Page 1: Joseph A. Letizia et al- Phenacyl–Thiophene and Quinone Semiconductors Designed for Solution Processability and Air-Stability in High Mobility n-Channel Field-Effect Transistors

DOI: 10.1002/chem.200901513

Phenacyl–Thiophene and Quinone Semiconductors Designed for SolutionProcessability and Air-Stability in High Mobility n-Channel Field-Effect


Joseph A. Letizia, Scott Cronin, Rocio Ponce Ortiz, Antonio Facchetti,*Mark A. Ratner,* and Tobin J. Marks*[a]


The promise of lower-cost, flexible, large-area electronicsand unique applications has motivated research in the areaof organic electronic materials. Organics offer several keyattractions, including low-temperature solution processing,readily tunable molecular/polymeric structures, compatibili-ty with organic substrates, roll-to-roll manufacture andunique mechanical/device properties. These characteristicswould be invaluable in applications for which low-cost fabri-cation, mechanical flexibility, large area coverage, and low-temperature processing are desired, such as, in organic light-emitting diodes,[1] sensors,[2] organic photovoltaics,[3] and or-ganic field-effect transistors (OFETs).[4,5] Organic semicon-ductors (OSCs) are an essential component of each of these

Abstract: Electron-transporting organicsemiconductors (n-channel) for field-effect transistors (FETs) that are pro-ACHTUNGTRENNUNGcessable in common organic solvents orexhibit air-stable operation are rare.This investigation addresses both thesechallenges through rational moleculardesign and computational predictionsof n-channel FET air-stability. A seriesof seven phenacyl–thiophene-basedmaterials are reported incorporatingsystematic variations in molecularstructure and reduction potential.These compounds are as follows: 5,5’’’-bis(perfluorophenylcarbonyl)-2,2’:5’,-2’’:5’’,2’’’-quaterthiophene (1), 5,5’’’-bis-ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(phenacyl)-2,2’:5’,2’’: 5’’,2’’’-quaterthio-phene (2), poly ACHTUNGTRENNUNG[5,5’’’-(perfluorophenac-2-yl)-4’,4’’-dioctyl-2,2’:5’,2’’:5’’,2’’’-qua-terthiophene) (3), 5,5’’’-bis(perfluoro-phenacyl)-4,4’’’-dioctyl-2,2’:5’,2’’:5’’,2’’’-

quaterthiophene (4), 2,7-bis((5-per-fluorophenacyl)thiophen-2-yl)-9,10-phenanthrenequinone (5), 2,7-bis[(5-phenacyl)thiophen-2-yl]-9,10-phenan-threnequinone (6), and 2,7-bis(thio-phen-2-yl)-9,10-phenanthrenequinone,(7). Optical and electrochemical datareveal that phenacyl functionalizationsignificantly depresses the LUMO en-ergies, and introduction of the quinonefragment results in even greaterLUMO stabilization. FET measure-ments reveal that the films of materials1, 3, 5, and 6 exhibit n-channel activity.Notably, oligomer 1 exhibits one of thehighest me (up to �0.3 cm2 V�1 s�1)

values reported to date for a solution-cast organic semiconductor; one of thefirst n-channel polymers, 3, exhibits me

�10�6 cm2 V�1 s�1 in spin-cast films(me = 0.02 cm2 V�1 s�1 for drop-cast 1:3blend films); and rare air-stable n-channel material 5 exhibits n-channelFET operation with me =

0.015 cm2 V�1 s�1, while maintaining alarge Ion:off = 106 for a period greaterthan one year in air. The crystal struc-tures of 1 and 2 reveal close herring-bone interplanar p-stacking distances(3.50 and 3.43 �, respectively), whereasthe structure of the model quinonecompound, 7, exhibits 3.48 � cofacialp-stacking in a slipped, donor-acceptormotif.Keywords: phenacyl–thiophene ·

polymers · quinones · semiconduc-tors

[a] Dr. J. A. Letizia, S. Cronin, Dr. R. P. Ortiz, Dr. A. Facchetti,Prof. M. A. Ratner, Prof. T. J. MarksDepartment of Chemistry and the Materials Research CenterNorthwestern University, 2145 Sheridan RoadEvanston, Illinois, 60208 (USA)Fax: (+1) 847-491-2990E-mail : [email protected]

[email protected]

Supporting information for this article is available on the WWWunder and contains the fullsurface microstructure characterization (SEM, AFM, XRD) data.

Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1911 – 1928 � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1911


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applications, yet fundamental scientific questions and mate-rials challenges remain concerning long-range charge trans-port, processability, and ambient stability, especially for elec-tron transporting (n-channel) OFET materials.[5]

Enabling semiconductor film solution processability, whilepreserving high carrier mobilities, and n-channel FET ambi-ent stability remain some of the most significant challengesfor organic electronics.[5] The solubility issue was initially ad-dressed by simply appending bulky solubilizing substituentsto disrupt tight solid-state packing; however, this frequentlydiminishes p–p overlap, leading to lower carrier mobilities.[6]

In response, several new strategies were developed based oneither geometrically-designed core substituents, which affordboth solubilization and close p–p stacking (e.g., TIPS-substi-tuted-pentacenes, TIPS: 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl))[7]

or on soluble, thermally labile semiconductor precursors(e.g., pentacene cycloadducts and ester-functionalized oligo-thiophenes)[8] which can yield excellent hole mobilities onconversion to the semiconductor. Despite these advances,organic film growth mechanisms on inorganic/organic surfa-ces and why certain organic materials crystallize with theproper film morphology/microstructure for FET transportand others do not, remains mysterious. All that is clear isthat the addition of highly lipophilic substituents to conju-gated cores promotes the formation of uniform, texturedfilms, which are essential for device performance.[9] Severalstudies have addressed the importance of gate dielectric sur-face functionalization, attempting to rationalize the effectsof surface energy, roughness, chemistry,[10–12] and more re-cently, viscoelastic properties,[13] on OSC film growth, mor-phology, and ultimately carrier mobility patterns. EnhancedOSC film morphology and microstructure can also be ach-ieved using a variety of techniques, including substrate rub-bing/alignment layers, magnetic fields, layer-by-layer filmdeposition, vitrification agents, zone casting, zone refining,and solvent vapor annealing.[14] Promising results have alsobeen achieved using external mechanical forces (shear meth-ods).[15] Very recently, surface functionalization of the metal-lic contacts[16,17] with organic monolayers, combined withsmall channel lengths have promoted single-crystal-like mor-phology for TIPS-pentacene device films, yielding impres-sive charge transport characteristics.[17] However, it is stillvery difficult to a priori predict from OSC molecular struc-tures what film morphologies/FET performance parameterswill be achieved, and most of the aforementioned studieshave involved p-channel semiconductors.

Regarding the second of the aforementioned issues, thereare three primary reasons why achieving n-channel OFETtransport is far more challenging: 1) To enable efficient n-channel transport, planar p-conjugated cores must be func-tionalized with strong electron withdrawing groups, yieldingflat polar molecules with extremely-large crystal packing af-finities and very low solubilities. In one study, the polymerBBL[18] (Figure 1) was solubilized by coordination withLewis acids, followed by casting and leaching the acid fromthe films. Very recently, we reported soluble and pro ACHTUNGTRENNUNGcessablearenedicarboximide-based polymers exhibiting very-high

electron mobilities.[19] The properties of some of these poly-mers[19b] are unique and not fully understood at the moment,including the fact that substantial carrier mobilities are ex-hibited by these nearly amorphous solids. Consequently, abalance between strong electron-withdrawing functionalities,solubilizing groups, local versus molecular/monomericdipole moments, molecular symmetry, and stacking must betaken into account. 2) Efficient electron injection into theOSC LUMOs requires the use of low workfunction metalcontacts; however, the corresponding metal surfaces arethen far more reactive than those of high-workfuction noblemetals, resulting in the formation of insulating oxide coat-ings on the former.[20] Furthermore, combining a very-low-workfunction metal with a high-electron-affinity core mayresult in electrochemical reactions, leading to chemical reac-tion/dipole formation at the metal-semiconductor inter-face.[21] Therefore, selection of the most effective contactmaterials is not obvious for n-channel organic semiconduc-tors. 3) Finally, mobile electron-carrier stabilization in ambi-ent is challenging because of charge trapping by device-bornand ambient species.[22–25]

Initial studies addressing the ambient sensitivity of n-channel FETs by de Leeuw et al. argued that ambient at-mosphere H2O and O2 can trap electron charge carriers, andit was postulated that OSCs with a reduction potential morenegative than � -0.66 V vs. SCE are susceptible to H2O oxi-dation.[23] Recent work has revealed that, for several materi-als, a reduction potential more positive than ��0.2�0.1 Vvs. SCE is required to stabilize electron charge carriers inthe presence of O2.

[25–26] Typically, electron trapping by thesegaseous species does not result in chemical degradation ofthe semiconductor and is reversed when the devices are sub-jected to vacuum. Air-stable n-channel FET operation hasbeen achieved by either inhibiting O2 diffusion to the semi-conductor film charge-transporting region[23,27] or by design-ing a semiconductor architecture that stabilizes mobile elec-trons sufficiently to render them resistant to O2 trapping(Figure 1).[23,25, 26] A fluorocarbon substituent O2 barriermodel was proposed by Katz, et. al, for an air-stable N,N’-fluorocarbon substituted naphthalene diimide (NDI-

Figure 1. Examples of air-stable organic n-type semiconductors. � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1911 – 19281912

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F),[23,28, 29] and has also beenshown to be applicable to per-fluorinated copper phthalocya-nine (CuF16Pc)[27,30–35] and tofluoroacyl-substituted oligothio-phenes (e.g., DFCO-4TCO).[36]

Unfortunately, each of thesematerials exhibits device perfor-mance degradation over theperiod of hours to days in air.Other materials have achievedn-channel operational stabilityin air by having a reduction po-tential near ��0.2 V vs. SCEor greater, although in somecases Ion:off is diminished.[26, 37]

These extremely p-deficient air-stable n-channel molecules arecore-cyanated naphthalene di-ACHTUNGTRENNUNGimides (NDI-CN2), core-cyanated perylene diimides PDI-CN2,

[25a, 37] cyanated anthracene diimide ADI-8 CN2,[25b] and

dicyanomethylene-substituted terthienoquinoids(DCMTs).[26] Recent work on a solution processed DCMTderivative has yielded the highest me to date for an n-typeair-stable material, 0.16 cm2 V�1 s�1; however, Ion:off =103 isdiminished by substantial doping at VG =0 V.[26]

This contribution describes a versatile new class of organ-ic semiconductors designed to enhance crystallinity, solutionprocessability, and achieve air-stable n-channel FET opera-tion. Quaterthiophene is used as the p-core for materials 1–4 because of its tendency for favorable crystal packing, gen-erally large carrier mobilities, and amenability to substantialLUMO energy modulation through substituent effects. Pre-vious work on fluorinated and non-fluorinated alkyl,[38–43]

aryl,[44] and alkyl-carbonyl[36] substituted thiophenes revealedthat high FET carrier mobility can be achieved while stabi-lizing LUMO energies to enable n-channel FET operation.In the present study, phenacyl substituents are appended tothis quaterthiophene p-core to introduce four importantcharacteristics: 1) Enhanced solubility through symmetry-breaking induced by the large phenyl-planar p-core dihedralangle, 2) enhanced crystallinity derived from (perfluoro)phenyl-(perfluoro) phenyl p-stacking, 3) more positive re-duction potential resulting from LUMO stabilization byphenacyl and optional perfluorophenacyl substitution, 4) en-hanced solution phase rheology and processability by exten-sion of the phenacyl oligomer to polymeric structures bymeans of para substitution of the phenacyl ring.

Materials 1–3 were previously communicated as havingrecord-setting FET figures of merit for solution-cast oligo-meric and polymeric semiconductors (Figure 2).[45] To under-stand and enhance FET performance further, the effects ofalkyl solubilizing group position on solid-state packing inpolymer 3 is investigated here by relocating the substituentsfrom the inner to the outer thiophenes in model compound4. Additional LUMO stabilization is first investigated usingDFT-level computation, revealing that introduction of qui-

none-based subunits, 2,2’-bithiophene-3,3’-oxalaldehyde(19), 9,10-phenanthrenequinone, or pyrene-4,5,9,10-tetraone(21), into the core of 1 should lower the reduction potentialsto ��0.5 V, �0.4 V, and �0.2 V vs. SCE, respectively. Thesereduction potentials span the ��0.6 V to ��0.2 V vs. SCEwindow previously suggested for air-stable n-channel opera-tion in fluorocarbon-substituted OSCs not subject to ambi-ent carrier doping when reduction potentials are >��0.1 V. Synthesis and characterization of new compound 7confirms a cofacial, antiparallel quinone p-stacking motifwith a short 3.48 � p–p interplanar distance. Synthesis andcharacterization of new oligomers 5 and 6 reveals n-channelFET activity, with 5 having me =0.015 cm2 V�1 s�1 while main-taining a large Ion:off =106 after greater than one year in air.This family of materials demonstrates that a balance ofhigh-crystallinity and processability can be achieved, andlays the groundwork for incorporating novel, extremely p-electron deficient monomers into polymeric semiconductors.

Experimental Section

Materials : All reagents were purchased from commercial sources andused without further purification unless otherwise noted. Anhydrous di-ethyl ether and THF were distilled from Na/benzophenone, and toluenewas distilled from Na. The Stille reagent 5,5’-bis(tributylstannyl)-2,2’-bi-thiophene was synthesized according to a published procedure.[46] Materi-als 5,5’’’-bis(perfluorophenylcarbonyl)-2,2’:5’,2’’:5’’,2’’’-quaterthiophene(1), 5,5’’’-bis(phenylcarbonyl)-2,2’:5’,2’’:5’’,2’’’-quaterthiophene (2), poly-ACHTUNGTRENNUNG[5,5’’’-(perfluorophenac-2-yl)-4’,4’’-dioctyl-2,2’:5’,2’� :5’’,2’’’-quaterthio-phene) (3), (5-bromothien-2-yl)(perfluorophenyl)methanone (13), and(5-bromothien-2-yl) ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(phenyl)methanone (14) were synthesized accordingto literature procedures.[45] Conventional Schlenk techniques were usedand reactions were carried out under N2 unless otherwise noted. Micro-wave-assisted reactions were run in sealed vessels using a CEM Discovermicrowave reactor in the temperature-controlled mode. Optical spectrawere recorded by using a Cary Model 1 UV/Visible spectrophotometer.NMR spectra were recorded by using a Varian Unity Plus 500 spectrome-ter (1H, 500 MHz). Electrochemistry was performed by using a C3 CellStand electrochemical station equipped with BAS Epsilon software (Bio-analytical Systems, Inc., Lafayette, IN).

Figure 2. Phenacyl-thiophene and quinone semiconductors and relevant model compounds.

Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1911 – 1928 � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1913

FULL PAPERPhenacyl–Thiophene and Quinone Semiconductors

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Synthesis of 2-bromo-3-octylthiophene (8): NBS (9.00 g, 50.6 mmol) wasadded to a solution of 3-octylthiophene (9.93 g, 50.6 mmol) in 22 mL gla-cial acetic acid maintained at 15 8C. After allowing the reaction mixtureto stir for 2 h, it was poured into 200 mL hexane and extracted four timeswith 50 mL of water, once with 50 mL NaHSO4 (aq, 5% w/v), once with50 mL brine, and dried over MgSO4. Upon filtration and concentration,13.7 g of colorless oil 8 was obtained (98 % yield) and was used withoutfurther purification. Elemental analysis (%) calcd C12H19BrS: C, 52.36;H, 6.96; found: C, 52.28; H, 7.05; 1H NMR (CDCl3): d =7.19 (d, J =

4.0 Hz, 1H), 6.87 (d, J=4.5 Hz, 1 H), 2.63 (t, J =5.0 Hz, 2H), 1.60 (t, J=

5.0 Hz, 2H), 1.2–1.3 (b, 10 H), 0.89 ppm (t, J =7.5 Hz, 3H); MS (EI): m/z(%): 274.0 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of 3-octylthiophene-2-carboxaldehyde (9): Reagent 8 (30 g,0.109 mol) was slowly added to Mg turnings (5.3 g, 0.22 mol) while vigo-rously stirring in 120 mL dry THF in a round bottom flask with attachedreflux condenser. The reaction mixture was next heated at reflux for 4 hbefore it was allowed to cool, filtered through a 0.45 mm syringe filterinto a second dry flask, where DMF (0.28 mol, 20 g) was added, and thereaction mixture then refluxed overnight. Once cooled, the reaction mix-ture was poured into 600 mL hexane, extracted six times with 150 mL ofwater, and dried over MgSO4. The oil obtained after filtration and con-centration was purified by column chromatography on silica gel to give11.7 g colorless oil (48 % yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcd C13H20OS:C, 69.59; H, 8.98; found: C, 69.52; H, 8.79; 1H NMR (CDCl3): d=10.04(s, 1 H), 7.65 (d, J=4.0 Hz, 1 H), 7.02 (d, J =4.5 Hz, 1H), 2.97 (t, J=

5.0 Hz, 2 H), 1.67 (t, J =5.0 Hz, 2H), 1.2–1.4 (b, 10 H), 0.90 ppm (t, J=

7.5 Hz, 3 H); MS (EI): m/z (%): 224.2 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of (3-octylthien-2-yl)(perfluorophenyl)methanol (10): A solu-tion of pentafluorobenzene (4.38 g, 26.0 mmol) in 250 mL dry THF wascooled to �78 8C before nBuLi (1.6 m in hexanes, 17.9 mL, 28.6 mmol)was added over 15 min. The reaction mixture was maintained at �78 8Cfor 2 h before 9 (5.83 g, 26.0 mmol) was added and the reaction mixtureallowed to stir for another 6 h at �78 8C before being quenched with20 mL 5 % HCl (aq) (CAUTION: Allowing the lithium derivative ofpentafluorobenzene to warm to room temperature can result in forma-tion of a potentially explosive benzyne). The reaction mixture was thenpoured into 300 mL hexane and extracted three times with 50 mL ofwater, once with 50 mL brine, and dried over MgSO4. The oil obtainedafter filtration and concentration was purified by column chromatogra-phy on silica gel to give 7.91 g of a colorless oil (77 % yield). Elementalanalysis (%) calcd C19H21F5OS: C, 58.15; H, 5.39; found: C, 58.03; H,5.36; 1H NMR (CDCl3): d =7.23 (d, J= 4.5 Hz, 1 H), 6.89 (d, J =4.5 Hz,1H), 6.46 (s, 1H), 2.62 (t, J =5.5 Hz, 2 H), 1.2–1.4 (b, 12H), 0.90 ppm (t,J =7.5 Hz, 3H); MS (EI): m/z (%): 392.1 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of (5-bromo-3-octylthien-2-yl)(perfluorophenyl)methanol (11):NBS (3.41 g, 19.1 mmol) was added in a single amount to a solution of al-cohol 10 (7.51 g, 19.1 mmol) in 150 mL glacial acetic acid and allowed tostir overnight. The reaction mixture was then poured into 300 mL hexaneand extracted four times with 50 mL of water, once with 50 mL NaHSO4

(aq, 5% w/v), once with 50 mL brine, and dried over MgSO4. Upon fil-tration and concentration, 9.03 g of a colorless oil was obtained (98 %yield) and used without further purification. Elemental analysis (%)calcd C19H19BrF5OS: C, 48.42; H, 4.28; found: C, 48.35; H, 4.31; 1H NMR(CDCl3): d =6.81 (s, 1 H), 6.38 (s, 1H), 2.62 (t, J=5.5 Hz, 2H), 1.2–1.4 (b,12H), 0.90 ppm (t, J=7.5 Hz, 3 H); MS (EI): m/z (%): 469.9 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of (5-bromo-3-octylthien-2-yl)(perfluorophenyl)methanone(12): MnO2 (12 g) was suspended in a solution of alcohol 11 (8.99 g,19.1 mmol) in 100 mL dichloromethane with stirring for 3 days. After re-moval of solids by filtration and concentration, the oil was purified bycolumn chromatography on silica gel to give 8.52 g of a colorless oil(94 % yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcd C19H18BrF5OS: C, 48.42; H,4.28; found: C, 48.35; H, 4.31; 1H NMR (CDCl3): d=7.09 (s, 1H), 2.95 (t,J =6.0 Hz, 2H), 1.2–1.4 (b, 12 H), 0.89 ppm (t, J=7.5 Hz, 3H); MS (EI):m/z (%): 467.9 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of 5,5’’’-bis(perfluorophenacyl)-4,4’’’-dioctyl-2,2’:5’,2’’:5’’,2’’’-qua-terthiophene (4): A mixture of 12 (0.671 g, 1.43 mmol), 5,5’-bis(tributyl-stannyl)-2,2’-dithiophene (0.532 g, 0.715 mmol), and tetrakis(triphenyl-phosphine)palladium(0) (25.0 mg, 0.0215 mmol) was degassed with nitro-

gen/vacuum three times before 8 mL of anhydrous DMF was added. Thereaction mixture was then heated to 80 8C for 10 h with stirring. Uponcooling, the reaction mixture was poured into 100 mL ether and extract-ed three times with 50 mL of water, once with 50 mL brine, and driedover MgSO4. The red solid obtained upon filtration and concentrationwas purified by column chromatography on silica gel to give 0.185 g of 4as a red solid (36 % yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcd C30H6F10O2S4:C, 50.28; H, 0.84; found: C, 50.14; H, 0.87; 1H NMR (CDCl3): d=7.20 (d,J =4.5 Hz, 2 H), 7.18 (s, 2 H), 7.15 (d, J =5.0 Hz, 2 H), 2.96 (t, J =8.5 Hz,4H), 1.64 (m, 4 H), 1.2–1.4 (b, 10H), 0.85 ppm (t, J=8.5 Hz, 6H); m.p.52–55 8C; MS (EI): m/z (%): 715.8 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of 5-(5-(pinacolatoboryl)thien-2-yl)(perfluorophenyl)meth-ACHTUNGTRENNUNGanone (15): An 8 mL microwave reaction vessel was charged with (5-bro-mothien-2-yl)(perfluorophenyl)methanone 13 (0.536 g, 1.5 mmol), bis-ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(pinacolato)diboron (0.419 g, 1.65 mmol), [Pd ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(dppf)Cl2] (37 mg,0.045 mmol), and powdered dry potassium acetate (0.442 g, 4.5 mmol)before it was evacuated and refilled with nitrogen four times, and 5 mLtoluene added. The reaction mixture was then irradiated with microwavesfor 30 min at a temperature of 150 8C. This procedure was repeated fivemore times and the combined reaction mixtures poured into 30 mL ofether, passed through a 3 cm plug of Celite, concentrated in vacuo, andthe resulting oil purified by Kugelrohr distillation (50 mT, 170 8C) to give1.20 g of boronic ester 15 as a colorless solid (33 % yield). Elementalanalysis (%) calcd C17H14BF5O3S: C, 50.52; H, 3.49; found: C, 50.47; H,3.40; 1H NMR (CDCl3): d =7.98 (d, J= 4.0 Hz, 1 H), 7.72 (d, J =4.0 Hz,1H), 1.38 ppm (s, 12H); m.p. 53–55 8C; MS (EI): m/z (%): 404.08 (100)[M+].

Synthesis of 5-(5-(pinacolatoboryl)thien-2-yl) ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(phenyl)methanone (16):An 8 mL microwave reaction vessel was charged with (5-bromothien-2-yl) ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(phenyl)methanone 14 (0.267 g, 1.00 mmol), bis(pinacolato)diboron(0.279 g, 1.10 mmol), [Pd ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(dppf)Cl2] (25 mg, 0.030 mmol), and powdereddry potassium acetate (0.196 g, 2.00 mmol) before it was evacuated andrefilled with nitrogen four times and 6 mL toluene added. The reactionmixture was next irradiated with microwaves for 20 min at a temperatureof 160 8C. This procedure was repeated two more times and the combinedreaction mixtures poured into 30 mL of ether, passed through a 3 cmplug of Celite, concentrated in vacuo, and the resulting dark oil purifiedby Kugelrohr distillation (50 mT, 190 8C) to give 0.074 g of boronic ester16 as a light-yellow viscous oil (50 % yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcdC17H19BO3S: C, 64.98; H, 6.09; found: C, 64.81; H, 5.98; 1H NMR(CDCl3): d= 7.89 (d, J =6.5 Hz, 2H), 7.73 (d, J =4.0 Hz, 1H), 7.64 (d, J =

4.0 Hz, 1H), 7.60 (t, J=7.0 Hz, 1H), 7.50 (t, J=8.0 Hz, 2H), 1.38 ppm (s,12H); m.p. 78–81 8C; MS (EI): m/z (%): 314.10 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of 3,3’,5,5’-tetrabromo-2,2’-bithiophene (17): Bromine (288 g,1.8 mol) was added slowly over a 1 h period to a stirred solution of 2,2’-bithiophene (60.0 g, 0.361 mol) in 280 mL chloroform containing 120 mLglacial acetic acid in a 1 L round bottom flask fitted with a reflux con-denser (CAUTION: Addition of the first two equivalents of bromineproduces a strongly exothermic reaction). The mixture was then stirredat reflux for 12 h. Upon cooling to room temperature, a colorless precipi-tate was isolated by filtration and washed with methanol. The filtrate wasthen concentrated and a second crop of tan precipitate was collected andwashed with methanol. The combined solids were next dissolved in meth-ylene chloride (500 mL), washed four times with 200 mL water, oncewith 100 mL brine, and dried over anhydrous MgSO4. The organic solu-tion was then filtered, and the solvent removed by evaporation to give157 g (90 % yield) of a colorless powder. 1H NMR (CDCl3): d= 7.06 ppm(s, 2 H).

Synthesis of 3,3’-dibromo-2,2’-bithiophene (18): Zn powder (31.7 g,0.485 mol) was added in portions to a vigorously stirred refluxing mixtureof bithiophene 17 (77.9 g, 0.162 mol) in 400 mL of ethanol containing40 mL water, 100 mL glacial acetic acid, and 8 mL of 3 m HCl (aq). Afterrefluxing for 2 h, the mixture was filtered hot and upon cooling to 0 8C,yellow crystals were collected by filtration. The crystals were dissolved indiethyl ether, the resulting solution washed three times with 200 mLwater, once with 100 mL brine, and dried over anhydrous MgSO4. Thesolution was then filtered and the solvent removed by evaporation togive 49.4 g (94 % yield) of a light-yellow powder. Elemental analysis (%) � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1911 – 19281914

T. J. Marks, M. A. Ratner, A. Facchetti et al.

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calcd C8H4Br2S2: C, 29.65; H, 1.24; found: C, 29.59; H, 1.14; 1H NMR(CDCl3): d=7.41 (d, J=5.3 Hz, 2H), 7.09 ppm (d, J =5.3 Hz, 2 H).

Synthesis of 2,2’-bithiophene-3,3’-dicarboxaldehyde (19): A solution of bi-thiophene 18 (8.39 g, 25.9 mmol) in 50 mL THF was added dropwise over1 h to a stirring solution of nBuLi (82.5 mL, 1.6 m in hexanes) in 200 mLTHF at �78 8C. The reaction mixture was allowed to stir for an additional2 h at �78 8C before dry DMF (4.17 g, 57.0 mmol) in 50 mL THF wasadded dropwise to the reaction mixture over 30 min. The reaction mix-ture was then allowed to stir for an additional 30 min before it wasquenched with 50 mL of 5 % HCl (aq), allowed to warm, washed threetimes with 200 mL water, once with 100 mL brine, and dried over anhy-drous MgSO4. The red solid obtained upon filtration and concentrationwas purified by column chromatography on silica gel to afford 3.19 g of19 as a red solid that was dried in vacuo and used immediately in thenext reaction. Elemental analysis (%) calcd C10H6O2S2: C, 54.03; H, 2.72;found: C, 53.90; H, 2.64; 1H NMR (CDCl3): d =9.86 (s, 1H), 7.65 (d, J=

5.5 Hz, 2 H) , 7.50 ppm (d, J=5.5 Hz, 2 H); MS (EI): m/z (%): 222.1(100) [M+].

Synthesis of 2,2’-bithiophene-3,3’-oxalaldehyde (20): The precatalyst 3,4-dimethyl-5-(2-hydroxyethyl)thiazolium iodide (1.70 g, 6.74 mmol) wassuspended in 180 mL dry DMF before 1,8-diazabicyclo ACHTUNGTRENNUNG[5.4.0]undec-7-ene(DBU, 1.02 g, 6.70 mmol) was added slowly and the solution allowed tostir for 5 min. Dialdehyde 19 was then added and the reaction mixture al-lowed to stir for 2 h under nitrogen, before being opened to air and al-lowed stir overnight. The dark red reaction mixture was then poured into500 mL of chloroform, extracted 7x with 200 mL of water, once with200 mL brine, and dried over MgSO4. A dark colored solid was obtainedupon filtration and concentration, and was purified by vacuum sublima-tion to give 4.61 g of 20 (94 % yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcdC10H4O2S2: C, 54.53; H, 1.83; found: C, 54.48; H, 1.76; 1H NMR (CDCl3):d=7.62 (d, J= 5.0 Hz, 2 H), 7.44 ppm (d, J=5.0 Hz, 2 H); m.p. 221–223 8C; MS (EI): m/z (%): 220.0 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of 5,5’-diiodo-2,2’-bithiophene-3,3’-carboxalaldehyde (21): N-io-dosuccinimide (4.56 g, 20.2 mmol) was slowly added to a suspension ofquinone 20 (2.23 g, 10.1 mmol) in 20 mL BF3·Me2O and allowed to stirunder air in a Nalgene beaker for 4 h before being poured into 100 mLof water, filtered, washed with 20 mL NaHSO4 (aq, 5 % w/v), and recrys-tallized from xylenes to give 2.68 g dark purple crystalline material (61 %yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcd C10H2I2O2S2: C, 25.44; H, 0.43;found: C, 25.36; H, 0.49; 1H NMR ([D6]DMSO): d= 7.70 ppm (s, 2H);m.p. 315–318 8C; MS (EI): m/z (%): 471.8 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of 2,7-diiodo-9,10-phenanthrenequinone (22): Iodine (14.6 g,57.5 mmol) and potassium permanganate (10.3 g, 65.0 mmol) were sus-pended in a mixture of 100 mL glacial acetic acid and 30 mL acetic anhy-dride that had been stirring for 5 h. The suspension was stirred vigorouslywith a magnetic stirbar and maintained at 5 8C while H2SO4 (aq, conc.,40 mL) was added dropwise (CAUTION: addition of concentratedH2SO4 can produce a vigorous exotherm if not performed slowly). Theslurry was then allowed to warm to room temperature before phenan-threnequinone (10.4 g, 50.0 mmol) was added and the reaction mixturestirred for 2 days. The solids were next isolated by filtration, washed with30 mL hexane, 50 mL methanol, 100 mL NaHSO4 (aq, 5 % w/v), 50 mLacetone, and then recrystallized from refluxing xylenes to afford 6.31 gorange solid (27 % yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcd C14H6I2O2: C,36.55; H, 1.31; found: C, 36.52; H, 1.25; 1H NMR ([D6]DMSO): d=8.25(s, 2 H), 8.11 (d, J= 7.5 Hz, 2H), 8.10 ppm (d, J= 8.0 Hz, 2H); m.p. 302–305 8C; MS (EI): m/z (%): 459.9 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of 2,7-bis((5-perfluorophenacyl)thiophen-2-yl)-9,10-phenan-ACHTUNGTRENNUNGthrenequinone (5): A 25 mL Schlenk flask with attached condenser wascharged with boronic ester 15 (0.848 g, 2.10 mmol), aryl iodide 22(0.460 g, 1.00 mmol), [Pd2 ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(dba)3] (183 mg, 0.200 mmol), tri-o-tolylphos-phine (122 mg, 0.400 mmol), and was evacuated, then back-filled with ni-trogen five times before 13 mL toluene and 3.1 mL Na2CO3 (aq, de-gassed, 1.5 m) were added. The reaction mixture was heated at refluxovernight and the solids collected by filtration upon cooling, washed with10 mL acetone, 10 mL methanol, and purified by multiple temperaturegradient vacuum sublimations to give 0.190 g of 5 as a dark brown crys-talline solid (26 % yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcd C36H10F10O4S2: C,

56.85; H, 1.33; found: C, 56.78; H, 1.21; 1H NMR ([D6]DMSO): d=8.51(d, J=8.0 Hz, 2H), 8.40 (s, 2 H), 8.27 (d, J=7.5 Hz, 2 H), 8.06 (d, J=

4.0 Hz, 2 H), 8.02 ppm (d, J =4.5 Hz, 2 H); m.p. 351–354 8C; MS (EI): m/z(%): 760.0 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of 2,7-bis((5-phenacyl)thiophen-2-yl)-9,10-phenanthrenequi-none (6): A 25 mL Schlenk flask with attached condenser was chargedwith boronic ester 16 (0.736 g, 2.34 mmol), aryl iodide 22 (0.513 g, de-gassed, 1.12 mmol), [Pd2 ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(dba)3] (428 mg, 0.47 mmol), tri-o-tolylphosphine(142 mg, 0.94 mmol), and was evacuated then back-filled with nitrogen5x before 15 mL toluene and 3.1 mL Na2CO3 (aq, 1.5m) were added. Thereaction mixture was heated at reflux overnight and the solids collectedby filtration upon cooling, washed with 10 mL acetone, 10 mL methanol,and recrystallized 5x from boiling nitrobenzene to give 0.214 g of 6 as abrown crystalline material (33 % yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcdC36H20O4S2: C, 74.46; H, 3.47; found: C, 74.59; H, 3.58; 1H NMR([D6]DMSO): d=8.51 (d, J =8.0 Hz, 2 H), 8.40 (s, 2H), 8.27 (d, J=

7.5 Hz, 2 H), 8.06 (d, J=4.0 Hz, 2H), 8.02 ppm (d, J=4.5 Hz, 2H); m.p.312–315 8C; MS (EI): m/z (%): 580.2 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of 2,7-bis(thiophen-2-yl)-9,10-phenanthrenequinone (7): A25 mL Schlenk flask with attached condenser was charged with 4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1,3,2-dioxaborolane (0.441 g, 2.10 mmol),aryl iodide 20 (0.460 g, 1.00 mmol), [Pd2ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(dba)3] (183 mg, 0.200 mmol), tri-o-tolylphosphine (122 mg, 0.400 mmol), and was evacuated then back-filled with nitrogen 5 � before 13 mL toluene and 3.1 mL Na2CO3 (aq,1.5m) were added. The reaction mixture was next heated at reflux over-night, and the solids collected by filtration upon cooling, washed with10 mL acetone, 10 mL methanol, and purified by multiple temperaturegradient vacuum sublimations to afford 0.145 g of 7 as a dark brown crys-talline solid (39 % yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcd C22H12O2S2: C,70.94; H, 3.25; found: C, 70.87; H, 3.17; 1H NMR ([D6]DMSO): d =8.35(d, J=8.0 Hz, 2H), 8.19 (s, 2 H), 8.08 (d, J=8.0 Hz, 2 H), 7.76 (d, J=

3.5 Hz, 2 H), 7.69 (d, J =5.0 Hz, 2 H), 7.22 ppm (t, J=4.5 Hz, 2H); m.p.295–298 8C; MS (EI): m/z (%): 372.1 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of pyrene-4,5,9,10-tetraone (23): Sodium metaperiodate (35.1 g,164 mmol), water (100 mL), and RuCl3·3H2O (0.498 g, 2.40 mmol) wereadded to a solution of pyrene (4.05 g, 20.0 mmol) in a mixture of 80 mLdichloromethane and 80 mL acetonitrile. The reaction mixture washeated to 40 8C, allowed to stir overnight, and upon cooling the solidswere collected by filtration. The material was recrystallized from xylenesto give 0.632 g 23 as a black crystalline material (15 % yield). Elementalanalysis (%) calcd C16H6O4: C, 73.29; H, 2.31; found: C, 73.26; H, 2.28;1H NMR (CDCl3): d= 8.46 (d, J =3.5 Hz, 2H), 8.20 (d, J= 2.0 Hz, 2H) ,7.82 ppm (d, J =8.0 Hz, 2 H); MS (EI): m/z (%): 262.0 (100) [M+].

Synthesis of 2,7-diiodopyrene-4,5,9,10-tetraone (24): N-iodosuccinimide(0.674 g, 3.00 mmol) dissolved in 1 mL H2SO4 (aq, conc.) was slowlyadded to a suspension of tetraone 23 (262 mg, 1.00 mmol) in a mixture of2 mL trifluoroacetic acid and 5 mL H2SO4 (aq, conc.). The reaction mix-ture was allowed to stir for 2 days at 40 8C before being poured into20 mL of water, filtered, washed with 20 mL NaHSO4 (aq, 5 % w/v), andrecrystallized from nitrobenzene to give 295 mg of 24 as a black crystal-line material (59 % yield). Elemental analysis (%) calcd C16H4I2O4: C,37.39; H, 0.78; found: C, 37.27; H, 0.69; 1H NMR ([D6]DMSO): d=

8.51 ppm (s, 4 H); MS (EI): m/z (%): 513.9 (100) [M+].

Polymer molecular weight determination : GPC measurements were per-formed by using a Polymer Laboratories PL-GPC 220 instrument with1,2,4-trichlorobenzene as the solvent (stabilized with 125 ppm BHT) at150 8C. A set of three PLgel 10 mm mixed columns was used. Sampleswere prepared at 160 8C. Molecular weights were determined by GPCusing narrow polystyrene standards and are not corrected.

FET device fabrication and measurement : Prime grade p-doped siliconwafers (100) having 300 nm thermally grown oxide (Process SpecialtiesInc.) were used as device substrates. These were sonicated in methanol,acetone, propanol, and oxygen plasma cleaned before film deposition.Trimethylsilyl functionalization of the SiO2 surface was carried out by ex-posing the cleaned silicon wafers to hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) vaporunder nitrogen at room temperature for 4 days. Vacuum-deposited filmsof oligomers were thermally evaporated onto temperature-controlledsubstrates under high-vacuum at a QCM quantified growth rate of 0.1–

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0.2 �/s. Solution-deposited oligomer and oligomer-polymer blend filmswere drop-cast from 0.4 mL toluene or xylenes solutions onto a tempera-ture-controlled substrate in a solvent-saturated air atmosphere. Films ofpolymer 3 were spin-coated and drop-cast from a 500 ppm solution in axylenes/diethylamine mixture (9:1 v/v), dried at 120 8C in vacuo for 12 h,and annealing was performed at 150 8C and 250 8C with negligible en-hancement in device performance. For FET device fabrication, top-con-tact gold electrodes (500 �) were deposited by thermal evaporationthrough a shadow mask to define channels with dimensions 100 mm (L) �2.00 mm (W). The capacitance of the insulator is 1� 10�8 F cm�2 for300 nm SiO2, and mobility was measured in the saturation regime. TFTdevice measurements were carried out at 21–23 8C in a customized probestation under high-vacuum (<1�10�6 Torr) or in air. Coaxial and/or tri-axial shielding was incorporated into Signaton probes to minimize thenoise level. TFT characterization was performed by using a Keithley6430 sub-femtoampmeter (drain) and a Keithley 2400 (gate) sourcemeter, operated by a locally written Labview program and GPIB commu-nication. Thin films were analyzed by wide-angle X-ray film diffractome-try (WAXRD) on a Rikagu ATX-G instrument using standard q�2q

techniques and CuKa1 radiation. Scanning electron microscopy was per-formed by using a Hitachi 4800 SEM with samples having a 2 nm Au/Pdsputtered film.

Electrochemistry : Cyclic voltammetry measurements were performed inan electrolyte solution of 0.1 m tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophos-phate in dry THF. Platinum electrodes were used as both working andcounter electrodes, and Ag wire was used as the pseudo-reference elec-trode. A ferrocene/ferrocenium redox couple was used as an internalstandard and potentials obtained in reference to the silver electrode wereconverted to the saturated calomel electrode (SCE) scale.

Thermal characterization : All materials were dried under vacuum for 3 dat 100 8C before thermal analysis. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)was performed by using a Mettler Toledo TMA/SDTA841e at a ramprate of 10 8C min�1 using an aluminum oxide crucible under vacuum (5 T)for molecular materials or under nitrogen at atmospheric pressure for thepolymer. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed byusing a Mettler Toledo DSC823e at a ramp rate of 10 8C min�1 using alu-minum pans under nitrogen.

Computational methodology : Equilibrium geometry optimizations wereperformed in QChem 2.1[47] at the density functional theory (DFT) levelwith a B3LYP functional and the 6-31G* basis set. Single point calcula-tions using these geometries were then performed at the DFT/B3LYP/6-31+ G* level of theory to obtain molecular orbital energy levels(QChem) and orbital electron density plots (Spartan ’06). Energy levelswere calibrated to the experimental HOMO/LUMO energies[39] of sexi-thiophene.

Single crystal structure determination : Single crystals of 1, 2, and 7 weregrown by gradient sublimation. X-ray single crystal diffraction measure-ments were performed on a Bruker CCD area detector instrument withgraphite-monochromated MoKa (0.71073 �) radiation. The data werecollected at 153(2) K, and the structures were solved by direct methodsand expanded using Fourier techniques. Crystallographic details for 7 areprovided in the Supporting Information; those for 1 and 2 are given else-where.[45]


This account begins with a discussion of synthetic strategiesand routes to compounds 1–7. Next, molecular and materialscharacteristics such as optical and electrochemical propertiesand thermal transitions as determined by UV/Vis/PL spec-troscopy, cyclic voltammetry, polarized optical microscopy,and DSC/TGA are outlined. Solid-state microstructures andsurface morphologies in the corresponding thin films as in-vestigated by film and single-crystal X-ray diffraction and

SEM are then presented. Finally, the charge transport char-acteristics of the semiconducting films as defined in thinfilm transistor configurations are discussed in the context ofthe other physical data.

Synthesis : The syntheses of the present phenacyl semicon-ductors are outlined in Scheme 1. Compounds 1–3 were ob-tained by Stille coupling of the appropriate phenacyl–thio-phene bromide with bis-stannylated bithiophene, as previ-ously reported.[45] Gel permeation chromatography (GPC)was used to determine the molecular weight of polymer 3versus polystyrene, yielding MW = 15,300 D and PDI= 2.51.Model compound 4 was likewise obtained by Stille couplingof 5-(5-(pinacolatoboryl)thien-2-yl)(perfluorophenyl)metha-none 15 with 5,5’-bis(tributylstannyl)-2,2’-bithiophene. Phen-anthrene–quinone-based compounds 5–7 were obtained bySuzuki coupling of the corresponding boronic ester and 2,7-diiodophenanthrenequinone (22). Purification of 5 and 7was achieved by multiple gradient sublimation, and 6 waspurified by multiple recrystallizations from nitrobenzene.The two other quinine reagents, 5,5’-diiodo-2,2’-bithiophene-3,3’-oxalaldehyde (21) and 2,7-diiodopyrene-4,5,9,10-tet-raone (24) were synthesized in five and two steps, respec-tively, from commercially available starting materials. Cou-pling of bithiophene quinone 21 with 15 or with 4,4,5,5-tet-ramethyl-2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1,3,2-dioxaborolane yields thedesired products (confirmed by EI-MS), however the reac-tion mixtures decompose below 250 8C, precluding productisolation by sublimation, and are intractable (even using re-fluxing nitrobenzene or trichlorobenzene). Suzuki couplingof boronic ester 15 or 4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1,3,2-dioxaborolane with 24 yielded intractable solids, andthe EI-MS spectra of these materials do not indicate thepresence of the desired products.

Semiconductor building blocks 12–16, 21, 22, and 24 wereall synthesized from commercially available starting materi-als as shown in Scheme 2. The n-octyl-functionalized arylbromide 12, precursor to semiconductor 4, was synthesizedin four steps. First, 3-n-octylthiophene is brominated to give8, which was then formylated by quenching the Grignard re-agent with DMF. The lithium salt of pentafluorobenzenewas next reacted with 2-carboxythiophene 9 to afford alco-hol 10, which was brominated with NBS and oxidized withMnO2 to afford ketone 12. After purification by means ofcolumn chromatography, 12 was coupled with 5,5’-bis(tribu-tylstannyl)-2,2’-bithiophene to yield new oligomer 4 in 36 %yield, after purification by column chromatography and Ku-gelrohr distillation (Scheme 1).

Catalytic borylation[48,49] was employed in the synthesis ofintermediates 15 and 16, precursors to semiconductors 5 and6, since both the p-deficient quinone core 22 and the phe-nacyl–thiophene units in 13 and 14 are unstable under stan-dard metalation conditions. Since borylation and acetal pro-tection of quinones 21 and 22 was unsuccessful, efforts fo-cused on catalytic borylations of the phenacyl–thiophenebromides 13 and 14. Furthermore, because borylation of 13performed in the standard solvent DMF[48, 50] afforded the � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1911 – 19281916

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para-hydroxyl substituted pentafluorophenyl derivative, an-hydrous toluene was used as the reaction medium. Note thatthe reactions performed using conventional heating pro-ceeded in low yields (<5 % in this case), however, micro-wave irradiation resulted in yields of 33 % and 50 % for 15and 16, respectively, after purification by Kugelrohr distilla-tion.

Iodo-functionalized quinone core reagents were used heresince the corresponding aryl-bromide derivatives were un-reactive under Suzuki coupling conditions. Quinone 21 issynthesized in five steps from 2,2’-bithiophene. First, 2,2’-bi-thiophene was tetrabrominated by refluxing with Br2 in amixture of chloroform and acetic acid to give 3,5,3’,5’-tetra-

bromo-2,2’-bithiophene 17,which was selectively debromi-nated with Zn to yield 3,3’-di-bromo-2,2’-bithiophene 18. Re-agent 3,3’-dicarboxy-2,2’-bithio-phene (19) was obtained byslowly adding 18 to a dilute so-lution of nBuLi followed by re-acting the dilithium derivativewith DMF. The dialdehyde un-dergoes benzoin condensa-tion[51] in the presence of 3,4-di-methyl-5-(2-hydroxyethyl)thia-zolium iodide to give the cy-clized a-hydroxy ketone, whichwas then oxidized in air toafford quinone 20 in 94 % yield,after purification by sublima-tion. Aryl-diiodide 21 was ob-tained in 61 % yield by BF3·O-ACHTUNGTRENNUNG(CH3)2-catalyzed iodination of20 with N-iodo-succinimide. Fi-nally, commercially availablephenanthrenequinone was iodi-nated by I2/KMnO4 to afford 22in 27 % yield after recrystalliza-tion from xylenes. Diiodinatedpyrenetetraone 24 is obtainedby RuCl3-catalyzed oxidation ofpyrene with sodium metaperio-date, followed by iodinationwith I2/KMnO4.

Semiconductor thermal proper-ties : Thermogravimetric analy-sis (TGA) was used to evaluatethe thermal stability of semi-conductors 1–7 (Figure 3 a,Table 1). A mass loss of 5 % isdefined as the threshold forsublimation (1, 2, 5, 6, 7) or de-composition (3, 4). The TGAproperties of compounds to beused in film growth by vacuum

deposition (1, 2, 5, 6, 7) were measured at a pressure of5 Torr (N2), and the TGA of materials only to be processedfrom solution (3, 4) was performed under N2 at atmosphericpressure. All of the present molecular materials demonstrategood thermal stability and volatility, with the onset of subli-mation at 295 and 342 8C for 1 and 2, respectively, and at375, 404 8C, and 309 8C for quinone-based 5, 6, and 7, respec-tively. Polymer 3 and solution-cast molecule 4 decompose at425 and 363 8C, respectively. Differential scanning calorime-try (DSC) was employed to study the thermal transitions of1–7 under N2. DSC plots reveal reversible melting transi-tions at 294 (1), 306 (2), 352 (5), 316 (6), and 297 8C (7) forthe vacuum-deposited materials (Figure 3 b and Table 1).

Scheme 1. Synthesis of semiconductors 1–7.

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PolyACHTUNGTRENNUNGmer 3 exhibits no thermaltransitions in the experimentalwindow, while material 4 under-goes a liquid crystalline transi-tion at 51 8C and melting at99 8C. Thermal data are sum-marized in Table 1.

Optical properties : Solutionand thin-film UV/Visible ab-sorption spectra of the newphenacyl oligomers and poly-mer 3 are shown in Figure 4,and the optical spectroscopicdata summarized in Table 2. InTHF solution, molecules 1, 2,and polymer 3 exhibit absorp-tion maxima at l=458, 442,and 460 nm, respectively. Thespectra of 1 and 2 as thin filmsreveal hypsochromic shifts of23 nm and 38 nm, respectively,while the absorption maximum

of 3 shifts bathochromically by 16 nm. Compound 4 exhibitsbehavior similar to that of polymer 3, with a solution ab-sorption maximum at l=453 nm and a bathochromic shiftfor the film to l=457 nm. Note that the maxima of Qui-none-based materials 5, 6, and 7 are significantly blue-shift-ed, with their solution absorption maxima located at l= 369,370, and 318 nm, respectively. As thin films, these materialsexhibit slight peak broadening with absorbtion maxima atl=371, 365, and 329 nm, respectively.

Electrochemical properties : The redox behavior of com-pounds 1–7 was investigated using cyclic voltammetry

Scheme 2. Synthesis of organic semiconductor precursors.

Figure 3. a) Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and b) differential scan-ning calorimetry (DSC) plots of materials 1–7. See Table 1 for data.

Table 1. Thermal properties semiconducting of phenacyl oligomers andpolymers

m.p. [8C] TDSC [8C] TTGA [8C]Heating Cooling

1 291–194 294 257 2952 302–307 306 277 3423 – – – 4254 95–99 51, 99 – 3635 350–353 352 333 3756 309–316 316 281 4047 294–297 297 254 309

Figure 4. Optical absorption spectra of compounds 1–7 in a) THF solu-tion and b) thin films on glass. � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1911 – 19281918

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(Figure 5 and Table 3). Oligomers 1 and 2 exhibit onsets ofreduction at �0.81 and �0.97 V with first reduction half-wave potentials of �1.03 and �1.31 V, respectively. Two irre-versible oxidation events are observed for 1 at + 1.07 and+1.22 V, whereas no oxidations are observed for 2. Polymer3 exhibits three reversible reductions with onset at �1.05 Vand half-wave potentials located at �1.12, �1.24, and�1.79 V. Two irreversible oxidations are observed for 3 at+0.96 and + 1.13 V. Interestingly, new model compound 4

exhibits a 0.2 V anodic shift in reduction potential comparedto 1, with onset at �1.16 V and with the reduction half-wavelocated at �1.23 V. Two irreversible oxidations are also ob-served for 4 at +1.04 and +1.40 V. The new quinine-con-taining molecules exhibit significant �0.6 V cathodic shiftsin their completely reversible reduction behavior. Reductiononset occurs for 5, 6, and 7, respectively at �0.37, �0.39,and �0.43 V; the first half-wave potentials are located at�0.45, �0.46, and �0.54 V; the second half-wave potentialsat �1.02, �1.08, and �1.08 V; and the third half-wave poten-tials at �1.74, �1.82, and �1.37 V. One irreversible oxida-tion event is observed for 5 at +1.60 V. It is interesting thatthe quaterthiophene-based materials exhibit a 0.3 V catho-dic shift upon fluorination while the quinone-based materi-als have onset and reduction half-wave potentials that arelargely independent of ancillary substitution.

Thin-film X-ray diffraction and surface microstructure anal-ysis : Thin-film wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXRD)q�2 q scans of films of compounds 1–7 were performed toinvestigate the degree of film crystallinity and molecule/poly ACHTUNGTRENNUNGmer chain orientation with respect to the substrate sur-face. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed tocharacterize film surface morphology and uniformity. Filmswere vacuum deposited or drop-cast on the same substrates(HMDS treated p++-Si-300 nm SiO2) used to fabricateTFTs. Thin films of oligomers 1, 2, 5, and 6 exhibit strongBragg diffraction features (Figure 6), while those of mole-cules 4, 7, and polymer 3 do not exhibit detectable reflec-tions in WAXRD scans. SEM imaging reveals primarily ho-mogenous films with crystallites and ribbons protrudingfrom the surface (Figure 7 and Figure 8).

Thin films of oligomers 1 and 2 exhibit strong Bragg re-flections in q�2 q scans up to 10th and 8th order, respectively.The scans indicate single-phase films with d-spacings of26.6�0.1 � (1) and 26.3�0.1 � (2). As the substrate depo-sition temperature (TD) increases, higher intensities and nar-rower reflections are observed for both films. The q�2 q dif-fraction patterns of quinone-based materials 5 and 6 showsimilar crystallinity trends with TD. Oligomer 5 exhibits asingle family of Bragg reflections up to 9th order with a d-spacing of 27.9�0.1 �, indicating a single-phase film. Filmsof 6 exhibit reflections up to 7th order with a primary d-spac-

ing of 25.90�0.08 �, a secondphase is also present at TD =

150 8C having a d-spacing of27.05�0.04 �.

SEM imaging of vapor-de-posited oligomer 1 and 2 filmsreveals crystallites protrudingfrom a smooth underlying film(Figure 7 a–f). Crystallite sizeincreases with TD for both ma-terials from �100 nm at 25 8Cto ribbons> 1 mm long at 90 8C.Solution-cast films of 1 exhibitlarge crystalline plates having

Table 2. Summary of optical absorbtion spectroscopic data for materials1-7.









opt [a]




1 458 – 435 495, 373 2.40 5.99 �3.592 442 – 404 462 2.47 5.90 �3.433 460 – 476 522 2.37 5.72 �3.354 453 – 457 469 2.41 5.88 �3.475 369 374, 322 371 – 2.62 6.64 �4.036 370 382 365 – 2.54 6.56 �4.027 318 340, 354 329 370 2.56 6.53 �3.97

[a] Optical band gap calculated from the red edge of the S0–S1 absorptionband at 1/10 the maximum intensity. [b] HOMO energy estimated bysubtracting the optical gap from LUMO energy. [c] Estimated from theonset of the first electrochemical reduction using the correction factor�4.4 V to convert SCE reference to vacuum.[52]

Figure 5. Cyclic voltammograms of materials 1–7 in THF solution. Dataare collected in Table 3. The dashed line overlaps with the Fc/Fc+ redoxprocess.

Table 3. Anodic (Ea), cathodic (Ec), and half-wave (E1/2) potentials (V vs. SCE) from cyclic voltammetry ofsemiconductors 1–7.

Oxidation[a] ReductionCathodic Cathodic Anodic Half-wave

Ec1 Ec2 Ec1 Ec2 Ec3 Ea1 Ea2 Ea3 E11/2 E2

1/2 E31/2

1 1.07 1.22 �0.99 �1.12 – �1.07 �1.18 – �1.03 �1.15 –2 – – �1.27 – – �1.35 – – �1.31 – –3 0.96 1.13 �1.08 �1.15 �1.88 �1.17 �1.32 �2.06 �1.12 �1.24 �1.974 1.04 1.40 �1.13 – – �1.34 – – �1.23 – –5 1.60 – �0.40 �0.86 �1.69 �0.50 �1.18 �1.79 �0.45 �1.02 �1.746 – – �0.41 �0.91 �1.74 �0.51 �1.25 �1.89 �0.46 �1.08 �1.827 – – �0.44 �1.04 �1.27 �0.64 �1.12 �1.47 �0.54 �1.08 �1.37

[a] Oxidation events were irreversible.

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flat surfaces and dimensions> 50 mm in SEM images (Fig-ure 7 g) and with birefringence in the optical micrographs(Figure S1a). Blends of oligomer 1 and polymer 3 also ex-hibit film surfaces with crystal plates having dimensions of�50 mm in SEM images (Figure 7 h) and with birefringencein the optical micrographs (Figure S1b).

SEM imaging of vapor-deposited 5 films reveals surfacemorphology similar to that of 1 and 2. Crystallites �100 nmlong dominate the surface of films grown at TD =25 8C,while longer ribbons> 1 mm protrude from an otherwisesmooth film at higher TD (Figures 8 a–c). Oligomer 6 exhib-its a surface with fewer crystallites at TD = 25 8C, which growand coalesce into a smooth film at intermediate TD beforegaps begin to appear in the film at TD = 150 8C (Figure 8 d–f). Films of 7, which do not exhibit detectable X-ray diffrac-tion, also have a markedly different surface morphologyfrom the other materials. Films at TD =25 8C are amorphousand become discontinuous as TD increases, with large gapsforming between islands of 7 (Figures 8 g–h).

Transistor fabrication and optimization : Thin film transistorswere fabricated with films of 1–7 as the semiconductinglayer. Oligomers 1, 2 and 4–7 were vacuum-deposited (1, 2,and 4 were also drop-cast), while polymer 3 was spin-castand drop-cast. A minimum of 10 devices for each materialwas tested under high-vacuum and once fully characterized,their operational stability in ambient air also characterized.Oligomers 1, 3, 5, and 6 exhibit exclusively n-type transportin a top-contact bottom-gate FET geometry (Figures 9, 10,and Figure S2), while OSC 2 exhibits exclusively p-type be-havior.

Figure 6. X-ray diffraction q-2q plots of semiconductor a) 1, b) 2, c) 5, and d) 6 thin films vapor-deposited (unless otherwise noted) onto Si/SiO2 sub-strates temperature controlled at the indicated TD.

Figure 7. SEM micrographs of semiconductor 1 and 2 thin films vapor-de-posited onto temperature-controlled substrates at 25 (a, d), 70 (b, e), or90 8C (c, f), as well as solution-cast films of 1 (g, toluene, 500 ppm) and a1:3 blend (h, toluene, 1:1, 500 ppm).

Figure 8. SEM micrographs of semiconductors 5 (a, b, c) and 6 (d, e, f)thin films vapor-deposited onto temperature-controlled Si/SiO2 substratesat 25 (a, d,), 120 (b, e), or 150 8C (c, f), as well as micrographs of 7 thinfilms vapor-deposited onto temperature-controlled Si/SiO2 substrates at50 (g), 50 (h), or 90 8C (i). � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1911 – 19281920

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Oligomer and polymer film microstructure was adjustedto optimize device performance by varying the substratetemperature (TD) during vacuum deposition and drop-cast-ing. Solution-cast films of 1–4 were additionally annealed at75 8C, 150 8C, and 250 8C with negligible effect on FET re-sponse. However, the performance of vapor-deposited 1films is enhanced significantly as TD increases (Table 4),from 25 8C (me =0.18 c m2 V�1 s�1, Ion:off = 3�105, VT =++68 V),to a maximum at TD =80 8C (me =0.45 c m2 V�1 s�1, Ion:off =1 �108, VT =++35 V). Under the optimized conditions, 1 exhibitslow contact resistance and excellent saturation behavior inthe output plots (Figure 9 b), but does not exhibit FET activ-ity under air. The FET performance of 2 also increases with

TD, from mh = 0.012 cm2 V�1 s�1

at 25 8C (Ion:off =105, VT =

�33 V), to a maximum mh of0.043 c m2 V�1 s�1 at TD =90 8C(Ion:off =106, VT =�19 V). Filmsof 2 exhibit ideal saturation be-havior with only slight contactresistance (Figure 9 d) and com-pletely air-stable operation.

Solution-cast films of 1 and 2exhibit impressive FET perf-ormance (Figure S2). Theaverage me for drop-cast 1films is 0.21(8) cm2 V�1 s�1

(0.27 cm2 V�1 s�1 maximum)with a Ion:off = 4�105, figures-of-merit similar to the vapor-de-posited films. Drop-cast films of2 exhibit an average mh of 8(4) �10�4 c m2 V�1 s�1 with Ion:off =

�104. Spin-cast and drop-castfilms of polymer 3 exhibit amobility of 1.7(6) � 10�6 with anIon:off of 2(1) �102 and VT =

+52(10) V (Figure S2b). Blendsof 1 and 3 were drop-cast to en-hance FET performance whilemaintaining the favorable solu-tion rheology of the polymer(500 ppm concentration at a 1:1wt. ratio from xylenes), result-ing in films exhibiting me =

0.02(1) cm2 V�1 s�1 with Ion:off =

3 � 104 and VT =++68 V (Fig-ACHTUNGTRENNUNGure S2c).Films of semiconductors 5

and 6 were vacuum-depositedat TDs ranging from 25 8Cto 150 8C. Material 5 exhibitsn-channel FET activity withperformance increasing withTD from me = 5.3(2) �10�3 c m2 V�1 s�1 (Ion:off =8 � 105,VT =++33(8) V) at 25 8C to me =

0.017(2) cm2 V�1 s�1 (Ion:off =2 � 108, VT =++28 (8) V) at 150 8C(Figure 10 and Table 5). The air stability of 5-based n-chan-nel FETs was evaluated over a period of 3 months (Fig-ure 10 a), revealing stable performance of me =

0.015(3) cm2 V�1 s�1 (Ion:off =1 � 106, VT =++26(5) V) after theinitial device break-in (the performance of TD =150 8C devi-ces was unchanged after >1 year in air). The output plot for5-based devices in Figure 10 b reveals negligible contact re-sistance and excellent saturation behavior. Oligomer 6 alsoexhibits n-channel FET activity for TD>90 8C (Figure 10 c,dand Table 5).

The performance increases slightly with TD to a maximumme =1.2(2) � 10�5 c m2 V�1 s�1 (Ion:off =2 � 104, VT =++ 94(13) V)

Figure 9. FET transfer (a, c) and output (b, d) plots of vacuum-deposited films of 1 (TD = 80 8C) and 2 (TD =

90 8C), respectively.

Figure 10. FET transfer (a, c) and output (b, d) plots measured under vacuum (and after 1 year in air for a) ofvacuum deposited films of 5 (TD =150 8C) and 6 (TD = 150 8C), respectively.

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at 150 8C. The output plot of 6 films reveals excellent satura-tion behavior and only slight contact resistance. Owing tothe very-high sublimation temperatures of 5 and 6, thechemical composition of the evaporation source and the re-sulting thin films was confirmed after film growth by H1

NMR and elemental analysis, and was found to be consis-tent with the pure oligomers.

Crystal structures and solid-state packing : The structures ofoligomers 1 and 2 as well as model compound 7 were deter-mined by X-ray diffraction of single crystals grown by slowsublimation. Crystallographic experimental details and de-rived metrical parameters are summarized in Tables S1–S4in the Supporting Information. Perfluorophenacyl oligomer1 crystallizes in a monoclinic cell with a C2/c space group(Figure 11a,c). Unit cell dimensions are a= 53.617(12), b=

7.4030(17), c=6.5735(15) �, and b=94.259(4)8, giving avolume of 2602.0(10) �3. The quaterthiophene cores orientin a typical herringbone packing motif at an angle of 338,with a p–p stacking distance of 3.50 � (C14�C15’), and amaximum inter-thiophene torsion angle of 48. The ancillarypentafluorophenyl groups are twisted with respect to thethiophene p-core at an angle of 538 and the carbonyl makesa 68 dihedral angle with the adjacent thiophene subunit. Asingle molecular layer is 26.77 � thick with the pentafluoro-phenyl rings not interdigitated, but closely p-stackedACHTUNGTRENNUNG(�3.5 �). Note that the packing of 1 is considerably differ-ent than previously observed for planar perfluoroarene-thio-phene oligomers for which the electron-rich thiophenemoiety overlaps with the electron-poor perfluoroarene, re-sulting in a face-to-face brick-like stacking and far shorterintermolecular stacking distances (<3.4 �).[44] The presentresults reflect the large twist angle between flat quaterthio-phene core and the pentafluorophenycl groups. Phenacyl oli-

gomer 2 crystallizes in a mono-clinic cell with a P21/n spacegroup (Figure 11b,d). The unitcell dimensions are a=

6.0174(8), b=7.4293(10), c=

52.685(7) �, b=93.137(2)8, andthe volume is 2351.8(5) �3. Thequaterthiophene p-cores of 2are also packed in a herring-bone motif at a slightly de-creased 26.58 angle, with the p–p stacking distance being3.43 � (C14�C16’) and a largermaximum inter-thiophene tor-sion of 138. The phenyl groupsare also twisted with respect tothe thiophene p-core at anangle of 498, but are not closelyp-stacked as in 1. The carbonylaxis lies 178 out of the plane ofthe adjacent thiophene subunit.

A single molecular layer is 26.51 � thick with the phenylrings not interdigitated. Quinone-based oligomer 7 crystalli-zes in an orthorhombic cell having the Pbca space group(Figure 11e,f). Unit cell dimensions are a= 12.5516(9), b=

12.9708(9), and c=20.2613(14) �, giving a volume of3298.63(14) �3. The phenanthrenequinone core exhibits aslight 4.78 (C9�C8:C12�C13) torsion angle with the carbon-yl carbons rotated slightly out of the anthracene plane andthe connected thiophenes tilted at only 8.48 relative the phe-nanthrenequinone core. The molecules are p-stacked withthe quinones aligned anti-parallel in a cofacial orientation ata close p–p distance of 3.47 � (S2�C9). These p-stacks align

Table 4. FET performance of vacuum-deposited semiconductor 1 and 2 films as a function of deposition tem-perature, measured under vacuum. Standard deviations are given in parentheses.

TD Semiconductor[8C] 1 2

me [cm2 V�1 s�1] VT [V] Ion:off mh [cm2 V�1 s�1] VT [V] Ion:off

25 0.18(3) 68(12) 3(1) � 105 1.2(3) � 10�2 �33(9) 2(1) � 105

50 0.17(2) 47(9) 3(2) � 105 1.4(5) � 10�2 �27(4) 5(2) � 105

70 0.31(3) 45(7) 8(2) � 105 2.8(8) � 10�2 �22(5) 7(2) � 105

80 0.45(5) 35(5) 1(1) � 108 3.9(4) � 10�2 �17(3) 2(2) � 106

90 0.17(5) 34(4) 2(1) � 107 4.3(7) � 10�2 �19(5) 3(1) � 106

Soln. Cast 0.21(8) 66(4) 4(3) � 105 0.8(4) � 10�3 �32(6) 5(3) � 103

Table 5. FET performance of vacuum-deposited 5 and 6 films measured under vacuum. Standard deviationsare given in parentheses.

TD Semiconductor[8C] 5 6

me [cm2 V�1 s�1] VT [V] Ion:off me [cm2 V�1 s�1] VT [V] Ion:off

25 5.3(2) � 10�3 33(8) 8(2) � 105 – – –50 9.0(4) � 10�3 34(6) 6(1) � 106 – – –90 1.2(2) � 10�2 31(6) 1(1) � 107 7.9(3) � 10�6 120(18) 1(1) � 103

120 1.8(4) � 10�2 32(5) 8(2) � 107 8.7(5) � 10�6 112(22) 4(2) � 103

150 1.7(2) � 10�2 28(8) 2(1) � 108 1.2(2) � 10�5 94(13) 2(1) � 104

Figure 11. Crystal structures of semiconductors 1, 2, and 7. Structures 1and 2 are viewed along the cell b axes (a and b, respectively) and alongthe c axes (c and d, respectively). The crystal structure of 7 is viewedalong the a axis (e) and b axis (f). � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1911 – 19281922

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along the b axis and make an acute angle of 64.38 relative toeach other (Figure 11e). A donor-acceptor packing motif isobserved in 7, with the molecules slipped 5.7 � along thelong axis of the molecule, overlapping the electron-deficientquinone with the electron-rich thiophene fragment.

Quantum chemical modeling : The molecular orbital (MO)energies and contours were calculated by using the DFT-op-timized structures of molecules 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 (Figure 12).

The computed p-conjugated quaterthiophene cores of 1 and2 in the gas phase exhibit minimal intra-tetramer ring tor-sion, however the phenyl rings are twisted at 53 and 448, re-spectively, from each quaterthiophene mean plane. The MOelectron density plots reveal that the HOMO and LUMOare completely delocalized across the quaterthiophene coreand carbonyl groups, with minimal phenyl substituent con-tribution. The computed HOMO energy for both 1 and 2 is�6.0 eV, whereas the LUMO energies are �3.6 and�3.4 eV, respectively. For molecules 5–7, there is <58 com-puted thiophene-phenanthrenequinone torsion angle, andthe phenyl rings are twisted with respect to the p-core in 5and 6. The MO contours reveal that the HOMO is delocal-ized across the phenanthrenequinone and thiophene subu-nits. Interestingly, the LUMOs in 5–7 are localized on thephenanthrenequinone subunits (Figures 12c–e). The comput-ed HOMO energies are �6.6, �6.6, and �6.5 V for 5, 6, and7, respectively, while the LUMO energies are all �4.0 eVfor 5–7.


The correlations between organic semiconductor thin filmmorphology and FET performance will first be discussed inthe context of the SEM, WAXRD, and FET data. Detailedmolecular-level analysis will follow to examine the effect ofmolecular modifications and to interpret the observed FETdevice response. This analysis will utilize data from the

single crystal X-ray structures, thermal analysis, optical spec-troscopy, electrochemistry, and DFT-level MO analysis.

The FET device performance of each material was opti-mized by varying TD for vapor-deposited and the annealingtemperature drop-cast films. Spin-cast films optimized byvarying the solvent and solvent mixtures were also investi-gated. A wide range of FET device responses and film mi-crostructures were observed as a consequence of the filmgrowth optimization studies. Materials 1, 3, 5, and 6 are allfound to exhibit n-channel FET activity under high-vacuum,and 5 also exhibits air-stable operation over a period greaterthan one year. Oligomer 2 exhibits p-channel behaviorunder high-vacuum and air, whereas no FET current modu-lation was observed in this study for films of model com-pounds 4 and 7.

Thin-film microstructure and field-effect transistor deviceoptimization : Top-contact bottom-gate FETs fabricated withvapor-deposited films of semiconductors 1, 2, 5, and 6 wereinitially measured under vacuum. The performance of 1-based devices increases with increasing TD (Figures 9a,b andFigure 13a), from me = 0.18(3) cm2 V�1 s�1 (VT =68(12) V,Ion:off = 3(1) � 105) at TD =25 8C to me =0.45(5) cm2 V�1 s�1

(VT = 35(5) V, Ion:off = 1(1) � 108) at TD = 80 8C, before dimin-ishing slightly at TD =90 8C (Table 4). This performance en-hancement corresponds to an increase in crystallite grainsize observed in SEM images from �100 nm at TD =25 8Cto> 1 mm at TD = 90 8C (Figures 7 a–c). WAXRD data forthe films indicate that the overall crystallinity also increaseswith TD, although reflections from a second phase begin toappear at 90 8C (Figure 6 a). Such a phase-impurity can di-minish m, as observed in this study, by creating defect sites

Figure 12. Molecular orbital electron density contour plots for oligomersa) 1, b) 2, c) 5, d) 6, and e) 7 viewed normal to the p-conjugated cores.

Figure 13. Plot of measured FET m vs. TD for oligomers 1, 2, 5, and 6 (a)and m vs. number of weeks storage in air for 5 films deposited at the indi-cated TD (b). Dashed lines are a guide for the eye.

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in the film that scatter or trap charge carriers.[15,41] The d-spacing of the dominant phase, 26.6�0.1 �, correspondswell with the height of one molecular layer determined fromthe single-crystal structure determination, 26.77 �, indicat-ing that the long axis of the molecule is aligned along thesubstrate normal.

Non-fluorinated phenacyl molecule 2 exhibits p-channelFET behavior that also improves with TD (Figures 9c,d andFigure 13 a) from mh =0.012(3) cm2 V�1 s�1 (VT =�33(9) V,Ion:off = 2(1) � 105) at TD = 25 8C to mh =0.043(7) cm2 V�1 s�1

(VT =�19(5) V, Ion:off =3(1) � 106) at TD = 90 8C (Table 4).FET performance is unchanged when measured in air. Aswith the fluorinated analog 1, this performance enhance-ment coincides with an increase in average crystallite sizeobserved in SEM images of 2-derived films from �100 nmat TD =25 8C to �1 mm at TD = 90 8C (Figures 7 d–f). TheWAXRD reflection intensity from 2-derived films also in-creases with increasing TD, indicating that the overall filmcrystallinity is enhanced (Figure 8). The 26.31�0.1 � d-spacing calculated from the Bragg progression correspondswell with the height of one molecular layer determined fromthe single-crystal structure determination, 26.51 �, indicat-ing that the long axis of the molecule is aligned parallel tothe substrate normal.

Quinone-containing oligomer 5 exhibits n-channel FETbehavior when measured both in vacuum and under air(Figure 10 a, b and Figure 13). The FET performance im-proves with increasing TD when measured under vacuumfrom me =5.3(2) �10�3 cm2 V�1 s�1 (VT =33(8) V, Ion:off = 8(2) �105) at TD = 25 8C to me =0.018(4) cm2 V�1 s�1 (VT =28(8) V,Ion:off = 2(1) � 108) at TD =150 8C (Table 5). When measuredin air, VT exhibits negligible change and me exhibits a slightdecrease in magnitude to 0.015(3) cm2 V�1 s�1 (VT =31(12) V,Ion:off = 5(1) � 106) at TD = 150 8C (Figure 13b), which is stablefor greater than one year when stored and measured underlaboratory air. The WAXRD data indicate phase-pure filmshaving a d-spacing of 27.9�0.1 �, which corresponds closelywith the 28.0 � height of one molecular layer (determinedfrom the DFT geometry plus a 0.3 � interlayer spacing ad-justment, estimated from that observed in the crystal struc-ture of 1). This indicates that the long axis of the moleculeis aligned normal to the substrate surface, a motif similar tothat of 1 and 2.

Oligomer 6 also exhibits n-channel FET activity undervacuum for TD> 90 8C (Figure 10 c,d and Figure 13a). Per-formance improves with increasing TD from me = 7.9(3) �10�6 c m2 V�1 s�1 (VT =120(18) V, Ion:off =1(1) �103) at TD =

90 8C to me =1.2(2) � 10�5 c m2 V�1 s�1 (VT = 94(13) V, Ion:off =

2(1) � 104) at TD =150 8C (Table 5). This diminished me rela-tive to the other vapor-deposited oligomers 1, 2, and 5 islikely attributable to a different thin-film crystal phase thatis revealed by the WAXRD data. Note that no decomposi-tion is observed upon sublimation of 6. Also, the experimen-tal and DFT-computed frontier MO energies reveal that 5and 6 are isoenergetic and isogeometric (Table 2 andFigure 12), so the difference in FET performance is not in-trinsically MO-based. The dominant family of Bragg reflec-

tions corresponds to a d-spacing of 25.90�0.08 �, arguingthat the molecules are tilted at �69.08 relative to the sub-strate surface (calculated using the DFT optimized geometryplus a 0.3 � interlayer spacing adjustment). This tilt angle issimilar to the 64.38 mutual angle made by the slippeddimers in the single-crystal X-ray diffraction derived struc-ture of 7 (Figure 11). Such a slipped structure can potential-ly decrease the efficiency of p–p charge transport comparedto completely overlapped/eclipsed oligomers such as in thecrystal structures of 1, 2, and 5. There is a second, minorityphase observed in 6 films grown at TD = 150 8C with a27.05�0.04 � d-spacing, which suggests a more upright mo-lecular orientation. Although this second phase may exhibitstronger intermolecular p–p coupling, the dominant, tiltedphase likely limits FET performance. The SEM images of 6films also reveal a morphology substantially different fromthe other oligomers, with a more homogenous surface thatbegins to exhibit void spaces of �1 mm dimensions at TD =

150 8C. Model compound 7 does not exhibit FET activity orshow evidence of thin-film crystallinity under the presentgrowth conditions.

Materials 1–3 afford uniform films when drop-cast fromcommon organic solvents, while spin-casting of 3 also yieldshighly uniform films. Drop-cast films of oligomers 1 and 2exhibit outstanding FET response (Figure S2a) with me =

0.21(8) cm2 V�1 s�1 (VT = 66(4) V, Ion:off = 4 (3) � 105) and mh =

8 (4) � 10�4 cm2 V�1 s�1 (VT =�32(6) V, Ion:off =5 (30) � 103),respectively. The FET performance of 1 is one of the mostimpressive reported to date for a solution-cast organic semi-conductor. Indeed, films of both materials are highly crystal-line and exhibit the same XRD pattern as the vapor-deposit-ed films (Figure 6). Furthermore, SEM images and opticalmicroscopy of drop-cast films of 1 reveal very large crystal-line plates with dimensions up to 0.1 mm (Figure 7 g andFigure S1a, respectively) which are even larger than whatobserved for vapor-deposited 1 films.

Drop-cast and spin-cast films of polymer 3 exhibit a mobi-lity of 1.7(6) � 10�6. Although 1 and 2 films exhibit very in-tense Bragg reflections, 3 films do not, indicating poor filmcrystallinity that may impede carrier mobility. To enhancethe film FET performance while maintaining favorable solu-tion rheology, solutions of oligomer 1 and polymer 3 wereblended. An equal wt.: wt. ratio of molecule : polymeryields films exhibiting me =0.02(1) cm2 V�1 s�1 with Ion:off =3 �104 and VT =++68 V. This unique polymer-oligomer blend so-lution combines the favorable rheological characteristics ofthe polymer solution with the high FET performance ofmolecule 1 to yield a more processable solution, affordingexcellent semiconductor films for FETs. Molecule 4 was de-signed to assess whether repositioning the n-alkyl solubiliz-ing groups from the inner two thiophenes of the quaterthio-phene core in 3 to the outer thiophenes would result inhigher crystallinity and therefore enhanced FET perfor-mance. However, films of 4 either vacuum-deposited ordrop-cast do not exhibit Bragg reflections, indicating thatthe substituent repositioning does not enhance thin-filmcrystallinity. � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1911 – 19281924

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Electronic properties, molecular modeling, and crystal pack-ing : Although a thin-film microstructure can significantlyimpact FET device response, the intrinsic molecular proper-ties of an organic semiconductor ultimately determine theperformance limits.[53–55] The primary molecular-level consid-erations are crystal packing and frontier orbital delocaliza-tion/energetics/overlap. In this study, optical spectroscopy,single crystal X-ray structure determination, electrochemis-try, and DFT-level computational modeling are employed toprobe these properties experimentally and theoretically.

Since charge is transported through the frontier molecularorbitals of organic semiconductors, their geometries, ener-gies, and extents of delocalization directly affect carrier sta-bility and intermolecular hopping rates. Ideally, the HOMOand LUMO are delocalized over the entire p-core of thesemiconductor for p- and n-channel transport, respective-ly.[41,56] Delocalization, such as that observed in the DFT-de-rived MO contour plots of 1 and 2, enhances the chargetransfer rate by increasing charge stabilization and intermo-lecular p-overlap while minimizing Marcus reorganizationenergies.[41,45] (Figures 12 a,b). Interestingly, although theHOMOs of 5–7 are well delocalized, the LUMOs are local-ized on the phenanthrenequinone subunits (Figure 12 c–e).This highly localized nature of the LUMO reduces p-over-lap compared to the ideal delocalization present in 1 and 2and may favor electron trapping at the quinone site. This lo-calization may be a contributing factor to the the diminishedme values of compounds 5 and 6 compared to 1, despite thegreater electron affinity.

The MO energies affect charge carrier stability and are akey parameter in rationalizing the charge carrier signs instandard OFET devices. In materials 1–4, the phenacyl an-cillary substituents stabilize the LUMO, diminishing the sus-ceptibility of the mobile electrons to trapping(Table 2).[13,41,42, 57] In the case of 1 and 3, this stabilizationlowers the LUMOs to �3.6 and �3.4 eV, respectively, suffi-cient to enable n-channel activity on HMDS-treated SiO2.Indeed, these energies are below the threshold postulatedfor efficient n-channel activity in the presence of surface hy-droxyl groups,[15,58,59] but probably insufficient for n-channelactivity in the presence of air-based trapping species.[16,37]

Quinone moieties were introduced into the p-core here tofurther stabilize the LUMO and enable air-stable n-channelFET operation. Previous reports on NDI-F[16,29] andCuF16Pc[27, 30–32] proposed that LUMO energies below�3.9 eV are sufficient to enable air-stable n-channel FET op-eration for perfluoroalkyl-substituted semiconductors. Thepresent computational modeling reveals that introduction ofeither bithiophene-quinone (21), phenanthrenequinone, orpyrene-4,5,9,10-tetraone (24) fragments can displace theLUMO energy below this �3.9 eV threshold. Although allof the proposed quinone-containing cores (21, 22, 24) weresuccessfully synthesized in this work, only the Suzuki cou-pling reactions involving 2,7-diiodo-9,10-phenanthrenequi-none (22) were productive, yielding materials 5–7.

As predicted, the fluorinated oligomer 5 exhibits air-stable n-channel operation, while the non-fluorinated analog

6 does not. The ambient stability of 5 is likely the result ofthe more tightly packed perfluorophenyl versus phenyl an-cillary substituents since the LUMO energies of 5(�4.03 eV) and 6 (�4.02 eV) as well as their geometries aresimilar. This result is in agreement with previous studies sug-gesting that fluorocarbon substitution of a semiconductorwith a LUMO energy below �3.9 eV creates an O2-barrier,preventing O2 from trapping mobile electrons in the FETchannel.[16] Additionally, semiconductor 5 maintains a highIon:off ratio of 106 since the LUMO energy (�4.03 eV) isabove the �4.2 eV level at which ambient doping has previ-ously been observed in extremely-high electron-affinity or-ganic semiconductors.[26,37]

The crystal packing motifs of 1 and 2 are similar, with thequaterthiophene cores herringbone-packed at distances of3.50 and 3.43 �, respectively (Figure 11). This type of her-ringbone p-stacking motif has been shown experimentallyand theoretically to afford optimal p-overlap in quaterthio-phene-based semiconductors.[44,60] The structure of both ma-terials reveals two layers of p-stacked molecules per unitcell, with the out-of-plane phenyl substituents locking the p-stacked molecules into an orientation normal to the acplane. In polymer 3, introduction of the n-octyl solubilizinggroup, in combination with the phenyl-thiophene dihedralangle along the polymer backbone, likely disrupts the her-ringbone p-stacked layers, resulting in the observed de-creased thin-film crystallinity and poorer FET performance.Model compound 4 was synthesized to evaluate how crystal-linity is affected when the alkyl substituents are movedtoward the edge of the p-core. The crystal lattice is also de-stabilized with the groups in this location, resulting in 4being extremely-soluble but producing amorphous films.

The X-ray diffraction-derived structure of quinone modelcompound 7 reveals a highly-planar p-core architecture withmolecules cofacially p-stacked (Figure 11 e, f). Stacked mol-ecules are slipped �5.7 � along the long axis of the mole-cule and make a 648 angle from one p-stack with respect tothe next, likely induced by a donor-acceptor interaction ofthe electron-rich thiophene fragment with the electron-defi-cient quinone subunit. The quinones also stack antiparallelowing to stabilizing dipole–dipole interactions. This slippedstructure, which diminishes intermolecular p–p coupling, islikely similar to the dominant phase of 6 films, where themolecules are tilted �698 relative to the substrate surface.This structure of 7 provides evidence for the high crystalpacking affinity of quinine-containing materials and also in-sight into the diminished mobility of 6-derived films.


The present family of phenacyl–thiophene and quinine-based semiconductors exhibits rich and informative relation-ships between molecular-level electronic/structural proper-ties, film processability, thin-film morphology, and p-/n-chan-nel FET device characteristics. The design strategy to con-currently enhance solubility and crystal packing yields high-

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performance solution processable n-channel FET materialswith me up to �0.3 c m2 V�1 s�1 for solution-cast films of 1and one of the first n-channel polymers prepared to date(3). Blending 1 with 3 enhances both solution rheology andFET device performance from me�10�6 c m2 V�1 s�1 for neat3 films to �0.02 c m2 V�1 s�1 for blend films. A computation-al study of LUMO stabilization reveals that introduction ofquinone units into the p-conjugated core enables air-stablen-channel operation. Introduction of a phenanthrenequi-none unit, one of the three quinones identified, affords oli-gomer 5, also exhibiting air-stable n-channel FET operationwith me�0.02 c m2 V�1 s�1 and a high Ion:off = 106 under ambi-ent conditions. The non-fluorinated phenanthrenequinoneanalog 6 exhibits diminished me�10�5 c m2 V�1 s�1 and air-un-stable FET operation, in agreement with the O2-barriermodel proposed previously. Films of 6 also exhibit a differ-ent thin-film phase from that of the other oligomers, likelywith diminished intermolecular p–p coupling and likely re-sponsible for the depressed me. The crystal structures of qua-terthiophene compounds 1 and 2 reveal that both pack in aherringbone motif with short p-stacking distances and a lay-ered structure. The first crystal structure of a quinone-con-taining thiophene-based molecule 7 reveals anti-paralleldipole alignment and cofacial packing with a short 3.48 �p–p stacking distance. This work demonstrates that rationaldesign can yield extremely p-electron-deficient monomerunits for use in air-stable n-channel FET molecular and po-lymer semiconductors.


We thank the Northwestern MRSEC (NSF-MRSEC DMR-0520513) andAFOSR (FA9550-08-1-0331 for support of this research. R.P.O. acknowl-edges the MICINN of Spain for a personal postdoctoral grant.

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Received: June 4, 2009Published online: December 28, 2009 � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1911 – 19281928

T. J. Marks, M. A. Ratner, A. Facchetti et al.
