Download ppt - Kamikaze Defense

  • The Kamikaze Defense

  • The Kamikaze DefenseIs an aggressive and exciting style of defensive football. Players are constantly moving around trying to confuse the defense. Pressure comes from everywhere and it comes often. The defense is based on the elements of surprise. 11 players going all out all the time. We will truly get after their ASS!

  • Position NamesTackles NoseBandits StudsMikeCornersFree SafetyTTBMSSFCCNB

  • Defensive Fronts33- 3 man front44- 3 man front55- 3 man frontG- 5 man frontHeavy- 4 man frontBear- 6 man front

  • 33TTBMSSFCCNBTackles are 3 techBandits are 3 by 3

  • 44TTBMSSFCCNBTackles are 4 tech

  • 55TTBMSSFCCNBTackles are 5 tech

  • GTTBMSSFCCNBTackles are 4 techBandits are 9 tech

  • HeavyTTBMSSFCCNBTackles are 4 techCall side Bandits is 9 tech

  • BearTTBMSSFCCNBTackles are 3 techCall side Stud is t techCall side Bandits is 9 techWeak side Bandit is 5 tech

  • Line MovementsSlant Strong/WeakCrashNuT Strong/WeakFlex all lineman play 1 yard off ball standing up

  • PressuresInside OutsideCombo

  • Inside PressuresThese blitzes attack certain gaps. They can bring 1 or 2 players depending on call.

  • Mike BlitzesTNTSMSMike StrongMike Weak

  • Stud BlitzesTNTSMSStab StrongStab Weak

  • Stud BlitzesTNTSMSDouble StabGator Strong

  • Stud BlitzesTNTSMSGator WeakDouble Gator

  • Stud BlitzesTNTSMSWolf StrongWolf Weak

  • Stud BlitzesTNTSMSDouble WolfMash StrongLine can move any direction

  • Stud BlitzesTNTSMSMash WeakMash Strong XLine can move any directionLine can move any direction

  • Outside PressuresThese blitzes are designed to attack outside.

  • Bandit BlitzesTNTSMSBandit StrongBandit WeakLine can move any direction

  • Bandit BlitzesTNTSMSDouble BanditLine can move any direction

  • Combo PressuresThese blitzes are designed to attack from any and everywhere.

  • Combo BlitzesTNTSMSSpear StrongSpear WeakLine can move any direction

  • Combo BlitzesTNTSMSDouble SpearSpear Weak XLine can move any direction

  • Combo BlitzesTNTSMSBullet StrongBullet Weak

  • Combo BlitzesTNTSMSDouble Bullet Hurricane StrongLine can move any direction

  • Combo BlitzesTNTSMSHurricane Weak Hurricane Double X

  • CoverageThe coverage is designed to compliment the attacking defense.

  • CoverageRed (Man Free)- sending 1 or 2 linebackersBlack (Man)-sending 3 linebackersGold-combo pressuresWhite (Cover 3)-sending 1 or 2 linebackersOrange-sending the bandits

  • Red (Man Free)Corners- man #1Bandits- man #2Studs-blitz or #3Mike-Blitz or #3Free Safety-Free or #3 trips sideSky to call for safety blitz

  • Black (Man)Corners- man #1Bandits- man #2Studs-Blitz Mike-Blitz Free Safety- man #3

  • GoldCorners- man #1Bandits- man #2 or blitzStuds-Blitz or #3Mike-Blitz or #3Free Safety- cover for blitzing bandit

  • White (Cover 3)Corners- Deep outside 1/3Bandits- FlatsStuds-Blitz or hash dropMike-Blitz or middle hookFree Safety- Deep middle 1/3

  • OrangeCorners- man #1Bandits- man #2 or blitzStuds-#3 or #2 both bandits blitzMike- #3Free Safety- cover for blitzing bandit
