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Luke 22:1-6: Judas had already agreed to

betray Him.

v24: Other disciples argued about their

positions in His kingdom.

Before the resurrection the disciples

were like us -- struggling

in different ways:

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vv31-33: Peter failed to see that he

would betray Him.

v38: Another disciple totally

misunderstood Him.

vv45-46: Some fell asleep

while He wrestled

in prayer.

Before the resurrection the disciples

were like us -- struggling in different ways:


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They changed lives through the

gospel, because they had been

changed themselves.

After the resurrection

The question is: WHY does the resurrection of power not

have that effect on all Christians, but only some?

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“Christianity combines the most absolute pessimism about man’s unaided powers with an unquenchable optimism as to what in God’s Hands it may become.”

Peter is a wonderful example of that.

“Christianity combines the most absolute pessimism about man’s unaided powers with an unquenchable optimism as to what in God’s Hands it may become.”

Peter is a wonderful example of that.

“Christianity combines the most absolute pessimism about man’s unaided powers with an unquenchable optimism as to what in God’s Hands it may become.”

Peter is a wonderful example of that.

is a wonderful example of that.

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Mark 16:7. “But go, tell His disciples

— and Peter — that He is going before

you into Galilee; there you will see Him,

as He said to you.”

Luke 24:34.

“The Lord is risen indeed,

and has appeared to Simon!”

1 Corinthians 15:5.

“and that He was seen by

Cephas, then by the twelve.”

Though he failed so badly, yet never forget

the grace of God is greater....

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The answer lies in the example of PETER

The pre-resurrection Peter

had to deal with

areas of his life to become the new

Peter of Acts 2.

John 21 tells us what they are.

We have to deal with them too.

To do that, we need to ask serious questions.

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AREA 1 PETER had to deal with his past.

There are two questions concerning the past

Q1. WHICH fire are we sitting at … the world’s or Jesus’ ?

Q2. WHOSE light lights up our lives, or does not? cf 1 John 1:7-9

The question here is: WHICH fire are we warmed by?

The fire with Jesus (John 21) or, The fire where Peter betrays Jesus ,

the fire with the world (John 18:17-18, 25-26)

Have we moved from one fire to the other, dealing with our sins and failure?

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AREA 2 PETER had to deal with his present.

Jesus asked Peter two critical questions

about his present:

John 21:15

“Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me

more than these?”

In the present, is Jesus first in our lives?


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AREA 2 PETER had to deal with his present.

Jesus asked Peter two critical questions

about his present: John 21:15

“Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” In the present, is Jesus first in our lives?

John 21:22

“If I will that he remain till I come, what is

that to you? You follow me.”

What is my relationship with my friends & family?

And beyond that, with the Lord -- “Life is not fair.”



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AREA 3 PETER had to deal with his future.

But there is a much deeper question:

HOW do I define a ‘successful’ life?

John 21:18 tells Peter

that he will die for Jesus.

And so the immediate question is:

“Have I surrendered my life to Jesus

completely, even unto death?”

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JESUS twice says “Follow Me” to Peter

WHICH one have you responded to?

Or, neither?

Matthew 4

John 21:19 & 22 The first “Follow Me”

is a pre-resurrection invitation

The second “Follow Me” is a

post-resurrection invitation

They are totally different.

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