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    Solar-powered potentially induced TiO2, ZnO and SnO2-catalyzed

    iodine generation

    C. Karunakaran n, P. Anilkumar, G. Manikandan, P. Gomathisankar

    Department of Chemistry, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar 608002, Tamilnadu, India

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 4 February 2009

    Received in revised form26 November 2009

    Accepted 19 January 2010Available online 16 February 2010





    Iodide ion

    a b s t r a c t

    Formation of iodine from air-saturated KI solution under natural sunlight (950725 W m 2) with

    nanocrystals of TiO2 in different phase compositions, ZnO and SnO2, characterized by powder XRD,

    UV-visible diffuse reflectance and impedance spectroscopies, increases by 39 fold on impressing acathodic bias of 0.2 V (vs NHE) to the semiconductors. The iodine generation essentially requires

    light, the semiconductor and dissolved oxygen. An anodic bias of +0.2 V (vs NHE) to the illuminated

    semiconductors fails to oxidize iodide ion from air-saturated KI solution. Under cathodic bias, mixtures

    of ZnOTiO2 rutile, SnO2TiO2 rutile and ZnOSnO2 nanocrystals show higher photocatalytic activity,

    pointing to an improved charge separation in the oxide mixtures. The mechanism and the energetics of

    photocatalysis under cathodic bias are discussed. Also, the photocatalytic activities of the semiconductor

    nanocrystals are analyzed in terms of their optical, electrical and crystal properties.

    & 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Photoexcitation of semiconductor creates electronhole pairs,

    electrons in the conduction band and holes in the valence band

    [1,2]. While a fraction of these pairs diffuse out to the surface of

    the crystal and react with the adsorbed electron donors and

    acceptors leading to photocatalysis, the rest recombine resulting

    in low photocatalytic efficiency [3]. Application of a potential bias

    to semiconductor under band gap-illumination reduces the

    recombination of the electronhole pairs and increases the

    photocatalytic efficiency, and studies on TiO2-photoelectrocata-

    lyzed mineralization of organics are many [48]. But here we

    report semiconductor-photocatalysis with natural sunlight under

    potential bias for the conversion of solar radiation into chemical

    energy. Enhanced solar photoelectrocatalysis by particulate

    semiconductor mixtures, due to improved charge separation, is

    also observed; the enhancement of catalysis under UV light by

    particulate semiconductor mixtures in absence of any potentialbias is known [913]. Semiconductor-photocatalysis evokes

    interest due to its potential to utilize sunlight. However, such

    studies with natural sunlight are rare, probably due to fluctuation

    of solar irradiance during the experiment even on sunny days

    under clear sky. We have overcome the same by carrying out set

    of experiments under the required experimental conditions

    simultaneously, side by side, thereby making the solar irradiance

    in the set of experiments identical. Generation of energy bearing

    chemicals by non-spontaneous reactions is the objective of solar

    energy conversion and storage and iodide ion-oxidation, the title

    study, is such a reaction. Also, the operational efficiency of iodide/

    triiodide redox couple influences the light-to-electricity conver-sion efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells [14]. Further, the

    mechanism of TiO2-photocatalyzed iodide ion-oxidation is a well-

    established one [1518]. TiO2, SnO2 and ZnO are the semiconduc-

    tors largely employed in the fabrication of dye-sensitized solar

    cells and hence are used in this study [19,20]. Photooxidation of

    iodide ion on TiO2 [1518,2124], Pt-loaded TiO2 [25], phthalo-

    cyanine- or flower pigment cyanidin-sensitized TiO2 [26,27],

    MoO3, Fe2O3, ZnO and CeO2 [2123] have been reported but they

    are in absence of any potential bias.

    2. Experimental

    2.1. Materials

    TiO2 P25 (Degussa), TiO2 Hombikat (Fluka), TiO2 anatase

    (Sigma-Aldrich), TiO2 rutile (Sigma-Aldrich), ZnO (Sigma-Aldrich)

    and SnO2 (Sigma-Aldrich) nanoparticles were used as supplied.

    2.2. Characterization

    The powder X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained using a

    Bruker D8 system employing Cu Ka radiation (l=1.5406 A) in a 2y

    range of 5601 at a scan speed of 0.0501 s1 or a Rich. Siefert

    model 3000 X-ray diffractrometer. A PerkinElmer Lambda 35


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    Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells

    0927-0248/$- see front matter & 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    n Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9443481590; fax: +91 4144238145.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Karunakaran).

    Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 94 (2010) 900906

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  • 7/31/2019 Karunakaran Poetencial Solar



    spectrophotometer was employed to record the UV-visible diffuse

    reflectance spectra of the oxides. The impedance spectra of the

    different forms of TiO2 nanocrystals were obtained using a HP

    4284A Precision LCR meter at room temperature in air over the

    frequency range of 1 MHz to 20 Hz; while the disk area was

    0.5024 cm2 the thicknesses of anatase, rutile, P25, Hombikat TiO2pellets were 2.12, 1.53, 2.78, and 1.80 mm, respectively.

    2.3. Method

    Photooxidation of iodide ion with the semiconductor nano-

    crystals was carried out under a potential bias with AM 1 sunlight

    under clear sky in summer (MarchJuly) and the sunlight

    intensity was measured using a Daystar Solar Meter, USA. For

    each experiment, 50 mL of fresh air-saturated KI solution was

    taken in wide cylindrical glass vessels of uniform diameter, fitted

    with a stainless steel bottom which was completely covered with

    the semiconductor [28,29]. Potential bias was applied to the

    semiconductor bed using a DC power supply and was measured

    against SCE with a potentiostat. Platinum electrode (Elico, India)

    was used as the counter-electrode. The iodine formed was

    determined from the absorbance of the 30-min illuminated KI

    solution, measured at 350 nm using a Shimadzu 1650 PCspectrophotometer [2123]. The dissolved oxygen was deter-

    mined with an Elico dissolved oxygen analyzer PE 135 and pre-

    sonication was made with a Toshcon SW 2 ultrasonic bath

    (3773 kHz, 100 W).

    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. Catalyst characteristics

    The X-ray diffractogram of the anatase TiO2 used confirms its

    structure. It matches with the standard JCPDS pattern of anatase

    TiO2 (89-4921) and the rutile lines are absent. The XRD of the

    used TiO2 rutile sample is in accordance with its crystal structure.

    The observed XRD matches with the standard JCPDS pattern of

    rutile TiO2 (894202) and the anatase peaks are not seen. The

    X-ray diffraction pattern of the TiO2 P25 employed confirms the

    presence of anatase and rutile phases in the sample; the standard

    JCPDS patterns of anatase (00-021-1272) as well as rutile

    (01-089-0553 (C)) are present. The phase percentages have been

    obtained from the integrated intensity of the peaks at 2y value of

    25.31 for anatase (1 0 1) and 27.41 for rutile (1 1 0). The

    percentage of anatase is given by A(%)=100/{1+1.265(IR/IA)},

    where IA is the intensity of the anatase peak at 2y=25.31 and IRis that of the rutile peak at 2y=27.41. The phase composition thus

    obtained is 81% anatase and 19% rutile, which is in accordance

    with that provided by the manufacturer. The diffraction pattern of

    TiO2 Hombikat shows the presence of anatase as well as rutilephases; the peak fitting conforms to the JCPDS patterns of anatase

    (89-4921) and rutile (1 1 0, 2 1 1, etc., peaks). The percentages of

    anatase and rutile, determined using the intensities of 1 0 1 peak

    of anatase and 1 1 0 peak of rutile, are 69 and 31, respectively. The

    diffraction pattern of ZnO confirms its crystal structure. The peak

    fitting is highly satisfactory with the JCPDS pattern (89-7102). The

    XRD of SnO2 is in accordance with its structure; the observed

    diffractogram totally matches with the standard JCPDS pattern


    The crystal size of the nanoparticles have been determined

    from the half-width of the full-maximum (HWFM) of the most

    intense peaks of the different nanocrystals using the Scherrer

    equation, D=0.9l/b cos y, where D is the mean crystallite size, l is

    the X-ray wavelength, y is the Bragg angle and b is the corrected

    line broadening of the sample. The specific surface areas of the

    nanocrystals have been obtained using the relationship, S=6/rD,where S is the specific surface area, D is the average particle size

    and r is the material density. The results are presented in Table 2.The diffuse reflectance spectra of the semiconductors used are

    shown in Fig. 1; the reflectance data are reported as F(R) value,

    obtained by application of the KubelkaMunk algorithm. Fig. 2 is

    the Tauc plots of [F(R)hn]1/2 vs hn, and the extrapolation of the

    rising segment of [F(R)hn]1/2

    to the abscissa at zero F(R) providesthe band gap energy, given in Table 2.

    Defects in semiconductor nanocrystals strongly influence the

    electrical properties of the materials and the photocatalytic

    activity of the semiconductor depends on the extent of defects

    in the crystals. Impedance spectroscopy (IS) is a relatively new

    and powerful tool to probe the electrical properties of semi-

    conductors [30]. It may be employed to investigate the dynamics

    of the bound and mobile charges in the bulk or interfacial region

    of the semiconductors. In polycrystalline materials, the overall

    sample resistance may be a combination of the intragranular or

    bulk crystal resistance and intergranular or grain boundary

    resistance. The impedance data, in general, are analyzed in terms

    of an equivalent circuit model; an electrode interface undergoing

    an electron-transfer reaction is typically analogous to an electric

    circuit consisting of a specific combination of capacitors and

    resistors. By fitting the IS data to a model or an equivalent circuit

    the electrical properties of the semiconductors may be inferred.

    Fig. 3 presents the impedance spectra, the variation of impedance

    with frequency, of anatase, rutile, P25 (81% anatase, 19% rutile),

    and Hombikat (69% anatase, 31% rutile) TiO2. It shows decrease in

    the impedance with the increase in frequency indicating the

    capacitance of the semiconductors studied. The Nyquist plot, a

    popular format of evaluating the impedance data, is presented in

    Fig. 4. The semicircle in the Nyquist plot is the expected response

    of the simple circuit shown in Fig. 5. The uncompensated or

    ohmic resistance (RO) corresponds to the grain boundary or

    intergranular resistance and the polarization or electron-transfer

    (charge-transfer) resistance (RP or RCT) refers to the bulk crystal

    or intragranular resistance; the latter is related to Warburg

    resistance, the resistance to mass transfer, which is controlled

    by the specific conductance, s. The constant phase element,C, may be associated with a non-uniform distribution of current

    due to material heterogeneity and is equivalent to a double layer

    capacitance. Although P25 and Hombikat are the blends of

    250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600










    Wavelength, nm

    TiO2 anatase

    TiO2 hombikat

    TiO2 P25TiO2 rutile



    Fig. 1. DRS of the nanocrystals.

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    anatase and rutile phases, they exhibit single semicircles in

    the Nyquist plots pointing out homogeneity in the electrical

    properties of the materials. The Nyquist plot of Hombikat displays

    a large charge-transfer resistance with only a very limited

    frequency region where mass transfer is a significant factor,

    thus indicating the predominance of kinetic control; the oxide

    may be photocatalytically sluggish. All other Nyquist plots showlarge regions of mass transfer and kinetic control at low

    and high frequencies, respectively. Also, the Nyquist plots show

    the existence of appreciable (but not large or insignificant)

    series capacitance in the equivalent circuit and the Warburg

    impedance is also important. Table 1 shows the determined

    specific conductance, capacitance and the intergranular and

    intragranular resistances of the different forms of TiO2employed; the specific conductance has been obtained from the

    measured charge-transfer resistance and the capacitance has been

    deduced employing the equations omax=1/CRCT and omax=2pf,where f is the frequency corresponding to the maximum of the

    semicircle of the Nyquist plot. Among the TiO2 nanocrystals,

    the specific conductance of anatase is larger than that of rutile.

    But the benchmark photocatalyst P25 Degussa, which is a blend of

    anatase (81%) and rutile (19%) phases, shows surprisingly higher

    specific conductance than anatase and rutile. However, Hombikat,

    which also contains anatase (69%) and rutile (31%) phases, fails to

    exhibit similar characteristics; its specific conductance is even

    less than that of rutile. Further, P25 Degussa exhibits the largestcapacitance among the semiconductors examined.

    3.2. Obtaining solar results

    The intensity of sunlight during the experiment, even under

    clear sky on sunny days, fluctuates. Also, it differs from day to day.

    Now, the solar irradiance for a set of experiments with sunlight, of

    the required reaction conditions, has been kept identical by

    carrying out the experiments simultaneously, side by side, thus

    making possible to compare the solar results. The results of solar

    oxidation of iodide ion with TiO2 anatase, TiO2 Hombikat, TiO2rutile, TiO2 P 25 Degussa, ZnO and SnO2 nanoparticles are

    consistent. For each semiconductor-photocatalysis, a pair of solar

    2 3 4 5 610








    3.16 eV

    3.03 eV

    3.16 eV

    3.14 eV

    3.22 eV

    3.58 eV

    h, eV

    TiO2 anatase

    TiO2 hombikat

    TiO2 P25

    TiO2 rutile





    Fig. 2. Modified KM plots.

    0 250 500 750 1000







    Frequency, kHz

    TiO2 P25

    TiO2 anatase

    TiO2 rutile

    TiO2 hombikat

    Fig. 3. IS of TiO2.

    0 50 100 150 200 250






    Z' k

    TiO2 P25

    TiO2 anatase

    TiO2 rutile

    TiO2 hombikat

    Fig. 4. The Nyquist plots.




    Fig. 5. The equivalent circuit.

    Table 1Ohmic (RO) and charge-transfer (RCT) resistances, capacitance (C) and specific

    conductance (s) of TiO2.

    TiO2 RO (kO) RCT (kO) s (mS m1) C (pF)

    Anatase 12 41 1.03 9.7

    Rutile 20 70 0.38 7.1

    P25 Degussa 4 37 1.50 43

    Hombikat 9 203 0.18 8.2

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    experiments of identical reaction conditions carried out simulta-

    neously, side by side, yields results within 75% and this is so on

    different days. This consistency is not surprising as the solar

    irradiance is the same in the test and control experiments.

    3.3. Solar photocatalysis under potential bias

    Application of a cathodic bias to the semiconductor bed under

    sunlight enhances the iodide ion-oxidation. Of the four experiments

    conducted simultaneously in a set under identical solar irradiance for

    each catalyst, cost effective stainless steel bottom was used for three,

    which was completely covered with the catalyst [28,29]. A positive

    potential bias was applied to one, a negative potential to another

    and none to the third. While an anodic bias and no bias fail to

    effect significant photocatalysis, a cathodic bias shows enhanced

    photooxidation compared to the control experiment where the

    catalyst was spread on a glass bottom without any bias (Table 2). The

    photoelectrocatalysis was confirmed by carrying out the experiments

    under identical conditions but in dark. Identical cathodic bias in dark

    fails to effect comparable iodide ion-oxidation. Also, the solar-

    electroxidation requires dissolved oxygen; the oxidation of iodide

    ion in nitrogen-purged KI solution under cathodic bias is insignificant

    compared to that in air-saturated KI solution. The anodic iodide ion-oxidation in the absence of semiconductor is also small under the

    experimental conditions. These results unequivocally prove the

    electrochemical-assistance of semiconductor-photocatalysis with

    sunlight. All the oxide nanopowders show sustainable photo-

    catalysis; recycling of the catalysts without any pre-treatment

    provides identical results. Generally, the photocatalytic efficiency is

    susceptible to the surface and size modification of the catalyst

    particles. Sonication in aqueous solution causes rapid formation,

    growth and collapse of cavities resulting in local high pressures and

    temperatures that are responsible for surface and particle size

    modification of the catalyst [31]. However, pre-sonication of the

    solid catalysts or their suspension in KI solution does not influence

    the photocatalytic efficiencies of all the nanosemiconductors studied;

    the TiO2 anatase, TiO2 Hombikat, TiO2 rutile, TiO2 P 25, ZnO, andSnO2-catalyzed iodine-formations are not altered due to pre-

    sonication for 10 min at 3773 kHz and 100 W (the experimental

    conditions remain as in Table 2).

    3.4. Enhanced photocatalysis by semiconductor mixtures under

    potential bias

    Mixed semiconductors enable a vectorial transfer of electrons

    and holes from one semiconductor to another [913]. On illu-

    mination, both the semiconductors are excited and the electrons

    accumulate at the lower-lying conduction band of one semicon-

    ductor while the holes move to the less anodic valence band.

    These processes of charge separation are very fast and hence

    enhance the photocatalytic efficiency. Although enhanced photo-

    catalysis by mixed semiconductors is known [913], the improved

    photoelectrocatalysis by semiconductor mixtures with natural

    sunlight has not been reported so far. Under cathodic

    bias, rutile TiO2ZnO, rutile TiO2SnO2 and ZnOSnO2 mixtures

    (1:1 w/w) exhibit enhanced photocatalytic efficiency (Table 3);however, other combinations do not show improved photo-

    catalysis. A possible reason for the observed enhancement by

    rutile but not by anatase or anatase containing samples is adsorp-

    tion of water. Anatase is more active than rutile in adsorbing

    water molecules. The primary sheath of water molecules around

    anatase particles could prevent physical contact with ZnO or SnO2crystals thus hindering interparticle charge transfer [32].

    3.5. Mechanism

    The diffuse reflectance spectra of all the semiconductor

    nanocrystals used (Figs. 1 and 2) show that UV-A light is required

    for band gap-excitation and hence the observed photocatalysis is

    due to the UV light of the solar radiation which is about 5%. In theabsence of any bias, band gap-illumination of semiconductors on

    glass bottom generates electronhole pairs, part of which reacts

    with the adsorbed iodide ion and oxygen molecule, respectively,

    forming iodine and superoxide radical ion, O2 . In aqueous

    medium, O2 in turn generates highly reactive species such as

    HO , HO2 and H2O2, which also oxidize the iodide ion [2123].

    In absence of any potential bias, both oxidation and reduction

    occur on the illuminated surface of the semiconductor. But, the

    photocatalysis without bias becomes insignificant with semicon-

    ductors on stainless steel bottom. This is likely due to short-

    circuit of the photoformed charges by stainless steel. Anodic bias

    on an illuminated semiconductor should lead to iodide ion-

    oxidation at the semiconductor surface and naturally reduction of


    at the platinum electrode. The reverse may be the case under a

    cathodic bias impressed upon an illuminated semiconductor.

    Here, anodic bias fails to effect iodide ion-oxidation whereas a

    cathodic bias does. That is, O2 adsorbed on the illuminated

    semiconductor is reduced to superoxide radical ion and the iodide

    ion is oxidized at the counter-electrode also (Fig. 6); the formation

    of iodine at the Pt electrode is visible during illumination. The

    possible reason is as follows. The reduction of O2 by the

    illuminated semiconductor surface is slow and rate determining

    and application of a cathodic bias eases the same; it has been

    shown that in the photooxidation of methanol (1.6 M) electrons

    on TiO2 particles persist for at least $1 min even in O2-saturated

    Table 2

    Iodide ion-oxidation with semiconductors under sunlight and potential biasa,b.

    Nanocrystals D (nm) S (m2 g1) Eg (eV) I2 formed (mM)

    Controlc No bias Anodic biasd Cathodic biase Cathodic bias in darke

    TiO2 anatase 9 165 3.22 86 2 $0 248 (4) $0

    TiO2 rutile 12 123 3.03 13 3 2 96 (1) $0

    TiO2 P25 anatase:rutile::81:19 23 68.1 3.14 43 3 2 190 (3) $0

    TiO2 Hombikat anatase:rutile::69:31 18 87.4 3.16 32 1 $0 128 (2) $0

    ZnO 32 32.9 3.16 9 $0 $0 48 (1) $0

    SnO2 27 31.1 3.58 11 $0 1 76 (1) $0

    Nil $0 $0 $0 $0 $

    a 50 mL 0.05 M KI, 31.2 mg L1 dissolved O2, 15.1 cm2 catalyst bed, 0.10 g catalyst covered on stainless steel bottom, 30 min sunshine at 950725 W m2.

    b Values in a row correspond to identical solar irradiance.c Catalyst on glass bottom without bias.d +0.2 V vs NHEe0.2 V vs NHE; values in parenthesis correspond to N 2-purged solution (4.2 mg L


    dissolved O2).

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    solutions [33]. Also, the iodide ion-oxidation at the platinum

    electrode with oxygen reduction on the illuminated semiconductor

    is kinetically and thermodynamically favorable than the reduction

    of oxygen at platinum electrode with iodide ion-oxidation on

    the semiconductor; the reduction potentials of conduction band

    electron (TiO2) and superoxide radical ion are 0.50 and 0.33 V,

    respectively. Further, reduction of oxygen at the platinum

    electrode requires an over potential whereas iodide ion-oxidation

    at platinum surface or oxygen reduction at the oxide surface does

    not require the same. The enhanced photoelectrocatalysis shownby mixed semiconductors is in line with the better charge

    separation by mixed semiconductors. The larger photogeneration

    of iodine by TiO2 rutileSnO2, TiO2 rutileZnO, and SnO2ZnO

    mixtures under cathodic bias may be explained on the basis of

    their band edge positions. The energy positions of the conduction

    band edges and valence band edges of the semiconductors on

    the absolute vacuum scale (AVS), presented in Fig. 7 [1], determine

    the charge transfer between the particulate semiconductors; the

    AVS is related to the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) scale

    by E(AVS) = E(NHE)4.5 [34]. The energy difference between the

    conduction band electrons of the two semiconductors is the driving

    force for the interparticle electron injection and the free energy

    change is given by DG = e(ECB(SC1)ECB(SC2)) [35]. Regarding the

    conduction band (CB) edges, the CB of SnO2 is least cathodic while

    that of ZnO is the most cathodic [1]. Among the valence bands (VB),

    the VB of SnO2 is the most anodic and that of TiO2 rutile is the least.

    Hence on illumination of SnO2ZnO or SnO2TiO2 rutile mixture

    the CB electrons will accumulate in SnO2 while the VB holes will

    collect in ZnO or TiO2. In the case of ZnOTiO2 rutile mixture, the

    VB holes will migrate to ZnO and the CB electrons to TiO2. It is

    pertinent to state that both the conduction and valence bands do

    not exist in reality and they refer only to the reduced and oxidized

    states in the semiconductor. For example, in TiO2 or SnO2 the

    conduction band electron corresponds to the reduced form of Ti4+

    (i.e., Ti3+ ) or reduced form of Sn4+ (i.e., Sn3+ ) and the valence band

    hole refers the oxidized form of O2 (i.e., O). The interparticle

    charge transfer, the transfer of electron from the conduction band

    of TiO2 to that of SnO2 refers to the electron jump from Ti3+ to

    Sn4+ . Similarly, the hole-transfer from the valence band of SnO2 to

    that of TiO2 corresponds to the hole-jump from O of SnO2 to O


    of TiO2. That is, electron jumps from O2 of TiO2 to O

    of SnO2. The

    possibility of cross-electronhole combination, the transfer of

    electron from the conduction band of one semiconductor (SC1) to

    the valence band of the other (SC2), such as from Ti3+ of TiO2 to O

    of SnO2 is very remote; the very low population of the excited

    states make the electron transfer between two excited states

    highly improbable. Under cathodic bias migration of holes becomes

    less important as they are neutralized; the electron movement

    between semiconductors enhance the activity.

    3.6. Photoelectrocatalytic efficiencies

    The quantities of iodine formed with TiO2 anatase, TiO2Hombikat, TiO2 rutile, TiO2 P 25, ZnO and SnO2, under identical

    solar irradiance and experimental conditions, reveal TiO2 anatase

    as the most efficient photocatalyst under potential bias; the order

    of photoelectrocatalytic efficiency is: TiO2 anatase4TiO2P254TiO2 Hombikat4TiO2 rutile 4SnO24ZnO (conditions as

    in Table 2). This order is not in accordance with the band gap

    energies of the semiconductors. Comparing the photocatalysis by

    SnO2 and ZnO, the band gap energy of SnO2 (3.58 eV) is larger

    than that of ZnO (3.16 eV) and hence SnO2 requires shorter

    wavelength of radiation for activation than ZnO. In the solar

    spectrum, the intensity of sunlight of energy sufficient to activate

    SnO2 (o346 nm) is less than that to excite ZnO (o392 nm).

    Table 3

    Enhanced photocatalysis by mixed semiconductors under cathodic bias a.

    Catalyst I2 formed (mM)

    ZnO 48

    SnO2 76

    ZnO/SnO2 118

    TiO2 rutile 96

    SnO2/TiO2 rutile 118

    ZnO/TiO2 rutile 111

    a 50 mL 0.05 M KI, 31.2 mg L1 dissolved O2, 15.1 cm2 catalyst bed, 0.10 g

    catalyst loading (total), 0.2 V vs NHE, 30 min sunshine at 950725 W m 2.

    KI Solution











    Fig. 6. Photocatalytic mechanism under cathodic bias.









    ZnO TiO2



    Fig. 7. CB (less negative) and VB (more negative) energy levels of semiconductors.

    C. Karunakaran et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 94 (2010) 900906904

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    Hence some other factors predominate in determining the

    photocatalytic activity. The specific surface areas of the two

    oxides do not differ significantly and hence is not the reason for

    the difference in the catalytic activity. Although the mean particle

    size of SnO2 is less than that of ZnO, it is not reflected in the

    photocatalysis in absence of potential bias. However, remarkable

    difference in the photocatalytic activity is observed under

    cathodic bias. Better adsorption of molecular oxygen on the

    illuminated SnO2 surface under potential bias or effectiveinhibition of the photogenerated electronhole pair recombina-

    tion under cathodic bias may be one of the possible reasons for

    the observed higher photocatalytic activity of SnO2 compared to

    ZnO. Comparing the photocatalytic activities of different forms of

    TiO2 studied, the observed catalytic activities are in agreement

    with neither the grain boundary resistances nor the charge-

    transfer resistances. The determined specific conductances and

    the capacitances are not in accordance with the measured iodine

    generation. Further, the photocatalytic activities are not in

    accordance with either the specific surface areas or with the

    crystal sizes. The surface trapping of photogenerated electrons

    and holes prior to recombination may be more efficient in small

    crystals and hence smaller the crystal size, the larger should be

    the photocatalytic activity. The photogenerated electronhole

    pairs have a much shorter distance to travel to reach the surface

    in a small particle. Once the electrons and holes have been

    trapped at the interface, they may then participate in redox

    reactions. However, the observed photocatalytic activities of TiO2are in agreement with the anatase content; larger the percentage

    of anatase phase present, higher is the photocatalytic activity.

    Anatase TiO2 is more photoactive than rutile TiO2 [2,32,36] and

    this is because of larger photoadsorption and desorption of

    oxygen on anatase and also to a lower electronhole recombina-

    tion [36]. Further, anatase is more active than rutile in adsorbing

    water and hydroxyl groups and the photocatalytic activity

    depends on the surface-adsorbed water and hydroxyl groups [32].

    3.7. Energetics

    In the title reaction, for a cathodic bias of 0.2 V at the illumi-

    nated semiconductor surface, one electron is transferred across the

    electrodeelectrolyte interface. The reaction on the oxide surface is

    O2 + e

    -O2 and the counter reaction at the Pt anode is I -

    I2 + e. But, two iodine molecules are produced for the one-

    electron transfer. The possible reactions in solution that follow the

    one-electron transfer across the electrodeelectrolyte interface to

    satisfy the stoichiometric requirement are:O2 + H+-HO2

    ;HO2 +

    H2O-H2O2 + HO ;HO + I -I2 + HO

    ; H2O2 + 2H++2I -

    I2 + 2H2O. The net reaction is 4I + 3H+ + O2-2I2 + H2O + HO


    The applied potential of0.2 V for a one-electron electrode reaction

    results in an energy expenditure of 19.3 kJ which corresponds to

    9.65 kJ mol1 of iodine produced (DG = 196487 C mol1

    0.2 V = 19.3 kJ). Semiconductor-catalyzed iodine generation is

    the reaction that converts light energy into chemical energy in

    solar cells and the light energy stored as chemical energy per mole

    of iodine generated is 103.2 kJ. The net energy storage in the

    potentially induced iodine generation is 93.55 kJ mol1. Hence this

    technique has the advantage of being faster towards solar energy

    conversion and storage than that in absence of any potential bias.

    4. Conclusions

    Under natural sunlight at 950725 W m2, application of

    a cathodic bias of 0.2 V (vs NHE) to anatase, rutile, P25,

    and Hombikat TiO2, SnO2 and ZnO nanocrystals enhances iodide

    ion-oxidation by 39 times. Under cathodic bias, mixtures of

    ZnOTiO2 rutile, SnO2TiO2 rutile and ZnOSnO2 nanocrystals

    show higher photocatalytic activity, pointing out the improved

    charge separation in oxide mixtures. The observed photoelec-

    trocatalytic activity is not in accordance with the specific

    conductance or capacitance of the TiO2 nanocrystals. Also, it is

    not in line with the crystal size or surface area of TiO2nanocrystals but is in agreement with the composition of anatase

    phase in the crystals.


    The authors thank the University Grants Commission (UGC),

    New Delhi, for the financial support through major research Grant

    no. F.12-64/2003 (SR) and Degussa for gifting TiO2 P25 sample.

    P.A. is grateful to UGC for PF. The authors also thank Dr.

    J. Jayabharathi, Annamalai University for the DRS facility.


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