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Jonas Akerlund

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• Jonas Akerlund was born 10th November 1965. He is a Swedish film and music director and also drummer. He first began his fame as a main music video director for the Swedish pop ace Roxette.

• He has done many music videos with famous artists such as Madonna’s song ‘Ray of Light’. Ever since that music video got released he has been well known for his music videos of directing them.

• Ever since he first directed music videos in 1997, he has won 16 awards up till 2014. He has directed a lot of well know artists music videos such as Rihanna, Britney Spears, Christina Aquilera, Blondie etc.

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Madonna – Ray Of Light

• In this music video, we see that at the start its slow and calm with landscape shots. As the music changes, we see that Jonas has edited the shots where everything is being rushed. This is mostly in public places where its busy.

• Throughout the music video we notice that everything is rushed and fast forward throughout but we saw a faded shot of Madonna. These were also sharp shots as we only got a glimpse of everything in the music video.

• Jonas Akerlund has used a variety of different effects such as green screen behind Madonna making it look like an authentic media piece. The editing of this video is unique as Jonas includes sharp shots, fading and making everything rushed.

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• Overall, in this music video, Jonas Akerlund makes it a unique piece of media as he has used a variety of media techniques to make it an authentic music video. This makes him a unique music video director as the audience of this video might want to watch it again as so much happens (repeatability).

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Christina Aguilera - Beautiful

• This music video has a very deep meaning. This is explained in the music video as Jonas Akerlund expresses different situations about body images, sexuality and bullying.

• In this music video, he expresses this by having different stories. Once a shot of the different story appears we then have a glimpse at Christina lip syncing to the music. This involves many close-ups showing emotion. Jonas Akerlund is using metanarrative to engage the experience towards the audience whilst also inspiring to the audience about different situations similar.

• The effects that Jonas has used are dark, dim and dark colours to make the music video more effective and engaging towards the audience.

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• Overall, Jonas Akerlund has created a deep music video telling a story about life problems and situations. He has used many of the important concepts to make this an unique media piece.

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Lady Gaga – Paparazzi

• In this music video we see that Jonas Akerlund has produced an authentic piece of media as he includes sharp shots in this music video of Lady Gaga. At rhe start he has used metanarrative concept as he is partly telling a story at the start of the music video.

• Jonas Akurland has also included different random scene to make the music video interesting towards the audience. The more weird the music video to the audience, the more they would want to watch it again.

• The effects that Jonas used vary, as for some of his effects included dim lighting but he also included bright and vibrant colour. The music video did contain sexual references.

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• Overall, in this video Jonas Akurland included many features as the video contained fake bodies as sharp shots so the audience only got a glimpse of the scene.

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Coldplay - Magic

• In this music video, Jonas Akerlund makes a unique piece by making the video black and white throughout. This relates to the setting of the music video as this is set back in the old ages.

• Jonas Akerlund has made a story out of this music video. Also, as the song title is called magic, Jonas did the music video about magicians set back in time. Jonas has made this into a type of silent film where there isn’t any speaking but quotes of what the actors as saying.

• This music video that Jonas directed has a unique style compared to his other videos that he has produced in the past.

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• Overall, in this video, we see a unique setting that Jonas Akerlund has produced. This stands out compared to his music videos as this is in black and white and the setting is set back to old times. Also he has used a silent film to produce the music video making it an authentic media piece.