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  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    2008 Field Test Findings


    SuccessEngaging Entering Students

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    2 2008 Field Test Findings

    For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit

    Imagine Success is the rst report published by the

    Center or Community College Student Engagement,

    newly established by the College o Education and

    the Community College Leadership Program at Te

    University o exas at Austin. Te Center is an umbrella

    organization or our continuing eorts to provide data,

    services, and support to colleges seeking to improve

    student learning, persistence, and attainment.

    When we launched the Community College Survey o

    Student Engagement (CCSSE) in 2001 and then ollowed

    it with the Community College Faculty Survey o

    Student Engagement (CCFSSE) and the new Survey oEntering Student Engagement (SENSE), we could only

    imagine that by 2009 we would have worked with more

    than 700 community colleges to survey nearly a million

    students in 49 states, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, and

    the Marshall Islands.

    Yet over that period o time, we have been part o a sea

    change in community college education. Communities,

    colleges, and students increasingly are recognizing

    the critical role o college education in securing

    our individual and collective utures. Accordingly,

    community college educators at the leading edge are

    demonstrating a new commitment to data-inormeddecisions and evidence-based strategies or improvement.

    It is clear, given daunting challenges both scal and

    educational, that those strategies must be bold and

    imaginative. Our students deserve nothing less.

    We grateully dedicate this report to community college

    leaders at every level who dare to imagine success and

    then to make the changes necessary to attain it.

    Kay McClenney


    Center or Community College Student Engagement

    Supported by grants rom

    Houston Endowment Inc.

    Lumina Foundation or Education

    MetLie Foundation

    Co-sponsored by

    Te Carnegie Foundation or the Advancement

    o eaching


    Whatever you can do, or dreamyou can, begin it. Boldness hasgenius, power, and magic in it.

    Johann Wolgang von Goethe (17491832)

    Published by the Center or Community College Student Engagement.

    2009 Permission granted or unlimited copying with appropriate citation.

    Please cite this report as: Center or Community College Student Engagement. (2008). Imagine Success: Engaging Entering

    Students (2008 SENSE Field Test Findings). Austin, TX: The University o Texas at Austin, Community College Leadership Program.

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    1Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students


    Foreword What I? Why Not? 2

    Te Benets and Challenges o Successully

    Engaging Entering Students 3

    Six Design Principles: Features o a College

    Designed or Student Success 5

    Principle #1: Personal Connections

    Principle #2: High Expectations and Aspirations

    Principle #3: A Plan and a Pathway to SuccessPrinciple #4: An Eective rack to College Readiness

    Principle #5: Engaged Learning

    Principle #6: An Integrated Network o Financial,

    Social, and Academic Support

    Implications: Doing Education Dierently 17

    Overview o the 2008 SENSE Field est

    Respondents 19

    CCCSE National Advisory Board 20

    SENSE echnical Advisory Panel 20

    You cant depend on your eyes when yourimagination is out o ocus.

    Mark wain (18351910)

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    2 2008 Field Test Findings

    For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit


    What If? Why Not?

    We all are amiliar with the litany o national reports

    on the status o American education: We ace a rising

    tide o mediocrity, we are alling toward the bottom

    rung among developed nations, and so on. Te reports,combined perhaps with the daily challenges inherent in

    community college work, have aected both our expec-

    tations and our aspirations. We have come to expect

    and even possibly to accept the worst.

    Community colleges have begun to undertake the

    courageous discipline o using data to develop an honest

    understanding o student experiences. But as we develop

    this culture o evidence, we see that by many measures

    eective student engagement, success in developmental

    education, persistence, attainment o credentials our

    results are not what they need to be.

    But what i we started attaining our most ambitious

    goals, and the reports began to herald outstanding,

    mind-boggling success or our eorts? What i the

    reports began to certiy major gains in student out-

    comes? What might that successul experience look

    like? What would students do in their earliest weeks

    o college? In what ways would those experiences be

    strikingly dierent rom what typically happens now?

    I our innovative and persistent eorts lead to greatly

    increased success or entering students, we will ace a

    new and ironic challenge: Have we designed our colleges

    to handle success, or would dramatically higher levels ostudent achievement turn our colleges upside down?

    Attaining signicantly better outcomes requires

    transormational change in practice and in policy. But

    it begins with change in institutional culture speci-

    cally, with an armation o values and belies that place

    student success as our highest priority. We are beginning

    to operate on a culture o evidence, but we also need to

    concern ourselves with evidence o culture a culture

    ensuring that these values and belies undergird every

    institutional and individual action.

    Imagine a college at which administrators, aculty, and

    sta all:

    Arm that every community college student can be


    Believe that, given the right conditions, all students

    can learn.

    Exorcise the right to ail rom the collective


    Deeply value personal connection with every student.

    Genuinely respect students time as well as the

    strengths and experiences they bring with them to


    Put into practice atscale what we know works.

    And imagine a college where we thoughtully, purpose-ully set up the conditions or success in the rst three

    weeks o each students college lie.

    Where ailure has become the too-requent pattern

    even the expectation a genuine commitment to

    success requires dramatic interventions to shatter that

    pattern and engage students in new ways o learning and

    living. In colleges that intentionally create conditions

    or success in the early weeks o college, students not

    only are exposed to patterns o success they are more

    likely to adopt them and become adept at navigating and

    sustaining them, both independently and condently.

    Imagine a ocus on developing this competence and con-

    dence in learning and living well during each students

    earliest weeks o college. And then imagine what we

    would do in week our, in week 10, and or the rest o the

    year, and next year, and the year ollowing. Tis second

    national report rom the Survey o Entering Student

    Engagement (SENSE) shows us emerging strategies or

    engaging entering students and encourages us to

    consider not only how to promote greater achievement,

    but also how we would have to adapt our current ways

    o doing education i we succeed.

    Terry OBanion

    President Emeritus, League or Innovation in the

    Community College

    Director, Community College Leadership Program,

    Walden University

    Tere are those who look at thingsthe way they are, and ask why. Idream o things that never were, andask why not?

    Robert Kennedy (19251968)

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    3Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students

    The Benefits and Challenges ofSuccessfully Engaging Entering Students

    Imagine an America in which the vast majority o com-

    munity college students nish what they start. Imaginethat close to 90% o students complete demanding

    courses with a grade o C or better. Tat nearly all

    developmental education students complete their

    developmental coursework and successully transition

    to college-level courses. Tese improvements could lead

    to others: Imagine that rst- to second-year persistence

    increases rom about 50% to 75% and then continues

    to rise. I these milestones came to be, we might soon

    double the number o community college students who

    complete certicates, earn degrees, or transer to our-

    year institutions to continue their education.

    Tis report presents preliminary ndings rom the

    2008 eld test o the Survey o Entering Student

    Engagement (SENSE). It asks readers to use these nd-

    ings to understand the experiences o entering students

    at community colleges today and to envision a path

    to a dramatically dierent uture. Te prospect o

    genuine, large-scale success has powerul implications

    or students, communities, the nation, and the way

    community colleges approach their work.

    Success (or Failure) Begins at the

    Front DoorCommunity colleges today typically lose about hal

    o their students prior to the students second year o

    college. Other students remain in school but struggle

    with developmental courses and dont progress to

    college-level work. A recent study o Achieving the

    Dream colleges determined that 14% o entering students

    do not earn a single college credit in their rst term. In

    turn, this dramatic lack o success lowers persistence

    rates just 15% o students who earn no credits in their

    rst term persist to the ollowing term, compared to

    74% o students who earn credit in their rst term.

    Tese results are unacceptable and all ar short o

    students aspirations. Aer all, how many students go

    through the intake process and register or college with

    an expectation o earning zero credits?

    Tere is good news. In recent years, a growing number

    o community colleges have become serious about

    using evidence to make decisions. In those institutions,

    administrators, aculty members, and sta are examin-

    ing data and engaging ully and honestly with it. Tis

    willingness to act on act rather than on assumptions

    or wishul thinking is a critical rst step in helpingmore students thrive.

    wo-thirds o American community college students

    attend institutions that have participated in CCSSE,

    SENSE, or both. Many o these colleges are actively

    and continuously looking or ways to improve

    their educational practice. Tey are implementing

    proven strategies, developing innovative approaches,

    introducing and evaluating pilot projects, and working

    to bring promising programs to scale.

    Te imperative or improving student success now calls

    community colleges to next steps: envisioning, planning,and implementing the bold changes that will lead to ar-

    reaching success. Tis process begins with a ocus on the

    ront door.

    Achievement at community colleges cannot meaning-

    ully improve when nearly hal o all new students

    leave aer only one or two terms. o attain signicant

    educational goals, students must, at a minimum, stay

    in school. But the real reason colleges must ocus on

    entering students is that early success sets the stage or

    Be willing to consider everything. Te mistake we make so oen is thinkingwe can improve a largely dysunctional process by making small, incrementalchanges I youre not willing to rethink everything, you end up simplyrearranging the deck chairs on the itanic, and theres no way were going to

    bring about signicant change doing that. Steven Murray, President, Phillips Community College o the University o Arkansas (AR)

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    4 2008 Field Test Findings

    For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit

    uture achievement. Current research indicates that

    completing the equivalent o the rst semester (1215

    credit hours) improves students chances o returning

    or subsequent semesters, reaching key milestones, and

    ultimately earning certicates and degrees. More and

    more, colleges are recognizing the importance o laying

    this strong oundation.

    Doing What Works

    As colleges examine data about their students, they oen

    discover that what theyknow about their students

    and about strong educational practice is disconnected

    rom what theydo.

    Community colleges know, or example, that their

    students are likely to arrive academically underprepared,

    attend college part-time, have job and amily obligations,

    and struggle with nancial obstacles. Yet colleges

    rom course scheduling and stang to academic policies,instructional approaches, and student support oen

    are designed as i most students do not ace these


    It is time to consider what would happen i colleges

    redesigned their educational approaches to refect the

    reality o student characteristics. It is time to consider

    the results o incorporating practices shown by evidence

    to be successul and o implementing those practices

    at scale so they dene the experience o all students, not

    just a ortunate ew.

    New questions would arise. How, or example, might

    colleges have to change the way they do business

    course scheduling, stang, and so on i many more

    students completed their developmental courses? Would

    we know how to manage a community college at which

    hal o all students were taking sophomore-level classes?

    What would have to change so there would be enough

    clinical placements, internships, and science labs or

    advancing students? What other adjustments would

    success require?

    Some will argue that todays economic realities render

    it impossible to make undamental changes or consider

    new initiatives. Te act, however, is that when resources

    are limited, it becomes more important to set clear pri-

    orities, nd ways to be more eective, and direct unds

    to activities that produce the greatest benet or the

    largest number o students. I community colleges are

    going to help more students succeed and help our

    country thrive now is the time to act, and to act boldly.

    Te value o engaging students and in particular,

    making sure this engagement begins early in their

    college experience is well documented. Certainly, the

    desire or increased student success is palpable. Already,many community colleges are developing educational

    strategies based on current research and data about their

    students perormance. Already, there are results to cele-

    brate on campuses across the country. Now we must turn

    to expanding these early successes to serve all students

    a goal that will require rethinking the undamentals o

    community college work.

    I all you ever do is all youve everdone, then all youll ever get is all

    you ever got.

    exas wisdom

    SENSE:Quantitative and Qualitative Data

    The Centers work with entering students has two central components

    SENSEsurvey, which provides detailed quantitative data, and the Star

    Rightinitiative, which provides qualitative data.

    The survey is administered during the ourth and fth weeks o the a

    academic term in courses most likely to enroll entering students. The

    asks students about institutional practices and student behaviors t

    that research indicates are associated with improved student success

    during the early weeks o college. Each year, the SENSEsurvey instru

    includes both the core survey, which will be the same rom year to yea

    plus several optional special-ocus modules. Each special-ocus modu

    delves deeply into a key issue related to entering student engagemen

    2008 feld test included three special-ocus modules Commitmen

    Support, Financial Assistance, and Student Success Courses. Particip

    colleges chose to include zero, one, or two modules in the survey o th

    students. In this report, data rom the special-ocus modules are integ

    with data presented rom the core survey.

    In addition to the quantitative data rom the survey, the Starting Rightinitiative, supported by the MetLie Foundation and Houston Endowme

    Inc., conducts qualitative research about the entering student experie

    Through ocus groups and interviews at select colleges, Starting Righ

    gathers the perspectives o new students as well as aculty, student s

    proessionals, and presidents, elevating their voices and painting a mo

    complete picture o the entering student experience. The Center conti

    to share promising practices identifed through this work.

    SENSEs rich survey data help colleges better understand whatis happ

    ing. Data rom the ocus groups and interviews can help them fgure out

    Throughout this report, quantitative and qualitative fndings are presente

    by side because each inorms our understanding o the other.

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    5Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students

    Six Design Principles: Features of aCollege Designed for Student Success

    Te six design principles discussed on the ollowing

    pages describe critical elements o engagement or enter-ing students. For each, SENSE eld test data and ocus

    group ndings report current practices and indicate

    the level o work needed to maximize entering student

    success. Descriptions o colleges current strategies

    demonstrate the results o using data to set priorities

    and make decisions.

    At a college designed or success, these six principles

    would dene the entering student experience; every

    entering student would be engaged in all six ways and

    students experiences would be well integrated rather

    than compartmentalized. Moreover, the design elements

    naturally overlap, and a college designed or success

    would capitalize on these intersections, nding new ways

    to make connections with its students and across its

    organizational boundaries.

    Te six design principles should be inescapably inte-

    grated into the critical time period or entering students

    the period that begins with the colleges initial contact

    with the student (which may be weeks or months

    beore he or she starts college) and ends as the student

    successully completes the earliest weeks o college.

    Many o these principles can and should continue

    throughout students college careers, but SENSE dataand this report ocus on this entering student timerame.

    Principle #1: Personal Connections

    Imagine a college at which every student is intentionally

    connected to an individual person who eels responsible

    or that students success and that these connections

    are made beore completion o the intake process.

    In Starting Rightocus groups, students consistently

    underscore the role that personal connections play in

    student persistence. When students tell their personal

    stories, they describe many reasons or eeling discour-

    aged or thinking about dropping out. But their reasonsor persisting almost always include one element: a strong

    connection to someone at the college. Relationships with

    aculty members, advisors, sta members, and other

    students play a critical role in engaging students and

    encouraging them to stick with their studies.

    For this reason, most community colleges encourage

    instructors to learn students names and encourage

    students to learn each others names as quickly as

    possible. Recognizing students by name demonstrates

    an investment in them. Making a personal connection

    encourages students to attend class because they know

    their absences will be noted; in many cases, this invest-

    ment can improve student perormance.

    Some institutions extend this responsibility to the entire

    college community, encouraging everyone on campus

    rom maintenance crews to administrative support sta

    to the college president to play a role in connecting

    with and supporting students.

    Preliminary Findings

    Te SENSE survey includes several items that gauge

    whether students eel welcome and personally connected

    to instructors, sta, and other students during their rst

    three weeks o college.

    Asked whether they agree with the statement, Te

    very rst time I came to this college, I elt welcome,

    80% o entering students agree or strongly agree, and

    4% disagree or strongly disagree.

    In response to the statement, I was able to get the

    inormation I needed to register or classes, 88%

    o entering students agree or strongly agree, and 6%

    disagree or strongly disagree.

    In our college, i you dont teach, your job is to help students get to class in the bestcondition or learning. Everybody has that responsibility. When someone violates

    that, they violate more than a policy. Tey violate a core value. Bill Law, President, allahassee Community College (FL)

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    6 2008 Field Test Findings

    For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit

    SENSE respondents report the quality o their relation-

    ships at the college during the rst three weeks o

    their rst academic term using a scale o 17, on which

    1 indicates unriendly, unsupportive, and sense o

    alienation, and 7 designatesriendly, supportive, and

    sense o belonging. Students report the quality o their

    relationships as ollows:

    Regarding administrative personnel and oce sta,

    48% indicate a 6or 7; 5% report a 1 or 2.

    Regarding other students, 53% o entering students

    describe their relationships as 6or 7; 3% report a

    1 or 2.

    Regarding instructors, 64% classiy their relation-

    ships as 6or 7; 2% indicate a 1 or 2.

    Students report the most positive relationships with

    instructors. Similarly, in ocus groups, students indi-

    cate that they consider instructors to be an essential

    source or support and eedback. As one student said,O course we can get encouragement rom amily and

    riends, but that instructor giving you that pat on the

    back it makes coming to class more rewarding.

    Some students develop personal connections with aculty

    and other students through social activities and clubs.

    However, given most students limited time on cam-

    pus, the best opportunities to build relationships oen

    are ound in engaged learning (both in and out o the

    classroom) and other structured experiences. o retain

    entering students, the earlier and more requently such

    experiences occur, the better.

    SENSE data indicate that colleges can create more

    opportunities or building strong connections early.

    For example, ewer than one-quarter o entering students

    (24%) reply yes to the question, Was a specic person

    assigned to you so you could see him/her each time you

    needed inormation or assistance?

    During the intake process, colleges can increase students

    opportunities to orm personal connections with aculty

    and sta by requiring academic advising and planning

    and by pairing entering students with case managers

    or mentors. In their courses, instructors can acilitate

    students connections with one another by building

    group projects, study groups, and other collaborative

    eorts into coursework.

    Entering Students First Impressions of Their Colleg

    The very rst time I came to this college, I elt welcome.

    I was able to get the inormation I needed to register or classes.

    Was a specic person assigned to you so you could see him/her eayou needed inormation or assistance?













    Strongly agree

    Strongly agree




    No opinion

    No opinion




    Strongly disagree

    Strongly disagree

    Source: 2008SENSE feld test data.

    It just seems that again and again,we see students who have really

    personal connections at the college

    being successul. Faculty member

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    7Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students

    Colleges Apply the Principle

    Northwest Vista College (TX) requires all rst-time-

    in-college students to take its Student Success Seminar.

    Unlike many other reshman seminars, which are pass/

    ail, students in this course receive letter grades. In

    recent semesters, the college has oered themed sections

    o the course, such as I Hate Math, For Psych MajorsOnly, and You Go Girl Womens Studies. Faculty

    members rom almost every discipline on campus teach

    the course and serve as resources or incoming students;

    many also maintain an inormal mentoring role or

    years. With the addition o the themed sections, students

    connect with aculty members with whom they share

    a career interest or rom whom they can get needed


    Te Ping Pong Club at Santa Fe Community College

    (NM) is a ormal, student-run campus organization.

    Club members meet at a ping pong table in the colleges

    campus center, which is located next to the caeteria.Te college placed the table in this high-trac space

    to attract students and encourage them to spend time

    together. Te strategy was sound; the Ping Pong Club is

    one o the strongest clubs on campus, successully grow-

    ing its membership each year. Recruitment is inormal

    generally students see their peers playing and ask how

    they can join and the club sponsors tournaments at

    all player levels each semester. One measure o the clubs

    popularity is its use o equipment: Te college has to

    replace the paddles every semester due to wear and tear.

    At Cuyahoga Community College (OH), student

    ambassadors serve as mentors or new students,

    particularly high-risk students. Te ambassadors help

    their peers discover and use campus resources, make

    connections on campus, and successully navigate their

    educational experience. Te program began in 2003 as a

    way to provide peer-based student services, and in 2008,

    it expanded as student ambassadors were trained to be

    mentors to a particular group o scholarship recipients.

    Te college has noted higher retention rates among stu-

    dents who had mentors.

    Principle #2: High Expectations andAspirations

    Imagine a college at which every new student is clear

    about the colleges high expectations or perormance

    and every student has high aspirations or his or her

    own success.

    In the words o Vincent into, No one rises to low

    expectations. On any college campus, it is easy to

    determine i the college community is setting high

    expectations or all students.* Te belie that allstudents

    can learn either does or does not permeate the

    campus. And this tone, whether positive or negative, sets

    the stage or student perormance.

    When colleges set high expectations or all students,

    they oen nd that students aspirations rise. Students

    begin to believe they can succeed even i they did not

    succeed in high school, even i their parents and grand-

    parents never set oot on a college campus, even i theyhave to work two jobs, even i English is not their rst

    language. Ten, students not only become more likely

    to attain their goals but also begin to reach or more.

    Tose who started out seeking a certicate might

    consider an associate degree. Tose on track or an

    associate degree start planning or the bachelors degree

    they will earn next.

    Preliminary Findings

    In response to the statement, I have the motivation to

    do what it takes to succeed in college, 68% o entering

    students strongly agree. While this motivation is critical,

    it has little value indeed it is wasted i students do

    not understand what it takes to be successul and adopt

    behaviors that lead to achievement. For example, nearly

    a third (32%) o entering students report that they turned

    in at least one assignment late, 25% say they ailed to

    turn in one or more assignments, 47% report that they

    came to class unprepared, 29% say that they skipped

    *For more inormation on this topic, see the 2008 CCSSE

    National Report, High Expectations and High Support.

    I the teacher seems to care, it motivatesthe student. I somebody calls youwhen you miss that light bulb comes

    on in your head.

    Male student

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    8 2008 Field Test Findings

    For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit

    class, and 10% report skipping class multiple times all

    during the rst three weeks o their rst academic term.

    I these negative behaviors are not addressed, they too

    oen become habits.

    In Starting Rightocus groups, both students and aculty

    members acknowledge that entering students need to

    learn how to be successul students, and that clear expec-tations are essential or this goal. As one aculty member

    notes, Many o the students have no idea what they are

    into, due to no ault o theirs. So my rule the rst week

    o class is to make sure they eel comortable and know

    clearly what is expected o them.

    One students comments indicate the need to set unam-

    biguous expectations early: Tey didnt tell me when

    I signed up or class that or every hour o class, I have

    to do two hours o studying. Tey didnt give me any

    expectations until I actually sat down in the classroom.

    I think that beore you even enroll, you should be able to

    know what you are gett ing into. Unortunately, nearly

    six in 10 ull-time entering students (59%) report that

    they spent ve or ewer hours per week preparing orclass during their rst three weeks o college.

    Colleges can and should help students understand

    expectations about the level o eort required to be

    successul in college as well as about specic assignments

    and academic goals. Colleges also need to act when

    students are not meeting the standard. In a Starting

    Rightocus group, one student says, Tey told us the

    rst week, I you miss X number o classes, then this

    happens, [but I still was surprised when] I got a letter

    rom my advisor saying I had missed two days o class.

    I thought, Oh, they were serious about that, Ive been

    on time ever since. I have not missed a class. Im passingmy quizzes, reading my text.

    When colleges set high expectations, they also should

    communicate their belie that students can meet them.

    Yet only about hal o entering students (51%) strongly

    agree with the statement, Te aculty at this college

    wants me to succeed.*

    Finally, setting clear and high expectations should

    go hand in hand with providing inormation about

    academic and support services and, at least or some stu-

    dents, a requirement to use them. SENSE data show that

    one quarter (25%) o entering students strongly agree thatinstructors clearly explained the academic and student

    support services available at the college.

    Colleges Apply the Principle

    Students at Lawson State Community College (AL)

    were entering college with poor writing skills, so the

    institution decided to emphasize writing throughout

    students academic experiences. Te college analyzed

    and revised the curriculum or our key classes

    Developmental English I and II, and English Composi-

    tion I and II to emphasize teaching the skills and

    communicating the importance o high-quality writing.Specic areas addressed include number and length o

    papers required as well as accuracy in writing.

    *Data rom the 2008 SENSE Commitment and Support special-

    ocus module.

    Entering Students Need Clear and High Expectation

    I have the motivation to do what it takes to succeed in college.

    Percentage o students who, at least once during their rst threeweeks o college:




    68% Strongly agree

    Turned in an assignment late

    Came to class unprepared

    Skipped class

    Did not turn in one or moreassignments

    Source: 2008SENSE feld test data.

    Te instructors are more than willingto help me. Ive always elt that i Imwilling to work, theyre willing to work

    just as hard. I think thats the quality o

    a good instructor. Male student

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    9Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students

    Principle #3: A Plan and a Pathwayto Success

    Imagine a college at which every entering student, in

    the rst three weeks o college, denes his or her edu-

    cational goals and develops a plan or attaining them.

    Imagine urther that these plans are updated regularly,

    with guidance, as students progress.

    Preliminary Findings

    Tere is ample evidence to document the importance

    o academic advising and planning. Having a plan

    clearly dened goals and a roadmap or reaching them

    plays a critical role in student persistence. Yet, despite

    their high aspirations, 21% o entering students are

    uncertain when they plan to take classes again.

    More than three-quarters (76%) o entering students

    agree or strongly agree that an advisor helped them select

    their courses, but only 39% o entering students agreeor strongly agree that an advisor helped them to set aca-

    demic goals and to create a plan or achieving them.

    Further, or many entering students, going to college is

    but one o a number o obligations. Yet, just more than a

    quarter (27%) agree or strongly agree that a college sta

    member talked with them about their commitments out-

    side o school (work, children, etc.) to help them gure

    out how many courses to take.

    In Starting Rightocus groups, students lament the act

    that advising seems to be more eective or course selec-

    tion than or goal setting. One student notes, Advisorsask, Whats your schedule? I wish I had more o a

    run through about what Im going to need or my degree

    as well as my schedule.

    Students also consistently assert the need or manda-

    tory academic advising and planning. One student, or

    example, recommended a scheduled time slot at the

    beginning o the semester to discuss classes, degrees, and

    goals with an advisor plus a mid-semester meeting to

    discuss how were doing and next steps.

    Finally, students also consistently recommend manda-

    tory orientation, particularly guided tours o the collegecampus, or all new students. Students comments

    about orientation, however, are retrospective they

    Entering Students and Academic Planning

    When do you plan to take classes at this college again?

    An advisor helped me to identiy the courses I needed to take duringmy rst semester/quarter.

    An advisor helped me to set academic goals and to create a plan orachieving them.















    Within the next12 months

    Strongly agree

    Strongly agree

    I have no currentplans to return


    No opinion


    I will accomplish my goal(s)

    during this semester/quarterand will not return

    No opinion




    Strongly disagree

    Strongly disagree

    Source: 2008SENSE feld test data.

    Students have their dreams and goalsin hand, but their action plan isblank. We, as proessors, educators,

    and sta, should be able to help themll in the blanks. Faculty member

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    10 2008 Field Test Findings

    For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit

    understand the value o orientation long aer the useul

    time to participate in it has passed. Indeed, ewer than

    hal o entering students (44%) attended an on-campus

    orientation prior to the beginning o classes. One in ve

    students (21%) report that they were unaware o college

    orientation. Tese ndings support students assertions

    that colleges can better serve their entering students by

    making orientation inescapable.

    Colleges Apply the Principle

    Te president oSanta Fe Community College (NM)

    attends commencement ceremonies at local high schools

    and gives all graduating students an acceptance letter to

    SFCC. (o make this possible, college sta visit the high

    schools a ew months beore graduation to explain the

    colleges application process.) Te letter o admission

    congratulates students and indicates the next steps they

    should take to enroll in college. It also emphasizes the

    time-sensitive nature o the New Mexico state lottery

    scholarship; students who ail to enroll in a state two- or

    our-year college the semester aer graduating rom

    high school lose eligibility or the scholarship orever.

    Students requently arrive at the enrollment oce with

    their letter in hand, ready to complete the next step in

    the enrollment process.

    Durham Technical Community College (NC) took

    notice when its SENSE results indicated that 67% o

    entering students were unaware o the colleges pre-

    enrollment orientation and only 22% had attended. Te

    college reorganized the orientation program with two

    goals: increasing participation and maintaining quality.Aer the reorganization, 743 new students attended the

    orientation an increase o 350% over the previous year

    and a record attendance. O the students who attended

    the orientation, 92% indicated they had learned skills

    necessary to get a good start at the college.

    Te student success course at Houston Community

    College (TX) requires students to explore careers, learn

    about the programs oered at HCC, work with academic

    advisors to declare a major, and le a degree plan. Te

    class has positive eects or all students, but the strongest

    gains have been among Hispanic and Arican-American

    students. Hispanic students persistence rates increased15% rst-all-to-spring, 14% rst-all-to-all, and 26%

    rst-all-to-second-year-spring. Arican-American

    students persistence rates increased 5% rst-all-to-

    spring and 13% rst-all-to-second-year-spring. Te

    HCC student success course has been so successul, it

    now is required or all new students who have ewer than

    12 credits and have not led a degree plan or a declared


    Principle #4: An Effective Track toCollege Readiness

    Imagine a college at which all academically under-

    prepared students have an eective, ecient path to

    completing developmental education and beginning

    college-level work.

    An estimated 62% o community college students are

    underprepared or college-level courses, and at some

    colleges that number exceeds 90%.

    Proper placement or students is critical, o course.

    Moreover, a recent Community College Research Centerstudy o Achieving the Dream colleges underscores the

    value o requiring students to enroll in the developmen-

    tal courses indicated by their placement tests. Te study

    ound that more students exit a remedial sequence by

    ailing to enroll in the rst course than by ailing a

    developmental course in which they are enrolled.*

    Te tasks o identiying and appropriately enrolling

    large numbers o underprepared students are only

    part o the challenge. Te same study o Achieving the

    Dream colleges ound that many students who begin

    in developmental classes never make it to college-level

    classes 69% o developmental math students do not

    complete their developmental math sequence, and 57%

    o developmental reading students do not complete their

    developmental reading sequence.

    Given incoming students academic challenges,

    community colleges cannot improve student achieve-

    ment without making sure that students enroll in the

    developmental courses they need and then successully

    move rom developmental to college-level courses. While

    colleges have made strides in assessment and placement,

    completion rates indicate that developmental education

    students are not being served eectively. Creating aneective track to college readiness clearly will require

    new approaches, implemented at scale.

    *Bailey, ., Jeong, D.W., & Cho, S. (2008). Reerral, Enrollment,

    and Completion in Developmental Education Sequences in

    Community Colleges. (CCRC Working Paper No. 15). New York,

    NY: eachers College, Columbia University, Community Col lege

    Research Center.

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    11Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students

    Preliminary Findings

    O the SENSE eld test respondents, 64% o entering stu-

    dents tested into at least one developmental area: 29% o

    entering students are enrolled in developmental reading,

    32% are enrolled in developmental writing, and 54% are

    enrolled in developmental math.

    Among entering students who tested into at least one

    developmental class, more than one in 10 (11%) report

    that their college did not require them to enroll during

    their rst academic term in the classes indicated by

    their placement tests. More positively, among the least-

    prepared students (those testing into three developmental

    areas), 96% report that their college did require them to

    take the classes they need in their rst academic term.

    Across the eld test colleges, actual enrollments in

    developmental education courses suggest that testing

    and placement policies are ensuring that the majority o

    students enroll in the developmental classes they needduring their rst term:

    Among entering students who tested into develop-

    mental reading, 88% actually enrolled during their

    rst academic term.

    Among entering students who tested into develop-

    mental writing, 88% actually enrolled during their

    rst academic term.

    Among entering students who tested into develop-

    mental math, 87% actually enrolled during their rst

    academic term.

    When colleges adopt and enorce mandatory assess-

    ment and placement policies, students cannot postpone

    the coursework most critical to their long-term success.

    Leaving the decision to students about whether to enroll

    in developmental classes is not likely to serve their best


    Additionally, there is growing evidence that participating

    in student success courses leads to improved student

    outcomes, particularly (though not exclusively) or

    developmental students. Yet even though 64% o entering

    students indicate that they are enrolled in at least one

    developmental education class, only 25% are enrolled in

    a student success course.

    Sixty-ve eld test colleges administered the SENSE

    special-ocus module on student success courses. Among

    these respondents, most students who were enrolled in a

    student success course somewhat agree or strongly agreethat they gained key skills and knowledge:

    63% say they developed skills to become a better


    69% report improving their time management skills.

    75% say they learned to understand their academic

    strengths and weaknesses.

    80% report learning about college services available

    to help students succeed in their studies.

    81% report learning about college policies and dead-

    lines that aect them.

    Further, 58% o entering students who enrolled in a stu-

    dent success course developed a written plan or how and

    when they can achieve their academic goals, compared

    to 30% o all entering students. Nearly three-quarters

    (74%) o entering students enrolled in a student success

    course say such courses should be mandatory or all

    entering students.

    Ultimately, colleges may be better able to meet students

    needs by incorporating student support services such

    as academic advising and planning into student success


    Entering Students and Developmental Education

    Percentage o entering students who are enrolled in:





    Developmental reading

    Developmental math

    A student success course

    Developmental writing

    Source: 2008SENSE feld test data.

    You mean there are classes thatteach people how to study? Tats the

    problem. I dont know how to study. Ido not know how to study.

    Male student

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    12 2008 Field Test Findings

    For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit

    Colleges Apply the Principle

    Broward College (FL) uses a case management model

    to improve outcomes or its developmental students. Te

    college has trained eight Success Specialists, each o

    whom advises approximately 250 entering students

    who place into two or more college prep (developmental

    education) subject areas. Te specialists assign thestudents to theme-based learning communities, most o

    which include a three-credit Student Lie Skills course,

    college prep classes, and a general education course.

    Broward created our dierent types o learning com-

    munities, all o which produced improved outcomes on

    retention, course completion, or both. Students who were

    in learning communities and received holistic advising

    had the greatest success: 82% all-to-spring retention,

    compared with 70% or students who were in learning

    communities but did not receive this broad, intensive

    advising; 58% all-to-all retention, compared to 53% or

    students who did not receive holistic advising.Ninety percent o entering students at College o the

    Marshall Islands (MH) require developmental education.

    o better serve them, the college created a rst-year college

    experience program that combines course work, tutor-

    ing, and student lie programs along with developmental

    instruction. Students participate in learning communities,

    and they attend a semester-long course that orients new

    students to the rst-year experience and acilitates their

    transition to college. Aer the rst-year experience

    program was implemented, developmental student

    retention increased by 10 percentage points.

    Phillips Community College o the University o

    Arkansas (AR) has three levels o developmental

    mathematics, and the college uses the ICAN Learn

    Interactive Math Program to deliver instruction to

    the three classes. Each class includes 42 to 46 sel-

    paced modules designed to provide quick, incremental

    learning. Students must successully complete each

    lesson beore moving to the next lesson, and they must

    complete all modules to successully complete the course.

    Using this approach, students can complete as many as

    three levels o developmental math within one semester.

    PCCUA data indicate that students who successully

    completed the developmental sequence perormed better

    in college algebra and on the CAAP test, but the actual

    number o students completing the course within one

    semester declined. Further evaluation indicated that the

    biggest problem was time on task, so the college required

    students to spend an additional hour per week in the

    math lab to increase instructional time.

    Principle #5: Engaged Learning

    Imagine a college at which engaged learning is inten-

    tional, inescapable, and the norm or all students.

    Most community college students attend college part-

    time and must nd ways to balance class and study time

    with work and amily responsibilities. As a result, they

    oen spend little time on campus beyond the hours

    they attend classes. Colleges can make the most o class

    time by using the instructional approaches that are most

    likely to engage students, help them learn, encourage

    them to build relationships and take advantage o

    campus resources and make them want to come

    back or more.

    Preliminary Findings

    Ample evidence shows that engaging learning strategies

    including those CCSSE terms active and collaborative

    learning are related to desired student outcomes suchas persistence and academic achievement. SENSE data

    indicate, however, that large proportions o entering

    students are not experiencing these instructional

    approaches during their rst three weeks o college.

    For example:

    75% o entering students say they are not enrolled in

    a student success course.

    96% say they are not enrolled in a learning community.

    85% report neverparticipating in a required study

    group outside o class.

    22% say theyneverworked with other students on

    a project or assignment during class, and 69% never

    did so outside o class.

    31% say theyneverreceived prompt eedback (oral or

    written) about their perormance rom an instructor.

    27% report neverasking or help rom an instructor

    regarding questions or problems related to class.

    71% say theyneverdiscussed ideas rom readings or

    assignments with instructors outside o class.

    All o my classes are learning labs,and I think that makes it a lot betterbecause its so interactive.

    Female student

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    13Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students

    While the overall percentage o students who have had

    these early experiences is useul, it also is instructive to

    consider the responses across colleges. For example, at

    the college with the highest participation in on-campus

    orientations, 90% o students participated. Tis suggests

    that colleges can achieve high rates o student partici-

    pation in orientation and other high-impact entering

    student activities.

    Starting Rightocus group ndings indicate that both

    aculty and students who have experienced engaging

    instructional approaches highly value them. One

    student, or example, appreciated it when his instructor

    made small-group work inescapable, recalling, In

    English, weve been doing a lot o group work. I we

    raise our hands, she [the instructor] wont pick on the

    person whos raising their hand. Shell pick on someone

    else in the group and expect them to know it, too. So

    beore we even raise our hand, we have to talk it out

    with our group.

    Faculty members use a variety o approaches toencourage students to invest in one another. One

    aculty member explains, I divide the students into

    groups and let them know theyll be working with this

    group or a long period o time. It makes it easier or

    them to connect with each other. When one student

    stopped coming to class, the students in her group

    would not let her stop. Tey kept call ing her and cal ling

    her. Finally she showed up.

    Colleges can nd many ways to build these types o

    structured interactions into students day-to-day experi-

    ences. In addition to collaborative work in class, colleges

    can require study groups, make interactive work parto assignments, and build community service or other

    hands-on experiences into coursework.

    Colleges Apply the Principle

    Prairie State College (IL) carved out time or our

    Arican-American male aculty members (one each romEnglish, communications, sociology, and psychology)

    to spend time together immersed in the literature on

    practices that oster academic success or Arican-

    American male students. Te ollowing all, each o the

    proessors taught a section o a college success seminar

    based on his research. Te goal was to jump start the

    college experience or young Arican-American men.

    Tis program builds important relationships and

    complements a mentoring program that ocuses on

    Arican-American male students.

    At Lane College (TN), Fast Lane to Success is a learn-

    ing community or rst-year college students that

    began with two linked classes Eective Learning

    and a college success course that ocused on helping

    students develop academic and personal skills. It was

    ully enrolled, well received, and had a positive eect

    on retention and success. Fast Lane to Success then was

    expanded to include three levels o writing classes, and

    plans are underway to develop a section that includes a

    math class. Student surveys indicate that those who

    participated in Fast Lane to Success were more engaged

    with their studies, instructors, ellow students, and the

    college overall than their peers who did not participate.

    LaGuardia Community College (NY) places all

    incoming students into one o three academies

    Business/echnology, Allied Health, and Liberal

    Engaging Experiences: Range of Responses by College









    On-campus orientation

    Highest participation rate Lowest participation rate

    Student success course

    Learning community

    Orientation course

    Source: 2008SENSE feld test data.

    Tere is excitement, especially i theyreworking in groups and you can see ontheir aces theyre engaged. Teyrelaughing, theyre having a good time,

    theyre excited about learning.

    Faculty member

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    14 2008 Field Test Findings

    For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit

    Arts and placement is based on the students major.

    Each academy unctions as a school-within-a-school

    and oers themed basic skills courses linked with

    discipline-area courses. For example, Basic Writing is

    paired with Introduction to Business. Te academies

    also provide career development courses and an array o

    co-curricular activities that contribute to student success

    and development. All o these activities are centeredaround the academys discipline. Te Allied Health

    academy, or example, might oer career orientation

    events in health elds, study skills workshops using

    health-related materials, and speakers rom the health

    proession. Academy students retention rate is 6% higher

    than that o their nonparticipating peers, and their pass

    rate in discipline-area courses also is 6% higher.

    Principle #6: An Integrated Networkof Financial, Social, and Academic

    SupportImagine a college at which every entering student is

    met with a personalized network o nancial, academic,

    and social support.

    Entering students are most likely to succeed when expec-

    tations are high and they receive the support they need

    to achieve at high levels. Tis support includes nancial

    aid advising; academic support, such as tutoring and

    skill labs; and social support so students do not eel

    isolated when acing challenges.

    Preliminary FindingsTe ability to take advantage o student support services

    begins with knowing both that they exist and how to

    access them. Unortunately, SENSE data indicate that

    less than a third o entering students are aware o key

    student services during the rst three weeks o college.

    29% o entering students say they did not know about

    academic advising/planning services.

    27% report not knowing about ace-to-ace tutoring.

    32% say they were unaware o skill labs.

    27% say they did not know about nancial aidadvising.

    15% say they were unaware o computer labs.

    In Starting Rightocus groups, students repeatedly

    say they want more inormation about registration,

    advising, resources, and so on: more people talking to

    us, more handouts, a more complete check-o list

    or admissions. One student, rustrated in her quest or

    inormation, notes, rying to navigate the colleges Web

    site is like trying to gure out a calculus problem when

    you have no clue what calculus is.

    Colleges can improve both awareness and use o

    student services by integrating them into the classroom

    experience. Tis has the dual advantage o making the

    services inescapable and tying them directly to the

    course content. In addition, or some services, such as

    nancial aid advising, colleges can start working with

    students when they still are in high school.

    Colleges Apply the Principle

    Austin Community College District (TX) visits local

    high schools to provide college pre-enrollment services,

    including nancial aid planning, to high school seniors.

    ACC oers day and evening inormation sessions or

    parents and students to help them understand the pro-

    cess, deadlines, and materials needed or nancial aidapplications. Te college also conducts day and evening

    FAFSA workshops on high school campuses to provide

    one-on-one assistance to amilies completing the FAFSA.

    Entering Students Awareness of Support Services

    Percentage o entering students who are unaware o particularsupport services during their rst three weeks o college:





    Academic adv ising/plann ingservices

    Skill labs

    Financial aid advising

    Computer labs

    Face-to-ace tutoring

    Source: 2008SENSE feld test data.

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    15Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students

    ACC serves more than 15,000 high school seniors each

    year, and the outreach is working. In 200708, 1,423

    seniors completed the FAFSA. Halway through the

    200809 academic year, 2,007 seniors had completed

    the FAFSA, an increase o 29%.

    Florida Community College at Jacksonville (FL)

    created its oolbox Scholar Project to providemaximum resources to students with developmental

    needs in mathematics. Te project gives college-prep

    (developmental) mathematics aculty a toolbox o

    support resources or their students, including the

    use o masters students or supplemental instruction

    (both in the classroom and in the Learning Commons),

    diagnostic and prescriptive soware packages, and

    tracking systems or student progress. racking students

    progress allows aculty to intervene quickly, either

    with individual or small-group sessions on topics o

    concern. Assigning mandatory sessions in the Learning

    Commons or all students in the class removes the

    stigma o seeking tutoring. Initial data indicate that

    students who have been engaged in this project have

    been more willing to seek assistance in the Learning

    Commons in subsequent semesters.

    Butler Community College (KS) developed an early

    alert initiative aer its SENSE data revealed that 9.6% o

    the colleges entering students skipped class several times

    during the rst three weeks o their rst academic term.

    Tis percentage was signicantly higher than the 4.9%

    average o the other 2007 participating colleges. In all

    2008, Butler piloted an early alert initiative with 55

    aculty participants. Te program allows aculty to

    identiy at-risk students and reer them to the colleges

    director o rst-year experience or to an advisor. Tat

    sta member then conducts needs assessments and

    connects students to appropriate support services, such

    as tutoring, counseling, disability services, and even o-campus social service agencies.

    Athletic perormance grants are among the nancial

    assistance options at Tyler Junior College (TX), and the

    college helps its scholar-athletes succeed with academic

    support designed to improve their retention, academic

    success, GPA, and graduation rates. First-time athletes

    are required to take a college study skills course ocused

    on transitioning into college as an athlete. Study hall just

    or athletes staed by qualied tutors is scheduled

    our nights a week, and attendance is mandatory.

    When people come here, they needsomebody to talk to they needsomebody to reach out to them.

    Male student

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    16 2008 Field Test Findings

    For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit

    In spring 2008, the City University o New York (CUNY) began

    designing a new CUNY community college to address projected

    enrollment growth at its six existing community colleges and to

    explore the possibility o wholly restructuring the community col-

    lege experience to improve outcomes.

    With a charge rom Chancellor Matthew Goldstein, a sta plan-

    ning team undertook the work, which included input rom CUNY

    aculty and administrators as well as national experts. A steering

    committee o CUNY leaders, including Presidents Regina Peruggi

    o Kingsborough Community College and Gail Mellow o

    LaGuardia Community College, is overseeing the planning


    John Mogulescu, CUNY Senior University Dean or Academic

    Aairs and Dean o the School o Proessional Studies, notes,

    The opportunity to imagine a new institution, one that is singularly

    ocused on the need to dramatically increase graduation rates,has been incredibly valuable. A concept paper summarizes the

    exploratory work and describes a set o key ideas and practices

    deemed essential or the new college. Over the next 18 months,

    CUNY will promote urther discussion and renement o the

    recommendations, briefy summarized below.

    The challenge.Approximately 14% o rst-time ull-time resh-

    men enrolled in CUNY associate degree programs graduate within

    three years, while about 25% are still enrolled. As in most other

    community colleges, graduation rates are lowest or students o

    color and those rom low-income backgrounds.

    Defning elements.The new college will require students to

    enroll ull-time, at least in the rst year. Every course o study will

    address the theme o creating and sustaining a thriving New York

    City, to create both a coherent curriculum and opportunities to

    connect with the citys public institutions, private rms, cultural

    organizations, unions, and other entities or internships and eld

    placements related to student coursework.

    Pre-college programs, admissions/assessments, and the

    summer program.The ull plan has extensive recommenda-

    tions about student services, including assigning each student

    to a sta member who will help him/her navigate the enrollment

    process. The emphasis is on students usingservices, not justbeing aware o them, and the planners assert that the college

    should not orego the need to make demands o students i those

    demands are tied to substantially increasing their chances or

    success. For example:

    Interviews will be a required part o the admissions process,

    impressing upon students that open access should not

    amount to uninformedaccess.

    A ull-time, three-week summer program will help students

    begin to develop reading, writing, and research skills neces-

    sary or the rst-year program; begin the intensive work

    o the colleges math program; become acquainted with

    resources available at the college; and develop a sense o

    comort and amiliarity with the college.

    All students will be presumed to need remediation. Instead

    o traditional placement assessments, students skills will be

    assessed through demonstrated prociency in reading and

    writing assignments during the summer program. A compre-

    hensive online math placement test will be used or math.

    Educational model. Major eatures o the educational model


    Required credit-based coursework or all rst-year students,

    whether college ready or academically underprepared.

    No zero-credit remedial classes and no traditional and

    isolated introductory courses.

    A required rst-year core curriculum incorporating a City

    Seminar, a Math Topics course, and a Proessional Studies

    course in conjunction with workplace education.

    Shorter modules in place o traditional semesters.

    Full-scale implementation o learning communities.

    A rst-year program o studies with no predetermined credit

    value; rather, credits will be awarded based on the quality and

    quantity o a students work.

    A central role or student advising.

    A limited number o elds o study chosen careully or their

    relevance to New York Citys needs and job market, now and

    into the uture. Majors would be organized into Liberal Arts,

    Health and Human Services, Inormation Studies, and Urban


    Accountability. Data will be used to help build a community

    o teachers and learners who can examine and understand the

    ecacy o their own work and how to improve it. The college will

    have clear goals, including an initial target o 30% graduation

    and readiness or next steps, within three years, or all students.

    Extended graduation and readiness targets are 35% in our yearsand 40% in ve years.

    Source: City University of New York, A New Community College:

    Concept Paper, August 15, 2008.

    2008 Field Test Findings

    Imagining a New Community College

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    17Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students

    What are the potential consequences o a commitment to

    attain much higher levels o student success? I a college

    makes changes that promote ar-reaching student suc-

    cess, there are signicant implications or its culture, itsorganizational structure, and its allocation o both scal

    and human resources. Colleges have to ask themselves

    i they are prepared to bring successul practices to scale

    and, i not, what current policies and practices may

    have to be changed to make ull-scale implementation

    possible. Tey have to look careully at their campus

    cultures to assess whether their stated values, attitudes,

    and practices are conducive to signicant change. For

    example, what happens to a students right to ail at

    a college redesigned to signicantly improve studentoutcomes?

    o help many more students succeed, colleges have

    to look at every aspect o their practice, including

    the college intake process; teaching practices; class

    scheduling; and academic policies, particularly

    decisions about mandatory and optional experiences

    and assignments. Ten, when colleges do achieve large-

    scale success, they may have to revisit the same issues

    again because success promises to bring new challenges:

    Serving a college o successul students is bound to

    require some dramatically new strategies. And wouldnt

    that be a wonderul challenge to ace?

    Community college educators in constrained economic

    environments may worry that student success is

    unaordable. Newly developed tools oer a dierent

    perspective. Several eorts are underway to help colleges

    better analyze the costs o student success strategies in

    comparison with their benets, particularly the benet

    o increased revenue rom tuition and state unding

    Implications: Doing Education Differently

    Our community and our college areacing some very signicant scal andeducational challenges I dont want

    to lead a slash and burn approach toaddressing those challenges. Rather,we must rethink our work, imagininghow we would build, rom the groundup, a community college designed orstudent success. And then we need toensure that our priorities refect ourcommitment to becoming that college.

    Brent Knight, President, Lansing Community College (MI)

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success

    20/24For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit

    18 2008 Field Test Findings

    generated by improved student retention. Tese analyses

    can help colleges allocate resources appropriately. For


    Te Making Opportunity Afordable initiatives

    Investing in Student Success project, unded by

    Lumina Foundation or Education and Wal-Mart

    Foundation, is developing an analytic tool to helpcolleges and universities determine whether pro-

    grams designed to retain students are cost-eective

    investments. Te project ties program-level cost data

    to student outcomes and explores the extent to which

    the additional revenue colleges and universities

    generate by increasing student retention osets the

    additional cost o such programs.

    Te Basic Skills Initiative Project at Skyline College

    (CA) created a model that demonstrates the value

    o ocusing on student retention. Using a return-

    on-investment (ROI) ramework, the research team

    looked at real-world data or a range o nontradi-tional and supposedly expensive developmental

    education programs. It ound that, i the programs

    are successul, they oen more than pay or

    themselves, including up-ront costs that exceed

    the cost o traditional programs.*

    All o this happens in the context o Americas renewed

    ocus on a culture o responsibility. Now is the time or

    community colleges to tackle their greatest challenge:

    not only serving students with signicant need, but

    ensuring their success.

    Next Steps for SENSE

    In the coming year, SENSE will conduct its rst national

    administration and introduce new online tools to help

    participating colleges and the public.

    First national administration in all 2009. In early

    and mid-2009, the Center will nalize the SENSE

    survey instrument based on additional student

    interviews, data analyses, and ongoing psychometric

    analyses. Te Center will conduct the rst national

    administration oSENSE in all 2009. Registration

    or this administration closes April 3, 2009.Colleges are encouraged to register online at

    Special-ocus modules. In addition to the core

    survey instrument, participating colleges may add up

    to two special-ocus modules, which provide insight

    into key topics o interest. Modules available in 2009

    will include Financial Assistance, Commitment and

    Support, Student Success Courses, and echnology.

    Additional special-ocus modules, including Aca-

    demic Advising and Relationships on Campus, willbe introduced or the 2010 SENSE administration.

    Second annual Entering Student Success Institute

    (ESSI). eams rom 20 colleges that participated in

    the 2008 SENSE eld test will convene in Santa Fe,

    NM, in late April or the second ESSI. At the institute,

    colleges will dig into their SENSE results, along with

    other critical institutional data, to deepen their

    understanding o their students earliest college

    experiences. Trough ocused interaction with

    nationally recognized speakers and colleagues rom

    other eld test colleges, and with the assistance o

    expert resident aculty, attendees at this teams-

    only event will learn about strategies and develop

    a written action plan or improving the entering

    student experience at their colleges.

    SENSEWeb site. With the release o the eld test

    data, SENSE launched an interactive Web site that

    allows member colleges to create customized data

    reports. Tis dynamic search capability will be avail-

    able on the public site aer the completion o the rst

    national administration.

    We would argue that colleges anduniversities have a moral, ethical, andsocietal obligation to ocus on increasingachievement o student goals. Te workwe have undertaken simply suggeststhat they also have a nancial incentive

    or doing so. Robert Johnstone, Dean, Planning, Research, and Institutional

    Eectiveness, Skyline College

    *For more inormation about the Caliornia Basic Skills

    Initiative, visit

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    19Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students

    Te 2008 SENSE eld test survey was administered

    at 89 community colleges and yielded 57,547 usablesurveys. Te survey was administered in classes

    randomly selected rom the population o all rst

    college-level English and math courses and all

    developmental education courses (excluding ESL


    Colleges chose to include zero, one, or two o the

    three special-ocus modules in their surveys: 50 colleges

    administered the Financial Assistance special-ocus

    module, 54 administered the Commitment and

    Support module, and 65 administered the Student

    Success Courses module. In all, 86 colleges administered

    special-ocus modules.

    Both entering students (those in their rst term at the

    college) and returning students responded to the survey,

    but the preliminary ndings in this report ocus only on

    entering students.

    Te data presented in this report represent the eld test

    sample only. Te ollowing comparison o characteristicso entering and returning students oers a preliminary

    indication o which students may be at greatest risk o

    leaving college beore starting their second year. For

    example, 43% o entering students are male, but only

    37% o returning students are male.

    Overview of the 2008 SENSEField TestRespondents

    Characteristics of 2008 Field Test Respondents








    Male 43% 37% 41%

    Female 57% 63% 59%

    Enrolled part-time 27% 38% 31%

    Enrolled ull-time 73% 62% 69%

    Traditional-age (1824) 82% 63% 74%

    Nontraditional-age (25 and older) 18% 37% 26%

    Work more than 20 hours per week 40% 53% 45%

    Report that English is their frst

    language88% 84% 87%

    Married 11% 20% 15%

    Have children living with them 20% 32% 25%

    Race/Ethnicity of 2008 Field Test Respondents







    respondentsLatino/Hispanic 12% 14% 13%

    White 63% 58% 61%

    Arican American 15% 17% 16%

    Asian 4% 5% 4%

    Native American 1% 1% 1%

    Native Hawaiian

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    20 2008 Field Test Findings

    For more information about SENSE and the 2008 survey, visit

    Peter Ewell, Chair

    Vice President

    National Center or Higher

    Education Management Systems


    David Armstrong


    Broward College (FL)

    Rose Asera

    Senior Scholar

    Te Carnegie Foundation or the

    Advancement o eaching

    George Boggs

    President and CEO

    American Association o

    Community Colleges

    Walter G. BumphusChairman, Department o

    Educational Administration

    Te University o exas at Austin

    Jacqueline Claunch


    Northwest Vista College (X)

    Larry Ebbers

    Proessor, Educational Leadership

    and Policy Studies

    Iowa State University

    Terrence Gomes


    Roxbury Community College (MA)

    George Grainger

    Senior Grant Ocer

    Houston Endowment Inc.

    William Law


    allahassee Community College (FL)

    Byron N. McClenney

    Program Director

    Achieving the Dream

    Te University o exas at Austin

    Alexander McCormick


    National Survey o Student

    Engagement (NSSE)

    Indiana University Bloomington

    Christine Johnson McPhail

    Proessor Emeritus

    Morgan State University (MD)

    Jan Motta

    Executive Director

    Massachusetts Community College

    Executive Oce (MA)

    John E. Roueche

    Director, Community College

    Leadership Program

    Te University o exas at Austin

    Gerardo de los Santos

    President and CEO

    League or Innovation in the

    Community College

    Anne Stanton

    Program Director

    Te James Irvine Foundation

    Vincent Tinto

    Distinguished ProessorSyracuse University (NY)

    Evelyn Waiwaiole


    NISOD National Institute or Sta

    and Organizational Development

    Tom Bailey


    Community College Research Center

    eachers College, Columbia

    University (NY)

    Kimberly Coutts

    Director o Institutional Research

    MiraCosta Community College (CA)

    Peter Ewell

    Vice President

    National Center or HigherEducation Management Systems


    Bob Gonyea

    Associate Director, Center or

    Postsecondary Research

    Indiana University Bloomington

    George Grainger

    Senior Grant Ocer

    Houston Endowment Inc.

    Gary Hanson

    Senior Research and Policy Analyst


    Te University o exas System

    Steve Head


    Lone Star College-North Harris (X)

    C. Nathan Marti

    Manager o Consulting Services

    Division o Statistics and Scientic


    Te University o exas at Austin

    Alexander McCormick


    National Survey o Student

    Engagement (NSSE)

    Indiana University Bloomington

    Ann M. Toomey


    System Research and Grants

    Community College System o

    New Hampshire

    Alice VilladsenPresident Emeritus

    Brookhaven College (X)

    Ted Wright

    Special Assistant to the President


    Broward Community College (FL)

    CCCSENational Advisory Board

    SENSETechnical Advisory Panel

  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    21Imagine Success: Engaging Entering Students

    Kay McClenney


    Jef Crumpley

    Associate Director, Operations

    Angela Oriano-Darnall

    Assistant Director, Survey o Entering

    Student Engagement

    Arleen Arnsparger

    Project Manager, Initiative on

    Student Success

    Courtney Adkins

    Survey Operations Coordinator

    Karla Fisher

    College Relations Coordinator

    Christine McLean

    Senior Associate

    Chris Cosart

    Web and Database Administrator

    Shanna Howard


    Beiyi Cai

    Research Associate

    Erika Glaser

    Research Associate

    Rowland Cadena

    College Liaison

    Sandra Shannon

    Project Coordinator, Initiative

    on Student Success

    Kerry Mix

    Research Assistant

    Judy Row

    Administrative Manager

    Chris Lynch


    Annine Miscoe

    Administrative Associate

    Johna Crump

    Administrative Associate

    Marlana Rodgers

    Administrative Associate

    Michael Merck

    Administrative Associate

    Chris OrozcoOce Assistant

    Editorial and design by KSA-Plus Communications, Inc.

    SENSEMember Colleges

    For a list o colleges that participated in the 2008 SENSE eld test, visit


  • 7/27/2019 Just Imagine Success


    Center or Community College Student Engagement

    Community College Leadership Program

    College o Education

    Te University o exas at Austin

    3316 Grandview Street

    Austin, X 78705

    : 512.471.6807 F: 512.471.4209
