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Keys to Success – Journal Entry Assignments

You will submit this document at the end of the term

Directions: Each journal entry corresponds with a chapter in your book. There are 12 chapters and you will complete 12 Journal entries. Go to each page; answer the questions for each Journal in this document. For example, under Journal Entry 1 (page 24 in your book), read each question in your book and place your answers in this document. (Do not complete Real-Life Writing)

Francheska David

Chapter 1- (page 24) Journal Entry - How you are feeling now

Type information here: As a right now my experience with college is great. I can’t complain about it. This is my first semester and so far it has being the easiest one, and I can’t wait for the rest of my college experience to end so I can start on my career already. I think that one thing that I should work on is on presenting projects in front of a class. I’m a very shy girl and it takes me a while to actually stand up and present a project or do a speech.

Chapter 2 - (page 54) Journal Entry – How you feel about your time management

Type information here: considering that a day only has 24 hours I tent to do everything I can so I can spend my time wisely. I work 8 hours out of the day, spend 2 hours doing homework, 3 to 4 hours studying, and the rest I like to spend it with my friends and family. Personally I think I spend my time wisely I manage to give myself some time as well to give time to others.

Chapter 3 – (page 81) Journal Entry – Your interactions with others

Type information here: personally I really don’t have a type a people to hang around with. I’m a very friendly person so I tent to make friends with everybody that surrounds me. But to gain confidence on somebody it takes a lot for me to show them that I actually have enough confidence on them to tell them personal stuff. But all that aside I think I’m a very loving and caring person as well as a very caring and loving friend.

Chapter 4 - (page 112) Journal Entry – Make a wiser choice

Type information here: honestly all the decisions that I have made have thought me a lesson. Therefor I don’t have nothing to be ashamed of and I wouldn’t change my past decisions for nothing, because thanks to them I’m the person who I’m right now.

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Chapter 5 - (page 146) Journal Entry – Reading challenges

Type information here: my writing class is one of the hardest classes that I have had so far. I’m not too good with writing papers and or either with the subjects and all that stuff that involves writing. Therefor so far writing is one of the most challenging subjects so far. With speech I really don’t have a problem. I think I have enough confidence in myself to read out loud and pronounce words right.

Chapter 6 - (page 172) Journal Entry – Understanding your needs and making changes

Type information here: I dislike when a teacher scrolls down the notes way too quick as if we knew how to write them as quick as she scrolls them down. When I get stuck I usually ask the teacher to please slow down a little bit and most of the time she does it. Three ways to take notes in my point of view would be paying attention to class, always come prepare, and always be awake and with a good night sleep before going in to class.

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Chapter 7- (page 204) Journal Entry – How feelings connect study success

Type information here: whenever I get really stress out I usually go to the beach and relax. Sometimes I go with my best friend Kyle and I will tell him what’s bothering me and he will give me a good an advice. But when I don’t want anybody around me and I just want to be alone me just go by myself and just chill and relax. Breathe some fresh air and contemplate and always think to myself that everything in life happens for a reason.

Chapter 8- (page 236) Journal Entry – Test types

Type information here: math is one of the hardest materials that I have witness and that I mostly have problems with. A study group always helps as well with tutoring and studying extra on the hardest subject on it.

Chapter 9 - (page 263) Journal Entry – Your experience with prejudice

Type information here: I’m Hispanic and I speak fluent Spanish. One time I was with some friends and one of them said something about Hispanics that I found really disrespectful and I said something about it. I don’t discriminate and I hate when people are too ignorant and discriminate illegal immigrants. I really wonder if they know that all of us are immigrant. We all come from different countries and we all have different cultures. Just because we speak another language and we look different and we don’t have papers doesn’t mean that they have more power on us than anybody else. I just think that people should watch their actions more often.

Chapter 10 - (page 292) Journal Entry – Addiction

Type information here: any type of addiction usually destroys a family, and something similar happen to my family because of my oldest brother’s addiction of drugs. Those years where ones of the worst years of my life, he used to steal from us, we use to not see him for days sometimes even weeks. Till my mother got tired of it and put him in rehab for one year. After that year went by and he finally got out he was always on watch. People from the rehab center used to come over to see him and take random drug test. Now he is a very clean person and he is happily married with a wonderful women. And all thanks to our support.

Chapter 11 - (page 320) Journal Entry – You and credit

Type information here: in my house I pay the light bill and my phone bill. Usually I pay them on time so there’s no problem when it comes to it. I know how to manage my budget very well.

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Chapter 12 - (page 345) Journal Entry – Revisit your personal mission

Type information here: one update that I want to make in my life is to move up north and start a new life. That’s going to be one of the biggest steps in my life that I can’t sincerely wait to make. I’m going to move with my best friend and I’m going to start going to University of Florida.
