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  • 8/6/2019 Judicary & the Executive


    The Judiciary and the Executive

  • 8/6/2019 Judicary & the Executive


    Specification Guidance

    y The role of the judiciary

    The promotion of the rule of law

    y The importance of independence

    How separate are judges from parliament and the governmenty The importance of neutrality

    Do judges demonstrate any form of bias?

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    Judges and civil liberties

    y What are civil liberties and human rights?

    y The introduction of and importance of the Human Rights Act


    y The Judiciary and the EU

    y The Judiciary and the European Convention of Human

    Rights (ECHR)

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    the extent to which judges can check

    the power of the executive

    How does conflict manifest itself?

    1. Judicial Review

    2. Public Inquiry3. Voices of concern

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    Judicial Review

    y We do not have a codified constitution so judges cannot

    strike down any statutes passed by Parliament

    y Normally even if judges disagree with the law they are

    obliged to apply ity The HRA gave judges the power to verify legislation against

    the remit of the HRA and if found to conflict then they send

    it back to Parliament for fast track review a spell-check

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    y Apart from this process under the HRA normal judicial

    review consists in checking the actions of government

    agencies (usually ministers) to ensure that the actions that

    have been taken are based on legal grounds as specified by the

    relevant statute

    y If they have acted beyond the rules or scope of the original

    statute they are said to have acted ultra vires


    Here judges have become increasingly active and this role hasplaced them in direct conflict with the executive.

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    Public Inquiry

    Here the judiciary are asked by the government to investigate a

    controversial area and provide an objective report.

    1. Scott Inquiry Arms to Iraq

    2. Phillips Inquiry The BSE crisis3. Macpherson Inquiry Institutional Racism

    4. Hutton Inquiry The Death of David Kelly

    5. Saville Inquiry Bloody Sunday

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    Voices of Concern

    Since the abandonment of the Kilmuir Rules in 1987 members

    of the Judiciary are allowed to voice their concerns

    surrounding contemporary issues. This freedom has allowed

    them to openly criticise the government of the day and

    petition for action.

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    Judicial Voices

    y Lord Taylor (LCJ) condemned the governments Criminal

    Justice Act 1991 for Unit Fines.

    y LordWoolf condemned David Blunkett for prison

    overcrowdingy Lord Judge 2009 The government is obsessed with passing

    too many laws, framed with too many words creating too

    many crimes


    Judge Richard Bray condemned the governmentsImmigration laws

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    Judges and relations with the executive

    1. 1979 1990 The Thatcher Years

    2. 1990 - 1997 The Major Years

    3. 1997 2010 New Labour

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    1979 -1990 The Thatcher Years

    Controversy not conflict

    Case references

    y Ponting

    y Tisdall

    y PeterWright SpycatcherThe government during these years passed a series of laws

    which restricted the power of organised labour and the trade

    unions. For the main the judiciary complied with this


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    1990 - 1997 The Major Years

    Conflict emerges

    Crime levels now become a major area of public opinion.

    EU becomes a significant element of UK judicial control.

    Michael Howard

    y Sentencing Bulger casey Passage of Bill for minimum sentences

    y Prisoners rights

    We now see a huge rise in judicial activism.

    Orchestrated by more frequent use of judicial review by

    pressure groups

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    1997 2010 New Labour

    Conflict established

    y Exponential rise in judicial review

    y Increased constitutional legitimacy with the HRA, FOI Act

    and creation of the Supreme Court.

    yMajor battle lines remain with crime but now the conflict

    between civil liberties and public safety is the main


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    Case history

    Government defeats by the judiciary

    y Compensation for prisoners not allowed drugs in jail 3,500

    y Afghan hijackers trial declared unsafe and they were allowed

    to stay in the UK

    yBelmarsh detainees

    y Learco Chindamo allowed to stay in UK after leaving jail for

    murder of Headmaster Philip Lawrence

    y Judges side with privacy in the cases of Michael Douglas and

    Max Mosley

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    y Vastly increased judicial activism in politics

    y Vastly increased actions against governments since 1990

    y Path has been made easier for judges to act

    y EU law is of growing importance and the benchmark is theFactortame case

    y A rights based culture has become endemic in the UK

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    Future Developments


    y Blunkett and Clarke both perplexed at increased judicial

    restriction on the executive


    Green paper emerges The Governance of Britain (Cm 7170)here the government is considering the role of duties

    alongside rights

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    y Michael Howard launches campaign agianst the HRA and

    judicial activism as leader of Conservatives and as he stands

    downy David Cameron pledges to repeal the HRA and introduce a

    UK based Bill of Rights

    y Conflict is set to continue!

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    Resources to take you further


    Use this for cases and structure


    Use this for recent attacks on the governments plans for a third

    runway at Heathrow

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    Use this for a new case of Judicial review of the badger cull


    Use this as link to see how government ministers feel that too

    much power has gone to the judges

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