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Proclamation No.391 /2004Technical and Vocational Education and TrainingProclamation P e 2552




WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary. to enable thecountry's production, trade and service renderingestablishments have a competitive and enduringorganizational set up through the employment oftrained manpower;

WHEREAS, it is found necessary to organize atechnical and vocational education and training systemthat would assist the yonger generation to be preparedpsychologically, have discipline and the potential towork competentemployeeand creator of work;

WHEREAS, to ensure that a technical andvocational education and training program producescapable manpower, it is deemed necessary to establisha system under which trainees undergo apprenticeshiptraining in the productive and service renderingenterprise;

WHEREAS, it is found necessary to establish auniform system for the determination of levels ofcompetence and accreditation. of training institutionsand for the certification of trainees;

t;J~"" ;JII."I?"."'.. .,' n. INegarlt G. P.O.Box 80001

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1A' ~~ ~;J6+ ;J1f."l4I1'C II '''-1:+ II +'J IIlIU 't." Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 26 III March, 2004 Page 2553

r1:h~h" 00. Y :"ruc:".. FAm" r""l)tJ"'.4lIT, OTC'.,t.r +~~.. OhCl}'" :"rUC1:1f.,~:"T "'JllJ.r OhAm"t& .,r1"7" O"ODt.~r 6f!"rC 1-""~ r"!.oot\h;t-:ft& OO,.,h;t-

'e" OD'''F;t-'e YAIT'1-"tJ,,:" r"!.I).,.4-o:",FC~:" "7~t.1::" "h.(."'" OODIT'1-1

WHEJlEAS, to ensure the success of technical andvocational education and training, it has been foundnecessary to establish a, mechanism providing for theparticipation of governmental and non-governmentalorganizations in the preparation of training programsand curricula as well as in their evaluation andmanagement;

Ok :"r-* y t..Y..t."'e Jl IfOht.fl.Y'E &T-al\.h NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Articles

~1 OD'''F:'' "'+1\ !Iii 'o.h "'+1\ IfI "..51SubArticle(3)andArticles55SubArticle(l)ofthe

"'+1\ !I~ ,o.n "'+1\ llil OOlP~:" r"!.h.,.Constitutionof the Federal DemocraticRepublic of

t\t& ;t-t&~A::Ethiopia,it is herebyproclaimedas follows:

hlf:A ",1:m c} " "

i "'"PC CiJn.,eu ,,«p~ "r1:h~h" 00.Y :"ruc:"..FAme; ,,«p~ eIITC rf1.liIIYfj~" .,.-at\o1\.(I\+h ,eT"A::


r ~ft. "111-a ~" :"C1-r r"!.Y(amt&tJAIT~ Oh.,.+C OIlU ,,«p~ t&hT

f!1 "FAm"" "7t\:" OO~O~ ,v,er OD~O~llAIT~ r FAme; TC'.,t.r OODh;t-.,.AhrFhC m~+:" "hh tJ~~ Jl Tt\o"7r"!.yh1:S r1:h~he; 00.Y :"ruc:,.e;hAm" "'JllJ.r 000.Y -a~:" .(..,.e;

r"'~,"J1m OFt. ",e Ar1: r"!.1:STt\o;t- '1-t&;

II ""7lPAm~ .,.*r" "7t\:" ".,ll-a llt\t&iJt&c}" (a6f!" llt\FAIIl' .(.~ 1: "'(aT.y,.:,.r1:h~h" 00.y :"ruc:,.e; FAm" OODh

m:" "1» r"'(a"7t. OO'''h:l''eI r..,Am1»r 00'" F :l''E llAIT~ 1:C~:" llt\{L:,.~:,. r"!.tJ~1: .,.*r fl.1T' FAm"r"!.(aT tJtb~' ,ea;trt.A;

fl "lPAIIl:>tj"o,t\:" r1:h~he; 00.y iJt&+:".. hut\o:" t\OOc}(ar m,er t\"7""OCO"7(aAm~ .,.*r O"!.(aT r1:h~h" 00.Y:"ruc:".. FAm" OOClJ .,-ac r"!.l).,.If: .,t\(a-a "7t\:" ~t&;


1. Short Title

This Proclamation may be cited as the "Technicaland Vocational Education and TrainingProclamation No. 391/2004".

2. Definitions

In this Proclamation unless the context otherwiserequires:

1/ "Training means" any technicaJ andvocational education and training providedthrough formal or non-formal programleading to a certificate or a college doplomaand it also include competence earnedthrough work experience and attested by thetest of professional competance;

2/ "Training institution" means a public orprivate institution, or one owned by a non-governmental organization, and also includecollege which offer ftainig to which a pre-accreditation license or an accreditationcertificate is issued by the appropriateAccrediting Authority to engage in theprovision of technical and vocation educationantraining;

3/ "Trainee" means a person wh~ participates intechnical and vocational education andtraining program provided by a traininginstitution with a view to acquiring orupgradinghis technical and vocational skills;

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1,.. t,.A, ~;J6-1- ;Jlf,tIJ .'PC ~I r"'-t-1- ~I +, lulU ~.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 26 1st March; 2004 Page 2554

g "OO'"lF;r1f flPJlPlAm~ .,.*SJD" IPJ"T

OOO'"lFT fl"o.T~T 011T~~T f"'.fHflPJ(alAm~ "'*SJD~t&;

f;1 "f"l1A 1PJ(alAm~ .,.*SJD" IPJ"T O"lIA

fl"Ul1T tV"SJD fl".,l1-r--T tV"SJD 0'"1.(-IPJ~OC f'"I.(- Fir "1PJt)~.(- f"7.**SJDflPJlPlAm~ i'*SJD f\tf, OUl1l.T FirIPJUOC f"7.**SJD flPJ(alAm~ i'*SJD'

,,"'" SJDIrIA ;

}I ":t&:tolf" IPJ"T fi:h~hlf go..f TSJDUCTlf FlAmlf OOO"'mT

""f"'(a1PJ1r 1PJ(a

IAm~ .,.*SJD FlAmlft&1 "1PJt)~.(- f"7..f,..LIA1-T' OOIP l. ;rlflf "'tllPJ~ OO"'LC

-r--T' O"7.L"'It& ~l.jf hOXIA-r-- "'''00'171: h "lfll1 flit t& iJt&:tolf (a6J!»fl"F IAIll'.,. l.;1"1 {O f"7.(a 'J' f ~ l. jf 11:J»T 177l.;1 1lifiJ.

(a~.(- ~t&;

'tl "iJt&:tolf (a6J!» fl"FIAIll'" IPJ"T h'~tJ.~;rt& "7. ~,..i: ~ tVf,SJD f:to~oo iJt&:tolfL:J» .(-If f iJt&:tolf L:J» .(- it (a1ll'J' 0"7. 00 t\

hT OhlAlA FIAIll' fi'(amt& ht)1A ~t&::=t;1 "L:J».(-" IPJ"T OItU hCP~ UDIPl.T r.,.

(am f:to '(-oo-iJt&:tolf L:J» .(- tV" SJD f ~ l.jf

11:J»T iJt&:tolf 177l.;1 1lifiJ. SJD'"he tVl. ~ T~t&;

jj/ "foo~oo(,.f ~l.jf TSJDUCT" IPJ"T O"'SJD,.,.~ htt:1A f"7.mlf~:to f~"SJD TSJDUCThch, ~t&;

II "fhm:J»"" tJ.""'~ ~l.jf TSJDUCT"IPJ"T OI~ htt:1A f"7.mlf~:to fhm:J»""tJ.""'~ ~l.jf fTSJDUCT hch, ~t&;

Ilil ."~C~T" IPJ"T l\1P1A1ll7fT f Fir ""IASJDSJD .(- h, Jt (a'J' h "lfll1 fl" t& h t)IA f.,.ool.m fIPJSJDl.:F= f'"I.(- tV"SJD h'llA"I

/toT (aQ;}. .,.*SJD ~t&;

III ""'''IPJIPJ~'' IPJ"T flPJlPlAm~ .,.*SJD=~C~Tlf (a1A1llJ.. 0"7..f ~C1-T f""'Tf-7i "'SJDSJD~T OOIPl.T O,(-C~T t&"''J'f Fir"" IASJDSJD.(-

"177.(- l. "I f"'(a 177?

"I"(al1 ~t&;

Itl "fFIr""


O~C~Tlf 0(a1A1ll~ oot)hlA 0D?~l."I"'SJDSJD~T OOIPl.T (a1A1llJ.. OIPJ(alAm~.,.*SJD t&"''J' f.,.h;r.,."t&, fi:h~hlfgo..f TSJDUCTlf FlAmlf OFIr

"""oo"lPJoo'(-lf hFlrt& ;1C "ooi'CPtV:to

O.(-C ~T t&"''J' f"7..fhlft&~t& f F Ir

FlAmlf ~t&;

4/ "Public training institution" means a traininginstitution established with the funds of andoperated under the guidance and control ofthe Government.

5/ "Private training institution" means a traininginstitution established by a private investor(s) or a business organization with a view toundertaking business activities;

6/ "Accreditation" means the granting of acertificate of competence by the appropriateAccrediting Authority to an institutionproviding technical and vocational educationant training evidencing its fulfillment of thebasic and additional requirements relating tothe specified training standard;

7/ "Accrediting Authority"means the Ministryor a body authorized by a State in respect of.the issuance of pre-accreditation licenses andaccreditation certificates as the case may be;

8/ "License" means a pre-accreditation licensesor an accreditation certificate issued pursuantto this Proclamation;

9/ "Primary education" means academic educ-ation that culminates with the completion ofgrade eight;

10/ "General secondary education" means a levelof education that culminates with thecompletion of grade ten;

11/ "Organization "means a production, trade orservice rendering institution selected by theappropriate body to provide apprenticeshiptraining to trainees;

12/ "Apprentice" means a person undergoingapprenticeship pursuant to a tripartiteagreement concluded among a traininginstitution, an organization and a trainee;

13/ "Apprenticeship" means job trainingundertaken by a trainee in an organizationpursuant to an agreement concluded among atraining institution, an organization andtrainee to enable the trainee to put to practicethe technical and vocational education andtraining he acquired in a training institutionand to be acquainted with work;

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, 1~ Ir-A ~;'M+ ;'JII.'" ."'C ~I rt,-t+ ~r .,.., lurU 'UD

Ig/ "oo'''F+'' 1171\+ f~YvIrIAfhlAlA oor."'~f:C ~tD-;


Il;l "hlAlA" 1171\+ OJ\.+f-*", ~Yvlr"'e .tlCfOh~fl.f'e ~Tl1t\-h U1 oo'''F+ 1\''''1\~i/ll/ oolPl.+ OhlAlA~+ f;raJ4I+ fI."~I\flU 1\'P~ 1\L~"1JU fl.fllA f1\.tlr. 1\Oflh.,.117 1\r..,.~Y..c,~ f1:~~'P 1\r..,.~Y..ct)tD-,r.IA' 1,"I.1JUIrIA ;

I~I "1\IlL+ 0.+"1I71t+ O+IJUUC+ Dt~r.i;Cfi;h~h~ 1J04' +IJUUC+~ FlAm~ HC~~tD-;

Iii "t)tD-,r.IA" 1171\+ OflU 1\'P~ fDt~~1JUf~YvIrIA f1;h~h'l 1J04' +lJUuc+~FlAm~ t)tD-,r.1A ~tD-;

Itl"Dt~r.+c: 'AS "Dt~r.i;C" 1171\+ ",Y..:t»Y..1JU.,.h.,.t\- f+IJUUC+ Dt~r.+c ,,~f+IJUUC+ Dt~r.i;C ~tD-;

Iill "OO'''F;r'e 'IA"~ 1:C~+" 1171\+oIilr21 C}.IJUOaJ"ltD- f~+dtl1th.C ;,..,4I'f'C grll ,,~ "'h;rf-:f 1:';J1.9'"foolPl.+ f"'OOH10 l17')OC ~tD-;

'fi/ "(atD-" 1171\+ f.,. L 'f'C' (atD- aJ1, IJU 0;" .,

f(atD-~+ 0011+ f"'(amtD- 1\t)1A ~tD-;'filll "f,.,1: l17')OC" 1171\+ oIilr21 C}.IJU

OaJ"ltD- f,.,1: ;,.., oolPl.+ f-l'~~oof'., 1: I17UOC~tD-;

'fil I "f IJ04.I' Y..l.jf IJUY..fI 1171\+ 0 lP Ir-l' 7f>:f

oohe;aJ' ,e.1f1:f'P1A -I'111\tD- fDtaJ(a~.,..,fllr+ e;:ftD-;

'fir I "flJ04' FlAm~ Y..l.jf" 1171\+ hlJ04' Y..l.jflJUY..fIOOO~I)+ fi;h~h~ 1J04' +lJUuc:"

FlAm~ FCC}+ :"lJUuc:", I\00:t»1.1\fDt,11\.,1A .,111\:" fl."': -I'L"ttD-,fhulto+ lIClIC~ f FlAme; tit ClIl17~'ft).,.-I' ~tD-;

'figl "flJ04 , 11:1-+ IJUHe;" 1171\:" 1\,1: (atD- .I

01\'1: O"'aJ(a~ oor.h fi;h~h~ 1J04'11'++ ,I\tD- 00'" 'I\oo,,~, I\1I71.;J1'f'0 IJ04, Y..l. jf IJUY..fI "1, -I' oor. C.y.fDtt)~1: IJUH~ ~tD-;

'!il;l "fll7(alAm~ "'~IJU f Fir oo~" 1171\+ 01\,1: 117(alAm~ -I'~IJU'C~+ aJ1,lJUO-l'ool)l).e Y..l.jf -I'~IJ04' I\001JU1r+ fDt00 Y..11 (atD- ~tD-;

r. f1\'P1t f"'L~Dt~+ aJ(a'.eU 1\'P~ OIl7(alAm~ "'~117+ 01:c~.y.:fe;1.eU' 1\'P~ ODt,r.L1\1J04 1\t),,+ "1,1"'L~Dt .e"~IA:: !


Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 26 }st March, 2004 ... Page 2555

14/ "Government" means the FederalGovernment or a State;

15/ "State" means any Iegion recognized as aState under Article 47 (1) of the Constitutionof the Federal Democratic Republic ofEthiopia and for the purpose of thisproclamation of also includes the AddisAbaba City Administration and the DireDawa Administation Council;

16/ "Office" means the Technical and VocationalEducation and Training Sector of theMinistry of Education;

17/ "Council" means the Technical andVocational Education and Training Councilestablished under this Proclamation;

18/ "Minister" and "Ministry" mean the Ministerartd Ministry of Education respectively;

19/ "Non-governmental organization" means anassociation registered pursuant to Article 401and following provisions of the civil code of1960; whose purpose is not the securing orsharing of profits to its members, andincludes domestic and foreign association;

20/ "Person" means a natural or juridical person;

21/ "Business organization" means a businessorganization established in accordance withthe Commercial Code of Ethiopia of 1960;

22/ "Occupational standard" means duties &tasks determined to be performed byemployees;

23/ "Occupational training standard" means theinput to develop a curriculum based onoccupational standard which includes skilland the duration of the training;

24/ "Trade testing" means a test conducted basedoh occupational standards to determineWhether or not a person has a technical andvocational skills in a specified area;

25/ "Head of a training institutions" means aperson assigned as a director or designated atthe same Level for a training institution.

3. Scop, of ApplicationThis' Proclamation shall apply to allinstihftions organizations and theimplementing the same.




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'""~ ~,.?t'.+ ,.?"lfI ." C ftl '''1:+ ft. +'t IllfB OJ."

~A 1J.t\.}-

~'i IID-~ .}-,..tJC.}-'i ~Am'i Tc-"'l~1"~.,o.n h~A ".,~

roulPL.;I''e. lID-~ ~A(I1'i Tc-"'l~'"

i. ,r~Am'itD- Tc-"~'" '1'\"7

fODIPl..:t-'e 00- ~ ~Am'i Tc-"7t-SJD 'M"7If,.-)T' O~"76 flt\oo- ~~T O"7(aAm' I\Ft-iaSJD6T 1f"71t ",1:l.."7 ~m-::

1;. r~Am'i 'I.e~"'~'" '.

OODlPl..:t-'e 00- ~ FAm'i Tc-"7t-SJD f~(am-frAm'i ".e~"'T ",1. l\l]flo.m- ~"""T"f""m~ OfhAt\. ft.ODl..m-.eT"t\.::

I. r ~Am'i ou"'lfLJ' ODnLCT

fll OODlPl..:t-'e 00- ~ FAm'i Tc-"7t-SJDf~:t-+4c lPAffl7fT o.~'ia ",'Ol1'iOD'C~ f~Tt\. ODIT"} "I\fI:fm-::

II fOD~OD6~ 1.l..)f TSJDUCT"} "'~m'i~cII"!tCmm- f~tDm-'i iJ1:UWJ.~:fm- f~L~1:":fm- If,..,..T 0 ODlPl..:t-'e 00-~ F Am'iT c-"7t-~ ..,.,..:t-.c. ft.1T~ .e :r-" t\. : :

i. r~Am'i "LX"'" ltA~~

fll fODlPl..:t-'e 00-~ FAm'i Tc-"7t-SJDOD1.0~ flAIT~ HYu ft.1]~1: .e:r-"A::

II fODlPl..:t-'e 00-~ FAme; f~(a'l'OT!t,!t OhAA OD'"7rT .etD(a'iA::

,o-n h~A IJ.I\.}-rODI\n.,.~ i:bUJ'i 00-J' ~Am'i Tc-"7~qo:r-

~. r~Am'im- Tc-"7~'" 'I"'"

fODI\ia""~ -th~h'i 00-~ rAm'i Tc-"7t-SJDfJ"'" fOD~OD6~ 1.l..)f TSJDUl..T' "m'i+cIItDffl-f-:r- rAm'i OODiamT OODI\ia""~ 1.l..)ff(al\m~ flI\OO-~ "'~t-T .e1T'iA::

FederalNegarit Gazeta No. 26 }" March, 2004 ""'''' Page 2556




4. Purpose of the training program

The purpose of Basic Vocational Training Programis to provide citizens basic training which preparesthem for gainful employment.

5. Areas of training

Areas of training included in Basic VocationalTraining Program. may be selected by theappropriate State based on local needs.

6. Criteria for admission

1/ Trainees participating in Basic VocationalTraining should have at least attained literacy.

2/ Citizens who leave school before completingprimary education and whose age is appropriatefor the training may participate inBasicVocational Training Program

7. Methods and language of training

11 Basic Vocational Training Program may becarried out through non-formal methods.

2/ The language in which Basic VocationalTraining may be provided shall be determinedby the Regional state.



8. Purpose of the training program

The purpose of Junior Technical and VocationalTraining Program is to train the youth who havecompleted primary education.

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1R 6-A.~;J6+ ;JU.1Il4r...C fl ftJ-t+ fl +, ItlfB 'U"

I. CJ.e~"'~

OODt\r..,.JjI -th~htj" uo.~ FlAmtj" TC'.,t-SJDfDt(lm- fr.lAmtj" 'i.e~"'T fU16-1:1 flA"7-1'iJ:Jof:tj"fi\l]lln. f(lt\m~ f(ltD- ,>.e1A ~1t,..-1'1ODlPl.-1' O"7f:l.., Af"'m~ OfhlAt\- t\.ODl.m-.e Tltt\-::

I. r plA.mtj" OD~o..t ODhLC-}:

OODt\h.,.JjI -th~htj" uo. ~ FlAmtj" TC'.,t-SJDfDt;J-+4c (llAflJ7f'T n.~1r. fOD'1..OD6~ ~l.;r-1'SJDtJc-1'1 ~mtj"+41 ODtr1 i\t\llTtD-::

Ii. r FA.mtj" 1..&t\foo. ~tD- fDtLt\1tD-1 fuo. ~ hY.ft..-1' ~l.;rOODt\I]-1' fuo. ~tD- FlAmtj" f~m.e+tD-f FlAmtj" (I'i-1'tj" f1.JL AClI"7~ OfhlAt\-I\.tD(l1 .eTItIA::

II. fFlAmtj" i\LJC"SJD hlA~

~I fODt\r..,.~ -th~hlf uo.~ FlAmlf 80%O.,..,llC 20% 01f:L ~~1l f"'~1L

.e trtj"IA;

II hY.ft..-1'1 OOt\m t\"7~OC A1~fi\l]fIn. tD- "'Q;1,fl6f!>tJ.~;J-lf A1 ~ f F IAmlftD-ODr.h llihC.e f Ft- It.e IASJDSJDf:TC'.,t-SJD .,..,llt-«e A1~~1." hlAt\- t\.tDr.1.eTItIA;

rl FlAmlftD- OD~O~lf OD~O~ fllAtr~TC'.,t-SJD t\.1]~f: .eTItIA;

gl fout\r..,.~fDt(lmO-1'.etD (llf IA: :

-th~hlf uo.~ FlAmtj"

*,* OhlAlA ou1"'1F-1'

If. fFlAmtj"tD- TC".,t-SJD ~

foul]ht\~ i;h~hlf lID-~ -1'SJDUC-1'lfFlAmtj" TC".,t-SJD 'i1t"7 O"'t\~~ fuo. ~OUr.tlT ooul]ht\~ ~l.;r f~Lt\1tD-1f(lt\m~ f(ltD- ,>.e1A "7~t--1' ~tD-::

FederalNegarit Gazeta No. 26 1stMarch, 2004 Page 2557

9. Areas of training

Areas of training provided under Junior Technicaland Vocational Training Program shall. beselected by the State taking into account thecountry's development strategy and the localneeds for trained manpower.

10. Criteria for admission

Traincees qualiting for Junior Technical andVocational Training Program shall havecompleted a minimum of primary education.

11. Duration of TrainingThe number of hours required for and the lengthof duration of the training shall be determined bythe States based on the level of skill required.

12. Method and language of training

11 Junior Technical Jnd Vocational TrainingProgram shall be 80% based on practice and20% on theory.

2/ The State may determine apprenticeshiptraining to be undergone taking into accountthe local objective conditions and the natureof the training.

3/ The training may be carried out throughformal or non-formal programs.

4/ The language in which Junior Technical andVocational Training may be provided shallbe determined by the State.



13. Purposes of the training program

The purpose of Middle Level Technical andVocational Education and Training Program is toprepare middle level skilled manpower in varioustrades.

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'lA- 6-11.~;J&.}o;J1f.1rl"'1'C 3'1 ffJ1:.}o 3'f +1 Iitln 'J.'-

Ii. f~lAmCj DD'7R...r DDhLC~

~I OODt)hl\~ i:h~hCj go.f ODhhODlPlAm' fOf, T~:" f J\m:J-".e u.I\1'~~~~ :"~uc:,., fm~+.~ Oi:hth~00. f I\OD(alAm' lI'flt\.~ C;:".,..:"f"TtD- ODIT' J\l\flTtD-:;

II OIlU J\'+~ ,o.ft J\'+~ ~ f1'~"11tD-0.crc~ OODl\ft1'~ fgo. f FAm~TC''7~~ FAm~ 1'h.+:"I\tD- f~fthctD~+:" f1J. ''AS 0go.ftD- fU.l\:"f}OD:" f F~ A~ Y: f"TtD- IT"tD-

fJ\m:J-".e u.I\1'~ ~~~ :"~Uc:"TC'4..eA' 1PJa:L."'+TtD- IPJft~~ 1PJ~~1JfOf, T~ tD.e~ I\If.U 1"1f1C f1'H;J~tD-'

r'Y:L thlt1Je; r1''7f1C L1'~ tDft~tD-rlPJl\Lf tD-m.:" f1J. (a$PT O(al\m'1-0:" roo. f ODfth 11J1'tD- OODt)hl\~i:h~h~ go. f ODfth OD(aAm" .eT"~:;

I~. r~lAmCj 1.11.. rn

~,nL:" 0.-1: hl]l&'ft~ ;JC OODODl]hcOODt)hl\~ ri:h~h~ go. f :"~uc:"~FAm~ TC'''~~ I\.++L I\"f'~'~r FAm~ ODfth rOf,fftLA 1tD-, r FAm~(af}:"~ HOD' .etD(a~A::

II. f ~lAmC;

~I OIPJ(alAm~ 1'*IPJ:" tD-ft'f' rOf,t)~~ tD-rODt)hl\~ ri:h~h~ go.f :"~UC:"~FAm~ {t% 01'.,flC ,,~ ~% O'Y:L'�~1J r1' ~ 1L ODIT' J\I\O:":;

II 1PJ'~tD-~ lPAfl1~ h~l\o-l:' OOl\mI\IPJ~OC rF~ ".e A~~Y: IPJY:~"J\I\O:" :;

rl J\,Y: (aAfl1~ r1'tD(a" rhul\o:" ~~~,rOf,fftQ;t1J'f' FAm~ tDft? t)m~++0:\" 0. f* C'f' Ot\." 1..ft 1'ODA(Ir+~tD-' FAme; OD+mA~ ~m~+~.eT"A:;

!il FAm~tD- OD~O~~ OD~O~ flAIT"TC'''~~ I\.(a'f' .eT"A:;

l;1 00. fTtD-, I\lPJififA OD~O~ flAIT" TC'., ~~ 1\Of,It1'4- lPA fl17?T r.,..~"TtD-,:"?Duc:"e; ftAm~ h1'H;J~tD- FCf}1':,.~U~:,. tD-ft'f' OOD~~'f' FAm~I\.(a'f' .eT"A:;

Federal NegaritGazeta No. 26 }" March, 2004 ..'''.'' Page2558

14. Criteria for admission

1I Persons qualifying to be admitted t(' MiddleLevel Technical and Vocational Educationand Training Program shall have completedgeneral secondary education and have theinclination and the will to be so trained.

21 Notwithstanding the provision of Sub-Article1 of this Article, persons who havecompleted Junior Technical and VocationalEducation and obtained a certificatetherefore, have work experience of two years,and can produce evidence that they fulfill theprofile of completion of general secondaryeducation, or have passed the theoretical andpractical test prepared for the purpose, maybe admitted to Middle Level Technical andVocational Education and Training Program.

15. Duration of training

The Office, in consultation with the Council, shalldetermine the number of hours and the duration oftraining for every area of training falling undertheMiddle Level Technical and VocationalEducation and Training Program.

16. Method and language of training

1/ Middle level technical and vocationaleducation and training undertaken in traininginstitutions shall comprise 70% practice and30% theoretical education.

21 Every trainee shall undergo apprenticeshiptraining to reinforce his skills.

31 If a trainee interrupts his training aftercompleting a certain level of skills, he mayresume and complete the training any time heso desires.

41 The training may be carried out throughformal or non-formal programs.

51 Courses may be selected from the prescribedcurriculum, and training provided to thosewho wish to upgrade their skills through non-formal programs.

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1~ t'..l\ ~:J,6.}o :m."I "'1'C ~~ ftJ-t.}o ~f""J

Ijjfj~ ',9"

II *,*, 000-.f''1T hDY..f'ftt\'r'l-T O{}1'+Cfoot)ht\~ i:h~h'l OO-.f' TVOUCT'I

FAm'l 0" '"It\. 1I~ *,* OOftmTht\OT::

Ii. fpAm'l oonf1T

!il Ooot)ht\~ ~~~ fi:h~h'l OO-.f' TVOUCT'I FAm'l T~"I~qo"f oot)1'TfDY.1f1Tl& fFAm'l HCc:"f fh1~1:''1fJ\t)flo.l&, fAD?T h:t-flI~'I TAVOOOlP~T .f'~~ 1- 1f'1l& .e+~~l\-i

fll 1\,n~T 0.1: Ooot)ht\~ i:h~h'l OO-.f'TVOUCT'I FAm'l T~"I~VO FCfDY.~~:( r FAm'l oo{}f1"f,'I roo-.f'l}.e'1.y."f, ~~~ .em{}'IA: .f'if7i~A:.eftCJfAi

el 01\U~T 0.1: r1'OO~m-T rFAm'lun{}f1"f'l roo-.f' h.e'1.y."f r ht)flo. 1'''1.fl6J.b I,.~:t-' OOlP~T OD?.(-~"I orhAI\-"r1'un~m- ~~~Tl&' ml1+l& 1'"lfl".cr. t\.~~ 1- .e "f~I\-::

I~. f--2LTruc.y."f?il ount)ht\~ ri:h~h'l OO-.f' T~UCT'I

FAm'l T~"I~~ {}C t\DY.ftm- rFAm'l oo{}f1"f 000-1\- t\F~ ~flI~'1T'It\~{} :t-IJ'C rDY..f'H;J:( "'-'tl"~ t\ +flI~FAm'l rDY.~~ r;J~ T~UC.y."funftmT ht\flTl&i

!fl OH.U h'+1\ o,o..{} h'+1\ !i r1'~'111l& "'~1'mO+ IfCj D?'~l&~ rD?ft

Am~ 1'*VO OTC?"I~OO- (}C t\DY.:t-+4-r FAm'l unnf1"f OOO-I\-i

vi rh,. 'C:CtPJ.7i,'I f100-~h.7i, i:hCjt\oj{,.T~UCT:;

t\1 r-L."l1 TVOUCT i

,hI f"'"lt\.l1~ *,* T~UCT:;

001 rF'1-fl.;J'I rp'1-~"lfiC T~UCTi

lPl r F~ ~flIt'1T T~UCT: OO{}mTht\OT::

FederalNegaritGazeta No. 26 Ist March, 2004 Page 25~

6/ Except where training in languages isprovided as a vocation middle level technicaland vocational education and training shallbe provided in the English language.

17. Areas of training

1/ Areas of training under Middle LevelTechnical and Vocational Education andTraining Program shall be designed based onthe country's and local development strategyand plans.

2/ The Office shall set, modify or cancelstandards for areas of training andoccupations that fall under the Middle LevelTechnical and Vocational Education andTraining Program.

3/ Areas of training and occupations selected bythe Office may be put into effect selectivelyby the States taking into account the localobjective conditions. In so doing, thestandards set for said areas of training shouldbe observed.

18. Common courses

1/ For all areas of training falling under MiddleLevel Technical and Vocational Educationand Training Program. Courses that preparetrainees for entrepreneurship and self-employment as well as enable them forcontinued training shall be provided.

2/ Without prejudice to the provision of Sub-Article 1 hereof, every training institutionshall, in respect of all areas of training fallingunder the program, provide:

a) Information and communication techn-ology courses;

b) Mathematics courses;

c) English language courses;

d) Civics and ethics courses;

e) Courses on entrepreneurship.

Page 9: ~k* · 2017-11-23 · ~k* ... ii

1ft' 6-&\ '1;J6-1- ;JfLfrJ4r'l'C 3'1 r"1;-1- 3'f +, liinl 'J.9"

31 ~ULT C1.i: f'f'm:t»i:,) ...,. ')tat; -th'i/toil AI:1TA ').'ltJ.SJD f'UlI~-I'f"I{)',)~it"'T ODlP~T 0"71:~""1 OIlU J\,)

+~ ')o-ta J\')+~ fl FC f'-I'H~H~T')TSJDUC-fT "7?1?1A "TitA::

h~A (anTit" Pt:. it,. A"'~

1M.' p t:. 1\" fA.,..,. ~ T~" t:.,.. Jr.m/)iI.,

~ULT C1.i: J\lPt,9'T')t; .,.~" f'''tODt\h:J'Tt& lb/to T m1'iT') O"7"7hct; f'OO-fFAmt; ~~)f') ODlP~T 0"71:1.""1 t\f'OO-ft& f'FIr it,. ASJDSJDI: TCO""1lrSJD,.mnlf A: :

ft. OPt:. I\.e fA"''''~ '''t/)+4- ~C&~~n" lID'"L....

~:hLT C1.i: O"tfmlllt& ODODt,ft;ODtaLCT ODlPl.T hAt\. FAlll') f'f"lmt&J\I1A f'FIr it.e ASJDSJDI: f'''tf"lm-I:C)!--fT') .eODCIllA .eODH""1f1A::

fl!. f'~C)!--fT +""IflClf ~itd.~T

"7')~t&SJD t\FIr it.e ASJDSJDI: f'-I'ODl.mI:C)!-T hllU O:J'T f'-I'ODt\hi:T -I'""1f1ct;~itk~-fT .e'i~:J'A:-

lil f"lAllli'fT') -I'+lI/to "7t\"7ODI:;

fIl -I't\ "7"7~ ') ODt\ "7OD1: O"t 1f1t& 11:J'it.e O"'iI"7lrT -I'''Qt&') f'Fir ASJD1:"7""11i:') "71.;J1'1';

rl f'-I't\"7"7~,) At&+Tt; hU/toT "7~OCf'''tTA f'At\T -I'At\T f'FIr "'L~ytoo-') t\ODh:J'-I'At; t\OD1SJD1SJD 00- flf

lI~T ft\t& (a.TCq.eHC ODOD~lI;

!H -I't\"7"7~,) h1:c)!-i: f''''lPlrC FCl}Tt; ~ ')11 ;JC "7n-l''Pm:t»;

"(;1 +t\"7"7~-) A,)~ OD~O~ lPlr-l'~

OODcflmC J\taLitt.t&') ""1l1l}T "7:t»1.1I;

~I f'-I't\"7""~') illI"'If hllCt; ODl1T f'ODmO:t»t; f'''7nhOc;

FederalNegarit Gazeta No. 26 1'1Mal"ch,2004 Page 2560

31 The Office may, based on the science andtechnology of the relevant time and thesocietal needs, modify the courses statedunder Sub-Article 2 of this Article.


19. Determination of apprenticeship trainingprogram

The Office shall, in consultation with employersand other concerned parties, and on the basis ofpre-determined occupational standards, determineapprenticeship program for every occupation.

20. Organizations participating in a apprenticeshiptraining

A body empowered by the State shall, based onguidelines and criteria determined by the office,select organizations that shall participate in theprovision of apprenticeship training.

21. Duties and responsibilities of organizations

Every organization selected for apprenticeshiptraining shall have duties and responsibilities asprovided hereunder:

1/ To receive and provide apprenticeshiptraining to trainees;

21 To assign the apprentice in the placeappropriate to his training and to ensure thatthe apprentice acquires proper workexperience;

31 To assign a capable supervisor who wouldenhance the knowledge and skills of theapprentice, and should follow up andevaluate the day-to-day performance of theapprentice.

41 To acquaint the apprentice with work rulesand methods of the organization;

51 To consider the trainee as a regular employeeand to provide him the necessary inputs;

61 To respect and enforce human dignity of theapprentice;

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'1ft' 6-A ~;J6+ .?It.tIl ofI"'C 3'1 rtJ1:+ 3'1 +'} I.itfU 'UD

il rTft"7"7:(' rFIr "'~""9" l1:1»T00019"19" t&m.i: ft"7(aAm~ 1'*00."7"'1',\ ft (j: I

~I Tft"7"7",,":f h"7lPAm~ 1'*00. J'11-T'huttoT 00019"19" ...ft "7lPAm~1'*00. r"7(aAm' -n:l»T ft~oofthi't&1'*9" "''''1' J'rT oo"'mTI

IiI h"7(aAm~ T*"7T ;JC OT-n-nClj 0:"'~T oo"'IrT::

'1. '''IPAm~ .,.~:,. .,..,qClj ~'\d.~:r::

rFIr '\" A9"9"f:' OToofthT "7'~t&9"r"7lPAm~ 1'*9" hflU O:t'":f ri'oofthi:TT'7lJClj ~,\~~,y..":f "er~:t'A:-

Ii lPA"l7f":f r~J'~C""T' rplr i\"A9"9"f: r~h:t'TAlj r~~"lmC "'faTlJlJ& oooo~-nI

II I'"'lPlrC oooo&J'lj lIClIC ooCU '7-ncO"7t&"lT fti''7lJlrce~i: hf:c~,y..":f ;JCO:"'~T ooF~TI

fl rlPA"l7f":f, I'Fir i\" A9"9" f: '7r1"7 t&m.T ftFAmlj "7mlj~ctJ' "7fa

~Jr "'(a"lT Oooooll~~T oom~9"1!il h"'ft"7"7~ f:C~,y..":f r~~C{l.ftT' "'...

TJ'r,y..":f Ooo~OA rFAmljt&, -n:l»T"7QQA::

If. rTft"7"7~ i''7lJClj ~'\d.~-1:

"7'~t&9" Tft"7"7~ hflU o:t'":f rToofthi:T T'7lJClj ~i\~~,y..":f "er~:t'A:-

iiI I'Fir '\" A9"9"~' OT;JT "7hljtD'I

~I ftA9"9"f: rT(am-T' ooPt&J'9'":flj oil"41,..":f OT,:I» ck 00 J'lIlj 041 mlJ

. oom~9"1

fl rFIr '\" A9"9"f: ",-'tJ'~C" 1'1'oo~OOT' f:C~T r"'lPlrC FC'}Tlj~ ,11":f, "7tD:"lj "'h-ne oo~fJ9"I

!il Olbtto":f ih1o":f rT~~11t& "'~TmO~ITer OFIr Ar9"~ "';J"l~ J'tD~t&'rf:C~i:' I'Fir ~"'TC ftlb'\ "'''At::"'ftoo"'mT I

Federal Negarit Gazeta No.~6 1" March, 2004 ... Page. 256]

7/ To evaluate the. performance of theopprentice and transmiate the results to thetraining institution.

8/ by inspecting the skill that the trinee acquiredforward opinion to the concerned organ as tothe competency of the instition.

9/ To cooperate and work in coordination withtraining institutions;

22. Duties and responsibilities of traininginstitutions

Regarding apprenticeship traning, every traininginstitution shall have duties and responsibilities asprovided hereunder:

11 To assign a coordinator who shall follow upand control apprenticeship trainingundergone by trainees;

2/ To prepare operational guidelines and detailedprograms and for their implementation, tocooperate and work in coordination withorganizations;

3/ To utilize result of performance evaluationrelating to apprenticeship training as acriterion for certification.

4/ by receiving opinion from the institutionimprove the fuaruty of the training.

23. Duties and responsibilities of an apprentice

Every apprentice shall have duties andresponsibilities as provided hereunder:

11 To diligently perform the apprenticeshiptraining;

2/ To utilize with care and economy tools,equipment and materials supplied to him fortraining purposes

3/ To be acquainted with and to observe workrules and methods of the organization to whichhe is assigned for apprenticeship training;

4/ Without prejudice to the provisions of otherlaws, not to divulge to any other person worksecrets of the organization that he acquired inthe course of his apprenticeship training;

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1,.. &-A. ~,:),6-1- ;IlL'" .'I'C 61 ftJ-t-1- 6r .,., IufU CUD

1;1 f'~"",)~ (f~ f'l\.t\oT') m. ')~T tIJy,~ih~tIJT 1\";1 1\y, f'''7..'l'A tIJy,~ f'1:C

~1: ') 'I':"~ f'''7..~tJ sy, 0. Yj'l'~t\ "7..00 t\ h.,.l& htJA OJ-'l Yl&~ "71) tIJ:" : :


FederalNegaritGazeta No. 26 1'1March, 2004 Page 2562

5/ To immediately inform the concerned body,when he becomes aware of, any event or factwhich may be a threat to his or others' health orlife, or which may affect the interests of theorganization;

f pi ~ I\.e IAIJDIJD1:tD-1Af'pI~ I\.e 1A~~1: l&A O"7WAm~ 24. Contract of apprenticeship

.,.!I:~ 01:C~T'i" 0.,.t\"7"7~ ootJhlA

f'''7..OO(aloT (ftj:- Contract of apprenticeship shall be concludedamong a training' institution, an organization and anapprentice, and shall contain the following

vI f'''' t\ "7"7:( ') ao. /\. it~'i" "1:OWL1

t\1 f'''7(at\m~ .,.!l:ao.') it~'i" 1\1:~?f1

chI f'1:C~1:,) it~'i" 1\1:~?f1

001 .,.t\"7"7~ A~1: "')-'lY"~OT f':r+"l&') f'ao. Y f}.e~T1

wI f'~~ I\y, A~'rP'" f'''7..~OOCOT'). +')'1 f'''7..L~l& tlt1

lol f'~~ I\.e A'r'rP'" l&A f'''7..!l:1.'I'0T') tJ..~:rT f'''7..YOOt\hT OO(f')1\t\OT::

ht;:~ 1\~Tf"7wA-m"i!/. ~~~

f"!.tJ~P"'OT IJ..~:r

fl;. OplA-mli pI~ "'~~_~1~

OO,)"I~:r~I f'"lA "'I OO,)"I~:r~ l1A(f~1:C~T l1t\o.T~T f'~tJ~1: "7')~l&'r"7(aAm~ .,.!I:'r f'i;h~h'i" ao. Y T'rUCT'i" ~Am'i" OOitmT Y,TI\A::


~I "'m6~1: t\~Yu~A OO,)"I~T 1\tJAf'(f~ OO,)"I~:r~ "7(aAm~ .,.!I:'rO"7..~itTC'T'rhC o.T ODt.tIJlll "')11OOWI.T Y,!I:!I:"7A1

II "'m6~1: t\hAA OO1"1~T 1\tJA f'(f~"7')~l&'r OO,)"I~:r~ "7(aAm~ .,.!I:'rOhA/\. OD,)"I~T ODt.tIJlll ih"lOOWloT .e!l:!I:"7A1

a) Full name and age of the apprentice;

b) Name and address of the training institution:

c) Name and address of the organization;

d) The occupation in which the apprentice isintended to undergo apprenticeship training;

e) The date on which the apprenticeship shall startand its duration; and

f) Conditions for the termination of the contractof apprenticeship.



25. Participation in the provision of training

Any public or private training institution or oneowned by a nongovernmental organization mayprovide technical and vocational education andtraining.

26. Establishment

11 Any public training institution which isaccountable to any organ of the FederalGovernment shall be established byRegulations to be issued by the Council ofMinisters.

2/ Any public training institution which isaccountable to any organ of a State shall beestablished by a law to be issued by the Statelegislature.

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'1ft' &-A.~;J&.'J-;m,<l! <liTC tl ftJ1;.'J- tr .,., IuU& <J.9"


rl r~lAe; oo'}~P':r«e I1lAlY~ f:C~"'"fl1"o.+~+ r"tI1~~ r"?OlAm~ +*"?+"'ft"t**OO-O+ LJ.~:r h~I111~+ fft(&0"7 +4.~"t f,lYe;/A::

1'''?'''lAm~ +*9" "'R.l.~

~I "?,}~(&SJO l'''?olAm~ 1'*SJO ft+om(&,,(&~e; I'+roo~(&') ~t.~ I'mO.,.

r P' lAme; OO"'66J. h 11A"Jft...y."fe;OO~(,fPJ"f OIJOXI\+ hftO""1

fl.1 OIJ,}~(&SJO l'ool1hft~ i;h~he; 00- f

""SJOuc+e; p'lAme; 1'*SJO ft+**OO

0"" h 1\OIJ OIJ"'4.1.. ePJ.f 1',..OIJePJ. 0 lY~

~'I'C ~o. 00 ~6-~"'" hftO""::

I~. ,.." ,,?lPlAm~ +~ hlPlA"I:S

OIJ,}~(&SJO 1'0001P1Am~ 1'*SJO 1\rh4."" 0.'1:

ftP'6- OO~(l. OePJ.frofl1(& OOOO(,fI'+roo~(&'} 1'11.4-"" OOOO"~ I'OIJfOX 1\ 0(&

OhOlAfI1:S~"" OOOO~l1 hf,"fIASJO::

ID. ,.." ,,?lPlAm~ T--*~ 1P&-+7f:£

OIJ,}~(&SJO OIJlPlAm~ 1'*SJO:-

vI I'P'&- 00(,1

ftl hOlAfll7f'"f 1

tltl h,..4.I\1. I'lY~ I'i;h~h f:;J~o~+7f'"f I\, Cf-r"" f, 1111A::


q). 11"00-.f'} fi.?~ "'''OO~h

~I 01\.1\ U"J 01\.1\ hlJ.~'} 1'+~~11 0.C;CSJOOIJ,}~(&SJO 11.4-"" fft(& 11ft00- f hoo~

O~ p'~(& O+£LtOlJ(' OOlJolAm~ +*OIJ+ (&"''1' OholAfI1~~..,. + 4»'l'c.' 00 P'~..,. f, "f1\1A1

fl.1 Oil U h') 4»1\ O'}(}.,.. h') 4»1\ li 00 IP t. ..,.

OholAfI1~~"" 1'ePJ.4»mC 0(& I' P'~ 4»e;

+e; ol}"""

'}Jt LJ.SJO I\.ft.."f I'P' ~ LJ.~:rPJ"f h"f'}~'}~ 4»fI1(' ;JC OePJ.f~

C 1(& "'SJOSJO~""I\,roo ~ f, "f 1\ft..::

FederalNegaritGazeta No. 26 1stMarch,2004 Page 2St

3/The relevant laws shall apply as regards theestablishment of private training institutions orinstitutions owned by non-governmentalorganizations.

27 Organization of a training institution

1/ Every training institution shall be furnishedwithtraining facilities and equipmentappropriate to the standard prescribed for itsaccreditation.

2/ Every institution of Middle Level Technicaland Vocational Education and Training shallbe organized in a compound destined forcarrying out of its objectives.

28. Trainers of a training institution

No training institution shall assign a person as atrainer of the institution unless he fulfils therequisite technical qualifications applicable to thejob position as may be determined by directivesissued by the Office.

29. Staff of a training institution

Every training institution shall have:

a) Head of training institution

b) Trainers and

c) Technical support staff.

30. Joint employment of professionals

1/ Notwithstanding any provision of law to thecontrary, a qualified professional may, inaddition to his regular post, be employed bytraining institutions as a trainer.

2/ The days and hours of work and otherconditions of work of a person engaged as atrainer pursuant to the provisions of Sub-Article 1 hereof may be determined byagreements he concludes with everyemployer.

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'IA' ~ ~;J&+ 4I'I'C ~I ""-1:+ ~r +'J JllfB 'U" FederalNegaritGazeta No. 26 I" March,2004 ... Page 2564

ht;:A ",.-hThA "7IPAm~~.T ~l.~

~ "71.:J14&1il~{)~1\(atIJtJ' .

~I. iULJ' t:'DD_,)dJ-:t~ L~ t:' "hL~ 1..~~

61 ".tlh r"7(aAm~ ..,.t,.- A"7tt,.-(J)~"- "1&:"'1' "'7~+ Oool1~t ,,~fA' r"7(aAm~ ..,.t,.. ~1.1{ Af1I)~'7(J)~"- ..,."" "7 t I'F Am'i TQ"'7 ~ifO";f, AootlLT, rU?.LA'7 "7'~I&~(al& r"7(aAm~ ..,.too- r:r+ ~I&'F~ hoo1:oo~ O"-T r:"1:OO_{)I&:"'iL~Y: OOf1f "AOT:;

~I r{)I&:"'i L~ 1: O""(amq:fl& r"7(aAm~ ..,.t,.- TC"'7~ifO";f,,~ "71~1&"-"~~T AI&tJ' A"71:l. '7 f\LAaj OIlU",+1\ ,o.h ",+1\ 6 r""~~111&""L~U?. ~1f'iA:;

~I. L~1: rOOhncl-_~AtIJ'61 O~Y..~A OO''7FT "I]"T FC

(J)~"- 01&6f!' "1C qAOllT (J)~~01&6f!' U1C d1'7 OOlPl.T O+ttooOO''7h;J--'f fAIf~ 1:C~T AU?.I]~1:r"7(aAm~ ..,.t,.- 1':"1: OO_{)I&:"'I'L~1: ","tlJ."- r~l.1{ lI~T "71.;J16fiJ.'i /Jc&:"'i L~ 1: rOOhm."fr FAtIJ' rU?.~iarf:~ ~1f'iA:;


~I OIlU ",+1\ ,o.h ",+1\ li r""~~111& "'~""mO+ 1ft; OhAA 1'00''7FT "11"T FC (J)~"- oo''7F:r'fqAIf~ "1C O+A 1:C~T'i' 0"1CI&htJ' r'7A QAOll+";f QAo.T~T AU?.I]~~ r"7(aAm~ ..,.t"7T r:"1:OO-lJl&

:"'1' L~1: ",.tllJ.~ r~l.1{ lI~T"71.;J16fiJ.'i /J1&:"'i L~ 1: rooiamTFAtIJ' rhAA ~1f'iA::

~f. ~t:'DD_{)I&:"'i L~1: A"7'71T roy+clI"'DDA~61 A"7lPAm~ ..,.t~ 1':"1:00-/J1&:"'i

. L~1: "'''t(atJ'AT rU?.LA'7 "7'~c&~(al& OIlU "tp~ ",+1\ ~g r""(J)(a~T'001.1{Y'";f I'J'H "7ooAh~ A/JC&:"'i(a6f!'c&QAFAtIJ' "7:"1.1I "AOT:;



31. Requirement of a pre-accreditation license

1/ Any person desiring to establish a newtraining institution, to upgrade aninstitution already accredited andoperating, or to start additional trainingprograms of such an institution, shall,before the institution starts the intendedtraining, obtain a pre-accreditationlicense.

2/ The provision of Sub-Article 1 here ofshall also apply to cases where anyalterations are to be made to anyaccredited programs of a traininginstitution.

32. Accrediting powers

1/ The Ministry shall have powers to issuepre-accreditation license andaccreditation certificate to any traininginstitution operated under the guidanceand control of any organ of the FederalGovernment or owned by a foreigninvestor or a non- governmentalorganization incorporated in accordancewith the laws of a foreign state.

2/ Without prejudice to the provisions ofSub-Article 1 hereof, the State shall havepowers to issue a pre-accreditationlicense and an accreditation certificate toany training institutions and collegesowned by the regional state organ ordomestic non-governmental organizationand by domostoc investor.

33. Application for pre-accreditation license

1/ A person desiring to obtain a pre-accreditation license for a training institutionshall submit an application to the AccreditingAuthority containing information specifiedunder Article 34 of this Proclamation.

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11t &-~ ~;J&+ ;JrLtrJ .".,.c 3'1 '''-1:+ 3'1 .,.., lUfU '1.9"


J\OOAI):t: rl&6J.1" J\1C flt\ VlI:" tD~er

OJ\.'}oh.,.Cij:" 1''''001110 rJ\1C l&h'"qt\VlI:" htrij OIf..V J\ '}+fI ,}().h 1\'}+fI(! OOlP~:" h"t.f+cOl& "7OOAh,= ;JCJ\"7f111 I)t\l& OO~6.f 0.:" r"''''ml&')

I' J\. '}Oh:"oo'}:" erhhc tD~+:" J\.f ~JI"7el-~1I 1\t\O~J

EI J\OOAI):t: OO'}"7~:1''e .fAtrij Y:C~:"htrij J\"7f111 I)t\l& OO~6.f 0.:" r"''''m

rfJ~ rer1l1f1 erhhc tD~+:" h"7OOAh,=l& ;JC J\.f.eJl "7el-~1I 1\t\0:" I

gl flVL:" 0.-1: OIf..V J\tp~ 1\'}+fI 0E 'he;0g h.,.tD"'''':'' 0"'Q;t"76 lbt\o"T oo~~Y'"Te; "7h~~Y'"T h"7OOAh,=l& ;JC'h '}"t +C{}. OOOOO6.f ootD"',} .e "T"A J

rlJg. ,:"jJ:oo_/Jl&:"lj L~ jJ: t\"7"71:" rD7-+clI"7OOA.h,= .eH~

OIf..U .J\tp~ 1\'}+fI rlJE O'}().h 1\'}+fI «(!)OOlP~:" r"t+clI "7OOAh,=

VI r"7"'Am~ "'*tJD.'} :1'lJo. her: tpe;.J\Y:~if: r"t"'''7~o:'' I'~Ame; OOhh'he; I'~Ame; T(?"7~erJ

t\1 r"7"'Am~ "'*tJD. flt\o.-f"T her 'he;1\Y:~ifJ

thl r"7"'Am~ "'*00- .,.in6 rtrijt\:" 1\I)Aher 'he; 1\Y:~ifJ

001 I' "7'" Am ~ .,.* tJD. J\I)~"t.f'e e; J\h.,. ~Y..~'e F~Y'"T r"the;tD'}O:" r1\oo~CJ\Y..~~~ :,. J

lPI I' J\"th "'A"17?"T OO+O.f OOOOII~J~I r"7"'Am~ "'*tJD."} I'~Ame; OOhti6J.

htt:t\o"T~ ooVt6.fY'"T: r.,.*tJD."} 0..,.OO~Utt::": rOO1A1.f tJ:t-Y'"T 'h"}"ttJ.erlbt\o"T ~Ame;l&"} t\"7I)~y: r"t.fhLA1- 1\1A"7t\o-f"Te; ooVt6.fY'"T lIClIC 'he; rflt\o.:"ij:" tJ.~:1'J

,..1 r"7"'Am~ "'*tJD. r"tlj~l& tD.eer.ft\l& rJ\"'A"17?"Te; ri:h~h Y:;Jtt:"'Q;}. lP~"'7?"T 1I11:"e; r:"eruc:"Y..~~ J

01 r"7"'Am~ "'*tJD."}tJel-Y:: OO.fll J\t\0:"::

r,..h:" l}OO:"

Federa1NegaritGazeta No. 26 1stMarch,2004 Page 2565

2/ If the applicant is a foreign investor or aperson registered as a domestic investor,he shall along with the application,submit the investment certificate issuedto him by the relevant authority.

3/ If the applicant is a non- governmentalorganization, it shall, along with theapplication, submit a valid certificate ofregistration issued to it by the relevantauthority.

4/ The office may, through directives,determine information and evidenceother those specified under Article 33and 34 of this Proclamation to besubmitted.

34. Contents of application for a pre-accreditationlicense

An application submitted pursuant Sub-Article (1) of Article 33 of this Proclamationshall contain:

a) The proposed name and chief address of thetraining institution, and the area of training andprograms intended to be undertaken;

b) The name and address of owners of thetraining institution;

c) The name and address of the organ to whichthe training institution is accountable;

d) The organizational set up regarding themanagement of academic & administrativeaffairs;


Ie) The admission criteria applicable to newtrainees;

f) The details of the training institution's trainingfacilities and equipment, library, furnitureand other amenities, equipment andimplements and ownership thereof;

g) The number and qualification of trainers andtechnical support staff of the traininginstitution available and intended to beemployed;

h) The training institution's three-year plan.

Page 15: ~k* · 2017-11-23 · ~k* ... ii

1~ &-A ~;J6.}o ;J/f,ll/ <IITC ?II rtJi;.}o till .,., IiW!1 'J.9"

1JJl;. r:" ~OD_iJm-:"C; L:J- ~ f"7.."'~OT 1J.~;f'C;",.,. f"2." .eOT "lll.

!if iJ(&~e; o~l& crt\FAfll,}:-

of i\ODAI-J"f h"7ODAh;Fl& ;JC i\JI.eJfcr~~Ol& OD"lI\fifiJ. It.e f-tODI\hi;T

f"7oAm~ uo"'{,JI?J"f Jlh-e; I\FAme; -t"lllC t\l&h- fO?"fh- ODtf


I\f FCC}-t :"'?DUCi; f~ ~DD-iJl&~e;

L~f: I\-tmf~O:'" fFAme; T~

"I~?D f-tdJo~l&'} ~~}f fmO~ODtf~'}~

thf i\ODAI-J:r: 1\UL:'" Cl.i; .eu'} i\fJJ~

f\ "7t1L'It.?D OD?JldJflll& ODOD{,JI f-tdJO ~..,. '} ODODH~ ?J"f '} "7OX It i; '} :-fD?JI~;J"lT H1(] o.~COl& nItfF~ ~e;:'" "lit l&{}T f~f:OD-oar~e; L~f: .eomfJJA::

~f i\Jttl f-t~~OD dJ.e?D' ol&~e; i\"I~1'--OODI-J~f: It.e YI\ tf~ ~~}fl&'} n"7~

~"I dJ.e?D h-tL~~I\:'" f FAme;ODtlJl"f l&~ pAme; I\ODtlm:'" h'}Jt

L~~I\7- fODI\h+ fOlJoAm~ -t~?DI\i\'}f: i\OD-r O~f:OD-ol&~e; L~f:ODF t.:'" i\ 1\


rf f;P f:OD-ol&~e; L~ f: f-toml& f"7oAm~ -t~?D JlA-tOXh-7-'} ~~;f'?J"fL~~ 'It.,}1'-- OD?~.eO:'" 'lit l&tlTi\ OXA 1'-- 1\OD 17:'" f"l Y..;f' 0 ~f: LC IfPI\ol&~e; O~l& crl\FAfll,} ODtlm:'"

i\ 1\07- :: f"l y";f' "7 ~;J 1fifiJ.l& Ol&~e;o~l& crl\FAfll' OD?dJtI~l& ~1\

ODlP~:'" .eL'It."7A~

!if OH.U i\'}~1\ o'}()..tI i\'}~1\ f~ff-tdJo~l& f~ f:OD ol&~e; L~ f: 'lit

""JlO~ f"7lPAm~ -t*oo- -t1?D"l1fPol&~e; JlA-toml& h'}~tf~ f~f:OD-ol&~e; L~~ .eo~tlA:: tlI\tf~?Dol&~e; o~l& crl\tlAfll,} f"7oAm~-t~oo- L~ f: ODO~11 OOD1C;~ i1H-tj'}h'}Jt11\1\ cryf:~"1 i\I\0:"'::

Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 26 1st March, 2004 , Page 25j

35. Issuance and validity of a pre-accreditationlicense

1/ The Accrediting Authority shall issue within15 working days a pre-accreditation licenseupon ascertaining that:

a) The equipment listed in the declarationattached to the application submitted bythe applicant are actually available andmay be utilized for training purposes;

b) The curriculum is congruent with thestandard set for the program in respect ofwhich the application is submitted;

c) The applicant has fulfilled therequirements determined by directivesissued by the Office for theimplementation of this Proclamation.

2/ A newly established training institutionwhich has applied for a pre-accreditationlicense, or an accredited institution which hasapplied to upgrade its standard or to providetraining in fields other than for which it hasbeen shall, for a period of one year, operateunder a pre-accreditation license;

3/ A training institution to which a pre-accreditation license has been issued shallsign and submit to the Accrediting Authorityan act of undertaking to fulfill unmetrequirements within the validity period of itslicense. The act of undertaking shall beexecuted in a form designed by theAccrediting Authority.

4/ If a training institution according to thisarticle Sub Article (2) is not accredited uponthe expiry of the validity period of its pre-accreditation license, determined or extendedpursuant to the provisions of this Article, itspre-accreditation license shall be revoked.Provided further that the AccreditingAuthority shall cause a statement to be madein the media that the pre-accreditation licenseof such a training institution has beenrevoked.

Page 16: ~k* · 2017-11-23 · ~k* ... ii

1,. irA ~;J6.}- ;J1f."l "''I'C ~~ rtJi;.}- ~I."" Iilfll 'U"

(;1 /Jl&:J-c; O~l& IlI\P"'AIll1 OIlU 1\tp~h1+1\ tlJr OOlPl..T r+l..0I\T1 tryOO

Ah~ .fA-I'+OAl& htl'~ rL~.(" 'f'.fcf:l&1 .fA-I'+0I\OT1 SJDh1.fT I\hOOAt,:r: 00"\'" +c;T 'lft l&{}'f' 01\th-~00.,1\1\ hI\OT;

~I OIlU h1+1\ OOlPl..T r:J-.("OO-/Jl&:J-C;/,..~J!,. r-l'Ol..HOT rtryOAm~ -I'*SJDIll\o.T 1'-1'*00- (lAIll??":f rL~J!,. 1000 l..11 OOIlT +c;T 'lit l&"''f'

"'''l.fl&4rT try.("l.." 1\I\OT;

'tl rtrylPAm~ -1'*00- r:J-~ 00-/Jl&:J-e;/...~ .(" 00 lP l..11 lP A Ill??":f L ~ J!,.,,{}h-l'Hl..HOT +1 .("l..'" r-l'h;ri't\.T1

P"'Amc; tp;J ray","'1ll 1\.etf1SJD::q}i. r:J-~00-/Jl&t5__~~~

OIlU 1\tp~ OOlPl..T fay"o'f' r:J- .("00-/Jl&:J-e;L~ .(":

01 I'll 1\1,..~ J!,.1 -I'*

SJD ,..SJDe; 1\.(" t-- "Ii:

1\1 1\-1'*00- r-l'(I)o~I\T1 ~l..)f: r,..Ame;Tc?.,t--SJD: roo-.f t}.e~Tc; r(aAIll~1111T:

chI /,..~J!,. r-l'omOT1c; 1t1-f ray,,~.eOT')

l.ft rOOQ;8.l.."Ii+1:

001 06..~J!,. "\.e "'''lLCSJD P"'A1ll1 rToml& Ol& ,..SJD

"e; ~ctry:

"1 "llJ.SJD

lPl r/Jl&:J-c; o~l& IlI\P"'AIll1 tryU-I'SJD:00.f1l 1\1\0'-"':.:

q}'t. 1'/Jl&:J-c;/"'~~I\"t.,:£t lab"'-+Cl1"1ooAh!Flil 0:J-~00-/Jl&:J-e; L~.(" f\ot-- r~r

rtryoAm~ -I'*SJD /Jl&:J-c; "'Jtoml&1\/Jl&:J-c; O~l& IlI\;»AIll1 tryooAhT.e":f"\A;

rl /Jl&:J-c; I\try.,}..,.. ray,,+COl& tryooAh~OIlU 1\tp~ 1\1+1\ tlJ!j r-l'(I)O~T1ool..)fsP":f 00 J'1I 1\I\OT;

rl 1\;"'/"'T 0.1: htryooAh~l& ;JC -I'.f.eHl& 00:J-l..11 ray" 111Tl& 1 00" 1\6l>}.sP":fc;

try{}l..)f sP":f1 ray" (I)'"1 00 00 t,.f tryl&1ll T.e":f"\A::

FederalNegaritGazeta No. 26 1s(

March, 2004 Page 2567

5/ Where the Accrediting Authority rejectsthe application submitted to it pursuant tothe provisions of Artiele 33 hereof, itshall within thirty (30) days notify thesame in writing to the applicant statingits reasons therefore.

6/ The owner of a training institution whosepre-accreditation license has beenrevoked shall within seven (7) daysinform the trainees of the revocation ofthe license.

7/ the cancellation of the pre-qccredationpermit of the training institution shall notrendered the training offered up to theform of cancellation valueless shll

36. Contents of a pre-accreditation license

A pre-accreditation license issued by theAccrediting Authority pursuant to the provisionsof this Proclamation shall bear:

a) The name and address of the traininginstitution;

b) The standard prescribed for the institution theaccredited training programs as well as areasof training and the number of trainees;

c) Date of issue of the license and the last dateof its validity period;

d) Name and signature of the authorized officialsigning thereon;

e) Seal of the Accrediting Authority.

37. Application for accreditation

11 A training institution operating under a pre-accreditation license may apply to theAccrediting Authority for accreditation.

2/ An application for accreditation shall containinformation specified under Article 34 of thisProclamation.

3/ The Office may issue directives whichdetermine declarations and evidence to beattached with an application for accreditation.

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1~ irA '�;16T ;1/tfJ/ 4lTC ?;~ rtli:T ?;!l .,., :(jjr~~ 'UD

~t. U.GK 11"+ T O?t. ;J~~J/L"-~:t5fO?.()'I'O T tJ.~:r

(;1 ()l&~e; ()6J!"l& flt\FAfll1 OH.U "''P~

""+1\ ~~ OOWt.T O?OOAh~ I\+C11t\ T fO?()Am~ 1'Woo<- rmflll&1ia:r1~C~ fmO+ OO"~1 flPf.ft.;J"1'1' H1f1 I\~C()l& OX r F~ +e;T1..ft l& ia'l' r ~ t.}f 11"+T O?t.;J 16IiJ.e;

()l&~e; .e()m'PA;

fil 0?1~l&~ rO?t'lAm~ 1'W~ ()l&~e;

hO?"11'I: O~ T 1\UL T C1.'I: 0lPf..f'mflll& 0000 /,.f' oow t.:rCf! 'he; 1't;Q.

O?/, "~l& f1'm()~T1 OOOOH~9'"f1O?~ It'I: oot.;J1'1' "'t\OT;

rl 1't\.e.,.l& O1'OOt\h'l: f FAmS OOia11"f ()l&~e; r1'()m~ rO?()Am~

1'W~ flPf.t'lml& f FAme; Tr.""1~~~t.}f O()l&~e; L"+~ It.e 1't\.ef-OOOOAhT "'t\OT;

!H f ~t.}f l1"+T 0?t.;J161iJ.e; ()l&~e; f1'()ml& rO?t'lAm~ 1'W~ L"+ ~ t\1't'linflrl& fFAme; OOial1"f oo~ltTrlPf.1f1rl&1 tJ.~:r9'"f If(UTC 1'~A1'l& 'h1"t 11- rO?~t."1 "1~:r


'(;1 tJl&~e; t'l6J!"l& flt\FAfll1 OH.U "''P~

""+1\ ~~ OOWt.T r+t.0t\T1 O?ooAh~ fA1'+Ot\l& h"~ 'I' .f'~l&1.f'A l' + Ot\ 0'-'" 1 ~ tl1.f' T O() It I) ."

e; Tl..ft l&ia'l' 01\ fh..lf: t\'" 00 A"'~ 0?I)m~


ZI 0?1~ l&~ ()l&~e; f1't'lmtD- fO?()Am~ 1'W~ ~t.}fl&1 00?I)~"1 m.e~lblt t\l&'I' 00? ~t. ~ "'''tia r()tD-~e;

L"+ ~ t\0?"11T 0+ ~qol& f()l&~e;

L"+ ~ It.e "O()l&~e; ()6J!"l& flt\FAfll1 1'()C~A" rlPf.A ~AhT 'h1"t.f'

Clf:OT t\flt\FAfll~ 0?~t.11 "'t\OT::

~!i. Phl&i-t; L~~1 ilt\O?~n

(;1 r0?1~l&~ rO?()Am~ 1'W~ f ~t.}f

l1"+T 0?t.;J16IiJ. ()l&~e; L.? ~ h1'()

mOT +1 ""iaf- t\(tilT "'OOT 81f-.e~.f'A:

Federal Negarit Gazeta No 26 I" March, 2004... . Page 256!

38. Accreditation

1/ Where it receives an application pursuantto Article 37 hereof, the AccreditingAuthorityshall, upon ascertaininr that thetraining institution meets prescribedstandard, Issue the institution anaccreditation certificate within 10working days.

21 Before issuing an accreditation certificateit shall be ascertained that the traininginstitution has met the applicable basicand supplementary requirementsprescribed by directives issued by theOffice.

31 The level of training provided by atraining institution accredited for specificareas of training shall be specified in itsaccreditation certificate.

41 An accredited training institution shall atall times meet all requirements andstandards prescribed for its accreditation.

51 Where the Accrediting Authority rejectsthe application submitted to it pursuant toArticle 37 hereof, it shall within thirty(30) days notify the same in writing tothe applicant stating its reasons therefore.

61 A training institution entitled to receive anew accreditation as a result ofupgrading or otherwise shall, before anew one IS issued to it, submit itsaccreditation certificate to be marked"Cancelled by the by the AccreditingAuthority" .

39. Renewal of Accreditation certificate

1I An accreditation certificate of anytraining institution shall be valid for aperiod of three years starting from thedate of issue thereof.

Page 18: ~k* · 2017-11-23 · ~k* ... ii

'If\' MA ":J~"'" :m.fl! "''PC ?!~ rtj-f;o}- tlf 4'1 IiWII '}.SID

fl/ f ~ l..~ 11"+ T IPI1..;J 1 tiliJ.c; tJl& ~C;

r""nml& 1P11~l&SJOf07nAm~ ..,.*~L"+~ 0'''' r~~.eo~ 1.1t hlPlt\4Ih(}~(}~ m&.T O&.T tJl&~c;l& "1.\. ;r ~ (}t\T t\ tJl&~c; n 6J!'l& CIt\FAfll1 tryODAhT ht\OT~

r/ tJl&~c; n6J!'l& Cll\FAflJ1 OlllJh1+1\ 01()'(}~1+1\ /fll ODlPl..T ftJ(J)-~c; L"+~ "~"'T T.f4; n.4>C11t\ T f IPIn Am ~ ..,.

*00. tJl&~ c; f..,. n

mOT1 ~l..~c; f11"+T lJ.~.+ m11~"fn&. ODlY~1 hl..."J"}(l1 L"+ ~ 1~~"'A~


Q/ tJl&~c; n6J!'l& flt\FAflJ1 ftJl&~c;

"~18T 'r ~4:l&1 ~A"""'Ot\l& hlY~T ~4:l&') ~A-r4>0t\OT1 SJOh1~Tt\ h OD A I-J:r: On it ... 4>c; ..,. 1. It l& (}T

01\tW~ °7",m~ ht\OT~

l;/ rtJl&~C; L:P ~ "~"'T ODmf<t~IPIODAh;F .eH'''''c; hJ7ODAh;rl& ."JC..,.~ .eHl& OD~l..1! f°'1.1C1rl& OD"}t\tiliJ.9' 'f '} 07 {}l..~91'f 1\UL -r 0. of; 0 °'1.

~ mflJl& ODun 6.f .em nc; f\. : :

~. r-rh r~OJ-~C;__~~ ~(}l1OD(}m:"

?i/ f..,. n m l& f tJl&~ c; L"+ f: f..,. {Ft7i0 T°71~l&~ IPInAm~ ..,.*SJOSJOTh ftJOJ'~c; L"+~ "1'\'f)ml& /lm.e~ .e'f'lA~

fl/ f""nml& ftJl&~c; L"+ ~ fm~OT °71~l&SJO tl7nAm~ "'*SJO SJO.'f-h ftJl&~c;

L"+ ~ "1.\.nml& ""m.e~ ftJl&~c;

L"+~ "1~T "1~m~ f~.fODt\hTUD"} t\ tiliJ. IPI~ l..11 h t\ 0 T ;

r/ !Jl&~c; n6J!'l& llt\FAfl11 f4>1..0t\T1T ~4: ODcre t\hODAI-J:r: SJOThf tJl&~c; L"+ ~ .enm'P A: :

~li. r31t!!-~~-1;__lJl1~lP~l1

?if tJl& ~c; n6J!'OJ- Clt\FAllJ1 ~

Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 26 1st March, 2004 ... Page 2569

2/ Any accredited training institution shall,six months prior to the expiry of thevalidity period of its accreditationcertificate, apply to the accreditingAuthority for renewal of its accreditation.

3/ Where it receives an applicationsubmitted pursuant to the provision ofSub-Article 2 hereof, the AccreditingAuthority shall, upon ascertaining thatthe training institution is operated incompliance with prescribed requirementsand standard, renew the accreditation.

4/ Where the Accrediting Authority rejectsthe application, it shall inform the samein writing to the applicant stating itsreasons therefore.

5/ Directives as may be issued by the Officeshall determine the contents of theapplication for rent:wal of anaccreditation certificate as well asdeclarations and evidence to be attachedthereto.

40. Issuance of a substitute accreditation certificate

1/ A training institution whose accreditationcertificate has been damaged may applyfor the issuance of a substitute.

2/ A training institution whose accreditationcertificate has been lost shall, whenapplying for a substitute, attach to itsapplication a statement explaining thecircumstances relating to the loss of thecertificate.

3/ The Accrediting Authority shall, uponexamining the application, issue to theapplicant a substitute.

41. Revocation of accreditation

11 The Accrediting Authority may revoke anaccreditation certificate on any of thefollowing grounds:

Page 19: ~k* · 2017-11-23 · ~k* ... ii

.,~ &-A ~;J(:+ ;1","1 "'1'C 3'1 ''''1:+ 3'1.,., lllfU 'U"

ul I' ()m-Cf»1f L? Jl,. f''''(amm- tIt(a.,.~ OD~1{ 0"7Cf»~11 ODlY~ fI.~

;11'1' T tDf,1JD

itl f'''7(aAm2i' .,.!l:tJD4 f''''tD(a~/\+")F.~1{1f f'''tmOCf»O+") f'l1?+F.~1{ flitODmOcli tD.f,1JD f'H.U")1\tp~ 1:");1~sP";f tDf,1JD f,U")1\tp~ /\"7raL?t.1JD f'tDffl F.")11tDf,1JD ODOD(,f flit"7hO~ O()m-Cf»1f (a6f!>m- fI/\rAffl") f~,wlj:

"7ram")+tf "'(a'l'++ O"7ram")+tfm- O"'tD(a~m- floft. 1F.11m-ra'l' 1-1:/\+:r:") f" ra.,.t}h/\



tltl f"7(aAm~ +!l:tJD4 tDf,1JD .,.!I:tJD4") Ofl/\o.+~+. f"tft}~F.m-

OU"? f(am-~+ ODl1+ f"'(amm-1\t}A1\"?fllI fl/\m- U"? ODlP~+fl.LCra1

f()m-Cf»1f L?1:") ODlP~lI f,";f"A::

~I flJm-Cf»1f L? Jl,. f+(a~HO+ f"7(aAm~ .,.!l:1JD ODF.O~ rAm If f"tf

t}~1: hlY~ OH.U 1\")+~ ")~ra 1\")

+~ If!I ODlP~+ f.,.tD(aF. fiJm-:"1fL? 1:") fOD(a~ 11 "CIJDi{ +L~"tf"tlY~m- f+ ~OD~m- fraAme; 10ft.

fl.fO? f,lYe;A:: IflilJD f.,.L+F.m-frAme; "7me;+tf 10ft. h1\")1:1\OD+ ODl1/\'I' f/\0+1JD1

rl f"7(aAm~ +!l:1JD fiJm-:,.e; L? 1:f+(a~H

"")F.lY~ iJm-:,.e; (

fI/\rAffl") fL?Jl,.") ODlP~1f OOD1

e;~ l1lf.U") "")"t 1/\~ "71:~"?

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tl f"7(aAm~ +!l:tJD4 fiJm-:,.e; L? 1:OD(a~11 1'"?fI&-'f "rahlY~O+ +")

1: ~ra lPA ffl 7f";f 0 + !I:tJD4 m-ra'l'f+h:J'+t\-+") rAme; tp;Jf"tfl)ffl 1\f,lY")SJD::


FederalNegaritGazeta No. 26 1" March,2004 ... Page 2570

a) Where it is proved that theaccreditation was obtained uponsubmission of false information' ,

b) Where the accredited traininginstitution fails, in case of non-compliance with the prescribedstandards relating to its accreditationor violation of the provisions of thisProclamation, or Regulations ordirectives issued for the implement-ation of this Proclamation, to takecorrective measures within aspecified time limit following awritten notice or warning given to itby the Accrediting Authority.

c) Where the training institution itselfor the juridical under which theinstitution is operated.

2/ If the training institution whoseaccreditation has .been revoked carriesout formal training program, the decisiontaken to revoke its accreditation pursuantto this Article Sub Article (1) shall beeffective at the conclusion of the currenttraining period. However, the time soallowed for the completion of thetraining may not exceed one year.

3/ The Accrediting Authority shall cause astatement to be made in the media thatthe accreditation certificate of saidtraining institution has be~n revoked.

4/ A training institution whose accreditationhas been revoked or which has ceased tooperate shall, within fifteen days of theoccurrence of such event, submit itsaccreditation certificate to be marked"Cancelled by the AccreditingAuthority" .

5/ A training attended in an institution shallnot be held valueless until thecancellation of accredation permit isrealized.

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)1A" t,.A, ";J~+ ;JlLtIJ C ~I ftJ-t+ ~I "''t IJifU 'U"

42. Display of license and certificate!tl. L~ ~~ O-'A1t fl~ "A"'~+DDT

r:" ~oo-lJ~:,.e; L? I: tD~IJD rlJ~:,.e;

L? I: r"'f'1mf& r", lPlAm"i'j .,.*IJDrL~~ '} tpe; f'1~1: 0"'*00- 1\""'~1..C(tC- 0.,1A1\" It. ~011 0"7. ~IAO.}o ,..C;:&.",,.. + OO'f' 1\t\O.}o: :

!1r. fooh~"'IAe; foocJtlJmC ~~

~I L? I: r"'f'1mf& r"'f'1IAm"i'j +*IJDO.,.L+ l..t\.}o 1..l.1{c; O"7.mO+f&l1?.}o ~lAme;~') 1trf'1m tiDlr~,}

t\",l.;J1'f' lJ~:"e; f'16f!'f& qt\~IAII}'}r ooh;t-.,. IAe; r OOcJtIJmC 1t'}"t tJ.1JD

OIlU 1\tp~ 0"'1..~11f& 1\t.J.:\'} 1\,...,.~ 1..&.1£ 1tCIJD1{ r OOf&f'11: ~ IAIll'}1\t\f&~

~I OlJf&:,.e; f'16J!>~ qt\~IAII}'} r.,.oo 1..0,"'~tIJtIJ t ",'}"i'j f&1JD r"'f'1IAm"i'j .,.*IJDO.,.L+ l..t\.}o 1..l.1{e; O"7.mO+f&l1?.}o ~ lAme; f"7.f'1'f' ootr~ '} t\", l.;J 1'f' OF &. f'1l}.}o tD1.. ", f'1IAm"i'jf&.,.*IJD Ooo.,q.}o t\OO~lI}mC ~~"IA~

rl "'~lI}lI}tf& OIlU 1\tp~ r"'f'1mf&'}.,..,q C L 1\"1JDr "'f'1mf& '} r ~ IAIll'}", l.;J 16fiJ.e; roo ;t-tDct J' tDl. + .}o <I!'f'

'f'C t\"7.11~1:0.}o r", f'1IAm"i'j .,.*IJD

~ &. 00 t -: qt\(l..}o tD~IJD t\ tDh.t\.

", IIf .}o 1\t\ 0 .}o~

21 "'~lI}tlJtf& OIlU 1\tp~ f"'f'1mf&'}.,..,q C ., 1A1\"~.}oe; .,. m J' ct ~.}o'} qox

"tJ. ~;t- 00 L'lt1JD 1\t\ 0 .}o: :

!1i. Q.lL~

~I O.,IA qt\Ul1.}o tD~lJD r'}.,1: ",uOCtD~1JD oo'}.,~;t-'f qlAtr~ I:C~.}ot\"7.11~1: r", f'1IAm"i'j .,.*IJD :"1:00-lJ~:"e; tD~1JD rlJ~:,.e; L? I: t\",f& 1I}.}oT t\ ",111..,.. T 1JD.}oh t\OOf& f'11:

1t'} "t tJ.1JD 1..l.1{ '} 0",111.. ., t\ "7. f'1'f'rlJf&:,.e; L? I: lJ~:"e; f'16J!>f& qt\

~1A1I}'} rL?1: hc;:J' ~f'10,..qlA~

FederaINegaritGazeta No, 26 1stMarch, 2004 ..,..." Page 2571

A training institution issued with a pre-accreditation license or an accreditation certificateshall display the original of such a license orcertificate in a conspicuous place within theadministration office of the institution whereinthe document is easily read.

43. Follow-up and inspection

11 The Accrediting Authority may follow upand inspect a training institution to ascertainthat the institution is providing training incompliance with the conditions applicable toits accreditation and the requirementsprescribed for its standard, and to takeadministrative measures as provided in thisProclamation.

2/ An inspector appointed by the AccreditingAuthority shall have power to inspect anytraining institution during working hours toascertain that the institution is providingtraining in compliance with the conditionsapplicable to its accreditation and therequirements prescribed for its standard.

3/ The inspector shall, in carrying out dutiesentrusted to him under this Proclamation,show his authorization and identification cardto the head of the institution, its owner, or theowner's representative.

4/ The inspector shall carry out duties entrustedto him under this Proclamation in fullcompliance with the requirements oftransparency and accountability.

44. License and accreditation fee

11 The Accrediting Authority shall have powersto collect fee in respect of the issuance of apre-accreditation license or an accreditationcertificate, renewal of an accreditationcertificate as well as the issuance of asubstitute for any certificate to privatetraining institutions or institutions operatedby non-governmental organizations.

Page 21: ~k* · 2017-11-23 · ~k* ... ii

:.J 17f.~fC:1 ~t-A ";J6+ ;Jlf.trJ"''I'( ~I '''-1:+ ~I +, liilU ",9"

II O"t~"'i:.;.. t\"t01' ~?1: ou1.~"f"t1f1tD- ht;:f O"t ~it+C'~ ,.-he0.+ .etDo'l~::

hfi:~ ,..1:,..+fpl~m'l "7m'l+4:f "7,..~)f A'I fllDef 11?+

",£-=,181. 1\0111-.-plC'i~

!1l;. rp'Am~ "7m~++'J' ",,,£8" 'i.e~"'~

iiI Orf-t\I'- i;h~h'l 00-1 +9"ue+'� F~m'l TC'"I&.qu~ Fe frf-t}rf-i: III/'}"i'/tD-9" oou 1.o"i'/ tI'~ ou 1.o"i'/ f1~tI'~ TC'

"I&.9" "'~m'l 111. ().~fll7f~ t\f"eh~frf-tD().~+'} ff1Ue.e 11\ :1' $1'"f III/".t i\

:1'TtD- rf-* 00- O"t().fllTtD- 9""'1 oui}

~e+ ""~;J11' f F~m'l III/m'l~ctlIII/i}~~ .e()'fllT«P~;

fl.1 t\f F~m'l "ch~ fD?,().m-+ flll/i}~~'} .e ~.y. "f ,,'} 1. D?,hrf- t\ tD- rf-tDi} ~«PAJ

Ul fOUIP~:1''e 00- I F~m'l TC'"I&.9"ff1Ue.e 11\:1'9'"f'} i\".tlt- f"f.lPJtf1t\00-I f9"i}he tD~~+;

t\1 fout\i}rf-"i'/ i;h~h'l 00- I F~m'lTC'"I&.SJU ff1Ue.e 11\:1'$1'"f'} i\".tlt-fout\i}rf'"i'/ f1t\00- I fSJUi}hetD~~+;

till fout}ht\"i'/ i;h~h'l 00-1 +SJUue+'�F~m'l TC'"I&.SJU ff1Ue.e 11\:1'$1'"f '} i\".t It-;

Ii) fl\,}1: '}ou+ 11+iiI F~m'lTC'"I&.9" i\m'l~4I fout}ht\"i'/f1t\00-I f9"i}he tD~~+ 1.~~1\,}1:;

fl.) ftJ.t\+ '}ou+ 11+ fl.1 F~m'lTC'"I&.9" i\m'l~4I fout}ht\"i'/f1t\00-I f9"i}he tD~~+ 1.~~tJ.t\+;

r) f(\i}+ '}ou+ 11+rl F~m'lTC'"I&.SJU i\m'l~~ foPt}ht\"i'/f1t\00-I ft1l\.~ -'l Tt\olPJ::

FederalNegaritGazeta No. 26 1stMarch, 2004 Page 2572

2/' The fee payable for pre'-accreditation 1icensesor accreditation ...~ertificates.issued by the.Ministry shaH be detenriined by the Councilof Ministers. .'


45. Types of training certificates

11 Trainees who have undergone varioustechnical and vocational education andtraining programs, whether fonnal or non-fonnal, if through evaluation criteria appliedby the training institution, they are foundmeeting the profiles prescribed for variouslevels of training, they shall be issuedcertificates evidencing completion of thetraining.

2/ Certificates to be issued for the various levelsof training have been detennined as follows:

a) Basic Level Certificate: for those whomeet requirements of the profile forbasic vocational training;

b) Junior Level Technical VocationalCertificate: for those who meet therequirements of the profile for JuniorTechnical and Vocational Education andTraining;

c) For those who meet the requirements ofthe profile for Middle Level Technicaland Vocational Education and Training:

11 For those who have completed oneyear /10+11 training program:Middle Level Technical NocationalCertificate Level I;

2/ For those who have completed twoyears (10+2) training programs:Middle Level TechnicalN ocationalCertificate Level II;

3/ For those who have completed three. years /10+3/ training programs:

MIddle Level TechnicalNocationalCollege Diploma.

Page 22: ~k* · 2017-11-23 · ~k* ... ii

,'" ~ ~;J~+ ;Jl&.tIJ c ~I '''-t+ ~r .,., .Hif1l ".9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 26 1st March, 2004 Page 2573

rl 1'00.~ "77f7f~ 1\6616J!"C FlAme;9I

T' ltOf.aJf81: (alAfIJ:S f'aJ(a~t&'FlAme; f'Of. 'IA~ SJDf8hC aJ(.+:'".e(afIJIAI

fil f'.,.It~" 1\6616J!"C FlAme; 91"f,Ooot&(al: 0'" 'f';Jo. tJ.~:J' "7 me; + ell

f'Of.~ I).e f'SJD'"hC aJ(. +.,. "f, ~ h-:'"aJ.e SJD OF t. IASJDI: fll]fI.,.t&

h-Lt\o:'" I'00. ~ 11-+ :,.. SJDHe; ~.,.e;

aJ"'''' 11-+1: 1'''' (.;J' mlt :,.. flit 00. ~f'SJDHe; t&m.1: 1\"7f111 I]ltt& I'FlAme; "ch, f'flUC.e ,~ :J' ;JC"'0011':" 1\;1= ootf~ f\(.;J''f'It"ch~ f'i'm+(at&, f'SJDf8hC to(.+:,.. 1'''7"71:''' 00 11:'" 1\1\t& I

"{;I f'ool]hl\~ i;h~he; 00. Y :"'SJDuc:,..e;

FlAme; .~"7t.qo"f "7me;+~~"7f8('~9I"f 01\,C 1\+t;: ~(.~ "Il-IA

"'+fI.e~:'" .e':" t.T'PIA::

~I. ,..It 00- j# ~1.1{ SJD~ fI 1\aJiI (a'J


~I 1'00. Y ~(.~ SJD~fl9I"f 1\"7fJl1 fJi\Tt&1\ 1]..):,.. .eaJ(ae; h- I

~ O~U ""+~ ,~,.. ""+~ ~ O"'~~"t& OOIP(.:'" f'Of.aJ(a~ 1'00.Y ~(.~SJD~fl9I"f 1\00. ~ FlAme; ~(.~ "'aJiI(a,e; 1\00. ~ 11-+ :,.. SJDHe; 000(1(. :,..~:,..


1\,C M~ f'11-+:'" SJDHe;FClJ~

~I ~,n~:'" 0.1: 1'00. Y 11-+:'" SJDHe; f'Of.

~I]-L~ "7~hi\:'" ~t&:"e; f'Of.~"~O:'",e; I'00. Y SJDHe; 11-+ :,.. f'Of.1]~1:0 :,..,

FC~:'" f'Of.aJ"" OOOO/,Y YaJflJlA-:"'"7f1t.«e ~~C;JIAI

II ~U~:,.. 0.1: o.~'''' 01"11\.~ ~ .t\o"7~(.~ FlAme; hOf.(a{f14 "'*"7:'" 001]

hlA 11-+:'" Yi\Tt&' OOOSJD(.'f' 1'00. Y11-+:'" SJDHe; "7~hi\:'" "'~~t.:(Y~C;JIAI

rl OO~O~ aJ.eSJD OO~O~ fllAtf~ HYoO"7'~t&SJD ~(.~ f'i;h~h 00.Y :"'SJDuc:"'e; FlAme; ~me;++ aJ.eSJD .,.~i\1. ~t&+:"'e; OFt. IASJD1: 1'.,.,1"ft\o:J' '1\ t& "7'~ t&SJD . (It& I' 00. ~11-+ :,.. SJDHe; oot&(l1: .e"fi\ IAI


31 A Trainee who undergoes short trainingprograms to upgrade his skill shall receivecertificate evidence such accomplishment.

4/ A trainee who has obtained severalcertificates evidencing successfulcompletion of various short trainingcourses or who has, based on skills heacquired through work experience,qualified through trade test, shall beentitled to be certified for a level ofqualification commensurate to his testresults.

51 Certificates evidencing completion of MiddleLevel Technical and Vocational Educationand Training Program shall have equalrecognition nationwide.

46. Setting of occupational standards

11 Occupational standards shall be determinedby the appropriate bodies.

21 Occupational standards determined pW'suantto the provision of Sub Article 1 hereof shallbe the basis for setting occupational trainingstandards as well as for trade testing.

47. National trade testing system

1/ The Office shall issue directivesproviding for the accreditation of tradetesting centers and the carrying out of atrade testing system.

21 The Office shall cause trade testing centers tobe organized by selecting competentinstitutions ftom among training institutionsaccredited at least at college diploma level.

31 Any person who has, through formal or non-formal program, completed or has thenecessarey knwoladge and work experiancetechnical and vocational training mayundergo a trade testing.

Page 23: ~k* · 2017-11-23 · ~k* ... ii

1~ 6-11.~;J6.'J- ;JtI."l .1'C ~I rtJ-t.'J- ~r +1 IiWII 'J.9"

0/ ,..ULT fl.rf: fOO-I h'lt\oT ~~J{~

L+'i T let sP"T "7h"7~ fOOf.~t.~OT''i fOOf.oot.Ot' OOOO/'l ItD"lA T hL~"OO-' /.eh:J-+'\A T

(;1 fOO-I l1'+T rll'i +~C"'''Ta>-l\00f.1A4c fll\OO-IsP"T h1C h+~/Ja>-:Jo'i Il\a>- fOO-l l1'+T "7~;J166J."7la~J{ hOOf.~lai; ~ hOOf.tDhl\a>-ht}A .eO"lT'PA::

h~A 1"If1:t

oo~:l'"'e f"7IPAm;;: +~~ n..,..t\~1'''7..OD~~~ .:J1..~?f

!j~.i1A- "'IPAm;;: ~,.. 1'4..e'i~~ ~,~~

lil OIlU h~A OfiT iaC f+~"11a>- O~FulrA OO'"7FT ht}'\T laC fOOf.+~~~ f"70Am;;: +*"7T' OOOf.OOl\hT+L~OOf..e1f'iAT

II "7,;;: a>-r 00'"7 F :J-lf f"70Am;;:

+*r a>-la"llf f~.e'i'ia """T.e'i~'PAT

rl OIlU h'+,.. O'O-la h'+,.. llilf+~"11a>- 0.'icr hAt\o"T OIlU h~AOfiT laC hh'+,.. ~t ~lah 2rO+~"11a>- hl).:\' OhAA ht)'\T iaCl\00f.+~~~ OO'"7F:J-lf f"70Am;;:+*"7T f~.e'i'la .,.,.,.-,.. OOiamT

.e "T'\t\c::!jii. 1'1~"11 r~6J.1"

f"7,;;:a>-r OO'"7F:J-lf "70Am;;: +*rf1'"11 r,tiJ!' hOO'"7FT fOOf.OO~l1 O~T'i f:"'''7T hOA"l?f"T hOOf.oOol1 f FAm'i h~/T h"70Am;;: +*00- fa>-iaT 10.~ '-'ltJ.r +*00- hOOf./11a>-ia{l1:J-'if:;J~.elf'i A: :

2. I'plAm'i h~.f' ~l\"'lahLA'i hm~~

lil Ooot}hl\;;: ~~J{ i;h~h'i 00-1 fOOf./O

l\T' "7,;;:a>-r OO'"7F:J-lf +*rhIPA"l?f"T f FAm'i h~1 foool1ol1'i010.a>- fOOm+r OOl1:r- hl\a>-:

Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 26 1st March, 2004 ... Page 2574

4/ The Offic.e shall... iss~e directiyes whichdetermine the organization and operation. of aTrade Test Items Bank and follow up theirimplementation.

5/ The Ministry or a body authorized by it shallaward qualification certificates havingnationwide recognition to those who soqualify in a trade testing.



48. Financial autonomy of a training institution

1/ The provisions of this Part Seven shall applyto training institutions operated under theorgans of the Federal Government.

2/ Every public training institution shall haveinternal [mancial autonomy.

3/ Notwithstanding the provision of Sub Article(1) hereof, the States may grant financialautonomy to public training institutionsoperated under their organs in a mannersimilar to those provided under articles 48through 53 ofthis part seven.

49. Sources of fund

The sources of fund of every public traininginstitution shall be annual budget and subsidyallocated by the Government, training tuition feecollected from trainees, the institution's internalincome as well as donations and assistance theinstitution may receive.

50. Collection and utilization of trainingfee


1/ Every public Middle Level Technical andVocational Education and Traininginstitution shall have powers to collect and toutilize training tuition fee.

Page 24: ~k* · 2017-11-23 · ~k* ... ii

1~ IrA. ~;J6+ ; ."'C II ,1)-1:+ I' +'t IllfB '1.9"

II OH.U J\.,.it"" 1o.h J\,+1\ I~I0+ 1.~11ID- ... ODlPl.T fDttD(a~ID-

f plAm~ .ml pI,. I\,e. hoo'Pt\- Od.:'"fhti:J'ID- rD!'m19.l\fI'.4.l\- oDt~n:"'C"~~hC fL:,.i -1,"1': "ARTT

:f:.f'f:-- - \<,~:.


EI 0J\"7f1{)' "L~6w }P{,. I\.e f'P/\1fplAm~ M:I OOm' IP/1t1."7 (JJ.e~"'h4.~t\-' -AdJIr fDt;J=/\ID- OH.U",,+1\ ,o.n ""+1\ III 0+1.~11ID-OOlP~:'" O~~DtJ' oIP/n~+~ .etfc;lA::

:li. 10.. fIP/OO',n ~DDm+'" oo-o~

~I OIJ'~ID-~ oo'''P:J-tf fIP/(alAm~+!I:~ O'rc;:'" I\.e f+OO(a~i: f1fl.OIJn1~ "")~n?""9>~' IP/'q8J,~c; 01fl.tD-

foom+9" 0011:'" J\/\ID-I

\ \ II "'"7f111 fI/\tD- U"7 O/\.I\ hl).:\' f+1.~110. crc~ 0IJ'~tD-~ fOlJ(alAm~ +!I:~h10. OIJn1~ "'~n? 9'~ fDtJ'11tD-'10. p{,. I\.e OIJ'PlAc; + {"d.tD-,Ofl}OOi: ~(an 1tJ'1.C"7 oom+~

. .e:r-I\IAI

EI OH.U hti:1A (afl:'" nc f+1.~11tD-;,n ~,~:,.. fDtoo/\h+tD- 0IJ1~tD-~00'"7 P :J-tf OIJ(alAm~ +!I:~;,nc; f'll~:'" ",.tltJ.~ flP{,.+7f":r- ",n+~1.C "7lAiJ~:"'c; +mJ'cf:~:"" ODtJ'~;J"7T PCl}:'" fDtoo{,. ootf~ oo~;J1T J\/\O:"'::

!ll. f''lPtll 00111-0 fOO/1l "7R..~

~/f~D/1I 0011111 hJ' J'1I' O+oo/\h+O/\.I\ iIl"7 f+1.~11tD- "'1.+mO+ tfcr

0IJ'~tD-~ Uu'"7P:J-tf OIJ(alAm~ +!I:~

f~ Pt1l 00""711:"" h1.;Jd. (a~p.:r- ;JCO:"'hhlAc; O+".tl\ OOIAtJ. OOJ'1IJ\/\O:"';

II OH.U J\,+1\ ,o.n J\,+1\ I~I f+(JJ(a~tD-m~I\I\ J\~;J1C It.e+~n "J"~'~OO1"7p:J-tf OIJ(alAm~ +!I:~;

01 OIJ'~ID-'~ f'+!l:oo-' 10.c;~,~:t:,;

f+!l:oo-' (JJfJJ.9>:r-;/\1

FederalNegaritGazeta No. 26 III March, 2004 ... Page 2575

2/ The amount and the manner of collection ofthe training tuition fee determined pursuantto the provision of Sub Article (1) hereofshall, before being implemented, be approvedby the Council of Ministers.

3/ Any decision to increase or alter the mannerof collection of any training tuition feeproperly approved may be effected only uponobtaining an approval thereon pursuant to the

'" provision of Sub Article (2) hereof.

51. Right to generate and utilize income

1/ Every public training institution shall havethe right to undertake income-generating.activities and to utilize any incometherefrom.

2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of any lawwhich may provide otherwise, every publictraining institution shall have the right toutilize the income it generates and to utilizeany residue of any such income beyond anybudget year.

3/ The funds, property as well employees of anypublic training institution to which the[mancial autonomy provided under this PartSeven applies shall be administered in amanner ensuring transparency andaccountability .

52. Books of Accounts

1/ Without prejudice to the provisions of anyother law, any public training institution shallkeep accurate and complete books ofaccounts and supporting doc~ents.

2/ Without prejudice to the provision of SubArticle (1) thereof, every public traininginstitution shall register and keep:

a) All incomes ofthe institutions and theirsources;

b) Expenditures of the institution;

Page 25: ~k* · 2017-11-23 · ~k* ... ii

.,~ t.1A ~,;l~T ,;In.,,, .'PC ~I ftJi;T ~r n Iitf21 'U"

tIt/ fntPtl1 ~Ij,}lf f'J'~ 1'}Hl1 tt:t'lTOD"7"66J.:OD1I"7n ODJ'1I ""OT;

v O~U "'}+~ '}~~ "'}+~ ~/ ,,+~~11l& "7Yu:J' "L~1.SJD t'I/IA f"7t'1Am~+*tJD. fO~T '}ODT fOD'}"7PT'}fO~T '}ODT f+h+" ~lflfA::

:It:. ~" }.£T rcOD~

~/ "7'}~l&SJD fOD'}"7PT "7t'1Am~ +*SJDf'l.Ptl1 ODIj"711Tlf f1'}Hl1 ~h .,.~r-TOf'}OD-I: O~Yu&.A tplf J.-'t+C ODp~J'o.T "7~ODCODC ""OT;

(1/ f J.-'t +4f. fSJDCOD&. ~7'CT +*tJD.+m~ "1f~"T "I-JA OD~l.l1 ""OT::

~f1; h~.hlj" tJD.J' ~~'i~AL05:__rl\~~I:


:lfl.f$1IUJlf tJD.'y +rUCTlf FAmlf Uc:..1J;

""7l111 lI"l& Ib" U"7 Olb" "I].~') I-JA+~ ~11 O+C 01J1~-I: l&~'J' f~I-J~~l&'} fi;h~hlf tJD.~ TSJDUCTlf pAmlf'} OO"~~Tf~OD&.lf ~l.jfl&'} f~(J)~'} O~U "tp~

l&~'J' "~ihLT o.T" "f+lI" f~m&.l&O~Yu&.A TSJDUCT ~~~i;C fi;h~hlftJD.J' TSJDUCTlf ~Amlf HCtt: ~lflfA::

:I~. f2tihLT 0.1: ,}""7J'JT

~ULT 0.-1: h~u O:J'T f+OD"h-l:T

"m'+"~ ,}""79'T ~C;4f.:J'A:

~/ fU1~-I:,} f Jt.t1C;~J''elf "7UO&''e "f:1T ,}""79'T +"7l1&.'e ""7f:1."7 f~J'~T~ fi;h~hlf tJD.J' TSJDUCTlf FAmlf9'T O""7l1{1.. +~&.~+l&lf 'J'&.:J':fl& +ml1~ OH"ct~T "'}-'tI-J~~"7 f:1."7;

jl/ It,.. T tt:TY'e Olf~ OD,}1f: FAmlf"7"71:J':fl&'} f~t'lm-TSJD FAmlf9'TfU1~-I:,} fA"7T TASJDlf ft'l"m~ ft'll&;}~A tt:""'T'} ODlPl.T J'~l.'"ODlflf:fl&'} ODh:J'+A;

Federal NegaritGazeta No. 26 )st March, 2004 Page 2576

c) Balance sheet and cash flow statements.

3/ Regarding the implementation of theobligation provided under this Article SubArticle (2) the budget year of the institutionshall be the budget year of the Government.

53. Audit

1/ Books of accounts and financial documents ofevery training institution shall be auditedannually by the Office of the Federal AuditorGeneral.

2/ The audit report shall be presented to theorgan to, which the training institution isaccountable.



54. The Technical and Vocational Education andTraining Sector

Unless otherwise provided by other laws, theTechnical and Vocational Education and TrainingSector of the Federal Ministry of Education (inthis Proclamation referred to as "the Office")shall have powers to provide superior leadershipand to prescribe standards as regards technicaland vocational education and training carried outin the country.

55. Objectives of the Office

The Office shall have the following GENERALobjectives:

1/ To cause technical and vocational educationand training to be properly organized and toensure its quality and continuity with the aimof realizing the country's objectives foreconomic and social growth;

2/ To follow up toot all citizens receive trainingin an equitable manner and that all trainingprograms are based on the country'sdevelopment strategy and the needs of thelabour market;

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1~ ~/I\ '1;J6.}-;J1f.I1J."'C ~I rt)-t.}- n +, lliln 'U" FederalNegaritGazeta No. 26 }stMarch,2004 ... Page 2577

rl Oi:h~h~ lID- Y T9"UCT~ FlAm~

HC~ 9"C9"C,}~ FlAm~'} fOl/.,Y"Iot\11T1J1&.'£ h:"9" oo1,}I1T::

.21. f?l:hLT 0.-1: FlAffl,}~ 1-""II1C

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hm~".e FlAffl'}~ 1-"1I1&.T .ecr4f.;I'IA:-

lil fIJ16.J:'} fi:h~h~ lID-f T9"UCT~F IAm~ "'T &.i: ~ YH;J~ IAI 0.0.(":"9"


rl fIJ16.J:'} f h. JlcrOl/., IAU?T~ ~.("1T"'T&.i:~ oolP{.T 0U?.("{'"1 fi:h~h~lID-Y T9"UCT~ FlAm~ 1.{'~P'"f').elD"'~ IA;

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L~"9" 000061 IlD"l1A I fllD-1 FIA

m~ 1.{'~,}~ FC£}1- T9"UCT IH;J~IA I 1""1I1&.,£~;I':flD-'}9" .eh;l'1""IA;

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61P'"f'} IlD"lIAI hL~"U?:flD-'}9"


"(;1 fllD- 1 11~T U?{.;J16IiJ.

1 1.&.~1AI .e~"lm&.lA;


~I 1J1C h~~ fi:h~h~ lID-1 T9"UCT~FlAm~ U?m~~~1 U?"'{,~ hO"l'"000061 IlD"l1A I 1""1I1&.'£~.J:,}9"


XI fi:h~h~ lID- 1 T9"UCT~ "'lAm~

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tl Oi:h~h~ lID-1 T9"UCT~ "'lAm~".61 9"C9"C'"f ~'}-'tt}~~ 11.C;JIA;

ill f F&. ".e 1A9"9".(" hL~"9" 000061

P'"f'} IlD"l1A I 1""111&.'£ ~ '}-'ttf~11.C;JIA;

31 To build national capacity which enhancesresearch and training regarding the technicaland vocational education and training sector.

56. Powers and duties of the Office

The Office shall have powers and duties asprovided hereunder:

11 To prepare the country's strategy fortechnical and vocational education andtraining and, when approved, to cause itsimplementation;

21 To determine standards for technical andvocational education and training on the basisof the country's economic development andgrowth strategy.

31 To issue directives for the organization ofmiddle level technical and vocationaleducation and training programs, to prepareoccupational training standards and curriculafor the same, and to follow up theimplementation of the same;

41 To issue directives regarding the operationand accreditation of training institutions andto follow up their implementation;

51 To organize trade testing systems and tosupervise their operations;

61 To issue directives for a certifications systemof nationwide application and to follow uptheir implementation;

71 To study and follow up that technical andvocational education and training programsare carried out in line with the country'sdevelopment strategy and human resourceneeds;

81 To cause researches to be undertaken in thearea of technical and vocational educationand training;

91 To issue directives for the implementation ofapprenticeship training and to follow up theirimplementation;

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1'"~A.);J6-1- .?tLtrl ."'(: 3'1 fl)1;+ 3'1 .,., Iilfn <J.9"

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fhlAlA fi: h~he; 00. ~ .}.?Duc.}.e;

~lAme; TC''7t.lfD"f I1h.;r"7 "'}.it0'~

""11 ~F.C;J1A1f'7lA flitVll.y.."f Oi:h~he; 00. ~

.}.?Duc.}.e; ~lAme; HCt;:fD?I)1'4cO.}.') oo,}1'(- ~oo~~1A1



lEI Oi:h~he; 00. ~ .}.?Duc.}.e; ~lAme;y.."f T h t)IA "'~1' 7f"f

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""h~;r6~.}.Igl ft)t&,}I1t\-~1t\'7"1A1

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IZI ht)t&,}I1t\- ...111)0. ;JC ooooot)hcVt)t&,}I1t\-'} V~t. /J:,..(-e; O~.}.~H;J1fIAT t\t)t&,}I1t\- V1'L~F.t\.}.,}O~.}. ~I11'~.(-t.IA::


!Ii. M!lGJ-'}/at\- oo~

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t)t&,}I11A OH.U htp~ 1'!l:cIl",tIA::

!I~. r"GJ-~hA- ~"A. ~-1:

t)t&,}I1t\- hH.u O;r"f V1'ooith1:.}. 1''7flCe;

~"4C.~.y.."f ~li~;rIA:-

~I 1\UL.}. 0.1: OH.U htp~ V1'omt&'}~"4C.~.}. ootDfll.}. ~"f1A H'}.(- ?Dhce;

""11 ~"'fllIA1

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:,.') ~.}.'} 1

itl V00. ~ h'tfto.}. ~lAme; F.t.1f?DF.fl'}T Voo.~ 1I~.}. ?DHe;e;V?DI1hC tDt. ~.}. "''''fll'f''} 1

FederalNegaritGazeta No. 26 1stMarch, 2004 Page 25~

,,101 toca~se tracer study to be carried out with aview to ensuring the effectiveness of trainingprograms;

11/ To render assistance to the States with a viewto ensuring the effectiveness of theirtechnical and vocational education andtraining programs;

121 To facilitate the participation of privateinvestors in the area of technical andvocational education and training;

131 To devise a system under which women,handicapped people and the young States areafforded special attention as regards technicaland vocational education and training.

14/To serve as the secretariat for the Council;

151 To prepare plan of operations and budget ofthe office and implementit upon approved;

161 Inconsultation with the presiding over of thecouncil prepare the plane of operation andbudget of the council and administer thesame upon opproval.

57. Establishment of the Council

Technical and Vocational Education andTraining Council which shall provide advise andrender assistance to the Office to enable the lattercarry out its powers and duties effectively ishereby established.

58. Responsibilities of the Council

The Council shall have duties and responsibilitiesas are provided hereunder:

1/ To provide advice and render assistance tothe Office to enable the latter carry out itsresponsibilities; ,

21 Without prejudice to the generality of theforegoing, the Council shall be advisor to theOffice and assist it as regards:a) The organization and coordination of

training programs;b) The determination of occupational

trainingstandards, trade testing andcertification;

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'lit ~ ~;J~+:JIL"l.1'C II rtt-t+"

., IIIID ...r

dJ rlaAm'i A'i r10J' r"'t& ~~At;:",..+ 1''i+':

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wI r1:h\,h'i IJOeJ' OOlJ"u~' hAm'i'i,

I'lID-J' "7if?( J" I

1.1 h~Am'i r"tt&A r4.~'i'h lJ"'~"7L"h"'i "7"~"':

...1 r"7"'Am~ 1'~"7+ ~t.1f "aJ,,""'iiJt&:t'i ""'IIl"" I

"iil rlJ"ClJ"C'i 1:ut. ~Am'i h++A,T O"tOOhh+ r~u.L+ 0.1: ""7I]t 1ft;" ~"'~AT A1tt J'~C;JA::


rl I]t&'hh-I

ul r~uL+ 0.1:, r~~ ":"1: ~oo(.lJ"~AT "h1'J'r1:'''' ~"'IIlAI

hI 01:h\,h'i IJOeJ' +lJ"UC+'i ~Am'i,. T T "I]A .,..Jl1'71"T A' -'l u.,..

:rJl'l. hAt\-T A" +tJ.t.+ A'-'lJ'11- r"tJ'h TA ~ctt+ A'-'l +rhJ'~C;JAI

tltl O"'hm~ r"'t& ~~A ooh'idJ' J'hfl:ft&, 1JOeJ'9'T' J'hm'iAT ~hJ'AI

001 I'~~ ~"d.~1:' hOOaJlIl+ "hL"'l.'i:ft& -fit\- r"tJ'lJ"'fI:ft&, r1:h\,h 11"t1:9'T' J'~"'''7AI

wI 1'mt hlf~O+ "I]A I'~~ "L""'"t7'C+ J'+CflA::

!lii. r"t&~nA- J\q,,~

61 I]t&'hh- 0 "fI"+ ~t;"~:rAI

II Olf..U"'+~. ,o.h "'+~ Irl r1'~~

11t& A'~1'mO+ 1ft;" rl]t&'hh-"fI"+1


tJl ".,fI-fI I]":ft&roo'''~ oo/o."'T:

FederalNegaritGazda No. 26 1- March, 2004 Page 2579

c) The study of training and human resourceneeds;

d) The establishment of a system enhancingapprenticeship. training;

e) The training and upgrading of technicaland vocational teachers;

t) The search and enhancement of sourcesof fund for training purposes;

g) The detennination of standards for traininginstitutions and their accreditation;

h) Research and tracer study.

3/ The Council:

a) Shall review and comment on the plan ofoperations of the Office; i

b) Shall cause the setting up of a systemunder which women, handicappedpeople and the relatively less developedStates are afforded special attention asregards techrlical and vocationaleducation and training;

c) Shall cause occupations that shall beheld by trained manpower to be studiedand identify the same;

c) May establish technical committees as itmay deem necessary for"carrying out itsresponsibilities; \

e) Shall submit activity reports to the organto which it is accountable.

59. Members of the Council

11 The Council shall have 30 members.

2/ Without prejudice to the provision of Sub-Article (3) hereof, the Minister shall selectand assign members of the Council. Theyshall be selected from:.

a) The relevant government offices;

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'l~ IrIA ";l6.}- .?/f,fII "''I'C tI~ rt)-f:.}- till +, Iyn~ 'U"

/\1 Oh1C h+~ ~l.jf h+'l'+~f ttlP&sP"f -: flP&.+~e; fOD-y""I,.,O&'T;

ml h""1f111 I]~:fm- 00'""1F7lf YAU"~~C J!..y.."f;

001 hli m~lJU fl i;h~he; OD-YAm~ +!I:""IT;

O~~"'T~ +ooCmm- ~oo~flft.::


EI ffhAft. fi;h~he; OD-Y TlJUUCTe;FAme; hoo&.C OQJ" hl]A ~~~fl]m-,,..ft. hflA ~U"e;A;

gl I]m-,,..ft. O~ ~"'T~ f~ofOD- 011...0.e;lJUhTA 011...0. ~t;~7A::

~. ~tt~1"'t\-__rll1J(\qrC'.:t-

lil I]m-,,..ft. o.y,,.. O"''''T mc h' ~ tit00 ~O~ "'11ofl Y~C;JA:: u"t;lJUh"':fIJ.~ ~~7 I\Y;J1'lJU O""le;:fm-lJUtit fl]m-,,..ft. 011...0. m~lJU hhfl~i:lilE f""l Y'(f. I\m~«II ,..11ofl I\.m&.~"f~A;

fll hl]m-''''I\- hfl~T ool]hA h""1""17iO~~h+11- f,..11oflm- lJUA'}+ 1-fltt~U"e;A;

EI fl]tD-,,..1\- m-"'~sP"f f~ +~/\4cTO~lJU1\ 11Atibl ~m-:: u"t;lJU ~lJU1\

All-A f+hL/\ A'~U"~ 011",0.m-O~omm- ~lJU1\ ~moe; A;

gl fl]m-,,..I\- 011...0. 0""1~ 1~OT 'lit lJUhTA 011...m- fo11"'o.m-, ~~~~.y.."fOOD-I\- yhe;m-e;A;

l;1 flf.U h'+1\ Ib~"f ~';J'LsP"f A'~+mO«ll U"~m-I]m-''''I\- f&.(f.' fhlP&.CFC'}.}- f~m,.., ~'11 I\.ymfll~"f~A::

~li. ~""'t\- AIJ'\T_JillA

fl]m-,,..I\- hfl~T OIf.U h'l'J!. oolPl.T /\~YOl.hi:T h1A""1~T hOA ~hL~:f'l'A::hOI\- f~hLAOT ~~7e; f hOI\- oom'O~~"'TC""f lJUhC o.T ~mOe;A::

Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 26 1" March, 2004 "" Page 2S80

b) Associations or federations of empoyers,employees or professionals organized atnational level;

c) The relevant non-governmental organi-zations;

d) One or two technical and vocationaltraining institutions;

3/ The head of the organ directing the technicaland vocational education and training mattersof each State shall be a member of theCouncil.

4/ The Council shall have a chairperson and avice-chairperson selected and nominated bythe Minister.

60. Meetings of the Council

1/ The Council shall have a regular meeting atleast once in every three months. Thechairperson of the Council or at least 1/3 ofits members may, however, convene anextraordinary meeting whenever an urgentmatter arises.

2/ There shall be a quorum where more thanhalf of the members of the Council arepresent at the meeting.

3/ Decisions of the Council shall be passed bymajority vote of members present at itsmeeting. In case of a tie, the chairpersonshall have a casting vote.

4/ In the absence of the chairperson, the vice-chairperson shall assume all his functions.

5/ Without prejudice to the other provisions ofthis Article, the Council may issue rules todetermine its own working procedure.

61. Allowance of members of the Council

Members of the Council are entitled to be paidallowances for services they render pursuant tothis Proclamation. The Council of Ministers shalldetermine the amount and conditions or paymentof said allowances.

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'1'"irA ~;J6+ ;J/f,1l/"",C i!~ ftJ-t+ ill +, !i!f~t~ 'J.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 26 1s\ March,2004 Page 2581

~I. r"l&~"'t\- "'m~~

rl'Jm-~{}t\- "'m6~T f\T~UCT O?,~{}TCf,tfe; A::

b§:~ flm=JA~ A~' ~~-"£.

~r. ()A-~ttCP.T5 (aijp.:f

"'i'}~l&~ r"'i(aAm~ .,.*~ r.,.*oo-')rF&. 006: rJ\(aA"l7f:f'}e; r(aA"l7f:'f'}:6ttCp.:'fe; (a~p.:'f') O'J''}~ck 00 fll


~g. 00l.~ {}f\"'i~L-fI

lif "'i'}~l&SJD r"'i(aAm~ .,.*SJD lJl&:,.e;(a~l& flf\F A"l,) O"'ie;:fl&SJD 'ULf\.m f,:" {}f\ .,.* 00- h ,:,.{}~ .,.1Q

ool.~ "'i:"l.1I J\f\OT;

fl.f J\"1f111 flf\l& U"1 Ot\.1\ J\I).~'} I]A"'~~11 Ocf-C lJl&:,.e; f'I~l& flf\FAlll'}

OH.U J\'}cf-?i '}{).{} J\'}cf-?i flif OOlPl.Trcf-l.Ot\T'} 00l.~ OSJDP'm.C f,mll


~t. ~~~f~ "'f\"'i~

lif O"1A flf\lJlIT mf,~ r,}"1~ "'iUOCmf,SJD OO,}"1P':rlf flAtf~ ~C~Tflf\o.T~T rO?,I]~~ r"'if'lAm~ .,.*~ro?"f'lO{}Ol&'} rp'Ame; h~f OOO~~r FAme; floo'} ool]hA r"'ita~"1 f\l&'J't\.~l."10T J\f,:'fA~;

fl.f r"'if'lAm~ "'*00- r p'Ame; h~f~"'i 6 f\ "'i~ l. "1 hmf'l~ h -'t"" '} ",oo'}

OP'&. I\f, rO?,fl&t\l& r.,. ffll& oo~O~ r p'Ame; Hoo'} h"'ill~i: h"'{}Tmc O&.T lPA"l7f:'f h'}-'tfl&4ITJ\~C-'1 OO?,cf-'J'f\l& OO~O~ rp'Ame;Hoo'} 001..006f I\f, f,tfe;A::

62. Accountability of the Council

The Council shall report to the Minister of Education.


63. Records and documents

A training institution shall keep the records anddocuments of its head, trainers, and trainees.

64. Submission of information

1/ A training institution shall submit properinformation on its activities wheneverrequired to do so by the AccreditingAuthority.

2/ The Accrediting Authority shall, unlessotherwise .provided by law, keep theconfidentiality of the information submittedto it pursuant to the provision of Sub Article(I) hereof.

65. Increase of training tuition fee

11 The training tuition fee collected by a traininginstitution owned and operated by a privateinvestor or a non-governmental organizationmay not be increased during a regulartraining period.

2/ Should the training institution decide toincrease its training tuition fee, it shall notifythe trainees three months before the end ofthe current regular training period, and suchnew rates shall be effective as of thebeginning of the next regular training period.

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.FederalNegaritGazeta No, 26 111March. 2004 Page 2582

ft. ~.:J,.&.r !':., .:J'L

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f"t~h.}-C"T S"'hC R..}- t\ff.U 1\"~

1\1..~"S'" l\hl..1\ 1. ftr~ ~'11 ",,,,.tlJT


~Ji. +LJI"7..~.}- r"~'r~:faJe U1-~"''''.&.r9'~

hff.U l\"~ ;JC f"t?l.' ""I?",.S'" U.,

m~S'" ouou &.r Off.U 1\" ~ """''1' 0.,. i'iI..~ ""~f"T 1\~ .,. I..~ "t ~.}- 1\~ tj l.""S"': :

(t. MJ: r"'~'iR:" 1.1L

~U l\tp~ O~Yo~A ~;J&.}- ;Jlt.tIJ :rTIfPhmtIJo.}-.", 1:S"'C" fO'i ~tr'iA::

l\Jlh l\OI1f"1:.}- 1'1 .", IiifD' '�.r

"'C'" mA~ 1.f"C1.hrl\. .}-f"A-J' 1..F.~"'f F.1"h~"".r'f &T11t\.h


66. Transitory provisions

Any training institution established prior to thecoming into force of this Proclamation may,within the time limit prescribed by the LicensingAuthority, apply fQraccreditation.

67. Obligation to cooperate

Every person shall cooperate with the Office in itsendeavors to fulfill its objectives provided underthis Proclamation.

68. Power to issue Regulations

The Council of Ministers may issue Regulationsas may be necessary to implement thisProclamation.

69. Inapplicable laws and directives

Any laws or directives that are inconsistent withthis Proclamation shall not apply to mattersprovided for in this Proclamation.

70. Effective date

This Proclamation shall come into force on thedate of its publication in the Federal NegaritGazeta.

Done at Addis Ababa this 1stday of March, 2004