
Green Deal: Can it still form part of the solution for social landlords?Homes 2013

Wednesday, 20th November 2013 .

Excel, London . .

Nigel Banks MEng CEng MCIBSE

Group Sustainability Director, Keepmoat

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance 2


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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance 3

1. Why retrofit1.1 It is a “no-brainer” if you can find the money

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1. Why retrofit1.2 Inclusively tackling fuel poverty across whole communities



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1. Why retrofit1.3 Offers a route to permanently escape Fuel Poverty

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance 6

© C. Baker

© C. Baker


UK Average (85)

1. Why retrofit1.3 Offers a route to permanently escape Fuel Poverty

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© C. Baker

© C. Baker

1. Why retrofit1.4 Warm Homes = Healthy People

18 to 24°C: No risk to sedentary, healthy people

Below 16°C, Diminished resistance to respiratory infections

Below 12°C, Increased blood pressure and viscosity

Below 9°C, After 2 or more hours, deep body temperature falls

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1. Why retrofit1.4 Warm Homes = Healthy People

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© C. Baker

© C. Baker

1. Why retrofit1.4 Warm Homes = Healthy People

• Cold housing negatively affects dexterity and increases the risk of accidents

• Children living in cold homes are more than twice as likely to suffer from a variety of respiratory problems than children living in warm homes

• Mental health is negatively affected by cold homes and fuel poverty in any age group

• More than 1 in 4 adolescents living in cold housing are at risk of multiple mental health problems compared to 1 in 20 adolescents who have always lived in warm homes

• Cold housing negatively affects children’s education ‘The Health impacts of cold homes and fuel poverty’: The Marmot review Team. 2011

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance


Green Deal

Pay-As-You-Save property


2. Funding Options2.1 Government’s initial view of ECO & Green Deal

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance


0% 100%


?Cost to Energy


2. Funding Options2.2 How ECO & Green Deal is actually working

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2. Funding Options2.3 Deep, whole house retrofits

Solar PV[FIT Funded]

External Wall Insulation[GD/ECO]

New Windows[GD/ECO]

A rated appliances[PAYS/Group buy?]Internal Wall


Cavity Insulation[GD/ECO]

New Glass[GD/ECO]

Room in Roof Insulation[GD/ECO]


Loft Insulation[GD/ECO]

Solar thermal[RHI Funded]

Heating systems[GD/ECO]

Floor Insulation[GD/ECO]

Flat Roof Insulation[GD/ECO]

Thermal Bridges[PAYS?]

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Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery:Measured good practice; design & installation guidance

2. Funding Options2.4 The future of ECO?

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3. Green Deal (EnergySave)3.1 The role of “Pay as you save”

— Limited capital budgets and tax/bill-payer funding

— How can you fund deep, whole house retrofits?

— Cost effective (whole house) delivery

— Personalised and understandable energy advice

— Pay as you save (Green Deal or social housing alternative)

— Increased (or energy inclusive) rents

— Group purchase and renting schemes (e.g. appliances)

— What else???

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— ‘Community Budget’ pilot: 1,000 homes out of Fuel Poverty

— First of its kind nationally

— Involves local partners coming together to fund a preventative service, they will then share the savings

(through reduced health and social care demand)

— Detailed analysis of health and social care demands impacts

— Results of the project will be reported back to Government who are looking at this as a flagship scheme.

3. Green Deal (EnergySave)3.2 Community Budget

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3. Green Deal (EnergySave)3.3 How is the service funded?

— Payment by results mechanism

— NHS Oldham CCG and Oldham Council provide funding for every house that will be lifted out of fuel poverty

— Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding

— Initially focused on HHCRO (Affordable Warmth)

— Target areas most at risk of fuel poverty (from data mapping)

— Promoting to all homes across Oldham

[email protected] 07837 516 349 @keepmoatgreen

Green Deal: Can it still form part of the solution for social landlords?Homes 2013