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    C. Question paper format and Marking scheme :15. The question paper consists of 3 parts (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics). Each part consists of Four

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    AK TH

    E SE










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    E IN




    Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose.

    Date : 26-12-2012 Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 300







    Straight Objective TypeThis section contains 12 mult iple choicequestions. Each question has choices (1), (2),(3) and (4) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

    1. Area of each conducting plates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 isA. The system is kept in air. Then the capacitancebetween A and B is : (1 & 4, 2 & 5 and 3 & 6 are pairof parallel plates).

    (1) dA3 0

    (2) 32


    (3) 23


    (4) d3A0

    2. The current through 15 V battery is :

    (1) 1A(2) 2A(3) 3A(4) 4A

    3. Two circular plates of radius R are kept at distanceh to make a parallel plate capacitor as shown infigure. Then the capacitance of this capacitor is.

    (1) hR20

    (2) hR20

    (3) h

    R22 20

    (4) None of these



    4. The direction of force on electron at point O due todipole P is.





    5. The equalent resistance between A and B is.

    (1) R (2) 2R

    (3) 2R (4) None of these

    6. A plane mirror is moving in a circle in front of astationary point object O as shown in fig. Then pathof image of object is.

    (1) circle (2) straight line(3) ellipse (4) parabolic

    7. A beam of electrons striking a copper targetproduces X-rays.Its spectrum is as shown. Keepingthe voltage same if the copper target is replacedwith a different metal, the cut-off wavelength andcharacteristic lines of the new spectrum will changein comparision with old as :

    (1) Cut-off wavelength will remain unchanged whilecharacteristic lines will be different.

    (2) Both cut-off wavelength and characteristic lineswill remain unchanged.

    (3) Both cut-off wavelength and characteristic lineswill be different.

    (4) Cut-off wavelength will be different whilecharacteristic lines will remain unchanged.



    8. Consider the circuit containing resistors and anideal battery. Potential difference V

    a Vb is equal

    to (where points 'a' and 'b' are as shown)



    205 15


    a b

    (1) 5V (2) 10 V(3) 12.5 V (4) 5 V

    9. Two large oppositely charged insulated plates havea uniform electric field between them as shown.The distance between the plates is increased by asmall amount. Which of the following statementsis/are correct.

    Statement(i) The electric field strength decreases.

    Statement(ii) The electrostatic force of attractionbetween the plates increases.

    Statement(iii) The potential difference between theplates increases.

    (1) (i) only (2) (ii) only(3) (iii) only (4) (i) and (iii) only

    10. In a series LR circuit, the voltage drop acrossinductor is 8 volt and across resistor is 6 volt. Thenvoltage applied and power factor of circuitrespectively are:

    (1) 14 V, 0.8 (2) 10 V, 0.8(3) 10 V, 0.6 (4) 14 V, 0.6

    11. A current i in a circular loop of radius b producesa magnetic field. At a fixed point far from the loop(on its axis) the magnetic field is proportional towhich of the following combinations of i and b ?

    (1) ib(2) ib2(3) i2b(4) i/b2

    12. A negative charge is given to a loop and the loop isrotated in the plane of paper about its centre asshown. The magnetic field produced by the ringaffects a small magnet placed above the ring inthe same plane of paper.

    (1) the magnet does not rotate(2) the magnet rotates clockwise as seen byobserver from below

    (3) the magnet rotates anti-clockwise as seen frombelow

    (4) none of the above



    SECTION - IIStraight Objective Type

    This section contains 5 multiple choice questions.Each question has choices (1), (2), (3), (4) and(5) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

    13. Figure shows a hemisphere of charge Q and radiusR and a sphere of charge 2Q and radius R. Thetotal potential energy of hemisphere is UH and thatthe sphere is US. Then.

    (1) 2UH = US (2) 2UH < US(3) 2UH > US (4) UH = US(5) Data insefficient

    14. Refractive indices of 2 different media withseparating boundary at the diagonal of rectangularglass slab are shown. Total angle of deviation ofthe ray as shown in the figure, when it emerges inair is :

    (1) 120 (2) 90(3) 60 (4) 45(5) 30

    15. A negative test charge is moving near a longstraight current carrying wire . A force will act onthe test charge in a direction parallel to thedirection of the current, if the motion of the chargeis in a direction:

    (1) towards wire(2) the same as that of current(3) opposite to that of current(4) perpendicular to both the direction of currentand the direction towards wire.

    (5) None of these

    16. In the circuit shown, cells are of equal emf E but ofdifferent internal resistances r1 = 6 and r2 = 4 .Reading of the ideal voltmeter connected acrosscell 1 is zero. Value of the external resistance R inohm is equal to-


    E E






    (1) 2 (2) 2.4(3) 10 (4) 24(5) zero



    17. The negatively and uniformly chargednonconducting disc as shown, is rotatedclockwise. The direction of the magnetic field atpoint A in the plane of the disc is :

    (1) into the page (2) out of the page(3) up (4) down(5) zero


    Multiple Correct Answers TypeThis sect ion contains 8 multiple correctanswer(s) type questions. Each question has 4choices (1), (2), (3) and (4), out of which ONEOR MORE is/are correct.

    18. Path of charged particle, if only magnetic force actson it can be.

    (1) circle(2) helix with constant pitch(3) helix with variable pitch(4) cycloid

    19. Which of the following converges themonochromatic parallel beam of light incidenting onit. (all are kept in air)

    (1) (2)

    (3) (4) None of these

    20. Figure shows a LCR 'circuit connected with a dcbattery of emf and internal resistance R. After along time (initially the capacitor was uncharged):

    (1) Current through the inductor is R8

    (2) Charge stored in the capacitor is 4C

    (3) Charge stored in the capacitor is 2C

    (4) Potential difference across the terminals of

    battery is 4



    21. Which of the following statements is/are correct foran x-ray tube ?

    (1) On increasing potential difference betweenfilament and target, photon flux of x-rays increases

    (2) On increasing potential difference betweenfilament and target, frequency of x-rays increases

    (3) On increasing filament current, cutoffwavelength increases

    (4) On increasing filament current intensity of x-rays increases

    22. In standard Young double slit experiment, visiblelight ( ( 390 nm, 700 nm)) is used in both theslits. Distance between the slits is 2 mm, anddistance of screen from the slits is 1 m. A thin glassslab ( = 1.5) of thickness 6 m is placed in front ofslit S2. Light of which wavelength (s) is missing at

    point P, which is directly in front of slit S2. (Neglectdispersion of light)

    (1) 400 nm (2) 500 nm

    (3) 32000

    nm (4) 31600


    23. In the circuit shown the capacitor and inductor do

    not have energy initially. Then

    (1) the current flowing through the battery at t = 0is /2R

    (2) The current flowing through the battery at t = 0is 2/3R

    (3) The current flowing through the battery at t = is 2/5R

    (4) The current flowing through the battery at t = is /2R

    24. Pick up the correct statements :

    (1) The changing (with time) magnetic field neednot be in existence at the location of induced electricfield.

    (2) A uniform magnetic field increasing at constantrate, induces an electric field which is constant andnon conservative.

    (3) Non zero force exerted by uniform and constantmagnetic field on a moving charged particle doesno work but always changes momentum of theparticle.

    (4) All the above statements are wrong.



    25. In a co-ordinate system shown, non-uniform

    magnetic induction B = k|x|B0 exist, where B0 is

    a positive constant, x- is x-coordinate of point in

    shown space and k is unit vector in positive z-

    direction. A square coil placed in this system isrotated with uniform angular speed about y axis.The coil may be placed in four ways as shown. IfeI, eII eIII and eIV are the rms emfs induced in thesefour cases, which of the following will be correct.

    (1) eI = eII (2) eIII < eI(3) eIII > eIV (4) eII > eI


    Reasoning TypeThis sect ion contains 4 reasoning typequestions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2),(3) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

    26. STATEMENT-1 : For the situation shown in thefigure two monochromatic identical coherent lightsources produce interference pattern on the screen.The intensity of minima nearest to S1 is not exactlyzero.

    STATEMENT-2 : Minimum intensity is zero wheninterfering waves have same intensity at the locationof super position.

    (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False(4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True



    27. STATEMENT-1 : In alpha decay of differentradioactive nuclides, energies of alpha particles hasbeen compared. It is found that as energy of alphaparticle increases the half life of the decaydecreases.

    STATEMENT-2 : More is the energy in any decayprocess, more is the probability of decaying thenuclide which leads to faster rate of decay.

    (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False(4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

    28. STATEMENT-1 : Although the surface of goggleslenses are curved, it does not have any opticalpower.

    STATEMENT-2 : In case of goggles both the curvedsurfaces have equal radii of curvature and havecentre of curvature same side.

    (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False(4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

    29. STATEMENT-1 : Heavy nuclides tend to havemore number of neutrons than protons.

    STATEMENT-2 : In heavy nuclei, as there iscoloumbic repulsion between protons, so excessof neutrons are preferable.

    (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False(4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.



    30. A hydrogen electrode is immersed in a solutionwith pH = 0 (HCl). By how much will the potential(reduction) change if an equivalent amount of NaOHis added to the solution.

    (Take 2Hp = 1 atm) T = 298 K.

    (1) increase by 0.41 V

    (2) increase by 59 mV

    (3) decrease by 0.41 V

    (4) decrease by 59 mV

    31. Equal volume of two solution having pH = 2 andpH = 10 are mixed together at 90C. Then pH ofresulting solution is : (Take Kw at 90C = 1012)

    (1) 2 + log 2

    (2) 10 log 2

    (3) 7

    (4) 6

    32. The incorrect statement is :

    (1) Vapour pressure of a liquid always increasesby increasing temperature.

    (2) Vapour pressure only depends on temperatureand not on the nature of substance.

    (3) Vapour pressure does not depend on thequantity of the liquid taken and the surfacearea of the liquid.

    (4) Vapour pressure is not a colligative property& is independent of the concentration of theliquid.

    33. When borax is dissolved in water :

    (1) B(OH)3 is formed only

    (2) [B(OH)4] is formed only

    (3) both B(OH)3 and [B(OH)4] are formed

    (4) [B3O3(OH)4] is formed only

    PART- BAtomic masses : [H = 1, D = 2, Li = 7, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16, F = 19, Na = 23, Mg = 24,Al = 27, Si = 28, P = 31, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, K = 39, Ca = 40, Cr = 52, Mn = 55, Fe = 56, Cu = 63.5,Zn = 65, As = 75, Br = 80, Ag = 108, I = 127, Ba = 137, Hg = 200, Pb = 207]

    SECTION - IStraight Objective Type

    This section contains 12 questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of whichONLY ONE is correct.



    34. Which one of the following statements is correct:

    (1) Brownian movement is more pronounced forsmaller particles than for bigger ones

    (2) Sols of metal sulphides are lyophilic

    (3) Schulze-Hardy law states, the bigger the sizeof the ion, the greater is its coagulating power

    (4) None of these

    35. Sodium nitroprusside when added to an alkalinesolution of sulphide ions produces purplecolouration due to the formation of :

    (1) Na[Fe(H2O)5NOS]

    (2) Na4[Fe(CN)5NOS]

    (3) Na3[Fe(CN)5NOS]

    (4) Na4[Fe(H2O5)NOS)]

    36. Which of the following are bidentate monoanionligands ?

    (1) Acetylacetonato

    (2) Oxalato ion

    (3) Dimethylglyoximato

    Select the correct answer using the codes givenbelow :

    (1) 1 only

    (2) 1 and 3 only

    (3) 3 only

    (4) 2 and 3 only

    37. Ammonia gas is not prepared by :

    (1) reduction of sodium nitrite or sodium nitrateby the reaction of zinc dust and sodiumhydroxide.

    (2) hydrolysis of calcium cyanamide.

    (3) heating ammonium chloride with slaked lime.

    (4) heating of (NH4)2Cr2O7

    38. Write the basicity order of the following :

    CH3 CH2 NH2 (CH3)2NH 23 NHCCH||O

    (I) (II) (III) (IV)

    (1) (II) > (I) > (III) > (IV)

    (2) (I) > (III) > (II) > (IV)

    (3) (III) > (I) > (II) > (IV)

    (4) (I) > (II) > (III) > (IV)








    Product is :





    40. /NaOH ; the major product is





    41. A neutral type amino acid migrates at anode at

    (1) pH > pI

    (2) pH < pI

    (3) pH = pI

    (4) it depends on structure of amino acid




    Straight Objective TypeThis section contains 5 questions. Each questionhas 5 choices (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) for its answer,out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

    42. Among the following, the species that is bothparamagnetic and coloured is :

    (1) [MnO4]2

    (2) [TiCl6]2

    (3) [VO4]3

    (4) CrO2Cl2(5) [MnO4]

    43. Which one of the following statements isincorrect?

    (1) In the aluminothermite process, aluminiumacts as reducing agent.

    (2) Lead is extracted form its chief ore by bothcarbon reduction and self reduction.

    (3) Zinc is extracted from its chief ore by carbonreduction.

    (4) Extraction of gold involves the leaching of orewith cyanide solution followed by reductionwith zinc.

    (5) In Hall-Heroult process, the electrolyte usedis a molten mixture of alumina, sodiumhydroxide and cryolite.

    44. Ionisation constant of each HA (weak acid) andBOH (weak base) are 3.0 x 107 each at 298K.The percentage degree of hydrolysis of BA at thedilution of 10L is :

    (1) 25

    (2) 50

    (3) 75

    (4) 40

    (5) Data is insufficient

    45. Identify final product in the following :


    (1) C CHBr2


    (2) C CH Br2


    (3) (4) CH CHO





    46. The following compound on hydrolysis will give :

    (1) A pair of anomers

    (2) A pair of enantiomeris

    (3) A pair of epimers

    (4) A pair of chain isomers

    (5) A pair of molecules having common tautomer


    Multiple Correct Answer Type

    This section contains 8 questions. Each questionhas 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer,out of which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.

    47. In the fluorite structure if the radius ratio is




    how many ions does each cation touch ?

    (1) 4 anions

    (2) 12 cations

    (3) 8 anions

    (4) No cations

    48. A solution containing Br ions is treated with eachof the following. Which of these will not liberatebromine gas (in acidic medium) ?

    (1) Cl2(2) HI

    (3) I2(4) SO3

    49. The ozone layer in the earth's upper atmosphereis important in shielding the earth from veryharmful ultraviolet radiation. The ozone, O3,decomposes according to the equation 2O3(g) 3O2(g). The mechanism of the reaction is thoughtto proceed through an initial fast, reversible stepand then a slow second step.

    Step 1: Fast, reversible O3(g) O2(g) +O(g)

    Step 2: Slow O3(g) + O(g) 2O2(g)

    The which of the following is correct ?

    (1) Step 2 is rate determining step

    (2) The rate expression for step 2 is ddt O[ ]3= k[O3][O]

    (3) For Step 1 , molecularity is 1

    (4) For Step 2 , molecularity is 2



    50. Which of the following complexes is(are)paramagnetic ?

    (1) [Mn(CN6)]3

    (2) [Cr(NH3)6]3+

    (3) [Fe(CN)6]4

    (4) [Co(CN)6]3

    51. Consider the reactions shown below ;

    Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct?

    (1) [X] is a yellow coloured precipitate.

    (2) [X] is soluble in ammonia solution.

    (3) [Y] gives green coloured solution with excessof sodium hydroxide solution.

    (4) The conversion of Cr2O72 to [Y] is an redoxreaction.

    52. Identify a reagent from the following list which caneasily distinguish between 1-butyne and 2-butyne.

    (1) Na metal

    (2) H2, Lindlar catalyst

    (3) dilute H2SO4, HgSO4

    (4) ammonical Cu2Cl2 solution

    53. The correct order of leaving group ability is/are :

    (1) >

    (2) >

    (3) >

    (4) >

    54. RX + Mg Ether RMgX OHCH3 n-Butane

    What can be R in the above reaction sequence ?

    (1) n-Butyl

    (2) sec-Butyl

    (3) n-Propyl

    (4) Isopropyl




    Reasoning TypeThis section contains 4 reasoning type questions.Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and(4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

    55. Statement-1 : In water, orthoboric acid behavesas a weak monobasic Lewis acid.

    Statement-2 : In water, orthoboric acid acts as aproton donor.

    (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False

    (4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

    56. Statement-1 : On increasing dilution, the specificconductance keep on increasing.

    Statement-2 : On increasing dilution, degree ofionization of weak electrolyte increases andmobility of ions also increases.

    (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.

    (4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

    57. Statement : 1 Enantiomers arenonsuperimposable on each other.

    Statement : 2 All isomers are nonidenticalcompounds.

    (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False

    (4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

    58. Statement 1 : The reactivity order is :

    for Br2/KOH reagent

    Statement 2 : Presence of OMe groupincreases rate of Hofmann bromamide reactionby increasing electron density in migratingphenyl group.

    (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.

    (4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.



    PART- C

    SECTION - IStraight Objective Type

    This section contains 12 questions. Each questionhas 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, outof which ONLY ONE is correct.

    59. The maximum value of f(x) = cosx on the set of realnumbers satisfying x4 + 36 13x2 is

    (1) cos2 (2) cos3

    (3) 1 (4) cos1






    dx =

    (1) 2 (2) 1

    (3) 2n21 (4) 3n2


    61. If the determinant 11xcos1xsin





    expressed in terms of powers of cosx then the valueof constant term is

    (1) 4 (2) 3

    (3) 9 (4) 8

    62. If nf x 4 x ,n N and rf 0 represents the rth

    derivative of f(x) at x = 0, then the value of r

    r 0

    (f 0 )r!

    is equal to

    (1) 2n

    (2) en

    (3) 5n

    (4) 4n

    63. A person while dialing a telephone number, forgetsthe last three digits of the number but remembersthat exactly two of them are same. He dials thenumber randomly. The probability that he dialed thecorrect number, is equal to

    (1) 1135

    (2) 127

    (3) 154

    (4) 1270

    64. If A,B,C are set then A (B C) is equal to(1) A (B C)(2) A B C(3) A (B C)

    (4) none of these



    65. If I = 1


    2dxxcos then

    (1) I




    (2) I < 23

    (3) I < cos1

    (4) I


    cos,1sin 2

    66. If the mean of x in distribution

    Variate X 1 2 3 4 5

    Frequency of X 4 5 k 1 2

    is 2.6, then the value of k is

    (1) 8(2) 10(3) 12(4) 18

    67. Let a relation R in the set N of natural numbers bedefined as (x, y) x2 4xy + 3y2 = 0 for allx, y N. The relation R is

    (1) reflexive(2) symmetric(3) transitive(4) an equivalence relation.

    68. Let p,q be statements. Negation of statementp ~ q, is

    (1) ~ q p

    (2) ~ p q

    (3) p q

    (4) p q

    69. x im x




    is equal to

    (1) e4

    (2) e2

    (3) e3

    (4) e

    70. A curve passes through the point (2a, a) and issuch that sum of subtangent and abscissa isequal to a. Its equation is

    (1) (x a) y2 = a3

    (2) (x a)2 y = a3

    (3) (x a) y = a2

    (4) (x + a) y = a2



    SECTION - IIStraight Objective Type

    This section contains 5 questions. Each questionhas 5 choices (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) for its answer,out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

    71. If x1, x2, x3, x4 are the roots of the equation x4 x3sin 2

    + x2 cos2 x cos


    = 0, where

    (0, ). Then



    1 is equal to

    (1) 2

    (2) 2




    (5) +

    72. If a i 2 j k , b j k , then the point of

    intersection of lines abar

    and babr


    (1) i j k

    (2) i 3 j

    (3) i j 2k

    (4) 3i j k

    (5) i j 2k

    73. Let f(x) = 2

    cosec1 21x

    . Then

    (1) 1x

    lim f(x) = 0

    (2) 1x


    f(x) = 2

    (3) 3x

    lim f(x) = 1

    (4) 3x


    f(x) = 1

    (5) 3x


    f(x) = 2

    74. The contents of urn and are as follows,Urn : 4 white and 5 black ballsUrn : 3 white and 6 black balls

    One urn is chosen at random and a ball is drawnand its colour is noted and replaced back to theurn. Again a ball is drawn from the same urn,colour is noted and replaced. The process isrepeated 4 times and as a result one ball of whitecolour and 3 of black colour are noted. Theprobability that the chosen urn was is

    (1) 287125

    (2) 12764

    (3) 28725

    (4) 19279

    (5) 49250



    75. Area of the region bounded by the curve y = x2 andy = sec1 [sin2x] (where [ . ] denotes the greatestinteger function) is

    (1) 3

    (2) 32

    (3) 34

    (4) 36

    (5) 32

    SECTION - IIIMultiple Correct Answer Type

    This section contains 8 questions. Each questionhas 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, outof which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.

    76. If f(x) is real valued continuous and differentiable

    function satisfying (f(x))2 = x

    022 ))t('f()t(f

    dt + 2013

    then which of following are possible.

    (1) f(x) = 2013 ex

    (2) f(x) = 2013 ex(3) f(x). f(x)= (f(x))2

    (4) f(x) = 2013 + 2x

    77. A normal is drawn at a point P(x, y) of a curve. Itmeets the x-axis and y-axis at points A and B

    respectively such that OA2

    + OB3

    = 1, O being

    origin. Equation of such curve passing through point(1, 1) can be

    (1) x2 + y2 4x 6y + 8 = 0

    (2) x2 + y2 2x 3y + 3 = 0

    (3) 2x2 + 2y2 x y 2 = 0

    (4) x2 + y2 4x + 6y 4 = 0

    78. If f(x) = x2, 1 x 4, g(x) = sec1x, x 1 then

    (1) Domain of gof(x) is [1, 4] {1}

    (2) Domain of gof(x) is [1, 4]

    (3) Range of gof(x) is [0, sec1 16]

    (4) Range of fog(x) is



    79. If f(x) = 0 for x < 0 and f(x) is differentiable at x = 0,then for x > 0, f(x) may be

    (1) x2

    (2) x

    (3) sin x

    (4) x3/2



    80. If G is the centroid and O is the circumcentre of thetriangle with vertices (1, 2, 0), (0, 0, 2) and(2, 1, 1), then equation/s of line OG is/are

    (1) x = y = z

    (2) y = 1, z = 1

    (3) 12x

    = 12y

    = 12z

    (4) 11x

    = 11y

    = 11z

    81. If p, q, r are any three statements and t is a tautologythen which of the following is/are CORRECT ?

    (1) p (q r) = (p

    q) (p


    (2) p (~ p) = t

    (3) ~ (p q) = (~p) (~ q)

    (4) ~ (p q) = (p ~ q) (~ p q)

    82. If c is an arbitrary constant then solution ofdifferential equation x2dy y2dx xy2(x y) dy = 0can be

    (1) c2y



    (2) c2y



    (3) cxye)yx( 2y2

    (4) cxye)yx( 2y


    83. Two equat ions 11 qn.r

    and 22 qn.r

    represent two perpendicular planes, where 1n

    and 2n

    are two unit vectors. One of these plane

    is rotated through an angle 45 about line ofintersection of two given planes then equationof plane in new position can be

    (1) 21 nn.r

    = q1 q2

    (2) 21 nn.r

    = q1 + q2

    (3) 21 nn.r

    = q1 + q2

    (4) 21 nn.r

    = q1 q2

    SECTION - IVReasoning Type

    This section contains 4 reasoning type questions.Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4),out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

    84. STATEMENT-1 : If A =


    , then |adj A| = a6

    and |adj (adj A) | = a9.STATEMENT-2 : Let A be a square matrix of order

    n, then |adj A| = |A|n 1 and |adj (adj A)| = 2)1n(|A| (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;

    Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False(4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True



    85. STATEMENT-1 : Number of solutions for the

    equation 2x + 3x + 5x = 1001

    is equal to one.

    STATEMENT-2 : Let f(x) be a strictly increasingfunction and g(x) be a constant function. Thennumber of solutions for f(x) = g(x) is always equalto one.(1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;

    Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False(4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

    86. Let c be arbitrary constantSTATEMENT-1 :


    ex dx = ex cot 2x

    + c


    ))x(f)x(f(ex dx = ex f(x) + c

    (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False(4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

    87. STATEMENT-1 : If c,b,a

    are non coplanar unit

    vectors equally inclined to one another at an angle , then there will exist three scalar p, q, r such that


    + cb

    = ap

    + bq

    + cr


    STATEMENT-2 : ba

    is a vector perpendicular to

    plane containing a

    and b

    and cb

    is a vector

    perpendicular to plane containing b

    and c



    + cb

    will be non-zero only if c,b,a



    (1) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is a correct explanation forStatement-1.

    (2) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True;Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation forStatement-1

    (3) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False(4) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

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