Download pdf - July 2013 Waterlines

Page 1: July 2013 Waterlines

Cultivating a Rich and Proud legacy of

Boating for Pleasure & Sport


Upcoming Events Don’t Forget to

Check the Club’s Online

For Up-to-date Information


Northport Race & Rendezvous

Weekend Northport

August 3, 2013

9:00 AM

Board of

Directors Meeting



Interlake Regatta Great White Northern


West Grand

Traverse Bay

August 10, 2013

10:00 AM @ GTYC

• 2013 Spring Regatta

• Volunteer Corner

• Cruiser’s Corner

• Hound Dog

• Board Summary

• Adaptive Sailing

As you will have noticed, there are some pretty dramatic changes going on with the Waterlines. We have changed the format and have tried to add more interesting “stuff” for club members as well as more photos.

Continuing on this theme, we are now offering FREE (I thought that would get your attention) Waterlines ads. Have some boating stuff you don’t need any more? Why not place an ad in the Waterlines? The ads will run for one month and would have to be renewed to keep them in but, hey, with our targeted distribution, how can you miss?

And we are still very interested in stories and photos of our

membership. So, while you're sorting through those photos of

your summer, how about a copy for the Waterlines? Just

remember to provide a “tag line” so we know who it is and where

it is. Along that line, can you identify the location of the

popular sailing spot in the photo above?

Making the Waterlines work for you

JULY 2013

Fred Wilmeth Editor

Volunteer TBD Club Reporter

Volunteer TBD Club Photographer

Articles Due to Editor by the 15th

of Month Prior to Publication

[email protected]


Page 2: July 2013 Waterlines

FROM THE HELM A Word From the Commodore

JIM SORBIE Commodore

Gregg Diehl Vice Commodore

Jordan Owen Rear Commodore

Jay Kraft Past Commodore

Board of Directors George Kobernus

Lisa Wilmeth Bill Allgaier Jed Mooney

Steve Hutchens Rob Lovell

Committees Financial and Admin

Dave Skibowski Treasurer

Dave Terrell Secretary

George Kobernus Webmaster

Ian Sterling Club Manager

Hi All,

I was pleased to see the participation of our members at our signature

event of the summer, The Hound Dog Regatta and Party. Many thanks to RC Jordan Owen and Club Manager Ian Sterling for hosting a successful event. I was also pleased to see a number of our new

members volunteering and participating in this event. Way to go! By the way we’re looking for volunteers to start planning for next year’s

event. Speak up if you’d like to be involved.

It’s a good thing to see all the volunteers at the club because we’ll need

all your time and talents to help us next year. I pleased to announce

that US Sailing has chosen the Grand Traverse Yacht Club to host the

Chubb US Junior Championships in August of 2014. These

championships consist of three divisions with separate national

trophies for each division: The Sears Cup for triple handed boats

(sailed in Interlakes), The Beemis Trophy for double handed boats

(club 420’s) and the Smythe Trophy sailed in Laser Radials. We were

honored to have hosted the Melges 17 Nationals last year and we’re

excited to see junior sailors from all over the country competing on

West Grand Traverse Bay next summer! We’ll need YOUR help to

run a successful regatta of this caliber. Stay tuned for more info!

July is a time of transition and travel for many of our members,

cruisers will soon be disappearing over the horizon for points north,

while some of the racers will be headed south for the Queens Cup and

to Chicago for the Mac race. If you want to keep track of your favorite

boat, race tracking will be available on the “Yellowbrick” website (also

a smart phone app).

Wherever your summer boating plans take you, be careful and be safe!

See you at the club!

Jim Sorbie

Page 3: July 2013 Waterlines

There are many volunteer opportunities at GTYC. Almost everything we do is a volunteer activity. Want to get involved with racing, cruising, grounds keeping, organizing the club’s activities, etc. We have a job for you. The best way is to let one of our friendly, approachable Board members know that you have an interest. They’ll steer you in the right direction. Don’t know who they are (their photos are in the lobby!), ask Ian, the club manager. Almost every week we are looking for someone to help. So, get in there!

And speaking of volunteers, we need at LEAST two more designated volunteers as reliable support staff to the editor.



These jobs would be to document and report on newsworthy events at the club. We see both these volunteer positions as fun jobs for the right people. They would be gatherers of information and elements the editor will

need to put the newsletter together. If you desire a quality publication, one you will want to read and look to for club in-formation and if you think this is within the scope of your abilities, consider this an opportunity to volunteer. Help us improve communications within the club by contributing and using your special skills to further enhance and grow the club's newsletter, Waterlines. If interested, please contact: Jim Sorbie – [email protected] Fred Wilmeth – [email protected]

GTYC Needs Your Help!

Volunteers needed!

Page 4: July 2013 Waterlines

2013 GTYC Spring LASER Regatta

First Leg of the BABEL CUP

By Tom Babel

“A three round fight…with a knockout in the third”

The 2013 GTYC Laser Spring Regatta was held on May 11 and was a very memorable event. What

started out as a nice afternoon of Laser sailing quickly turned into a quest of survival.

Seventeen skippers were greeted with cold air and water temperatures to West Grand Traverse Bay.

We had a strong representation from our women’s and men’s High School Sailing Teams from

Traverse City. The standard rig and radial rigs all started together in the scheduled five race/no throw

out series. RC/PRO JORDON OWEN called for

windward/leeward courses. This first leg of the Babel Cup is added to the fall regatta for the overall


Races one and two started in perfect spring time Laser conditions, wind from the southwest at 8-12 knots, flat

water, shifty. JAMIE STUURSMA (GTYC-Defending 2012 Babel Cup Champion) started out where he left

off by hitting the first shift in race one and sailing a strong race for the standard rig win. DIRK PHELPS (GTYC-TC Central Sailing Team) came back from an OCS to lead the radial fleet demonstrating his superior

tactics and boat handling skills. In race two, COLTON GERBER (GTYC-TC Central Sailing Team) sailing a full rig, came out “firing on all cylinders”, had a great boat end start and led the fleet for the first lap. Then

the fight was on between GERBER and TOM BABEL during the last run to the finish, with BABEL being

able to keep GERBER hooked to the outside for the win, followed closely by STUURSMA.

Then it was time for race number three. I’m not sure if any of us (the racers, the crash boats, the people watching from shore) knew what was about to hit West Bay. The wind built to the mid to upper teens during

the starting sequence with a 40 degree shift to the right, making the first beat a fetch for TED LOCKWOOD

Grand Traverse Yacht Club – Waterlines – July 2013 Issue

Page 5: July 2013 Waterlines

(GTYC-Local Laser Sailing Legend) who had won the boat end start. As the boats converged on the

weather mark so did 30 knotts plus of wind. Because of the right shift, you had to make a 180 degree turn

to head back down the reach to the leeward mark. First LOCKWOOD tried the jibe, didn’t get it around,

rounded up to weather, ended up tacking which was the move we all should have done. Then BABEL tried

the jibe and immediately crashed and burned to weather. As I came up swimming and stood on my

centerboard, the fleet was a debris field pummeled by a 30-40 knot blast. The whole scene was reminiscent

of Forest Gump’s comment when Lieutenant DAN was talking to God from the crow’s nest, “Come on,

you call this a storm?!”! A couple of boats were able to hang on for the ride of their lives back down to the

leeward mark. With a TKO declared on the fleet, PRO OWEN hoisted N over H and all races were

abandoned. Further signals ashore.

One of the larger challenges of the day was getting back to the GTYC which was on the windward shore of a

30 knot plus gale out of the northwest. When it was all said and done, all skippers and boats were accounted

for. Then the fleet warmed up inside the GTYC while enjoying some hot dogs and refreshments from Wares’


The fleet is looking forward to the GTYC FALL REGATTA on September 28. A special thanks to:

RC/PRO- Owen, Crash Boat- Bob Clark & Ned Lockwood-support- Commodore Jim Sorbie - support,

David Gerber, High School Sailing Coach-support, and David Phelps - crash boat.


Full Rig 1) Babel 2) Stuursma 3) Colton Gerber

Radial Rig 1) Phelps 2) Maddie Fink 3)Alex Anderson

Top Woman – Maddie Fink

Top Master 45+ (with new knee), George Peet

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Hound Dog Regatta!

Grand Traverse Yacht Club – Waterlines – July 2013 Issue

Saturday's Mount Gay Rum party again proved a highpoint of the GTYC calendar with well over 200 racers and members on hand with red hats topping sailors' heads as far as the eye could see. After an outstanding Caribbean dinner from Chef Roy and Folgarelli's , the Raingutter Regatta for blowboats proved the center of attention as 16 teams worked their way through the bracket with the crew of Fast Freddie taking the honors. As the sun dipped below the tree line on the other side of M-22, Mike Davis and Live Wire played on into the night. Sunday brought improving conditions throughout the day, with two races completed and the best sailing coming late. Kokomo (Schock 55), driven by Wes Schulz, glided out to a convincing win in Spinnaker A for the first race, while Zig Zag came on

top in the last race to win the series for

In celebration of the long awaited arrival of summer, The Grand Traverse Yacht Club of Traverse City joined together with Mount Gay Rum to bring 15 boats and over a hundred sailors from across Northern Michigan on West Grand Traverse Bay for a full weekend of fun and competition both on and off the water.

Over the course of the third weekend in June, the Principal Race Officer Eric Lind and GTYC Race Committee matched wits with the weather to produce three races in two days with another two attempted and abandoned. After a slow start on Saturday, a passing line of rain skimmed the West Bay bringing enough breeze to take the fleet

around the course with Zig Zag (Melges 24),

driven by Marty Jensen, winning in the Spinnaker A division and Fast Freddie (J/92), driven by Doug Wipperman, topping

Spinnaker B.

Saturday's Mount Gay Rum party again

proved a highpoint of the GTYC calendarwith well 200 racers and members on

hand with red hats topping sailors' headsas far as the eye could see. After an outstanding Caribbean dinner from Chef

Roy and Folgarelli's , the Raingutter

Annual Event A Great Start to Season

Page 7: July 2013 Waterlines

Grand Traverse Yacht Club – Waterlines – July 2013 Issue the class. In Spinnaker B, regatta debutante Knockout (B-25), driven by Libby Tomlinson, earned a

breakthrough victory in the first race of the afternoon, with Fast Freddie sealing their series victory

with a win in the nightcap.

In a unique Hound Dog tradition, "Chamber of Commerce" conditions made their routine late Sunday appearance for regatta awards. After hearty congratulations for the crews of class winners Zig Zag and Fast Freddie and thanks to the GTYC Race Committee and the many volunteers of the

club, sailors lingered on the lawn of club toasting the welcome return of a Northern Michigan summer.

Page 8: July 2013 Waterlines

Balance Sheet As of May 31, 2013 and 2012

Current Assets 2013 2012 Cash Drawer $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Manager's Checking 3,283.49 556.69 Bank of Northern Michigan CD - 18,053.50 17,995.58 Bank of Northern MI - Checking 130,639.87 110,394.05 Credit Cards Receivable 4,300.65 1,148.85 Accounts Receivable - Tabs 330.95 386.00 Pay Pal Receivable 3,667.84 10,559.92 Other Receivables 2,825.00 0.00 Total Current Assets 163,601.30 141,541.09 Property and Equipment Land 35,000.00 35,000.00 Building & Fixtures 939,226.60 939,226.60 Net Property and Equipment 974,226.60 974,226.60 Total Assets $ 1,137,827.90 $ 1,115,767.69

Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $ 1,435.92 $ 0.00 Deposits - Moorings & Storage 750.00 500.00 Deposits - Rental 0.00 1,000.00 Deferred Capital Expenditures 18,715.60 12,215.60 Crusier Club - Deferred Contribution 1,664.04 1,226.95 Youth Sailing Program Fund 1,763.50 1,883.50 Federal Payroll Tax Payable 1,793.57 699.13 MI W/H Payable 240.93 193.59 MESC 200.27 71.06 FUTA 35.33 (61.44) Sales Tax W/H 1,138.65 1,600.99 Total Current Liabilities 27,737.81 19,329.38

Long-Term Liabilities Bank of N.M. - Mortgage 152,187.00 165,168.76 Special Assessment Payable – Water 7,425.00 8,100.00 Total Long-Term Liabilities 159,612.00 173,268.76 Total Liabilities 187,349.81 192,598.14

Stockholders' Equity Other Equity 854,488.47 831,218.26 Retained Earnings 95,989.62 91,951.29 Total Stockholders' Equity 950,478.09 923,169.55 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $ 1,137,827.90 $ 1,115,767.69

On June 18, 2013 the GTYC Board met in its regularly scheduled meeting. The

following items were discussed and/or acted upon.

The Board discussed the Chubb US Sailing Youth Championship to be held August, 2014 at the club. TACS Board voted to co-sponsor the event. Regatta Chair and PRO were encouraged to attend 2013 race in Houston.

Movement of member to Senior left Social membership opening to be filled. Approved 3 Honorary

memberships for Coast Guard leadership.

Approved an expense not to exceed $3,000 to repair leak at front door.

Discussed the Northport race August 3 & 4. Dinner to be arranged. All club members invited.

Rentals approved: Grand Traverse Ski Club – November 9, 2013 (Public License)

Other Events discussed: Dock Out – October 26, 2013 Commodore’s Party – October 26, 2013 2015 Disabled Nationals to be held at Club (originally set for 2014)





Board Deliberations

Page 9: July 2013 Waterlines

Grand Traverse Yacht Club – Waterlines – July 2013 Issue

Please join us for the 2013 sailing season

We have 5 specially adapted boats

Participant Open House &

Volunteer training

Where: Hull Park on Boardman Lake at Cornwell Sailing Center

(Behind the Woodmere Traverse City Public Library)

When: We will be sailing every Tuesday and Thursday June 11- August 22, 2013 (except July 4th)

Come see what we are doing! No experience necessary!

Flexible volunteer schedule!

Call Steve Rutkowski 231-590-3892 for more info. Donations to help fund this program are greatly appreciated.

Adaptive Sailing Program

Traverse Area Community Sailing

(TACS) adline Goes Here
