Page 1: JOB PRINTIN(I · 2003-09-03 · DIXO~N $11ARPLES8 & CO.. 119 Booth Wst®r and 40 Ileulh Wharrcl~ PHILADELPHIA. will quickly re,tore GrW Ilalr xo its natural color and beauty, luxuriant


and bu~ fewTli~sa

us’the ides of

. assn. be noc"lad In noustructlowlo.+slmplo tb

which ire will pei’mlt i~noran~ or mercenery given whenall

’̄work.-iofloite.+mhmhief and--nod : ~itub|e’fm-

In ~nlllaud, or in the Coutioon’:

ing:p~d,~r0~th:~’prevlouli neuron Ofin-?l.~u?t!O.n 0r aPPrentiegsb!Pr~aUd .a.~urnd udiploma, from.competent authority.. But

shoeniaker who tires-of his list~

that thL~

after hie life is tlnidied!-byof the

be asked, tOprecaution ’ egaidst .his

great storehoule "of

’nsf leeommended el a Cure;air, but" bl’~tS dh’eet

and’ cure for Inllr

¯ rollltble Family 3hdieine, Imd e.n be. taken by: ’:..t. ,:: .. r~ .- ¯., either iaflmt or rndult Wli~i the.sidle, b~ilenel¯ldirect eomnlinnle~tlOn |wine relu|la..It li ¯ certain, pr, mpt and speedy veto-

York, and At- edy.f~r Dlirrbmlb’ Dyoemerry, Bowel C6mphllnt.’Dyspepslol Lewncss of Ilplrlla, falnl!ngs, Biek-Headache, Ae. For Chills "and ,Fevers of Illkindr~ it ts far better and oilier than

next morn

~i ¢ Artlegen on the Ex;:1 deI ~rlbl zg "~l;tlEle]l+~n,

Dollar ’eaeh; l’or $10 for.nee huu-died i:becks we 15r~nent ten’nrtlclesllfth,ebangll list, or their choice of a lot olt’~ :~that aell’al~ retail for fr0m$10 to$15,

¢r ¯ choice ,iut c articlesI for frenl $50 to l.?b each

Don’t hilt to send for a cireulor. Address witl~

¶12-’~’:": -’" lO7llroadt



thelh. All miehl’nc

The gi’ilit Inereuo in the demand for our Pisuo-Forte tbrnugbout the cimnti.y, tl¯ve compelled ugto aztet.d our mllnnfae irlng faeititJel_to lbree

new- im peel’omen t s-in- M auu faetnriieonlinuo tb keep .our prices the same al they al-

bare ’been. thl Iowesl of any" Firpl.ehus

relpeetfnlfy i~lielt, by.parties about purehlling~to a e~ompartsou with olher mallere. ~12~tf

P IAN0-P0 R TES,STOI1ART’& MOilRllt, Mtnuf’rs nf G:

Uprigbt I’ione-Yorteo. -.Our nlwscnloPiaso~F61.ies.l.n additlnn Io

metit~ contain arcry"reslly.lalubloIhem the molq

I~tlmm~ld tor purhy .f Tone ddlcaey ’el

Toaeh, Dursbllily, and Ibo otmmdlng lha Ull ofsevere ellmalel 8Cain Btodatt Pllao;

is mild and dellghfful the wlnt~rs l;dng~nn be ear-

mer is no in the north.



Tho.~ltu|all,n eflhe mttlementjl larkem)d rellidl£ increa,h,il ; It, 1~ oomi)e.ed.oldin lle,t ella~l |rom New En741and, theMiddle, end Western Stnt~s,-lntelligent~iadu,trlous end morel The hlllldlngl oreneat end handsome and aerosol them fine.All ulltnrlahi fbr hulhliag~ lulproving, &a,at hand ; hbo ~illnbb: nteehsnl~ whu wlllgivo Mlldaollon, ],:Vel# oolivetllltnie to belind that can be fonndlat ̄ny olhbr plle~,

ft~li~l ~l’t!’l ~ i:,’ri:~h" ,17re tt.,’s ~e,a ~aft,;.e,1


dnrelarge crop#+d all binds,nmmeaded by all whabave



119 Booth Wst®r and 40 Ileulh Wharrcl~PHILADELPHIA.

will quickly re,tore GrW Ilalrxo its natural color and beauty,

luxuriant growth. It isharmhua sad is :


as wall aa tho,e who wi,h

Imparted to theIF~l i’ol , h young,¯ ; ~ Inla by all DrWll¯lall.DEPOTp 108 GIlEENWICJl NT,f N, T.

warronSs4 In kaop hi ordey for seall I lill hymall fur iinly ll--lir ,’l fill b--iiIIillOlloo glillln.lied, ThiI Inly lie relirnod Io its at lijt ihnoin I~atl plymdnl fur a lillhlr prlold Wlleh,.-14and fur o111 and bl lili lunlar lltbmit a Ilial.ktepar, ’ ~dllilsr

WII, LIA~I A CO.¶ li- I| Vurmle 141. Dreok Yni it. ~, -

~t~IrANTEI)--AGENTlle B.r..t#.av0 le! V Iwo h.n,be,t dsllasl :St mnntb,areryllhere

ine i ariel flniA~Ii tO In rol lie@ Ihl enliifle lie.lirllyed ~llnlnlnn glnsa Vllnl[y tlewllig-Moehlna,~i~hll Inaihlnl will liliohl hlln I felll lulk+ qllllIe~rlll hlnd~ hlildl asd inlhr.hilr In a ,moil iIpI.r~rlnannll, Pdei linly I1t, Plill# Wllrenll~lfnr llvll ~llre, %Va will Ira7 tl~e01i for ony inl.abhll Ihat w III ai!l Itrillllerl n, Dre blanlifll orPill~l alls I Ji Is a Ill lllln lln rl, |i maksl Illl"l{lll.tlo’h.vk 14111ohltt J~ror$ StOOSll slJl¢h tin lillilland silli liil elillh IiIJSil aperl all~osl

We ~aIionlllllIbll,~CttMil k Vii,

L+li’rl.l.--]hl lid ~e Illi llllOli U hill ~7 illkllplrlltl l~lllnllig uli Wollhlsil lall.lrun nlleblnlllili*llc l~i lima nlllia itr illllll !1~ Cllrl II Ihl.ill I Mllilihil alli cslll7 ihlip lase~Jlll


with" the rinl

month Irem the

~lls to the Im"lotho


hid warrant tO, o~ieer whom ,- ~ele~, to

and the rank shallbeby andwith’the advice" n.d co.-

senate ̄ .d el|~othor lawaau-

hemtolcis not affected thle r~p~l, but

audremain tntull fore~. :. " ¯

0. And be it elTaeted,Tl

under hhl

Luarterma~ter gederal.l~f the enid/aries and]9. And

er ot the state be’and

ihe ~’rmor~r;

,to ono amistant"

aa rosy be

of the

27. An~ be tt enaeied


ol~:list-of’sald~fin0 nr ~fines so un

ty, or justi~ of.r where the de+.

,detail an ofii~er for lhat


pertment,:and "all slati~tle#nnd awailalile iu-Iormatinni e~m~rning henhh anil comfortof the troops in ~.latr! and in the field, idla]lIm preaer~ed’i6r the um nnd. guidance of to .pay .tho.lmm or severalthe medical st;if, and he shrill ’deliver the xeeuton named.same over to hii Imcce&~ol.; all personsnominated as surgeo.~ ~r a.*si~tant sue;

directed ,lenna to any eeiilmand; shall be fireteXnn~- ;ilhe’form of- the.execution,incd by the neral*’or such eomW shill u.near as ma~ be. be aa follows:~--nledlcal ~taff of the’ " .The Siato ill New

fdelldly eouwmL ;We.yorethh’teen, nilM! ia im ueeevered eiile hie at

hi to Colebfook. t!le: nmireit, town-,end

lame dlatanee tO. the pll~, file .~ezt day.,.Our-wayTt0 it lay through ilmo it uolnhab-:ited eauntW-A-0nlyimre und-lhere’Were the_misedible dwelliOg8 of the iohablulM~; slid.for the last" three ’miles Of the inure.we did

6uae;. AS we s¯ mouniaiea seemed to :hemus

ilt on all lides~ and when at list we" came’ midsL, :

defile of a milein leogth,,with,a .earilage

Whlehi’i~o abruptly, the beiree, i~recipitmis

datiom, d6wn the defile threemiles :to t~o" Wi116y Houle. ;;On Our way~o caw a beautifol :waterfall, :tile .SilverCa~ade leaping .down :precipitioan rocksfor a .distan~6i~e Or four hupdred leet,

bled rloraoeGreelyaodklldhewourduama oodon0iehiugl "



the ~liletmay uir td .fnmlIhu rolertia el" t~r;esdo in~peetora make a

of t lie enndilion nr the natlanal guardeneral, on or before Ihe

is. Aud be ilinister generalof the

port llq,i~hlonof ihe Uliiled

Or Other elllOfname at.any ii

tn llim¢lu +be entered for hl~ aedoe. . : . ’ .before ~ueh’bflleenl shill be com. " DIVIdlO~ I,.~nPE~A’O~ ’.’

the ceinm!nder;tu;+hlcL.. 2~ ~lnd I~ it enacled, That it,shall liethe divleion In lea, ’ ’qUA.?..^~ OR..A,.

" ..... It en~mia, Th;~ :it ’,bali to ,himth0 santo.. ’ ’lllllflADg I~SPrPPOI~.

iotterl rectors to once a’tlnlental and

~llien reviews, pal must@e ofipeellvo brigaden er tho natlonilindle hispl~t their apnll

:apteloi-dudLniake~et uma annuallthin stllto e¯d bolero the first dsy 6f ])econiber

¯ the ntmiberand-kind- ~neral el’ Iho suit,of srm~ and equlpmlmtl, .

Lrat sltlslled trait Ine nsid

~o give I . s0enthe same ih~lli not lie Ioened r, nr sto Io 6ut el’ Ihe p/Ik ~e llniilil" I.lm+eo n’i;Ind shill he kept In !~tl ofdnr~ ind

io the ~II11 sr~nll when ho ahnllab,onee~of tl

or’ divMion) nnd you ’irethis execution, with

theof thin

umber antulll


it,nhnll ho Iho,ule i..peotl 1~ired from theni, to illekn &

the mmheir arms’ nnd

’ lie I~ Ceetl"ea.l~.. _.~-, .~

~lllliilllnlon i ,":N*oi’maey Ieata lloear eertiln Eefilldti.lne’: WoflTini- fir undei ~und;’61me

the bodT of a poor’ feltnw who bedeuffoeitlng pit ,ome forty.

B0mo chnmielil ,gent towhioh the bed# ba~l been st, llJeeted--anagent piepaied In tee laberolory of natllrs--hod offeetoill# arteited’, the proiireu ofdeely. Thl~ breiglit i(¯p to the outfox,andr for ¯ while, till It enlmbled’ throughex’pmure to the etme~phere, Jt Ii¥ theretho Imago oi’ a fino,+itordy younl ’man.No convulsion hod palled’~er the face inin death ; the fuatllitg llel~ Irenqull i abebate waa bla0k aa.jet lqo One ro¢olnlaedthe. lira i a Ilel~ritlnn hod grown slnm thedeyeu whlel/ the’ minor wont down hlmlhsll foe the list tlm~

chnned , But a tottorinloldwomau, wSn hid 5of-irilhln thole teep, rind Irom her cotilllle on helrlng the new~;

PArllAiITY.& " rome up, snll shu knew Illln the fsee

not un +-14, Aild he It enacted, That ill d|vhlon, whlnh, thieuih gll the lone yearl, Ihe hadto tho hfllladu¢ reglmentsl nod blttsllon paymalv liotqulte f0rlo|ten;,-Tlll-pcor mlnir-iil

tar,. or l~rlone aotlng eanueh+ skill be tho Io havo .l~eo her holblnd on tha dal altereolleedolanddlsburli,tl,nltlmm el thtlr that which hi dted. They will coulhrespective divt,luns hrllladll, paoplo" ot eeunilr who, wore Iooklnl’l I lib...tlbsttallonn, ilid ahlll have el hill odoeatlon ind rll~lled leellnl~, are notder the pmvlnloal ol thbl lint, of

nlU ̄ IIItl at~tunllnli Ibr fines and deemed esnenthl totha man who~ Work IIhelehiillcr’ to gel U’lil~oilI oi"even tin f but ihel~twem

eo dr# elel llhbii Ihl ll~y.lieed~l ol~l pll.grlm It Ilell~lf upon the yeuthlul lerpm

raginlelil’er blttallon, M and po¯l’ed Inl01tl deal ear Inal~ woidl ofautho divldon aed bdgado ~y. eudeaimont onusod fur folly,six yeali It

i relllll~tlvl hrllado I~iiili nl tlirol Ihonlud dof WM ¯ louehlnl eontrall-ihl as im i~l+

, ate our lunchat i sprlog, whose wtteri rise in astrum, flow~ few ieetand, thee are’lost inthe itel~iie ’of the inLouotlilie : ’slid ’whoeetatth’er on£1et hen n’eveF b~n’ diaeaveled,

t-b~¯ climbed One ~f

next dl~ wc JOurneyed b# Itag@ and rill to(~ogham+ .;, ’ , , ’, ,

Oor1~m* +l, tlou ~n Iho OfaneTruuk B~l~wbere trevelom take

(]ile¯.i|nlmjust ei the foot el J ie-ridd’Of elghi miler in ! Iamong the ever varllnll ~oorl ofrthemouutilnl~ bmeght, ue to :thM ’daltlhtlulrt~ort about Imou, ~ltly, ¢ompdlilon andmyself, belol ntre¯g of limb, blid IntendedImmedlatel~ to 4alk up tn’thn top, butuwing to a late dlnnert’were nob able~art before thlm e°eleek. Al the dinnertable we beams aiqulnlld wilh n ncaton.lla, who Joined hlmmlf¢o ue In the wilkup, ’ Wheu It laet wegot on our way, t~eheat wli intenseIond the reyl of ¯ewehtr-ink afternoon sun brel phlleisly ’upon ns,as we trudged :he flint lout mllel to thellalf-wly Ilouse, Up to tbh polet the+coed, which by the way la q "llool# Itrldtd

dense fomtl~’het I~vVtl~tation dtmmll~ the vlawe

inoblttlinitd, We thoroughly eo.J6Ygd everlth|pll O¯ o¯r wai~Iloeil of the woods, Ihe ~owom lin(I’thlt iii#0t~illlhlr ildo,and Ihs eoolIInI ipl~llln lhirn lu Irequmil#our thhll.. ~l~)en from tha Housefo~ i mild or two, our nhga of. vhleh non.dnnllly InereMInil qa we sNtnded, era.

I hrieed moontilnl and valleys mid l~eama

plot of ground, while but

woods to the Flume. Our’w~ to it led usat ~evcr, l leat,womlniolld-lookT-apd on which

kept Iol the benefit oi slrngernhylnloealm’but b,lmleu old rain, He

At lenlth the Flume wu ’leached; Abetl~r Ide¯ el it ca¯n0t be~ldvln, 1 Ihhlk,than that It lit a huge’ aslure o~ crevice inmild rook., It ta IhRe:hundild isl~atuIoogthr ,abeut’illlletu lu broid.tb, lied’inmac phcol the r~kl ldN! perpendlclllarlyIo.a’belllht Of foyt~ ftel. A Itream of.wsterflow~ threulth It. On.of the alca~lelereltiog featulen of tt ia ̄ hugll booldel~

of two or three toni in. willhl Wedk~l lubetween the etdea ii the top, odd m lildeholds It IbM it Is enppoled J( wonld |ill t0the bottom If two or I bile h~hca ~ ~hls.oiled eft. Thk Ihlure win p~bably foaledio the Jgneolu pef!od el the_ wodd, loll 18lbe effeit et ~ld ujp¯lihellld+lllek, call-jng It to aplli apart, The I~ulder beingabovlit niturelly loll donlmrd gud ledlld,aod m hummllecd wedAq~ss iu’l~ the

pllltnt i~ ......... ’From Lhe greneonla Notoh wl :waol to

vhlt frlondl who Ilrid in I~e vlehllt#, a¯dspelit a deillhllul wllk emonl thu d,iim.Iol ,=n,~ of ,ho C~¯Nmieut Viliey.

l~otnto ~eeltul~e.

Irout is a met of pr.

Page 2: JOB PRINTIN(I · 2003-09-03 · DIXO~N $11ARPLES8 & CO.. 119 Booth Wst®r and 40 Ileulh Wharrcl~ PHILADELPHIA. will quickly re,tore GrW Ilalr xo its natural color and beauty, luxuriant

IOr, I

the demoerdtie

onaideration .....

effortfl~imade, to~,iheve

tit. Mr;



I. It Is’the

the price

ahd,taked that: theeDge ittee be d

no hntthor

.... , ,,T;,

Page 3: JOB PRINTIN(I · 2003-09-03 · DIXO~N $11ARPLES8 & CO.. 119 Booth Wst®r and 40 Ileulh Wharrcl~ PHILADELPHIA. will quickly re,tore GrW Ilalr xo its natural color and beauty, luxuriant


. Soio .....

o. o ,#~

/,’dLadles’, Bleoeb~ mid

l~+eIr luilil ui~low sod medium’

: - - the ~est Black. . ¯ money.. Censtant!y

- -- ¯ ¯ " ." .... L" : -" Do-not forget t]

not rlp nor ravel and Will not b~ek In, wnehlnli,lroning,~or wooing.. Ii~ is iinpted Io.ill., kindsnf,/~Uy lowing;and Io+the use of lellltrelaelp

" " ""’; 1

Clowson & Smith ¯ Y "



Fisher, J !! ’Kxtra fur Bo/.ool~



Your Children !|


ilild i

J Dn


....... 7

i ill.i,

!¯ |




Thel from, the

or battalion owhtch .id

out uoderoutl~ first

¯ . hi ~ioeSoll


, "to the mgilio and rifle ;.tll ~-- ’ ’ --~lalI01 ihil Itlle,’llh



utinuldthe oomm,ndor

Ihlll hive power to



the umllplao~ to bl

to aIn the

"id uniform or uofwbieh wnrraut ihell lie

harmer ~n search worrant,ha oNe~r to ~lhom il~o seine h+dlreetedhive the mime poworl and


from ueh


ot ’theWork;from wllieh :we’-quote:the ̄ boys,’ es-

don.rheim love.lit eyee: whi°b .Q

bft hele I~s.,~! iilt~thine owu #lth. yelrn-dead

her band8 upou’her, breo!t,_~PS, .o!mleqt I ook-Opgu:your +daii!olh: sewho bays l~& a~ oherhbed her withheortsfull ef teu&rneu ou~" lovo.: Oh,would’ yq ~lll her beek?, owey,from, thosebeiveoly joyo to enff~ on urtb’’s cal~!udwoot? wlmld yo hid’her lelive that¯ brlglitibede’io’ioim I~lin’ o~er life’, !umuhuuueel? .~h I ! no’:; Iovo’o voice would whlepor

more gloriou~ ~ heivcuiher !pMt plum ....

til the pi~ wouud, end long indt flume in ioul~ brlilt ;,but

’stliildllltglse look upwird,bornoon in~li~,pluions~ sod behold thehour in the dim VI~ el Tiute’o rovoMnll8yda, moor ~ur lile’e

