  • KAPL-P-000047 (K96048)


    Z.A. Shellenbarger, M.G. Ma&, L.C. DiNetta, G.W. Charache



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  • Recent Progress in InGaAsSbGaSb TPV Devices Z.A. SHELLENBAROER, M.G. MAUK, and L.C. DINETI-A

    AstmPower, tnc. Solar Park, Newark, DE 19716-2CiCO G.W. CHAF~ACHE

    Lockhsed Martin Corp. P.O. Box 1072, Schenectady, NY I230 7 -1 072


    AstroPower is developing JnGaAsSb themphotovoltaic devices. Thls photovoltaic cell is a two-layer apitaxfal InGaAsSb stfucture formed by liquid-phase epitaxy on a GaSb substrate. The (direct) bandgap ofthe fn,,Ga&,,Sb, atby is 0.50 to 0.55 eV. depending on its exad alloy composition (x,y); and is closely latticematched to the GaSb substrate. The use of the quaternary alfoy. as opposed to a ternary alloy - such as, for example. InGaAdtnP -permits low bandgap devtCes optimized for 1000 to 1500 'C tbermal sources mrh, at the same time. near-emct lattice matching to the GaSb substrate. Latt:ce matching is important since even a small degree of lattice mismatch degrades device performance and reliabiiiy and increases processing complexity.

    internal quantum eflfcianctes a8 high 8s 95% have been measured at a wavelength of 2 microns. At 1 micron wavelengths, internal quantum efficiencies of 65% have been observed. The opencfrcuit voltage at cunents sf 0.3 Akm' is 0.220 vofts and 0.280 V for current densities of 2 Ncm'. Flll faciors of 56% have bean measured at 60 mAlcm'. However. as current dens& increases them is sorne decrease in fifi factor. Our results to data show Ut& the GaSb-based quaternary compounds provide a viable and high performance energy mnvmton solutfon for tnermophotovoitatc systems operating with 1000 to 1500 'C source temperatures.


    We report our latest reaults o n InGeAsSb thermophotovoltalc (TPV) cella. TPVs are p-n junction semiconductor devices that convert photons ernitled by a heated source directly into electkai power. For T?V Systems utilizing therrnaf radiation from an omittar hestad at 1000 to 1500 'C, there is a need for low-bandgap cells with a hhh spectral response in the range of 1500 to 2500 nm wavelength. this unplles a T W cell with a bandgap of -0.5 eV. One important potenflat apph!ion is the radioisotap General Purpose Heat Source (GPHS) where 1100 'C bhckbody radiation bn be used for themnophotovoltaic energy conversion. In this paper we describe high4flaency TPV devices based on lattice ,matched InoMG~p2AS&b0.03 (EG = 0.53 eV) epitaxial layers on GaSb SUbStrat~S. To our knowledge. this is the Srst report of the InGaAsSb quaternary alloy apclied to TPV devices

    Several theoretical studies have indicated that photovoltaic cells based on ths InG3AsSb quaternary al!cy are gcod andidates for TPV applications :ha: require high spadral response In the 1500 to 2500 nm waveleng:h range. Depending cn Its aiioy composition ( x , y ) . t h e direct bandgap of the In,.,Ga&,.,Sb, alloy varies frcrn 0 18 eV (IflSb) to t 43 eV (GaAs) The quaternary alloy can be closely tanicematched to the GaSb sabstrate pravrded the composition IS restrained lo values Such that y = 0 7 + 0 9 x With thrs lantce matchmg condl::cr:. 1P.4

  • bandgap of the quaternary alloy ranges h m approximately 0.3 to 0.7 eV. However, there ts a further lirnltatjcn due to a wide solid-phase miscibility gap in the quaternary at typical growth temperatures The mIscibrlity gap ~vldently precludes bandgaps in the range of 0.35 to 0.5 eV. Therefore, for the spectral range of interest, we gg~ume the lowest attainable bandgap is 0.50 to 0.52 eV. This bandgap range conesponds to an o p b i absorptfOn edge of 2380 lo 2480 nanometers.

    It is worth emphasizing that be use of the q&J&maly alloy. as OpPOSed to a ternary alfoy-tiuch as. !or exarnpte. InGaAs-provides the needed bafidgap with. at the same time, nearaxact lattice matching to the GaSb substrate. LatUce-matching k important aince even a Small degree of lattice mismatch degrades device prfomance and relisbility Although there afe epitaxy techniques to partially ameliorate effects associated with lattice mismatch of ternary ahoy layers on binary subs.trateS (64. defect-filtering superlattices. InktNpkd srct& regimens, etc.). We believe the use of the quatarnary alley to avoid lattice mismatch altogether IS a simpler ar.d more effective approach.

    The TPV device we are making Is a hvo-layer epitaxial InGaAsSb structure formed by liquid-phase epitaxy on a GaSb substrate at a gr&h temperature of 515 "C. Liquid-Phase Epitaxy (LPE) is 8 w9lkStabllshed technology for Ill-V compound semiconductor devfces. A major advantage of W E for this application is the high mazerfat quallty, and more specifically, the long minoriiy canter diffusion lengths, that can be achieved. nis results In devices which are equal or superior In periomrance to those made by other epitaxy processes S U C ~ 2s molecular beam epitaxy (NBE) of metal organfc chemical vapor deposlffon (MOGVD). Another major advantage is that LPE is a simple. inexpensive, and safe method for smkonductot device tabticatton. Significantly, ttre LPE process does not requfre or produce any hlghjy toxic or dangerous substmces-in contrast to MOCVD. Also, tfie epitaxiat growth rate with InGsAsSb LPE is -2 rnicmnslminute which is ten to hundred times faster than MOCVO or MBE. MfO have succassfulfy scaled up the LPE process for epitaxial growth In a semiconlinuous made on 3inch diameter wafers. This. combined with the high growth rates. will dramaffcaliy improve the manufacturing throughput tmnpared to traditional and more c0stJ-y eptW procssses. Our objective is to davelop an epitaxiai growth technology to produce lowcost. largearea. hlgh eff~crency TPV devices.


    tnGaAsSb photodlodes, Itght9rnitting diodes. and double heterostructure injection lasers made by liquid- phase epitaxy have been previously reponed. We have adapted this technofogy for the production of InGaAsSb TPV cells.

    We use a standard honzontaf stideboat techntque for the liquid-phase epitaxial growth of the InGaAsSb. The graphite slideboat is situated in a sealed quartz tube placed in a micfoprocessorcontroll~. progfarnmabte. threetone tube furnace. The growth ambient b palladiumdiffused hydmgen at atmospheric pressure wth a flow rate of 300 mUmin.

    The substrates ace 500-micfon thick, chern'btly polished (100) oriented, n-type GaSb wafers obtatned from MCP Wafer Technology, Ltd. (Milton Keynes. UK) or Firebird Semiconductor, Ltd. (Trail, BC, Canada). Substrates are doped to 3-5 x lo" ~ r n ' ~ with tellurium. The substrate resistivity is 0 x lo4 Q UTI. and the avenge etch-pit density is appmxmately 1000 cm-' *-

    (x,,=O.Ot). The melts are formulated with 3- to 5-mm shot Of high punty (99.9999%) indium. gallium. and antimony metals and arsenic added as undoped In& polycrystalline mateflal. The total weight of the melt IS about 10 g Pnor to gtowth. the melts are baked out at 7CO "C for fiffeen hours under flow~ng hydrogen to deoxidize the metallic melt components and outgas restduat impunties. Aner b a k e a t . aPpropnats dopant impunties are added IO each melt The first melt far the growth of the o-tyce InGaAsSb base yyer contains tin or tellur!um. The small a m ~ ~ n ! cf Te needed t~ dope the layer (a:amrc fraCd@n ln the melt z 10- ) is orobiernatic For r2yoduC:bIe doping. a weighable amount of Te is added as 100 to 2co mg of TMcped GaSb (C?.=10'9 cm ') Tin is added :c

    The growth solutlons are indium (x,,=0.59}. gallium {X,=O. 19). anbmmy (w3,=0.21). and arsenic

  • I .

    the meit as 10 Lo 2CO mg of high purity shot OLir prefiminar] rasults (Section 3) suggest that high n-bjpe dcpfng concanvations can be achieved more readily vnth tin than with !ellunurn. However, the reiattvely high Ilqula-pnase concanttation of tln abr3 the melt mrnposi:ion needed to grow the latticematched lnGaAsSb quaternary wrth the desired bandgap. For higher bn doping levels, we will need to rwptirnize the melt compostbons to include the effects of dilution with additional tfn. This will requ!re a phase equtllbrb analysts and model of a Scomponent system (In-Ga-As-Sb-Sn). The second melt for the growth of the ptype emitter contains 5 to 100 mg germanium. Presentiy, we are beginning a more detatled and systematic characterization of impurity segragation and doping in the In-Ga-As-Sb quaternary system with the aim of achieving better control and a greeter range of doping concentrations.

    Tha melts are equilibrated for 1 hour at 530 "C afid thefi coded s! a rata 3f 0.7 *C/rnin. 41 555 "C. the sobstra:e is contastfA wlth the first melt for Pm nli7cit6s to grow a 5-micron thick n-type InGdsSb bass !apt Next. !he substrate is moved to the second melt fer 5 seohds to grow a 0.3-micron thick p-type InG&sSb emieer layer.

    Front and back ohmic wntacts ara !armed on the epitaxlal InGdsSblGaSb shuchrre by standard processing techniques. The back of the substrate is metalked by plating with a 200-nrn thick elecfron-beam evaporated Au:Ge:Au:Ni layer and alloyed at 300 "C. The frmt contact is a gdd of 1O-miCfOn wide ffleta:lki%hn lfnes with IOO-micron spacing and a singte 1-mm wide center busbar. The grid is formed by a photolithography lift- off process with a 200-nm thick electron-baam evaporated Au:Zn*Au rnetaibation. The front grid is thickensd to 5 mlcrons by gold electroplating. The front contact is not sintered. The substrate is masked and patterned to define a 1 cm x 1 cm devlcg and isoisrtiun etched with a potassium iod!de - iodine 'gold' etch. Most of cur TPV cells art3 1 cm x 1 cm in are&: although larger cells (2 cm x 2 cm) with CQmpaGIble performance have also been made. in order to airnplifj the spectral rs3l;cnse anafysis, we e!ec?ad not b apply any anti-refiecticn coetings to the cells. FIGURE 1 is a top-view photograph of a 1 crn x 1 cm InGaAsSb TPV cell.


    FIGURE 2 shows the TPV device design in cross-section. The fabricated cells have s 0.3 to 0.5 micron thick p-type emitter wdh 8 Ge concentration of approximately lo'' cm". as indicated by Secondary Ion Mass SpeCtrOscopy (SIMS). A thicker, more heavily doped player will reduce the sheet resistance of the emitter and therefore improve the ffil-factor, but will tend to reduce spectral response due to higher free-camer absorption and increased sensitivity to front surface mtnontj carrier recombination.

    The base thickness in our cells ranges from 3 to 5 microns with a Te or Sn concentration of about 1015 to cm4, as determined from cspadtsnce-voltage measurements and SIMS. FIGURE 3 shows the SlMS depth


    profile indicating the abruptness of the p n junctbn and the depth uniformity of the doping concentrations. Them Is apparently very liffle smearing of the doping proflle due to diffusbon or segngatlon of dopants. Dlsaepancies between the Te dopant concentratfon measured by SIMS (totar impurity concentration) and that implied by capacitancevoltage measurements {net donor concentration) indicate that much of the Te is either not ionized of else is compensated. This is a common problem In Te doping of Ill-V semlconductors. especially In GaSb-based matarfais. and is probably due to the formation of elec!nca!ly inactive telluride complexes or compounds in the material. Inyeasing the Te concentration in the melt showed a 'saturation effeCr in that the Te doping level did not increase in propoftmn to the le concentratton in the liquid phase. Our most recent devices incorporate tin as the n-type base dopant and have base dopings targeted around IO" ~ r n - ~ . Modeling indicates that base dopings in this range wtll yield the optimum opencircuit voltages and short-wavelength quantum effiCfenC:eS.


    We present external and internal spectral response and current-voltage charactenstics for 1 cm x 1 cm p.ln,,,G~.s&.&3bo.S:Ge / n-In,, asQa,,01ASg&3bo.m: Te (or Sn) epitaxial cells on an n-GaSb:Te substrate produced as described above. The external spectral response of a typical InGaAsSb TPV call is shown in FIGURE 4. FIGURE 5 shows the corresponding internal spectral response. The lower external spectral response IS due to grid shading and renectlon of incident fight from the uncoated InQaAsSb emitter surface. The grid shading is 18.2%. The absorpffon edge implied by the apectfal response measurements of a nun;&? of samples ranged fiom approxlmatefy 2200 to 2250 nm. At a wavelength of 2000 nm, internal quantum effhencies as high as 95% have been measured, and at a waveiength at I micron, internal quantum efffciencies of almost 55% have been observed. The internal quantum eRdenq avereged over the spectral region from 1 to 2 microns wavelength is 60%. (It should be noted that for the intended TPV applications. the reaponse of the cell fcr wavelengths less than 1.5 microns is not important)

    The 1 cm x 1 cm InGaAsSb TPV cells were tested under simulated infrared light using a ZnSe-filtered tungsten source (Carley Lamps, Inc.. Torrance, CA) with a spectral emission in the 800 Lo 3000 nm wavelength range. Under an lllurnlnation intensity corresponding to a short-circuit current density of 2 Ala', opencircuit voltages as htgh as 0.260 volts have been measured. FIGURE 6 shows the current-voltage characteristics of a 1 cm x 1 cm InGaAsSb TPV cell under an infrared illumination intensity that yields a short-circuit current densrty of 62.4 mAlun' and a open-circuit voltage of 0.178 V. The fill-factor is 0.57. To date. the best fill-factors observed are less than 0.6. We believe that one cause of the somewhat tow fflt-facton is asria8 resistanca, which is discussed further In the next section FIGURE 7 shows open-circuit voltage vs. shortcircuit current for varying light intensity The open-circuit voltage increases logarithmically with iIIurnination intensity and an open-circuit voltage of -0.250 V IS reached for current densities of 1 Atcm'. The diode ideality factor in the voftage range of 0.1 to 0.25 V is dose to 2. implying that high injection is dominant in vlis voltage range.


    Our resub to date have demonstrated the potential of InGaAsSb TPV devices made by Iiquid-phase eprtw We believe there is still room for substantial efftclency enhancements in these davlces by optirnuaffon of the do ng levels and layer thicknesses. Further improvements might Include wide bandgap lattice-matched AlGaAsSb window layers for front surface passtvatm. and AlGaAsSb back-surfaca field cladding layers to reduce the reverse saturation anent and thereby increase the open-circuit voltage. Highly doped contact layers will provide lower sene8 resistance, as will substrate thinning. Lower serles resistance will lead to higher fill factors. Thinning the substrate will a180 improve heat sinking of the device.

    The requid performance of a TPV device is dependent on its system application. Spectral control of thermal emitters. the use of selective filters and refledom. heat transfer, and photon recycling effects need to be included in the device design and system optirnuatfon. These consMerationa am not usually relevant for conventional photovoltaic devices and therefore the design and opbrnzation ales for TPVs will be significantly different than those for solar calla. For example. grid obscuraffan and reffaction are not necessartly losses in TPV systems if photons reflected from the front surface are reabsorbed by the emitter. Our next generation of InGaAsSb TPV devices will incorporate design features to fulw exploit photon recycling effects


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  • FIGURE I: Topview Photograph of a 1 cm x t cm InGaAsSb TPV Cell.

    AulZniAu ptype Contact r--- 0.3-0.5 pm Thick ptype lnGPAsSb Ernt tm / - 36 ~JII fhtck n-type InGaAsSb Base

    OoSb Substrae

    AulGa/Aml n-type Cantact

    FlGGRE 1; InGaAsSbGaSb p-n Junction Thermophotovo~taic Cell Design.

    f I - -


    FiGURE 3: SIMS Depth Profile of Oopmg

  • FIGURE 4: Externel Cell.

    euo rw io00 ICOQ TWO ita 2000 szaa 24oc WAVELENGTH f rJM)

    FlGURE 5: Internal Spectral Response of InGaAsSblGaSb p-n Junction Thennophotovoltaic Ce:l

  • a = I : : : ; ................... 1 :

    ...... .... -.. - i I 1 -.,-;.--..I ..-. .................. . . .--- I . . . . . . . . . . 9.;- i -

    - - - . .'* --. - --r -- - - : I . . * ; ' - 1

    * .......... ............... * L ... ..,. .....................



    a , 1 0 0.03 0.10 0.15 030 028


    FIGURE 7: OpenCirwit Voltage vd. Short-Circuit Current for InOaAsSb TPV Cell under Varying Illumination intensity. .

    ., '.
