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How to grow your business with help of a mentor?

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A successful entrepreneur knows that a business is much like a living breathing creature. To grow it needs to eat and breathe (in figurative terms). It needs to soak up resources, time, determination, and most important strategy to strive and grow. To be breathing and alive, a business must be sidestepping all the small mistakes that add up to become big ones and eventually lead to the doom of it.

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Thus, the question is, how do you grow your business effectively? A business mentor, or simply a mentor, is the answer. Business mentoring services help you grow your business with doting numbers and great scales.

Here are the 5 ways you can grow your business with the help of a business

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Business mentors help you decide a direction: If it wasn’t already clear, the knowledge a mentor brings to the table is a crucial facet to bring stability to the growth of a business. If your scales are bumpy with sales spiking up one month and going down to zilch the other, a business mentor can help decide a direction for your business that is best for its growth.

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They help you avoid mistakes: When you’re in the early stages of your entrepreneurship, you’re still learning the ropes and making mistakes. Although we may have heard that making mistakes is equivalent to growing, these mistakes can cause serious damage to a business. This is where the business mentors step in. They help you avoid even the minuscule mistakes that can later turn out to be big. Statistics from SCORE say that 87% of businesses that had a mentor were still in a business post a year. This is in contrast to 75% of businesses that could thrive post a year without a mentor.

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They help ease networking: A mentor has excellent networking skills and myriad business contacts. These contacts can either be their friends, partners, colleagues, or even their mentors with whom they have built a stable and beneficial relationship over years. Your mentor, when needed, may introduce you to one of these contacts to help open doors for the growth of your business with possible collaborations.

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Business mentors manage cash flow: A successful entrepreneur knows the importance of managing cash flow and so does a business mentor. Several startups and businesses in their early stage of development fail for one primary reason – poor cash flow management. Thus, a business mentor can help ensure that you get a return upon your investment and help tackle any financial issues that can be impediments to the growth of your business.

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Creating an action plan: The business mentoring services have one huge perk amongst all – creating an action plan for you. With years of experience, a business mentor helps you understand your weakness, strengths, and all things in between to help create a solid strategy and an objective viewpoint to go forward with.