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Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers www.McNabbAssociates.comWednesday, June 15, 2011

“Operation Big Winner” Leads to a FederalIndictment of 20 Individuals with VariousFederal Drug Related ChargesMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 7:52 AM June 15, 2011

United States Attorney’s Office EasternDistrict of Arkansas on June 14, 2011released the following press release:“Little Rock – Christopher R. Thyer,United States Attorney for the EasternDistrict of Arkansas and William J.Bryant, Assistant Special Agent in Chargeof the Little Rock District Office of theDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)announced today a sweep of arrests inCentral Arkansas stemming from eighteencount indictment involving federal drugoffenses. The federal indictment is theresult of an investigation, “Operation BigWinner,” which charged 20 defendantswith various federal drug related charges.As of today, seventeen defendants are incustody. The DEA Little Rock District OfficeHigh Intensity Drug Trafficking Area(HIDTA) Group #62, which is composedof Special Agents from DEA and TaskForce Officers from the Pulaski CountySheriffs Department, North Little RockPolice Departments, Benton PoliceDepartment, and Jefferson CountySheriffs Department opened an OCDETFOperation sponsored by DEA. As part ofthe OCDETF investigation, officers weredeputized under the OCDETF Operationfrom the following agencies: ArkansasState Police, Pulaski County SheriffsDepartment, Sherwood PoliceDepartment, and the Central ArkansasDrug Task Force. This investigation targeted a large scaledrug trafficking organization distributingmulti-pound quantities ofmethamphetamine ice in the central

Arkansas area. The methamphetamine icewas smuggled from Mexico to CentralArkansas for distribution. Today’s “Operation Big Winner” wasconducted by the DEA, United StatesMarshals Service, Homeland SecurityInvestigations, Arkansas State Police,Pulaski County Sheriffs Department,Sherwood Police Department, North LittleRock Police Department, JeffersonCounty Sheriffs Department, CentralArkansas Drug Task Force, Benton PoliceDepartment, White County SheriffsDepartment, Lonoke County SheriffsDepartment, and the Arkansas NationalGuard. On Friday, June 10, 2011, three federalsearch warrants were executed by theabove agencies in White County andLonoke County. A total of sevendefendants were arrested and taken intocustody. These defendants appearedbefore United States Magistrate JudgeJerome K. Kearney for plea andarraignment Friday. Today additional federal arrest warrantswere executed by the above agencies. Atotal of ten defendants were arrested.Those taken into custody will appearbefore United States Magistrate JudgeJerome K. Kearney for their initialappearance this afternoon. Five defendants remain at large at thistime and law enforcement is activelypursuing these defendants. This case is the result of the investigativework of federal, state and local lawenforcement members in the HIDTAprogram,” stated Thyer. “HIDTA providesfederal resources to help reduce drugtrafficking and its harmful consequences.With such a broad law enforcement reach,

we are able to take drugs and those whoseek to peddle them off our streets and outof our communities.” ASAC Bryant stated, “Through thecombine team effort of local, state, andfederal law enforcement, this drugtrafficking organization was dismantled.Methamphetamine continues to be thenumber one drug threat to the citizens inArkansas. This organization wasdistributing multi-pounds ofmethamphetamine ice per week in CentralArkansas. This team effort of lawenforcement led to the seizure of sevenpounds of methamphetamine ice, whichdid not reach the citizens in ourcommunities. Law enforcement agenciesalso seized the following items as a resultof this investigation: thirteen weapons,seven vehicles, six motorcycles, two boatsand one tractor.” The investigation is being prosecuted byAssistant United States Attorney AnneGardner of the Eastern District ofArkansas United States Attorneys Office. An indictment contains only allegations.The defendants are presumed innocentunless and proven guilty.” To find additional federal criminal news,please read The Federal Crimes WatchDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and writeextensively on matters involving FederalCriminal Defense, INTERPOL RedNotice Removal, International Extraditionand OFAC SDN List Removal. The author of this blog is DouglasMcNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Former Executive of Illinois Refuse Container RepairCompany Sentenced to Serve 16 Months in Prisonfor Conspiring to Defraud the City of Chicago(USDOJ: Justice News)

Submitted at 2:58 PM June 15, 2011

A former vice president of an Illinoisrefuse disposal container repair companywas sentenced today to serve 16 months in

prison and to pay a $40,000 criminal finefor his role in a conspiracy to commit mailand wire fraud in connection with bids ona contract with the city of Chicago.

Montgomery, Alabama, WomanPleads Guilty for Role in TaxFraud and Identity TheftConspiracy(USDOJ: Justice News)

Submitted at 2:54 PM June 15, 2011

Laquanta Grant, a resident ofMontgomery, Ala., has pleaded guilty toone count of conspiring to file false claimsfor refunds.

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Nacip Teotonio Pires, Rubens Da Silva, Sanderlei Alves DaCruz, Francismar DaConceicao, Claudinei Pereira Mota, and One Unnamed Individual are Chargedin New Jersey’s Federal Court with International Alien Smuggling ConspiracyMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 10:08 AM June 15, 2011

U.S. Immigration and CustomsEnforcement (ICE) on June 14, 2011released the following press release:“ Hundreds of aliens from Brazil andIndia smuggled into the U.S. via Mexicoand Caribbean NEWARK, N.J. – Six alleged membersof an international alien smugglingscheme were charged in federal courtTuesday with smuggling hundreds ofaliens from Brazil, India and elsewhereinto the United States following aninvestigation by U.S. Immigration andCustoms Enforcement’s (ICE) HomelandSecurity Investigations (HSI). The following six individuals werecharged in the complaint: Nacip TeotonioPires, aka “Ze Maria,” aka “Baraso,” 47,of Newark; Rubens Da Silva, aka “DiogoOliveira,” 39, of Haverhill, Mass.;Sanderlei Alves DaCruz, aka “Kauan,”aka “Beicinho,” 32, of Houston, Texas;Francismar Da Conceicao, aka “Alex,” 36,of Hillside, N.J.; Claudinei Pereira Mota,34, of Newark; and one unnamedindividual Priscilla LNU, aka “ClemaAparacida Lopes,” of Long Branch, N.J.Each defendant is charged with one countof conspiracy to bring aliens into the U.S.illegally. Pires and Da Conceicao were arrested inNewark on June 10; Da Silva and DaCruzwere arrested the same day in Haverhilland Houston, respectively. All four werearrested for administrative immigrationviolations as part of a coordinated effort toprevent their flight from prosecution.

Mota was arrested in Newark for similarimmigration violations on June 13. Thesixth defendant remains at large.“This investigation has shown the callousdisregard for human life exhibited bypeople taking advantage of others forprofit,” said Peter T. Edge, special agentin charge of ICE HSI in Newark. “Thosewho engage in such acts will be heldaccountable.” According to court documents, fromJanuary 2008 through June 2011, thedefendants conspired with each other andothers to bring aliens into the U.S.illegally as part of an elaborate for-profitsmuggling scheme that involved co-conspirators in New Jersey,Massachusetts, Texas and elsewhere. As spart of the scheme, the defendantsarranged, facilitated and monitored thetravel of customers along two primarysmuggling routes – the first of whichincluded travel through Central Americaand across the international borderbetween Mexico and the U.S. The secondroute included travel through St. Maarten,the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. ICE HSI agents intercepted the co-conspirators’ cell phone calls, and usedconfidential sources of information andother means to make the arrests. Agentslearned that the defendants charged theirsmuggled customers from $13,000 tomore than $25,000, depending on theroute the customer used and whether thecustomer paid in advance or ininstallments after arriving in the UnitedStates. Many of the customers of the aliensmuggling scheme were young women

from Brazil, most of whom agreed torepay part of their smuggling debt afterarriving in the U.S. by working as dancersin strip clubs in Newark and elsewhere.Some women who fell behind on theirdebt repayment were urged to considerengaging in prostitution to earn extramoney. The defendants induced customers to payby threatening to harm family members,and by obtaining the title to property thecustomers owned in their home countries.The defendants also instructed customerswho were caught crossing the borderillegally to concoct false asylum claimsand falsely report that they would beabused or face other danger ifimmediately deported. Assistant U.S. Attorney André M.Espinosa of the U.S. Attorney’s OfficeEconomic Crimes Unit in Newark isprosecuting this case. Each defendantfaces a maximum penalty of 10 years inprison and a $250,000 fine.” To find additional federal criminal news,please read The Federal Crimes WatchDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and writeextensively on matters involving FederalCriminal Defense, INTERPOL RedNotice Removal, International Extraditionand OFAC SDN List Removal. The author of this blog is DouglasMcNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Three Defendants Plead Guiltyin Honolulu in Connection withHuman Trafficking Scheme ThatExploited 600 Thai Workers(USDOJ: Justice News)

Submitted at 10:46 AM June 15, 2011

Bruce Schwartz, 53, Sam Wongsesanit,40, and Shane Germann, 42, have pleadedguilty to human trafficking violationsinvolving the Los Angeles basedrecruiting company Global Horizons.

Federal Jury Imposes DeathSentence Against ConnecticutDrug Dealer Convicted ofMurder and Related Charges(USDOJ: Justice News)

Submitted at 1:52 PM June 15, 2011

A federal jury in New Haven, Conn.,today voted unanimously to impose thefederal death penalty against AziboAquart for his role in the murder of threeindividuals.

U.S. v. Dominick P.Carollo, et al.(Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings)

Submitted at 9:20 AM June 15, 2011

Arraignment/bail hearing has beenscheduled for June 16, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.Eastern.

U.S. v. GCC AllianceConcrete Inc.(Antitrust Division: Criminal Case Filings)

Submitted at 8:02 AM June 15, 2011

Documents filed on May 20, 2011:• Plea Agreement

U.S. v. Tri-State ReadyMix, Inc.(Antitrust Division: Criminal Case Filings)

Submitted at 8:49 AM June 15, 2011

Documents filed on June 10, 2011:• Information

U.S. v. Samsung SDI Co.,Ltd.(Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings)

Submitted at 9:00 AM June 15, 2011

Sentencing hearing has been scheduledfor August 16, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. Pacific.

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Bruce Schwartz, Sam Wongsesanit, and ShaneGermann Plead Guilty to Federal HumanTrafficking ViolationsMcNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 10:30 AM June 15, 2011

U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) onJune 15, 2011 released the following pressrelease:“ Three Defendants Plead Guilty inHonolulu in Connection with HumanTrafficking Scheme That Exploited 600Thai Workers Case Marks Largest Human TraffickingCase in U.S. History WASHINGTON – Bruce Schwartz, 53,Sam Wongsesanit, 40, and ShaneGermann, 42, have pleaded guilty tohuman trafficking violations involving theLos Angeles based recruiting companyGlobal Horizons, the Justice Departmentannounced today. Schwartz pleadedguilty to conspiring to commit forcedlabor, and Germann and Wongsesanitpleaded guilty to conspiring to commitdocument servitude. In a superseding indictment unsealed onJan. 18, 2011, eight defendants werecharged in connection with a scheme tolure approximately 600 Thai nationals toenter the United States under the federalagricultural guest worker programbetween 2001 and 2007. According tothe indictment, the defendants conspiredto coerce the agricultural labor andservices of the Thai nationals byfraudulently inducing the recruits to incursubstantial debts secured by the workers’

homes and family land, then confiscatingthe workers’ passports, and threatening torepatriate the victims to face destitution,homelessness and other serious harm ifthey did not remain in the defendants’service for meager earnings.“These defendants pleaded guilty toparticipating in the largest humantrafficking scheme ever seen by theDepartment of Justice,” said Thomas E.Perez, Assistant Attorney General for theCivil Rights Division. “The departmentis committed to prosecuting cases ofhuman trafficking, both large and small, inorder to protect some of the mostvulnerable people in our country.”“Through successful prosecution of thosewho take advantage of immigrantworkers, we strive to ensure that theUnited States continues to be a land ofeconomic opportunity, as it has forgenerations of workers preceding them,”said Florence T. Nakakuni, U.S. Attorneyfor the District of Hawaii. Schwartz, Wongsesanit and Germanneach face maximum sentences of fiveyears in prison. Another associate of thedefendants, Podjanee Sinchai, wascharged and convicted in Thailand withrecruitment fraud and sentenced to fouryears in prison. The case is being investigated by theHonolulu Division of the FBI, with theassistance of the Los Angeles Division ofthe FBI; the Norfolk, Va., Division of the

FBI; the Buffalo, N.Y., Division of theFBI; the Department of HomelandSecurity, Immigration and CustomsEnforcement state offices in Los Angeles,Provo, Utah, and Washington; and theU.S. Department of State, Office ofDiplomatic Security Field Office in LosAngeles. The victims are receivingassistance from the Thai CommunityDevelopment Center in Los Angeles; UtahLegal Services in Salt Lake City; andFlorida Rural Legal Services in Ft. Myers,Fla. This case is being prosecuted by SeniorSpecial Counsel Susan French and TrialAttorney Kevonne Small of the CivilRights Division’s Human TraffickingProsecution Unit, and Assistant U.S.Attorney Susan Cushman of District ofHawaii.” To find additional federal criminal news,please read The Federal Crimes WatchDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and writeextensively on matters involving FederalCriminal Defense, INTERPOL RedNotice Removal, International Extraditionand OFAC SDN List Removal. The author of this blog is DouglasMcNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

U.S. v. David Porath andAndrzej Gosek(Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings)

Submitted at 9:21 AM June 15, 2011

Sentencing hearing has been scheduledfor June 28, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern.

Hector Natal Charged by a Federal CriminalComplaint with Conspiracy to Possess with Intentto Distribute Cocaine Base (“Crack Cocaine”)McNabb Associates, P.C. (Federal Criminal DefenseLawyers)

Submitted at 10:21 AM June 15, 2011

United States Attorney’s Office Districtof Connecticut on June 14, 2011 releasedthe following press release:“NEW HAVEN MAN CHARGED WITHCRACK DISTRIBUTION David B. Fein, United States Attorney forthe District of Connecticut, announced

that HECTOR NATAL, also known as“Boom Boom,” 25, of New Haven, wasarrested today on a federal criminalcomplaint charging him with one count ofconspiracy to possess with intent todistribute 28 grams or more of cocainebase (“crack cocaine”). According to the allegations set forth inthe criminal complaint and statementsmade in court, between December 2010

and April 2011, NATAL conspired withothers to distribute crack cocaine.Specifically, on March 29, 2011, NATALsold approximately 36 grams of crackcocaine to an individual working with lawenforcement in exchange for $1800. Following his arrest this morning at 76Haven Street in New Haven, NATAL

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appeared before United States MagistrateJudge Holly B. Fitzsimmons in Bridgeportand has been ordered detained. If convicted of the charge, NATAL facesa mandatory minimum term ofimprisonment of five years and amaximum term of imprisonment of 40years. U.S. Attorney Fein stressed that acomplaint is only a charge and is notevidence of guilt. Charges are onlyallegations and the defendant is presumedinnocent unless and until proven guiltybeyond a reasonable doubt. This matter is being investigated by theFBI’s Safe Streets Task Force, theConnecticut State Police, the New HavenPolice Department, the Bureau ofAlcohol, Tobacco, Firearms andExplosives, and the U.S. Department ofHousing and Urban Development’s Officeof Inspector General. This case is beingprosecuted by Deputy United States

Attorney Deirdre M. Daly and AssistantUnited States Attorney Stephen B.Reynolds, with assistance and supportfrom the Connecticut State’s Attorney’sOffice in New Haven.” To find additional federal criminal news,please read The Federal Crimes WatchDaily. Douglas McNabb and other members ofthe U.S. law firm practice and writeextensively on matters involving FederalCriminal Defense, INTERPOL RedNotice Removal, International Extraditionand OFAC SDN List Removal. The author of this blog is DouglasMcNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.
