Download pptx - Kangen demo 4 doctors

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Change Your Life.C l a



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“Miracle Water”

Lourdes, France

Tlacote, Mexico

Nordenau, Germany

Or ‘Wonder Water…’

Zam Zam Ganga

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KANGEN™ MACHINES are approved Medical Devices in Japan for the mass market. These machines are been used in many Japanese hospitals for over 40 years.

It restructures your tap water into water with special properties which help people recover from, as well as help prevent, a variety of ailments. It may also be very beneficial for the students, athletes and other sport persons.

Bill Gates, Sultan Mizan, Jimmy Carter, Steven Tyler, Elton John, Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Carlos Santana and 600,000 other individuals are among current users of Kangen Water®…

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Hiromi Shinya ( 新谷 弘実 ) is a Japanese-born general surgeon. He pioneered modern colonoscopy techniques, and invented the electrosurgical polypectomy snare now common on colonoscopies, allowing for removal of colon polyps without invasive surgery.

Dr Hiromi Shinya M.D., Ph.D. (World Renown)

PROFESSOR OF SURGERY, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.CHIEF OF ENDOSCOPY, Beth Israel Medical Center New York City.

Shinya is also known for his health theory. He has authored a number of books, many of them in Japanese.

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InflammationAfter 3 monthsBefore

“You are what you eat”, as the saying goes.Illnesses, life and health are the results of what you eat (and how) on a daily basis (and also it depends on the genetic pre-

disposition and environment for those who undoubtedly develop lifestyle-related diseases at some point in their lives).

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Chronic Constipation, Cancer


After 3 monthsBefore

Drinking of Kangen water® is recognized by The Japan Home-health Apparatus Industrial Association that there is effectiveness on gastrointestinal symptoms.

(Corporation The Japan Home-health Apparatus Industrial Association Niho Kyohatsu no.201, 2006年 10月 22日 )

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ChemotherapyAfter 3 monthsBefore


The immune system and natural healing strength of humans seem to be more powerful than commonly believed.

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Kangen Water® Properties

1. Anti-Oxidation

2. Alkalinization

3. Micro-Clustering

…Kangen Water® Demonstration.

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Your bodyneeds a balance of…

macronutrients(proteins, fats and carbohydrates),

micronutrients(vitamins and minerals) and

phytonutrients(antioxidants, polyphenols, etc.),along with fibers & enzymes to maintain excellent health.

Cells are made up of many atoms. Healthy (stable) atoms has

‘paired’ electrons.

A Typical Cell

Samir Potdar

- e

- e







Connective Muscle Nervous Epithelial


– it breathes, takes in food and gets rid of wastes. – It also grows, reproduces and times, it dies.

There are over 200 types Of Cells and the human body has tens of trillions of cells.


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- e

- e





Factors Contributing

to the Formation



lack of sleepStress

Samir Potdar

These molecules on coming in contact with healthy cells, steal an electron from them,

All these things have chemical impact on our cells by creating F r e e - R a d i c a l s (unstable atom), an atom missing an electron through oxidation.

A cell under oxidative


Normal cellkilling them.

Life style

Poor dietAn Oxygen

Molecule O2

YOUR BODY IS A COMPLEX AND HIGHLY SOPHISTICATED ORGANISM – it needs constant fine tuning in stress filled

environments and pollutions.

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Deadly Diseases After 1970The four main Killer NCDs, cardiovascular diseases (Heart attack and stroke), many cancers, diabetes, and chronic lung diseases (asthma). HIV/AIDS, obesity, chronic kidney, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, osteoporosis, arthritis, cataracts, & more...

Deadly Diseases Before 1970Plagues, chicken pox, cholera, TB, diarrhoea, malaria, poliomyelitis, etc.

An estimated 56 million people died worldwide, In the year 2012 alone.

Samir Potdar

Non-communicable diseases were responsible for 68% (two-thirds) of all deaths globally, up from 60% in 2000.

Communicable, maternal, perinatal and nutrition conditions collectively were responsible for 23% (a quarter) of global deaths, and injuries caused 9% of all deaths.


classified into communicable and non-communicable diseases.

…in excess, free radicals cause harmful oxidation that can damage cell membranes, this leads to cellular-degeneration, accelerate the aging process and contribute to certain ailments—disease, which mainly are of four types: Pathogenic, deficiency, hereditary, and psychological. And these are

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PurifiedR. O.


Vitamin C

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400

- ORP (mv) + ORP (mv)

Green Tea

Tap Water


CodLiver Oil

1. Anti-Oxidation


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Enagic CEOHironari Oshiro

Enagic USABusiness Advisor

They are the same age! 69 years old.

Guess their Age

Photo taken in 2009

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2. Alkalinization


10 11 12 133 4 6 7 8 951 2

H+ OH-

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The Root Cause of Cancer

In his work The Metabolism of Tumours he demonstrated that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions:

ACIDOSIS and HYPOXIA (lack of oxygen).

Cancerous tissues are Acidic, Whereas healthy tissues are Alkaline.

He also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) & cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.

…was discovered by Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg in 1923 and received the Nobel Prize for doing

so in 1931.

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Regular H2O Cluster

15 - 20 MoleculesLarger clusters limit absorption by

the body

3. Micro-Clustering

KANGEN™ H2O Micro-Cluster

5 - 6 MoleculesMicro-clusters allow greater penetration

and easier absorption

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Too Large to Penetrate Cells

Micro-Clustered Kangen Water® is Able to Penetrate into and Flush Toxins out of the cell…

Water Channels

…are "the plumbing system for cells,“ said Dr Peter Agre (Nobel Prize Winner 2003). Every cell is primarily water. "But the water doesn’t just sit in the cell, it moves through it in a very organized way. The process occurs rapidly in tissues that have these aquaporins or water channels."



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~ Offers the best TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMfor your body, i.e. Greater Delivery of Oxygen and Nutrients

~ Outstanding Detoxification

~ Superb Hydration

3. Micro-Clustering



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5 Types of Water

• Kangen Water® 9.5 pH, 9.0 pH, 8.5 pHHealth: for drinking and cooking… anti-aging.


Dissolved Hydrogen

ORPSmall Clusters

Dissolved Oxygen

• Clean Water 7.0 pHNeutral: for the baby or when you take medication…

• Beauty Water 6.0 – 5.5 pHToner: for Skin and hair, after bathing… also good for plants.

• Strong Acidic Water 2.5 pHDisinfectant: kills virus and bacteria… sterilizing & sanitizing.

• Strong Kangen Water® 11.5 pHEmulsifier: Removes agricultural chemicals in your food & more…

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Strong Acidic Water 2.5 pH

Kangen Water® pH 2.5 used in many Japanese hospitals for treatment of varieties of skin conditions, e.g. Eczema. Patients are advised to drink Kangen Water daily and use acidic water to bathe the affected areas.After 2 weeks, the vesicles dried up. The Eczema was completely cleared out without any relapse. (Source: Prof. Tamura Tatsuji, Keifuku Rehabilitation Center)



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Strong Acidic Water 2.5 pH Treating


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Strong Acidic Water 2.5 pH Treating


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Dec 11 Jan 12 Feb 12

Strong Acidic Water 2.5 pH Treating


Susan from Singapore

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Strong Kangen Water® 11.5pH

How do you normally wash your fruits and vegetables?

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Gold Seal

Do you see VALUE in Kangen Machine?

…What VALUE would you like to place on it?

Japanese Association of Preventive Medicines for Adult Diseases


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• Over 40 years Private Japanese Company

• ISO 13485 (Medical Device)• 5 Years International Warranty• 15 – 25 Years Life Span• Patented e-Clean System

Revolutionize your lifestyle with Kangen Water®…

• The Electrolytic Cell is equipped with Seven Electrode Plates of Titanium coated with Platinum

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Disclaimer Note:

Thank you

1. The Kangen Machine is not sold as a medical device here in India nor should it be construed as such (it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease).

Persons with any health related problem should consult a qualified, licensed professional heath care provider for guidance.

This therapy is intended to enhance, not to replace any treatment program prescribed or recommended by a physician or healthcare professional.

We do not discriminate on the basis of any unlawful categorization.

2. This presentation folder is offered for information purposes only. This information is provided as is and the reader assumes all risk from the use, non-use or misuse of the information.

You may forward and redistribute this presentation so long as the contents remain unmodified.