Page 1: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Kern River WaterData: Wed. 6 a.m.

Storage, IsabellaReservoir255,708 acre-feet.(Low point was101,857 ac-ft. Dec.4. Pool capacity is568,075 ac.-ft. at thespillway. Current limitis 360,000 ac.-ft.)

Inflow, North Fork ofKern at Kernville2745 cfs (5-hr avg.)

Outflow, Lower Kern 2370 cfs

Borel Canal flow522 cfs

Data from U.S. Army

Corps of Engineers

cfs=cubic feet per second

1 cu.ft. = 7.48 U.S. gallons

1 ac.ft.= 325,851 U.S. gal.

This guy’sforte is

birdhouses,says CaliforniaJoe.

Two chal-lenging

crossword puz-zles in theCourier insteadof just one.


can be easierthan you think,in somepatients.


Spotlighting thebest of the Kern River Valley


History ofthe town

of Isabella,starting in the1800s.




Friday, June 4, 2010 A Locally-Owned Community Partner and Award-Winning Newspaper Vol. 7 No. 18

Lake Isabella’sweekend weather

Sat.: Sunny, high90.

Sat. night: Mostlyclear, low 65.

Sun.: Sunny, high92.

Sun. night: Partlycloudy, low 65.

Mon.: Sunny, high94.

Mon. night: Partlycloudy, low 68.

National Weather Service

Kern River Courier

It is finally time to tell thetrue story of the “fallingcow” sign.

What falling cow sign, yousay? Well, that is quite a tale.

In the Kern River Canyon,on the transition roadbetween the new and oldportions of Highway 178,there is a CalTrans road signthat shows the side of a cliffin silhouette, with rocks tum-bling down. This is a sign inuniversal picture languagethat means “Watch forfalling rocks.”

You have probably seenthese road signs everywhereyou drive. Well, the one inthe canyon is a bit different.Tumbling along with therocks is the silhouette of acow.

The cow just seemed tomagically appear on the sign

back in the 1990s. Anothercow appeared on the “fallingrocks” sign that was at themouth of the canyon.

W h e nt h e ya p p e a r e d ,the area wasg o i n gthrough awet winter.Cattle in thecanyon (it’san openrange area)were havinga tough timek e e p i n gtheir grip onthe slickm o u n t a i n -sides and were falling ontothe road.

Since the signs appearedoriginally, the Internet hasexploded into the vast cyber-world it is today. A photo of

the “falling cow sign” at themouth of the canyon, takenby a tourist, was posted onthe Internet and became a

sensation. T o d a y ,

there aremany uses ofthe originalphoto aswell asr e p r o d u c -tions of it allover theI n t e r n e t .A l i s o nSheehey ofWeldon tookone that isprominentlyposted on how did it get there?

The time has come to ‘fessup.

It came from the fertileimagination of Courier co-

owner Michael Batelaan. Since the statute of limita-

tions has probably run outnow on “altering” CalTransproperty, he felt he couldnow tell the story.

Batelaan thought the pub-lic should be warned aboutthe falling cows, but he fig-ured that a sign saying,“Watch For Falling Cows!”might generate too muchhysteria.

He went to Eddie Norris’ssign shop and got somescraps of black vinyl signmaterial. Then he took aphoto of the cow featured onthe “open range” cattle signnear the “falling rocks” sign,and used it as a pattern so hecould cut out a cow’s shape.

The first cows he stuck onthe sign in the middle of thecanyon were too small, but

‘Falling cow’ sign started as joke, spread over Internet

Michael Batelaan/Kern River Courier

The U.S. Coast Guard did several helicopter demonstrations over Memorial Day weekend,urging boating safety on Isabella Lake.

Trails Dayon June 5

Kern River Courier

Scam artists are victimizing anyone with atelephone and/or an Internet connection. Andthere are many more of these scams than thereused to be. Here is a listing of some of the scamsoperating now that we at the Courier feel youshould be aware of.

Foreclosure/loan modification scamsNine men from Southern California were

recently implicated in a boiler room scheme thatfleeced hundreds of homeowners seeking relieffrom foreclosure. The boiler room (in whichperpetrators sit, giving the same spiel over thephone to one victim after another) was trickedout in high-roller style with a roulette wheel andother casino equipment. More than 1,500 des-perate homeowners were promised loan modi-fications but received no relief.

Two of the nine were Gary Arnold Eisenberg,71, of Westwood, a top telemarketer with the

company, and Ira Itskowitz, 58, a sales manager.They have each spent more than five years infederal prison for previous fraud convictions.

The four principal owners of the business,Niv Iskin, 30, of Reseda, Reviv Karpman, 38, ofTarzana, Tomer Kogman, 29, of Reseda andAvraham Yechizkia, 34, of Encino; and a salesmanager, Barel Iskin, 23, of Woodland Hills, arestill being pursued by law enforcement.

"This company was just a boiler room, longon promises and upfront fees but short on fore-closure relief," California Attorney GeneralEdmund G. Brown Jr. said. "Its operators cruel-ly defrauded citizens trying valiantly to hang onto their homes."

The Canoga Park-based loan modificationbusiness operated as Mason Capital Group,LLC and Gretchen Fox and Associates.

When agents executed a search warrant atthe office, they found a Las Vegas casino-

Summer prime time for scams

Kids Fishing Derby onSaturday, June 5

The annual Kids Fishing Derby,headquarters Wofford HeightsPark, will take place Saturday,June 5. Participants must be regis-tered before fishing. For detailssee the Courier Calendar on page2.

See SCAMS, Page 9

Day use fees waivedKern River Courier

The local Kern River Ranger Districtof the U.S. Forest Service welcomeseveryone to hit the trails this weekendfor National Trails Day. In celebrationof NTD, District Ranger Rick Larson iswaiving all day use fees around thelake for June 5 and 6.

Around Isabella Lake, there will beno charge for day use at AuxiliaryDam, Old Isabella Road, South ForkRecreation Area, or Day Use at Camp9. Overnight fees at these sites will stillapply.

"I'm happy to waive the usual day-use fees for this event, but even happi-er that we offer many miles of main-tained hiking trails that are always freefor the public to enjoy," said Larson.

Since its inception in 1993, the NTDhas given people a reason to stretchout their tired muscles, tie up theirboots, throw on their packs, and getoutdoors. According to the AmericanHiking Society, "NTD inspires the pub-lic and trail enthusiasts nationwide toseek out their favorite trails, to discov-er, learn about, and celebrate trailswhile participating in education

See FEES, Page 16

See COW, Page 16

Page 2: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

23rd annual Kids FishingDerby Saturday, June 5

The Kids Fishing Derby, held bythe KRV Fish and Game HabitatClub with its partners DFG, ForestService and KRV Elks and the aidof local merchants and organiza-

tions, will be held at WoffordHeights Park on Saturday, June 5.Rules and entry forms are avail-able at local merchants. For moreinformation, call Derby ChairmanLarry Templin at (760) 376-2470.Registration is June 4 from 3 to 6

Page 2 Kern River Courier Friday, June 4, 2010

Regular meetings &activitiesFridays• 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.- TOPS #2293 weight lossgroup, Veterans Hall #2, 417-2272.• 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.- TOPS weight loss group,Mt.View Baptist Church, 2959 Erskine CreekRd., Lake Isabella. 378-3935.•10-11 a.m.- Grief Support Group, HoffmanHospice, 6048 Lake Isabella Blvd. 1st and 3rdFridays. (661) 410-1010.• 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. - AA, 6407 Lake IsabellaBlvd., Lake Isabella.• 11 a.m.-3p.m.- Lunch at Eagles, open topublic, Mt. Mesa. 379-3394• 1 p.m.- Happy Hookers crochet club, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 379-6335• 4 p.m. - KV Cruisers Cruise Night, El PortalII Lake Isabella, 1st Fri. 549-3855• 7:30 p.m.- Al-Anon, 80 Evans Rd, WoffordHts. For families of alcoholics. 379-7318 or379-8985.

Saturdays• 9:30 a.m. Sequoia Amateur Radio Group,Youth Center, Lake Isabella. 2nd Sat.• 9 a.m.- 2 p.m - Farmer’s Market, NuuiCunni Ctr, French Gulch. 549-0800• 3 p.m., KRV CB’ers dinner, Sr Ctr., LakeIsabella, canceled as of 12/06/09.• 3 p.m., Havilah Centennial Group meets,1st Saturday, schoolhouse. 379-2636.• 5-7 p.m. Dinner at Eagles open to public,Mt. Mesa. 379-3394• 7-10 p.m.- Dam Dancers square dancing,1st Saturday, Senior Center, Lake Isabella.

Sundays• 9 a.m. to noon - VFW Breakfast, open to thepublic. 2811 Nugget, Lake Isabella. 379-3877.• 9 a.m. to noon - Eagles Breakfast, open tothe public. Highway 178, Mt. Mesa. 379-3394.

Mondays• 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition,Senior Center, Lake Isabella. 379-5831.• 1 p.m. - Kern Valley Democratic Club,Senior Center, 3rd Monday.• 1 p.m.-2 p.m., Line dance beginner class-es, intermediate and advanced follow at theSenior Center. 379-0043.• 3 p.m. - Kernville Chamber of Commerce

meets, board 2nd Mon., general membership4th Mon. 376-2629.• 5-7 p.m. Eagles spaghetti dinner, Mt. Mesa,open to public, 1st. Mon. 379-3394.• 6-9 p.m. KRV Community Orchestra meetsat Cerro Coso College, Lake Isabella, Rm G.376-4461.• 7 p.m. KRV Art Association meets, 3rdMon., Senior Center. 379-2844.• 7 p.m. K.V. Rovers meet at Kern ValleyMuseum, Kernville. 1st Monday.• 7:30 p.m.Al-Anon, KRV Hosp Cafe. Help forfamilies & friends of alcoholics. 379-7318 or379-8985.

Tuesdays• 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition,Senior Center, Lake Isabella. 379-5831.• 9:30-11a.m.- Me & My Friends children’splaygroup, First Baptist Church, Lake Isabella.379-2556.• 10 a.m. KRV Garden Group, 2nd Tues.379-1129.• 12:30 p.m. Bridge Club, Rod & Gun Club,E. Evans Rd., Wofford Heights. 376-4249.• 2 p.m. - KRV Cemetery District meeting atcemetery. 2nd Tuesday. Public invited. 376-

2189.• 2 p.m. - LI-Bodfish Prop. Owners meet atSenior Center. 2nd Tues. (760) 379-1830.• 7 p.m. - KRV Historical Society meets,Senior Center, Lake Isabella, 4th Tues.

Wednesdays• 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition,Sen. Ctr., 6407 Lk. Isabella Blvd., 379-5831.• 9:30 a.m. - TOPS weight loss group, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. (661) 867-2579.• 9:30-11 a.m.- Me & My Friends children’splaygroup, Kernville Methodist Church, 379-2556.• Noon- KRV Chamber of Commerce meet-ing, El Portal II. 2nd Wed, 379-5236.• 12:30 p.m. - Bridge Club, Eagles Lodge Mt.Mesa, 376-4249.• 1:30 - 3 p.m. Grief Support Group, OptimalHospice, 6504E L.I. Blvd.• 2- 6 p.m. Dinner at Eagles, Mt. Mesa. Lightdinner. Open to public. 379-3394.• 6 p.m. - Fish & Game Habitat Club meets,631 E. Evans Rd, Wofford Hts, third Wed.• 6:00 p.m. American Legion, Lake IsabellaSr. Ctr. Veterans Rm., 3rd Wed. 379-5488.• 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m.- Senior Dance, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella dining rm., live band.• 7 p.m. Al-Anon, 80 Evans Rd. Wofford Hts,376-2410. For families of alcoholics. 379-7318or 379-8985.• 7 p.m. - Elks meet, Wofford Heights Blvd.

Thursdays• 9 a.m. to noon - Thursday Painters,Community Room, Senior Center, 379-5329.• 9:30 a.m. - Fire Safe Council, SupervisorMcQuiston’s office, Lake Isabella. 3rd Thurs.• 9:30 a.m. - Aglow Int’l, Senior Center,Room 1. 2nd Thurs. For women.• 11:45 a.m. - KRV Woman’s Club meets,Elks Lodge 4th Thurs. (some exceptions).• Noon, Exchange Club, Paradise Cove.• 1 p.m.- Clan Diggers meet at the LakeIsabella Library. 2nd Thurs. 379-2303.• 2 p.m.- 8-ball Tournament at Eagles in Mt,Mesa. Open to public. 379-3374.• 5 -7 p.m. - TANF Cultural Night - NativeYouth & Community Cultural Ctr French GulchCampground.• 5-7 p.m. VFW Taco Thursday, open to public.379-3877.• 5 p.m.- Republicans of Kern Valley meet3rd Thurs. at Moose Lodge. 378-3602.• 6 p.m. - Rotary Club meets, golf course,Kernville. (760) 376-1421.• 7 p.m.-Sweet Adelines meet, Senior Center,Lake Isabella. Prospective members welcome.• 7 p.m.- Kern Valley Astronomy Club,museum, Kernville. 3rd Thurs. 376-1291.

Bingo GuideFriday, noon. - Eagles Bingo, Eagles

Hall, Mt. MesaSaturday, noon, South Fork

Woman’s Club Bingo, 6488 Fay RanchRoad.

Sunday, 1 p.m. Moose Lodge Bingo,Lake Isabella Blvd.

Wednesday, 1 p.m - Senior CenterBingo, Lake Isabella.

Thursday, Early Bird 12:15-Regular 1p.m. St. Jude Bingo, Hwy 155 & NellieDent Dr., Wofford Hts.

This information is sent to the Courierby the groups listed. It is suggested thatgroups provide a phone number in caseinterested individuals need more informa-tion, or meeting times have changed. Allarea codes are 760 unless otherwise noted.

The Courier Calendarp.m. and June 5 from 6 to 9 a.m. Allparticipants must be registered.

Beyond Juice to have one-yearanniversary Saturday, June 5

Beyond Juice in Kern ValleyPlaza in Lake Isabella is having aone-year anniversary celebrationon Saturday, June 5 from 1 to 4p.m. There will be prizes, draw-ings, games and surprises.

Book Corral’s hours change The Book Corral will be going to

summer hours – Wed. 10-2, Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-2. The Book Corral is inMt. Mesa across from Builder’sMart and is all-volunteer to benefitthe Kern River Valley libraries.

Sierra Performing Arts tohold concert Saturday, June 5

Sierra Performing Arts is present-ing a Saturday Evening Concert onSaturday June 5 at 7 p.m. at KernvilleUnited Methodist Church. The con-cert{ will highlight the vocal talentsof Patricia Smoot and AllisonStutsman, accompanied by HelenSmoot. Also on the program will beflutist Beth Steude and MarkMcGuire. Admission/donation is $5at the door and children are admittedfree.

Artist Reception to be held inKernville Saturday, June 5

Several new artists will be wel-comed to A Stone’s Throw Galleryinside Kernville Antiques and Giftson Saturday, June 5: workers infine art, woodworking, ceramics,photography, jewelry and oils.The Celtic trio, Banshee in theKitchen, will play from 5 to 7 p.m.The trio features Brenda Hunter onhammered dulcimer and fiddle, JillEgland on accordion and flute, andKatharine Edmonson on 6 and 12string guitar. Refreshments will beserved. No admission charge.

Charity event for less fortu-nate at Sienna Wellness June 5

Sienna Wellness in Mt. Mesa willbe having a “Celebration ofWellness” on Saturday, June 5 from10 am to 2 pm to help raise food,funds and awareness for the less for-tunate in the Kern River Valley. Theywill have local business vendors, raf-fles, Zumba demos, free foot exams,and lunch. Located at 6425 LynchCanyon Drive, Mt. Mesa. All pro-ceeds will be given directly to theSalvation Army, Food Pantry, andGod’s Storehouse. For more infor-mation please contact Brandy at(760)-379-8630 ext. #24. A nonperish-able food item is appreciated.

Free diabetic workshop atSienna Wellness June 9

Sienna Wellness Institute in Mt.Mesa is offering a free diabeticwellness workshop on Wednesday,June 9. Dr. Gross and Jim Gutzmanwill cover issues such as symp-toms, diagnosis and treatmentplans for diabetic patients. Seatingis limited for this workshop soplease call 760-379-8630 to reserveyour seat. The workshop starts at 6p.m. at the institute located at 6425Lynch Canyon Drive, Mt. Mesa.

Bridge players can brush upon their games June 10 at Elks

Learn to play bridge or justbrush up on your game at the KRVElks Lodge in Wofford Heights onThursday, June 10 from 9:30 to11:30 a.m. There is a $3 fee for

See EVENTS, Page 9

Published Fridays by KRV Publishing

Spotlighting the best of the Kern River Valley

Owners/Editors/Publishers Michael Batelaan Mike DevichContributing Editor Mike LudikerContributors/ColumnistsMike Mencarini Rod Middleworth Matt Freeman Bodfish BobRon Bolyard Donna FitchCalifornia Joe Richard RoweClarence Semonious Harry ThalPhotographersMichael Batelaan, Mike Devich, MikeLudikerContributing PhotographerMurdoc DouglasAd ProductionMichael Batelaan, Mike LudikerAdvertising SalesValerie Minoux, Joanie GardnerBusiness OfficeSara WakemanSubscription InformationThe Kern River Courier is publishedand mailed weekly for $36 per year.Send payment to:

Kern River CourierP.O. Box 1145Wofford Heights, CA 93285

Advertising policiesPublisher reserves the right to reject or cancelany advertising at any time. Cancellations orrejection shall not preclude payment on similaradvertising previously run. KRV Publishingand the Kern River Courier are not liable forerrors in copy or an advertisement beyond thecost of the actual space occupied by the error.Publisher reserves the right to place the word“advertisement” on any ad copy that appearsto resemble editorial matter.

Submission policiesEditorial and photo submissions are wel-come and will run at the discretion of theeditors. Submissions will only be returnedwhen accompanied by a self-addressedstamped envelope. The editors reserve theright to edit all submissions. The entire con-tents of the Kern River Courier are copy-right ©2010 KRV Publishing. Reproductionin whole or in part is prohibited without priorwritten consent. All rights reserved.

Letters policiesLetters to the Editor are run when space per-mits. They are meant as an open forum forexpression. The views expressed in the lettersto the editor within this paper are not necessar-ily the views of this paper, nor those of the staff.Letters to the editor pertaining to local issuesand events or those that affect our area areencouraged. Please include your real name,address and phone number for verification.Pen names or incomplete names are notallowed. The Kern River Courier reserves theright to exclude any letter to the editor, or editits contents for length and prevention of libel,or for other reasons as seen fit by the editors.Letters should not exceed 200 words.

KRV PublishingMailing: P.O. Box 1145Wofford Heights, CA 93285

Office: 6392B Wofford Blvd.Wofford Heights(next to WH Post Office)

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Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and byappointment.

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The Kern River Courier is adivision of KRV Publishing

Kern River CourierWhiskey Flat Claim Jumper Kern AnglerGreenLiving

©2010 KRV Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

Page 3: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010 Kern River Courier Page 3

Rod MiddleworthKern River Courier Columnist

Recently my wife and I spentMother’s Day at our daughterEsther’s home. Almost all of ourgrandchildrenwere there andour three great-grandchildren.The grandchil-dren are not chil-dren anymore,they are full-bloom adults.But the great-grandchildrenare just that ...children. Their ages are 2 years, 4years, and 11 months.

I've noticed that playing withthem makes me feel young, butknowing how old I am makes mefeel ancient. It's a paradox but stilla lot of fun. Try chasing a 4-year-old around a lawn, or pulling a 2-year-old around on a wagon.Then try it with two in the wagon.And then with three, all crying forme to go faster.

Great-grandpas do not havethe wind for extended pulls, butthe kids don't know or appreciatethat. Then after the extendedwagon pull as I breathlessly fell tothe ground, I was attacked by twoscreaming and vicious kiddies asthe 11-month-old looked on clap-ping his hands.

All of them had been eatingchocolate ice cream, and duringour romp, managed to wipe theirface and hands clean on my once-white shirt.

But such fun. You have to take the time, now,

to play with them and enjoy them.They grow up and away so fast,and all you are left with are adultsand memories.

In a nostalgic mood I got tothinking about our granddaugh-ter Sarah, the mother of our 2-year-old great-granddaughterNixon. It seems like only yester-day that Sarah was about 6 andwas sitting on the stairs of ourporch. She had spotted a blackwidow spider and I was tellingher that it was toxic and its bitevery dangerous.

I told her that it was called aBlack Widow because after mat-ing she would kill and eat thedaddy spider. There was silence,and Sarah looked at me with biground eyes and said, "Wow, talkabout spousal abuse!"

Now I don't know where shelearned the phrase “spousalabuse,” but she was right and Idoubled up with laughter.

We got rid of the spider andeveryone was safe. Later that dayI sent a note to Reader’s Digestwith the story of my grand-daughter and the Black Widow.But they never answered. Phooeyon them!

Nevertheless, it's been yearsbut I still chuckle when I remem-ber little Sarah and the abusedMr. Spider.

Wofford Heights resident RodMiddleworth, a retired securitymanager for Pacific Bell, is aninstructor for the local AARPDriver Safety Program.


Sarah and the spiderThings I Have Noticed...

You can find us between Ewings Rapid and theKernville Bridge with over 1,000' of Private Shoreline!

Every site is equipped with water and electric (mostinclude sewer)... no generators here!

Our downtown location is easy and convenient forour guests to explore the restaurants and shops.

Come visit us today to take a look around and bookyour next vacation to the Kern River Valley!


RiverViewRV Park ■


Kernville Road





24 Sirretta StreetKernville, CA760-376-2345

Monthly (Long term) Sites are Available

■ Full Hook-Ups

■ Shaded Campsites

■ 30/50 Amp Service

■ Tents Welcome

■ Table & Fire Ring/Grill

■ Hot Showers (Included)

■ Air Compressor Station

■ Dump Station

■ Ice & Firewood For Sale

■ Laundry Available

■ Year Round Camping“Now Taking Online Reservations”


Courier file photo by Murdoc Douglas

The pool is cool at South Fork Middle School.

Take the plunge with KVAPLynette Thomas, KVAP DirectorSpecial to the Courier

The Kern Valley AquaticsProgram has been working hard toprovide new opportunities for thecommunity at the valley's only pub-lic pool. Swim programs will startMonday, June 14 at the South ForkMiddle School campus. For adetailed schedule visit our websiteat or call 760-299-2030.

Lap Swim hours have beenincreased to appeal to working indi-viduals who would like to swim.7:30- 9:30am T/Th and 5:00- 6:30pmM/W. The Senior Aquatics class willremain on M/W/Th at 11 am but theprogram has been revamped to pro-vide multiple intensity levels toappeal to more seniors.

KVAP has also incorporated aJunior Lifeguard Camp for ages 8-15 or who have completed level 3Red Cross swim instruction. Thiscourse builds a foundation ofknowledge, attitude, and skills thatwill prepare them for lifeguardtraining. Both sessions will consistof conditioning, lifeguard instruc-tion, and activity days. Conditioningwill include swimming, running,calisthenics and team-building

games. Activity days will include arafting trip donated by SierraSouth, open water swimming at thebeach, introduction to kayaking,and a competition on July 16 atParadise Cove.

KVAP will also be offering aRecreation Swim Camp this sum-mer. For only $50 a month or $125the whole summer, anyone cancome out a try out our new pooltoys, like the 7ft inflatable basketballgame or engage in a game of poolvolleyball. There will open gymtimes for the campers as well. Reccamp is M-Th from 12-4pm. Therewill also be free seamless lunch anda snack for anyone under the age of18. Rec Swim Camp is open for dropoff of children over the age of 6.Children under the age of 6 must beaccompanied by an adult.

There will be morning and after-noon swim lessons M-Thurs thisyear. For a complete listing of timesand to register for any of our pro-grams, Visit our website, email us at:[email protected] or call 760-299-2030.

Kern Valley Aquatics Programoffers swim lessons for anyone ages0-99. Our mission is to make every

See SWIM, Page 16

Page 4: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Page 4 Friday, June 4, 2010AdventuresK E R N R I V E R

LegendBoat Launch Ramps Camp Grounds Towns Hospital + Other Features


Drainage Area 2,093 Square MilesCapacity, Gross Pool 570,000 Acre-Ft.Surface Area, Gross Pool 11,400Shoreline, Gross Pool 38 milesLength, Gross Pool 9 miles

Main DamMaximum Height 185 FeetLength at Crest 1695 Feet

Auxiliary DamMaximum Height 100 FeetMaximum Length 3,257 Feet

Lake ConstructionStarted March 1948Finished April 1953


Tillie CreekLive Oak

North Fork Marina

Boulder Gulch

Rich GulchHungry Gulch

West SideFrench Gulch

French Gulch MarinaPioneer Point




to Ridgecrest




M.L. Ludiker Artwork & Design

Lake Isabella

South Fork Recreation Area

South Fork Wildlife ParkingArea


Robinson Cove

County Dump


Golf Course

Cyrus Canyon OHV AreaTarget Range



Main DamKissack BayLI Visitor Center

Old Isabella RdAuxiliary DamEngineer Point

Wildlife Area




a Way


tain 9


To Baker



Hanning Flat

Map courtesyMike Ludiker

Recreation InfoU.S. Forest Service

Lake Isabella office:4875 Ponderosa Dr. (enter from

Hwy. 155 just over the hill fromHwy. 178)

(760) 379-5646

Kernville Office:105 Whitney Rd. (around the

corner from the museum)(760) 376-3781

General KRV Info

Kernville Chamber of Commerce11447 Kernville Rd. KernvilleCorner Sierra Way & Kernville

Road Local: (760) 376-2629Toll Free: 866-KERNVILLE

Kern River Valley Chamber ofCommerce

6404 Lake Isabella Blvd. Across from Senior CenterLocal: (760) 379-5236Toll Free: (866) KRV4FUN

Emergencies - call 911Kern Valley Substation

Sheriff’s Department and CHP7050 Lake Isabella Blvd.(760) 549-2100Weekdays only, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Kern Valley HospitalKern Valley Healthcare District

McCray and Laurel, Mt. Mesa(760) 379-2681

Sponsored by the Airport Cafe at Kern Valley Airport

Sierra Way, 4 mi. south of Kernville Rd.Breakfast & Lunch, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Great food 7 days a week

Kern River Valley information

Mike MencariniKern River Courier Columnist

One down, two to go.The first major weekend of

the summer is now behind us.The fishing pressure is off fornow.

You’ll for-give me if Iwrite a shortcolumn thisweek, but Ifind that trav-eling aroundthe lake on aholiday weekend really pushesmy patience. I really don’t mindthe amount of people, but Imind the amount of trash theyleave behind. It’s truly a mess.It’s hard to understand whythey don’t get it.

I won’t try to figure out why.

I just have two suggestions forpeople.

1. If you visit our lake, takeout what you bring in.

2. If you live here and you goto the lake, take a bag with youand spend 10 minutes helping

clean up. Thelake will thankyou.

This week theupper river willbe stocked fromRiverside Parkto Brush Creek.

Still no wordon Alder, Cedar, LloydMeadow or the Tule. The biolo-gists are still surveying.

Mike Mencarini is a WoffordHeights resident and a volun-teer at the Kern River FishHatchery.

Fishing shouldn’t involve trashCourier Fishing Report

Sponsored by theLakeview Motel

12090 Hwy. 178, Mt. Mesa.(760) 379-8250 or Toll Free(800) 929-8250. High SpeedWiFi available.

The Kern River Courier’sSights Of The Valley

Valerie Minoux of Squirrel Valley, an advertising advisor for KRV Publishing and the Courier,took these great shots during a trip to the Trail of 100 Giants over the weekend.

Bring your catch to theH&E Mini-Mart in WoffordHeights to have it weighed.Get a picture taken too.

Valley history: town of Old IsabellaThe town of Lake Isabella is directly related to a previous town called

Isabella, the site of which was inundated in the 1950s when the lake went in. Old Isabella was first known as Barton Junction, when Steven Barton home-

steaded the site in 1886. He built a small home near where the roads fromHavilah, Onyx, and Old Kernville met close to the junctions of the South Forkand the North Fork of the Kern. This is approximately where the AuxiliaryDam is today.

Barton may have chosen the site for his town with the benefit of a littleinside information. He had met Richard Keyes in White River some yearsbefore, and perhaps the two men had discussed the future possibilities of theKern River area. Since he was a well-established surveyor, Barton may haveheard rumors of the plans being made to acquire land and water rights alongthe Kern River for a power plant. Barton had surveyed the course for theWutchumme Ditch, the first irrigation canal in Tulare County, and acted assuperintendent during the construction.

Barton was a man of many talents. Most of his known endeavors had beenin the fields of geology and civil engineering. His success had largely been dueto his early educational background and plenty of persistence and self-instruc-tion. He was a 60-year-old bachelor when he homesteaded Barton Junctionand began his new career as the founder of a town.

In a valley known for its rough and rowdy names like Black Gulch, WhiskeyFlat, Bear Trap, and Rattlesnake Creek, Barton showed his individualism bynaming his new town . . . Isabella.

In choosing that regal, feminine name, Steven Barton was deeply influencedby the patriotism of his forefathers and his love for America.

In 1893, he completed his plans for the township of Isabella, laid out into 98parcels, and recorded his plans in the offices of the Kern County Recorder.

—– information from books by Bob Powers

Page 5: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Previews of new DVDs by DNA Smith

Released the week of June15:

PICKS OF THE WEEK"The Book of Eli" (R) -- This

is the Hughes Brothers directo-rial foray into the post-Apocalyptic future genre. Onthe plus side: A wicked intenseDenzel Washington. On thedownside: No Thunderdome.Washington stars as the titularEli, a man in possession of abook that supposedly will res-cue humanity from the devasta-tion of the recent apocalypse.He heads westalong theHighway ofDeath, openingcans of whoop-ass on any mal-contents alongthe way.Eventually, heends up in a townwhere a corruptand evil barowner (GaryOldman) decideshe will do what-ever it takes togain possession of Eli's book.

"The Book of Eli" is a prettygood picture. It's not awesome,but it doesn't stink either. Whileit doesn't have Tina Turner withbig hair, the film does have MilaKunis. And I'm fine with that.

"The Stepfather" [Blu Ray] (R)-- If you thought TerryO'Quinn's portrayal of JohnLocke in "Lost" was creepy,wait until you see him with hair!"The Stepfather" is the cult 1987thriller about a guy namedJerry Blake (O'Quinn), wholongs for the perfect idyllic sub-urban life -- beautiful wife, fam-ily, white picket fence, thewhole shebang. He marriesShelly Hack and becomes step-father to her 16-year-old daugh-ter. The daughter suspects thatJerry's Ward Cleaver personamasks something more sinisterand dangerous. And she's right.If you're looking for a thrillerthat'll chill you to the bone, youhave got see this movie.

DOG OF THE WEEK"When In Rome" (PG-13) --

Kristen Bell stars in this ridicu-lous chick flick about a frantic,career obsessed woman whogoes to Italy for her sister'swedding, and like every driven,ambitious woman in movies likethis, she realizes that her goalsand successes are meaninglessbecause she doesn't have aman. Excuse me while I pausefor three minutes to make pfffff-frt sounds with my armpit.

So she goes to The Fountainof Love and steals five coins, asyou do. But wait! These aren'tjust any coins. No Sirree! These

are MagicalCoins thatsummon thelovelorn menwho tossedthem into thefountain, andput a love spellon them, mak-ing those poorsaps infatuatedwith VeronicaMars. Now shehas to find a

way to breakthe spells,

because all the guys are kindagross or weird -- except for theHot Guy you see next to her inthe movie poster. Is his love forher real? When she breaks thespell on him, will he be The One-- The Big Boy who will defineher life? Pffffffrt.

TV SERIES"Family Guy" Vol. 8 "MacGyver: The TV Movies""American Dad" Vol. 5 "Johnny Bravo" Season One"Leave it to Beaver" Season

Three "Secret Life of the American

Teenager" Volume Four "Sanctuary" The Complete

Second Season "Here's Lucy" Season Three"Everwood" The Complete

Third Season "My Three Sons" Season

Two, Vol. 2

c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

Friday, June 4, 2010 Page 5EntertainmentK E R N R I V E R

Couch Theater‘Eli’ a good popcorn flick

By Cindy Elavsky

Q: I was happy to read inyour column about DavidJames Elliott's new HallmarkChannel movie "Dad's Home."It got me to thinking that I'dlove to see him in anotherseries so I can watchhim on a regularbasis. Does he haveany plans to comeback to television ina new series? -- KimT., St. Louis

A: You're in luck.David co-stars in thesummer series"Scoundrels," whichairs Sunday nights onABC. He plays WolfWest, the incarceratedpatriarch of a family ofsmall-time criminals. Hiswife (Virginia Madsen)must try to make ends meet as thefamily tries to go straight.

David is thrilled to try on thisnew role, telling me: "This guy, hehas a lot of me in him, and he's gota lot of people that I know in him.It's just a great opportunity thatcame along, and I'm just happy tobe a part of it. He's completely dif-ferent from Harmon Rabb (hischaracter on "JAG"), and that'sdynamite."

***Q: I know Alec Baldwin is

very politically vocal, but is ittrue he is going to run foroffice? -- Paul T., Altoona, Pa.

A: According to Alec'sspokesman, Matthew Hiltzick, thisrumor is false. He told the NewYork Daily news that Alec has nocurrent plans to run for office, but"who knows what may happen inthe future?"

***Q: My mother and I are hav-

ing a disagreement. We bothcan remember a series ofPolaroid commercials from theearly 1980s that featuredMariette Hartley and anotheractor, and they played a cute,

bickering husband-and-wife team. Mymother insists theactor was RockHudson, but I sayno. However, Ican't rememberwho it was. Canyou help? -- GenieW., via e-mail

A: I can, Genie, Ican. But I also see thisas a perfect opportuni-ty to have another con-test. Readers, here'syour chance to win anautographed copy of

Mariette Hartley's autobiography,"Breaking the Silence." Can you tellGenie who that actor was who co-starred with Mariette in those cute'80s Polaroid commercials?

Send your answer (with yourname and address) to: CindyElavsky, Celebrity Extra, KingFeatures Weekly Service, P.O. Box536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.Or go to to enter. Entries must bereceived (or postmarked) by July31. Five winners will be chosenand announced in a future column.

***Write to Cindy at King Features

Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475,Orlando, FL 32853-6475; or e-mailher at [email protected] more news and extended inter-views, visit

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

Guess the actor and winCelebrity Extra

Denzel Washington

David James Elliott

1. Avatar (PG-13) Sam Worthington2. It's Complicated (R) Meryl Streep3. Tooth Fairy (PG) Dwayne "The Rock"Johnson4. Leap Year (PG) Amy Adams5. The Lovely Bones (PG-13) SusanSarandon6. Sherlock Holmes (PG-13) Robert

Downey, Jr.7. The Blind Side (PG-13) SandraBullock8. Crazy Heart (R) Jeff Bridges9. Old Dogs (PG) John Travolta10. Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call: NewOrleans (R) Nicolas Cage

(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Page 6: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Page 6 Kern River Courier Friday, June 4, 2010

SafeBefirefireProperty clearance for fuels reduction work must be completed by June 9th.

Wildfires can be damaging. It's a clear choice, "Be Fire Wise!!!" State law requires property owners to clear a minimum of 100 feetfrom any structure.

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Lessons learned from fires

File photo of Piute Fire by Peter Weir/Special to the Courier

Fires can get away from you in a brief instant and cause a really big fire. Don’t takea chance; make sure you and your property are Fire Safe.

Mike EsnardSpecial to the Courier

(Editor’s note: this was writtenfor the Idyllwild Town Crier inAugust 2008.)

As was reported recently inthis paper, the Forest Serviceissued reports on the Grass ValleyFire that took place near LakeArrowhead last October. Reportslike these, written by expertsabout fire in communities verymuch like ours, are vitally impor-tant to us. I will highlight the les-sons I took from it, but thoseinterested can find the reports onthe San Bernardino NationalForest web site.

I take two major lessons fromthe reports. The first is thatreducing fuel around communi-ties makes them safer. The secondis that wildland fire as we normal-ly think of it was not directlyresponsible for the destruction ofthe great majority of homes. Oncethe fire got into residential areas,houses, not vegetation, were theprimary fuel. At that point it was

an urban fire. The second lesson is more

worrisome. Of the 199 homesburned, experts think that onlysix were burned because of directcontact with a crowning fire, or awall of flame fueled by vegeta-tion. They believe that 193 of theburned homes were ignited bysurface fire burning right up tothe building (via needles andleaves), embers carried by thewind, or the heat from a houseburning close by. Burning housesthrew firebrands downwind toother houses, in many cases leav-ing the surrounding vegetationintact.

Abated homes made a differ-ence in allowing fire fightersincreased visibility and access.We need to remember that firefighters are making choices aboutwhich homes they can save whileminimizing the risks to them-selves. They are not going wherethey can't see.

Surface fuels leading right upto the house are an obvious firepath, which is why they are high-lighted in abatement codes.

Roger MasonBuilding & Yard Maintenance& General Cleaning

P.O. Box 988 Wofford Heights, CA 93285760-417-9020 cell 760-417-9020

Cooler ServiceSpecial! $3000

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Page 7: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Our Valley, Our Earth

Depth increases temperatureRon BolyardKern River Courier Columnist

The attached curve is a reason-able depiction of the increase oftemperature versus the depthbelow the sur-face of the earth.I say reasonablebecause weknow that thecore and part ofthe mantle aremolten andhumans haveprobed toaround 55,000feet with tem-perature measuring devices, soby extrapolation, the curveshould be smooth and that tem-perature would increase in anexponential fashion. It is possible,but not likely, that there could beareas, at depth, that decrease intemperature due to shielding, iso-lation or insulation from heatsources. Hollywood has depicted

such possibilities in films, but Ihave difficulty believing that to betrue. I guess that I am old-fash-ioned.

The importance of this temper-ature vs. depth curve is to use itin the studies of global subduc-tion zones. As the rock materialsare pushed to depth by subduc-tion, they grow hotter the deeperthey are pushed and ultimatelyare re-melted into molten mantlematerial. Due to the ContinentsAdrift Theory, these molten mate-rials re-emerge at the oceanicPlate boundaries causing lava topour out and new lava is deposit-ed at the plate boundaries caus-ing them to diverge away fromeach other. This cyclic process, asshown in many articles, says thatrocks are destroyed by subduc-tion and created at mid-oceanicridges. As the song says, "Andthe beat goes on"!


Ron Bolyard is a retired geolo-gist andhas devel-oped an“acuteinterest” inthe geologyof thesouthernSierraNevadasince hemoved herein 1999.

Friday, June 4, 2010 Kern River Courier Page 7

Ron Bolyard

Hi there everybody out in "CourierLand." Well, ol’ Bob has gone solarcooking. So far I have a Global SolarOven. We solar folks call it GSO. Ialso got a-holt of a parabolic cooker,and have one of the world-renowned"Rocket Stoves." I would like to hearfrom folks who are into solar cooking,want to learn more, exchange recipes,have a show and tell, or maybe con-duct a solar cook out.

You can drop me a line at [email protected], or if you're not upto date, send a snail mail to BodfishBob at the Courier address.

Happy Solar Days, Bodfish Bob

Bodfish Bob's Solar Campers Beef Stew

Use two solar oven pots. The ideafor this dish is to prepare and start itbefore leaving camp in the morning.It will be done enough to eat in 3 - 4hours, but it takes 5 - 6 hours of cook-

ing in good sun for the meat to breakdown and become “pot roaststringy”. Venison, elk, antelope orpork can be substituted.

The Meat1 lb. Beef (chuck is the most tasty)

stew meat cut into 1-inch cubes 1 tsp. Dried thyme 1 tsp salt, or to taste 1 tsp. Fresh ground black pepper,

or to taste The Vegetables1 ½ lb. Baking potatoes peeled and

cut into 1-inch cubes 1 lb. Carrots, peeled and cut into 1

inch pieces 1 medium onion peeled and

coarsely chopped The Sauce1 can diced tomatoes, drained Make the DishNo extra water is necessary and

should not be added – the solar ovenretains the moisture of cooking ingre-dients. Add all the ingredients to thepots and mix well. Put the top on thepots, the pots in the oven. Clip theclear lid to the oven. The oven shouldbe aimed at the sun, so that the sunshadow is straight behind the oven.Next rotate the oven clockwise 30degrees. There is no danger of fireand the oven will not overcook thisdish so it may be left unattended for aslong as necessary. It would help, but isnot mandatory, to re-point the oven atthe sun and then do another 30degree rotation at about 1:30 p.m. tooptimize sun power. Cooking Time: 3– 6 hours. Serves 4.

Visit Bodfish Bob on the Web You can writeto him at [email protected]

Recipes for Dummies by Bodfish Bob

California JoeKern River Courier Columnist

MemorialDay cameupon us onceagain lastweekend, andthat means theKRV ArtAssociationshow.

Miz Sue andI rumbled downthe hill and made our way to the lit-tle park called Circle Park rightacross the street from Kernville’sDrug Store. Twenty-five small whitesheeted booths had braved the ele-ments and were showing signs ofnew life judging from the enthusias-tic crowd already swirling about thetwo-day encampment.

There was the usual stuff to buy.Trinkets of this and that, paintings ofsunbeaten old houses and shedsfrom old South Fork days. We madethe rounds and were about to leavewhen I noticed one last booth withsomething different for sale – bird-houses. But these birdhouses weredifferent. They were bigger in sizeand had a South American influencein the building of some of them. Thelarger ones were garlanded in rusticvines obviously gathered from theSouth Fork area.

Mike Thompson and his wifeJuanita were seated in two campchairs at the rear of the small boothand they were more than willing toshare their information as to howthey came by this specialized kind of

house building. Seems Mike hadretired from teaching fifth grade,and then third. He soon enoughfound a need to busy himself withsomething to do. So he startedbuilding bird houses. At first theywere small and boxy but Juanitaproved to be a more than willingbuilder herself and soon they wereturning out some pretty fancy hous-es for the bird population of KernCounty.

Sunday morning I bought onethat especially caught my eye.Thisfellow looked like he belonged on aSouth American plantation.Obviously this bird was planning toraise a large family and that wasfine with me. I have a ravine downthe hill near a small pond that’sready for some birding life.

I came back again on Monday,Memorial Day and bought twomore. Juanita had designed one andit was a pretty good replica of the lit-tle barber shop right across thestreet from the park where crowdswere swirling about.

Mike’ll be back on Labor Day sit-ting in a camp chair with Juanitaand I’ll probably buy another birdhouse. I’m already busily clearinghillside brush for my growing family.I’ve got one new tenant alreadymoving in.

This landlording business keepsme right on my toes!

California Joe is the storyteller per-sona of Stevenson Phillips, an actorand singer living in Kernville. Youmay reach him at [email protected].

California Joe

California Joe’s Storytelling Corner

Birdhouse builder at art show M.L.LudikerM.L.Ludiker

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Page 8: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Page 8 Kern River Courier Friday, June 4, 2010

Matt FreemanKern River Courier Columnist

Vacant Land transactions are asignificant part of the market uphere in the Kern River Valley.Why is that? Well, we have a lotof vacant land!That is why weall love living uphere and that iswhy folks lovebuying up here.Wide openspaces and somepeace and quiet.We have that inabundance uphere. Buying apiece of plain dirt may not seemchallenging, but there are somepitfalls to be avoided when youdo. Land purchases can be sig-nificantly different than buying ahome. Of course the differencesdepend on what type of land, thezoning, the location, but thereare definitely some issues thatyou can find concerning landpurchases that do not typicallybecome problems when you aredoing a home purchase. Here is arundown:

1: Find out about zoning.Depending on what you want todo with the land, zoning is ahuge issue. Don't buy any pieceof dirt with just a dream and ashovel, or you may find after theclose of escrow that the CountyBuilding Department does notshare your dream! Know the zon-ing and know what is allowed in

that zoning.2: Utilities. If you are buying a

plot in a neighborhood, typicallyutilities are close or already onthe property. If buying vacantacreage, utilities may be an issue.Once again, do your research.Don't assume anything. Use acompetent real estate agent whoknows how to get the answers toyour questions, even if thatanswer is "I don't know but I willsure find out for you." Make sureyou know where and how muchfor the utility hookups.

3: Flood and fire zones. A lotof land in this area is either oneor both. Know if you are buyingsomething in any of these areas.Pay attention to the NaturalHazard Disclosure that will beprovided to you, very importantstuff on there.

4: Financing. Banks havetightened the reigns on loans andgetting a loan on raw land washard in the first place. Cash isking when buying land. If youneed financing it is out there, butmake sure it is lined up beforeyou write a contract offer orchances are the seller will justdecline to answer until theyknow you have the means to pur-chase.

Next week, differencesbetween a Manufactured and aMobile Home.

Matt Freeman is a Realtorwith Freeman’s Lakeside Realty(760) 379-5915 or cell 223-0880. His column is not intend-ed to replace legal advice.

Matt Freeman

Vacant land transactions Talking About Real Estate




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What a find this is! Check outthis very unique, one of a kindhome in Squirrel Valley. Situatedon over 3/4 of an acre with greatviews from all sides , this prop-erty is ready to move into. Sellerhas spent tens of thousands onremodeling and upgrading andthe property shows it. The home

feels brand new and looks that way too! Over 2290 sq feet with 2 levels and 4 Bedrooms,one of which is currently an office. The large view deck that wraps around the front of thehouse is all new, built with the newest and best decking product on the market. Both floorsof the interior have been extensively remodeled Including the kitchen. New flooring, newpaint, 2 fireplaces, all new bathroom with large soaker tub, the list goes on and on. There isa lake view from the deck, a large outdoor Kitchen and BBQ area and best of all this homeis an equestrians dream including a hay barn. Property includes Organic Garden andGreenhouse. This home is truly a find you really must see to fully appreciate.

Squirrel Valley4 Beds 1.75 Baths

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[email protected]


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Page 9: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

themed sales floor complete with craps, poker and black jack tables fashioned asworkstations, and a roulette wheel that top-selling telemarketers spun for cashbonuses.

It is illegal for loan modification consultants to charge up-front fees for their serv-ices.

Internet scamsWe’re wired to be social creatures, and sites like Twitter and Facebook have cap-

italized on this to great success. According to its COO Sheryl Sandberg, Facebookdraws 175 million logins every day.

But with this tremendous popularity comes a dark side as well. Virus writers andother cybercriminals go where the numbers are—and that includes popular socialmedia sites. To help you avoid a con or viral infection, we’ve put together this list ofthe top 5 social media scams.

# 5 Chain LettersYou’ve likely seen this one before—the dreaded chain letter has returned. It may

appear in the form of, "Retweet this and Bill Gates will donate $5 million to charity!"But hold on, let’s think about this. Bill Gates already does a lot for charity. Why wouldhe wait for something like this to take action? Answer: He wouldn’t. Both the causeand claim are fake.

# 4 Cash GrabsBy their very nature, social media sites make it easy for us to stay in touch with

friends, while reaching out to meet new ones. But how well do you really know thesenew acquaintances? That person with the attractive profile picture who just friend-ed you – and suddenly needs money – could be some cybercriminal looking for easycash. Think twice before acting. In fact, the same advice applies even if you know theperson.

Picture this: You just received an urgent request from one of your real friends who"lost his wallet on vacation and needs some cash to get home." So, being the helpfulperson you are, you send some money right away, per his instructions. But there’s aproblem: your friend never sent this request. In fact, he isn’t even aware of it. His mal-ware-infected computer grabbed all of his contacts and forwarded the bogus emailto everyone, waiting to see who would bite.

# 3 Hidden Charges"What type of ‘Star Wars’ character are you? Find out with our quiz! All of your

friends have taken it!" Hmm, this sounds interesting, so you enter your info and cellnumber, as instructed. After a few minutes, a text turns up. It turns out you’re moreYoda than Darth Vader. Well, that’s interesting … but not as much as your nextmonth’s cell bill will be. You’ve also just unwittingly subscribed to some dubiousmonthly service that charges $9.95 every month. As it turns out, that "free, fun serv-ice" is neither. Be wary of these bait and switch games. They tend to thrive on socialsites.

# 2 Phishing Requests"Somebody just put up these pictures of you drunk at this wild party! Check 'em

out here!" Huh? Let me see that! Immediately, you click on the enclosed link, whichtakes you to your Twitter or Facebook login page. There, you enter your account info– and a cybercriminal now has your password, along with total control of your

account.How did this happen? Both the

email and landing page were fake. Thatlink you clicked took you to a page thatonly looked like your intended socialsite. It's called phishing, and you've justbeen had. To prevent this, make sureyour Internet security includes anti-phishing defenses. Many freeware pro-grams don't include this essential pro-tection.

# 1 Hidden URLsBeware of blindly clicking on short-

ened URLs. You'll see them everywhereon Twitter, but you never know whereyou're going to go since the URL("Uniform Resource Locator," the Webaddress) hides the full location. Clickingon such a link could direct you to yourintended site, or one that installs all sortsof malware on your computer.

URL shorteners can be quite useful.Just beware of their potential pitfalls, andmake sure you have real-time protectionagainst spyware and viruses.

Friday, June 4, 2010 Kern River Courier Page 9

EVENTS continued from page 2

handouts, etc. If you have questions please call Bobby at (760) 379-4336.

Kernville Chamber Whitewater Wednesday June 16Whitewater Wednesday, sponsored by the Kernville Chamber of

Commerce, will be held on June 16. Two thrilling whitewater rafting tripsare offered, the Lickety Split for $27 or the Sequoia Spash for $47. Give thisdrenching treat to your employees, customers, family or friends. Log or call 760-376-2629 for more information. It’sa good introductory price if you’ve never been on a rafting trip before.

McCarthy’s field staff to hold office hours Thursday, June 17On June 17, a Field Representative for Congressman Kevin McCarthy

will hold office hours in Lake Isabella. Office hours will be held at the KernAdministrative Building - 7050 Lake Isabella Blvd. from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30p.m. Contact Vince Fong, District Director for Congressman McCarthy, at(661) 327-3611 for an appointment.

To include your event in the Courier Calendar, just submit the informationto the Courier (our addresses are on page 2) by Tuesday for each Friday’sissue. Events must be open to the public and admission price, if any, must belisted.

ShopDownTownLake Isabella

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SCAMS continued from page 1

Page 10: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Page 10 Friday, June 4, 2010

Courier chuckle of the week:“Women can be married, not married, havea job, not have a job, be married with chil-dren, unmarried with children. Men havethe same choice we've always had: work, orprison.” -- Tim Allen

See Page 14 foranswers to puzzles

Page 11: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010 Kern River Courier Page 11

Trivia TestBy Fifi Rodriguez

1. TELEVISION: Who was the star of thecable series "The Sopranos"?

2. MOVIES: What kind of fish is Dory in"Finding Nemo"?

3. ANATOMY: What organ in the humanbody produces bile?

4. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the firstU.S. president to lose a re-election bid?

5. FAMOUS QUOTES: Who once said,"All you need in this life is ignorance andconfidence, and then success is sure."

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Choosing to workwith someone you once thought might have beendisloyal is a courageous move. The logical next stepis to talk things out.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Take your timemaking a decision about a personal or work-relatedrelationship. New facts are still coming in.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Expect to learnsomething new about an old problem. This couldprovide some insight into how the problem began,and why it still defies efforts to find a resolution..

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) An uneasy work-related relationship can be eased with compromisesby both sides. The parties might consider putting theagreed-upon changes in writing.

LEO (July 23 to August 22) Oh, you lucky Felines:Your romantic aspects are in absolutely purrrfectform. The ladies and gentlemen in your life are goingto be especially attentive this week.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Looking toprove yourself in a difficult situation is laudable. Buttry paying more attention to advice from experi-enced contacts.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A businessdecision seems easy enough to make based on whatyou know. But this week could bring new facts to

light, and you might have to do some heavy rethink-ing.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Feelingsure about the steps you expect to take is great. Butyou may need to share a few dollops of that confi-dence with those who have doubts about your plans.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Asense of well-being dominates much of the week. Aslightly depressed mood could set in on the week-end. But being with family and friends helps shoo itaway.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Youappear to be walking your life's path like the sure-footed Goat you are. But someone might feel youcould do better. Listen to the advice, but make upyour own mind.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Withpositive signs growing stronger, Aquarians couldfind themselves facing choices that are each toogood to turn down. Best advice: Go for the one youfeel most comfortable with.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Someone youknow might need your comfort and wisdom duringa particularly difficult period. Your encouragingwords help restore self-confidence and rebuildstrength.

BORN THIS WEEK: Your kindness to all whoneed you is always appreciated and sets a fine exam-ple for others to follow.

c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

Salome’s Stars

1. James Gandolfini2. Regal blue tang3. Liver4. The second president, John Adams, served a

single term and lost narrowly to Thomas Jefferson5. Mark Twain


(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

Page 12: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Page 12 Kern River Courier Friday, June 4, 2010

PROFESSIONAL PAINTERInterior & Exterior 25 years exp.

References available.Call Scott - 760-223-0025__________________________LARRY SCHUPPAN'S

Garage Doors & Openers. NewSales & Repairs. HandymanService. Weed Eating/ PropertyClearance, House Painting,Fibreglass repair, Decks, Covers,Masonry, Electrical, Plumbing.(760) 379-1430 or 760-417-2806License #CL492150 __________________________


In Bodfish - Will Travel!Personal, Business, Corporate

(760) 549-0270 / (760) 417-0392 __________________________LIGHTHOUSE ELECTRIC

Quality WorkFair Prices

Call Ross (760) 981-3361License #708148__________________________

YARD & LOT CLEAN UPHave been educated for

Hazard Reduction ServiceRoger Mason - 760-417-9020__________________________TAXI - MOVING SERVICE

Seniors ServicesTransportation or call Office Cell

661-867-2866 345-5885__________________________


"Craftsmanship andAttention to Detail"

(760) [email protected]__________________________

HERITAGE CLEANERS - Von'sShopping Center. Dry Cleaning,Laundry, Comforters. Tue & Thuafternoon pick-up. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm,Sat.9am-2pm.760-379-4271 __________________________

ART'S ELECTRICLocally owned - Free Estimates

Always on Time!25 years exp. - Lic. #560220

(760) 223-3648__________________________SWAMP COOLER SERVICESPECIAL - $30.00 + PARTS

CALL ROGER MASON760-417-9020__________________________

TERESA HENRICKS NotaryService Located in the KRV. 5Year Notary. I will travel to yourlocation. Available any time foryour convenience. 760-985-1148__________________________

CERTIFIED CAREGIVERfor the elderly, caring and reli-able, hours flexible. 25 yearsexperience. Call 760-376-4707__________________________


Over 40 years of graphic artdesign with more than 15 yearsof Internet experience & awards.When your image is too impor-tant to risk, call us for a “NoObligation” quote. 760-376-2177

TAI CHI QUANPromotes balance, strength,coordination. Lessons, TonyPino. Mt. Mesa Park, 9AM

Sundays. Donation.

HORSE MANUREMade Fresh Daily. No *&#@

You load and haul.Call after 6:00 pm


Lake Isabella - $640/mo (incldsspace rent) in quiet 55+ park. 2bd, 2 ba completely refurbished.Rent to Own + sec dep & goodcredit. Call Joel (760) 379-2092_________________________Kernville - Hi-Ho MobileHome Park. 2 bd / 2 ba Apts.$595/mo + deposit and utilities.760-376-2671_________________________Wofford Hts - Remodeled 3/bd,2/ba home in Pala Ranchesw/xtra room under house, mtview, stove, refrig + w/d hookup,Sec 8 ok. $900/mo + deposit. Call323-447-9140 or 323-969-8061_________________________Neatest Adult Park in the Valley3 to choose from. $300 to $600.Just refurbished, deck over-look-ing Tillie Creek. Double panewindows, wood stove, new appli-ances, air cond, Corion tops,must see. Pinewood Trailer Park,99 Evans Rd. Wofford Heights._________________________Wofford Heights - 2 bd. 1 bahome w/commercial shop/garage. $800/mo. For applica-tion, call 760-376-2436_________________________Wofford Heights - 2BR. 1BADoublewide 2 Covered decks,Stove, Refrig, Micro, Clean,Quiet. $600/Mo. + Dep. Sr.Discount call 760-376-6578

LOTS OF MISCELLANEOUSOFFICE EQUIPMENT (copi-er, fax printer, desk, etc.) @KRV Cemetery. Call 760-376-2189 for more info._________________________ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR(Drives Medical Designs) LikeNew. Used 3 times. $600. orbest offer 760-378-3864

MOUNT N' LAKE MOTEL311 E. Evans Rd. Wofford Hts.24/7 - One Person-$49, FourDays-$179, One Week -$279.Pets Welcome. 760-376-2307

CHIHUAHUA PUPPYCKC-registered male. 8 weeks.Gold & white. All shots.Wormed. Health guarantee.Pad trained. Social & loving.Raised in home. Parents onpremises. $250. 760-379-1403_________________________FREE KITTENS - 5-6 wksold, hand raised rescues. 1blk, 2 tabby, 1 orange, 1white/orange, 1 white/grey.909-450-1368 or 760-417-0572

Lake Isabella - 3,600 sq. ft. bldgon approx 3 acres for lease locat-ed @ 3615 Suhre Street (cornerof Suhre & Hwy 155.) Excellentoffice space for medical, dental,school, church, or? Terms nego-tiable. Call (760) 417-0876_________________________Kernville- Storage-Warehouse-Downtown - Private alleyentrance, locked gate, high ceil-ing. 2 parking spaces, 820 sq ft.(17'x48') $395/mo.1st & last.760-376-3024. Could also be a mancave or garage.

The Rich Pelletreau Galleryis now closed and the log cabin inWofford Heights in which it waslocated is now for rent. For infor-mation, please call MarcyHughes at 1-760-417-1953_________________________Wofford Heights - Office/ retailspaces available @6749 WoffordBlvd. 1,500 sq ft-$700 (old PostOffice) + 3 add'l spaces. Call 818-209-0510 or 818-248-4688

Make sure you advertise in the


(760) 376-2860The Kern River Courier Marketplace

~ Since 2004 ~


Washers • Dryers • RefrigeratorsStoves • Dishwashers


Explore the Kern Valley~ Shop, Dine, Play & Stay ~


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For Rent

COCKTAILS AND DANCING5430 Lake Isabella Blvd.

379-8144Largest pool table in town!

*bounce houses*water slides

*sno cones & cotton candymachines

*party supplies & moreWE DELIVER!




Chain Link - Barbed Wire - VinylWood - Custom Gates - RepairsFree Estimates 760-223-1730Serving the KRV since 1995 MORE MMARKETPLACE AADS OON PPAGE 113


For Sale

Lah-De-Dah-Gifts, Collectables,Antiques. “If it’s not here, wedon’t have it.” Sewing Center forSewing Needs. 41 Big Blue Rd.Kernville. Call 376-6704.



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Page 13: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010 Kern River Courier Page 13


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1: KERN VAL-LEY MAINTENANCE SERVICE (2010-B2866)Street address of principal place of business: 26Panarama Drive, Kernville, CA 93238. Mailingaddress of business: P.O. Box 3847, WoffordHeights, CA 93285. REGISTRANTS: KennethHamon, 26 Panarama Drive, Kernville, CA 93238and Sandra Hamon, 26 Panarama Drive, Kernville,CA 93238. I, Husband and Wife. Date the busi-ness commenced: 01/06/1995. Notice: In accor-dance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fic-titious name statement generally expires at the endof five years from the date on which it was filed inthe office of the County Clerk, except, as providedin subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where itexpires 40 days after any change in the facts setforth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913other than a change in the residence address of aregistered owner. A new Fictitious Business NameStatement must be filed before the expiration. Thefiling of this statement does not of itself authorizethe use in this State of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section 14411 et seq.,Business and Professions Code) Signed: KennethW. Hamon. This statement filed on 04/30/2010.Expires 04/30/2015. ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By G. Durward.Published by the Kern River Courier May 14, 21,28 and June 4, 2010.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1: ARENAMEDIA (2010-B3132), DBA #2: MEDIAARENA(2010-B3133) Street address of principal place ofbusiness: 154 Merrill Road, Wofford Heights, CA93285. Mailing address of business: 154 MerrillRoad, Wofford Heights, CA 93285. REGIS-TRANT: Amy Arena, 154 Merrill Road, WoffordHeights, CA 93285. A, Individual. Date the busi-ness commenced: 05/12/2010. Notice: In accor-dance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fic-titious name statement generally expires at the endof five years from the date on which it was filed inthe office of the County Clerk, except, as providedin subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where itexpires 40 days after any change in the facts setforth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913other than a change in the residence address of aregistered owner. A new Fictitious Business Name

Statement must be filed before the expiration. Thefiling of this statement does not of itself authorizethe use in this State of a fictitious business name inviolation of the rights of another under Federal,State or Common Law (see Section 14411 et seq.,Business and Professions Code) Signed: AmyArena. This statement filed on 05/13/2010. Expires05/13/2015. ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By G. Durward.Published by the Kern River Courier May 21, 28,June 4 and 11, 2010.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1: MORN-INGSTAR (2010-B3144), Street address of princi-pal place of business: 41 Big Blue Road, Kernville,CA 93238. Mailing address of business: P.O. Box24, Kernville, CA 93238. REGISTRANT: JaniceLuna, 769 West Santa Cruz, San Pedro, CA 90731A, Individual. Date the business commenced:04/21/2010. Notice: In accordance with subdivi-sion (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end of five yearsfrom the date on which it was filed in the office ofthe County Clerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 daysafter any change in the facts set forth in the state-ment pursuant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of a registeredowner. A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration. The filing ofthis statement does not of itself authorize the use inthis State of a fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal, State orCommon Law (see Section 14411 et seq., Businessand Professions Code) Signed: Janice Sue Luna.This statement filed on 05/13/2010. Expires05/13/2015. ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By G. Durward.Published by the Kern River Courier May 21, 28,June 4 and 11, 2010.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1: FAY CREEKWELL WATER SYSTEM (2010-B3143), Streetaddress of principal place of business: 143 SouthWebber Street, Weldon, CA 93283. Mailingaddress of business: P.O. Box 1005, Weldon, CA93283. REGISTRANTS: Robert Lowe, 9617 FayCreek Ford, Weldon, CA 93283, Todd Bastian, 121North "W" Street, Lompoc, CA 93283, Lora Storm,

4831 East Road, Lake Isabella, CA 93240, DorothyRay, 9613 Fay Creek Ford, Weldon, CA 93283,Carina Walker, 9727 Fay Creek Ford, Weldon, CA93283, Beth Mramor, 9621 Fay Creek Ford,Weldon, CA 93283, Richard Violano, 9557 FayCreek Ford, Weldon, CA 93283 and NaomiTanner, 5118 Willow Estates, San Jose, CA 95135.E, Unincorporated Association. Date the businesscommenced: 02/19/2010. Notice: In accordancewith subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitiousname statement generally expires at the end of fiveyears from the date on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk, except, as provided insubdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires40 days after any change in the facts set forth in thestatement pursuant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of a registeredowner. A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration. The filing ofthis statement does not of itself authorize the use inthis State of a fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal, State orCommon Law (see Section 14411 et seq., Businessand Professions Code) Signed: Robert Lowe. Thisstatement filed on 05/13/2010. Expires05/13/2015. ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By M. Rodriguez.Published by the Kern River Courier May 21, 28,June 4 and 11, 2010.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1: PRESERVETHE KERN RIVER VALLEY (2010-B3141),Street address of principal place of business: 9617Fay Creek Ford, Weldon, CA 93283. Mailingaddress of business: P.O. Box 1082, Weldon, CA93283. REGISTRANTS: Robert Lowe, 9617 FayCreek Ford, Weldon, CA 93283, JoAnn Steel,8300 Fay Ranch Road, Weldon, CA 93283, BenRudnick, 300 Doyle Ranch Road, Onyx, CA93255 and Jacquelin Cole, 15375 Sage Lane,Weldon, CA 93283. E, UnincorporatedAssociation. Date the business commenced:05/12/2010. Notice: In accordance with subdivi-sion (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end of five yearsfrom the date on which it was filed in the office ofthe County Clerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 daysafter any change in the facts set forth in the state-ment pursuant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of a registeredowner. A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration. The filing ofthis statement does not of itself authorize the use inthis State of a fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal, State orCommon Law (see Section 14411 et seq., Businessand Professions Code) Signed: Robert Lowe.This statement filed on 05/13/2010. Expires05/13/2015. ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By M. Rodriguez.Published by the Kern River Courier May 21, 28,June 4 and 11, 2010.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1: RAM M.V.P.PARTY RENTALS (2010-B3140), Street addressof principal place of business: 235 Rock HavenRoad, Wofford Heights, CA 93285. Mailingaddress of business: P.O. Box 988, WoffordHeights, CA 93285. REGISTRANT: RogerMason, 111 Roby Lane, Wofford Heights, CA93285. A, Individual. Date the business com-menced: 05/01/2010. Notice: In accordance withsubdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious namestatement generally expires at the end of five yearsfrom the date on which it was filed in the office ofthe County Clerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 daysafter any change in the facts set forth in the state-ment pursuant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of a registeredowner. A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration. The filing ofthis statement does not of itself authorize the use inthis State of a fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal, State orCommon Law (see Section 14411 et seq., Businessand Professions Code) Signed: Roger Mason.This statement filed on 05/13/2010. Expires05/13/2015. ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By M. Rodriguez.Published by the Kern River Courier May 21, 28,June 4 and 11, 2010.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1: N V PETSSALES AND MARKETING (2010-B3275),Street address of principal place of business: 2509Oak Crest Court, Bakersfield, CA 93311. Mailingaddress of business: P.O. Box 9786, Bakersfield,CA 93389. REGISTRANT: Robert Vella, 2509Oak Crest Court, Bakersfield, CA 93311. A,Individual. Date the business commenced:00/00/0000. Notice: In accordance with subdivi-sion (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end of five yearsfrom the date on which it was filed in the office of

the County Clerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 daysafter any change in the facts set forth in the state-ment pursuant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of a registeredowner. A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration. The filing ofthis statement does not of itself authorize the use inthis State of a fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal, State orCommon Law (see Section 14411 et seq., Businessand Professions Code) Signed: Robert Vella. Thisstatement filed on 05/19/2010. Expires05/19/2015. ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By G Durward.Published by the Kern River Courier May 28, June4, 11 and 18, 2010.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1: BY THEBOOK (2010-B3451), Street address of principalplace of business: 38 South Oak Knoll Lane,Wofford Heights, CA 93285. Mailing address ofbusiness: P.O. Box 784, Wofford Heights, CA93285. REGISTRANT: Royal Star Group LLC,38 South Oak Knoll Lane, Wofford Heights, CA93285. D, Limited Liability Company. Date thebusiness commenced: 05/18/2010. Notice: Inaccordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920,a fictitious name statement generally expires at theend of five years from the date on which it wasfiled in the office of the County Clerk, except, asprovided in subdivision (b) of Section 17920,where it expires 40 days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section17913 other than a change in the residence addressof a registered owner. A new Fictitious BusinessName Statement must be filed before the expira-tion. The filing of this statement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this State of a fictitious busi-ness name in violation of the rights of anotherunder Federal, State or Common Law (see Section14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code)Signed: Shirley Anne Kobylski, ManagingMember, Royal Star Group LLC. This statementfiled on 05/26/2010. Expires 05/26/2015. ANNK. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk.By G Durward. Published by the Kern RiverCourier June 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2010.


Fictitious Business Name(s) DBA #1: RIVERTOYZ (2010-B3153), DBA #2: FAST EASYSIGNS (2010-B3154) Street address of principalplace of business: 11101 Kernville Road,Kernville, CA 93238. Mailing address of busi-ness: P.O. Box 1017, Kernville, CA 93238. REG-ISTRANT: Kern River Corporation, 11101Kernville Road, Kernville, CA 93238. F,Corporation. Date the business commenced:07/01/2008. Notice: In accordance with subdivi-sion (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name state-ment generally expires at the end of five yearsfrom the date on which it was filed in the office ofthe County Clerk, except, as provided in subdivi-sion (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 daysafter any change in the facts set forth in the state-ment pursuant to Section 17913 other than achange in the residence address of a registeredowner. A new Fictitious Business Name Statementmust be filed before the expiration. The filing ofthis statement does not of itself authorize the use inthis State of a fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under Federal, State orCommon Law (see Section 14411 et seq., Businessand Professions Code) Signed: Lucian Whitman,President. This statement filed on 05/13/2010.Expires 05/13/2015. ANN K. BARNETT,Auditor-Controller-County Clerk. By J. Trujillo.Published by the Kern River Courier June 4, 11, 18and 25, 2010.

Courier Legal Notices

Marketplace Continuedfrom page 12

Lake Isabella - Nice 2bd/2ba dbl wide Mobile Home w/patio& deck + 2 car carport in quiet55+ park, $25,000 or financingavailable. 760-379-2092_________________________Very clean & nice 1/bd w/extraroom MH, Sportsman TP. 224Cypress Ln, Sp 10,Wof Hts, walkto lake, sp inclds water/trash,laundry & fish house. $10,500.Owner may consider carrying.760-376-3228. Other spaces alsoavailable!!_________________________Kernville - 1 + 1 addition,Rivernook Campground oncreek, remodeled, large fencedyard, turnkey, fully furnished.Weekender or retiree, over 40Kinvested. $22,500. 805-498-6777_________________________Lake Isabella - Lake RidgeMobile Home Park. 2 - 3 bdrm.Beautifully remodeled homesfor sale. Fantastic 55+ park w/pool. Call for info. 760-379-2274_________________________1 bd, 2 ba, Single Wide Mobilew/2 car garage. $67,000 Ownerwill carry w/$10,000 down. 760-379-7699 or 760-812-0841

ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES& COLLECTIBLES , 21st year inthe Kern River Valley. Highestprices paid, one piece or a house-full. Don’t give it away at a yardsale! Ghost Town Relics @ SilverCity. (760) 379-5146

Weekend Getaway CasinoWest June 25-26-27 $60.00 ea.Incls. Bus, Motel, Food, Coups,Games on Bus. Yerington Nev.Call Shirley 760-378-2614

Wofford Heights - Sites avail-able in quiet park with lakeviews, laundry facilities & fishhouse. $250/mo inclds water &trash. Call Jody @ 760-376-3228

9th ANNUAL SQUIRRELVALLEY-WIDE YARD SALESJune 5 - 8am. Pick up map out-side Mt. Mesa Market - Hwy 178& McCray Rd. after 7:30am onSaturday._________________________Multi-Fam Garage Sale, Fri, Sat,Sun, 6/4, 5 & 6. Furn, tools, bldgmaterials, windows, doors, misc.Must go, 8am till ?. corner ofPowers & Vista Grande,Weldon._________________________Garage Sale Sat June 5, 8am-3pm Some hand tools, col-lectibles, household objects &misc. 14 Gary St, Bodfish.

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Page 14: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Page 14 Friday, June 4, 2010aithFK E R N R I V E R

KernvilleFirst Baptist Church of Kernville46 Valley View Drive, KernvilleSunday Services — 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. 376-6403Prince of Peace Lutheran Fellowship Center44 Big Blue Road, KernvilleSunday School 9 a.m.Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. 417-2014Kernville Foursquare ChurchKernville Chamber of Commerce11447 Kernville Road Sunday Services 9:30 a.m.223-6704Kernville United Methodist Church251 Big Blue Rd., Kernville Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.376-2751St. Peter’s Anglican Church11900 Sierra Way, KernvilleSunday Service 10:00 a.m. 376-6362St. Sherrian Episcopal ChurchOdd Fellows Hall, KernvilleSundays 10 a.m.

Lake IsabellaFirst Baptist Church of Lake Isabella 3701 Suhre, Lake Isabella Sunday Services 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. 379-5615Fountain of Christ Church 5101 #A Lake Isabella Blvd, Lake IsabellaSunday Service: 9:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Wed. 6 p.m.417-0793 Landmark Missionary Baptist Church2741 Mountain View Rd, Lake Isabella Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.379-5640Mt. View Southern Baptist Church2959 Erskine Creek Rd, Lake Isabella Sunday Services 8:30, 11:15 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. 379-4296Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall1911 Edith Ave., Lake Isabella (760) 379-8672Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (LCMS)377 Highway 155, Lake Isabella Sunday Services 12:00 p.m. 379-2343Kern Valley Bible Church3920 Golden Spur, Lake Isabella Sunday Services 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.379-5482 Church of the Nazarene2931 Erskine Creek Rd., Lake IsabellaSunday Service 10:30 a.m. 379-2062Highland Chapel United Methodist 5301 LakeIsabella Bl., Lake Isabella Sunday School & Worship 9:30 a.m. 379-2120Lake Isabella Church of Christ3711 Golden Spur, Lake IsabellaSunday worship 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.Bible study Sun. 10 a.m., Thurs. 6 p.m.Kern River Valley Seventh Day Adventist 3801 Golden Spur, Lake Isabella Saturday Service 9:30 a.m. 379-3206Kern Valley Pentecostal LightHouse Church3730 Wagon Wheel Dr., Lake Isabella Sunday School 9:45

Services 10:45 a.m. Eve. 5 p.m. Wed. Service 6 p.m. 379-5819

Mt. MesaChurch of Christ Mt. Mesa6400 Dogwood Av., Mt. MesaSunday Services 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.379-4792Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints6400 Park Av., Mt. Mesa Sunday Services 10:00 a.m. 379-2904Grace Chapel12312 Mt. Mesa Rd., Mt. Mesa Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. 379-4093Christian Assembly12424 Mountain Mesa Rd., Mt. Mesa Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. 379-6377Victory Tabernacle (United Pentecostal Church)4324 Birch, Mt. Mesa Sunday Services 4 p.m. 379-6360

Southlake/WeldonKern Christian Church “The River”14900 Hwy 178, Southlake Sunday Services 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. 378-3780Weldon Baptist Church20674 Highway 178 Sunday Services 10 a.m. & 6 p.m.378-4964Weldon United Methodist Church20021 Hwy. 178, WeldonSunday Services 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.378-2321

Wofford HeightsFamily Life Center Foursquare Church 20 W.Panorama, Wofford Heights Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. 376-6719New Life Assembly of God25 Arden Av., Wofford Heights Sunday Services 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.376-6402St. Jude Catholic Church86 Nellie Dent Dr., Wofford Heights Sunday Mass 7 a.m. & 10 a.m., Sat. 4 p.m.376-2416Calvary Chapel125 Sycamore Drive, Wofford HeightsSunday Services 9 & 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. 376-8789Christ Fellowship80 Evans Road, Wofford HeightsSunday Service 10:30 a.m.

MiscellaneousSGI - USA Buddhist Discussion Meetings - call 379-6162 for dates and times.Based on the Lotus Sutra.Salvation ArmyThe needy are helped by the local affiliate of this nationalorganization. Mon. 9 am — 1 pm. 6105 Lake IsabellaBlvd., Lake Isabella. 760-379-5100.

Churches of the Valley

Clarence Semonious, pastorPrince of Peace Lutheran Fellowship, Kernville

Elijah’s adventurebecause of God’s messageto Ahab, seen from God’shiding his own, also focus-es on God’s intervention inthe lives of those who trusthim. When God gave Elijaha message for the king,“…there shall be neitherdew nor rain these years,”1 Kings 17:1. God also hada message for Elijah,“Depart from here and turneastward and hide yourself by the brookCherith, which is east of the Jordan.” 1 Kings17:3-4. The suggestion is that God’s movingElijah involved God’s timing. Pick any “natu-ral” disaster. Hurricanes, tornados and earth-quakes happen – and so does drought anddeath. But the account in 1 Kings appears tobe the natural result of a disaster that hap-pened on cue, from God. At this point, onemight assume that God’s judgmental actionproduced a faulty divine intervention to savehis prophet. But God hides his own from dan-ger within his own timing, If the sinful actionsof men are responsible for a modern daycatastrophe and we don’t look to God forhelp, other sinful men, even though elected,will only complicate life further.

But return with me now, to the excitingdays of yesteryear to watch the power ofGod. Elijah is told, “Arise, go to Zarephath,which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there.Behold, I have commanded a widow there tofeed you.” Sure enough, he found the widow,

who told him, “I have nothing baked, only ahandful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug.And now I am gathering a couple of sticksthat I may go in and prepare it for myself andmy son, that we may eat it and die.” Whatwould you say then to the minister who gaveyou advice to just “trust God.”? What Elijahtold the widow was, “Do not fear; go and doas you have said. But first make me a littlecake of it and bring it to me, and afterwardmake something for yourself and your son.” 1Kings 17:13. She did as he said and found thateach time she used the flour and oil, therewas always enough for the next batch. Yes, ofcourse yes. The lesson is that God providesfor those who love and trust God. Except…

After this the son of the woman became ill.And his illness was so severe that there wasno breath left in him. She confronted Elijahwith, “What have you against me, O man ofGod? You have come to me to bring my sin toremembrance and to cause the death of myson!” (How often do we respond by thinking“it must be something I did,” but refuse toconfess?) Elijah knew where to turn; heprayed to the LORD, “O LORD my God, letthis child's life come into him again.” The boylived. James explains, “You ask and do notreceive, because you ask wrongly, to spend iton your passions.”

Trust God.


Voices of Faith

Keep your trust in God

“Voices of Faith” is a rotating columnfeaturing messages from all churches.Pastors, please e-mail 400-word mes-sages to [email protected]

Solutions to puzzles on 10-11:

Bible Trivia by Wilson Casey

1. Is the Book of Philemon in the Old orNew Testament or neither?2. Whose first verse is, "The beginning ofthe gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son ofGod"? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John3. Which "Mount" provided a contestscene between Elijah and the prophets ofBaal? Calvary, Sinai, Bethel, Carmel4. From Luke 6, who, with companions,

went through cornfields and picked earsof corn on a Sabbath? Jesus, Mark, Luke,Samson5. Which city is often referred to as Zion?Bethlehem, Jericho, Jerusalem, Nazareth6. Who was the first-born son of Jacob?Aaron, Joseph, Reuben, Simeon

ANSWERS: 1) New; 2) Mark; 3) Carmel;4) Jesus; 5) Jerusalem; 6) Reuben(c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

Lighter side of faithReal church stories from the mouths of


Casey asked her Sunday school teacher aquestion: "If the people of Israel areIsraelites, and the people of Canann areCanannites, are the people of Paris calledParisites?"

***A Sunday school teacher was telling her

class the story of the Good Samaritan, inwhich a man was beaten, robbed and leftfor dead.

She described the situation in vividdetail so her students would catch thedrama. Then she asked the class, "If yousaw a person lying on the roadside allwounded and bleeding, what would youdo?"

A thoughtful little girl broke the hushedsilence. "I think I'd throw up!"


A little girl became restless as thepreacher's sermon dragged on and on.Finally, she leaned over to her mother andwhispered, "Mommy, if we give him themoney now, will he let us go?"


A father took his five-year-old son toseveral baseball games where “The Star-Spangled Banner” was sung before thestart of each game. Then the father and sonattended a church on a Sunday shortlybefore Independence Day. The congrega-tion sang “The Star-Spangled Banner,” andafter everyone sat down, the little boy sud-denly yelled out, "PLAY BALL!!!"

Page 15: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010 Page 15ellnessWK E R N R I V E R

Paul G. Donohue, M.D.Kern River Courier SyndicatedColumnist

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I havehad acid reflux for quite sometime, and doctors have pre-scribed different medicines, thelast being omeprazole. Medicineswere not relieving the burningpain. The best advice came froman online message board thatsaid to "sleep on your left side."Figuring it wouldn't hurt to trythis method, I began sleeping onmy left side. Once my bodylearned to stay in that position,the pain does not bother me nowat all at night. Why don't doctorsshare such simple methods forrelief rather than prescribingmedications? Please pass thisinformation on to others. -- N.S.

ANSWER: When it works, achange in sleeping position is a simpleway to deal with a big problem. Itdoesn't work for everyone. In fact, itworks for only a few, but it's still valu-able advice and is something thatshould be suggested more often. Achange in sleeping position also canwork for snoring. Sleeping on theside, right or left, can open up the

throat and stop snoring. Redundantthroat tissue, like a reed in a windinstrument, lies behind snoring.Sewing a pocket in the back of thepajamas and putting either a tennisball or a marble in it keeps snorers offtheir backs.

Other self-help tips for GERD (gas-troesophageal reflux disease, heart-burn or acid indigestion -- all are thesame condition) include staying awayfrom foods that cause it. Onions, gar-lic, coffee, carbonated beverages,alcohol, chocolate, fried and fattyfoods, citrus fruits and juices, tomatosauces, peppermint, spearmint andspicy foods are notorious troublemak-ers.

Sleeping with the head of the bedelevated is another way to keep stom-ach acid in the stomach. Prop 6- or 8-inch blocks under the posts at thehead of the bed. In this position, grav-ity keeps stomach acid in the stom-ach.

Chewing gum stimulates salivaproduction, and saliva is a naturalantacid.

Don't wear tight garments or tightbelts, both of which promote acidreflux. I managed to get through thisanswer without mentioning a singlemedicine, not even Tums.

The booklet on GERD -- heartburn

-- provides an insight into this com-mon malady and its treatment.Readers can order a copy by writing:Dr. Donohue -- No. 501W, Box536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.Enclose a check or money order (nocash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada withthe recipient's printed name andaddress. Please allow four weeks fordelivery.

***Dr. Donohue regrets that he is

unable to answer individual letters, buthe will incorporate them in his columnwhenever possible. Readers may writehim or request an order form of avail-able health newsletters at P.O. Box536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

(c) 2010 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

There is sometimes relief for heartburn without medication

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Harry P. ThalKern River Courier Columnist

Susie has her share of medicalproblems, and her local doctorreferred her toa specialist inBakersfield.

That wasjust the begin-ning of herproblems.

Her hus-band, George,can't see verywell and he isunable to driveher to her doctor appointments.Susie depends on friends fromchurch, but it is getting more diffi-cult to coordinate trips with herappointments.

To compound this, Susie hasvery little money. She receives

assistance from Welfare, and is onMedicare as well as Medi-Cal.Doctor's offices and Social Serviceagencies refer Susie types to meregularly.

There is a med-ical insurance planthat actually pro-vides Susie'sphysician with agreater choice ofspecialists tochoose from.Many of these spe-cialists are on theinsurance plan'sprovider list, butnot on Medi-Cal.With her Medicare HMO insur-ance, Susie may now make a tollfree phone call, and her insuranceplan will provide her with freeround-trip transportation to hermedical appointments!

Medicare has never covereddental, and Medi-Cal has very lim-ited benefits due to the state'sfinancial crisis. Her MedicareHMO plan provides her with two

oral exams andcleanings withup to two X-rays a year.She also getsvision services,glasses andframes and oneroutine eyeexam eachyear.

Of course,she has heard

the horror stories of the MedicarePart D prescription drug donuthole. This plan has no donut hole,and her medications cost her aslittle as $0 or as much as $2.50when using a plan participating

pharmacy. What makes this plan particu-

larly exciting is that because shequalifies for Medi-Cal, she canenroll in this plan year round.She is allowed to change from herMedicare/Medi-Cal or fromanother Medicare HMO when shechooses.

While not every physician ispart of this plan locally, Drs.Finstad, Gross, Lee Ho, Nadlerand Sawall do participate.

Harry P. Thal, MA, is a licensedinsurance broker and a member ofthe Society of Certified SeniorAdvisors and past president andpresident-elect of the KernAssociation of HealthUnderwriters. He may be reachedat 760-376-2100, e-mail [email protected] or visit him on theweb at

Health Insurance Matters

Harry Thal

Free medical transportation does exist

“Her insurance planwill provide her withfree round-trip trans-portation.”

– Harry Thal

Page 16: Kern River Courier June 4, 2010

Page 16 Kern River Courier Friday, June 4, 2010

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Peter Langenfeld/Special to the Courier

Peter Langenfeld of San Diego contributed this panoramic photo taken from KelsoValley Rd. in Weldon.

COW continued from page 1

FEES continued from page 1

SWIM continued from page 3

exhibits, trail dedications, gear demonstrations, instructional workshops,and trail work projects." ( ).

The Forest Service encourages hikers to use the manifests at trail heads,hike in groups when possible, and to practice good stewardship within theForest.

by trial and error, he finally arrived at the right size. Then he madeanother one for the sign at the end of the canyon.

The original signs are long gone. Somebody snagged one of them bytaking a chain saw to the post. But the cow has been reproduced on thesign, and she, today, is still suspended in mid-air, tumbling with thoserocks.

You can buy merchandise with the falling cow sign on it all over theInternet now. There are also falling cow signs in other areas, too.

Batelaan has a coffee mug with a photo of the falling cow sign on it. He says about the whole affair, “I just wish I had copyrighted that


Jim DavisSpecial to the Courier

This is an appeal to businesspeo-ple, artists and citizens interested inenhancing the quality of life and theeconomic well-being of our commu-nity. Reach out to the Kern CountyBoard of Supervisors and tell themnot to eliminate the Arts Council ofKern and the Board of Trade.

Our County Supervisor, JonMcQuiston, understands the valueof commerce and art to our commu-nity. Ask him to reason with his fel-low board members that eliminatingthese departments is an unwise fis-cal decision.

There must be drastic action.Reduce the dollars to these organi-zations and let them do with less.These organizations operate mostlyon non-county funds and generatemuch more dollars than they spend.

These organizations add value toour community, enhancing com-merce by bringing visitors to theKern River Valley. Maintaining theKern Arts Council and the Board ofTrade keep the function of govern-ment intact and funds flowing to theKern County from private and pub-lic sources to keep their hard-wonprograms alive.

A vote to eliminate these organi-zations reduces the ability to sup-

port local organizations like theKern River Valley Art Association(KRVAA).

Last weekend we had nearly 3,000visitors to our annual Sierra Artsand Crafts Festival in Kernville sup-ported by the Kern Arts Council andthe Board of Trade. The MemorialDay and Labor Day events theKRVAA will spend $5,500.00 fromthe Board of Trade supported by theArts Council of Kern in advertisingthroughout Southern California,(including) the San Joaquin Valleyand the San Francisco Bay area,bringing visitors to our community.

Our artists sell their art to thesevisitors who eat in our restaurants,fill their gas tanks, buy fishing gear,and raft and play in the river. We

not only Think Local First, we live it.The Board of Supervisors will

vote next Wednesday to make adecision that should make fiscalconservatives stand up and cry foul.Their vote can eliminate the KernArts Council and Board of Trade asorganizations.

I urge you to contact the KernCounty Board of Supervisors onMonday and Tuesday next week andtelll them not to eliminate the ArtsCouncil of Kern and the Board of Trade.

Call the Clerk of the Board, [email protected] or sendletters to Clerk of the Board ofSupervisors at 1115 Truxtun Ave.,5th floor, Bakersfield 93301.

Jim Davis,

President of KRV Art Association makes appealMuch tourist money brought into the valley

child and adult in the Kern River Valley water safe. Our motto is teachingexcellence one stroke at a time. Kern Valley Aquatics instructors have over70 hours of Red Cross Life Guard and Water Safety Instruction and areready to teach you and your children to swim.