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Kate PonomarevaKate Ponomareva

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My Philosophy

WhoInspires me

What Inspires me

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My Workspace Logic in chaos

Radical intuition

Bold ideas basedon the obvious

My Approach

My Strategy

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My Percep t i on o f

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This is a real story transpired during my years as a student at university. One of my teachers was very boring and no one would ever listen to his lectures, even though attendance was mandatory.Once, he showed up in class with a large black bag. He pulled out a pot of flowers and set it on the podium. This caught everyone’s attention and we all tried to understand the meaning of the flowers throughout the class. At the end of the lecture, he simply put the flowers right back in the bag and began to walk out. So we asked, “Why did you bring the flowers when the lecture was about polymerization?” He replied, “This was a very important lecture, and now, because of the flowers, you know what the lecture was about.”

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MyBackground .................................

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Succesfully started my own business

Years of account planning at BBDO Moscow & McCann Ericson Russia

Won more than pitchesWorked on strategy for:

Media | FMSG (Coffee, Baby Food, seasonings, cosmetics, Alcohol: beer, vodka, whiskey) | Retail | Banks | Household appliances | Mobile phones and many others.

Experience on Client’s side.



Work with brands at more than Categories:25

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4 Cases

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Mini CooperSabrina Cohen Foundation


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“Newbie Wanderluster” : 18-19 y.o. Upper middle class, high – school graduate. They are in transition, somewhere between childhood and adulthood; they feel pressure from parents, friends, and society at large. They are still searching for themselves and haven’t chosen their life’s path.

Take a “Gap Year” is a very popular practice among European students. I came up the idea to encourage American students to do the same - take time off between high school and college to discover what they want to do with their lives. By travelling with Mini Cooper and exploring different places and people, these young adults will gain experience that will help them attend college with better focus and determination.

They feel overdosed in academic knowledge and suffer from a lack of life-experience in order to choose the right direction.

Gain direction on your own terms by learning life lessons on the road.

Mini Cooper – fun-to-drive car, the spirit of adventure prevails in the world of Mini Cooper. Brand has a strong community of fans and they are well connected to each other through different activities.

Create a multi - channel integrated marketing campaign that increases brand awareness and consideration among young people (18-24)


The Challenge


The Discovery

The Insight

The Strategy


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Microsite: The MINI-Gap-Experience that will serve as an online planning tool for people to prepare their trips. They will get suggestions on where to stop, attractions, things to learn, option to add the little tips on the road. Series of events: “lounges” - MINI-Meet-Ups - that will be like “pit-stops” where mini-gap-experiencers will “meet-up” and share experience. Mobile App: helpful connected with Yelp, Facebook, etc.Bumper Sticker and a “compass”

Join the Mini Gap Experience

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“Digital Millennials”: The key reason we chose this Target Audience – Millennials exhibit the shortest period of time between desire to help and the action of helping (43% of Millennials prefer to donate online - the highest rate among all generations). They are optimistic about the future of mankind. They really love and prefer donating to organizations and brands which try to radically change the world – Nike Red, WWF, Wikipedia, Greenpeace. This gives them the opportunity to participate in something perceived to be more valuable than just helping on the local or individual level. This activity affirms their social status and belief. The key motivation for them to donate is a desire to make the world a better place, but they don’t feel that they are responsible for the progress of medicine.

Hopefully someone will find a cure in the near future.

You can accelerate progress toward finding a cure through donating to SCF.

The Sabrina Cohen Foundation is a US-based independent non-profit organization fighting serious diseases through the funding of advanced stem cell research. Regenerative research is a groundbreaking method to treat diseases. This foundation is well–known in Florida, but not nationally.

Generate a buzz to find new lifetime supporters who are ready to donate small amounts.

The charity category is very large and poorly defined. In general, the majority of organizations appeal to people’s emotions, but have generic ways to accomplish their goals. Consumers become immune to this “charity clutter.”


The Challenge


The Discovery

The Insight

The Strategy

Sabrina Cohen Foundation for Stem Cell Research

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Print Ads\Banners\Outdoor: provocative copy describes a future where serious diseases are as curable as the common cold.Website idea and design: The Hub for Innovative Cures. The website provide innovative ways for users to “Donate for Free”. Description of giveaways for three levels of donations: Innovators, Futurists and Researchers.

Let's fast forward to a better reality.

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“Mid-core gamer” male, 25-30 y.o is the largest group of gamers. They engage with the aggressive style of games. They play regularly but the “gaming behavior” of that group can’t be characterized as excessive. Nevertheless, sometimes they get carried away by the games. When they are ready to quit and lose patience to continue the game or just need to take a break in order to get the inspiration required to go to the next level - these moments are perfect to switch them to Netflix entertainment.

It’s a highly competitive market. Is the key question to get lost customers back or to attract new ones? In order to radically change the situation in a short period of time, we decided to create the strategy which would be relevant for the current customers and at the same time generate new users. Netflix easily connects with any game console and, a very interesting fact - half of Netflix users (more than 10 millions of people) stream through a game console, meaning they are gamers. 176 million people in U.S. are console gamers – a huge source of business for Netflix to increase its market share. Advertising just has to stimulate gamers to use the game console not just for games, but for watching movies via Netflix.

Sometimes the game becomes a torture and they start to think about escape.

Netflix is the gamer’s lounge.

Netflix has gone from being an adored brand, feared by competitors, to a brand in free-fall . The separation of their DVDs and streaming services caused an increase in price. As a result, more than 800,000 customers canceled their contracts which caused a huge drop in their value of their stock .



The Challenge


The Insight

The Strategy


The Discovery

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Print Ads: Inform the gamers that Netflix is available through console for those moments when they’re looking for tranquil way of entertainment.Guerrilla: Fake games inviting people to take on the challenge of playing the most absurd and impossible game that ever existed.Direct Mail: The same game will be sent with the option - watching Netflix on their console by using the 30 day free trial. Console integration: When the mid-core gamer is ready to quit the game, they’ll be offered the option signing up for the Netflix free trial.

Wherever you play, Netflix is there.

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“ The cultural Empath “Local. Age 40-45 y.o Loves Broadway musicals as well as other contemporary art disciplines. Not entirely sophisticated about classical music –but attends different types of traditional performances and other types of arts programs.

We conducted some research - asking 100 people about the category of classical music art. There are some approachable classical music brands for the “casual consumer” such as Madison Square Garden and Broadway Theatres and some unapproachable brands such as the Metropolitan Opera. Caramoor has to show a more human approach than it has now. An interesting fact – Orchestras draw approximately 75% to 80% of all buyers from within a 30 - minute drive time, so we decided to focus on local target audience – living in a 30-mile radius of venue.

Classic music seems an intimidating and elitist experience.

Caramoor is an approachable brand of classic music by making people feel the music emotionally through their senses.

Caramoor is the center of classical music situated at Westchester County. Outstanding performances, engaging arts-in-educa-tion programming and the enchanting garden settings make Caramoor such a unique and treasured resource.  The brand is well-known mostly among classical music lovers and the music community. Brand awareness among local people is very low. The product is really unique, but it’s very specific product and the current brand image doesn’t help to achieve their business goal: increase ticket sales.

Create communication strategy which can engage a new target audience on a daily basis.


The Challenge


The Discovery

The Insight

The Strategy

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Print ads: Stories of the composers and how the emotions they felt at certain points in their life, serve them as an inspiration to write their music. The consumer can only feel it at Caramoor.Series of Sensory events: Where the emotions of the music seduce and play with the attendees senses. Logo: The logo represents a rose, an hear a “C” and a musical note, all harmoniously put together to describe Caramoor. Interactive outdoor ads: Will have the opportunity to interact by either plugging in their headphones and listening to an overture full with emotions or by scratch and sniff smell of Caramoor garden. Tickets: Customers will be able to purchase “emotional packages” where they can enjoy different events from a particular emotion.

Where the music seduces your senses.

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Self – employer (On-line store) 06.09 – now Brand Manager Coffee shop chain “ Caffeine” 03.09 - 07.09

Strategic planner McCann Erickson RUSSIA10.07- 03.09

Strategic planner Instinct (BBDO MOSCOW) 10.06 –10.07

Junior strategic planner Proximity (BBDO MOSCOW) 01.06 - 10.06

Assistant of strategic planning Director Proximity(BBDO MOSCOW) 04.05 - 01.05

Secretary Proximity(BBDO MOSCOW) 09.04 - 04.05

Education:Miami Ad School (Account planner boot camp) 2012 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia - international relationship 2001- 2004PFUR - municipal management 2004 - 2007


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Email: [email protected]: (954) 494 3123

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