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Page 1: Kerala Physiography

KERALA - Culture , architecture , climate

Characteristics of warm humid climate.

Effect of the climate in the its architecture [Residents].


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Case studies – 1.Near coastal 2.Mid land 3.Hill area

Analyze the areas to be focused - comfort level

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Theory – Design techniques on the basis of 1.Design 2.Process 3.Space 4.Planning 5.Construction


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KERALA ,an Indian state located on the MALABAR COAST of south west India with an area of 15.005 Sq m.

It is bordered by Karnataka to the north and northeast, Tamilnadu to the east and south and the Arabian sea on the west.

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Full brunt of the monsoon winds - bring heavy rains for three and a half months to the entire region.

The rest of the year, the region experiences a warm, humid climate intercepted by seasonal rains in between.


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Kerala hence has extensive rainforests which provided an abundant supply of high quality timber.

The specific climatic conditions, the abundance of wood, and the unique community structure resulted in the development of distinct features that characterize the traditional architecture of Kerala.

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Kerala is divided into three geographical regions-

Highlands Midlands Lowlands

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The Highlands slope down from the Western Ghats - 48 percent of the total land area of Kerala.

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The Midlands, lying between the mountains and the lowlands - undulating hills and valleys - about 40 percent of the to total land area.

Area of intensive cultivation. Cashew, coconut, areca nut, tapioca, banana and vegetables of different varieties are grown in this area.

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Lowlands are also known as the Coastal Area - 4000

This area is very fertile and most of the paddy cultivation is along this area.

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The rainfall amount in the State decreases towards the south with decrease of height of Western Ghats.

The southern most district -Thiruvananthapuram where Western Ghats are nearest to the sea coast and its average height is also least in the State receives minimum amount of rainfall.


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Its a dry land because of the dry winds blowing from the north, but for the Western Ghats which prevent this wind from entering the land.
