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Project types

Traditional Projects

Documentation is primordial

Formal methodology, rigid

Agile Projects

The most primordial is the product, over documentation

Adaptative methodology to the project

Kanban is an application of Lean Toyota to new technologies and IT

projects in particular.

Kanban is based in a very simple idea: the work in progress, (or WIP) will be

limited, and we only must begin with something new (a new task), when

the previous task has been passed back to another of production chain

This not sound very revolutionary, nor look that it will affect in performance

deeply, culture, capacity and computer maturity and around the

organization , but, incredibly it does!

Kanban introduce a little change around the organization, but it change all

aspects of organization.

It is not a process of software development or project management.

Kanban is an approach to introducing changes in the life cycle of software

development or management methodology existing projects.

The principle of Kanban is that you will start with whatever you're doing right

now. You understand your current process by conducting a stream value

map and then it remember the limits of work in progress (WIP) for each

phase of the process. Then you start work flowing through the system

starting it ("pull") when they are generating the Kanban signals.

That is, you begin creating your natural flow in your business, then you

assign your resources through your workflow, exactly as you are working

now, and later you can introduce your changes, scheduler resources, etc if


Kanban being introduced as part of Lean initiatives to transform the culture

of organizations and encourage continuous improvement.

Since the WIP is limited to a Kanban system, anything that is blocked for any

reason tends to clog the system. But with Kanban is highly visible, and

relatively easy to detect.

Kanban usa un mecanismo de control visual para hacer seguimiento del

trabajo conforme este viaja a través del flujo de valor. Típicamente, se usa

un panel o pizarra con notas adhesivas o un panel electrónico de tarjetas.

Kanban expone los cuellos de botella, colas, variabilidad y desperdicios.

Todas las cosas que impactan al rendimiento de la organización en

términos de la cantidad de trabajo entregado y el ciclo de tiempo

requerido para entregarlo. Kanban proporciona a los miembros del equipo

y a las partes interesadas visibilidad sobre los efectos de sus acciones

The visibility of bottlenecks, waste of time and variability and its impact also

promotes discussion on possible improvements, and teams quickly begin to

implement improvements in the process

Kanban encourages incremental evolution of existing processes, an

evolution that is generally aligned with the values of Agile and Lean

methods. Kanban does not ask for a radical revolution in the way people

work, but suggests a gradual change.

It is a change that comes from understanding and consensus among all

workers and collaborators

Working with boards

Visual management practices with kanban are useful for:

Trace the management of proceedings and maintain the flow of execution.

Radiate information.

A kanban board can be used with one of these purposes, or both at once,

but in reality if used to maintain the flow of work, always with the displaying

information work in progress (WIP)

kanban to trace the flow Management and


Kanban as a tool for managing the project also provides information,

guidelines for controlling the forward flow of tasks.

Monitoring and regulating the flow and the workload

The position of each card on the board reflects the state in which the

corresponding work is The basic states that are usually represented in a

kanban board are “Pending", “In Progress" and “Finished".

In some cases it may be desirable to mark sub states (eg: Tested,

Validated). The order of business from the "pending" area, as shown in the

start sequence of tasks according to their priorities.

The monitored works can be the size of tasks, user stories (UML) according

to the use you are interested on each board.

What is important is that it carries information problems to the surface

Conflicts in the prioritization of work, problems in the flow impairments or

workloads, development incidents, etc. are reflected immediately in the

continuous update on the State Board of Work.

Provides a steady pace and avoid Parkinson's Law

Generates a continuous advancement of work whose rhythm is marked by a temporal planning: Gantt or Sprint (iterative increase).

The absence of temporal landmarks avoids the common tendency to extend working time to complete the estimated time (Parkinson's Law).

Work expands to fill the time than anticipated (Parkinson's Law).

Moreover, the absence of temporal landmarks, without monitoring and management techniques generate progress elongation times and delays procrastination (habit of delaying activities or situations that must be addressed, replacing them with irrelevant or pleasant situations) and perfectionism.

Agile processes promote sustainable development. The promoters, developers and users must be able to maintain a constant rhythm indefinitely. (Principle of the Agile Manifesto)

Facilitates continuous increase

In response thus essential to agile principle: Frequent delivering value. Tasks

are completed with a steady pace and continuously, and user stories that

are added to the product, providing a continuous increase in value

according to business priorities set by the product owner.

Radiator of information.

Agile principles that can give adequate support were using kanban in its

dimension of "information radiator" are:

Promotes direct communication

It facilitates direct communication of the team to update the information in front

of a board meeting kanban.

Share the visibility of project progress among all involved.

Early detection of problems

Kanban continuously monitors the progress of the project. Updating information

just-in-time, helps to identify at first possible impediments, problems and risks,

which otherwise pass unnoticed until they begin to produce delays or

implications already inevitable.

Promotes a culture of collaboration and resolution.

It is a means of communication open and transparent for the team and all


Sequence and versatility

When designing the structure and operation of a kanban board suitable for

a certain environment, there are two variables that environment to which

must respond:

Sequence (the work).

Versatility (of people).


Do the works reflected in the board cards have to run at a certain or may

be performed in any order order.?

Not the same design a board for the team of developers of a system, for

the maintenance of the computer systems of a company. For the first work

should be done in a certain order of sequence. For example, it is not

possible to test whether the task has not been done before the

programming. However, the following could be the work of a maintenance

team, "installing new printer on the management team" "operating system

upgrade on the web server", etc. Such tasks can be performed in any

order. There is a dependency relationship between them so that they can

not perform if the other is not complete.


Is a multi-specialist or team? Why the type of work and the profile of the

team, any member can perform any task?

Following the above examples, it is possible that the maintenance team a

person can either install a printer, or an operating system; or you may not:

you have technical hardware and software technicians. Similarly a

programming project specific tasks may include graphic design,

programming or integration testing, etc that can perform only certain team


SCRUM (in Summary)

Split your organization .- small, interdisciplinary and self-organizing teams.

.- split the work into a list of small, concrete deliverables. Sort the list by

priority and estimate the relative effort of each item.

.- Divides time into fixed-length short iterations (usually 1 to 4 weeks), with

demonstrated potentially releasable code and after each iteration.

Division of tasks and allocation of these

in Sprints

Optimize scheduling .- and updated priorities in collaboration with client,

based on knowledge gained by inspecting the deliverable after each


Streamlines the process .- having a retrospective after each iteration.

So instead of a large group spending a lot of time building something

great, we have a smaller equipment having a shorter time building

something smaller. But integrating regularly to see the whole

Kanban in a nutshell

Display workflow

split the work into blocks, write each item on a card and put it on the wall.

Use named columns to illustrate where each element in the workflow.

Limit WIP ((Work in Progress, WIP) - assign specific to how many items may

be in progress at each workflow state boundaries.

Measure the lead time (average time to complete one item, sometimes

called "cycle time"), streamlines the process for the lead time as small and

predictable as possible.

SCRUM & Kanban as tools in the


Tool = anything used as a means to accomplish a task or purpose

Process = the way you work.

Scrum and Kanban are process tools that help you work more efficiently, to

some extent, telling you what to do.

Java is also a tool, provides a simple way to program a computer.

We can compare tools by seeing how many rules provide.

I prescriptive .- means "more rules to follow" and

Adaptive means "fewer rules to follow".

100% prescriptive means you do not let you use your brain, there is a rule for

everything. 100% adaptive means Do Whatever, there is no rule or


The two ends of the scale are somewhat like silly


Less Scrum rules to Follow

It is therefore more adaptive

It is less prescriptive

Suitable for certain types of projects

But especially bad for others.


More Rules to Follow that Kanban

It is therefore more prescriptive

Is less adaptive

Suitable for certain types of projects

But potentially bad for others.


It is an agile development methodology

based on project management

It is a development methodology that is

more focused on programming or product


Each member of the team works


Team members programmed in pairs.

Delivery iterations are 1 to 4 weeks Delivery iterations are 1 to 3 weeks

At the end of a sprint, Sprint Backlog tasks

have been completed and the Product

Owner (Product Owner) has shown its

agreement not retouched. If it works and is

well, it is already away otherwise.

The tasks will ending although they are

likely to be modified during the course of

the project, even after functioning.

Try to follow the priorities that marks the

Sprint Backlog Product Owneren but you

can change if it is better for the

development of the tasks.

The development team strictly follows the

order of priority of the tasks defined by the



Oriented workflow or Work In Progress (WIP)

Kanban has proven useful in computers that perform Agile software

development, but are also gaining strength in equipment using more

traditional methods. Kanban being introduced as part of Lean initiatives to

transform the culture of organizations and encourage continuous


Since the WIP is limited to a Kanban system, anything that is blocked for any

reason tends to clog the system. If a sufficient number of elements block

the whole process is to dry. This has the effect of the whole team and

organization focused on solving the problem, unblocking these elements to

allow the reestablishment of the production flow.

Kanban uses a visual control mechanism to monitor the work as it travels

through the value stream. Typically, a panel or blackboard with sticky notes

or electronic panel card is used.

Kanban provides team members and stakeholders visibility into the effects

of their actions (or inaction). Thus, cases of preliminary studies are showing

that Kanban changes behavior and motivates greater collaboration at

work. The visibility of bottlenecks, waste and variability and its impact also

promotes discussion on possible improvements, and equipment quickly

begin to implement improvements in the process.

Kanban promotes the incremental evolution of existing processes, an

evolution that is generally aligned with the values of Agile and Lean.

Kanban does not ask for a radical revolution in the way people work, but

suggests a gradual change. It is a change that comes from understanding

and consensus among all workers and colleagues.

One last comment about Kanban is that the effect of limiting WIP provides

predictability of cycle time and makes deliverables more reliable.

The strategy of "stop the process" to impediments and bugs also appears to

promote high levels of quality and a rapid decrease in rework.

Scrum prescribes 3 roles: Product Owner (sets product vision and priorities),

Team (implements the product) and Scrum Master (removes impediments

and provides leadership in the process).

Kanban provides no role at all.

That does not mean you can not or you should not have a product owner

role in Kanban! It just means you do not have to. In both Scrum and

Kanban, you are free to add additional roles as you need. Only Scrum

indicates that at least these three must exist.

In Kanban no fixed time iterations are prescribed. You can choose when to

do planning, process improvement, and delivery.

You can choose to do these activities on a regular basis ("delivery every

Monday") or on demand (“Whenever we have something useful to deliver


Kanban limits WIP per workflow state, Scrum limits WIP per iteration

Most Scrum teams eventually learn that it's a bad idea to have too many

items in progress, and develop a culture of trying to have current items

completed before starting new items.

Some even decide to explicitly limit the number of items allowed in the

current column.

When this occurs, the Scrum board has become a Kanban board!

Thank for your attention
