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Saturday, 30th May 2015 653 words

The madness of Chemistry

Thesis Statement: Studied Chemistry in second semester.

Chemistry is a course called what i have to take in the second semester. I hate this course because it was very difficult and complicated. Chemistry can be easy and fun if we get a good lecturer and could teach well. But, in the fact is not in accordance with what is expected, i didnt get that and i hate the more chemistry. Not just me, my friends were also get same the felt the like me. Many of us have complained by way of teaching this lecturers. However we must pass this.

This story started from the first time in a class of Chemistry. Before a lecturer in a class i already got the feeling unwell. Why ? my heart said that lecturers will teach us not in accordance what we want, and my feeling is evident right. This Lecturer in to our class say ms. x at first looks fun and enjoy , but after next meetings this lecture is seen not understand how to teach us with good. She just sat on a chair and explained the matter without interacting with us, her voice is not sounding clearly because he spoke as talking to herself. She also rarely explain by means to write it down on board, many of us who did not understand the material of which he explain. The manner of teaching is very boring. She only read the material in her laptop without explained to us. So that the atmosphere of class become stiff and very bored. Many of us who sleepy at the time he explained, including my own. In the class is we can only be silence stunned without kidding a bit because lecturers we are not fun and tend to stiff. When we want to ask was sometimes what we ask different with which she replied, maybe because she has of hearing a less well and that sometimes that make us laugh. But after it all back into the same again, which is still stiff and boring.

I always feel sleepy when this lecture explained the material to us. Because the material of which she explain too many and is very confusing. Not just me being drowsy, my friends also feel same like me. Maybe this is because the teaching which is monotonous and not communicative. That is why we also always feel bored when he came to class these Chemistry. We want it to be quickly out and end that course. But felt like it was really time now for a long time and many of us have only tell stories each other without hearing what she explain. I also not interested in course. Because this course have the formula that many complex and difficult i understand. Especially if I dont get a good lecturers who can interact with good.

As a result, my score become the stakes. In the second semester ago i got a bad score. This is all because i also hard to understand material which given a lecturer. But, I was lucky because i do not need to repeat this course. It turns out that the score of my friends there were also under than me. Nevertheless i also feel very sad because they felt had failed in this course. I had stress when know the score that i get. I fear if the value that can make my grade point average have to be low. Even i was frustrated and can only silence in my room. But it was not, i get the GPA pretty high.

So, chemistry is one of those lessons that very I hate. But I have to pass it even if I got a bad grade. And two semesters of yesterday becomes a lesson for me to continue learning seriously in the next semester. I should not be blamed or his lessons. I am determined to improve my grades by studying hard and serious.
