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    João Corrêa Mendes da Silva Ribeiro

    Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014

    [email protected]

    Abstract: Efficient and strategic maintenance planning has become a key issue for railway infrastructure

    administrators. Tools for better planning have become more necessary to achieve the desired levels of per-

    formance and productivity of the railway system. Research has found great importance of track stiffness

    due to its influence on dynamic impacts on the wheel-rail interface. Dynamic impacts lead to track geometry

    degradation, therefore, new measuring stiffness techniques are being developed allowing to study the impact

    of track stiffness on track geometry quality. The present work focus on a track section of the Iron Ore Line

    (Malmbanan), in northern Sweden, the heaviest haul railway in Europe. The main goal is to evaluate the

    influence of track stiffness variations on the quality of the track. First, spatial/temporal variations of vertical

    stiffness measurements recorded with an innovative measuring vehicle are analysed. Despite low stiffness

    values, stiffer track sections are verified in winter measurements. The importance of several track assets on

    the existence of stiffness variations is also examined and confirmed. Another approach is the evaluation of

    the relation between the maintenance history and track stiffness or events. Data indicate some connection

    between tamping frequency and the considered conditions. It is finally made the assessment of the influence

    of track stiffness variations on track quality and the rate of degradation of the longitudinal level, measured

    in mm/year. Great dispersion is found although some statistically significant results are obtained through

    linear regression between stiffness variation and average or maximum rate of degradation per track section.

    Keywords: Vertical track stiffness, Stiffness temporal variation, Stiffness spatial variation, Railway track

    maintenance, Track geometry degradation


    In today’s competitive and ever-changing market it is more and more important to achieve an effective and

    efficient maintenance strategy. LCC (Life Cycle Cost) and RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintenance

    and Safety) have been playing an important role to achieve more efficient maintenance decisions. The

    achievement of an improvement on the maintenance planning strategy and its efficiency will enable higher

    levels of performance and productivity of the whole railway system (Arasteh khouy, 2013; Karttunen,

    2012). Within this scope, researchers have been trying to understand the degradation mechanism of the

    railway structure. It is believed that track stiffness and track deflection measurements may have an important

    role on determining the root cause of track failures or track response under different traffic conditions

    (Berggren, 2009; Puzavac et al., 2012). Certain relations between track stiffness and variation of track

    stiffness with track geometry degradation have been discovered, due to the effect of track stiffness devia-

    tions on variations of the wheel/rail contact. Such variations increase the dynamic impact on the rail and

    consequently contribute to track structure deterioration (Burrow et al., 2009).

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    The present work analyses vertical stiffness measurements on the Iron Ore Line (Malmbanan) in northern

    Sweden, and the influence of stiffness variations in track geometry degradation. Stiffness measurements

    used in this paper were performed in 2012 with a new innovative method which aims to improve the speed

    and cost without compromising the quality (Berggren et al., 2014).


    Static vertical stiffness, k [kN/mm] (1), is translated by the maximum deflection due to a wheel load at a

    given point (Teixeira, 2003), where Q [kN] is the concentrated load applied on the rail and z [mm] is the

    maximum deflection of the track.

    𝑘 =𝑄

    𝑧 (1)

    The rail deflection is influenced by the combination of all the track’s components stiffnesses. This increases

    the difficulty of understanding track stiffness and its effect on track performance. Factors such as the non-

    linearity of the stiffness of different components, such as the rail pads or subgrade (Berggren, 2009;

    Hosseingholian et al., 2009; Teixeira, 2003), the variability with different hydrologic and climatic condi-

    tions (Woodward et al., 2014), or the existence of voids beneath sleepers, lead to non-linear behaviour of

    the track.

    When a train starts moving, the track will experience immediately a dynamic load (Berggren et al., 2002).

    The response given by the track structure to the dynamic vertical movements created by the rolling stock

    on the rail is the dynamic vertical stiffness and it varies as a function of time. It is usually used its inverse,

    track receptance, α [m/kN], function of the excitation frequency, f [Hz].

    𝛼(𝑓) =𝑧(𝑓)

    𝑄(𝑓) (2)


    Spatial track stiffness variation is one of the main origins of track geometry deterioration (Hunt, 2005;

    Puzavac et al., 2012). It was only on the 1970s that the first studies on the importance of track stiffness for

    reducing the vehicle dynamic loads were published by Prud’homme when the author presented a set of

    equations for calculating dynamic loads (Puzavac et al., 2012; Teixeira, 2003).

    Low global stiffness may generate settlements on the platform and consequently on the ballast layer which

    will considerably increase displacements and bending stress in the rails per unit force with lower dynamic

    forces (Hunt, 2005; Li & Berggren, 2010; Teixeira, 2003). It may be related to insufficient compactness

    of ballast and/or platform, ballast fouling or even poor drainage (Teixeira, 2003). On the other hand, stiff-

    ness values higher than the optimal translate mean increases on the dynamic loads. This leads to faster

    deterioration as vertical stresses on sleepers and ballast are higher and heavier due to high dynamic wheel-

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    rail contact stress with low bending rail strains (Hunt, 2005; Puzavac et al., 2012; Teixeira, 2003). Re-

    search thus concluded that a relatively high and constant track stiffness is needed for optimising track re-

    sistance to the applied loads and limit the track deflection which may lead to wear and fatigue damage of

    track structure components (Andersson et al., 2013). According to Sussman et al. (2001) and Li and

    Berggren (2010), the optimum track stiffness for freight-traffic lines is between 70-80 kN/mm.

    Irregularities on track stiffness mean that properties of the track structure are heterogeneous along the rail-

    way and will affect the train-track dynamic interaction. As higher the axle load or speed, the more impact

    the variations will have (Dahlberg, 2003). Experimental measurements on several tracks show that vertical

    stiffness transitions sometimes are not gradual and in some cases they are particularly pronounced in rather

    short distances. It often occurs that greater geometry defects tend to coincide with sections with sudden

    stiffness variations (Teixeira, 2003). López Pita (2002) verified that an increase of about 30-50% on ballast

    stress levels may be induced, which increase track geometry deterioration rate, by the variation of track

    stiffness in two adjacent sections if compared to track sections with constant stiffness. Best known stiffness

    heterogeneities are related to the existence of bridges or tunnels which usually have concrete platforms with

    high vertical stiffness when compared with the granular layers that compose the ballasted track platform.

    However recent research verified that there is no obvious correlation between high degradation rates of track

    quality and track infrastructures such as bridges or turnouts (Berggren, 2013). That reveals that other

    sources of irregular stiffness such as non-uniformly compacted ballast, drainage problems on the granular

    layers or even variation of the subgrade structure can be found and may be more frequent than expected

    (Berggren, 2013; Dahlberg, 2010; Gallage et al., 2013; Teixeira, 2003).


    Standstill measuring methods are the most common and measure stiffness at discrete intervals. However, if

    track vertical stiffness is to be investigated in large distances or even the whole track, standstill measure-

    ments are virtually impossible to carry out as they are very time-consuming and expensive (Burrow et al.,

    2009). Continuous measurement techniques are traditionally based in two main approaches: dynamic

    measurements on a single axle or laser-measurement of vertical deflections due to applied loads

    (Berggren, 2009; Burrow et al., 2009). Different existing measurement systems are unlikely to get the

    same vertical track stiffness due to several reasons such as the applied loads, spatial resolution of the meas-

    uring technique, excitation frequency or even the influence of track geometry irregularities (Berggren,

    2009; Hosseingholian et al., 2009).

    Stiffness data used on this work was measured with an innovative method, recently developed in Sweden

    by EBER Dynamics. The IMV100 is an adapted track recording car on which a new inertial measurement

    system was added to the existing mechanical three-point chord measuring system. The combination of the

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    two systems is the basis for the EVS-method, which separates the unloaded track geometry from the loaded

    track geometry, enabling the determination of both track deflection and track stiffness (Berggren et al.,

    2014; Nielsen et al., 2013). This approach enables to significantly reduce stiffness measurement costs.

    Initial price estimations identify a price reducing factor of 10 to 20 times, when compared to other existing

    stiffness measurement vehicles. There is also the benefit of the possibility of measuring at higher speeds (up

    to 100 km/h) as the method does not imply any speed limitation, in opposition to dynamic measurement

    techniques (Berggren et al., 2014). Track vertical stiffness was measured at relatively high speeds (around

    80 km/h) and filtered at wavelengths of 12 metres.


    The Malmbanan line is the only European heavy haul railway and it has been recently upgraded to support

    30-tonne traffic (Larsson, 2004; Schöch & Frick, 2007; Schöch et al., 2011). It is located in the EU’s

    most important mining region which produces around 90% of the total iron ore production in Europe, still

    with large growth plans (Lundberg et al., 2012). The case study focuses on the first about 18 km of the

    railway section 118, starting near Boden. Due to its proximity to the Arctic Circle, the line is constantly

    subjected to severe meteorological conditions such as snowstorms and extreme temperatures which may

    vary from close to -40 ºC during winter and +25 ºC during summertime. This variability may result in

    substructure instability that affects track geometry up to 30 cm below the superstructure as the frost that is

    created during the cold season over the substructure melts, creating frost boils and drainage complications

    (Arasteh khouy, 2013; Schöch & Frick, 2007).



    Work focused only on the left rail, following other research on track stiffness (Berggren, 2006), (Li &

    Berggren, 2010) and (Berggren et al., 2014). Even though stiffness data varies from date to date, stiffness

    measurements along the track indicate that most of the track has stiffness values between 30 and 40 kN/mm.

    Five different data recordings were originally available (2012: February, 25 and 29 April, August; 2013:

    November). Maximum stiffness values, between 50 and 70 kN/mm, represented less than 5% of the total

    studied extension in the four inspections from 2012. However, data from November 2013 had almost 10%

    of vertical stiffness values above 50 kN/mm (5% were above 100 kN/mm) reaching maximum values of

    470 kN/mm (!). Notice that in (Li & Berggren, 2010) a track considered has a stiff railway has stiffness

    values of about 170 kN/mm. Therefore the fifth recording run was disconsidered in the analysis.


    Boden’s 2012 temperature and precipitation levels were analysed. Only five months did not have sub-zero

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    temperatures registered. Highest temperatures occurred during June, July and August, as usual. As previ-

    ously referred, such temperature variations may involve freeze-thaw cycles which induce variations on track

    stiffness. Precipitation levels may also influence track stiffness once track drainage is crucial for the effec-

    tive functioning of track’s bearing capacity. Humidity conditions of the terrain may vary in each inspection

    performance due to more or less precipitation during the preceding period. This possibility is confirmed by

    research, which refers that frost boils and poor drainage are often cause for reduced substructure stability,

    between April and July in the Malmbanan line (Arasteh khouy et al., 2013).

    The influence of weather conditions was visible in the analysis of track stiffness variations on 200 metres-

    long segments. However, in opposite to the expected, stiffness measurements performed in February, the

    coldest month of the year and fifth straight month with sub-zero temperatures, are the set of data with lower

    maximum values of global vertical stiffness. A reduction of stiffness between the two April measurements

    was verified. Two major factors may explain such difference: according to climate reports, average temper-

    atures increased from around 1 ºC to about 6 ºC between the two dates, and the largest precipitation day of

    the month occurred in 27 April (9.14 mm). In rainy seasons water may accumulate near the track and infil-

    trate the subgrade, and can soften the track structure (Tzanakakis, 2013). Also, there is indication of strong

    correlation between effects of thaw and decrease of stiffness due to the presence of defrosting water in the

    subgrade layers (Zufelt, 2013). August registers are in general lower than the previous, meeting the expec-

    tations due to absence of frost in the region together with an increase of the average monthly precipitation.


    The 18 kilometres were divided in three parts for better perception of stiffness variations. Averages and

    standard deviations of 200 metres-long track segments were used to represent mean values by sector and to

    identify the extensions on which track stiffness fluctuates the most. An example is shown in Figure 1. As

    expected, steeper average increases are correlated with higher standard deviations and lower average gradi-

    ents are thus correlated with small standard deviations (the stiffer part is located in kilometre 1156 -

    80 kN/mm in April which coincides with the only standard deviation above 12 kN/mm). Some of the stiff-

    ness variations found coincide with the existence of track events along the railway such as railway bridges,

    embankments, culverts, etc.


    The methodology for assessing the stiffness variation on a given location was based on the maximum vari-

    ation within a 25 metres distance window (±2.5m). As four different sets of data were available, with the

    already characterised spatial and temporal variations, the criterion defined for obtaining a single variation

    of vertical track stiffness on a certain location, was the average of the maximum variations of three registers,

    excluding the most distant value within the four estimated stiffness variations.

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    Figure 1 – Example of spatial distribution of stiffness averages and standard deviations (Part 1/3)


    Among the provided data was a list with the location of several assets along the railway, some of which

    were selected on the basis of their probability of explaining some existing stiffness variations. Chosen events

    were culverts (32), water pipes (4), embankments (32), level crossings (1) and abolished level crossings

    (17) (since the rails may still have non-typical track support conditions although the last abolished one was

    closed in 1997), railway bridges (3) and turnouts (17). In opposite to railway bridges, it is not possible to

    see through Google Earth the extension of embankments or even to spot their location visually. This is

    important to refer since it was found that data related to railway bridges in fact were coordinates of the start

    and ending points of each bridge. Furthermore, geographic location of track events was not accurate, thus

    events not easily spotted via satellite images may be in the wrong location. Figure 2 summarises stiffness

    variations induced per track asset.

    Though short length structures, the three existing railway bridges are easily identified by high stiffness

    variations, with a minimum of 12 kN/mm within a range of 25 metres. The influence of embankments in

    stiffness variations is observed where stiffness values are higher in April and lower in August, after defrost-

    ing. The absence of information about the extension of these embankments did not enable a better assess-

    ment. However, the highest values are related with two coincident embankment coordinates and a near

    abolished level crossing. Data of depth and diameter of culverts and pipes was not available thus an evalu-

    ation of the influence of this parameters was not possible. The studied track section has only one level

    crossing still opened and seventeen abolished level crossings. There is a possibility of a complete renewal

    of some of the track sections during the works for improving the bearing capacity of the track that would

    eliminate the concrete slabs often existent on level crossings, which could explain lower variations in some



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    of the abolished level crossings. Still, the active level crossing produces a stiffness variation of 13 kN/mm

    while four of the abolished ones coincide with variations above 18 kN/mm. In average, about 90% of the

    existing turnouts on the track are responsible for sudden stiffness variations above 9 kN/mm and more than

    50% produce stiffness variations above 12 kN/mm. Comparing with the other most frequent track assets

    (culverts and embankments – 32 each), turnouts are verified to be the events responsible for higher varia-

    tions of vertical stiffness, in average.

    Figure 2 – Induced stiffness variation per selected track events


    The space-time distribution of tamping operations described on the database is quite variable and did not

    allow to identify any distinct pattern. The extension of one intervened track segment varies from 25 metres

    (October 2002) to 8 250 metres (October 2003) leading to very distinguished total number of track segments

    intervened on a maintenance performance.

    The track was divided into 10 metres-long segments for assessing the tamping frequency. It was verified

    that almost 20% of the track was intervened only two times in eight years and only less than 7% of the

    considered track segments were intervened a minimum of four times. It was also verified that the majority

    of the 200 metres-long segments with none of the selected track events was subjected to only one interven-

    tion in eight years (37%) while track sections with five or more track events within 200 metres had at least

    four interventions, or, in average, at least one maintenance operation every two years. Unlike the majority

    of the track, locations where stiffness varies are more susceptible to deteriorate into quality levels that re-

    quire corrective maintenance.

    The comparative analysis of the maximum stiffness variation per 10 metres-long segments and the tamping

    frequency within the same extension revealed a variable range of stiffness variations per number of tamping

    operations. The vast majority of the 10 metres-long segments has maximum variations lower than 6 kN/mm

    and most of the total number of segments have been tamped only two times (less than 20% was tamped

    more than three times). However, whenever higher stiffness variations happen, the importance of tamping

    operations increases: less than 50% of the sections with stiffness variations below 9 kN/mm were tamped

    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Railway bridge



    A. level crossing

    Level crossing




    [0-3] (kN/mm)

    ]3-6] (kN/mm)

    ]6-9] (kN/mm)

    ]9-12] (kN/mm)

    ]12-15] (kN/mm)

    ]15-18] (kN/mm)

    ]18-21] (kN/mm)

    ]21-24] (kN/mm)

  • 8

    at least three times; segments with stiffness variations above 9 kN/mm required more tamping operations,

    i.e. 52% of the track sections with stiffness variations between 9 and 12 kN/mm and 71% with stiffness

    variations above 12 kN/mm were tamped more than three times within the same time period (25% were

    tamped at least four times).


    The influence of the mean value and standard deviation of vertical track stiffness on the longitudinal level

    of the track, within 200 metres-long segments, was assessed through a multiple linear regression. The mean

    longitudinal level was considered as the dependent variable while the mean and standard deviation of ver-

    tical stiffness were considered as independent variables. The coefficient of determination estimated turned

    out to be low (7%). Nonetheless, the model is statistically significant at a significance level of 5% as the F

    statistic has a p-value below 0.05. The two independent variables are also statistically significant at a 95%

    confidence. Thus it can be concluded that, despite the strong influence of other external factors not consid-

    ered in the model due to lack of data (i.e. rolling stock speed, unsprung mass, MGT, wheel-rail interface

    quality, climate conditions, components condition, etc.) vertical track stiffness influence the track quality of

    the railway.



    After an initial analysis of the available data, twenty-six sets of longitudinal level data from 2009 to 2013

    were found suitable to work with. The estimation of the rates of degradation was made through simple linear

    regression, considering the deterioration level as the dependent variable Y and time as the independent var-

    iable X. The regression coefficient corresponded to the deterioration rate of a given defect, in mm/day

    (mm/year if multiplied by 365). Only regressions with coefficients of determination (R2) above 0.70 were

    considered; negative rates were not taken into account. The fact that no tamping pattern had been identified

    when analysing the available track maintenance data was taken into account. The space-time irregularity of

    tamping operations lead to the assumption that a large part of the maintenance operations are not preventive

    but corrective operations due to punctual defects exceeding track quality thresholds. Thus it was conserva-

    tively considered the existence of a maintenance operation whenever the defect measured on two consecu-

    tive track inspections would drop to less than 95% of the previous measurement. No maximum time-window

    for a new tamping operation was considered as several track segments were only tamped once or twice in

    eight straight years.

    The twenty-six validated sets of data were plotted in the same chart to get a better visual notion of the

    longitudinal level spatial distribution. Visual standout longitudinal level peaks, i.e. kilometric points on

    which values were clearly different from the surrounding longitudinal level pattern were selected. A total

  • 9

    of 140 valid linear regressions (rates of degradation) for 53 selected points were obtained with the previous

    methodology. Accordingly to other research (Andrade & Teixeira, 2011; Cabecinha, 2012; Rodrigues,

    2013) the rates of degradation adjusted to a lognormal distribution with mean of 4.95 mm/year and

    standard deviation of 4.75 mm/year.


    Two approaches were considered for the evaluation of the impact of stiffness variations on the rate of deg-

    radation. The first one considered absolute variation levels and the second relative variations, both within a

    25 (±2.5) metres range. The estimation of vertical stiffness variations within 25 (±2.5) metres on each

    location revealed different levels of variation for each rate of degradation estimated.

    The first approach took in consideration the clustering of rates of degradation per range of stiffness variation,

    absolute and relative. A trend for higher rates of degradation was identified for stiffness variations above

    15 kN/mm, Figure 3-A. The same was identified for relative stiffness variations, above 45%. Due to the

    variability of the sample sizes, the rates of degradation were divided into two groups in order to evaluate

    the statistical significance of the identified trend, Figure 3-B. The goodness of fit test was significant for a

    log-normal distribution in both cases. A Mann-Whitney U-test (α=95%) did not reject H0 = distribution of

    both groups are identical. Therefore, despite the apparent correlation between higher absolute stiffness var-

    iations and higher rates of degradation of longitudinal level, there was no statistical significance.

    Figure 3 – Boxplots of rates of deterioration per absolute stiffness variations

    However, the existence of several different rates of degradation on the same location may bias the results.

    Therefore two different approaches were attempted, again, with no significant results. The approaches in-

    volved the definition of a single representative rate of degradation: the average or the maximum rate for

    each considered stiffness variation. A linear regression was made for both cases with the absolute and rela-

    tive stiffness variations. Wide dispersion was verified in both cases. Nevertheless all the regressions were

    proven to be statistically significant. These findings leave open the possibility of a correlation between











    e o

    f d



    ion (




    Stiffness variation (kN/mm)



    9 41 30 21 11 14 6









    ≤15 >15Rat

    e o

    f d



    on (




    Absolute stiffness variation (kN/mm)



    101 31

    A B

  • 10

    higher rates of degradation of local defects and sudden stiffness variations. However, stiffness variations

    alone will not explain the variability of the registered degradation. A different methodology for obtaining a

    higher frequency of higher stiffness variations may be necessary on future research in order to have bigger

    sample sizes to analyse.


    The case study track segment is a soft line with average stiffness values around 30 to 40 kN/mm. It was

    verified the existence of lower stiffness values during summer measurements than in winter recordings. It

    was also shown that segments with higher average stiffness values tend to coincide with track sections with

    higher standard deviations and track assets such as railway bridges, turnouts and (abolished) level crossings.

    Sections such track infrastructures tend to be more frequently intervened.

    A multiple linear regression between the average track quality and vertical stiffness (mean and standard

    deviation) was performed. Results demonstrated that for soft tracks, higher and steadier stiffness values

    have positive effect on the track quality. However, other not considered factors have to be considered for

    predicting degradation levels. Rates of degradation of several track sections were estimated as well as the

    corresponding stiffness variations. No significant correlations were found between the sudden absolute (or

    relative) stiffness variation magnitudes and longitudinal level rates of degradation. However, linear regres-

    sions considering one rate of degradation per stiffness variation (average or maximum rate) were found to

    be statistically significant despite the substantial dispersion of results.

    Further research should focus on measuring vertical stiffness variation, as well as assess its influence on the

    rates of degradation by track section category, since different speeds and rolling stock may induce different

    rates of degradation when interacting with vertical stiffness variations.


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