Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY · with (limy and foecid stools Vomiting Large and hard belly Pains and fickneft




N A R C I S S A.

by William Lettell, esq,

My charming all alluring doe,The oijeft of my tendereft love,

And aiflentelt desire,The (Irongeft language can't impart

The kind em monjof my heart;And paflions' gioumg sire.

When, bright in Beauty, you appearLike eden blooming, heivenly fan,

Beioie iiiyravjCi'deycs,Ail other's charms appear as pale

As the dim iloiv'ret ol the vale,w To blooms of p.iradife.

When you're enilos'd in my fond armsDelightful dtllunce with your charms

Is all my happiness .

Than through each vein mv paflionvmove,And all mv soul, dilTilves in love,

And owns no other bliss.Yet though impell'd by beauty's charrni

This heart " ldvc and honor warmsI, tender of ypur same:

And (corns to try by mean device ,

To lead von through t le sink of viceTo misery andfbame.

Paflions when not with honor join'dAre fierce, impetuous, liar Hi and blindj Arid oft mruijiend;

Vi t Oh! what fond endearing care,TUs the true guardian of the fair

The lovei, and the fremd.And it Hiallneverbemyaim

To give that tender brejft onepain;' Oi make you mourn &sigh :

Nor can fveet,gentle, jenial love,A caufc of more vexation piove

Than bl ickeft enmity.Is on ti at de3rdeligntf ul bread

My 'mmjr'd soul at length finds rest,I (hall no fuither love J

Buta.l my suture life will seem

Like some gay, fweetenclianting dreama Of innocence and love-i-

that fair form, that lovely mind,i could ten thousand beauties find

Whirl none besides would see ;

And is you yield those heavenly charmTo fume vniceling tyr ntsarms,


A thousand tedious miles removeFrom the dear o' jet of my love,

.Vill butmeieafe the pain-You-r

lovely image deep imprefs'dUpon my long tormented breaff,

Forever will remainYttwhenon some far distant more

I see yovr lovely face no moreRep'ete with heavenly charms,

May you of every gooJ poffcfs'd,fcWit i peace and happintfsfind rest

In lome- - fond loveis aims.





Aut'or sftht Improtr.jtu puMtfbti invar ftper oftlii)th Aiijfi '


Mr. Amner, going through a Street inWinifor, two bbys looked out of a pairof lUixs window, and cry'd There goes

Mr. A.naer that makes so many Bulls!

lie hearing them, look'dback, saying, You

rascals, I know you well enough ,-- is I

badym here, Pd thruw you down stifrs.


I AM authorized by gentlemen ofin Philadelphia, to sell

one hundred and eighthy thousandacres of

LAND,.'in different parts of this state, some of it

' MILITARY LANDS south of Greeny river The p"avrrtents will be made easy.

I will take a mail part in CASH, theballance in HORSES, FLOUR, HEMPor TOBACCO ; or allow a credit forthree fourths of the purchase money, pay-

able in one, two and three years. A de-

scription of the LAND, and particularsof the terms may be had by applying tome in Lexington.

Thes. Bodley.December 20th, i83o. '

FORTY DOLLARS REWARDT AN-A- AY from the fubfcriber,li- -

lt vine at Mann's Lick about the 38th,laftaDecember Negro man named

H A R 'Rabout 25 years of age, upwards of six j

feet high, very likely, active and wellmade, has a variety of cloathing withhim, among which is the following. Anew green broad cloth coat, fwanfdownjacket, gingham do. white fliirts,newleath-er- .

overalls, castor hat, a new greylinfeyliunting-fhir- t, old cloth overalls, strongnew shoes, &c. &c. Any person who,will secure the above negro in any Jail,so that I get him again, (hall receiveTWENT? -- FIVE DOLLARS reward,or the- - above reward is broughjt home,paid by me.



THE fubferibers from Philadelphia,friends in particular, and the pub

lie in general, that they have just commenced the

various branches of COACH & COACH HAll-NUS- S

M AKING, PAINTING S: TRIMMING, opnnfite mr David Stout's Lime-Sto- ne street, and near

is ylAn .....I T.nwiprrM'( fiAnrtf. ul"i rnmen s- - rjauiuj ojw ijut-.....- . j ..,;, .........tliufe who clldfe to employ them, may have theirwork done at the fhortelt rlotice, the most reafonable price, and the neatest manner.

Ricbard Asbton,John W, Stout.

Ltiitsrt, lU litlb, 1801- - 6Pf


MACBEAN sis POYZER,Have just received from Lee & Go's Fa- -

mii y and Mfdicine Ware-Hous- e,

Baltimore, a Lai ge Supply of the mostCelebrtcd

MEDICINES:J Price 1 dollar per packet,

rTamilton's- - Worm DestroyingLozenges, ,

Which have, within two years pair, given reliesto upwards of FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS,of all ages, in various dangerous complaints, anfmgfrom worms and from foulness or obftruftion in thestomach and bowels.

A peculiar excellence of is, its beingsuited toeveiy age and constitution: contains no-

thing but what is perfectly innocent, and is so mildin its operation, that it cannot injure the moil deli-

cate pregnant lady, or the fenderelt infant of a weekolt', mould no worms exist in the body but willwithout pain or griping clcanfe the stomach andhotels of whatever is soul or offensive, and therebyprevent the production o'f worms and many fataldiioiders.

Description of Worms, and the symptoms!by wbtcb tbey are known.

Worms which wleft the human body, are chieflyof sour kinds, viz the Teres or large round worm,the Alcandes, or small mw worm, the Cucur-bitin-

or fiiort, slat, white worm, and lastly, theTaenia, or tape worm, so called from its resemblanceto tape ; this is often many yards long, and is fullof joints It is moil; hurtful, and molt difficult tocure.

Among the symptoms attending worms, are,breath, especially in the morning Bad

and corrupted gums Itching ip the nose and aboutthe seat Convulsions and epileptic sits, and same-time- s'

privation ol speech Starting and grindingot the teeth in sleep (Tegular appetite, foraetimesloathing food, and (ometimes voracious l'uij','ng,with (limy and foecid stools Vomiting Large andhard belly Pains and fickneft at the ftomathI'ams m the head and thighs, uthj.lowneB of ipi-rit- s.

Slow sever, with small and irregular pul'eA dry cough Excellive thirst Sometimes paleand unhealthy countenance, and ibmetimes the lacebloated and fluthed- - ,

Perlous afflifted with any of the above symptoms,fhauld have immediate recourse to HAMILTON'SWOR.M DESTROYING LOZENGES, wtuchhavebeen constantly attended witl. success in all com-

plaints similar to those above described.Children generally take this medicine with eager

ness, having a pleasing appearance, and an agreeable taste.

We ftiall give occasionally, an account of cures,feletled from a, number ot persons in this state.

Price I dollar and 50 centt, per bottle,

The Genuine Periian Lotion,Eor Cleansing and Cleaning tbe FACE

and SKIN,J3f all Scorbutic and other Eruptions particu-

larly Freckles, Pimples, Pits aster the Sruall-Pox- ,

Inflamatory Ilednefs,Scurts, Tetters, Ring-Worm- s,

Prickley leat, Premature Wrinkles,Src. &c. Rendering the (kin delicately clear andsoft, improving the complexion, teftoring andpre-fervin- g

the bloom of youth.

Price 1 dollar and 50 cents, per bottle,

Church's Cough Drops,For tbe cure of COUGHS, .COLDS,


Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per opt tie,Infallible Ague 6c Fever Drops,Fof tbe cure of Agues, remittent and in-

termittent Fevers.Thousands can testify of their being cured by

these drops, aster the bark and every other medi-

cine has proved ineffectual ; a nd not one In a hun-

dred has had occasion to take more than one, andnumbers not half a bottle.

These drops are particularly recommended to theinhabitants of low marfliy countries, where theworst sort of agues generally prevail, which unlessearly attended to and speedily removed, injureVtheconstitution exceedingly, and brings qn dropfies,putrid severs, amf a variety ofjcomplatnts, of theinoft dangerous and alarming nature. Many othermedicines are daily offered to the public for thecure of this disorder, vlncfi, upon trial have beensound either dangerous or useless. The bark is theusual remedy made use of, but being a very naufe-ou- s

medicine, and seldom taken in sufficient quanti-ty, it very often sails ; and children, and those wtiohave weak stomachs, are frequently lost for wantof a more easy and pleasant remedy.

Price 75 cents per box,

The Sovereign Ointment for therVv Jtch,

which is warranted an intallible remedy at oneapplication, and may be used with the mod perfedtsafety by pregnant women, or on infants a weekqU, 'not containing a particle of mercury, or anydangerous ingredient whatever, and is not accom-pnie- d

with that tormenting smart, which attendsthe application of other remedies.

PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE.For tbe prevention and cure of Billious

Malignant Fevers, is recommendea(Price I dollar jftr box,)

T" tT-i- -- a : ox:i: n:ii.u . iiauu b n iju-uuiu- nus,Hit. Whichhave been attended with a degree of fuc

ceiybjghly gratifying to the inventors feelings, inseveral parts of the West Indies, and the fonthernol the United States, particularly in Baltimore,I'etenourg, mciimond, Norfolk, Kdenton, iwuminfljfii, Charleston, and Savannah. The teftlmonyiBttumber of persons in each of the above p)acesBe adduced, who have reafonto believeJthata tjaBw use of this salutary remedy, has nderVrTOente, preserved their lives when in thejmoftalarming circumstances.

The operation of these pills is perfectly mi!d,soai to be uted with safety by persons in every fituatiun, and of evjry age.

They are excellentlyadapted to carry off fuper-fluo-

bile, and prevent its moibid secretions torestore and amend the appetite to produce a freeperfpiratlqn, and thereby prevent colds, which areoften of fatal consequences A dose never sails toremove a cold, is taken on its first nppei aance.They are celebrated for removingliabitual costiveness sickness at the stomach, itid severe head ache

in 1 ought to be taken by all persons on a changeof cl.matst

Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per bottle,

The Genuine Etfence,and, 1 dollar per box,

The Genuine Extracl, of Muf'

tard,For the Cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Palsy,

Sprains, White Swelling, &c. and has perfdrmeVimore cures In the above complaints, than all theother medicines everbefore made public.

Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per box, '

Dr. Hamilton's Uixer,A sovereign remedy for Colds, Obftjnate Coughs,

Afthmas, and approaching Conlumptions, and isfarfuperiortoanyotbermedicine for the WHOOP-ING COUGH.

J j Price z dollars,ndian Vegetable bpecific,

Fonthe Cure of a Certain Disease.

'Price 2 dollars,Hamilton's Grand Restorative,

Is recommended as an invaluable medicine forthe speedy relies and permanent cure of the variouscomplaints which relult iiom diffipated pleasures,iilvinile indiscretions. residence in climates unfavoraule to the constitution, the immodeiate use ofmercury; thedifeafes pecular tolemalesat a

life; bad lyings in, &c.

Price 50 cents, 'The Damask Lip Salve,

An elegant and pleasant preparation for choppedand forelipi, and every blemish and inconvenienceoccasioned by Colds, Fevers, &c. Jpeedyreftoringabcavtiful rosy color,and delicate softness to the lips.

Price 75 cents per box,

The Redorative Powder for theTeeth and Gums,

This excellent preparation comforts and strengthens the gums, preserves the enamel from decay,und cleanses and whitensthe teeth, abforbing-alltha- t

acr'monious slime andfoulnefs, which fufTered to ac-

cumulate never sails to injure and finally ruinthem.

Price 50 Cents,

Dr. HahnX True and GenuineGerman Corn Plaifter,

An infallible remedy for Corns, speedily removing them root and branch, without givingpain.

Price 1 dollar per bottle.

Dr. Hahn's Genuine Eye Wa-

ter,A' sovereign remrdy for all disease J of the eyes,

whether the effeft of natural weakness or of accident, speedily removing inflammations, defluniousof rheume, dulnefs, itching, and films en the eves,nev er sailing to cure those maladies which frequently succeed the small-po- measles, and severs, andwonderfully'ftrengfhening a weak sight. Hundredshave experienced its excellent virtues, when nearlydeprived of sight.

Price 75 Cents,Tooth-Ach- e Drops,

The only remedy yet discovered which givesimmediate and lasting relies in the moil severe

5X Price 1 dollar,The Anodyne Elixer,

For the core of every kind ofHead.Ache, &c.

N. B. These medicines are sold as above, by ap-

pointment, and no where else in Kentucky.

.Iso may be bad as above,

Hooper's Female Pills,Anderson's Scot's do.British Oil,Godfrey's Cordial,Dr. James's Fever Powder,Turlington's Balfom,Daffy's Elixer, &c. &c. &c

Lexington 3d April.

STRAYEDFROM my plantation on Cane run, eight miles

Lexington, the ift of March, A DARKBAY FILLEY, two years old tfrs spring, aboutfourteen hands high, flout made, not branded, longmane and tale, star in her sorehead one side of whichisaraon, some white on her hind feet, a sear on herlest buttock. Any person that vyill bring the saidFilley to nle, or give information, shall be hand-fomel-

rewarded by ttf j Walter Warfeld.

4 ' '' Alexander Parker.TTAS just imported, and rtoAv openingLX at his Store, opposite the Cqurt-Houf- e,

in Lexington, a very large andelegant afTortment of

MERCHANDIZE,Confiding of Dry Goods, Groceries, Sta-

tionary, Hard, Qiieens, China and GlassTTr T. i. 11 r.n .l. n ..vvare, wiuca nc win ten oh tne mou

prices for Cath.B. In the above afTortment there is

t Nails of everjMfcs'-Mil- l Cranks,mitinz-tlot- h

oarfe Mufli.-Sldbythebal

r GFf


rhyM)ners aW

ilfjH "t&MtiT


Ttje quantity aswhic't will beiver than ao, t8oi.

RUCTOR,'utv, and Autho- -

he Peace, Coro- -les, within this

lOnwealth.ThTs work; 'is itow publiflied, and may

be had at this office, bound at TwoDollars and Fifty Ceuts


a Is I; Ei u

Mil 'iifiit'F :

iN Short Street,cnpolne the

Prefbvterian Meet-ing-Hou- fe,

& near-

ly opposite the i.lar-- '

ket-Houf- Lex. rig- -

ton. I will receive in 'payment, one thirdCafli, and two thirds Propety. Thepayments will be made eafv to the purchaser. For further paiticulars appl to


Twenty Dollars Reward.from the fubferibers living near the7th instant, two negro men, the ont is the piopeityof Moses Bledfoe, by the name of JIM, who beioiehe started breVe oven a desk, jnd took out Ion emoney and other rticles,alfotook away a very likelysmall rifle gun with fqme fihei mounting as athumb piece, and about the loops the makers non.eon the barrel, is S. Lauck, he took a new f'.r hjr,an old white flannel coat, an old brown cloath coat,a fiiort yellow linfey coat, a pair of new worstedstockings, banrjanna and silk handkerchiefs, a newblanket, a new powderhorn hung with broad blueferreting, lead, powder, and many" other articleiof store goods, and cloathing; the above fellowJim as rather under a middle size, about five feetsix inches high, of a guilty down look, 25 yearsof age, black colour, a i'aft Hammering speech, alarge and wide mouth, and W3iks very light and nim-

ble they went prepared to take borfes, with equi-page as ser a long jourr.ey ; the other ii the pio-per- ty

of Thomas Jamefon, named ADAM a flouttellow about so years of age, also a down look ands some what lighter in colour than the other, oce ofhis under sore teeth out, and will be slower ofspeech, yet principle coleague ; as for cloathing they,will change alternately and may part with the gunthrough lear of suspicion, it is thought they willaim tocrofsthe Ohio, they had along a light colour-ed furtout, that has been rei t nearly thiough theback and sewed up ; whoever fecutes find negroes,or returns them to the owners shall have the re-

ward.The above fellows has been taken and escaped

from Montgomery jail, and we Have taken the gunand some other articles from them, and the lewardshall flill be given agieeably to the advertifepient.

Moses Bledsoe.Thomas Jameson,

June 8th, 1 80 1. tf

THE partnership of BLEDSOE &is diflblved by mutual consent, alt

those who are indebted to the fnid firm, are requefledtS call on Walker Baylor and payofftheirrefpeftivobalances who has lately returned from Baltimore!witha general afTortment of GOODS, amongst whichareLOAF '&? MUSCOVADO Sugars of a su-

perior quallity,BEST GREEN CQFFE; CHO-COLATE ii TEAS ,-





r ERAS s? MADDER.mjEENS WARE assorted

HARD WARE 6? CUTLERY assorted.He has also on. hand, a quantity of Mann's Lick

SALT, of a fupeftdr quality two years old.N. B. Country merchants and others may bo

supplied with any article in the above line on thomoll moderate terms for CASH.

Trotter & Scott,AVE just received, and now open-ing for sale, at their Store, in Lex

ington, a complete aflbjtment ofMEKCHyflStolZR, ' -

Well suited to the present and approach-ing fcafons, consisting of Dry GoodsGroceries, Queens and Glass Ware, Bar-Iro- n,

Steel, Imported Callings, Nails,Window-Glass- , Boulting-Cloth- s, suitedfor Merchant or Country Work like-wi- se

a supply of Mann's Lick Salt, all ofwhich will he sold at their usual low pri-ces for Cafli.

Lexington, April 20, 1801.


WITH a small stock and materialscarrying it oil ; with about

thirty or forty acres of land, twelve acrescleared, 1) ing in Woodford county, teamiles fron the court house. eighteen fromLexington, and about a mile and a quar-ter" from the Kentucky river, within halfa mile of Fromans irort. Works, grist-mi- ll

and saw-mi- ll ; vthere is a good waggonroad from thence to the river ; there aeight vats, lime &c. with a gpod mill-hous- e,

two good cabbins, and a neversailing spring, with .a fall of about 0feet ; the fitUation for convenience ofwater, and bftrck, is superior to anyhave seen in the state, those inclining ttpurchase will please apply to me on thsrpremlfes, or to DaVid or 'fhomas- - Reid,Lexington.


KICE For Sale, '

A T the Kentucky Vine ?ard, about- five i.rle ablve the mouth of Hickn'an, on

theKentuckv rivei, a Ojnnt tv of EXCELLENTRICE those who will purchase ibolbsor'tipwardishall befurliifhed at six pence per pound, deliveredeither or at the Vine Yard, pr at the mouth ofHickman

March I4th, 1831.J. J. Dufour.






