


Red Lion with Black Head


Majapahit Animal Diety

Singapura Rock FeatureKing of Temasek

Srivijaya BuddhaKing of Palembang, Bintan and Temasek

Srivijaya Ancestral Kramat



Srivijaya atPalembang


Terrible Tree atFort Caning Hill

Good man, good husband, good father are they the same thing?

Do we need sex for romance?

They used to hop into bed every night. All three of them. And he would snuggle between her silky thighs and roll into Dannys powerful arms, and pant hungrily as he watched That was, until the little tot came.

The first time John asked Beatrice for a date, he felt a complete fool .Finally, he summoned all his courage and crushed the plastic cup decisively with both hands.He-man And The Leader Of The Cosmos, he declared.

Polygamy or Monogamy : who benefits and who loses?Do we need change in leadership style? Or change in leader??

The Sweet Shop was a dinosaur in an age of shopping complexes and neon lights. Or perhaps it was more like a cockroach, small and hardy. It was really a shack with few comforts

Iwas my mothers favourite. I dont know why. Perhaps it was the comet that splashed across the heavens at the vernal equinox one week before I was born. Perhaps it was my eyes, which opened two days after the labours ended.