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Joe and His Friends

Once upon a time, there was a married couple living in Melbourne. They cannot hear and cannot speak. But they have magic power. They can “talk” with their hands. This language was Australian sign language, which we called Auslan.

Two years after their marriage, they had a baby. This little baby was Joe. He came to the world without hearing just like his mom and dad. Mom and dad were so happy about having Joe in their home.

Mom, dad and all the friends in Deaf community threw a party for baby Joe. They celebrated of Deaf baby and welcome Joe to join their community.

Joe has lots of friends around the neighborhood. Everyone is special and unique. Lisa has red hair. Ted is strong. Joe is Deaf and Mike has freckles on his face.



As Joe grew up, he went to a kindergarten for Deaf children. He met lots of new friends and learnt Auslan.

Joe went to school for deaf. Teachers taught him English, math, chemistry, history and many other subjects in Auslan. Joe is clever since he knows two languages, Auslan and English.

After efforts, Joe graduated from university and got a bachelor degree of Computing and Software Systems.

Joe found a job in a big company. He loves his job because he can create interesting games.

After work, Joe will go to Deaf club with his friends in the community and have fun.

Sometimes Joe and his friend still have things to share after the club clos-es, they will communicate in Auslan under the streetlight since Auslan is a visual language.

Sometimes Joe will invite friends to his house. After dinner, they usually sit around the table in the kitchen and chat to others in Auslan. Because in the kitchen, hosts can serve guests drink or deserts easily without missing a words.

Joe loves sports. He is good at swimming and got the first prize in Australi-an Deaf Games.

Sports events usually can gather deaf people all around the world. It is a good chance to meet new friends and socialize. Grace came from Ade-laide. Joe met her in Australian Deaf Games and fall in love with her.

Joe and Grace henceforth live happily ever after life.
