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1.1 Background of the research

Education holds the important role to improve Indonesian human resources,

especially the younger generation, and to equip their knowledge and skills to face

more competitive world and to anticipate faster science development and

technology in modern era. In order to achieve an objective, teaching learning

process takes very important role to achieve successful education, because

teaching it self is the process of educating. We cannot educate without teaching.

Makmun (2003: 156) explain that teaching learning process is a combination of

interaction between student and teacher to achieve an objective.

Teachers are one of the factors who determine whether the teaching will be

successful or unsuccessful. Therefore, the teachers must have competence in

teaching learning process. Learning by doing, for example, can be used to develop

teacher’s competence. Besides it, to make successful teaching learning process,

the teachers need a curriculum as a teaching plan and also as learning experience

to help them. Romine as quoted by Oemar Hamalik (2001: 65) says that

curriculum is interpreted to mean all of the organized courses, activities, and

experience which pupils have under direction of the school, whether in the

classroom or not.

In educational institution, curriculum plays a very important role. According

to Nugraha in Sulamah (2003) there are some reasons showing that curriculum is


very important in any educational institution. First, curriculums propose to

unification of learning. It means that if a curriculum is well organized, the teacher

can avoid teaching the same material again and again. Second, curriculum

provides continuity in the development of the necessary learning experience in

reaching the desired result. Third, curriculum helps to establish to compatibility

relationship among the elements in the curriculum materials and the proper

attention or the weighting that each element should be received. Fourth,

curriculum helps to establish, to coordinate and to integrate materials and

teamwork among the teachers involved in the curriculum process.

After seeing the importance of the curriculum in educational institution, the

government established a new policy on the national education program by

changing the 1994 curriculum into Competence Based Curriculum or 2004

curriculum. Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) that concern to the students

potential must be done at all of formal education institution soon, if it is believed

it can increase qualities of nation educational program. At 2004, government has

tried to apply it in many formal education institutions. Based on teachers

statements in Republika online (8/12/2004), most of them still confuse about the

reality of CBC it self, so they have difficulties to apply it. Therefore, it is possible

if the implementation of CBC faced misinterpretation in the application at

education institution. The effect of it is that it will bring out a big influence to the

CBC purpose basically. So, the main purpose will be not achieved.

This curriculum will be more effective in teaching learning process and can

fulfill the need of society because Competence Based Curriculum has some


possible strengths. First, the learners are in the process of sequential development

of their personal aspect. Competence Based Curriculum becomes continuous

development of the students’ potential in line with the learning opportunity

available given by their surrounding. Second, both government and society

decentralize the development of competence based curriculum. They determine

the standard of education devoted in the curriculum. Third, the school side has the

opportunity to arrange and develop the syllabus of material given to the students.

Thereby, competence based curriculum can accommodate the potential of school,

the needs of the students, and also the needs of society. Fourth, a teacher is a

facilitator who helps the learning activity of the students. Fifth, the teaching and

learning activity conducted may establish a solid teamwork between school,

society, and work market in developing the students competence. Sixth, classroom

based evaluation is emphasizing the process and result of learning activity.

From the advantages of Competence Based Curriculum, it is expected that the

implementation of CBC can increase the education qualities and solve the

educational condition that is apprehensive. According to Mulyasa (2002: 8)

Competence Based Curriculum is expected can overcome many kinds of nation

problems, especially about the education program, which preparing student with

the more effective, efficiency system to get the success.

In the implementation of Competence Based Curriculum, it is expected to be

able to reach student’s competence in which it needs an educational approach that

will create an active class easily. According to Anthony as quoted by Richard

(1986: 15), approach was a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of


language, learning, and teaching. Meanwhile, the approach is Contextual

Teaching Learning (CTL) based on the purpose to make the class be active.

According to Nurhady (2003: 100), the active class is the class that maximizes

students with all of their activities to get the competence they want to be reached.

On the other hand, CBC contains of the draft of competency that must be reached

by the students to all educational levels.

Clearly, the relationship between both Competence Based Curriculum (CBC)

and Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) is that CBC is a standard competency,

and CTL is a strategy to achieve the main purpose of educational aim.

It is known that CBC is the new curriculum development, it has not been

proved whether the CBC is appropriate with teaching learning activities. Thus, the

researcher is interested to investigate the compatibility of CTL and its

implementation in teaching English at SMPN 5 Malang which is one of the junior

high schools that has good educational quality, and has implemented CBC

program in the teaching English activity by using CTL approach.

1.2 Statement of problem

Based on the background above, the researcher has stated the following


1. How is the implementation of Contextual Teaching Learning approach in

the teaching of English at SMPN 5 Malang?

2. Is there any compatibility of Contextual Teaching Learning approach and

its implementation in teaching English at SMPN 5 Malang?


1.3 Purpose of the research

The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of CTL

approach in teaching English at SMPN 5 Malang and to know the compatibility

of Contextual Teaching Learning approaches and its implementation in teaching

English at SMPN 5 Malang based on CBC.

1.4 Scope and limitation of the research

In this research, the researcher’s scope is just on the compatibility of CBC and

its implementation in teaching English at SMPN 5 Malang by which it is

especially on the approach of teaching English activity. Furthermore, due to the

limited time, she just takes the teachers of second grade of SMPN 5 Malang as the


1.5 Significance of the research

The researcher tries to present the importance of this research theoretically and


Theoretically, this research is expected to give contribution for our education

system. From this research, we will find that conventional teaching learning

approach is not enough and need more changing, especially the result of this

research prove that teaching learning process has to be developed by optimize the

student’s potential, in order to increase the result of education.

Practically, it is expected that this research will give useful contribution for the

teachers in order to be able to provide the important information in the form of

description of the student’s need in teaching English activity. Besides, to the


students, the result of this research will help them to improve their competence in

English by recognizing their own needs in teaching learning process.

1.6 The Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher would like to give some definitions

of key terms used in this research. The researcher provides some definitions which

can help the reader understand the real case research. They are defined as follows:

Curriculum : is interpreted to mean all of the organized courses, activities, and

experience which pupils have under direction of the school,

whether in the classroom or not. Romine as quoted by Oemar

Hamalik (2001: 65)

Competence : is knowledge, skills, and abilities or capabilities that a person

achieves, which become a part of his or her being to the extent he

or she can satisfactorily perform particular cognitive, affective, and

psychomotor behaviors. Mc Assan (1981: 41) as quoted by

Mulyasa (2002: 38)

Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) : is a concept of curriculum that

stressing at development of doing task ability (competence) with

specific performance standard, so the result can be implemented by

the student in an achievement of certain competence form.

Mulyasa (2002: 39)

Compatibility : is capability of existing or performing in harmonious or congenial

combination. (dictionary online)

Teaching : is transfer knowledge to the student. Oemar Hamalik (2001: 44)


Learning : is the processing of information we encounter, which leads to

changes or an increase in our knowledge and abilities.


Approach : is a theory about the nature of language and language learning

that serve as the source of practice and principles in language

teaching. Anthony as quoted by Richards (1986: 15)

Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) : is an educational process that aims to help

students see meaning in the academic material they are researching

by connecting academic subjects with the context of their daily

lives that is, with the context of their personal, social and cultural

circumstances. Johnson (2005: 25) as quoted by Nurhady (2003:





2.1 Teaching Learning English in Junior High School

English is a communication tool by oral and written. Definition of

communication to understand and express the information, though, feeling, and

developing science, technology and culture by using that language.

According to National education curriculum (2004; 103) learning English

in Junior High School is learning in the context of using language that serious.

The target is getting English skill that can be gotten on the international level.

From the explanation above, it is understandable that teaching English in

Junior High School focuses on using language context by giving English skill that

be able to be given. By use English text that grammatical and good arrangements.

2.1.1 Function and Objective of Teaching English in Junior High School

From the prior knowledge, the researcher thinks that it seems we have to

go back to the life philosophy; it is said that everything has goals, and there must

be away to achieve it. Teaching English in Junior High School has many function

and objective as included in National Educational curriculum (2004; 105).

The function of teaching English in National Education Curriculum (2004:

105) are:

1. as tools to communication in order to access the information, on

the other hand, at daily life,

2. English is used for create interpersonal relationship.


3. Change information.

4. enjoy language esthetic in England culture.

The objective of teaching English in Junior High School, which is still

based on, the same source with the function above, as follows:

1. Create communication ability in English, such as listening, speaking,

reading, and writing.

2. Realized the urgently of English as a main tool for learning.

3. Develop deep understanding about interrelationship between language and


The objectives of teaching English in Junior High School to develop students

skill in reading, scrutinize, speaking, and writing in English, by stressing in

reading skill. The English skill is needed to support of the objective that more

strategies, such as help the students in order to give participation in absorbs and

developing science and technology, culture, and increasing of the international


So, the student will have intercultural overview and involved at various


2.1.2 Strategy of Teaching Learning English in Junior High School

Strategy is the term that important in educational area. A good concept of

all curriculums will not be able to be received well by student without using

strategy on giving the concept in teaching learning. By using strategy, teacher will

easier to teach the material.


Teacher is the main factors that determine whether the teaching will be

successful in teaching learning process or unsuccessful. Therefore, to make

successful in teaching learning process, the teacher has to choose appropriate

teaching and learning strategy. According to Welton (1981: 179) teaching strategy

is the continuum of several teaching techniques.

In this case, the researcher gives illustration about the relationship between

teaching techniques and teaching strategies to avoid misinterpretation.

Short-range techniques

Various combinations of





Reports Yield a teaching strategy

Case studies





While the term of learning strategy according to Wenden and Rubin (1987:

19) in, learning strategies as

any sets of operations, steps, plans, routines, used by the learner to facilitate the

obtaining, storage, retrieval, and use of information.


All language learners use language learning strategies either consciously

or unconsciously when processing new information and performing tasks in the

language classroom.

The distinction between teaching and learning strategies is probably most

apparent in the stereotypical college class where the professor’s teaching strategy

consist of a single technique-lecturing-repeated over and over again. Welton

(1981: 178).

2.2 Competence Based Curriculum

Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) also called curriculum 2004 is a

group of planning and managing about competence and learning output that has to

be achieved by the students. Depdiknas (2003: 13)

The pressing of CBC is mastering of competence, consist of unification of

knowledge, skill, attitude, and value that will be implemented at thinking and

doing behavior, which is done consistently. Depdiknas (2003: 7)

Competence’s concept consists of several aspects, as follows: The first is

knowledge, which is realizing at cognitive aspect. For example, teacher knows

how to identification the learning needs. The second, understanding, which is the

depth of cognitive. The third is skill, which is something belongs to individual to

do the task that has to be done. The fourth is value, it is standard that has been

believed and psychologically has united inside individual. For example is

teacher’s attitude in teaching learning process (honesty, democratic). The fifth is

attitude, it is about feeling. For example, is about salary, and economic crisis. The


sixth is interest; it is about someone’s tendency to do something. Gordon (1988:

109) as quoted by Mulyasa (2002: 38).

Competence Based Curriculum is a set of plan and arranging about

competence and learning outcome that must be reached by students that are

scoring, teaching learning activity, and empowering education resources in the

school curriculum developing. Nurhadi (2003: 80).

Competence Based Curriculum is an approach to instruction that aims to

teach each student from the basic knowledge, skill, attitudes and values essential

to the competence. Kay (1997) as quoted by Mulyasa (2002: 40)

2.2.1 The Principals of Competence Based Curriculum

According Fatimah (2003: 15) in Ruciana (2004) CBC uses competence

approach that give attention to the understanding, ability or certain competency in

a school related to the job area in society. Besides, standard competence in this

curriculum considers to the student’s differences psychologically, so the students

enjoy the class.

In this curriculum students do not only transfer knowledge but also

experience and education process from personality to the talent potency and

appropriate to the learning opportunities that have been given by environment.

2.2.2 Function of Competency Based Curriculum

In the academic years 2004/2005 Indonesia has applied CBC, this is as a

proof that Indonesia tries to increase the educational quality through “Gerakan

Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan” by Mendiknas May,2nd 2002.


Soetopo and Soemanto (1982: 15-16) in Ruciana (2004) state that

curriculum has an important role in learning process, because an educational

program has been planned and applied based on the curriculum. Here, curriculum

has some functions; first, it is as an equipment to reach the education aim. So, if

the aim cannot be reached, people like to observe once more about the equipment.

Second, for the students curriculum is prepared as one of their educational

consumption. With this, the students are hoped to get some new experiences for

their life. Third, for the teacher curriculum is work guidance to arrange and

organize students learning experience, which becomes a guidance to arrange

teaching and educational activities, and to evaluate student’s developments in

acquiring the materials. Fourth, for the Head Master, curriculum is guidance in

repairing learning situation, creating good learning situation and in developing


2.2.3 Characteristic of Competence Based Curriculum

The entire curriculum has each characteristic that makes them different from

another. Here the characteristics of the CBC according to Depdiknas (2002) as

quoted by Mulyasa (2002: 42)

1. Stressing to the reaching student’s competence either individually and


2. Oriented to the learning outcomes and variety.

3. Teaching learning process uses various approach and method.

4. Teachers are not only one learning source but also another source that has

educative factors.


5. The assessment based on the process and learning outcomes.

2.2.4 The Component of Competence Based Curriculum

Competence Based Curriculum is the substantial frame that has four

components: a) Curriculum and learning outcome, b) Teaching and learning

activity, c) management of school based curriculum, d) Classroom based

assessment Curriculum and learning outcome

Curriculum and learning outcome contain a plan of developing students’

competence that needs to receive all, since they were born up to 18 years old. It

involves basic competence, learning outcomes, and indicators of learning


Basic competence is minimal or available knowledge, skill, and attitude in

finishing such aspect sub-aspect of certain material. In brief, it is a general

description of everything that is done by students. Then learning outcome that

have relation with competence are the description about something that should be

studied, understood, and one by students.

It is reflected in clear and can be measured by certain technique of

assessment. Forward, indicators of learning outcomes as the following process of

learning outcome can be used as the foundation of assessment to students in

achieving learning and activity desired. It is the description of student’s ability in

communication specifically. Besides, it can be the measurements to assess

learning outcomes that are achieved by students.

Page 15: KEMENDIKNAS Classroom Based Assessment

It involves the principle, target and execution or more accurate and

consistent continuous evaluation as public accountability through identifying the

achieved competence and learning achievement clear achievement of the attained

standard and the report of student’s progress in the learning. Teaching Learning Activity

Learning is student’s activity in building the mean and the comprehension.

So, teachers need to support students to create ideas. Responsibility in learning is

standing inside students self, but teachers should help them to create convenient

situation, motivation, and student’s responsibility to have long life education.

Teaching learning activity contains many ideas about teaching and

learning to achieve the competence determined. Management of School Based Curriculum

Management of School Based Curriculum contains many design of the use

of educated teacher and other resource to increase the quality of learning outcome.

This design provided by the ideas of curriculum council forming, the development

of curriculum means (i.e. syllabus), the training of professional educated teacher,

and the development of curriculum information system.

2.3 Teaching Learning English Based on Competence Based Curriculum

CBC has a big influence in teaching learning process result. Clearly, will

be explained about scope of the English subject, and the activities of teaching

learning English based on CBC.


2.3.1 Scope of The English Subject

It is clearly states in Nasional Education Curiculum (2003: 6). English is

an equipment to communicate in oral or written. Here, communication meant to

express and understand the information, though, feeling, and also develop

knowledge, technology, and culture, with using language.

Further, the aspect of English includes: First is language skill such as

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Second is language aspect, such as

structure, vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation. Third is cultural aspect that

contains in oral or written text. Fourth is literature aspect, it can be in the form of


2.3.2 The Activities of Teaching Learning English

In this curriculum teacher should create a comfortable situation for their

students to receive the material. Student are not only learning to know but also

learning to do in teaching learning process, it means that student are involved in

every activity. Tedjasuksmana (2003:10) in Ruciana (2004) states to upgrade the

English ability, the English teacher must able becomes a models for learners,

because there are many learners are good in English, but here not, because of they

get that ability from school but from good English course that proliferate outside

From the above condition, CBC tries to change that image. And for

English subject this curriculum gives new formula that is teacher and school is

given fully authority to develop syllabus, so it is appropriate to the school

situation and students condition. Logically, if the material is connected with the

main target of course the material will be received by the students easily.


According to Mulyasa (2002: 100) teaching learning process involves

three things; pretest, process, and post test. The first, pretest is used to prepare

students mind in order to receive the material; in order words it is named

brainstorming or stimulus. The second is process, here the teacher should be

creative to explain the material and does not forget to involve students in this

activity, because the students are supposed to be active. The last is posttest, this

session is to know how far the students receive and understand the material, if it is

important, and the teacher should give remedial teaching.

The new curriculum should followed by school support in English learning

activities there is a point that should be paid attention by school, such as facilities.

Tedjasuksmana (2003: 9-10) in Ruciana (2004) states facilities include language

laboratory, module.

School may have a multipurpose laboratory where the learners and the

teachers can practice the material, having such laboratories, schools prepare their

learners with practical mattes so that the learners become the outputs who are

ready to work when they do not go to the higher level.

To increase English ability, school should give another facility such as

module, further teachers have to make kinds of module concerning the English

language items in different level of difficulties. These modules must be able to

lead the gradual progress of individual learners and to differentiate fast learners

from slow learners.


2.4 Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL)

In this term, will be discuss about definition of CTL, function of CTL in

CBC, component of CTL and the explanation from the each of it.

2.4.1 Definition of CTL

Johnson (2002: 25) as quoted by Nurhadi (2003: 12) state “The CTL

system is an educational process that aims to help students see meaning in the

academic material they are researching by connecting academic subjects with the

context of their daily lives, that is, with the context of their personal, social, and

cultural circumstances. To achieve this aim, the system encompasses the

following eight components: making meaningful connections, doing significant

work, self-regulated learning, collaborating, critical and creative thinking,

nurturing the individual, reaching high standards, using authentic assessment.”

Contextual teaching is teaching that enables students to reinforce, expand,

and apply their academic knowledge and skills in a variety of in school and out of

school settings in order to solve simulated or real world problems. Contextual

occurs when students apply and experience what is being taught referencing real

problems associated with their roles and responsibilities as family members,

citizens, students, and workers. Contextual teaching and learning emphasizes

higher-level thinking, knowledge transfer across academic disciplines, and

collecting, analyzing and synthesizing information and data from multiple sources

and viewpoints. The Washington State for Contextual Teaching and Learning

(2001: 3-4) as quoted by Nurhadi (2003: 12).


According to the definition from UGA CTL Project

( Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) is

an approach/perspective to teaching and learning that recognizes and addressees

the situate nature of knowledge. Through connections both in and out of

classroom, a CTL approach aims at making experience relevant and meaningful to

students by building knowledge that will have applications to lifelong learning. In

general, CTL aims to build collaboration between the university/school and

community in ways, which are mutually beneficial.

2.4.2 The Function of CTL in Competence Based Curriculum

Contextual is a learning approach that is based on the purpose to make the

class be active. According to Nurhady (2003: 100), the active class is the class

that maximizes students with all of their activities to get the competency they

want to be reached, on the other hand, CBC contents of the draft of competency

that must be reached by students to all educational levels.

Clearly, the relationship between both Competency Based Curriculum (CBC)

and Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) is that CBC is a standard competency,

and CTL is a strategy to achieve the main purpose of educational aim. Whereas,

CBC is the standard that consist about the purposes of national education; the

draft of competency, assessment system, and school arrangement.

So, from the explanation above the function of CTL in CBC are:

1. to achieve the expectation of CBC that oriented by contextual teaching learning,

that is learning by doing.


2. to be able to easier found the student’s competence, that also is one of the CBC


2.4.3 Component of Contextual Teaching Learning

There are seven components of CTL that are constructivism, questioning,

inquiry, learning community, modeling, reflection, and authentic assessment.

A classroom can be mentioned using CTL if the classroom applicants the whole

components. Contextual Teaching Learning is flexible; we can apply CTL to

whatever curriculum, subjects, and classroom without considering its situation. Constructivism

The philosophy of CTL is constructivism, and the essential of

constructivism theory is a kind of idea where student must found and transform

information to another situation, and it is needed the information may belong to


With those basic, learning have to be packaged become constructing

process not only getting knowledge. In learning process, the students create their

own knowledge by active at the teaching learning process. Students are a center of

activity, not the teacher.

According to Nurhadi (2003: 34) in constructivism, the most important thing

is “getting strategy” move than how many knowledge that they can get or

memorize. So, teachers have duty to facilitate those processes by:

(1) Make the knowledge more relevant and meaningful for students

(2) Give opportunities for students to find out and apply their own idea

(3) Make the students, to apply their own strategy in learning

Page 21: KEMENDIKNAS Questioning

Questioning is the important thing from CTL strategy, it is the heart of

knowledge, and important aspect in learning. People ask, because want to know,

examine, confirm, clarification, and avoid misunderstanding.

Questioning is a main strategy at learning by CTL. In learning,

questioning is seen as the teacher’s activities to guide, and judge the student’s

thinking ability.

Questioning is a strategy which is used by students actively in order to

analyzing and exploring ideas. The spontaneity question from students can be

used to stimulate the students; thinking, discuss, speculate.

According to Orlich (1980: 193) as quoted by Nurhadi (2002: 46), the

importance of question in learning are:

1) Questioning is a general learning strategy and be able to applied to various


2) Using and developing systematic technique of question is believed tend to

make students quality in learning better

3) By classification questions, teacher can determine the cognitive and

affective levels, which have to be had by students.

4) By systematic technique of question, teacher can determine the first

knowledge level of the student.

5) There are several variations of question for teacher to be given to the



Questioning strategy, which is used by teacher, be able to applied to all of leaving

situation. Inquiry

Inquiry is asking, not normally questions. The questions must have

relationship with something to be discussed. The question must be answered a

part or whole. The question must be tested and investigated meaningfully.

The key word of inquiry strategy is students find themselves. Actually,

inquiry activities are sickles, which contents; 1) definite the problem, 2) collecting

data by observation, 3) analyzing and presenting the data: writing, picture, report,

scheme, tables, 4) communicating the data to readers, classmates, or another

audiences. Nurhadi (2003: 43) Learning Community

In a learning community, the learning output is achieved by making

cooperation with another. Learning output is reached by sharing among friend,

groups, or between has known group to has not known group.

In class which using CTL, learning activities is done at learning groups; clever

students help less clever student. So, the meanings of learning community

according to Nurhadi (2003: 47) are;

1) There are groups of learning with communicate each other in order to

share knowledge and experience

2) There is a kind of cooperation to solve the problem

3) Commonly, output of work’s group is better than work’s individual

4) The members of the group have same responsibility.


5) Several efforts in helping less clever student to motivate them in learning.

6) Create better situation and condition, so child is able to learn with the


7) There are responsibility and cooperation felling between member of the

group to take and give each other.

8) There is a teacher who guide learning process in group

9) It must be two side communications.

10) There is a will to receive better idea.

11) Respect to the other people’s argument

12) There is not only one truth.

13) Clever student’s domination need to be intentioned in order to give

reinforcement at less clever student.

14) If a student asks to lees friends, it has the meaning of learning

community. Modeling

Basically, modeling are expressing thought ideas demonstrating how the

teachers ask their student to learn, doing what the teachers need their student to


Modeling can be mentioned as how to research in CTL, teacher is not only

one model. Model can be designed with student’s involvement. Model, can also

came from out side. For example, in learning English using native speakers. They

become model in the classroom, how to pronunciation, body language when

talking, etc. The examples of modeling in the classroom are English teacher


demonstrate how to spell a word, Biology teacher show how to use thermometer,

etc. Reflection

Reflection is the way to think about everything that has been learned.

Reflection is done by teacher at the end of learning program, and could be; 1)

direct statement, about everything that has been learned, 2) journal at student’s

book, 3) impression and advise from student about the lesson that day, 4) discuss.

Nurhadi (2003: 51) Authentic Assessment

Authentic assessment is an assessment procedure at CTL. Nurhadi (2003: 52)

state, assessment’s principles and its characteristics are:

1) Have to measure all of learning aspects: process, framework, and product.

2) Be held during and after learning process.

3) Using various sources and ways.

4) Test is only a tool for collecting assessment data.

5) Assignments that given to the students must represented their real daily


6) Assessment must have stressing at knowledge’s depth and student’s skill,

not the quality.

Assessment is collecting data process that it can illustrate about the

development of student’s. Those illustrations are needed done the learning process



2.5 The Application of Contextual Teaching Learning

According to Nurhadi (2003: 100) that CTL has been applied at CBC when;

1) Teachers teaches what should be taught, not only knowledge about “X”.

2) Teacher achieves basic competency, not only “finish the subject”

3) Knowledge and skill to be taught, close with student’s daily life.

4) Students find, and construct the knowledge and skill themselves.

5) The classroom becomes “dynamic” (student work and train) not only the

teacher “acts in a stage”, but also students must be active.

6) Students feel happy when the material is going to begin, because they

really needed it.

7) Teacher assesses what should be assessed, which contains of students’

knowledge and skill.

8) Teachers collect the student’s achievement from process, product,

framework, and evaluation.




In this chapter, the researcher discusses research design, population and

sample, research instrument, and the procedure of data collection and data


3.1 Research Design

Research design is also called as structure of research. It is the “glue” that

holds all the elements in a research project together. Trochim in Sulamah (2003).

The research design that is used in this research is descriptive research

design. According to Ary (1979) descriptive research studies are designed to

obtain information concerning the current status of phenomena and directed

toward determining the nature of situation as it exists at the time of the research.

In this case, the current status of phenomena are the compatibility of Contextual

Teaching Learning (CTL) and its implementation in teaching English at SMPN 5

malang based on Competence Based Curriculum (CBC).

3.2 Research Subject

According to Budiharso in Sugiati (2004), research subject is the whole of our

research from where we will take the data by conducting a measurement to the

research subject.

The research subject chosen in this research is an English teacher of class VIII

D. She is chosen because of the following considerations; first, she has been

applied CBC during these two years; second, she ever follow TOT (Training of


Trainee) for the implementation of CTL based on CBC done by “Directorial PLP

(Pendidikan Lanjutan Pertama) Jakarta” and; third, she has been using CTL in her

English teaching.

3.3 Research Instrument

The research instrument used to collect the data of this research are

observation, interview, and document analysis. This instrument is intended to find

the compatibility of Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) and its implementation

in teaching English to Junior High School based on Curriculum Based


3.3.1 Observation

Gay and Airasian (2003: 198), observation is clearly the most appropriate

approach. There are two kinds of observation, participant and nonparticipant

observation. Participant observation is who engages fully in the activities being

studied but is known to the participants as a researcher. Nonparticipant

observation is the activities of the group being studied that are one who watches

but does not participant.

In this research, the researcher uses nonparticipant observation to get the

data. the data is some notes about the way of teaching which is done by the

English teacher, Besides, the teacher also takes some picture’s which contains of

teaching learning activity which express the way of teacher’s teaching in the

classroom. She takes the observation about one month in order to know the

compatibility of CTL and its implementation in teaching English activity based on



3.3.2 Interview

Interview is the technique of question and answer that is done by the

subject orally. One way of obtaining data is simply to ask question. Ary (1979:

174) states that there are two types of interviews: they are structured interview

and unstructured interview. A structured interview is the interview that the

question and the alternative answers are given to the subject that has been

determined by the researcher. That is doing to all respondents. While,

unstructured interview is more informal. The question of this instruments are

about views, attitude, or about the other information that can be used as a subject


In this research, the researcher chooses unstructured interview to collect

the data because by using unstructured interview the researcher will be able to

know the data directly and deeply. This interview is given to the English teacher

of class VIII D after the observation has been done. In this interview, the

researcher will give seven questions related to the way of teaching which is done

by this English teacher.

3.3.3 Document Analysis

According to Arikunto (2002: 206), document analysis is a method of

searching data that concern with some variables, such as: note, transcripts, books,

newspapers, magazines, ancient inscriptions, journals, agenda, etc.

In this research, the researcher uses some documents that contain of

students’ activity, students’ evaluation assessment and students’ worksheet of

class VIII D at SMPN 5 Malang as the document to be analyzed.


3.4 The Procedure of Data Collection and Analysis

In conducting the research, the procedures of data collection and data analysis

of this research are as follows:

1. Developing a research instrument.

2. Conducting the research activity by observes in the classroom while


3. Conducting the research activity by interviewing the teacher based on the

result of observation.

4. Conducting the research activity by analyzing the student’ evaluation

assessment and students’ worksheet as the documents.

5. Analyzing the data based on the research problem stated in chapter I.

6. Taking conclusion.


The Procedure of Data Collection and Analysis is presented in following


Diagram 3.1

The procedure of data collection and analysis.

Developing the research instrument 7 questions for unstructured


Conducting the research

Analyzing the data

Taking conclusion

Draft for nonparticipant observation

The documents

Classroom Observation

Interviewing the teacher

Analyzing the students’ evaluation assessment and students’ worksheet as the


Classifying the result of observation

Classifying the respondent’s answer

Classifying the documents analysis




The results and discussions about the compatibility of Contextual

Teaching Learning (CTL) approach and its implementation in teaching English at

SMPN 5 Malang based on Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) are presented in

this chapter.

4.1 Results

In this section, the researcher discusses the result of the data analysis about

the implementation of CTL approach in teaching English at SMPN 5 Malang

based on Competence Based Curriculum (CBC)

4.1.1 The Implementation of CTL Approach in Teaching English at SMPN 5

Malang Based on CBC.

The implementation of CTL approach in teaching English can be seen

from the components of constructivism, questioning, inquiry, learning

community, modeling, reflection, and authentic assessment.

The implementation of CTL approach describes as follows:


Table 4.1. The Implementation of CTL approach in Teaching English at SMPN 5 Malang Based on CBC.

The Implementation of CTL in the Classroom Components of

CTL Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity



The teacher explained kinds of

invitation and the examples:

• She asked the students

to make an invitation

the same with the

examples given by the

teacher, then presented

in front of the class.

• She asked the students

to make an invitation

by using their own

words. They had to

choose the type of

invitation by themself.

Student were able to do the

teacher’s command.

• They could make an

invitation the same

with the example

given by the teacher,

then presented in

front of the class.

• They could create an

invitation by using

their own words.

They could choose

the type and develop

it by themself.

2. Questioning The teacher motivated the

students to give questions. It

was done by giving questions

to the students, so that, they

Students were motivated to

ask to the teacher. Then,

these questions became

more complex and


gave some feedback. developed because other

students gave commands

from those questions. These

were done through both

individually and groups.

(see appendix 3)

3. Inquiry • Teacher asked the

students to give a tittle

of narrative text.

• Teacher asked the

students to find another

narrative story from

some media

• From the narrative

story found by the

students, then the

teacher asked the

students some

questions to know their

understanding toward

• Students could make

a tittle to the

narrative text in a


• Students could find

many narrative

stories from the

internet, magazine,

or newspaper. (see

appendix 4)

• Students presented

their findings in front

of the class and

answer the teacher’s

questions by

discussing with the



the story. For example

about the actor, main

problem, conclusion of

the story, etc.

4. Learning


Teacher grouped the students

when she started to teach about

generic structure, main

problem and plots of the text.

The students discussed the

generic structure, main

problem and plots of text

with their group. They

shared and discussed it each

other. (see appendix 3)

5. Modeling Teacher asked the students to

present their works both

individually or group in front

of the class.

Students presented their data

in front of the class in

groups or individually. They

used a simple English to

present their works. (see

appendix 3)

6. Reflection Teacher gave reflection at the

end of the research. For


• She asked the student

to mention kinds of text

or kinds of invitation

which had been

• Students could

answer the teacher’s

questions, by

mentioning the kinds

of text and


discussed during the


• She asked the students

what they could find

through the research on

that day.


• Students could

mention the new

information which

they found.


They could make an


They could make a

narrative text.

7. Authentic


• Teacher took the

evaluation during and

after the class.

• Teacher took the

evaluation from the

student’s worksheet

and block sheet. (see

appendix 2)

The table above shows the implementation of CTL approach in teaching

English. This implementation is seen from the components of constructivism,

questioning, inquiry, learning community, modeling, reflection, and authentic



The component of CTL can be implemented as follows: Constructivism,

Questioning, Inquiry that could be seen from the instructional activities between

the teacher and the students. In this way, the teacher gave some explanation and

the students gave feedback by doing homework or duties given by the teacher.

Furthermore, the application of component learning community usually done by

the teacher by grouping the students in order to discuss the specific subject. The

next component is modeling, shown when the students presented their data or

work in front of the class in groups or individually by using a simple English.

Then, the component of reflection applied by asking to the students about the

subject which they have learned at that day. It was done by the teacher at the end

of teaching learning process. The last component is the authentic assessment, it

could be seen from the teacher’s activities which gave evaluation during the

teaching learning process, the students’ worksheet, and block sheet.

4.1.2. The Compatibility of CTL Approach and Its Implementation in

Teaching English at SMPN 5 Malang Based on CBC.

Based on the result of the observation in this school, there is any

compatibility of CTL approach and its implementation. It is because the teacher

has taught what should be taught, achieved basic competency, had knowledge

and skill, assessed what should be assessed and collected the students

achievement from process, product, framework and evaluation. (see appendix 4).

Besides, students can construct the knowledge and skill by themselves. Moreover,

every student felt happy when the material was going to began because they really


STUDENT • Constructing

their knowledge by themselves

• Constructing their skill by themselves.

• Expressing that they need evaluation subject.

CLASSROOM • The Classroom becomes



TEACHER + SUBJECT - Teaching what should be taught - Understanding text - Achieving basic competency - Understanding structure - Having knowledge and skill - Understanding the use of sentences - Assessing what should be assessed - Collecting the students’ value from process, product, frame work, and evaluation.

need the material. Therefore, the classroom becomes dynamic. Further

explanation about this compatibility is presented as follows:

Diagram 4.2. The Compatibility of CTL Approach and Its Implementation in teaching English.

The compatibility which is shown on the diagram above is in line with the

theory of Nurhadi (2003). He said that CTL has been applied at CBC when:

1) Teacher teaches what should be taught, not only knowledge about “X”.

2) Teacher achieves basic competency, not only “finish the subject”

3) Knowledge and skill to be taught, close with the student’s daily life.

4) Students find, and construct the knowledge and skill by themselves.


5) The classroom becomes “dynamic” (student work and train) not only the

teacher “acts in a stage”, but also students must be active.

6) Students feel happy when the material is going to begin, because they

really needed it.

7) Teacher assesses what should be assessed, which contains of students’

knowledge and skill.

8) Teacher collects the student’s achievement from process, product,

framework, and evaluation.

4.2. Discussion.

In this research, the researcher found that the implementation of CTL

approach in this school involves seven components. They are constructivism,

questioning, inquiry, learning community, modeling, reflection, and authentic

assessment. The finding above is in line with the theory about the components of

CTL approach stated by Nurhadi (2003).

In this research, the researcher also found that CTL approach has been

compatible with the implementation in teaching English at SMPN 5 Malang based

on CBC. It was caused by the teacher who has already taught what should be

taught, achieved basic competency, had knowledge and skill, assessed what

should be and collected the students’ achievement from process, product,

framework and evaluation. (see appendix 2). Moreover, students can construct the

knowledge and skill by themselves, and students feel happy when the material is

going to be begun, because students really needed it. Therefore, the classroom

becomes dynamic. This findings is in line with the theory about the


implementation of CTL approach based on CBC which is stated by Nurhadi


Although CBC has been implemented about two years, the used of CTL

approach based on CBC in this school has been compatible with the

implementation. It is very surprising because CTL is a strategy to achieve the

main purpose of educational aim. Besides, CTL is one of the most important

approaches in CBC which can be implemented to achieve the aim of CBC.

The researcher agrees if CTL approach to be implemented as a strategy of

CBC, because those can give the classroom becomes fun and active for the

students. Besides, those ways show the teacher’s professionalism to teach English

based on CBC. It is in line with the principals of CBC which are stated by

Fatimah (2003; 15) in Ruciana (2004) that is CBC uses competence approach that

give attention to the understanding, ability or certain competence in a school

related to the job area in society, and standard competence in this curriculum

consider to the students’ differences psychologically, so the students enjoy the


The compatibility of CTL approach and its implementation based on CBC

is very important to be considered by the teachers because it can give some

improvements for them. The improvements are in the teaching learning process.




This chapter presents the conclusion and the suggestion of the present


5.1 Conclusion

Based on the research findings, some conclusions are drawn dealing with the

compatibility of the Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) approach and its

implementation in teaching English at SMPN 5 Malang based on Competence

Based Curriculum (CBC).

The implementation of CTL approach in teaching English based on CBC are

seen from the seven components. Those are constructivism, questioning, inquiry,

learning community, modeling, reflection, and authentic assessment. The

constructivism, questioning, and inquiry could be seen from the instructional

activity between the teacher and the students. Furthermore, the application of

component learning community usually done by the teacher by grouping the

students. Modeling, is shown when the students presented their data or work in

front of the class in groups or individually. Then, the component of reflection

applicated by asking to the students about the subject which they have learned at

that day. The last component is the authentic assessment, it could be seen from the

teacher’s activities which gave evaluation during the teaching learning process,

the students’ worksheet, and block sheet.


The CTL approach and its implementation has been compatible in this

school. It is because the teacher has taught what should be taught, achieved basic

competence, had knowledge and skill, assessed what should be assessed and

collected the students achievement from process, product, framework, and

evaluation. Besides, student felt happy when the material was going to begin

because they really need the material. Therefore, the classroom become dynamic.

5.2 Suggestion

After perceiving the compatibility of CTL components used in teaching

English based on CBC conducted by the researcher, some suggestions can be

considered by the association and subject matter teacher (MGMP), English

teacher, and further researcher.

Association and Subject Matter Teacher (MGMP)

The MGMP has to give additional trainings and workshops about the CTL

approach based on CBC because the English teachers still need it in order to

broaden their knowledge and understand the implementation of CTL approach in


For English Teachers

Teachers must be able to create various methods of teaching and select the

best material that is appropriate with the real condition of society. Besides, they

have to make good preparation before starting to teach. Teachers are the only

factor who know what and how the classroom will be, so that, they have to

express their creativity, which is shown to their students.


For Further Researchers

Because of some limitations in doing this research, the researcher realizes

that this thesis has not been complete yet. Therefore, it is hoped that there will be

other researchers who will conduct similar studies. For example investigating the

compatibility of teaching strategy to the CTL approach based on the implantation

of CBC,