Page 1: KAL E S V ARA MUDRA: MUDRA E xh al e AFFIRMATION …Guides/1438-1444... · CHAKRA MUDRA *HERBAL SUPPORT "I send out love to those around me." ~ si p and om KAL E S V ARA MUDRA: Hol

W E E K L Y S L O W D O W N G U I D E R E L A T I O N S H I P C O N F I D E N C E   # 1 4 3 8 - 1 4 4 4

C O P Y R I G H T W W W . S I P A N D O M . C O M





"I send out love to those around me."

~ sip and om

KALESVARA MUDRA: Hold your hands at your chest.

Touch the pads of your middle fingers together, touch the

first two joints of the index fingers, and touch the pads

of your thumbs together extending them downward. Your

index fingers and thumbs will form the shape of a heart.

Curl your other fingers downward

Benefits: Helps to calm your mind and open your heart

to love.

Prescribe: Hold for 5-15 minutes. Do it 3 times a day

for 15 minutes for best benefits.

Your fourth chakra is located at your heart.

It helps you to feel expansive, loving,

gracious, and compassionate. The color is

green and the element is air. Focus on

your heart chakra to send out love to those

around you.

Acacia twigs and bark are considered by folklore to

awaken love and enhance physical vitality. This

plant is considered to help reduce body fat, promote

wound healing, and help reduce pain and irritability.

To Prepare Tea: Steep covered 1-2 teaspoons (5-

10 mL ) loose leaf herb to 1-2 cups (240-480 mL)

hot water. Enjoy!

*Always check with your healthcare provider before ingesting any herbs.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration

Inhale and visualize the face of a loved one.

Exhale and smile inwardly.