Download pdf - Kenya Teaching 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Kenya Teaching 2012


    Dear Friend of ICM/ATS Kenya:

    One of the greatest joys in my work is teaching at our seminary, ATS in Kitale. The students are some of

    the most appreciative and attentive you will ever experience. If you have an MA you can teach in the BA

    and if you have a BA you can teach in the Diploma. Classes normally lasts 8-11 days and you will need

    about 2 weeks door to door. ATS also offers accelerated programs for pastors who are also teachers

    during the Kenya schools term breaks (April, August and December). In these, the length is 6 to 8

    days. The teaching day is extended into the afternoon to make this possible. Both experiences are as

    rewarding. Please look over the schedule for the BA and if you are interested in teaching a course email

    us back and we will check availability as some courses will fill soon. If you are interested in the diploma

    level get back to me. List your first three choices if possible. If you have a serious interest, it would be

    good if you would attach a copy of your Curriculum Vitae and scanned copy of your highest degree.

    You will need to raise funds for your air ticket (usually between $1400 $1900 check your agent or with

    Brian Aho who does travel for us 800-

    417-9138), in country travel (anywhere

    from $50 - $300 depending on level of

    comfort desired), $50 for a Kenya visa,and pocket money and meals off the

    campus. When you are at the campus

    you will have room and board provided.

    We will pick you up at the airport and a

    missionary guest house runs about $50 a

    night. Most teachers use the books we

    have for the courses we teach. We loan

    one copy to the students during the

    course. Some teachers have favorite

    books they want to bring and donate for

    the school. In that case you would need15-25 copies. That is appreciated but you will need to sort out book approval with Alfred Rutto

    ([email protected]) first. We have a basic syllabus for each course but again Alfred can advise you if

    you have suggestions for changes. All teaching questions go to Alfred and cc me. I would be happy to

    answer general questions.

    When a date is set Alfred will email you some forms (some

    just information but some to return). Be sure and make

    sure each email you send goes to me and Alfred both.

    If you have the time we would suggest a visit to the best

    game park in the world, the Masai Mara. My wife Deb can

    make all those bookings for you.

    Questions? Looking forward to seeing you on this side


    Greg Snell

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 Kenya Teaching 2012


    ATS BA schedule for 2013

    Jan 8-18 Christology

    Jan 8-18 Marriage and Family

    Jan 21-31 African Christian Theology

    Jan 21-31 Pastoral Counseling

    Jan 21-31 Community Development

    Jan 29-Feb 8 Spiritual Life Formation

    Feb1-12 Introduction to Philosophy

    Feb 1-12 Acts

    Feb 1-9 Church History 1

    Feb 4-14 Elements of Greek

    Feb 5-13 Islam in Africa

    Feb 13-21 Introduction to Sociology

    Feb 14-22 Eschatology

    Feb 15-23 Islam in Africa

    Mar 6-14 Homiletics

    Apr 9-17 African Christian TheologyApr 18-26 Comm. Development

    Apr 18-26 Spiritual Life Formation

    Apr 27-6 Pentateuch

    Apr 27-May 5 Theology proper & Angelology

    May 7-15 Church History 2

    May 7-15 Introduction to Sociology

    May 14-24 Synoptic Gospels

    May 16-28 Africa Traditional Religion

    May 16-28 Introduction to Philosophy

    May 27-Jun 5 Youth Ministry

    May 29-Jun 7 EschatologyMay 29-Jun7 Soteriology

    May 27-Jun 7 Pauline Epistles

    Jun 8-19 Pentateuch

    Jun 6-17 Introduction to Philosophy

    Jun 11- 21 Galatians and Romans

    Jun 18- 26 Christian Education

    Jun 24- Jul 2 Christian Leadership

    Jul 1-9 Youth Ministry

    Jul 3-13 Church Administration

    Jul 15-25 Major Prophets

    Jun 18-28 Expository Preaching

    Jul 22-Aug 1 Church Administration

    Aug 6-12 Christian Leadership

    Aug 6-12 Elements of Greek

    Aug 13-21 Missions

    Aug 13-21 English Composition

    Aug 22- 28 Church Growth

    Aug 22-26 Homiletics

    Sep 10-18 Islam in Africa

  • 7/31/2019 Kenya Teaching 2012


    Sep 19-Oct 1 Africa Traditional Religion

    Sep 19-Oct 1 Introduction to Psychology

    Sep 17-26 Church History 1

    Sep 27- Oct 9 Pastoral Counseling

    Sep 27-Oct 9 Christology

    Oct 2-10 Introduction to Sociology

    Oct 8- 18 Synoptic Gospels

    Oct 8-18 Major Prophets

    Oct 10-22 Pastoral Counseling

    Oct 10- 22 Christology

    Oct 22-Nov 1 Acts

    Oct 22-Nov1 Galatians and Romans

    Oct 23- Nov 2 Africa Traditional Religion

    Oct 23-31 Conflict Management

    Nov 2- 13 Pastoral Counseling

    Nov 2- 13 Introduction to Philosophy

    Nov 12- 18 The Bible and the Church

    Nov 12- 18 Christian EducationNov 14-22 Islam in Africa

    Nov 14-22 Eschatology

    Nov 19-27 Major Prophets

    Nov 28-Dec 4 Islam in Africa

    Nov 28-Dec 6 Hermeneutics

    Dec 5-13 Marriage and Family

    Dec 7-17 Christology