Download pdf - KCBC May 2009 newsletter


n e w s l e t t e

May 2009

By Mitchell Williams

Who are we?

Hello Everyone,

We had a great time at our spring picnic. The weather was threatening rain, but we had fairly good weather. There was a strong Southerly wind blowing, but this is the Midwest, right? I want to thank everyone for all of the effort placed into making this event a success. For our next local activity we will have our first pay ride of the year, the Fountain Tour on June 21. I hope to see you all there and bring your friends and family along with you. It promises to be a great time and I know the weather will be fantastic. Go online and register at

After the picnic, I had the opportunity to meet and talk to many that I had never had before. During one conversation the topic came up about the general perception of many in the cycling community of KCBC.

From the conversation, it was assumed that KCBC was more geared toward people that commuted. The connotation was that commuters are slow and were somehow not on the same scale as those that had fast carbon fiber bicycles. Of course I refuted this idea, but it started me to thinking- who are we? How would I define KCBC?

Well, we are a complete cycling club. Do we ride slow-yes. Do we love to ride fast-yes. Do we commute-yes. Do we ride high end carbon fiber bicycles-we do. Do we ride vintage steel bicycles-yep. Do we ride recumbent-you bet. Well, what about trail riders- we do that. We actually do it all.

I was really enthused when KCBC renewed it racing component, especially

Inside this Issue Prez Corner

1 Prez Corner

Representing all cyclists

2 Upcoming Events

Prez Corner cont.

Representing all cyclists cont.

3 Fountain Tour

Bike month Bike week Carfree Challenge

It must be is bicycling lungs

4 Spring Picnic–2009

5 Local bike shops

Maintenance tip

Just for the ladies

6 Columbia—Silver Bike-Friendly

Mainly coasting with crustaceans

Webbing America with bike routes

7 Jamesport Double Nickel application

8 Triple Play application

9 Fountain Tour application

10 Membership form

Featured Monthly Guest Article

continued on page 2

Representing all cyclistsBy Dana Meier

Stereotyping…everyone does it to some extent.

Black cats are unlucky. If I hear little kids screaming, running around the parking lot, shooting each other with their fingers, the kids are probably little boys. When I have the opportunity to travel internationally, I cringe when I see the “very large/overweight” American family being loud and angry about most everything. This family is playing into the stereotypes many non-Americans have about us. When Bernard L. Madoff was caught having stolen millions from his investment clients, the Jewish community was no doubt embarrassed by “one of their

own” acting so vilely.

When I’m biking on public streets, I’m very aware that I am representing the greater bicycling community. There are some motorists who dislike cyclists. By some, I mean a lot. And by dislike, I mean want us in the ditch, dead. I have had more close calls with motorists while riding my bike than hate mail Don Denkinger has received from St. Louis baseball Cardinal fans after the ’85 World Series. Cars making right turns into me. Cars making left turns into me. Cars coming up from behind…one time, I actually had to use my hand to push off on the hood ornament of a car to keep from getting run over. Did they really “not see me”? They’ve yelled at me using words I never hear in

continued on page 2

Page 2–May 2009 KCBC Newsletter

cyclist to eat pavement…they will remember that friendly, rule abiding cyclist they last encountered. And…with that thought in mind, they decide to allow this guy/gal riding a stupid bicycle (why aren’t they riding on the sidewalk, damn bikes…) going soooooo slow, to live this time.

I’m not saying I’m “always” an angel. (Jeff Foxworthy said his dentist asked Jeff if he always flosses his teeth. Jeff responded to his dentist by saying, “Not always. In fact, the last time I flossed my teeth…you did it.”) I’m not proud of the way I’ve responded to some situations I’ve encountered on my bike. And by some, I mean that just last Wednesday, with tire pump in hand…well, you get the idea. I know that some motorist are just mean, rude and have it in for cyclist. But, if we as cyclists go out of our way to be considerate to motorist, I truly believe that most motorists will be considerate back.

Note on a completely different topic: Try this the next time a dog is chasing you down on your bike, like he hasn’t eaten in a week. In a loud, strong, sure and just a bit angry voice shout, “Get off the couch!!” I’ve had dogs pull up short, whimper or just look sideways at me. Try it. It may just save your calf from getting a dog mouth sized chunk of flesh ripped off your leg?

since it was through that component that I first became aware of the club. We have sort of gone back to our past to become complete. So we do like to ride fast and we regularly compete.

We also like to do long rides as indicted by the brevet series sponsored by one of our long time club members. We have members that have ridden the prestigious RAM (Ride Across America.) Bet some of you didn’t know that.

We like to tour. Look at the members that have done RAGBRAI and other rides across various states. Soon we will also start organizing tours as a club. So yes, we like to ride leisurely, which is totally different from slow, which is a relative term. Someone will always be faster.

For those of us so situated to commute, we do that religiously. I am a commuter, and I commute at least 3 days a week. I am grateful that I can do this and look forward to my morning rides, where I can get focused for my work day and then I

Jamesport Double Nickel May 23-25

Fountain Tour June 21

KC RiverFest Urban Ride July 3

Tour of Kansas City Aug. 8-10

Summer Breeze Aug. 30

Fall Ride/Picnic Sept. 20

Northland Nightmare Oct. 11

For information on other area rides visit

Upcoming EventsPrez Corner continued from page 1

church, telling me to go places I cannot find on a map while using hand signals I cannot find in the American Sign Language Dictionary.

I’ve been tempted to compliment them back in a similar manner(s), but then I remember the rules of the playground. They are bigger than me (car vs. bicycle). So I give thanks I’m still alive and think about how Kenny (from South Park) dies on every show, and that I don’t have that luxury.

Here is my strategy. I try to be kind and considerate when I’m biking. I stay in line when waiting my turn at a stop sign. I obey traffic signals. I signal when I change lanes. I try to ride in a relatively straight line. Using hand signals, I always try to let motorists know where I am intending to go. I ride no more than two abreast. I always wave cars thru an intersection when we arrive at nearly the same time. I acknowledge (with a friendly wave) acts of kindness displayed by motorists (like letting me go first, scooting over so I don’t get splashed or so I can avoid the broken glass on the shoulder of the road). And this is the important part…I do this NOT for me, but all my fellow bicycle riders. So, the next time, when a motorist is confronted with the choice of slowing down for cyclist or passing a cyclist while opening the passenger side car door and forcing the

Featured Monthly Guest Article continued from page 1

look forward to the end of my work day so I can ride home and unwind along the way. Some of us have given up the automobile entirely and consider the bicycle to be a utilitarian thing—more of a way of life. It’s what they do.

I was riding with another board member the other day and I noticed some of the same attitudes that I have about cycling and our behavior as cyclist. These behaviors I believe make us KCBC. As a general rule, we love to cycle. We wear helmets; we obey the laws concerning our behavior as cyclist. We stop at stop signs; we wait our turn behind automobiles. We are courteous to others when riding in a group. We say things like, “on you left” and “car back” and generally our members know what these terms mean. We say good morning and wave to those we pass along the way.

So who are we? Why we are the Kansas City Bicycle Club and we are complete.

There is now a KCBC group on Facebook! Go check it out! You have to be a Facebook member to see it. Signup is fast and free.

Win prizes and have

fun! Sign up for the KCBC Carfree team at

May 2009–Page 3 KCBC Newsletter

by Laurie Chipman

It’s time once again to have fun and celebrate biking and walking! There are lots of events planned for Bike Week that can be seen here.

Mayor Funkhouser will be making an announcement about bicycling and walking on Monday, May 11 at 9 a.m. at the KCP&L stage. Come on down and cheer on the upcoming improvements to cycling in KCMO.

If you want to try bike commuting there will be commuting group rides and information including how to bike and bus, can be found here.

Commuting doesn’t have to be to work.

Most non-work trips in the KC region are less than five miles. Try running your errands on a bike by riding to the library, post office, video store, coffee shop, grocery store, etc.

What I like to do is put some panniers on my bike and ride to the city market on Saturdays for fun and great local foods. For me this is about a 9-10 mile round trip. It’s also easy to have breakfast or ride to 17th and Summit for some of the best bread in town.

If you have friends or family who are beginning cyclists, here are some resources to encourage them.

Get out there and join us on the roads and trails!

May is Bike Month & May 10–16 is Bike Week & Carfree Challenge

By Bob Pisciotta

Please join the Kansas City Bicycle Club on June 21 for the annual Fountain Tour.

● Event: Fountain Tour

● Date: Sunday, June 21

● Registration: Starts at 6:30 a.m.

● Ride: Starts at 7:30 a.m.

● Guided tour: Starts at 7:45 a.m. Join Pat Leary for a leisurely tour of some of Kansas City’s most scenic fountains. Participants in the Guided Tour will receive SAG bags from KCBC.

● Start location: 3rd and Grand in the River Market. There is plenty of parking nearby.

● Routes: Short (23 miles) and long (41 miles) with an optional loop of 7

miles into North Kansas City for long riders who want to ride even longer.

● SAGs: two locations, serving riders on all routes.

This is not a race, but a leisurely ride. You may want to stop, take a few pictures, check out the spectacular fountains and see the many other sites in our beautiful town. As you meander through this route, you will be pampered by the bountiful KCBC SAGs with wonderful volunteers, plenty of cold water, fresh fruit, PB&J and other goodies. We will also feature cellular equipped support vehicles roving the route.

This is the most popular ride in Kansas City. Join us and see why.

For more information on the Fountain Tour, contact Bob Pisciotta at: [email protected]

President: Mitchell Williams

V.P. Touring: Lou Joline

V.P. Racing David Mathews

Secretary: Bob Pisciotta

Treasurer: Ron Puett

Advocacy: Laurie Chipman

Publicity: Chris Pace

Hospitality: Gloria Larson

Volunteer Coordinator: Richard Johnson

Newsletter Design & Editor: Melinda Kelsey

Membership: Dana Meier

Webmaster: Robb Jones

Visit our Web site for contact information.

Do you have any interesting bike stories? Perhaps a bike Kodak moment. If so, we would like to hear from you.

Please forward any newsletter information to: [email protected] by the 1st of the month prior to the publish month.

2009 Board

Newsletter Submissions

Fountain Tour

From Adventure Cycling

Lloyd Mager, owner of Lloyd’s Tropical Bike Tour company in Key West, Florida, was the undisputed champion in the community’s 47th annual Conch Shell Blowing Contest last month. Mager wowed the judges by blowing tunes like “The Alley Cat Song” and Frank Sinatra’s “Strangers

in the Night.” He says he takes the conch shell with him on every tour on which he leads visitors around Key West. “I love to blast it through the neighborhoods and play songs--and the people on my tours love it,” he said. Read more at this link to CBS 4 Denver:

It must be his bicycling lungs

Page 4–May 2009 KCBC Newsletter

By Gloria Larson

Does anyone know how much wind is required to blow a person off their bike while riding? It seems like the 40+ people who rode on Sunday morning may be close to having the answer. What a workout ride that was. The legs, the arms, back and every other part of our bodies were tested and became stronger for it. Just keeping the bike upright was quite a challenge. However, the 5-6 miles when the wind was to our backs, it was the most fun ride ever. Gosh, sounds like the wind was the focus of everything Sunday. You had to hold onto your plate during lunch, or it would go sailing in the air. The two pop ups and the banner were soon taken down because they were more like kites than protection. It has certainly been a windy spring, that’s for sure. Well, so much for the wind. It didn’t damper anyone’s spirits Sunday as the group began the beautiful 20 mile ride to Buckner at about 10 a.m. People joined in the fun from all over the city, including Melinda Kelsey, our editor, who joined us from Maryville. It was a sheer joy to see everyone again; that’s for sure. Gosh, there were even three tandems and two recumbent riders.

Thanks to everyone for bringing such delicious food for us all to enjoy. As we all know, eating is half the fun of biking – bike to eat and eat to bike. Oh yes, we all returned safely to the start with the exception of yours truly who managed to take a spill at the entrance to the parking lot – not a big deal, we all have this experience at one time or another – I just got mine out of the way for the year J

Special thanks to Mitchell and Bob who put extra effort into getting things set up for the picnic.

So, we’re off and running – no, that’s biking, for the year. Hope yours will be a safe one while having fun and reaching any goals you may have set for yourself. As a reminder, the next KCBC event will be the Jamesport ride over Memorial weekend. If you haven’t participated in this ride, it’s a lot of fun and hope you can join in that event this year. See the Web site for more information.

Until next time, safe riding.

Gloria Larson Hospitality

Spring Picnic—2009

Photos by Mark Breeding and Melinda Kelsey

May 2009–Page 5 KCBC Newsletter

By Chris Pace

Many of you have 10 speed Ultegra and Dura-Ace STI shifting systems. They have probably been working fine for many years. There is one issue with these that you need to be aware of, and it’s one of those that a little maintenance can save you a few hundred dollars.

If you have not changed the cables on these, you should make an appointment and get it done immediately. If the cable ever breaks (a $3 item), while your out on the road usually the left or right shifter (usually the right) just became toast, unrepairable. The cables break inside the shifter housing where it bends and connects to the shifting mechanism. You have to buy a whole new unit which is around $200 or more depending on which level of Shimano you have.

If you have older 8/9 speed, you should have no other problems. Just limp home and replace the cable and you are good. Shimano quit making rebuild-able shifters when 8 speed ran it’s course. 9 and 10 are not rebuild-able. Campy does have an advantage here.

So, take your bike in to your favorite shop and have new cables installed. They will also adjust your shifting so it will no doubt shift better too. This may be the best money you can spend in maintenance, and I would do it every year even if they may last for a few years. The old saying: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” definitely applies here.

These bike shops support the Kansas City Bicycle Club with member discounts and donations of time and merchandise for special events. Return the favor and support these shops with your business. Shop your local bike shops first!

In alphabetical order:

• Acme Bicycle Company (816) 221-2045 412 East 18th Street, Kansas City, MO

• Bicycle Shack (816) 761-3233 10415 Blue Ridge Blvd., KC, MO

• Bike America (816) 524-1819 325 E. 3rd, Lee’s Summit, MO (913) 780-4500 15291 W. 119th St., Olathe, KS (913) 381-5431, 9514 Nall, OP, KS

• BikeSource (913) 451-1515, 11500 W. 135th St., OP, KS

• Bike Stop Bicycle Stores (816) 224-8588 925 W. 40 Hwy, Blue Springs, MO (816) 525-8686 248 NW Oldham Pkwy, Lee’s Summit, MO

• Biscari Brothers Bicycles (816) 231-1331 5116 Independence Ave, KC, MO (816) 792-8877 884 S. 291 Hwy, Liberty, MO

• Cycle City (816) 587-8181 7749 N. W. Prairieview Rd., KC, MO

• Epic Bike and Sport (816) 382-3100 6000 NW 63rd Terrace, Kansas City, MO

• Leawood Bicycles (816) 942-4442, 12311 State Line Rd., KC, MO

• Midwest Cyclery (816) 931-4653, 3957 Broadway, KC, MO

• Pace Bicycle Haven, (816) 461-7433, 1215 W. Elm, Independence, MO

• Peddlers (816) 254-6855 139 E. Lexington, Independence, MO

• River Market Cyclery (816) 842-2453, 315 E. 3rd, KC, MO

• Trek Bicycle Store (913) 631-6800, 10412 Shawnee Mission Pkwy., Shawnee, KS

• Turner’s Cycling and Fitness, (913) 381-5298, 8909 Sante Fe Dr., OP, KS

• The Wheel Cyclery (816) 455-2453, 5126 N. E. Antioch, KC, MO

Discount for KCBC Membership

From Adventure Cycling

“Bicycling for Women” is a new book out from VeloPress authored by Gale Bernhardt. The title covers a broad range of topics that will be of interest to female riders, whether they’re neophytes, road-proven veterans, or somewhere in between. “There are a lot of pieces to women’s cycling in addition to getting the right bike fit,” pens reviewer Stephanie Chase in the Daily Peloton. “Bernhardt’s interactive book covers a wide scope: women’s bodies, their bikes, and their biology. Knowledge is power and Bernhardt packs enough information on bike fit, training programs, heart rate zones, and nutrition to propel a casual cyclist to the next level.” Click on this link to read the review in its entirety:

Just for the ladies

Worth while maintenance/performance tip of the month

Page 6–May 2009 KCBC Newsletter

Columbia achieves Silver Bike-Friendly designation

Columbia, Mo. has just been named a Silver level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. Bicycle Friendly Communities is a national program that measures things like policies, facilities, bike lanes, trails, educational programs, etc. and awards cities four levels of achievement - Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Columbia’s designation recognizes their unprecedented effort to fully integrate bicycling and walking into the city’s transportation system.

Columbia is the first city in Missouri to achieve this designation. About three years ago Columbia received a $25 million pilot project grant to see if installing biking and walking infrastructure would encourage more people to walk and bike for transportation. They started a program called GetAbout Columbia.

Columbia has become one of the nation’s premier bicycling cities

Recent data gathered as part of the GetAbout Columbia pilot project show that single-occupant vehicle trips to work and school have dropped by 15% in a single year.

In that same year, bicycle trips more than doubled--increasing from 3.4% to 8.7% of all work/school trips. That takes Columbia from a “better than average” bicycle city to one of the top bicycle cities in the nation. (Nationally about 0.5% of commute trips are by bicycle.)

Walking, transit and carpooling trips are also up noticeably--more so than the national statistics in these areas.

All of this change comes with only a small portion of the GetAbout Columbia projects completed. For instance, only about 1/3 of proposed on-street bicycle routes and bicycle lanes have been installed. The MKT Plaza projects marks the first of several substantial trail and trail-connection projects planned. Some sidewalk projects have been completed but more are on the drawing board. Only one of several projects has been completed, which aim to revamp intersections to make them safer and easier for bicyclists and pedestrians to cross (several more are under construction right now).

When all GetAbout Columbia projects are finished--within the next few years--the transformation of Columbia into a bicycle and pedestrian city will be even more remarkable.

That’s the transformation of an entire city, changing travel habits, reducing congestion and pollution, helping citizen develop better fitness and health--and all that for about the price of a single freeway interchange.” (

Closer to home, Kansas City has set a goal of achieving the Platinum level by 2020 and expects to apply for Bronze in the next year or so. The suburb of Shawnee, Kan. has already attained the Bronze level, as has the city of Lawrence, Kan. Several small suburbs in Northeast Johnson County are talking about forming a joint effort apply as a single community. (

Mainly coasting with the crustaceans

From Adventure Cycling

The 8th Annual Maine Lobster Ride & Roll, slated for July 25 in and around Rockland, is billed as “the state’s most scenic and tastiest bicycle ride.” With distance options of 16, 30, 50 and 100 miles, the various routes follow sections of rugged coastline and rural inland roads. Participants will enjoy a freshly made lobster roll lunch and live Tour de France coverage at ride’s end, and also take

home a pair of Lobster Ride socks. The big event supports the Bicycle Coalition of Maine’s education and advocacy work for better bicycling in Maine. Visit this link to learn how to get involved:

From Adventure Cycling

The Adventure Cycling Routes and Mapping Department reports that the web pages for the U.S. Bike Route System (USBRS) have been updated to include information about recent developments and links to the new USBRS forums. If you visit the following link and click on “Discussion Forums” in the first paragraph (or on the right hand navigation), you’ll find topics of conversation that include how to get involved as a volunteer in your state, as well as a request for input from locals on good regional routing opportunities. We just got the ball rolling last week, so this is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor.

Webbing America with bike routes

TIME: The ride starts Saturday at 10 a.m. with on site registration beginning at 9 a.m.

WHERE: The ride begins at the Jamesport School

DISTANCE: 22, 25 and 55 mile routes available NO SAG service as all loops begin and end in Jamesport

DIRECTIONS: Directions to Jamesport, MO—From Kansas City Metro, take I-35 north to the Winston (Exit 61) Take Hwy 69 north to MO 6. Proceed east on MO 6 then take Route F into Jamesport to the school. The school is on the right hand side of the road and is where the rides will begin.

Directions to Crowder State Park—Go north on MO Hwy 6 to Jct. 146 (there is a big white cross at the turn). Take Jct. 146 north for approximately 1 mile to park entrance.

CAMPING: is at Camp Grand River complex, a private group camp area which features six dorm style cabins that include modern restrooms and showers, a large dinning lodge with kitchen with walk-in refrigerator, a recreation hall and outdoor recreational facilities for tennis, basketball, and boating. Come and bring supplies for a potluck dinner Sunday as all the restaurants in Jamesport will be closed.

DINNER: After the ride on Saturday, we meet at 5 p.m. to have dinner at Gingrich Dutch Pantry Restaurant & Bakery. The Amish meal consists of a family style roast beef, chicken, mashed potatoes, schnitzel beans, Dutch slaw, ice cream and pie.

SUNDAy LUNCH: The Club will provide a lunch at the Jamesport High School between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. as restaurants are closed. We will not have food for you unless you pre-register for the ride by May 18.

Online registration is available at Contact Ron Puett at (816) 746-9765 for addition information.

Jamesport Double Nickel 2009

Make checks payable to KCBC and mail to: KCBC, PO Box 412163, Kansas City, MO 64141-2163 Register online at

Per Person Count Extension

Ride Fee includes Saturday lodge access and Sunday Lunch $35 (must pre-register by May 18)

Sunday Night lodge access only $20

Amish Dinner only $15

KCBC Membership Fee: $20 Single, $25 Family, $30 Sustaining


I plan to ride 22 25 55 Miles

E-mail: (required for membership--it is your login) __________________________________________________________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone #: _________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________________________________ St: ________________________ Zip: ________________________

Emergency contact (name & number): ____________________________________________________________________________________

Waiver and disclaimer of Liability: I, the undersigned (a parent for riders under 18), accept that cycling is a hazardous activity, and I accept all risks associated with participation in this event. I agree that in the event of a mishap during the ride, I will not hold Kansas City Bicycle Club, its members or officers responsible for any injury, loss or inconvenience. I further agree to wear an ANSI or Snell approved helmet and to adhere to the rules of the road while riding in this event.

Signed: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Single Member/Rider

Signed: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Family Member

Check all that apply:

❏ Interested in racing on the KCBC team

❏ Helping to plan or work at club events

❏ Being a ride leader

❏ Working in advocacy to make the roads better for cyclists

❏ Volunteering to work club-sponsored rides

Presents the: J a m e s p o r t D o u b l e n i c k e lsaturday–Monday, May 23–25

Sunday, June 21–Fountain Tour

Sunday, August 30–Summer Breeze

Sunday, October 11–Northland Nightmare

Save $20.00 by pre-registering for all three rides and we will have a pair of KCBC socks waiting for you at the registration table. The deadline for this great deal is June 1.

Don’t delay! Register today and take advantage of this special offer!

**Don’t forget you can register online at**

Presents: t r i p l e p l a ysave $20 and get free KCBC cycling socks with

paid pre-registration for all three rides

Triple Play Sock Offer 2009

Make checks payable to KCBC and mail to: KCBC, PO Box 412163, Kansas City, MO 64141-2163 Register online at

Ride Fee 3 @ $20/$25Members



Pre-registration discount: if received by June 1, (3 @ $5) plus $5 more.

($20) ($20)

KCBC Membership Fee: $20 Single, $25 Family, $30 Sustaining

If you join, use Members column

Free KCBC socks with pre-registration ❏ S ❏ L (Note: only available with pre-registration)

Free Free

Additional KCBC socks $7 each


I plan to ride 25 45 Miles OR Guided Tour—Fountain Tour

I plan to ride 45 70 100 Miles—Summer Breeze

I plan to ride 25 50 62 100 Miles—Northland Nightmare

E-mail: (required for membership--it is your login) ___________________________________________________________________

Name: __________________________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________________________ St: ___________________ Zip: ___________________

Emergency contact (name & number): __________________________________________________________________

Waiver and disclaimer of Liability: I, the undersigned (a parent for riders under 18), accept that cycling is a hazardous activity, and I accept all risks associated with participation in this event. I agree that in the event of a mishap during the ride, I will not hold Kansas City Bicycle Club, its members or officers responsible for any injury, loss or inconvenience. I further agree to wear an ANSI or Snell approved helmet and to adhere to the rules of the road while riding in this event.

Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Single Member/Rider

Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Family Member

Check all that apply:

❏ Interested in racing on the KCBC team

❏ Helping to plan or work at club events

❏ Being a ride leader

❏ Working in advocacy to make the roads better for cyclists

❏ Volunteering to work club-sponsored rides

TIME: The ride starts at 7:30 a.m. with on site registration beginning at 6:30 a.m.

WHERE: The ride begins at the historic River Market at the parking lot at 3rd and Grand. This lot is on the NE corner of 3rd and Grand, across from the River Market Cyclery.

DISTANCE: 25 and 45 mile routes available with FULL SAG service. GUIDED TOUR—Let Pat Leary guide you at 7:45 a.m. to the most interesting fountains.

DIRECTIONS: Traveling west on I-70 take exit #2F/Oak St/Grand Ave. toward Walnut St. go .3 mile turn right on Grand Blvd. go .2 mile to 4-way stop sign, go straight through stop and turn right into parking lot.

The tour of fountains will start at the River Market. It will take you on a ride to many of Kansas City’s historic fountains, Kansas City Museum, the Plaza, Liberty Memorial, Cliff Drive and many more.

Kansas City has over 200 fountains, only Rome, Italy has more. Some fountains are more than 300 years old. Bring your camera, take a few pictures and check out the spectacular fountains and other sights. Along the way, you will be pampered by those always-great KCBC SAGs with plenty of cold water, fresh fruit, and goodies to make this the ride of the year. And to make sure your bike ride is trouble-free, there will be cellular equipped SAGs roving the ride.


Contact Bob Pisciotta @ (913) 707-5329 or [email protected] if you have any questions.**Don’t forget you can register online at**

Presents the: f o u n t a i n t o u rsunday, June 21

Kansas City Fountain Tour 2009

Make checks payable to KCBC and mail to: KCBC, PO Box 412163, Kansas City, MO 64141-2163 Register online at

Ride FeeMembers



Pre-registration discount: if received by June 1, $5

KCBC Membership Fee: $20 Single, $25 Family, $30 Sustaining

If you join, use Members column



I plan to ride 25 45 Miles OR Guided Tour

E-mail: (required for membership--it is your login) ___________________________________________________________________

Name: __________________________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________________________ St: ___________________ Zip: ___________________

Emergency contact (name & number): __________________________________________________________________

Waiver and disclaimer of Liability: I, the undersigned (a parent for riders under 18), accept that cycling is a hazardous activity, and I accept all risks associated with participation in this event. I agree that in the event of a mishap during the ride, I will not hold Kansas City Bicycle Club, its members or officers responsible for any injury, loss or inconvenience. I further agree to wear an ANSI or Snell approved helmet and to adhere to the rules of the road while riding in this event.

Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Single Member/Rider

Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Family Member

Check all that apply:

❏ Interested in racing on the KCBC team

❏ Helping to plan or work at club events

❏ Being a ride leader

❏ Working in advocacy to make the roads better for cyclists

❏ Volunteering to work club-sponsored rides


IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to participate in any way in The Kansas City Bicycle Club (“Club”) sponsored Bicycling Activities (“Activity”) I, for myself, my personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin:

1. ACKNOWLEDGE, agree, and represent that I understand the nature of Bicycling Activities and that I am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity. I further acknowledge that the Activity will be conducted over public roads and facilities open to the public during the Activity and upon which the hazards of traveling are to be expected. I further agree and warrant that if, at any time, I believe conditions to be unsafe, I will immediately discontinue further participation in the Activity.

2. FULLY UNDERSTAND that (a) BICYCLING ACTIVITIES INVOLVE RISKS AND DANGERS OF SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, INCLUDING PERMANENT DISABILITY, PARALYSIS AND DEATH (“Risks”); (b) these Risks and dangers may be caused by my own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the Activity, the conditions in which the Activity takes place, or THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE “RELEASES” NAMED BELOW; (c) there may be OTHER RISKS AND SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC LOSSES either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I FULLY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSSES, COSTS, AND DAMAGES I may incur as a result of my participation in the Activity.

3. HEREBY RELEASE, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the Club, the LAB, its respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, members, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the “RELEASES” herein) FROM ALL LIABILITY, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LOSSES, OR DAMAGES ON MY ACCOUNT CAUSED OR ALLEGED TO BE CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE “RELEASES” OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING NEGLIGENT RESCUE OPERATIONS. And, I FURTHER AGREE that if, despite this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releases, I WILL INDEMNIFY, SAVE, AND HOLD HARMLESS EACH OF THE RELEASES from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim.


Kansas City Bicycle Club Membership FormThe oldest cycling organization in Kansas City, The Kansas City Bicycle Club is a great way to meet people with similar interests and find the best places to ride in the metro area. Annual memberships are only $20 for Individual Membership, $25 for Family Membership or $30 for Sustaining Membership. We hope you’ll join us and have your best cycling season ever.

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________

Family Members: _________________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________________ St.: ___________ Zip: _____________

E-mail Address: _____________________________________ Phone #: __________________________

Renewal New Member

Please check here if you don’t want your address/ phone number to appear in the Membership Directory.

Please check the appropriate line below to learn about: Interested in racing on the KCBC team Helping to plan or work at club events Being a ride leader Working in advocacy to make the roads better for cyclists Volunteering to work club-sponsored rides

IMPORTANT, All members are required to read, understand and sign understanding of the waiver.


Signature _______________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Signature _______________________________________________________________ Date ________________

Mail to: Kansas City Bicycle Club P.O. Box 412163 Kansas City, MO 64141-2163