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PrinciplesofSoftwareConstruction: Objects,Design,andConcurrencyPart1:IntroductionCourseoverviewandintroductiontosoftwaredesignJoshBloch CharlieGarrod

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Blackout of 2003 Normal night-time image

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6 17-214 15-313 Software Engineering


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PrinciplesofSoftwareConstruction: Objects,Design,andConcurrencyPart1:IntroductionCourseoverviewandintroductiontosoftwaredesignJoshBloch CharlieGarrod

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binary tree

graph search




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Our goal: understanding both the building blocks and the design principles for construction of software systems












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PrinciplesofSoftwareConstruction: Objects,Design,andConcurrencyPart1:IntroductionCourseoverviewandintroductiontosoftwaredesignJoshBloch CharlieGarrod

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•  Programmingbasedonstructuresthatcontainbothdataandmethods


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PrinciplesofSoftwareConstruction: Objects,Design,andConcurrencyPart1:IntroductionCourseoverviewandintroductiontosoftwaredesignJoshBloch CharlieGarrod

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•  IntroductiontoJavaandO-O•  Introductiontodesign

–  Designgoals,principles,patterns•  Designingclasses

–  Designforchange–  Designforreuse

•  Designing(sub)systems–  Designforrobustness–  Designforchange(cont.)

•  Designcasestudies•  Designforlarge-scalereuse•  Explicitconcurrency

•  Crosscuttingtopics:–  Moderndevelopmenttools:


–  Modelingandspecification,formalandinformal

–  Functionalcorrectness:Testing,staticanalysis,verification

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Sorting with a configurable order, version A


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Sorting with a configurable order, version B interfaceOrder{booleanlessThan(inti,intj);}classAscendingOrderimplementsOrder{publicbooleanlessThan(inti,intj){returni<j;}}classDescendingOrderimplementsOrder{publicbooleanlessThan(inti,intj){returni>j;}}staticvoidsort(int[]list,Orderorder){…booleanmustSwap=order.lessThan(list[j],list[i]);…}

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Sorting with a configurable order, version B'


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Which version is better?



Version A:

Version B':

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It depends?

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Software engineering is the branch of computer science that creates practical, cost-effective solutions to computing and information processing problems, preferably by applying scientific knowledge, developing software systems in the service of mankind.

Software Engineering for the 21st Century: A basis for rethinking the curriculum Manifesto, CMU-ISRI-05-108

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Software engineering is the branch of computer science that creates practical, cost-effective solutions to computing and information processing problems, preferably by applying scientific knowledge, developing software systems in the service of mankind. Software engineering entails making decisions under constraints of limited time, knowledge, and resources…

Engineering quality resides in engineering judgment… Quality of the software product depends on the engineer’s faithfulness to the engineered artifact… Engineering requires reconciling conflicting constraints… Engineering skills improve as a result of careful systematic reflection on experience… Costs and time constraints matter, not just capability…

Software Engineering for the 21st Century: A basis for rethinking the curriculum

Manifesto, CMU-ISRI-05-108

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•  Foreachdesiredprogrambehaviorthereareinfinitelymanyprograms–  Whatarethedifferencesbetweenthevariants?–  Whichvariantshouldwechoose?–  Howcanwecreateavariantwithdesiredproperties?

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Functionalcorrectness Adherenceofimplementationtothespecifications

Robustness Abilitytohandleanomalousevents

Flexibility Abilitytoaccommodatechangesinspecifications

Reusability Abilitytobereusedinanotherapplication

Efficiency Satisfactionofspeedandstoragerequirements

Scalability Abilitytoserveasthebasisofalargerversionoftheapplication

Security Levelofconsiderationofapplicationsecurity

Source: Braude, Bernstein, Software Engineering. Wiley 2011

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1.  Discusssoftwarethatneedstobewritten2.  Writesomecode3.  Testthecodetoidentifythedefects4.  Debugtofindcausesofdefects5.  Fixthedefects6.  Ifnotdone,returntostep1

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•  Thinkbeforecoding:broadlyconsiderqualityattributes–  Maintainability,extensibility,performance,…

•  Propose,considerdesignalternatives–  Makeexplicitdesigndecisions

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•  Adesignprocessorganizesyourwork•  Adesignprocessstructuresyourunderstanding•  Adesignprocessfacilitatescommunication

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•  Designgoalsenableevaluationofdesigns–  e.g.maintainability,reusability,scalability

•  Designprinciplesareheuristicsthatdescribebestpractices–  e.g.highcorrespondencetoreal-worldconcepts

•  Designpatternscodifyrepeatedexperiences,commonsolutions–  e.g.templatemethodpattern

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PrinciplesofSoftwareConstruction: Objects,Design,andConcurrencyPart1:IntroductionCourseoverviewandintroductiontosoftwaredesignJoshBloch CharlieGarrod

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•  Roughly:doingmorethanonethingatatime

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•  Object-orientedprogramming•  Code-leveldesign•  Analysisandmodeling•  Concurrency

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•  17-214:Code-leveldesign–  Extensibility,reuse,concurrency,functionalcorrectness

•  17-313:Humanaspectsofsoftwaredevelopment–  Requirements,teamwork,scalability,security,scheduling,costs,risks,


•  17-413Practicum,17-415Seminar,Internship•  Variouscoursesonrequirements,architecture,software

analysis,SEforstartups,APIdesign,etc.•  SEMinor:


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•  15-122orequivalent–  Twosemestersofprogramming–  KnowledgeofC-likelanguages

•  21-127or15-151orequivalent–  Familiaritywithbasicdiscretemathconcepts

•  Specifically:–  Basicprogrammingskills–  Basic(formal)reasoningaboutprograms

•  Pre/postconditions,invariants,formalverification–  Basicalgorithmsanddatastructures

•  Lists,graphs,sorting,binarysearch,etc.

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•  Abilitytodesignandimplementmedium-scaleprograms•  UnderstandingOOprogrammingconcepts&designdecisions•  Proficiencywithbasicqualityassurancetechniquesfor

functionalcorrectness•  Fundamentalsofconcurrency•  Practicalskills

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•  [email protected]

•  CharlieGarrod

[email protected]

•  Teachingassistants:Ari,Alice,Daniel,Grace,Henry,Jeremy,Rosie,Shruti,


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•  [email protected]

•  CharlieGarrod

[email protected]

•  Teachingassistants:Ari,Alice,Daniel,Grace,Henry,Jeremy,Rosie,Shruti,


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•  Lectures:TuesdayandThursday,3:00–4:20pm,DHA302–  Electronicdevicesdiscouraged

•  Recitations:Wednesdays9:30-…-2:20pm–  Supplementarymaterial,hands-onpractice,feedback–  Bringyourlaptop

•  Officehours:seecoursewebpage–

Recitation attendance is required

Smoking Section

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•  Coursewebsite:–  Schedule,officehourscalendar,lectureslides,policydocuments

•  Tools–  Git,Github:Assignmentdistribution,hand-in,andgrades–  Piazza:Discussionboard–  IntelliJorEclipse:Recommendedforcodedevelopment(otherIDEsarefine)–  Gradle,Travis-CI,Checkstyle,Spotbugs:Practicaldevelopmenttools

•  Assignments–  Homework1availabletomorrow

•  Firstrecitationistomorrow–  IntroductiontoJavaandthetoolsinthecourse–  InstallGit,Java,someIDE,Gradlebeforehand

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•  Requiredcoursetextbooks(electronicallyavailablethroughCMUlibrary):–  JoshuaBloch.EffectiveJava,ThirdEdition.

Addison-Wesley,ISBN978-0-13-468599-1.–  CraigLarman.ApplyingUMLandPatterns.3rd


•  Additionalreadingsondesign,Java,andconcurrencyonthecoursewebpage

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•  50%assignments•  20%midterms(2x10%each)•  20%finalexam•  10%quizzesandparticipation


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•  Weexpectyourworktobeyourown–  Youmustclearlyciteexternalresourcessothatwecanevaluateyourown


•  Donotreleaseyoursolutions(notevenafterendofsemester)•  Askifyouhaveanyquestions•  Ifyouarefeelingdesperate,pleasemail/call/talktous

–  Alwaysturninanyworkyou'vecompletedbeforethedeadline

•  Weusecheatingdetectiontools•  Youmustsignandreturnacopyofthecollaborationpolicy


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•  Youmayturnineach*homeworkupto2dayslate•  Youhavefivefreelatedayspersemester

–  10%penaltyperdayafterfreelatedaysareused•  Wedon'tacceptwork3dayslate•  Seethesyllabusforadditionaldetails•  Gotextremecircumstances?Talktous

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•  Recitationparticipationcountstowardyourparticipationgrade•  Lecturehasin-classquizzes

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•  Softwareengineeringrequiresdecisions,judgment•  Gooddesignfollowsaprocess•  Youwillgetlotsofpracticein17-214!
