
 UPDATE NOV‐14 (1)



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VIDEO245.Susah Ingat, Senang Lupa 7 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

246.Mantanku Penyiksaku 5 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

247 Pesona Maut 7 AVI 10 000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣247.Pesona Maut 7 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

248.Jika Dia Mencintaimu 7 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

249.Pray For Kelud 7 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

250.Money Day 7 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

251.Menulis Ulang Kehidupan 6 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (2)

252.UN, Cool Aja ! 7 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

Putu Yudiantara02.Awakening Hypnotic Power Inside 1 CD 30,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

Tanadi SantosoB01.Business Wisdom - Kancing Sang Nenek 1 CD 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

01.Kancing Sang Nenek02.Belenggu Gajah Sirkus03.Digital Native Dan Digital Immigrant04 Super Taxi04.Super Taxi05.Icarus06.Sungai Melupa Dan Sungai Pengingat07.Pelanggan Yang Diam08.Saiwung09.5 Bahasa Cinta10.Uang Dan Bir11.Kasmaran12.Nasi Goreng12.Nasi Goreng13.Emas Sang Raja14.Tiga Malaikat15.Cafe Codet---------- 0000 ----------

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (3)


02.Mengendalikan Kesedihan 1 VCD 25,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

Billy Boen - Young On Top : Kalau Bisa Sukses Di Usia Muda Kenapa Harus Nunggu Tua57.Health Company 3 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

58.Healthy Society Healthy Nation 3 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

59.Consistently Socially Responsible 3 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

60.Cinta Negeri, Cinta Budaya, Cinta Kulinernya 3 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

Hendy Setiono - Entrepreneur Spirit 3 AVI 15,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (4)

Saiful Anam02.Jessica Method Versi 2.0 Video + Audio + Doc 400,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(Asisten Pribadi Dari Bawah Sadarmu)(Dijual di www TemanImajiner com seharga 1 48 jt !!!)

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

(Dijual di seharga 1,48 jt !!!)

Isi Paket :01 Satu video tutorial Metode Jessica01.Satu video tutorial Metode Jessica02.Satu ebook Metode Jessica03.Dua audio Transpersonal Psikoterapi04.Satu audio 3 Kunci Keberhasilan Self Hypnosis05.Satu audio Somnambulisme06.Satu audio Super Sadar07.Satu audio instalasi Jessica08.Satu audio kumpulan jawaban konsultasi---------- 0000 -------------------- 0000 ----------

Your Money - Manage Your Money53.Kredit Dalam Islam 2 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

54.Mau Beli Rumah Bunga KPR Naik 2 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

55.Ask Your Money With Prita Ghozie 2 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣55.Ask Your Money With Prita Ghozie 2 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

56.Dana Pendidikan 2 AVI 10,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (5)

PC CDGoen - Ituh! - Temukan Peta Jalur Rejekimu! E-Book + Bonus 15,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣(Dijual di seharga 150rb)(Bonus : Memancing Rejeki Lewat Apresiasi Diri)

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

(Bonus : Memancing Rejeki Lewat Apresiasi Diri)

Tertius Lantigimo04 Pikiran Ajaib E Book + Bonus 25 000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣04.Pikiran Ajaib E-Book + Bonus 25,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣( seharga 99rb)(Menciptakan Keajaiban dengan Teknik 3 Layar Pikiran Bawah Sadar)

Produk Utama : Teknik Menciptakan Keajaiban Dengan Teknik 3 Layar Pikiran Bawah Sadar E-BookProduk Tambahan Pendukung : Dahsyatnya Teknik 3 Jari Dalam Meraih Sukses E-BookAudio Tutorial Produk Asli : Centering Exercise, Pelatihan Silva MP3 + M4VBonus :Hasil Penelitian Ilmiah Metode SilvaUltramind Programing ESP SystemUltramind Programing ESP System Reference Guide---------- 0000 -------------------- 0000 ----------

All Update Nov-14 Motivasi Bahasa Indonesia Collection 660,000

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (6)



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AUDIO05.NLP Techniques Masterclass 7 CD 100,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣


VIDEO03.Genius Network Mastermind 25k Event 20 DVD in 20 MP4 600,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(The Third Annual Genius Network Event on August 14th and 15th 2013 in New York City)(The Third Annual Genius Network Event on August 14th and 15th 2013 in New York City)(Featuring : Joe Polish, Tim Ferriss, Dan Sullivan, Joe Sugarman, Vishen Lakhiani, Dean Jackson, etc)


AUDIOJenn August - Wealthy Mind Warrior 34 MP3 + Bonus 200,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(Over 30 of the world's leading business experts and success mindset experts)

01.Anastasia Netri - How to create marketing that is authentic02.Teresa De Grosbois - Mastering Influence03.Jeanna Gabellini - A Profit Formula that works every time04.Linda Tomb - Savvy Money Making Tips05.Jonathan Bender - Authentic Self Expression05.Jonathan Bender - Authentic Self Expression06.Mary Liu - Hurry Get on the Google Hangout Train07.Katrina Sawa - STOP Avoiding Your Follow Up08.Shajen Joy Aziz - How To Discover Your Gift09.Jenn August - 3 Ways Your Subconscious Mind Blocks You From Clients and Money10.Diane Conklin - PLANS The 5 Keys To Business Success11.Linda Hollander - Top 5 Ways to Attract Corporate Sponsors12.Liora Mendeloff - Conscious Collaboration13.Susan Leahy - How Becoming Pregnant Birthed My Online Business13.Susan Leahy How Becoming Pregnant Birthed My Online Business14.Loretta Love Huff - How to Sell to Anyone15.PJ Van Hulle - 10 Tips to Becoming a List-Building Rockstar16.Michele Pariza Wacek - 5 Secrets That Will Make Your Website Go KaChing !17.Lisa Cherney - Stand Out and Be Juicy Magnetize Your Marketing18.Lisa Bloom - Powerful Storytelling The Secret to Attracting Clients19.Dina Proctor - Mindset and Abundance20.Farhana Dhalla - Prune Your Relationships and Watch Your Business Bloom21.Zen DeBrucke - How to develop Success Intuition21.Zen DeBrucke How to develop Success Intuition22.Yvonne Ohumukini Urness - Discover Your Inner Goddess23.Cynthia Kersey - Unstoppable Business Moving Forward by Giving Back24.Valerie Sheppard - Expressing Your Pure Potential25.Gretchen Duhaime - Tap Your Midas Touch26.Vanessa Halloum - What Makes Someone Powerful27.Josh Gerben - Why Do Business Owners Need a Trademark and How To Get One28.Amethyst Mahoney - Unlock Your Purpose

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 UPDATE NOV‐14 (7)

29.Joanne Ameya Cohen - How to Increase Your Income By Embodying More of Your Feminine Power30.Mary Joyce - How to Utilize your inner resource for happier life and business31.Amy Pearson - The Approval Trap32 Callan Rush 1 Embarrassingly Simple Secret to Make Your Marketing Results Triple

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32.Callan Rush - 1 Embarrassingly Simple Secret to Make Your Marketing Results Triple33.Jenn August - Special Q and A Call34.Jenn August - Discover The Truth About Procrastination!Bonus :Success Mindset Hypnosis AudioTop 5 Mistakes that Keep you Cash Strapped PDF

Dr. Sue Morter02.Awaken And Embody Your Mastery Masterclass 1 DVD in 1 MP4 30,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(In this class Dr Sue shares helpful insights and enlightening perspectives responds to questions(In this class, Dr. Sue shares helpful insights and enlightening perspectives, responds to questions, and offers practical advice on living more joyfully and consciously)

Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham06.Renegade Hypnotist's Guide To Conditioning For Permanent Change 13 DVD in 42 AVI 400,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(This seminar is about teaching you the professionals secrets of hypnotic conditioning that results in permanent powerful and positive change -- change that lasts from the peak experience on throughout the rest of your life!)

Mike Figliuolo - Solving Business Problems 11 MP4 + PDF 60,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(Do you have a business problem that you are having trouble solving? Mike Figliuolo has a simple five-step process for solving problems and leading your business through everyday uncertainty and larger change initiatives)


 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (8)

Nicole Sebastian - 1-Step Solution Just Say Hu 28 MP4 + MP3 + PDF 200,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(The Universal Panacea For All That Ails You. A Lost Secret that has the power to transform an individual in an instant-two simple letters that when combined produce a powerful, yet harmonious vibration)

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

Audio :01 Introduction to HU02 A Love Song to God02 A Love Song to God03 The Universal Nature of HU04 Spiritual Exercise - How to do the HU05 How to Contact the Light and Sound of God06 A Pure Prayer to God07 Spiritual Exercise - The Sound Behind All Sounds08 Harmony With All Life09 Spiritual Exercise - For Dreams and Soul Travel10 Review - Basic HU Exercise10 Review - Basic HU Exercise11 Spiritual Exercise - the Doors of HU12 HU Song - 20 minutesVideo :4 Ways to Just Say HUABC News - Nightmares and Dreams Deliver ProphecyAll You Need is LoveCombat AddictionDivine Guidance TV ShowDivine Guidance TV Show Dream Team Goes SkydivingDream Team TV PilotDreams, Nightmares and Intuition on KTLA NewsDreams, Signs and IntuitionFear NotFeel the Immediate Benefits of HUingGet Your HU OnHistory of the HUHistory of the HUHU and Quantum PhysicsHU Saves the DayJust Say HU for Superb Decision-MakingKick Insomnia to the Curb with Just Say HULeave the Ego at HomeNBC TeportsNight TerrorsProgram Your DreamsProgram Your DreamsReaching Out Television ShowRemember Your Dreams with Just Say HUSay Goodbye to AnxietyStop those Nightmares with Just Say HUThe Power of HU

Psychology 1508 - The Psychology of Leadership Harvard College 24 MP4 + Doc 150,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(Transformational leadership, personal identity, change, ethics, peak experience and peak performance, motivation, and systems thinking)and peak performance, motivation, and systems thinking)

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (9)

Sounds True Conference - Deepening Intimacy 8 DVD in 15 MP4 200,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(Essential Insights For The Most Important Relationship of Your Life)(If you want to deepen the love and connection between you and your life partner - or if you’re seeking to make your next relationship a more fulfilling one we invite you to join us in this program)

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

to make your next relationship a more fulfilling one - we invite you to join us in this program)

Todd Dewett02 Building Confidence 12 MP4 60 000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣02.Building Confidence 12 MP4 60,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(Confidence can help you accomplish your goals and build strong relationships. But the reverse is also true; a lack of confidence can hurt you personally and professionally)

00.Introduction01.Owning02.Past03.Helping04.Goals05.Negativity06.Success07 Failure07.Failure08.Assess09.Accelerate10.Celebrate11.Conclusion---------- 0000 ----------

Todd Durkin - Great Trainer Great Business 1 DVD in 1 AVI 25,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

All Update Nov-14 Motivasi Bahasa Inggris Collection 2,000,000

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (10)



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PC CDMiftahul Fuad - Minisite Maniac Multi License Video + Program 60,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣( seharga 300rb)(Solusi Mudah Membuat Minisite Wordpress)



VIDEOVIDEOG12.GURU Blueprint 24 DVD in 47 AVI + MP3 + PDF 600,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣(A step-by-step coaching program that takes you by the hand and shows you exactly how to build your own multi-million dollar info product business)

I.Welcome01.Welcome Video02.OrientationII.Blueprints00.Preparation Exercises01.Targeting Your Niche02.Narrowing & Testing Your Niche02.Narrowing & Testing Your Niche03.Formatting Content for Value04.Advanced Product Creation05.Serializing Your Content06.Packaging Your Product07.Creating Your Elevator Pitch08.Designing Your Landing Page09.Creating Your Newsletters10.Sales Conversion Process10.Sales Conversion Process11.Product Launch12.Advertising and PartnershipIII.Tech Tools Training00.Tech Tools Training Orientation01.Setting Up Your Blog02.Doing an Online Survey03.Creating A Website04.Creating A Money Making eBook04.Creating A Money Making eBook05.Know How You are Getting Customers06.Creating A Membership Site07.Email List & Autoresponder08.Setting Up Your Landing Page09.Hosting A Live Webinar Online10.Setting Up Your Social Media Presence 11.Your Shopping Cart

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (11)

12.Using Press ReleaseIV.Friday Coaching Sessions---------- 0000 ----------

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PC CDRichard Miller - How To Do Your First Seminar & Make An Info-Product 4 DVD in 4 AVI 100,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠RECOMMENDED╣

All Update Nov-14 Internet Marketing Collection 750,000

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (12)



 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

VIDEODon Fishback - Proven Option Trades Repeatable Profits 1 DVD in 1 AVI + Manual 25,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

Doug Sutton02.Sector Analysis Made Easy 1 DVD in 1 AVI 25,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

Investor Business Daily04.Short Selling 1 DVD in 1 AVI 25,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

James Dalton - Field of Vision 4 DVD in 4 AVI 100,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

Price HeadleyPrice Headley02.Williams’ %R The BigTrends Way 3 DVD in 3 AVI 75,000 ╠NEW╣ ╠GREAT╣

All Update Nov-14 Options & Forex Collection 240,000

 SMS ‐ 0857.1111.9770   E‐MAIL ‐ [email protected]

 UPDATE NOV‐14 (13)


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