not intended toreplace legal advice.

Matt Freeman

Rental income a longterm thingTalking About Real Estate

P.O. Box1145 6392 B Wofford Blvd., Wofford Heights, CA 93285-1145ph: 760-376-2860 fx: 760-376-2862

[email protected] www.kernrivercourier.comA Publication of KRV Publishing

Garage &Yard Sale

Ads !

* Free Garage/Yard Sale ads are limited to one publication, 5-line Marketplace ad per household,in the Kern River Valley. Private parties only, no commercial businesses please. Ad must containdate, time, place and must be from a legitimate source. The Kern River Courier reserves the rightto refuse any advertising that it deems fraudulent, inappropriate or offensive in nature. Offer endsMay 23, 2011.

Advertise them for Free* in the CourierMarketplace the month of May.

Just submit your ad to us!Mail, e-mail, fax or drop off our Marketplace ad form in this issue.


Page 9: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011 Kern River Courier Page 9

SafeBefirefireProperty clearance for fuels reduction work must be completed by June 15th.

Wildfires can be damaging. It's a clear choice, "Be Fire Wise!!!" State law requires property owners to clear a minimum of 100 feetfrom any structure.

4700 Lake Isabella Blvd. Lake Isabella 760-379-4631Open Monday thru Friday 7:00am to 6:00pm Saturday & Sunday 8:00am to 6:00pm

Do you have property clearance needs?Ace is the helpful place! For all your New, or Rental Equipment and SuppliesPower Tools • Hand Tools • Rental Tools & EquipmentSmall Engine Repair • Drought Tolerant & Fire Resistant plantsFire Rated Roofing & Building MaterialsHardware • Plumbing • Electrical

RecyclingLake Isabella in the alley behind Crossroads Shell Mon.-Sat. 8am-4pm

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Lee Pearman 760-379-1796Insured




tree trimming / careyard careweed eating / fire breakshauling / insured

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760 223-0906

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Michael Batelaan/Kern River Courier

This file photo of last year’s Bull Fire in Riverkern underscores the importance ofhaving a defensible space around your house. While nothing can guarantee thatyour home wll survive an approaching firestorm, you can increase the chances ofcoming through one without losing your home.

Learn how to reduce firedanger to your propertyMike DevichKern River Courier

Like everything, we must be con-stantly learning to keep up with thelatest information. Laws keep chang-ing. Technology keeps changing.What worked only a few years in thepast can be outmoded now.

Consider string trimmers. Somecan create sparks if used in a rockyarea and actually start a fire. This hap-pened in Santa Barbara two yearsago. It was called the Jesusita Fire,and although fire officials have notconfirmed exactly what equipmentcaused the fire that burned 77 homes,it was definitely power equipment.

Even “hula hoes” can cause sparkswhen they strike rocks.

After a fire in the valley last year,the Kern County Fire Department sentout a notice recommending home-owners do their weed clearing in themornings before 10 a.m. After that,typically it gets hot and the windcomes up and the chances of startinga fire while doing your weed work

increase. It is ironic that it is possibleto start a fire while trying to preventone, but it is. Be very careful whileclearing your weeds. (Or hire a pro-fessional.) Wear sturdy shoes orboots and safety goggles.

Defensive SpaceIn the past, 30 feet of Defensible

Space was required around struc-tures. Recently it expanded to 100 feet.So do you have to get by withoutgreenery around your home? Noplants are fireproof, but it is possibleto have plants that protect against fire,and save water at the same time.

How can you find out which onesare fire-resistant? A great web sitethat lists some good ones is

Be sure to get out there and getyour weeds down right away, or hireone of the services listed on this page.You must have your fire hazard reduc-tion work done by June 15, or theKern County Fire Department willstart issuing fines.

31 Years ExperienceFire Dept. Class Attendee

760- 549-3468 or760- 376-2031

Weed AbatementBrush & Tree Removal


Jim’s Weed RemovalWeed Abatement,

Hauling & Trimming

760-223-3740Fire Department


Page 10: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Courier chuckle of the week:

“All modern men are descended fromwormlike creatures, but it shows more onsome people.”

Will Cuppy

See Page 14 foranswers to puzzles

Page 10 Friday, May 20, 2011

Page 11: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Trivia TestBy Fifi Rodriguez

1. HISTORY: Whom did William theConqueror defeat at the Battle of Hastings?

2. LITERATURE: What was WilliamFaulkner's native state and the setting forhis novels?

3. COMMON KNOWLEDGE: What doesthe Geneva cross symbolize?

4. ANATOMY: What is another name fortotipalmate feet?

5. GAMES: What game piece in chesslooks like a castle tower?

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Although youwould prefer to move forward at a steady pace, itmight be a good idea to stop and reassess yourplans. You could find a good reason to make achange at this time.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Just when youthought you had everything planned to the smallestdetail, you get some news that could unsettle things.But an explanation helps put it all back on track.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Home and workcontinue to compete for your attention. But youhandle it well by giving each its proper due.Someone you trust offers valuable advice.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Unsettling newscreates a difficult but not impossible situation.Continue to follow your planned routine, but keepyour mind open to a possible change down the line.

LEO (July 23 to August 22) Lick your woundedpride if you like, but it's a better idea to find out whyyour suggestions were rejected. What you learncould help you deal with an upcoming situation.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Feeling abit listless? No wonder. You might be pushing toohard to finish everything on your to-do list. Cuttingit down could help get your energy levels up.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Taking time

out of your busy schedule might be the best way tohandle that sensitive private matter. It will help reas-sure everyone involved about your priorities.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Insist onfull disclosure by all parties before agreeing to bepart of a "great deal." What you learn should helpyou decide whether to go with it or not.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21)Your decision to protect the secret that was entrust-ed to you might irk some people. But it also winsyou admiration of those who value trust and loyalty.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19)Creative activities take on a practical approach asyou realize you might be able to market your work.Ask for advice from someone experienced in thisarea.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Ifyou're suddenly a bit unsure about your decision,ask trusted colleagues and/or friends or familymembers for suggestions that could help resolveyour doubts.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20). A workplacesituation could get stormy. But stay on course untilthere's a solution that meets with everyone'sapproval, and things can finally calm down.

BORN THIS WEEK: You keep an open mind onmost matters, making you the confidante of choicefor people who need your honest counsel.

c) 2011King Features Synd., Inc.

Salome’s Stars

1. England's King Harold2. Mississippi3. Neutrality 4. Webbed 5. Rook


(c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Friday, May 20, 2011 Kern River Courier Page 11

Page 12: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Page 12 Kern River Courier Friday, May 20, 2011

LARRY SCHUPPAN'SGarage Doors & Openers. NewSales & Repairs. HandymanService. House Painting, Decks,Covers, Masonry, Electrical,Plumbing. (760) 379-1430 or 760-417-2806 License #CL492150 __________________________


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Kernville - Hi-Ho 50+ MobileHome Park. 2 bd / 2 ba Apts.$450/mo + deposit and utilities.760-376-2671_________________________Studio Apt. New paint, carpet,etc. Walk to our beach on theriver - utilities included. Only$400 per month. Call for details.(760) 376-2345_________________________Wofford Hts - Remodeled 3/bd,2/ba home in Pala Ranches,w/xtra room under house. Mt.view, stove, refrig + w/d hookup.Sec 8 ok. $900/mo + deposit. Call323-447-9140 or 323-969-8061_________________________Mt. Mesa - 2 bd, 2 ba housew/brick fireplace, 4' fencearound property, pet allowed,credit report needed. $650/mo+ deposit. 760-379-2468________________________Bodfish - 1 bd, 1 ba single widemobile, fenced yard, very clean.No pets. $375/mo + utilities.Close to bus transportation. Call760-379-7699 or 760-812-0841________________________Lake Isabella - 55+ Community,2bd/2ba double wide w/patio,completely refurbished. $575 mo+ security deposit. (760) 964-2514

Wofford Heights - Sites available in quiet park with lakeviews, laundry facilities & fishhouse. $250/mo inclds water &trash. Call Jody @ 760-376-3228_________________________RV Spaces Available On theRiver! Downtown Kernville. Usevacation or permanent. Sign alease for 1 yr & get a discount onyour monthly rate! Call fordetails. 760- 376-2345_________________________

QUIET, SHADY RV SPACEUp to 30' with full hookupWeekly/Week-end/Monthly

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Wofford Heights - Log cabin located on Wofford Blvd. with900 sq ft of retail space for rent.Call Marcy @ 760-417-1953


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SEE US ON FACE BOOK__________________________MOUNT N' LAKE MOTEL

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760-378-275960) 376-2307

The Best Eggs Come from HappyChickens! Happy chickens comefrom Kern River Valley Farms.Buyyour fresh local certified eggs at theLakeshore Farmers Market inWofford Heights,where we featurethe best eggs from local farms.

HOUSE CLEANER WANTEDWofford Heights Exp / Ref Call Bob for appointment


Awesome Mountain & LakeViews 2/1 Manufactured homein small park surrounded bynature. Reduced to $16,900.Pets allowed. Space rent is only$260 and includes water, trash.Call Wade Cook, Realtor 760-299-3060 - #01728605

WE’RE ALWAYS BUYINGAntiques & Collectibles 22ND

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Sat, May 21st 9amNo early birds. 7013 Wofford

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COCKTAILS AND DANCING5430 Lake Isabella Blvd.

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Page 13: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011 Kern River Courier Page 13

California JoeKern River Courier Columnist

The manwho started itall, JamesMarshall, wasa 36-year-oldcarpenterwho wasworking themorning ofJan. 24, 1848to clear thetail race of John Sutter’s newsawmill on the American Riverwhen something shining in themud caught his eye.

“Boys,” he said to his crew,”By God, I believe I have found agold mine.” He showed them theflakes. The men laughed it off.

Later that night at chow,Marshall again showed his findto his co-workers and thentossed the nuggets into a boilingpot. They didn't melt or reshape.

On Jan. 28, he went to tell hisboss at Sutter’s Fort, about 50miles away. Sutter consulted anencyclopedia, poured nitric acidon Marshall’s discovery, and hiseyes blinked dollar signs! He alsothought of the Indian supersti-tion about gold, about it belong-ing to a jealous demon.

Sutter’s problem was that thediscovery was made on land thatwas public domain. He negotiat-ed a quick treaty with the localIndians, trading some food,clothes and other do-dads forthe land. To no avail! He lost hisbusiness. He got nothing from

the squatters, and his employeesall quit to hunt for gold.

Then he learned that his 1845Mexican land grant was legallydetermined to be illegitimate.

He spent his last years inWashington, D.C. petitioning thegovernment to give him $125,000for his contribution to his coun-try.

By the time Congress consid-ered his request, the 77-year-oldSutter had died.

For every instant fortunemade during the Gold Rush,there were countless would-begold hunters who never made apenny.

In 1852 California’s annualgold production reached a highof $81 million.

In 1854, a 195-pound mass ofgold, the largest ever discoveredin California, was found atCarson Hill in Calaveras County.In 1859, the famous 54-poundWillard nugget was found atMagalia in Butte County.

But for the most part, the richsurface placers were largelyexhausted by 1855. That yearriver mining accounted for muchof the state’s output.

From the first strike of 1848through 1855 the total amount ofgold taken from the Mother Lodein California was right around$350 million.

California Joe is the storytellerpersona of Stevenson Phillips, anactor and singer living inKernville. You may reach him [email protected].

California Joe

California Joe’s Storytelling Corner

Gold Rush not good to legend

Larry CoxCourier Syndicated Columnist

If you lost your home to fore-closure or were overcharged onyour mortgage while you werecalled to active duty or wereserving in harm's way, you couldbe due some relief.

Thanks to a lawsuit, a certainlarge bank will be paying out tensof millions of dollars. Six thou-sand mem-bers of themilitaryaccused thebank ofovercharg-ing them onmortgages,and theysued basedon the pro-tections of the Servicemember'sCivil Relief Act.

The SCRA, an improved ver-sion of the Soldiers' and Sailors'Civil Relief Act, offers protectionsfor debts that were incurredbefore becoming active duty ordeploying. The act:

--Caps mortgage payments at6 percent,

--Caps credit-card and install-ment debt at 6 percent interest,and any extra interest cannot becharged later,

--Bans evictions, if rents areless than $2,400 per month,

--Prevents double taxation thatcomes from spouses working in astate different from the one thatis the family's legal residence,

--Bans apartment or car-leasetermination fees (if you're sentelsewhere for more than 90 days)

--Protects from default life-insurance policies up to $250,000.

That big bank is going to beawhile mopping up the mess.Among other things it will begiving back homes it foreclosedon if the actions were done inviolation of the SCRA, and givingmoney to those military families

who werewronged.(How willthey give thehomes back ifthey'vealready beensold to others,we wonder?)

If you werewronged

while you were on active duty,speak up. If your bank chargedyou too much for mortgage inter-est, it should be recalculating thatand sending you a refund. If itforeclosed while you were onactive duty, contact your state'sattorney general.

To read more about this,search online for theServicemembers Civil Relief Act.

Write to Freddy Groves in careof King Features Weekly Service,P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL32853-6475, or send e-mail [email protected].

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

Veterans Post

Bank owes millions to wronged vets

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“That big bank isgoing to be awhile mop-ping up the mess.”

– Freddie Groves

Marian DeMars/Special to the Courier(L-R) Judy Weaver, Portia Beebe, Donna Bundy, Carol Morton. Local res-idents Beebe and Bundy recently completed their lineage papers and werewelcomed into the California/Nevada Department of the Daughters ofUnion Veterans at the organization's annual Convention held in Bakersfield.

Page 14: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Solutions to puzzles on 10-11

Page 14 Kern River Courier Friday, May 20, 2011

REVA Co-op, which will be establishing a low cost spay/neuter clinic forpets in the valley. Win a car! Donated by Isabella Motors of WoffordHeights. There will be cash prizes for first and second place and otherprizes as well. Sponsors are needed for each of the 18 holes. Sponsor for$50 or more per hole. RSVP by May 28 to [email protected] orcall 760-223-6316.

Havilah Days celebration to be held Saturday, June 4The 45th Havilah Days Celebration will be held Saturday, June 4 from 9

am to 3 pm. in Havilah (10 miles south of Bodfish). The festivities willinclude live entertainment, stagecoach rides, Wild West shootouts, WildBill Cody and Roy Rogers lookalikes, early days antique engines, vendors,Smokey Bear, "Pockets" the friendly donkey, raffle prizes, old-fashionedcake walk and coin toss, food, a white elephant sale and “chicken poopbingo.” The museum is located at 6789 Caliente-Bodfish Rd., Havilah. Forinfo call 760/379-2636.

Classic Car Show to be held in Lake Isabella June 11There will be a Classic Car Show at the First Baptist Church in Lake

Isabella on Saturday, June 11 from 9 am to 4 pm. To enter your car, callBuddy at (760) 549-3855 or e-mail [email protected]. Pre-entry includes adash plaque, a goody bag and a T-shirt. The show is free to attend, andthere will be fun, food, ‘50s and ‘60s music and a raffle. Benefits theSheriff’s Activity League.

Optimal Hospice local volunteer orientation June 17Optimal Hospice Care is holding a New Volunteer Orientation for Kern

Valley residents interested in assisting families in the Lake Isabella,Wofford Heights, Kernville and surrounding communities who are affect-ed by terminal illness. The orientation will be held at the Optimal Hospiceoffice on Friday, June 17 from 10 to 2pm, at 6504 Lake Isabella Blvd, Ste. E,Lake Isabella. If you are interested in offering a little time and compassionin support of hospice, please contact the volunteer department at 888-597-6115 or email [email protected] for more information.

Food commodities distributed Tuesday, June 28 Government food commodities will be distributed to those qualified on

Tuesday, June 28 at the Elks Lodge in Wofford Heights, Grace Chapel onHighway 178 in Mt. Mesa, and the Senior Center in Lake Isabella.Distribution starts at 8 a.m.

To include your event in our free Courier Calendar, just send the informa-tion to us by e-mail. You may also submit on paper, either in person or bymail (our addresses are on page 2). Must be received by Tuesday at 1 p.m. inorder to make the issue. Events must be open to the public and if there is anycost, it must be listed. Items submitted for our free Calendar listings may beshortened. They’ll be printed in chronological order by event date. Whetherthey’ll appear depends on how much free space is available for the Calendar.Submitted items deemed entirely or mostly advertising for a business willnot be accepted. Some event information gathered from the chambers ofcommerce, KRVR or

EVENTS continued from page 3

Rod MiddleworthKern River Courier Columnist

For whatever reasons, theart of toenail clipping is seldomacknowledged or discussed.Today we'llattempt theunattempted.

First off, ifyou are young itis not much of achore. You bendover in acrouching posi-tion and withlittle clippersyou lop off theoffending and speedily growingdigital toe covers.

Well, each year it gets hard-er. One thing you have toworry about is that you have tobe careful that the big toenaildoesn't become so attached toyou that it becomes ingrown.That's another story in itself.Some folks spend a lifetimewith scissors and clipper dig-ging around the edge of theirbig toe.

And of course there areother problems. For me it's thelong toe next to the big toe.Mine is about ½ inch longerthan the big toe and keepingthat toe trimmed a must. Makesbuying shoes an adventure, too.Having a super long toe meansyour shoes must be worn longenough to keep the long toefrom getting squashed by thefront of the shoe (which couldlead to further toenail issues).

Now, back to cutting of thetoenails. As you get older sev-eral things happen. The toe-

nails get thicker and harder tocut. You have to be careful youdon't take part of the toe skinin your haste to snip the ever-growing nails. Also, crouchingover to work on your toes isnot as easy as it once was. Ifyou have any kind of a sparetire around your waist, it makesclipping a breath-taking experi-ence as you bend over and tryto get close to the work surface(your toenails).

Another caveat is what to dowith the nail clippings. My sug-gestion is to clip outdoors onthe porch steps. You would besurprised to see how far someof the clipped nails can soar. Ifthe work was done inside thehouse, there's no telling wherethe clippings would fly, landand be hidden.

I also find that soaking myfeet in hot soapy water beforethe clip job, in addition to feel-ing good, also makes toenailcutting easier (and more sani-tary). That way if the clippingsfly away to some place that vis-itors can see, at least they willbe clean and odor free.

Finally, this whole thing issomething that must be donetwo or three times a year andalone. Spectators are not wel-come, and are in fact discour-aged. Clipping toenails is a pri-vate thing!

Please avert your eyes.

Wofford Heights residentRod Middleworth, a retiredsecurity manager for PacificBell, is an instructor for thelocal AARP Driver SafetyProgram.


Nobody ever writes about this

Things I Have Noticed...

ShopDownTownLake Isabella

Find some great deals!


Dianne Storm OwnerDog Grooming • Boarding Kennel • Pet Supplies

2100 Edith Street Lake Isabella, CA 760-379-4311

Adjust • Exchange • Repair

South Fork Transmission(760) 379-8578

Clutches, Differentials, Brakes, Belts & Hoses5300 Lake Isabella Blvd. Lake Isabella

Lake Isabella Blvd.“Next to DMV”760-379-1792

Charlotte L. Ruse

Legal Document Services • Notary12604 Mt. Mesa Rd. 760-379-5140

“We Buy Gold & Silver!”6429 Lake Isabella Blvd.

Lake IsabellaIn the Post Office Center

760-379-5200Coins & Jewelry

All You Can EatSalad Bar

$6.50 10am-3pm

Recycling Makes $’s & Cents @

Lake Isabella • Weldon • KernvilleWEB Recycling




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“Advertise where it counts” 760-376-2860


Sheila Safir, L.D.A.Legal Document Assistant Reg.#88 • Exp. 12/20/10 • Kern County6439 Lake Isabella Blvd. #B 760.549.3916 [email protected]

• Auto• Home• Commercial• Moblie ServiceBondedLic. #LCO 2661 Dick Hallgren


Cory Fagan




REICHENBACH’SAuto Body & Paint

Chad ReichenbachOwner

760-379-3010 3801 Lake Isabella Blvd. Bodfish


Page 15: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011 Kern River Courier Page 15


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:ANAVERDE WELL PET (2011 -B2507), DBA #2: VETALU ( 2011- B2508). Street address of principalplace of business: 8201 CaliforniaCity Boulevard, #A119, CaliforniaCity, CA 93505. Mailing address ofbusiness: PO Box 2005, Californiacity, CA 93504. REGISTRANT:Valerie Talleyrand, 9200 OleanderBoulevard, California City, CA 93505.A - Individual. Date the business com-menced: 00/00/0000. Notice: Inaccordance with subdivision (a) ofSection 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end offive years from the date on which itwas filed in the office of the CountyClerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where itexpires 40 days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statement pur-suant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of aregistered owner. A new FictitiousBusiness Name Statement must befiled before the expiration. The filingof this statement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this State of a fic-titious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: ValerieTalleyrand. This statement filed on04/13/2011. Expires 04/13/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By G. Meza.Published by the Kern River CourierApril 22, 29, May 6 and 13, 2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:JBS BARRELS (2011 - B2215).Street address of principal place ofbusiness: 7648 Simmons Lane,Bakersfield, CA 93313. Mailingaddress of business: 7648 SimmonsLane, Bakersfield, CA 93313. REG-ISTRANT: Michelle Sullivan, 7648Simmons Lane, Bakersfield, CA93313. A-Individual. Date the busi-ness commenced: 00/00/0000.Notice: In accordance with subdivi-sion (a) of Section 17920, a fictitiousname statement generally expires atthe end of five years from the date onwhich it was filed in the office of theCounty Clerk, except, as provided insubdivision (b) of Section 17920,where it expires 40 days after anychange in the facts set forth in thestatement pursuant to Section 17913other than a change in the residenceaddress of a registered owner. A newFictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this State ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: MichelleSullivan. This statement filed on04/01/2011. Expires 04/01/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By G. Meza.Published by the Kern River CourierApril 22, 29, May 6 and 13, 2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:SUNNIE'S SNACKS (2011 -B2576). Street address of principalplace of business: 6010 East LerdoHighway, Shafter, CA 93263. Mailingaddress of business: 222 MannelAvenue, Shafter, CA 93263. REGIS-TRANT: Jennifer Wright, 222 MannelAvenue, Shafter, CA 93263. A-Individual. Date the business com-menced: 00/00/0000. Notice: Inaccordance with subdivision (a) ofSection 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end offive years from the date on which itwas filed in the office of the CountyClerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where itexpires 40 days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statement pur-suant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of aregistered owner. A new FictitiousBusiness Name Statement must befiled before the expiration. The filingof this statement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this State of a fic-titious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: JenniferWright. This statement filed on04/15/2011. Expires 04/15/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By G. Meza.Published by the Kern River CourierApril 22, 29, May 6 and 13, 2011.

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALETrustee Sale No. 28-1937 - APN: 316-




On May 18, 2011 at 11:00 am, AntelopeValley Real Estate Services, aCalifornia Corporation as dulyappointed Trustee under and pursuantto the Deed of Trust recorded 06-19-2007, as Inst. No. 0207128714 ofOfficial Records in the office of theCounty Recorder of Kern County,State of California, Executed by LouisF. Romero and Gina M. Romero,Husband and Wife as joint tenants,WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIONTO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FORCASH (payable at time of sale in law-ful money of the United States) at:The main entrance to the Wanda KirkLibrary, 3611 Rosamond Blvd.,Rosamond, CA 93560. AllCASHIER'S CHECKS MUST BEMADE PAYABLE TO ADVANCEDRECONVEYANCE, INC. All rights,title and interest conveyed to and nowheld by it under said Deed of Trust inthe property situated in said Countyand State described as: Lot 142 ofTract No. 3508, in the unincorporatedarea of the County of Kern, State ofCalifornia, as per map recordedFebruary 2, 1972 in Book 22, Pages195 through 200, inclusive and inBook 23, Pages 1 through 12 inclusiveof Maps, in the Office of the CountyRecorder of said County. The streetaddress and other common designa-tion, if any, of the real propertydescribed above is purported to be:Vacant Land - directions may beobtained by written request within 10days of the first publication of thisnotice from: ARI, 43545 17th StreetWest, Suite 503, Lancaster, CA 93534.The undersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for any incorrectness ofthe street address and other commondesignation, if any, shown herein.Said Sale will be made, but withoutcovenant or warranty, express orimplied, regarding title, possession, orencumbrances, to pay the remainingprincipal sum of the note(s) secured bysaid Deed of Trust, with interest there-on, as provided in said note(s),advances, if any, under the terms ofsaid Deed of Trust, fees, charges andexpenses of the Trustee and of thetrusts created by said Deed of Trust.The total amount of the unpaid bal-ance of the obligation secured by theproperty to be sold and reasonableestimated cost, expenses and advancesat the time of the initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is $103,737.00. Thebeneficiary under said Deed of Trustheretofore executed and delivered tothe undersigned a written Declarationof Default and Demand for Sale, and awritten Notice of Default and Electionto Sell. The undersigned caused saidNotice of Default and Election to Sellto be recorded in the county where thereal property is located. Date: April20, 2011. Antelope Valley RealEstate Services, As Trustee AdvancedReconveyance, Inc., As Agent, 4354517th Street W., Ste 503, Lancaster, CA93534, 661-945-5525, VickieDurham, Trustee Sale Officer(Published by the Kern River CourierApril 22, 29 and May 6, 2011)


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:SEQUOIA LODGE (2011 - B2633).Street address of principal place ofbusiness: 16123 Sierra Way, Kernville,CA 93238. Mailing address of busi-ness: 6265 Deer Creek Road, ArroyoGrande, CA 93420. REGISTRANT:Cathy Cunningham, 6265 Deer CreekRoad, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420. A-Individual. Date the business com-menced: 05/17/2001. Notice: Inaccordance with subdivision (a) ofSection 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end offive years from the date on which itwas filed in the office of the CountyClerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where itexpires 40 days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statement pur-suant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of aregistered owner. A new FictitiousBusiness Name Statement must befiled before the expiration. The filingof this statement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this State of a fic-titious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: CathyCunningham. This statement filed on04/19/2011. Expires 04/19/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By N.Hawley. Published by the Kern RiverCourier April 29, May 6, 13 and 20,2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1: U-ROLL-IT SMOKES (2011 - B2604).Street address of principal place ofbusiness: 1808 North Chester Avenue,

Bakersfield, CA 93308. Mailingaddress of business: 1808 NorthChester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA93308. REGISTRANT: BillEdmondson, 300 Haggin Street,Bakersfield, CA 93309. A-Individual.Date the business commenced:03/01/2011. Notice: In accordancewith subdivision (a) of Section 17920,a fictitious name statement generallyexpires at the end of five years fromthe date on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk, except, asprovided in subdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40 days afterany change in the facts set forth in thestatement pursuant to Section 17913other than a change in the residenceaddress of a registered owner. A newFictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this State ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: BillEdmondson. This statement filed on04/19/2011. Expires 04/19/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By N.Hawley. Published by the Kern RiverCourier April 29, May 6. 13 and 20,2011.


BUSINESS NAMEFictitious Business Name being aban-

doned: EXPRESSIONS HAIR ANDNAIL, (2007-B6265). Street addressof business: 20406 #1A Brian Way,Tehachapi, CA 93561; Mailingaddress of Business; 20406 #1A BrianWay, Tehachapi, CA 93561; REGIS-TRANTS WHO WISH TO ABAN-DON THE BUSINESS NAME: JamesT. Fowler, 28061 Cumberland Road,Tehachapi, CA 93561 and Jean L.Fowler, 28061 Cumberland Road,Tehachapi, CA 93561; Original FBNStatement Filed on: 08/16/2007. ThisStatement of Abandonment filed on:04/19/2011. ANN K. BARNETT,Auditor-Controller-County Clerk byM. Medina, Deputy Clerk (34993).Published by the Kern River CourierApril 29, May 6, 13 and 20, 2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:EXPRESSIONS HAIR & NAILS(2011 - B2622). Street address ofprincipal place of business: 20406 #1A Brian Way, Tehachapi, CA 93561.Mailing address of business: 20406 #1A Brian Way, Tehachapi, CA 93561.REGISTRANTS: Jeffrey Hite, 29700Goldspike Road, Tehachapi, CA93561 and Anne Drennan, 29700Goldspike Road, Tehachapi, CA93561. I - Husband and Wife. Datethe business commenced: 00/00/0000.Notice: In accordance with subdivi-sion (a) of Section 17920, a fictitiousname statement generally expires atthe end of five years from the date onwhich it was filed in the office of theCounty Clerk, except, as provided insubdivision (b) of Section 17920,where it expires 40 days after anychange in the facts set forth in thestatement pursuant to Section 17913other than a change in the residenceaddress of a registered owner. A newFictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this State ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: AnneDrennan. This statement filed on04/19/2011. Expires 04/19/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By M.Medina. Published by the Kern RiverCourier May 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:TWO BUCK PRODUCTIONS(2011 - B2667). Street address ofprincipal place of business: 1301 TaftHighway, #3, Bakersfield, CA 93307.Mailing address of business: 1301 TaftHighway, #3, Bakersfield, CA 93307.REGISTRANTS: Vicki Kyker-Jameson, 1301 Taft Highway, #3,Bakersfield, CA 93307 and MarionBurton, 14009 Christella Court,Bakersfield, CA 93314. B-GeneralPartnership. Date the business com-menced: 00/00/0000. Notice: Inaccordance with subdivision (a) ofSection 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end offive years from the date on which itwas filed in the office of the CountyClerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where itexpires 40 days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statement pur-suant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of aregistered owner. A new FictitiousBusiness Name Statement must befiled before the expiration. The filing

of this statement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this State of a fic-titious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: VickiKyker-Jameson. This statement filedon 04/20/2011. Expires 04/20/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By N.Hawley. Published by the Kern RiverCourier May 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2011.


BUSINESS NAMEFictitious Business Name being aban-

doned: 69 DESIRES, (2011-B0086)Street address of business: 5500 TynerLane, Bakersfield, CA 93307.Mailing address of Business: 500Tyner Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307.REGISTRANT WHO WISHES TOABANDON THE BUSINESSNAME: Edward Thomas Jr., 5500Tyner Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307.Original FBN Statement Filed on:01/05/2011. This Statement ofAbandonment filed on: 04/06/2011.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk by M.Rodriguez, Deputy Clerk (34993).Published by the Kern River CourierMay 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:ACCOUNT HOME (2011 - B2956).Street address of principal place ofbusiness: 6201 Galanos Court,Bakersfield, CA 93313. Mailingaddress of business: 6201 GalanosCourt, Bakersfield, CA 93313. REG-ISTRANT: Quresh Cassim, 6201Galanos Court, Bakersfield, CA93313. A - Individual. Date the busi-ness commenced: 00/00/0000.Notice: In accordance with subdivi-sion (a) of Section 17920, a fictitiousname statement generally expires atthe end of five years from the date onwhich it was filed in the office of theCounty Clerk, except, as provided insubdivision (b) of Section 17920,where it expires 40 days after anychange in the facts set forth in thestatement pursuant to Section 17913other than a change in the residenceaddress of a registered owner. A newFictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this State ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: QureshCassim. This statement filed on05/05/2011. Expires 05/05/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By M.Medina. Published by the Kern RiverCourier May 20, 27, June 3 and 10,2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:EUROPEAN PERFORMANCEAUTOMOTIVE (2011 - B2896).Street address of principal place ofbusiness: 3111 Waterloo Place,Bakersfield, CA 93311. Mailingaddress of business: 3111 WaterlooPlace, Bakersfield, CA 93311. REG-ISTRANTS: Mark Lohman, 3111Waterloo Place, Bakersfield, CA93311 and Kimela Lohman, 3111Waterloo Place, Bakersfield, CA93311. I - Husband and Wife. Datethe business commenced: 00/00/0000.Notice: In accordance with subdivi-sion (a) of Section 17920, a fictitiousname statement generally expires atthe end of five years from the date onwhich it was filed in the office of theCounty Clerk, except, as provided insubdivision (b) of Section 17920,where it expires 40 days after anychange in the facts set forth in thestatement pursuant to Section 17913other than a change in the residenceaddress of a registered owner. A newFictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this State ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: MarkLohman. This statement filed on05/04/2011. Expires 05/04/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By V.Zuniga. Published by the Kern RiverCourier May 20, 27, June 3 and 10,2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:GREWE/BRYANT PUMP SERVICE(2011 - B2944). Street address ofprincipal place of business: 1205North Sierra Highway, Rosamond, CA93560. Mailing address of business:P.O. Box 1378, Rosamond, CA 93560.REGISTRANT: Michael Grewe, 2161

Natalie Drive, Rosamond, CA 93560. A - Individual. Date the business com-

menced: 04/01/1990. Notice: Inaccordance with subdivision (a) ofSection 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end offive years from the date on which itwas filed in the office of the CountyClerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where itexpires 40 days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statement pur-suant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of aregistered owner. A new FictitiousBusiness Name Statement must befiled before the expiration. The filingof this statement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this State of a fic-titious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: Michael E.Grewe. This statement filed on05/05/2011. Expires 05/05/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By G. Meza.Published by the Kern River CourierMay 20, 27, June 3 and 10, 2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:NORTHWEST JANITORIAL PART-NERS (2011 - B2987). Street addressof principal place of business: 6077Coffee Road, #107, Bakersfield, CA93308. Mailing address of business:6077 Coffee Road, #107, Bakersfield,CA 93308. REGISTRANT: AdrianaOlivares, 6077 Coffee Road, #107,Bakersfield, CA 93308. A -Individual. Date the business com-menced: 00/00/0000. Notice: Inaccordance with subdivision (a) ofSection 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end offive years from the date on which itwas filed in the office of the CountyClerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where itexpires 40 days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statement pur-suant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of aregistered owner. A new FictitiousBusiness Name Statement must befiled before the expiration. The filingof this statement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this State of a fic-titious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: AdrianaOlivares. This statement filed on05/09/2011. Expires 05/09/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By M.Medina. Published by the Kern RiverCourier May 20, 27, June 3 and 10,2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:SIMPSON HOTSHOT TRANPORT(2011 - B2926). Street address ofprincipal place of business: 628 NettlePlace, Bakersfield, CA 93308.Mailing address of business: 628Nettle Place, Bakersfield, CA 93308.REGISTRANTS: Daniel Simpson,628 Nettle Place, Bakersfield, CA93308. A - Individual. Date the busi-ness commenced: 05/01/2011. Notice:In accordance with subdivision (a) ofSection 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end offive years from the date on which itwas filed in the office of the CountyClerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where itexpires 40 days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statement pur-suant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of aregistered owner. A new FictitiousBusiness Name Statement must befiled before the expiration. The filingof this statement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this State of a fic-titious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: DanielSimpson. This statement filed on05/05/2011. Expires 05/05/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By M.Medina. Published by the Kern RiverCourier May 20, 27, June 3 and 10,2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:BIG CITY HAIR (2011 - B3061).Street address of principal place ofbusiness: 6501 D Wofford Boulevard,Wofford Heights, CA 93285. Mailingaddress of business: 6501 D WoffordBoulevard, Wofford Heights, CA93285. REGISTRANT: JennyReeves, 77 Tillie Creek Lane, WoffordHeights, CA 93285. A - Individual.Date the business commenced:00/00/0000. Notice: In accordancewith subdivision (a) of Section 17920,a fictitious name statement generallyexpires at the end of five years from

the date on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk, except, asprovided in subdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40 days afterany change in the facts set forth in thestatement pursuant to Section 17913other than a change in the residenceaddress of a registered owner. A newFictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this State ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: JennyReeves. This statement filed on05/12/2011. Expires 05/12/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By G. Meza.Published by the Kern River CourierMay 20, 27, June 3 and 10, 2011.


BUSINESS NAMEFictitious Business Name being aban-

doned: ERIN'S HAIRCUTS &MORE, (2010-B2462) Street addressof business: 6392 Wofford Boulevard,Suite A, Wofford Heights, CA 93285.Mailing address of Business: 6392Wofford Boulevard, Suite A, WoffordHeights, CA 93285. REGISTRANTWHO WISHES TO ABANDON THEBUSINESS NAME: Erin Brooks,6620 Lynch Canyon Drive, LakeIsabella, CA 93240. Original FBNStatement Filed on: 04/13/2010. ThisStatement of Abandonment filed on:05/06/2011. ANN K. BARNETT,Auditor-Controller-County Clerk byN. Hawley, Deputy Clerk (34993).Published by the Kern River CourierMay 20, 27, June 3 and 10, 2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:FISHY BUSINESS (2011 - B3108).Street address of principal place ofbusiness: 5448 Lake IsabellaBoulevard, Lake Isabella, CA 93240.Mailing address of business: 2242Reeder Drive, Lake Isabella, CA93240. REGISTRANT: StevenHefner, 2242 Reeder Drive, LakeIsabella, CA 93240. A - Individual.Date the business commenced:05/15/2011. Notice: In accordancewith subdivision (a) of Section 17920,a fictitious name statement generallyexpires at the end of five years fromthe date on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk, except, asprovided in subdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40 days afterany change in the facts set forth in thestatement pursuant to Section 17913other than a change in the residenceaddress of a registered owner. A newFictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this State ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: StevenHefner. This statement filed on05/16/2011. Expires 05/16/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By M.Rodriguez. Published by the KernRiver Courier May 20, 27, June 3 and10, 2011.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1:WEATHER ADVISORY SERVICE(2011 - B2792). Street address ofprincipal place of business: 2000Canal Road, Lake Isabella, CA 93240.Mailing address of business: P.O. Box1246, Lake Isabella, CA 93240-1246.REGISTRANT: Terry Snow, 2000Canal Road, Lake Isabella, CA 93240.A - Individual. Date the business com-menced: 08/22/1992. Notice: Inaccordance with subdivision (a) ofSection 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end offive years from the date on which itwas filed in the office of the CountyClerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where itexpires 40 days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statement pur-suant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of aregistered owner. A new FictitiousBusiness Name Statement must befiled before the expiration. The filingof this statement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this State of a fic-titious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Signed: TerrySnow. This statement filed on04/27/2011. Expires 04/27/2016.ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By M.Medina. Published by the Kern RiverCourier May 20, 27, June 3 and 10,2011.

Kern River Courier Legal Notices

Page 16: Kern River Courier  May 20, 2011

Page 16 Kern River Courier Friday, May 20, 2011

REVA - Responsible Ethical Volunteers for Animals

Cooperative Fund Raiser Golf Tournament Saturday June 4th 8:00am Check-in

Please complete participant information & return with $50 per person entry feesby May 28, 2011

Participants Name Usual score for 18 holes

Player 1 __________________________________________ _____________

Player 2 __________________________________________ _____________

Player 3 __________________________________________ _____________

Player 4 __________________________________________ _____________

Total entry fees _______ Additional donation _______ Total enclosed _______

Please make checks payable to REVAAll additional donation money will go to REVA Tax deductible 501c3 Public Charity

Mail all registration forms & payment to: Frank VargasPO Box 155, Lake Isabella, CA 93240

email to [email protected] call: 760-223-6316

REVA'sGolf Tournament

at Kernville Golf CourseLocated at 9472 Burlando Road

Get ready to play!Join us Saturday June 48am check-in 9am Tee-timeScramble start-4 member teams

Win-A-Car,Cash&Prizes!Hole in One! Win-A-Car donated by Isabella Motors

1st & 2nd Place, Longest Drive,Best Ball & Closest to Tee50/50 & Gift RaffleCash prize amounts determined by the amount of entries

Playing 18 holes $50 per person

We also need sponsors for each of the 18 holes

Sponsor for $50 or more per hole

RSVP by Saturday May 28th, 2011to [email protected] or call 760-223-6316

Memorial DDay WWeekend, MMay 228-330

Sponsored by

Kern River Valley Art

Serving Artists and Community since 1962For Show information call Judy Deems 760-378-4109

Saturday & Sunday9am to 5pm

Monday 9am to 1pm

Kern Village32 Burlando Rd. PO Box 647

Kernville, CA. 93238 760-376-6733Paula Baize - Administrator


Providing Seniors withCompanionship, Security and Peace of Mind

The Burlington13 Sycamore Dr. PO Box 6Wofford Heights, CA. 93285 760-376-6474Shirlin Linton - Administrator


We have two locations in the Kern River Valley. Our Kernville location features the Kern River

running through the quaint town, and WoffordHeights features close access to Isabella Lake.

We pro-vide manyways foryour lovedone to feelat homewith dailyactivities,community

Sheryl Parmelee - Owner

involvement and special monthly events.Our staff is dedicated and trained to provide

the very best care for your loved one. Ourstaff is trained in first aid, dementia, medica-

tions andhospice,with man-agementstaffavailablesevendays aweek.


ElectricalPlumbingHeatingAir ConditioningService / RepairNew Construction


Serving the Kern River Valley

(760) 417-1574Bill Damron Lic. 593113

Cheryl’s DinerOpen 6:00am • Lunch & Dinner 11:00am

Breakfast Served All Day11030 Kernville Road Kernville 760-376-6131


16 Tobias Kernville 760-376-3384


Recycling Makes $’s & Cents @

Sierra Gateway Market KernvilleWEB Recycling

Thursdays 8:00am to 4:00pm

AgentJudy BatesYour Cruise Advisor

(760) 376-6006Email: [email protected] S.O.T. 201802040

Call for details onMexican Riviera Cruise Special

Dine,Shop,Play&Stay inKernvilleKernville

KERN VALLEY MUSEUMThursday ~ Sunday, 10 am to 4 pm

49 Big Blue Road, Kernville (Next to the Post Office)(760)376-6683 Admission is Free

Unique Breakfast & Gourmet PizzaBreakfast served till Noon

Open Friday thru Monday ~ 8AM TO 3PM


TournamentEvery Friday

AfternoonBegining at12:00 noon

Call for details 760-376-2902