


Traditional Origins of the Maneaha,

•' It is convenient to open this section with the traditions

relating to the Bdtaritari and Maldn Maneaha, since they lead

up to the tale concerning the establishment of the /onthem stylestraditions of the immigration into the uil

Gilberts from Samoa^^K^jEMM^EeU'^feiifa^diora-y^-iyiilx show that, the

ancestral tree of Samoa having been brohen, the Red Tailed Tropic

Bird, which lived on its crest, flew northwards to Tetoronga

and began to eat the people of that place, Tetoronga is the

ancient name of the Gilbert Island now called Makinj it is

still attached to a desolate stony point at the northern end of

the atoll, A detailed Butaritari version of this tradition

relates that the bird settled among the branches•

of a tree called Tara^jcaijmate, on a small islet called

J^l^nngai^tabn (the holy hill), where there was a beautiful^}bathing pool. Beside the bathing pool stood a maneaba, where





people v;ent to dance. When these went down to hathe in the

, pool, they were eaten "by the Tropic Bird.

After a time came the goddess Titua^hine, also from Samoa,

looking for the Tropic Bird, which Belonged to her. Oh

hearing from the -people of the place how it was "behavin^^nshetold them how to kill it, and when it was dead^ went to Bury itherself. Then she planted over the grave a yonng coco'Jnut

palm, and when this was done, went with all the people to dance

in the maneaBa.

There came a night, after many days of rejoicing, when the

inmates of the maneaBa were astonished and terrified to see a

red light glowing in the eastern Bide of the Building, They

sav; that it was a man of gigantic stature, whose Body and hair

gave out this ^^meata^"^

^rry Te meata is the name of the dull copper (not crimson)' glow

Just as the last snnset goes.



A.'y. tL

They tried to catch him hut he ran away, after this had


happened several nights in succession^they chased the visitor^

and found that he lived with a host of brothers in the branches

of the tree v/here the Tropic Bird had dwelt. He told them that

he and all his brood had grown from the head of the bird, when

it was buried. They toot him to the maneaba, where the goddess

Titu^bine named him Koura, at the same time giving names to his

brothers: Eoura-iti, Iti-ni-Koura, Rube-ni-Koura, Koura-mwe,

Koura-Ta^oa, Koura^n-te-taake, Koura'̂ n-Tarav/a, All these wereribai^ura (red in complexion).

It was found later that a race of v/omen had also grovm from

the young coconut palm planted by Tituajibine over the grave ofthe Tropic Bird, Their names were Hei RildL, Hei Temarewe, Hei

Teba^rae, Hei Howi, and Hei Tarabainang. With these women thered people married and procreated.


Koiira was made Uea of the island, and in commemoration of "this,

the old manealDa standing on jte^^amiga/tahn 4?th:B-2helyzMi3?-). wasdestroyed and a new one of immense size erected in the same spot.

The tale reports it to have heen more than a hundred fathoms

long and more than fifty fathoms wide.

The new hnilding was called Koiira*s maneaha, and had the cp

special name of MaJcua^n'̂ te'̂ rara (the hi^ tide-of-hlood), in

reminiscence of the Tropic Birds slaughter of the inhabitants.

By this name the style is Icnown at the present day.

Thus far, the tradition accounts for the establishment of

the type of building now used on the tv/o islands. According

to the eYidence, the inhabitants of Mahin already had some

sort of maneaba before the arrival of the Tropic Bird from Samoa,cL

From the account of the doings of this creature, we are obviously

to understand that the island v/as invaded by a party of immig-

^ / Ko = Thou, lira = red or bum.


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-rants from Samoa, whose ^otem and ancestor was the Red Tailed

Tropic Bird, and whose shin was of a red or copper colour.

The link "between the original inhabitants and the immigrants'i-tC'*-seems to have^a common cult of the goddess Titua^hine, This

is at least suggested "by the dfriendly relations of the deity

with "both parties.

The immigrants gained the ascendency over the aboriginals;

their ch(^f^ Koura^ became Uea; and a new maneaba, in the styleof the invaders, was erected on the site of the old one, Thu^

it is the maneaba of the people from Samoa^ which we see today

on the two islands.

It was Koura, according to the account, who divided the man-

-eaba into four boti, and allocated these g.uarters to the four

different graded of society^


In the light of this tradition, it seems possible to discern

the mechanism "by which these four groupings came into "being.

The disposition of the "boti appears to have "been the logical

result of the cong_uest of Matin and Butaritari "by the immigrant

population. Clearly^ the "Boti^n+uea (see diagram) was taken"by the chief of the immigrants^Kour^ and his circle; and it

is again ezplicitly stated that the third "boti, Teanika"ba^i,£ )

v/as given to those '*^who were conq.uered-^, a phrase which must r

refer to the original inha'bitants of the islands. The

intermediate "boti of Ta"bo'+kororo was allocated to-the toka

(chiefs), who with very little dou"bt may "be supposed to have

"been immigrant v/arriors not qualifying for a seat among the royal

group. The fourth division, for strangers, would "be the nat-

-ural outcome of a later desire to provide a place for peaceful

comers, who would "be otherwise "be excluded from the social

scheme "by a strict adherence to the original plan.

If the evidence of tradition has led us to the right concl-

>iusion, we are faced with a serious difficulty; to

explain why the invasion of the G-il"bert Islands "by a people

from Samoa resulted in so simple a scheme of social divisions

on Bataritari and Makin, while on the southerly islands it had

no such effects. The multiplicity of the "boti the southern

maneala is in strong contrast with the- simplicity of the Makin


If the immigration into Butaritari and l!akin was part of a

general, contemporaneous swarming into the group from Samoa, itAir

Afould seem that only the memlers of a single social group out

of the whole swarm /^^the Tropic Bird group^si-- reached these two

most northerly islands. It is possible that this affords the'y

explanation of the simple organisation of society according to

grade. The basic division into an upper and a lower class

would be a result of a war of conquest, Ind a pre-existing

tendency among the upper class to sub-grouping in the maneaba

v;ould easily lead to the separation of the leading chief and his

nearest kin from the group of immigrants who v;ere not of his kin.

Thus the three clans may have originated; the stranger's.clan

would follow.


jbiother solution may oe that the migration from Samoa to Mahln

was not a part of the general invasion of the group, "but a sep-

-arate movement. In this case, while the possession of the :

maneaha and the hoti-scheme stamps the culture of the Tropic

Bird folh as a projjahle.lajly of that introduced "by the immigrants

into the southern islands, it is possi"ble that its social organ-

i^ation was in a different stage of developement. Thus again

might "be explained the difference of charicter "between the social

groupings of the south and those of the two northern islandsj

^discussion o^- the^ two-^possihi-

rlzi:tires-xS«^^r©t«dnjCcr--"a---£jrturc'-tJha^tsr>-'WithTth©---3?ema::ric-'tliart7^fLlXi C$ ijrini^evidence of other Mnds^seems to indicate that the Tropicj^^ird

foil were mem"bers of an immigration distinct from that into the

southern islands,?xacee-dt>.y vtf/ ^^^e tradition of the Tropicj-Bird manea"ba flhen Koura

had apportioned sitting-rooms to all the four classes of people,

it was decided to make a voyage to southv;ard, Koura*s son and

namesake, with a host of other Kouras and their wives^ launched

their oanoey called "Te Bufcl^lj'Sehe'beiie'' (the tip of a coconut



leaf) and set out, Butaritari was settled and the maneaha

erected there. Missing Marakei, Ahaiang, and Tarawa, these

people then visited the six islands southward as far as Beru:

everywhere, they landed, procreated and left a maneaha. On

Beru they stayed: they huilt their maneaha on the north end

of the island, and therein they exalted (nehoa) their brother

Koura. The process of exaltation seems to have heen materially

manifested, if the tradition is reliable, Koura was seated

upon a sg.uare platform, slung by ropes from the ridge-pole of

the maneaha, high above the heads of his people.

After a residence of uaiknown duration upon Beru, the peace

of the Tropic Bird folk was broken by the immigration of another

race of people from Samoa, The leader of this swarm is given

the name of Matafwarebwe (Broad-face or Wide-eye) and he was

accompanied by many others. Apparently, some sort of peaceful

settlementwas arranged, for we afe told that Koura and his people

continued to live in their maneaha until the son of

Matawarebwe, Tane'fnftoa the first, ruled in his father's stead.

"Then dissension "broke out. It is related that the insolence

of the Tropic Bird folk grew "beyond the endurance of Tan^nVtoa,

The story relates that Koura the chief v;ould sit upon his raised

platform ("bwla) and "break wind "before the people, at which they

would say/XE tingiting Koura; e re"bwere"bwe ^i ni Koura^,

This custom they for"bore not to persue, even when Tanentoa and

his "brothers came as guests to visit Koura*s manea"ba; which

caused such offence that Tanentoa appointed the destruction of

the visitors. This was achieved "by "burning them all in their

manea"ba. Everyone v/as killed except Koura-iti, who v/as saved

alive "by one of the Beruans, and adopted as his child.

There was nov;, tradition runs, no manea"ba on Beru, Therefore

Tanentoa the King ordained that a large one should "be "built at

the place called Ta"bon?t^"bike, in honour of his Grandfather

Mata'?ware"bwe (Broad-face), who had led the Samoan immigrants

into that island. V/ith the help of two spirits, Bou^riki and

Bou?ta"bo, called especially from Samoa, the edifice was erected.


and straightway the allocation of sitting-places v;as "begun.

Matawarehwe and Tanentoa took the hoti Karongoaj-n-j-uea.\ I ^Tahnariki vias placed at TeBakoa^. Tej-f-mone v;as given Te Wiwi-;

and so on, -until all the ancestors knew their sitting-rooms.U

There remained Ko-yhra-iti, the strauiger from Bataritari and Makin

who had "been saved alive from the killing of the Tropic Bird

people; he was given the "boti of Keaki in the S,E. comer and

there his decendants remain -until the present day. Its seems

therefore that the social group sitting at Eeaki is a represen

tative of the suhmigration of the Tropic Bird folk from the

northern islands to Bern.

From the traditions re-vlewed we can ass-ume "with some certJJT ^

ainty that the manea'ba called lahon'X'te'+hike, a four square h-uil-


ding, was "brought to Beru hy the folk who came from Samoa under

^ ^ 6- ^ s He-the lead of Mata+*war^"bwe, or Brod-face. Matatwar;r"bwe was of the

Karongoa clan: analysis of the tales of the coming from Samoa,

made elswhere shows that Karonga^people must, the period ofIlatafwar^rhwe, have poured from the south into nearly'' every island

of the G-il"berts. It is reasonable to suppose, therefore that

the foursquare maeaha was introduced almost -universally thro-ugh-A

out the group at a"bout this time.

j-Ti remains now 10 aisouss xne origj-ns 01 oxie xj.a,x-xuw xauxcui©

style and the intermediate Matmg^tahu type. -SS^idren^tly fhe name^ ^

Mami^ftahu (holy hill) seems to^h^ taken from the spot in ^akin

where the Tropic Bird settled, and so it -saems prohahle that the

Koura people spread it through the northerly islands of the gro-up

as they migrated from Makin to Bern. But although I "believe

this to "be the case, we cannot '̂t!5^tf2t;h:^,x^:a^i^fcla3i9L--i5iasTfarL.adduff^axe

attri"bute it with certainty to the Tropic Bird folk, since we ^to {A

^ that the a"boriginal inha'bitants of MaTdn already had a manea"ba

at Maunga^ta"bu "before the arrival of the Tropic Bird.

The •dou"btful point seems to "be settled ,hy the evidence of the/A X

tradition connected with a man named Towatuytof^]^atang ,When the Tropic Bird came to Makin, many of the inha"bitants

fled, for fear of "being eaten. According to a tradition of

Tarawa and ITonouti, Towatu was one of these refugees. He fled

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to Ta'biteuea, and, settling in the district called Te'^otf^ra'ba'ba

(the Broad Stone), married a wife, Hei Te-tBaifhtmna^ni-tKarawa,

By her he had a son named Tautua, who quarrelled with his

parents, and sailed away in anger to a land in the v/est, aalled

Matang. In Matang, he married Hei Ahunaha, the daughter of

Bake and Bei Touna, She hore him a child, whom they named


Vifhen Towatu of Matang was a man, his parents died. He

"buried them and took their skulls as drinking vessels. Then

he set forth on his canoe '̂ "Haiho^ to eastward. He made land

at Beru, and going ashore at Teteirio in the middle of the island,

started to make war on the people and to eat the flesh of his

viotims. This happened in the time ofTTanentoa the First,'

So Tanentoa the First sent a messenger to Towatu, asking '

him to go to his maneaba, Towatu v/ent, but as he entered the

building a dog belonging to the man Teikalce flew at him and bit

his leg. Picking up the dog, he tore it apart and with the

bleeding remains turned to smite the owner. But .Tanentoa stayed

him, saying, Vsmite him not. He shall be your slave. Take the

seat in the South gable: it shall be your boti, and its name

Karumaetoa, Your food shall be the tail of the porpoise, for

you are laterfor the feast, and the people of Tabiang have

already eaten the head^,'

Thus To^ifatu of Matang took the clan-place of Karumaetoa inthe Tahon^te'^ike maneaha. But after a while he hegan to desire

a maneaha of his own; and he proposed to Tanetn^toa the King$1.

that he should huild one in his own fas^on. The King allowedit to he done, and so was erected at Tahiang, the north end of

Bern, To;i^tu*s maneaha in the style called Tahiang to this day.

It seems therefore reasonably certain that the narrow maneaha

named Tahiang was introduced into the southern Gilberts by the

man Towatu and his immigrant party, who came from a land in the

west traditionally called Matang, In this case, we are faced

with two possibilities: either the Tahiang maneaha was a style

of building known to Towatu*s ancestor and namesake, who had

been driven out of Ifekin by the Tropic Bird folk; or else it

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was an entirely new type of tuilding, acquired tj Towatu in tlie

western land called Matang, and freshly imported thence into


If the Tahiang style was that of Towatuls ancestor, it was

ohviously the type of "building used on that island "before the

invasion of the Tropic Bird foU^t^^^the edifice which stood on

the holy hill, at the north end of the land, until the period

when the fierce "bird "began to eat the people of the place.

If, on the other hand, the Tahiang manea"ba was a nev/ import from

Matang there should "be islands in the neigh"bourhood of Melanesia

where this type of "building is seen today, (ip

In favour, perlmps, of the Tlev/ that tJie Duiiaing-S"nyie cruugnu

"by Tovratu v/as that of his Makin ancestors^ is the circumstance

that he chose as a site for his maneaha the northern end of Bern,

a surprising choice in Tiew of the fact that he owned no land

there; for the property that he had acquired hy his invasion

was all in the centre of the island. It may he that, in this

northern site of the Tahiang maneaha vie have a link with the

building which stood on the northern tip of llakin, and that

Towatu*s rather surprising choice of a site on Bern was influenced

hy some tradition connected with this style of building, v;hich

dictated that it should always stand in the North. What is

q.uite certain^- is that until recently no native would dream oferecting a maneaha of the Tahiang style anyryhere save towards

the northern extremity of the island. But the tradition of the

first building on Bern might he enough to account for this.

V/e have now seen that traditions connected with the various

styles of maneaha in the group are definite oh these pointsi—

(a). That the Tahontehike style was introduced hy the

Karongoa group of people, represented hy the names of

Hatafvyarehv/e and Tanetn'+toa, who invaded Beru from Samoak

some 20-2^ generations ago;

(h). That the Tahiang style was imported hy the man Towatu

whose clan was Karumaetoa, and whose ancestors were

pre-Samoan inhabitants of Makin,



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As for the third tjrpe of .maneaha, called Mamiga^tahu, it has

appeared prohahle that this may he attributed to th% Tropic

Bird invaddrs from Samoa, who carried their maneaha with them

to Eeru when they migrated thither from Mahin,"'

