Page 1: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

Joint Working in a Cold Climate

NHS Confed Conference7th July 2011

Peter HayADASS President

Page 2: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

Social Care – the long big gap• 1999 Royal Commission• 2006 Kings Fund Wanless Report• 2008 HM Govt. “Why England Needs a New

Care and Support System” estimates a £6bn gap over the next 20 years.

• 2011/12 ADASS finds whatever the gap, a further £1bn is the reduction from councils

• 2012/14 ADASS estimates a further £1bn

Page 3: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

Reform isn’t just resources• Fewer people received help whilst resources

increased and eligibility stayed fixed• People find the care system complex to

understand and navigation difficult• People do not understand who pays for what• Changing needs and an outdated model are a

bad combination

Page 4: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

Spending review impactProtecting health and education spending mean a significant

reduction in funding for local government. This is with £1bn transferred from NHS in the bottom line

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Core City Slide

Page 6: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

ADASS Budget Survey – May ‘11• Councils are reducing their budgets for adult social care by

£991M, representing a 6.9% reduction against a 10% reduction in overall spending by councils.

• Councils are reducing by £169M their spend on Supporting People.

• 13% of councils are changing their FACS criteria. There are now 78% councils at Substantial in 11/12 compared to 70% in 10/11 and 4% at critical only.

• 79% councils have frozen or increased fees to providers.

• £425m of demographic pressures were identified with 41% of councils fully funding these pressures.

Page 7: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

ADASS Survey – joint monies• The full amount of the reablement resources has been identified

with strong levels of agreement with the NHS on areas of spend.

• 95% of the Winter Pressure allocation was identified, with 89% of councils reporting agreement on how this allocation will be spent.

• The full year NHS Transfer (total of £650k?) is still to be determined with 57% not yet agree.

• Carer’s money – more importantly- strategies appears slow to impact

Page 8: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

Consequences showing in Year One• Instability to the already long unstable care

system• Blaming cuts misses the gaps!• Plenty of challenge – post Birmingham ADASS

survey shows 20 councils with JR challenges to budget (eligibility and care fees top issues)

• Move to Clusters means that radical changes for enablement, QIPP etc are probably slow off the mark

Page 9: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

Potential Impact of Year Two• Initial indications suggest slightly higher

reduction – but substantial variation.

• High level of confidence re transfer monies.

• Greater radicalism on enablement & not there yet on carers strategies.

Page 10: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

Less hindrance to integrate than 2010?

Source: NHS/Confed Where Next for Health and Social Care Integration, June 2010

Performance Regimes

Financial pressures

Organisational complexity

Changing leadership

Financial complexity

Page 11: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

Cold Climate Consequence• Money will get worse before it gets better• Dilnot proposals for reform and resources• The unintended Dilnot/Gloucester trap –

eligibility frozen whilst it is the only legal tap on resource

• Local reforms slow off the ground?• Known hindrances appear to have strengthened

Page 12: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

How do we warm up?• Strengthen locally – sorting out the architecture

quickly!• Prepare for worse to come• Quickly make up ground for transformation of

health and care• Ensure together we get Dilnot addressed• Recognise that great health and care are

interdependent (not exclusively) • Use the obvious wins (Kerslake/Glasby) in QIPP

Page 13: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

A new model of care and public health

‘A wider service offer’

Citizen purchased care – state resources

Citizen purchased care – own resources



Support and information offer



Page 14: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President
Page 15: Joint Working in a Cold Climate NHS Confed Conference 7th July 2011 Peter Hay ADASS President

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