Page 1: KAY LICENSEE HANDBOOK - Kidding Around Yoga...(a) Use: KAY grants Licensee the right and license to use the Marks solely in connection with the operation of the Licensed Business and

 KAY  LICENSEE  HANDBOOK    Table  of  Contents    A.  About  the  KAY  Licensee  Family  B.  How  to  Start  Your  Business     1.  Don’t  be  Nervous,  Walk  a  Purpose     2.  Be  an  Entrepreneur       3.  Be  a  Karma  Yogi     4.  Drink  the  Kool-­‐Aid  C.  Spread  the  Love     1.  Social  Media       a.  Facebook       b.  Twitter       c.  MailChimp     2.Your  Website     3.Marketing  Materials  

4.The  Facebook  Forum  D.  Professionalism  E.  Communicating  with  KAY  Global  F.  Licensee  Agreement                                                      

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 A.  About  the  KAY  Licensee  Family      YAY!  We  are  over-­‐the-­‐moon-­‐excited  that  you  have  decided  to  join  our  family.    We  are  a  passionate,  driven,  create,  fun,  diverse,  and  often  times  completely  wacky  group  of  individuals  who  share  the  common  mission  to  change  the  world  one  peaceful  child  at  a  time.  In  this  handbook  you  will  find  all  of  the  tools  you  need  to  jumpstart  and  grow  your  business.  It  is  our  goal  to  provide  you  with  every  ingredient  you  need  to  cook  up  a  yummy  and  satisfying  career.      B.  How  To  Start  Your  Business    1.  Don’t  be  Nervous,  Walk  a  Purpose    No  one  is  an  expert  when  they  first  start  something.  This,  however,  does  not  mean  that  you  don’t  already  have  all  of  the  tools  you  need  to  start  a  wonderful,  successful  career.  So  walk  a  purpose!  There  is  nothing  holding  you  back.  Don’t  let  your  nerves  get  the  best  of  you.  Your  KAY  training  has  equipped  you  with  everything  you  need,  minus  the  teaching  experience.  Go  out  there  and  get  some  classes!  Everything  else  will  fall  into  place.    Having  confidence  and  knowing  that  you  are  on  the  right  path  will  translate  into  success.  As  Haris’  hubby  likes  to  say,  “You’re  going  to  like  broccoli  one  day,  so  why  not  start  now?”  Translated  into  KAY  terms,  “You  know  you  are  going  to  be  an  awesome  and  successful  teacher  and  business  owner  one  day,  so  why  not  start  now?”    2.  Be  an  Entrepreneur    This  is  your  business  and  it  is  important  for  you  to  start  thinking  about  it  that  way.  We  will  provide  you  with  all  of  the  tools  and  guidance  that  we  can,  but  much  of  your  success  will  be  determined  by  how  hard  you  are  willing  to  work.  Success  doesn’t  always  come  easy.  It  requires  perseverance,  dedication,  and  determination.  Don’t  be  discouraged  if  things  don’t  fall  into  place  right  away.  You  have  to  trust  that  eventually,  things  will.    3.  Be  a  Karma  Yogi    Remember  that  you  are  a  Yogi  and  the  best  way  to  teach  the  kiddos  in  your  classes  is  by  setting  a  good  example.  Teach  your  students  to  serve  others  selflessly  by  incorporating  Karma  Yoga  into  your  own  practice.  Selfless  service  is  a  very  important  component  of  KAY,  which  is  why  we  require  our  licensees  to  teach  Karma  Yoga  classes.  Selfless  service  purifies  your  heart,  your  life,  your  soul…  it  makes  you  a  better  person!  Those  are  the  kinds  of  people  we  want  representing  KAY  and  those  are  the  kinds  of  teachers  who  will  positively  impact  their  students  the  most.  

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   4.  Drink  the  Kool  Aid    You  don’t  need  to  reinvent  the  wheel.  You  bought  into  this  program  because  it  has  been  developed,  tested,  and  proven.  If  you  follow  our  steps  to  success  you  will  find  your  business  taking  off  in  directions  you  never  thought  possible.  Use  our  system,  marketing  materials,  and  all  of  the  other  tools  we  will  provide  you  with.  Don’t  just  dip  your  toes  in…  dive  right  in!      C.  Spread  the  Love    1.  Social  Media    Social  media  is  one  of  the  most  useful  tools  as  a  business  owner.  It  allows  you  to  connect  and  engage  with  people  and  also  allows  you  to  be  visible  locally,  nationally,  and  internationally.  Facebook,  Twitter,  MailChimp…  these  are  the  “big  three”  that  we  recommend  you  use  on  a  regular  basis.  They  will  all  help  you  build,  grow,  and  expand  your  business.  Read  literature  (ie.  Just  do  some  research  on  the  web!)  about  these  social  media  platforms  and  familiarize  yourself  with  them.  We  will  help  you  with  some  of  this.  Our  best  suggestions  for  these  platforms  are  outlined  below.     a.  Facebook  

If  you  only  chose  to  use  one  social  media  outlet,  it  should  be  Facebook.  Create  a  KAY  Facebook  page  using  the  guidelines  posted  on  the  back  pages  of  the  KAY  website.    

Tips  for  a  successful  page:  Use  your  page  on  a  regular  basis.  Successful  Facebook  pages  are  active  ones  that  post  interesting  and  engaging  material.  Pictures  are  your  best  friend…  they  beautify  your  Wall  and  attract  people  to  Share,  Like,  and  Comment  on  your  posts.  The  more  people  that  engage  with  your  page,  the  most  visible  it  will  be.  Mix  it  up…  every  post  you  make  doesn’t  have  to  be  about  kids  yoga.  Think  of  other  things  that  might  spark  interest  and  discussion  in  your  following.  Post  interesting  quotes,  funny  pictures,  questions,  etc…  get  creative  with  this!    Interact  with  KAY  Global:  It  is  in  your  best  interest  to  interact  with  the  KAY  Global  Facebook  page.  The  KAY  Global  page  reaches  thousands  of  people  every  day  and  when  you  Share  our  photo  on  your  Wall,  people  have  an  automatic  link  to  you.  This  boosts  your  visibility  and  also  ours.  When  we  work  together,  our  reach  spreads  exponentially.    A  symbiotic  relationship:  Facebook  is  kind  of  like  a  game.  You  must  interact  with  and  support  other  people  and  pages  for  them  to  do  the  same  for  yours.  Give  the  love  and  then  get  the  love…  that  is  how  you  spread  the  love!  

  b.  Twitter  

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 Twitter  is  a  great  platform  to  reach  your  audience  in  a  quick  and  direct  manner.  Post  class  updates,  last  minute  changes,  and  time  sensitive  material  here.  You  can  also  post  questions,  thoughts  for  the  day,  or  single  pictures  here.  Give  people  a  little  glimpse  into  what  you  are  up  to  at  that  very  moment.    c.  MailChimp  Newsletters  are  a  great,  personal  way  to  give  your  contacts  an  update  about  exciting  things  that  are  going  on  in  your  world.  We  have  created  a  custom  made,  user-­‐friendly  template  that  makes  it  easy  for  you  to  send  out  beautiful,  professional  newsletters.  We  suggest  that  you  send  your  letters  out  every  month  instead  of  sporadically.  Follow  the  MailChimp  document  on  the  back  pages  of  the  website  to  set  up  your  account  and  get  started.    

2.  Your  Website    Building  a  website  from  scratch  takes  a  lot  of  time  and  money.  Having  a  website  of  our  caliber  is  invaluable  to  your  business.  It  looks  professional  and  is  under  the  branch  of  the  KAY  Global  site,  which  brings  you  more  visibility  and  foot  traffic.  Take  advantage  of  this  wonderful  tool.  

 3.  Marketing  Materials    We  have  created  a  number  of  marketing  materials  based  on  the  needs  of  our  licensees.  We  work  with  a  professional  graphic  artist  who  has  experience  in  marketing  and  knows  how  to  catch  the  consumer’s  eye.  Our  beautifully  designed  products  will  give  you  an  edge  up  in  advertising  your  business.  We  always  welcome  suggestions  so  that  we  can  better  serve  you  –  if  you  need  something  for  your  marketing  that  has  not  yet  been  created,  please  let  us  know!  All  licensees  get  20%  off  of  everything  in  the  KAY  Shop.  The  discount  code  is  “pbwm.”      4.  The  Facebook  Forum  

 We  take  a  lot  of  pride  in  our  awesome  Facebook  forum,  because,  well…  it  is  pretty  awesome!  The  forum  is  like  continuing  education  for  our  teachers.  It  is  brimming  with  conversation,  brilliant  ideas,  support  and  suggestions.  When  something  great  happens  in  your  class,  share  it  with  everyone  else!  When  something  not  so  great  happens,  share  that  too.  The  forum  is  a  way  for  us  to  help  and  support  each  other  through  our  ups  and  downs.  When  you  have  questions  about  something  KAY  related,  post  it  in  the  forum.  If,  for  some  reason,  your  question  doesn’t  get  answered  in  a  timely  manner  or  you  aren’t  satisfied  with  the  feedback  you  are  receiving,  you  can  then  reach  out  to  our  office.        

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   D.  Professionalism    Yes,  we  love  to  Kid  Around,  but  as  you  know  by  now,  there  is  much  more  to  KAY  than  playing  games  and  being  silly.  For  people  to  take  you  seriously  and  respect  you,  you  have  to  have  a  certain  amount  of  professionalism.  That  doesn’t  mean  that  you  take  yourself  too  seriously…  just  take  pride  in  what  you  do!  Be  organized,  be  punctual,  be  reliable,  and  look  the  part.  Every  KAY  licensee  is  representing  a  name  with  a  great  reputation,  so  don’t  be  a  shlub!  You  should  own  a  few  nice  pairs  of  Yoga  pants  and  at  least  a  few  KAY  t-­‐shirts.  It  is  also  expected  that  you  keep  your  Facebook  page(s)  (both  personal  and  business)  clean.  If  every  other  picture  is  of  you  drinking  and  partying,  we  may  ask  you  to  take  some  of  those  photos  down.    

 Keep  your  facebook  page  appropriate      

E.  Communicating  with  KAY  Global    

All  communications  about  KAY  (business  related)  with  our  office  should  be  done  either  on  the  phone  or  through  email.  That  means  Facebook  and  text  messaging  is  off  limits.  When  things  are  discussed  over  the  phone,  we  expect  that  you  send  us  a  follow  up  email  summing  up  what  we  went  over.  This  allows  us  to  keep  track  of  our  business  interactions  with  you  and  means  that  we  have  a  written  record  that  can  be  easily  accessed  in  the  future  if  needed.  If  you’d  like  to  skip  that  extra  step,  just  email  us!  We’re  very  good  about  getting  back  to  people  in  a  timely  manner  and  9  times  out  of  10  we  can  figure  out  what  needs  to  be  figured  out  through  email.  Not  talking  about  business?  Feel  free  to  text  us  about  where  the  dance  party  is!  You  know  how  much  we  love  to  dance  and  party.      F.  Licensee  Agreement      


 THIS   AGREEMENT   is   effective   as   of   _________________,   20__,   between   KIDDING  AROUND  YOGA,  L.L.C.,  a  Florida  limited  liability  company  with  its  principal  place  of  business   located   at   106   22nd   Ave   SE,   Saint   Petersburg,   FL   33705   (“KAY”),   and  ________________________________,   whose   address   is  ____________________________________________________  (“Licensee”).    


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 A. KAY  holds  the  rights  to  the  mark  Kidding  Around  Yoga®  and  associated  

marks   (the   “Marks”)   and   has   developed   an   informal   system   for   the  operation  of  a  business  offering  children’s  yoga  and  related  products  and  services  (the  “System”).  

B. Licensee   desires   to   become   trained   in   the   System   and   to   otherwise  acquire   the   right   to  use   the  Marks   in   conjunction  with  a  business  using  the  System  (a  “Licensed  Business”).  

 NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertakings herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which being hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grant of License. KAY grants to Licensee, upon the terms and conditions contained herein, the non-exclusive right to use the Marks solely in connection with the operation of a Licensed Business.  2. Term. This Agreement is effective beginning on the date it was executed by an authorized officer of KAY and shall continue for a period of twelve (12) months. Licensee shall have the right to renew this Agreement by entering into a standard form of agreement then in use by KAY and by tendering to KAY therewith a renewal fee in the amount then in effect (currently $300). Failing the execution and delivery of a signed renewal agreement together with the corresponding renewal fee, this Agreement shall terminate on the date of the first anniversary of the execution of this Agreement.

3.     Goods/Services  Provided  by  KAY.   During  the  effective  term  of  this  Agreement  and  provided  that  Licensee  is  in  full  compliance  with  the  terms  hereof,  KAY  or  its  affiliate  shall  provide  to  Licensee  the  following:   (a) At-Home Study Course: KAY shall provide to Licensee materials, including instructions for on-line tutorials/discussions, written materials, videos, and associated worksheets and test materials, all of which must be successfully completed by Licensee prior to commencing the Licensed Business. Licensee shall be responsible for all hardware and software necessary or desirable to effect the completion of the above requirements. (b) Business Start-Up Kit: KAY shall deliver to Licensee a package containing the items described in Attachment “A” hereto. (c) KAY Handbook: Upon successful completion of the At-Home Study Course, KAY shall loan to Licensee one copy of the KAY Handbook containing standards and specifications, as well as other useful advice and tools, for use in the Licensed Business. (d) On-going Support and Assistance: Subject to payment by Licensee of the designated costs, if applicable, associated with the provision of any such services, KAY shall provide to Licensee on a periodic basis and at its sole discretion newsletters and other methods of communication offering advice and information relative to the Licensed Business, access to KAY’s support staff for business and industry related advice and assistance, and, upon the request of Licensee, additional training, at such dates and places as designated by KAY. (e) System-designated Products and Services: At its sole discretion, KAY will make available to Licensee access to sources of supplies for goods and services, including System-branded products, access to the System website and information/data networks, if applicable, and any other System resources, such as summer camps and other business opportunities. All such goods and services shall be subject to payment by Licensee as applicable.

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 4. System Fees. In consideration of the rights and privileges provided hereunder, Licensee shall tender to KAY the following: (a) A one-time Initial License Fee in the amount of $450.00 upon execution of this Agreement plus a $50 deposit OR $50 to be paid monthly for the term of agreement OR a one-time Initial License Fee in the amount of $300 if paid within two weeks after training. (b) Other charges for goods and services provided by KAY upon request by Licensee.

5. Trademarks and Service Marks.

(a) Use: KAY grants Licensee the right and license to use the Marks solely in connection with the operation of the Licensed Business and in strict accordance with the requirements of KAY relative thereto. Licensee’s rights to use the Marks are limited to the operation of the Licensed Business as described in this Agreement. KAY may change the Marks at any time and Licensee agrees to stop using any Marks if KAY notifies Licensee to do so. Licensee’s right to use the Marks is subject to Licensee’s compliance with this Agreement. Licensee must not use any of the Marks in any way that KAY has not previously approved in writing or that KAY has designated to Licensee as being unacceptable.

(b) Injunction: Licensee recognize that a breach of any of the covenants and agreements in this Agreement regarding the use of the Marks will cause irreparable harm to us and that monetary damages alone will not be sufficient to cure any resultant harm. Therefore, Licensee agrees that both KAY and its affiliates will be entitled to an injunction against any actual or threatened breach by Licensee during the term of this Agreement, or after its termination or expiration. An injunction will not be an exclusive remedy available to KAY or its affiliates. Neither KAY nor its affiliates will be required to give any notice or to post any bond or other security, against any actual or threatened breach.

6. Transfer. As this license is unique and personal to Licensee, Licensee may not transfer, assign, bargain, or sell, in whole or in part, this Agreement, any interest in this Agreement, an interest in Licensee (if Licensee is other than a natural person), or in the Licensed Business. KAY has the unencumbered right to transfer, assign, bargain, or sell this Agreement and the rights hereunder at its sole discretion.

7. Termination.

(a) By Licensee: Licensee may terminate this Agreement only if KAY materially breaches this Agreement and fails to correct such breach after 60 days prior written notice detailing the nature of the breach and a suggested method for cure. Such cure period will be extended a reasonable time if the breach cannot be cured within such 60 days. KAY will be excused if its ability to cure is restricted by good faith efforts to comply with any applicable law, ordinance, rule, regulation or other requirement of a governmental authority or any agency.

(b) By KAY: KAY may terminate this Agreement on 30 days advance written

notice to Licensee if:

(i) Licensee breaches any of the provisions of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within 30 days after notice from us;

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 (ii) Licensee fails to remit when due any amounts due KAY under this

Agreement, or Licensee breaches any other agreement between Licensee and KAY or any of its affiliates;

(iii) Licensee files a petition of bankruptcy or reorganization, or has an involuntary petition filed against Licensee, that is not discharged within 30 days, or Licensee is adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiver or trustee appointed for Licensee’s affairs, or engages in any assignment for the benefit of creditors; or

(iv) Licensee (or any of Licensee’s owners) is or has been convicted by a trial court of, or plead or have pleaded no contest, or guilty, to, a felony or other crime or offense.

(c) Mutual.

(i) Licensee and KAY may terminate this Agreement at any time by mutual agreement signed by both parties.

8. Post-Termination Obligations. If this Agreement expires or is otherwise terminated, Licensee and KAY, respectively, agree as follows:

(a) Payment: Licensee must immediately remit all amounts owed to KAY. (b) Return of Materials: Licensee must immediately return to KAY all

information, brochures, documents and other materials relating to the Licensed Business, including its copy of the KAY Handbook. If, upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee should fail to return to KAY its copy of the KAY Handbook, Licensee shall pay to KAY a fee in the amount of $500. Licensee understands and acknowledges that information will be given to Licensee on a confidential and proprietary basis and is to be used only for purposes of operating the Licensed Business in accordance with this Agreement.

(c) Marks: Immediately upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Licensee must immediately remove and stop any use of the Marks in any way whatsoever, including on signs, stationery, advertising, promotion, and any other materials. Licensee must also completely follow KAY’s then existing de-identification protocol. If Licensee does not do so within 10 days of the effective date of termination or expiration, KAY may enter onto the premises of the Licensed Business to do so itself and remove any items bearing the Marks. Licensee must also take such actions as may be required to cancel all fictitious or assumed names or equivalent registrations relating to Licensee’s use of any of the Marks. All telephone numbers and listings must be changed to eliminate any use of the Marks. Licensee must then no longer utilize the Marks or designate that Licensee is in any way affiliated with KAY. 9. Certain Acknowledgments. To encourage us to enter into this Agreement, Licensee represents and warrants to us the following:

(a) Licensee has conducted an independent investigation of the business and has determined that Licensee’s success involves business risks that are dependent entirely on Licensee’s own business abilities. (b) Licensee acknowledges that KAY has not made and Licensee has not received or relied upon any guarantee, express or implied, as to the revenues, profits or success of Licensee’s business as a result of entering into this Agreement. (c) Licensee is responsible for all operations of the Licensed Business including complying with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Licensee is solely responsible for the staffing and supervision of the operation of the Licensed Business.

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 (d) KAY will not place any restrictions on the geographic area or territory in which Licensee may advertise to promote the Licensed Business, or solicit customers, except that Licensee is restricted to using the Marks solely for the operation of the Licensed Business. KAY may grant similar rights to other parties or itself to own, operate, lease or manage businesses using the Marks anywhere regardless of proximity to the Licensed Business.

10. Relationship of the Parties. Licensee and KAY are independent contractors. Neither Licensee nor KAY are agents, legal representatives, subsidiaries, joint venturers, partners, employees or servants of the other for any purpose. It is further understood that the relationship created hereunder shall not be deemed a franchise for any purpose. Neither Licensee nor KAY will be obligated by, or have any liability under, any agreements or representations made by the other, nor will KAY be obligated for any damages to any person or property directly or indirectly arising out of the operation of the Licensed Business, whether or not caused by Licensee’s negligence or willful action or failure to act. KAY also has no liability for any sales, use, excise, gross receipts, property, income or other taxes, that Licensee incurs in connection with the operation of the Licensed Business or otherwise. 11. Indemnification. Licensee must indemnify, defend and hold KAY (and its affiliates, principals, directors, officers, employees, agents and assigns) harmless from and against and reimburse them for, any losses, liabilities, claims, obligations, taxes or damages (actual or consequential) and all reasonable costs and expenses of defending any claim brought against any of them or any action in which any of them is named as a party (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and litigation expenses), even if KAY’s or their negligence is alleged, which any of them may suffer, sustain or incur directly or indirectly, by reason of, arising from or in connection with, the operation of the Licensed Business. 12. Insurance.

(a) Types Required: During the term of this Agreement, Licensee must maintain in force, at Licensee’s expense and under policies of insurance issued by carriers approved by KAY, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, the types of insurance coverage KAY and Licensee mutually agree to periodically. Insurance coverage may identify Licensee as the primary insured, but must also be for KAY’s benefit and the benefit of KAY’s officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents and assigns, and must name KAY as additional insured (the “Insured Parties”).

(b) Coverage Requirements: Licensee must maintain the insurance coverages in the minimum amounts KAY prescribes periodically. KAY may, upon written notice to Licensee, periodically request an increase or decrease the amounts of coverage required under these insurance policies or different or additional kinds of insurance at any time to reflect inflation, identification of new risks, changes in law or standards of liability, higher damage awards or other relevant changes in circumstances.

(c) Policy Terms: All insurance policies must: (i) contain no provision which in any way limits or reduces coverage for

KAY in the event of any claim by the Insured Parties; (ii) extend to provide indemnity for all obligations assumed by Licensee

under this Agreement and all items for which Licensee are required to indemnify KAY under the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise;

(iii) name the Insured Parties and others on KAY’s behalf as an additional insured;

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 (iv) contain a waiver of the insurance company's right of subrogation against

the Insured Parties; (v) provide that the coverages afforded apply separately to each insured

against whom a claim is brought as though a separately policy had been issued to each insured;

(vi) provide that the insurance company will provide KAY with at least 30 days' prior written notice of termination, expiration, cancellation or material modification of any policy; and

(vii) provide that Licensee cannot reduce the policy limits, restrict coverage, cancel or otherwise alter or amend the policies without our prior written consent.

(d) Evidence of Coverage: Before the expiration of a term of each insurance policy, Licensee must furnish KAY with a copy of each new, renewal or replacement policy Licensee has obtained to extend Licensee’s coverage along with evidence of the premium payment. If Licensee does not maintain the required insurance coverage, or does not furnish KAY with satisfactory evidence of insurance coverage and premium payments, KAY may obtain, at its option and in addition to its other rights and remedies under this Agreement, any required insurance coverage on Licensee’s behalf. If KAY does so, Licensee must fully cooperate with KAY in its effort to obtain the policies and must promptly sign all forms required to obtain or maintain the insurance. Licensee must then reimburse KAY, on demand, any costs and premiums KAY incurs in obtaining the insurance on Licensee’s behalf.

13. Confidentiality. Licensee agrees that the information that KAY provides Licensee relating to the Licensed Business is KAY’s confidential and proprietary information. Licensee also agrees that the information that Licensee develops relating to the operation of the Licensed Business will be shared with KAY and will also constitute confidential information. Licensee also acknowledges that KAY will share information that KAY obtains from Licensee with KAY’s affiliates and licensees. Licensee will use Licensee’s best efforts and diligence both during and after the term of this Agreement to protect the confidential information. Accordingly, Licensee agrees that Licensee will not, directly or indirectly, use (for Licensee or others) or disclose any of the confidential information for so long as it remains proprietary or protectable as confidential or trade secret information. After the termination of this Agreement, for any reason, or at any other time upon our request, Licensee must promptly deliver to KAY any and all documents or other materials (including information embodied in intangible form, e.g., in computer memory) in Licensee’s possession relating directly or indirectly to any of the confidential information.

14. Notices. Any and all notices necessary or desirable to be served under this Agreement must be written and must be (a) personally delivered, or (b) sent by facsimile telecopier to the number indicated for the intended recipient below, or (c) sent by reputable airborne courier (i.e., Federal Express) or (d) sent by certified mail, postage pre-paid, return receipt requested, addressed to the intended recipient as follows:

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 (i) If to us:

Kidding  Around  Yoga,  L.L.C.  106  22nd  Ave  SE  Saint  Petersburg,  FL    33705  Attention:    Haris  Lender  

 (ii) If to Licensee:

___________________________         ___________________________         ___________________________         ___________________________         ___________________________      or  to  such  other  address  as  any  party  may  indicate  for  itself  in  a  written  notice  sent  to   the   other   parties   in   accordance   with   this   Agreement.     Any   notice   sent   by:    (a)  personal   service   or   by   facsimile   telecopier   is   deemed   delivered  when   actually  received  by  the  intended  recipient;  (b)  mail  is  deemed  delivered  on  the  5th  business  day  after  the  postmark  date;  and  (c)  reputable  airborne  courier  is  deemed  delivered  2  business  days  after  deposit  with  the  courier.        

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 15.   Miscellaneous.    

(a) Severability: If any of the provisions of this Agreement are held invalid for any reason, the remainder will not be affected and will remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms.

(b) Litigation or Arbitration Expenses: In any action or dispute, at law or in equity, that may arise under or otherwise relate to the terms of this Agreement, each party will be responsible for its own litigation expenses. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, the prevailing party will be entitled to full reimbursement of its litigation/arbitration expenses from the other party. Litigation expenses include attorneys' fees, defense costs, witness fees and other related expenses including paralegal fees, travel and lodging expenses and court costs. Reimbursement is due within 30 days of written notice after prevailing.

(c) Waivers: No waiver of any provision of this Agreement will be valid unless in writing and signed by the person against whom it is sought to be enforced. The failure by either party to insist upon strict performance of any provision will not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of the right to insist upon strict performance of the same provision at any other time, or any other provision of this Agreement.

(d) Governing Law: This Agreement is governed by Florida law. The courts of Pinellas County, Florida, have exclusive jurisdiction in any controversy relating to or arising out of this Agreement. All parties waive any objections to venue in Pinellas County, Florida.

(e) Entire Agreement: This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties relating to its subject matter, and supersedes all prior agreements, proposals, representations and commitments, oral or otherwise. This Agreement may only be amended by an instrument signed by both parties.

(f) Recitals: Both parties agree that the Recitals at the beginning of this Agreement are accurate.

(g) Construction: The headings of sections are for convenience only and do not define, limit or construe the contents of such sections. In computing periods from a specified date to a later specified date, the words “from” and “commencing on” or “beginning on” (and the like) mean “from and including” and the words “to,” “until” and “ending on” (and the like) mean “to but excluding.” “Including” means “including, but not limited to.”

(h) Continuing Obligations: All obligations of the parties which expressly or by their nature survived the expiration or termination of this Agreement continue in full force and effect subsequent to and regardless of the expiration or termination of this Agreement and until they are satisfied or by their nature expire.

(i) Counterparts: The parties may sign this Agreement in counterparts. Each signed counterpart will be an original; and all of them constitute one and the same agreement.

(j) Pronouns: All words used in this Agreement, regardless of the number or gender in which they are used, will be construed to include any other number, singular or plural, in any other gender, masculine, feminine or neuter, as the context of this Agreement may require.

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 (k) Cumulative Remedies: Any and all remedies available to the parties in the

event of a breach of this Agreement by the other party will be cumulative. The exercise of any particular remedy will not be exclusive to the ability to seek other remedies for any breach of this agreement.

(l) Timing: Time is of the essence of this Agreement. However, whenever the time for the performance of any action or condition contained in this Agreement falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, such time will be extended to the next business date. Indications of time of day mean time at St. Petersburg, Florida.

Intending  to  be  bound,  the  parties  sign  below:    KIDDING  AROUND  YOGA,  L.L.C.     LICENSEE              By:     By:    Name:     Name:      ________________________________  Title:     Title:                ______________________________  Date:     Date: