Download pptx - Kaveri river

  1. 1. Kaveri is predominantly the river of southern apart of India, which is 475 miles long, originating from the hills of Kurya, some 20 miles away from Arabian Sea. It flows towards the south-east direction and passes through Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and ultimately merges into the Bay of Bengal, after making a delta at its mouth. An island named as Shiva Samudram and situated approximately 35 miles east of Mysore, divides its course into two parts. This river is considered so sacred that it is called the Ganga of the South.
  2. 2. The Kaveri, Indias second most sacred river, is sometimes called the Ganges of the South. According to Hindu legend, Vishnumaya, daughter of the god Brahma, was born on earth as the child of a mortal, Kavera Muni. In order to bring beatitude for Kavera Muni, she became a river whose water would purify all sins.
  3. 3. In India the river Kaveri has been famous since times immemorial. It is believed to be an omnipresent river. If a bath is taken on the fourteenth day of the Paksha, falling on Tuesday and having Vyatipat yoga, it gives immense benefits. Those people who get killed by weapons, can attain heaven, if Ekodisht Shradh is performed at the banks of Kaveri and Seasame seeds which is mixed with the water of Kaveri are sprinkled in their names.
  4. 4. South of Narmada, a sacred place known as Kaveri Kund has been unearthed. By merely taking a dip in its holy water, a man achieves godliness. There is also a Siddh Linga called Kundeshwar, which is worshipped by the deities and the Siddhas alike. If any person worship this linga even unknowingly, it gives immense benefits. The benefits attained by taking a bath in the holy water of Kaveri is simply incomparable .
