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" " .efyFf.Jammer'' ' 'JJST-Tf- ? ' i'T ff fj-f- -

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WALTER HILL, Proprietor.r

Ib published every morning and circu.latcd throughout the town by carriers,and forwarded to the other Islnnds byevery opportunity.Subscription, - 50 cants por Month.

Q. Caubon Kenyon, Editor.All business communications to be nd.

dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, PostOnicc Box No. 14. Telephone 250.

Offloc, .... qucon Street,Opposite Wcet'e Carrlngo Factory.

J. Q. CiiEVion, Mnnngcr


S, M. CARTER & 00.8 Ktnc Street, . Honolulu, H. X.


Fire "Wood,Coal and Feed.

"TXTE would notify thn public, andT V House keepers in particular, that

we keep on linnd and for sale in quan-tities to suit purchasers and at LOWESTHATES, fuel, as follows :

Hard nnd Soft Woods,Cut any lengths;

Charcoal, N.S.W. Newcastle Coals,Scotch Coals, and the

Celobrated, Wellington MineDeparture Bay Coals ;

Also, Blacksmith's Coal.The above can be ordered by telephone

or otherwise, and immediate deliveryguaranteed.


Telephone, No. 187.


JECy and Oats,California and New Zealand ;

Barley, Whole and Ground;Wheat, Corn Whole and Cracked ;

Bran, Middlings, and other Feed.

5JT.0rder the above through

Telephone No. 187,and wo warrant quick delivery, and full

weight. Orders from the otherIslands solicited.

ITJEWEE DELIVERYto all parts of (he city.

JKemember, 82 King: street,388 HBg-A-

nd Telephone No. 187.


Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing,

Sugar Coolers,Clariflcrs,

Fire Clay,

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubber,

Babbit Metal,Barbed Fence Wire,

. Mining Steels,Hoes, Pickaxes,

.Cnne .Knives, with or without hooks,Hand and Smith Hammers,

Shovels, .Axes,' Jackscrcws, "Vices,

Steain.pipe Brushes,Patent Steam.pipe Covering,

Lubricating Oil,Cement, Steel Rails,

Sugar and Coal Bags,Twine, &c, &c.

For sale" by

H. HACKFELD & Co.Oct. 10th


and Builder,'Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds' of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work ilulsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly atf ended to and workguaranteed. Orders, from the other Is-an- ds


THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

Haut Bkos., ; : Proprietors.

M EAL8Served up in first-clas- s style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipesi&c, &o. Also,

Iced iDriiiks!75

!! mi


ec. vith neutness and dispatch atTub Daily Bulletin Ofllco, Queen at.

B. F. EELERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Eecoived by every steamer ' Wf) I?!1 Sf 7 T

r IP li1 7 T


WALLACE JACKSONJjflf the thorough experienc-ed korsc breakcr.wishcs

,thc public to know that"

ho is fully prennred totake charge of stock, and guaranteesto break them thoroughly on his Ranch,and attend carefully to feeding nnddtctoring horses. lie has now m hischarge such celebrated steeds as BlackThorn and other thoroughbreds, and hasthe exclusive charge of all of Mr. JamesCampbell's stock.

Orders left at the Pantheon Stables,or at the mommoth stnbles on Mr. JamesCampbell's property at Kapiolani Park,will meet with promptness. 21)5 ly

JOHN NOTT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.

TUe ITa-walia- u

Temperance Year Book,For 1883,

THERE will be published here in1883, a year, book, an

and useful volume with theabove title. Ahandy book of referenceas well as a valuable book.foi the house-hold. It will be especially devoted tothe temperance cause, and will be ofmuch use all the year around. You willbo solicited to subscribe to this book,and can obtain further information bycalling upon D M. CROWLEY,

280 HonoJ llu. H. I.




And Upholsterer,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,Between Nuuanu and Fort streets.

THE public will pleaso take noticeI have just opened in the above

premises, and as I am a thorough prac-tical mechanic in my line of businesshaving done some of the finest work at(ho Palace and other residences in Hono-lulu recently would therefore most re-

spectfully solicit a call from the com.munity.

j?;ne upholstered work in every varietyDraper and Lambroquincs of every

description maiJ" to order.Carved and polished window corulces

neatly made and arrauged.Repairing and polishing Piaups, Mu-sic-

Boxes, etcThe finest French and varnished pol-ishin- g

done in the Kingdom.Carpets, Oll-clot-

h and matting cut andlaid at short notice.

All work guaranteed and done on themost reasonable terms. J04 ly


Corner Fort & King Sts.Desires to Inform his numerous friends

and the public generally that he has

Eeduced the Pricesof Photographs, which for Style, Qualityand Finish cannot be excelled,

From Looket to Life SizeIu evory Stylo.

A splendid assortment of

NEW PHOTO FRAMESin Silk, Satin, Plush, Leather, &c. &c,of the latest styles. Also, a very largecollection of

Island Views,Including tho Volcano, Lava l'lowa,

Sugar Mills and Plantations,Groups of Hawaiians, iu ancient

am) modern, costumes.

No. 78 Foi;fc Street,453 ly Opposite E. O. Hull & Bon's

To Let,A HOUSE on Emma street,containing 7 rooms, kitchen,,lmtli.rnnm

,tumti'u' , ,, ' um"""'"""nij

mum, uiwTiugu-iiuuH- winning, ami iowjhouse. Inquire at 70 Fort street or 151

Emmu btrcet. .134 tf

.1. LYONS, J,. .1. liUVEY.

LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneers and Ueneral

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen St., - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Heal Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Sole Agents for American and Euro-pcu- n

merchandise. 318


201 FOllT ST.

HMEAD, &JDUILDER,No. 12 King st., near the Bridge.

All kinds of Ice Chests, Refrigerators,Rath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repairedat moderate charges. 305 ly

ltolcrt LcworH, (5. II. Cooke.

LEWERS & COOKE,(successors to Lewcrs & Dickson,)

Importers anil Dealers in Lumber and nilkinds ot Building Materials. Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDER Si GO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

Si PHILLIPS,Practical PI umbel s, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. !3f House and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

"1HR. GERTZ.J No. 80 Fort street, Honolul'

Impor'cr and Dealer 111 Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering &Surveying Office, cor. Halekauwila andKilauca sts., next door to Widemann'sbrick warehouse.300 P. O. Bo.x, 101. ly

im G. H. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

in town. releuhone N G5. 15

pMM HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,Steam engines, sugar mills, boil-

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work cxo.cutcd at short notloo. i

WM. aicOANDIiKSS,No. G Queen street, Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIlcnf, Veal, Mutton, 1'lnh, Ac, Ac.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly



PracticalpWatchraakersand Jewelers,

No. 88 King Street, : : : Honolulu,opposite J. T. Watcrhouse's.

Watches of all kinds repaired in a salisiac.tory manner, and !


Island orders attended to with prompt- -ness, and all wont done by us guar.

428 nnteed to give satisfaction. (Jin


JKWELER,JOPTICIAN,Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.

Store in the Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4

ing, opposlto the Bank.

E HAVE JUST RECEIVED alot of very fine

Cent's Saddles.And also, some

Very Fancy ladies' Side Caddies.24S A. S. lcgliorn & Co'h.

Wilson Brothers,

GBNKUA.L BLACKSMITH,Hhoelnir n snnelnllv

A Jlrst-clus- s man boing specially engagedfor that work,

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on tho Esplanade, op. IIopper's.204

--A. IVe-- JLot oi--

KEROSENE OIL!150 Fire Test,

Has arrived, wwhich e iell at the lowestprice, iu quantities to miit purchasers.rlo A. tf. Clvglioni & Co.

Commission Merchants.

c Brewer(Limited)

Si Company,

Gknkuaij Mkhcamili: amiCommission Auhxrs.

LIST OF OFFICEUS:P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Cautkii Treasurer & Secretary

uiiiKOTons:Hon. C. R. Btsuop. Hon. II. A. P. Cakteu

33d ly

Geo. W. Maefarlanc. H. I. Macfarlane.G. W. MAC?ARLANE & Co.


Sugar Factors,Fire-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I.AUENTS for

The Waikapu Sugar I'huitatioa. Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The lleei.i Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Hueio Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway AVorks, Leeds,Mirrlecs, Watson & Go's Sugar Machin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


Claus Spruclscls. Wni. G. Irwin. "

"TX7" G-- . irwin & Company,it Sugar Factors and Commission

Agexts, Honolulu. 1

H hackfeld & Company,General Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

AS. CLEQHORN & CO.Importers and Commission

Meichants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu. 78

DIAS 6c GONSALVES,No. 67 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery.

230 &c, &c, &c.

JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st, Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM Si CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise uiid Commission MerchantsHonolulu. 1

M S. GRINBAUM & CO..Commi.HHinn Mniv.linfc.

IOJ fnllt ! ..... ,

x- -x wuiiuiiuu SU'PCI,I San Francisco, Cal.

BROWN Sz CO.,Wholesale Wine ami Spirit

Merchants. No. 14 Merchant st.,Honolulu. 3uo

Tn T. LENEHAN & Co.,J Importers and CommissionMerchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Catle. j. B. Athcrton.lASTLE 6s C90KE,v Shipping and Commission

Jlerclmnts. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 Kiutra at..Honolulu. 1

WING "WO CHAN & CO.,ImP01'te'5 and General Dealers

In hnglisli, American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, all qualities and prices.

8Sf No. 22 Nuuanu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's, 81

A. G. ELMS,BROKER, will buy or sell

Plantation Stock, Bonds, andOther Marketable Securities,

Attheir market value for cash.215 Office with E. P. Adams. Auct'r.

JRITSON, O. H. Robertson's

ollloo, Queen slreot. 334


Turning EstablishmentFrom 110 Fort street,

TO KEXIIEt, STIU3I2Xopposite tho Bethol, next door to

Dniglc's machine Miop and Brim's Fur-niture Factory, where ho will continueto supply his customers with all kinds' ofWood juul Ivory Turning.TlmnWul far past favors, ho hopes for

a continuance or tho same. 300 d.



F, HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Bakor.

No. 71 Hotol st. Toloplnn 74.

llnll Programmes !

NEW DESIGNS, just received fromFrancis, at Tin; Daily Bui,-leti- h


Professionals.U ARAH B. PEIRCE, M. D.,O Ladies' and Children's PhysicianOlileo and residence, No. fi Sclioo'l street,

(between Foit'nSjd Emma).Office hours 10:0 to ll:30u. m.

i:aotoa:aop:m.IMO Telephone, No. 201.


10i Fort street (up stairs.)Uiarges lower than any other dentist

in Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor otherwise. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Tr. Emerson,j--y RcSidellCG nllfl milSlllfntlnn rnmmmsio. i ivukui St., corner of Fort.

Telephone No. 140. 59 2m


.', And Notary Public,Office with the Attorney General, Aliio-la- m

Halo, Honolulu. 342 iy

TIT AUSTIN WHITING,TT Attorney and Counsellor ut LW.Agent to take acknowledgments of

instruments.Kaahumanu st., Honolulu. 209


Lawyer and Notary Public,I No. 15 Kaahumanu

Iranois M. Hatch,Attorney at Law,

- 1C Kiuilminanu st

RICHARD F. BlCKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on of Free-hold- s.

Office. No. 34 Merchant st.

Brown,Attorncr and Counsellor at Law-War- yPublic, and Agent for taking

of Instruments for theIsland ot Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st.Honolulu. i

JM. Monsarrat,i'v ATTOHNEY AT LAWNotary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans neROtih.ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu.Hawaiian Islands i0(j

Q o. Be'rger,

KAAHUMANU 8TREET.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'dMacncalc & Urban Safes,The Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


Qharles T. GULICK,

NOTARY PUBLIC,Agent to take Acknowledgments


Office, inMakee's Block, corner Queenand Kaahumanu struts, Honolulu. 21

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu

Portrait and Landscape

tao ly

WILLIAM ATJLD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at the ofllco ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu-ai-street. jgi, f

TOlLLIAMWOND,ASelt ,0 take Ackuowledg.

ments to Contracts for Labor.Office Station House. 351 iy

John A: Hassinger,r, At5cui t0 tuko Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor. Interior Office.Honolulu.

WO. AKANA,and Hawaiian Translator

nnd Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the bovclanguages made with nccuracy nnd dispatch, and on reasonable terms. 209


A.t Market abatesApply to

S. M. CARTER,Ift7 P. M. 8. S. Wharf.

:,i7.HYM K '"."I'l'Pintcd Guardian

' nliuku, minor, son of thoate M.Mahuka, deceased, and attorneyIV f'10,1' Luiikia (w,) widow of sail!M. Maluika, deceased; all persons arohereby requeued to settle all matterrfpertaining to tho estate of said M. Ma-huk-

deceased, with tho undcrsitfiicdand tlioyare hereby notified that Mr'."'0" Iv. Ivimi Ims no authority what,over in the matter. a. UOSAGuardian of M. Mahukn, minor n'nil

attorney in luat for Luukii (w.) widowof the latoM'. Mahuka,Honolulu, May 15, 18&I, 403 yr


rf y'T" '- - - TiilpiP"fPpw M"PJiM1

hc $ Igntlelitt

SATIKDAY, Al'Cl. i, 1883.a


( vimiasiiiiii Kxoroihos for Lueticsntul Children irotn 5) to 11.

Huguliii' Ciwh Suli1 at Kali's Room,or Lyons & Levey at 10 o'clock.

EVENINQ.JJaiiil on Maiipos.ii, at 7:30.Ciospel Temperance Meeting at

Bethel, at 7::t0.

llethcl Sunday School, at 0:-lo- .

Fort St. Church S. S. at :45.St. Andrew's Cathedral S. S. 10.Koinan Catholic Church, English

Sermon at 10 a.m.Uolhel, Rev. Dr. Damon, at 11

Fort St. Church, Rev. J. A. Cru-za- n,

morning and evening.St. Andrews' Cathedral, Rev. A.

Mackintosh, morning ; and Rev. G."Wallace, evening.

Bible Class at Fort St. ChurchVestry, at 3:15


Many a time people have tried to

run a regular express between hereand San Francisco, which would

admit of greater facilities and con-

veniences being granted to cus-

tomers than by simply sending

various articles along with the pur-

sers of the steamers or as freight.To a great extent these efforts havehitherto beeu unsuccessful. Now,

however, Messrs Wells, Fargo, &

Co. have made such arrangementswith the O. S. S. Co. that they areenabled to announce that they will

run a monthly express between here

and San Francisco and, later, when

the Alameda is put on, a fortnightlyone. They will convey money,

valuables, letters, parcels and pack-

ages of all kinds, fresh fruit, meat,

fish, poultry, vegetables etc, safely

and with greater despatch than byany other means. Messrs Wells

Fargo & Co. will also attend to anyorders sent them by mail and for-

ward ntN earliest opportunity thearticles required.

All these are great conveniencesto the public and will no doubt beappreciated. The guarantee thatthey will be carried out is the re-

putation the Company has borneall over the coast for the last 3-- J or35 years, if not more. The Hono-

lulu Agent is Mr. Geo. Ashley, andwith him at present is the TravellingAgent of the Company Mr. L.Andrews.


On Thursday night the proprie-

tors of the Chinsce Theatre pro-

duced for the benefit of their cus-

tomers a singular performance which

if it were well billed and advertisedwould draw a large audience of for-

eigners. In place of the usual sec

tion of a four or five days's play anacrobatic exhibition was given. Theperformer, for there was only one,was an old, tittle, wiry man ofslender build. lie was stripped tothe waist for greater freedom of themuscles. After making his bow to

the audience and explaining in dumbshow what he was about to attempthe ascended a rickety platform com

posed of first, two light tables placedside by side, measuring altogetherabout six by three. On these were

stood two high four-legge-d scatswithout backs. On top of these

aain were stood two chairs lashedback to back thus leaving the upper-

most stage of this pyramidal plat-

form a thin line formed by thebacks of the chairs. To show howrickety the ydatform was the factmay be mentioned that it took fourChinese to hold the whole thingsteady and prevent it coming topieces when he performed on it.

Having arrived at the topmostround he went through various sum-

mersaults and contortions, leapingfrom one side to the other with theutmost agility. Then still in dumbshow he explained that he had fallenoverboard from a ship and had toswim for his life. He representedthe actions o'f a swimmer while sus-

pended in mid air on his stomach.

To conclude he crawled under eachstage in his platform alternately on

his back and his face, his whole

courbo till he reached the floor being

that of ii serpentine stream doubling I

on itself twice. His next feat was arepresentation of how the morebkilful of Chinese thieves break into

house. The incantations to his.loss before beginning, and the va-

rious devices and tricks to avoid

capture or detection were especiallyinteresting. In this act the Chinese

clown, called by them the Devil,added greatly to the comic effects.

The concluding acts though werespecially wonderful, for, placing hishead in one looped rope and his feetin another and lying face upwardsin this position at full length hebecame as rigid as a bar of iron andwas swung to and fro. After fur-

ther exhibitions of his skill in ropetumbling he hung himself by his

queue to the rope and while thussuspended carried the weight ofanother man, and then representedBuddha sitting cross-legge- d, a sol-

dier in battle with a spear, and aman fighting a duel with knives.

Many times during the performancehe hung suspended by the lower partof his skull and his whole weightresting on it. The whole perfor-mance lasted about two hours.



Friday, August 3 S. Diaz andA. Gonazalas, adultery, (D) fined

35, and $2.50 costs, (G) fined $15,and $2.50 costs ; Kcawe, assault andbattery, fined $5, and $1 costs; Ke-ol- a,

larceny, found guilty in 4thdegree, and sentenced to 2 months'imprisonment at hard labour, andS3.-1- 0 costs.


II. I. J. M. S. Riujio leaves for Japanmorning. To-da- y will be

spent in fitting her for sea.The ship Sliandon will leave for San

Francisco on Tuesday.The stmr Jas. Makcc arrived hero yes-

terday morning in a somewhat damagedstate. She arrived at Kapaa, last TuesdayAug. 1st, at 0 o'clock, and was safelymoored when u strong N. E. wind and aheavy sea came on, the stern cable broketwice, the bond cable holding good un-

til the wind-las- s was torn up, which"left the vessel at the mercy of the wind,but by tho good management of Ctipt.McDonald, they arrived here in safety.She is now being repaired, and willprobably sail on Monday.

Schr Emma brought 40 bags of sugar,and 40 bbls of molasses.


project for a horsc-tramwu- y isafoot

Capl. McDonald, of the James Makcc,repoits a large lire atKcalia, destroyingconsiderable seed cane.

The Rev. A. Mackintosh is about totake a well earned holiday in the shapeof a trip to the Coast by the Mariposa.


Tin: Band is certainly going to 'Friscobut will His Majesty also make tbe trip?That is the question which now agitatesthe public. .

Messhs. G. W. Maefarlane will ex-

hibit on Monday a magnificent assort-ment of goods both useful and orna-


On Monday next Messrs. B. F. Ehlers& Co. will display their now stock offans, which are their choicest and finestover imported here.

Ax English Sermon will be preachedin the Catholic Cathedral of Honolulu,

August Gth, at the usualhigh mass, at 10 a.m.


Theiie will bo no music at EmmaSquare this afternoon. The Band willplay on board the steamer Mariposa at7:110 in the evening.

The One Price Mechanics' Bazaar isalways ahead. Forty eases of gentsFurnishing goods just received for Mari-posa. Call and examine them.

IfAKAAico has become such a nuisancefor rowdlness that a resident policemanhas at last been supplied to be constantlyon the spot ready to arrest offenders,

To'jfiairr at 8 o'clock a reception willtake place on board the Mariposa.

we understand, being issuedpretty generally throughout the city.

a. .

Those exhibitors who were awardeddiplomas, etc., at the recent show of theRoyal Hawaiian Agricultural Society,may get them at Mr. Jaeger's ofllco

Kaahumanu Street.

Tjik town is very quiet. Excitementseems to htivo died out and publicopinion apparently points to a recon.structlon of tho present cabinet ratherthan the formation of a new one. Thatmay be so but, in fouuer days, changeshave been very biulden.

Lit night Col Bpreokcl gnve a grandbniitiuut at UN resilience, to 1 1 1m Mulostyuml others,

The steamer t Hy of Sydney arrivedthis morning fioin San Fraud co. Shewhs (looked by (1:80.

The lluiid gave n concert at the Hotelyesterday afternoon In honor of senatorMiller, Instead of la the evening as an-


The sale of damaged goods yusleidayat the sales room nf E. 1 Adams wasvtuy crowded. Prices realized betterthan expected.

Tin: Complimentary Benefit Conceittendered to the Hand will come off onMonday night as we announced yester-day. Those who wish to give the Banda good send-of- f may buy their tickets atMessrs. J. W. Robertson & Co's.

Bead our Supplement. It contains:London Gossip, A Dairymaid's Disaster,Died of a Short Tree, The African in theUnited States, The Squatter's Spirit,Ileal nnd Ideal, Tbe "Wonderful Gyascutus, Household Hints, Acknowledged hisSignature, and other interesting readingmatter.


Tiiuhsday great amusement was hadin the Civil section of the Police Courtover a dog case. The defendant lost adog some 1110111118' ago. He found onewhich resembled it and took possessionand the plaintiffs sued for its recovery.The Judge rendered decision in theirfavor notwithstanding the evidence ofthree canine witnesses as to the familyrelations of the dog in question.

Ma. J. Williams, the well-know- n

photographer, of this city has receivedone of those delicate compliments which,to a business man, arc so gratifying asserving to show how highly hi3 work isappreciated. By the last mail he re-

ceived a most llattcring letter fromCaptain Kalogueras, the Captain of H. I.R. M. S. Nayczdnik, which, it will beremembered, was in this port somemonths' ago. The Captain writes fromYokohama to say that the photograph ofHis Majesty taken by Mr. Williams was,of many he had seen in different partsof the world, by far the best. As a proofof his sincerity ho enclosed a remittanceand ordered !1 dozen more of bis owncaries iic visttc taken while staying atthis port.

BIRTH.At Pahima.on August 3rd, the wife of

diaries Brickwood, a daughter.

Auction Sales by Lyons & Levey.

This Day, Saturday,Aug. 4th, at 10 o'clock a. in., at Sales


Regular Cash ialeOF

Dry Goods, Groceries,Furniture, Sewing Machines,

Gold Watches, &c.

Also, Sacks of No. 1 Sugar.Lyoxs & Levey, Aucl'rs

Valuable Household Furniture.Attractive Sale by Auction,

On Monday Aug, GthAt 10 o'clock a. m.

At the Residence of J. H. Black Esq.,

No. 23 Liliha St.-- Ve will sell the wfiolc of the

Very Superior HouseholdFurniture and Effects,

Comprising in part as follows:Parlor Suite,

B. W. Bedroom Suites,B. W. Bureaus, Mahogany ditto

B. "V. Wardrobe,B. AV- - Sideboard with marble top,

Centre Tables, Chairs, Sofas,Writing Desk, Chandeliers,

Piano nnd Stool,Whatnots, Mirrors,

Pictures, Window Curtains,Glass and Crockeryware,

Stove and Kitchen Utensils,Bath Tub, &e., &c.

Lyons & Levey, Auctioneers.

Notice.ALL accounts remaining unsettled

8 months and over will boplaced in the hands of a collector withoutfurther notice. Interest of 1 por centper month aud expenses for colleetincwill bo added to the bills.

A. M. MELLIS,471 lw ' 104 Fort street.

I'uviiiNlied ICoohim

TO LET, corner of Queen and Pnuoh.bowl streets.

457 tf Apply on the Premises.


MESSRS. B. F. EHLERS & Co.will display their

New Stock of Fanswhich are the finest and choicest over471 imported. 2t


owner can have the same onproving property and paying charges.

Apply to FRANK GODFREY,470 at Guxcttc offlco.



Just Receivedire (iA

Hydraulic Rams

Suitable for Stock Handles where water is required to be raised fiom gulchesto pasture lauds for watering stock. Pull particulars nnd estimates furnished.

Hofrigerators, Brooms of superior quality.

Magneso-Calcit- e Fire Proof Safes & BoxesAbsolutely lire-proo-

Lubricating Oils of ovory doscripilon ni lowest market rates.

Rice Cloth, Patent Bag Holders just the thing for Rico and Sugar Mills; '

Differential Pulley Blocks, Carriage Lamps.Miim.

New Goods contsantly arriving.'?

Full Hues of Plows ond Agricultural Instruments, ..- -

Full assortment of Agate Iron Ware,

Illustrated Catalogues on application.'1



A. M. Mollis',

NOW HEADY TO SHOWthe public the Finest and Best SelectedStock ever exhibited in this Kingdom,at astonishingly Low Prices. Read thefollowing, call and be convinced.

For want of space I quote but few ofthe One Thousand Bargains now ouhand.Pure Silk Moires, all shades fiO

worth 3 00Pure Brocades, leading shades 0 CO

worth 1 2"Fine Satins 1 00Fine Figured Sateens...., O'Gf)

worth 0 75Calico choice patterns, 15 yards for 1 00

Tremendous Bargains inHosiery and Underwear.

Real Lisle Thread Hose, all shades 0 CO

Bal. Hose, silk clokgcd, f. f 0 85Fancy col. hose, from 0 15Ladies' Embr. Chemise 0 50Ladica' skirts, with ruillcs & tucks 1 00Ladies' night gowns, good quality. 1 00

Also, an immense assortment of LaceGoods, Fichcus, Gloves, Mitts, &c.

104 Fort Street.

IN GENT'S GOODSI have a full line of

Fine unlauudcred shirts .' 00Fine percale shirts from 1 00Fine undershirts, from 0 25Fancy half bose, from 0 15Fancy half hose, full finish, from.. 0 35Fine brocaded suspenders, from... 2 J50Fine Bycicle shirts, from 1 00Fine G. Silk handkerchiefs, from.. 0 75Fine G. Bathing suits, from ,1 75Fine Silk Alpaca Coats 8 50Drill suits, for painters 1 25

A full assortment of Ties, Scurfs,1Neckwear, &c.

A NEW ADDITION ! .I have als added to my establishment


from the Coast, who will trimhats to order, and also wait upon thewants of my customers in the LadieaDepartment. 400



E. WISEMAN,Rcul Efstaxte Brolcer,

Custom Houhc Broker, .

Employment- --Aproiit, andOoneral BusinosH Aourf,

Office, 27 Merchant street, - . . Hawaiian Gazette Block.By request, I have added to my business that of a CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER

and will hereafter attend to making entries at the Custom House of goods throughPower of Attorney from merchants. Our business community will find this de.partment a great source of convenience.

ONLY recognized Real Estate Broker in this KingdoncaLand and property for sale in all parts of Honolulu and tho various Islands.Houses to lease and rent in Honolulu and suburbs.Rooms to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu.Books and Accounts kept. Bills collected. Legal papers of every description

drawn. Agent for Vickcry's Monthly Fireside Magazine and Visitor, with18 Cliromo3 ; subscription $1.25 per year. Agent for tho Best Life

Insurance Company in the World.eSrChargcs always moderate. CSTTclcphonc No. 172.

BATHING SUITS!For the 1 ,000,000,


A. W. EICHAItDSOKr & Go's.,TSo. 08 DForfc Stx'eot.


A Supply of New Goods;Coal, Iron, Oak, Xsli, Spokes, Rims,'

Felloos, Hubs, Shafts, &c, of thd best quality,Sold ut tho lowest prices.

CUT-UNDE- R CARRIAGES,Phaetons, Buggies, Wagons, &c.f &c,

Manufactured with all tho latest improvements,X$lnolcmltliin fc "Wood-wor- done or every dcHorlptJon.

Having tho jiest mechanics I urn enabled to do workCheaper and better than any other firm in this city.

New work and Repairiug dotio with complete satisfaction, or no charge mud'




V )







f ,



TELEPHONIC.Dlmnnd'llcad, Aug. I, 0:150 A.m.

Light North 13. wind.Stmr Kllnuun Hon 0 miles off


Atm'r Jiw Mnkiiu from KiunilSclir Einiim from AVnhumc

Aug 4Stinr City of Sydney from S FStmr Iwiilnnl Irotn wludwnrd portsStmr C 11 Uisliop from KiuiulSttnr Mokiilil from KoolnuSohr Ilnluakala from IliloSclir Kaikcaonli from IlonoknaSclir Waimnlu from KonnSohr Jennie from Waiatmo


Sohr Waiehu for ManlaenSclir Wnilelc for Maliko


Stmr City of Sydney for AustraliaSohr Jennie Walker for Farming Is.Sehr Emma forSchr Nottto Merrill for' Lnhaina

PASSENGLKS.From Kauai, per Jas Makec, Aug.

3id R AMncfie, 1 Chinese & 10deck.

From windward ports per IwalaniAug 4 W Goodale, W Foster, WII Lentz, Miss Whitney, C Ilors-wil- l,

B L Lee. R VKandall, W Mid-

ler, J A Palmer, FL Carnes, and GO

deck.From Kauai per C R Bishop Aug

4 E Kopke and wife, R W Purvis,Father Silvester, II Bcrtleman, MissHoona, J Stretz, B F Ilaislop, IIGlade, 8 Chinese, and 44 deck.

From San Francisco per City ofSydney, Aug 4st Mrs Bright andchild, A Fernandez and wife, MrsBeckley and son, Mrs Von Smith,Mrs Johnson and brother, MrsKetchum, Mr Hydemann, A Young,IT Deacon, Count Strickland, ChasRaidard, 14 steerage.

E NOTICE a squib in yesterday'sBulletin which may serve to

deceive the public. It states; "The bigfinn nt Lack's cunnot so off." It is umistake it is for the purpose of shoot-

ing lovers of .the weed that arc fooli3h'cnoueh to pass Mnrchant's without acut ol " HOUSEHEAD," or, still, better,"PACES PRIVATE." That Tobacco isneither stem or 1caf,warrauted not tohurt the TOOTH'. The young admireit, the old never go without it


A small invoice of' Tery ' Superior Manillas !

500 in a box put up 5 in a packet-ha- ndy

to put in the pocket, at


471 4t- -

Wanted, ly a littcly,ARRIVED from Sydney, a

JUST of usefulness and trust. Iscompetent as Teacher or Housekeeper.Excellent references from the Rev. N. D.Lamrlev and other citizens of Sydney.' Address MISS I.409 lw Carc.of Rev. G. Wallace.

Notice.--r TrrcnKHY authorize inv son, T. R.JL Lucas, to act for me under full Pow-

er of Attorney during my absence fromUiis Kingdom.


NoticeTPlTTUING MY' ABSENCE from thi- -

, 1 J .'"ICiftiidom mv business will be under the supervision of Mr. E. G. Schu-nin- n;

he is authorized to collect and receipt all monies clue me. Mr. S. M. Da-

mon, Jr.f will act as my Attorney-in-fac- t

during my absence.4.17 lw G. WEST. ,

Notice.T WTRTT to notify my uumerous cus--

X .tomcrs that all accounts remainingunpaid, after this date, of three monthsstanding, will be charged 20 per centadditional per uioutu.

. MRS. J. A, JtODANET.July 20th, 1883. 403 2w


IB'YOURway out of .order, call on A

T BAXElt, at Capt. J. C. Clunoy's staLies cvruer of Queen & Punohbowl sts

ing horses to saddle or carriago a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or. no c.birge 420 ly

To Kcutor licase.ONE COTTAGE, on King St.,

jf?Bj9jy containing 7 roonw, witu sinu-- i

ling and every convenience,about 1 mile from town. Artesian wa-i.- i

lnlil nn. Rent moderate.Apply to

L. C. ABLES,4431OT At E. O. Hall & Son's

liost, stolen or Strayed.SMALL HAY MARE with tlirco

ONE spots on her body, whore thesaddle is ploccd, and one whito spot on

licr forehead. Branded P on left hip.A suitable reward will be paid ou return-in- g

to this ofllcc. "

10 Hewti-d- .

on Saturday night on Hotel st.LOST doublo English1 Traveling Rug,si dyed Bhcopskln foot rug, and an

uust-wra- Tlic abovewill be paid on returning mime to

400 G. W. MACFARLANE & Co.

To Let,A HOUSE ou Emma street,containing 7 rooms, kitchen,bath-room- , inuitrv. servant's

room, enrringc-houso- , stabling, and fowlhouse, Iuquiro at 79 Fort street or 51Einmu Btreet. 434 tf

wvsc-ftur- a

tfjte.PAOlb'JU MAIL Steam- -

Ship Company.F U It SAN FUANUISCO,

The Splendid Steamship

City of Now York,Cobb, - - Commander,

iVlll leave Honolulu for Sun Franciscoon or about Aug. 27.

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

City of Sydnoy,Dearborn - - Commander,

On or about Aug. 5.For freight or passage apply to the

ulidersigncd agents,

Wo arc now prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125,the Round Trip.

II. IIackfkli) & Co.


SriWvinnjS" The clipper bktncDiscovery,

l'orrlnian. - - - Master,Will nave quick dispatch for tho aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

II. llACKFEl.D is Co., Aj:ciits- -


Schooner Ehukaiwill run regularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or to181 A. F. Cooke, Agent.

A. FRANK COOKE,Ofllcc, corner Nuuanuand Queen streets,

Honolulu, H. I.,Agent for the following Packets:Wailele, jjrJf, Waioli.Waiehu, J?SF$Jkt Waimalu.Malolo, Kalunn,Mana, lilsEssJsii Julia,

Iva Moi, and Ehukai.Red Flat?, with White Ball.


Special Notice,P IRM OF E. 0. HALL & SONTHE transfcrcd their entire st

in their business to the New'Corporation of "E. O. Hall & Son,Limited," debire to make immediate

if 1 1 nilolnnl 111 r nnomintDand would kindly request that all par-tic- 3

knowing themselves to be in theirdebt, would make a settlement beforeAugust 31st, as after that date all ac-

count unsettled will lie placed in thehands of a collector. 470 1 w


THE undersigned has, by request ofmerchants in Honolulu,

attached to his General Office Businessthat of'

Custom House Broker.The continual increase of commerce tothese Islnnds fully warrants this underta-king,-and my intention is to make thisdepartment a specialty in my GeneralBusiness. I have arranged legal Powerof Attorney blanks to transact businessfor the entry of goods nt the CustomHouse, and will also pay and dischargefreight and duty expense, and, if

deliver from the consignees.Merchants will find that the time d

by them and their employees inmaking out duplicate invoices and at-

tending to the entries will be a savingto their business interests by placing inthe Broker's hands nil such business.

The merchants of Honolulu, I feelconfident, have full confidence in myintegrity and reliability, and that thisnew undertaking will be highly appre-ciated, I have not the slightest doubt.

Very Respectfully,J. Jli. WlQMlAiN,Custom House Broker,

And General Business Agent.JEETTelcpbonc 173. 477 lw


W.G.ASHLEY,Custom House Broker

has opened an ugency forCustom House Brokerage,

Real Estate Transactions,Employment Service,

And General Business,

At J. IV. Bobcrtson & Co'h. Station-pr- y

Stove,Merchant street (near tho Post Ofllcc.)

Books and Accounts neatly kept findadjusted.

Bills collected.Legal Documents of every description

drawn up.Anything in tho way of business care-full- y

and promptly attended to.P. O. Uox 484; Telephone 2. 470

WATER NOTICE.TO ensure water for privileges con-

nected with tho Upper NuuanuValley Reservoir, arraugoinents lmvobeen made so that water will be avail-able for those between tho hours of 5 a.m. to 0 a. in.; and for those on thePunchbowl Hue, from Judd Hill to Ka-piola-

street, between the hours of 8 p.m, to 7 p. in,, until furthc:' notice.

QHAS. , WILSON,Hup't j Water Works,

Tmolulu, Juno Ifoh; im 4?


VIOLIN and thoSPECIALTIES of tho VOICE.Pianos Tuned, Repaired and Polished.Orders received only at tho Furniture

aid Piano Store of C.E. Williani, 111Fort Street Telephone 70; or at inyresidence. Please send orders one daybefore tho work is required to be done.


Oceanio Steamship Oomp'y,- - rfp&FOR SANFRANC1SCO

:&&& The Magnificent

New Iron S. S. Mariposa,Howard, Commander,

I due at this port on or about July 20th,and Villi be dispatched buck

AHOUT AUGUST 7tii.Puss-ag- e in this magnificent ttcamshipmay be secured in ndvance by applyingto

Wm. G. InwiN & Co., Agents.

IXIUBitlSlIjANDSteam Navigation Company's


Tho Iwalani,uatls, .... Commander,

Runs regularly to Kona and Kau, asper following time table:

Leaves Honolulu at 4 r.M. onFrida)', July 0 Friday, Aug 17Tuesday, July 17 Tuesday, Aug 28Friday, July 27 Friday. Sept 7

Tuesday, Aug 7 Tuesday, Sept 18Jbriuay, sept as.

AmuvEB at Honolulu:Saturday, July 14 Saturday, Aug 25Wed. July 25 Wed. Sept 5Saturday, Aug 4 Saturday, Sept 15Wed. Aug 15 Wed. Sept 20

Tho C. R. Bishop,camkiion, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every Mondayat 5 p.m., for Nawiliwill, Colon, Elecle,and Waimca, Kauai. Returning, leave.-Nawiliw- ill

every Friday evening.

The James Makee,mcdonalu, - - - Commander,

Leaves Honoluluevery Thursday, at 5 p.m. for Kapaa andKilauca. Returning leaves Kapaaevery Tuesday evening.

Steamer Likelike,Kiug, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., tauchir.g at Lahuina, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makcna, Mahukona,Laupahoehoe and Hilo.

Returning, will touch at all thoat ove ports, arriving , at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1

irmi sale,T A BARGAIN, a complete, fine.


First-Cla- ss Restaurant;Consisting of

Crockcrywnre, Cooking Utensils,Knives and Forks,

Extra Fine White Linen Table Cloths,Together with

Evoxyi;liiipr 3N"eetletlIn a first-clas- s establishment. RangeBoiler, and all appliances usod in a Res,tnurnnt. Apply to

Z. Y. SQUIRES, American House,4G8 tf Maunakea street.

lov Sale.FINE BERKSHIREPIGS for breeding, from

jgiiiSg $4 to 0. Apply nt Mr.Dowsett's Corral, near the

Pound. 4G0 lin

3Till VtSfS W









THE CITY SHOEING SHOP,iq. (1 Fovt Street,

Opposite Pantheon Stables.S. I Shaw, proprietor.

nULL0" ESTABLISHED; with thor best pnicuC:! mechanics In thoKingdom. Special attention piiu todiseased hoofs and crippled horses. Ihonow Improved and benutlclal foot tubsapplied in doctoring hoives tho only

shop in the city using them. All workguaranteed and doo promptly on rea-

sonable terms. 'l fy







Latlies' and Gent's

Gold and Silver Watches

Just to hand.

Every "Watch warranted asrepresented.

f 18 kNo



TOJISI0HimFTiffi2aiBpM)1c4Cas Ifiiir'ra'n.ihNi, aUS.MINT ASSAY;

Fac-siniil- c oi csiiver

iKfa'tLUoacrai5im1nsVnojitmirncibilUu)niTnoi: Mark


Pioneer Carriage Manufactory,

77 and 81

Kirg St.

Actual weightGold:.

Wet- -

SfCases. (215)



Ih!k-r.mrsfm- i




69M. Mcliierny,

Agent for this KingdomN. li. imita-

tions, I have discoveredseveral silver watches bear-ing the name " "WnltlinmWatches," SwissManufacture andgenuine "Waltham watches.

Fac-simil- e Cases

to. and 81

King St.

WHITMAN WRIGHT,75, and King Street.


tho llncst, largest and best select- -Children's Clothing at sly low

WHITMAN & WRIGHT,(Late 31". .J. KOSB.)

All orders for Whccl-vehiclc- s every description filled with promptness anddWpatch. Fiist-clas-s Mechanics employed the year round.

B- - FINE CARRIAGE WOEK A SPECIALTY, -- aNothing too hot or heavy TRAM CARS, OMNIBUSSES, PLANTA.. TION "WAGONS, MULE & OX CARTS, made to order, altered or repaired.

Our Horse Shoeing- - Departmentunder the supervision a practical man a mechanic second to none. Wc

have no u?e soaking scalds or tubs. work guaranteed.Egr-Cha-

rgcs moderate.4(!S ly




km25 per cent Cheaper at

PALMER & TEACHER'SNew Xiu.g-- Store,



LOW PRICES MUST RULE.Itui'KuiuH ! Itui'gaiiiK ! liurgaiiiM !

At the Great American Clothing HouseAs wc need room, we arc now offering

ed stocks of Men's, Y outh's, Hoy's andprices



ofwhich are of

are sold as



&77 81

one ofridiculoui


too for in.

Is offor rot All

350 Gent's Complete Business Suits, at $10, worth $16.50.Spring Cheviot Suits, in nil styles, at $ltj, worth 20.

A large assnrtment of the latest style of Scotch Tweed Suits, at S18 worth S5Very line French Worsted Suits, in lurgc variety, at reduced prices.' 'Gent's Dark Worsted Diagonal Suits, from $ lft 'up.An immense assortment of Blue Flannel Suits, from 10 up.Very line Yacht Cloth Suits, in all shades and prices."The latest style in Gent's Dress constantly on hand.Gent's Lightweight Over-coat- at low prioos.

Great Reduction in our Boy's Clothing Department.150 Buy's Linen School Suits, at 1.75: worth 2.50.

Itaiit'N B'tii'iiisliiiiK Department Iturains.Gent's White Shirts, from 1.25 up; lino Porcilo Shirts, latest stvlcs 61 "ft nn150 dozen extra heavy British Hose, at 25 cents a pair. ' 'DO dozen Fancy Hose, in all colors, at 20 cents u pair.75 dozen Fancy Hose, at 125 cents a pair.05 dozen patent Gossamer Merino Un.(Whlrts, full llnished, at 1; worthLatest Novelties in Gent's NoqKwoW, nt low prices.. ?i.ou.

Hut Uoxiarfcmont Great .Bargains.Tho latest slylo3 constintly on bund. French Panama Hals at SI WliiinMackinaw nt l. Cheapest value in town. CBuyers in search of the butiiualltlos, latest stylos, and lowest prices, who do not c ill on us before, liurelinsim.elsowhoro will sooner or later discover that they lmvo MISSED IT HADLY

15 8m S. COHN & Co. Great American Clothing House


Bogs to notify


'WV.'X'OIand, having

n . -owics,




his customers and public of Honolulu,and the Islands generally,

lie is XoadLy IVoavover to supply thoir needs InlliJS tVN XJ lEWELUY.engaged

.".n Coinnctcnt

I Assistant from tlwts line i auemi to tiny lunount aiatehinaking and lteimlrinir.

New Styles in Jewelry. Am. Waltham. Watches, all stvles51 , SQlid.SllvcrWaro. veryitilng of lUoBest,



! i








Sv- -








$1 $ liH;'lSATURDAY, AVG. J, 1883.


A Ficnch journalist recently wrotea rather unfavorable ciiticism of thepel forinnnco of an actress. The lat-

ter felt deeply wounded, and longedfor a elnuiee to get square with him.One evening at tlio Varieties, wherebhc was in company with a fast andstupid young gentleman of the aris-

tocracy, she spied the journalist inquestion. She had a package for himwhich she requested her friend to deliver in person. The dandy arose,and, taking the package from thelady's hands, walked over to thenewspaper man, and presented it tohim, ig, 'Mile. Davagcr, whoadmires your talent as a journalist,has requested me to present youwith this, as a souvenir from her.'The critic took the package, andquietly before the curiouseyes of about twenty persons, whohad heard the dandy's little speechIt contained about a dozen goosequills. Smiles and suppressed laugh-ter were in order, but the scribe wasequal to the occasion. 'Ah, mydear sir,' said he to the dandy,'please give my best thanks to thelady for these pretty feathers. Iwas aware of the fact that she pluck-ed her admirers, but I really didn'tthink that she did so on my account.'

Melbourne Jiulletin.

A young man should always wantto sec himself as others sec him,and in doing so he will find that hiscars never seem so big as thcjr do inspring time after he has had his haircut for warm weather.

Water Notice.

OWING to the scarcity of water, uichours lor irrigation will uc

liiiuitcd to 4 hom-- per dayfrom 6 to 8 a. m. and from 4 to 0 p.m.until further not ice.

CHAS. B. WILSON,Approved : Sup't Water Works.

Jno. E.Busn, Minister of Interior.May 5th, 1883. 'iU


KOHM & RUP2REGHTBeg to intimate to their friends and the

public generally, that they are now pre-pared to execute orders for

Plain and DecorativePainting & Paperlianging

in ihc best aud newest styles.

Orders may he left at his residence,No 99 Hotel street, or by letter at P. OBox, No. 411. 401 ly

JUST ARRIVEDrat "cakopus"




402 8v


A Large AssortmentOK TUB


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!JUbt received, and for sale by


Bfflu Cnll and examine. 147

True to the Test I


A. CA.TIT.C. O. Bnitoun. Esq., Agent,

Macneale & Urban Safes,Honolulu.

Deah Sin, 'I take great pleiiBurn toinform you that the No. U Macneale it"Urban Jbiie proof Safe purchased someyeais ago bus passed tlnough the disas-trous Are of last night to my entire sat-

isfaction. 1 opened the same on tliocombination (tips and handle havingmelted oil"), without any riifllculty, andfound contents in perfect order.

Yours very truly, L. WAY.Honolulu, Juno 28, 188!(.

A. 'o A.HHoi'tmeutof these Jilbtly Celebrated Safes

CONSTANTLY ON HANDOld Safes taken lu Exchange

. O. ISERGEIt,r Ucnciul Agent Hawaiian Islands.


T7' 't n ;1



Buls Mess Beef,

Bbls Prime Mess Pork,

Bbls Salmon,

Half bbls Salmon,

Kits Salmon Bellies,

Hf bbls extra Family Beef,

Gases Fairbank's Jjarrt,

3, 5, and 10 lb cans,

Butter in Glass Jars, 41b.

Butter in kegs,

Holies A-C-

August 1st, 1883.



Wc have just recoived

The Finest AssortmentOF

WICKERWORK,Crochctvi ork,

Embroidery,Boots and Shoes,

Walking Canes,

Fancy Baskets, &c.



To enumerate them all would take toomuch space, but this will give you anidea:

Chairs, Tables, Sofas,DOS-A-DO- S SEATS,

Layettes, Work Tables,Embroidered Bedspreads,

Guitars, Toilet Sets, &c,

Call and Sec Tliem.DIAS & GONZALVES,

400 Ira Hotel Street.


ROPE MARKET!Yes, and wc sell

Am IjO-- v vlh tlio JLio-wes- t Iand don't anybody forget it.

We sell Now Bedfoul Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out innet weight.

We also have tho mol varied assort-ment of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house this side of the Rockyfountains, such us

Hemp and Manila Cordage, nil sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Hawsers, Wire Rope,Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Marine Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pino Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents forPerry Iavi' I'uin Killer,Brand & Pieico's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &., &c.,All of which we will sell at the

Lowest Bates.aOO ly A. W. l'eirce & o.

Pound,SATURDAY, a Ladles' Bracelet. Tho

have tho same on piov.lug ownership and paying expenses.Apply at this ollice, 400

Just Received,Ev" Discovery,"

CROWN FLOUR,In if and i Barrels,

Tho host for Family and Baking pur-

pose?, for sale in quantities

to suit by

408 8t. II. HACKFELD & CO.

"Try tho Fragranco of iho Wood, Nicotian,"

Choice Havana CigarsOf the Finest Brands

.cViid Best JTluvorH,As follows:

Manuel Garcia, Figaro,Margarita, La Corona,

Flon de Cuba, Coney Island,MAY NOW BE HAD FROM

H. J. NOLTE,Beaver Saloon, Fort street.

tSf Other goods as hofore.

The Delmonico Restaurant

ne.t door to Castle & Cooke,on King stieet.

Meals Cooked tfOrderAT lea nouns.

LUNCHES & SUPPERS25 to 50 cents.

Board,'per week, upstaiis, : : J.$0.00in advance.

R. VON OEHLIIAFFEN & Co.,430 lm Proprietors.





BEVERAGE,According to the highest and best medi-

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 13 Liliha St

P. O. Box, 379. Telephone, 284.

BSfAll orders receive prompt attention.

KENNEDY & Co.,Jobbing and Retail

GROCERS,Campbell's Fire-Proo- f Buildings

No. 67 Hotel Street.P. O. Boz No. 207.

201 ly Ring up Telephone No. 240.

" Variety the Splee oZife."SPERM OIL 1

Wc have on hand

Put up in 5 gall, tins

and cases of 10 galls.ilACU, OP

Clear and Pure Sperm OilTaken by tho " Orca," "Louisa," and

"Mary & Helen," which will be


Castle & Cooke.358


INSTRUCTIONS in Gymnastics willand Children

Evory Saturduy Morning;From 0 to 11 o'clock, in addition to thoEvening Classes. S. B. DOLE,880 President Athletic Association

Water Notice.Office Bup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 8, 1882.

ALL peisons having Water Privilegesnotillod that their Water Rates

arc payable semi-annuall- in advance,at tho office of the Sunetintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu street,upon the 1st day of January nud July ofeach year. OIIAB. B. WILSON,

Sup't Water Works.S. K. Kaai, Miulbtcr of Interior. 204

The .Larfest, Finest and Most Select Gentlemen's Fur-nish iny Goods in the Kingdom,


Wn t nannMfilllv nolf n rtnll f.n... 4lw. ....Merchant Streets,

,, ...,., ..s,. .t . ,,,. nun, mi; Ullllllliuiljr iu JJIUYU to U1UII1 HOW HIT WC CXeel sonic dealers in our lines of Gent's Furnishing Goods. Not alone hi Superior-Qualit- y

and styles, hut In prices. Now invoices are constantly being received,and for choice selections and varieties in all our largo assortment wo can safelysay no one will ho disappointed who buys fiom us.

Road iho following : what aic your reiisons for purchasing at the Mechanics Because they sell 25 per cent cheaper than any other store in the city.

How do they do it? Because they import direct from the manufacturers in thoEastern and California Markets, and buy for cash; thus wc demand cash In returnand allow a cents discount on all sales over $5: keep no look keepers or hooks,and every article Is marked down to the lowest llguro In full view of tho customerand thus money is saved by curtailing these expenses, and unnecessary talk Is setaside.

Tho Ono Prico Mochanico' Bazar, tho most rollablo and cheapest sloro in Honolulu.Store open from O n.m. to 8 pan. Bnturduy till XO

S. W. LEDERER, Manager. (252) i. L. ROSENBERG

SCOODThe Hew Firm of Lycan & Johnson

Have many Now Goods,and all ai tides sold hy them arc at new prices.

Pianos, Organs, Furniture, & Sewing Machinessold on the installment plan, and rented at very roasonablo rates, Tallowing themoney paid, as rent, to be applied as purchase money. They make u

Specialty of Furnishing Housesor rooms completely, in any style that may bo desired. They manufacture PicturoFlames, and have in btock

Over One Thousand different Styles of Mouldingfor frames and window or door cornices.

They have brass poles and rings, walnut and ebony Anishcd poles and rings,and can manufacture Lambrequins and house drapery to please all tastes. Intheir Fancy Goods Department you can find Oil Paintings, Steel Engravings,.Artotypes, beautiful Water Colors, Vases, Album, Japinesc Goods consisting ofTea Sets, Screens, Vasos, Plaques, Fans, &c, &c. Some of the most choiceMaiolico over seen in this market.

. fine assortment of Toys.

UNION FEED COMPANYHave Received per "Clans SprecUels" & " W. G. Irwin," ' '

1000 BALES OF CHOICE NEW HAY,500 bags Oats, 600 bags Barley,

800 bags of Bran,B6FAU of which will be sold at bottom prices--a


GcoJs deMvercd. All orders promptly attended to.402 3m


No. 175.

& CO.

Badly Scorched but not Burnt.ED. ROWS,

House and Sign Painter,Puper Jfco.

Desires to inform tho publio ho haselected

NEW SHOPOn site shop on street,lately destroyed where

happy to his friends and ciuto-men- ),

and to all orders forPainting and Paper HangingTelephono 1M.

ENTERPRISE FEED CO.Corner of Queen Edinhurg Streets.

Telephone, j. 280H. JT. .A. 3-- r 2E "W"OEGS to inform his friends and the public generally he has OPENEDX-- business at above stand, and has complete arrangements for coutinuous supply of

Fresh Goods of the very best qualitywhich he for sale

AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.pSronSgeYlIrgf stocS atteaUn 1leUEC PUbliC' t0 part of tUei

Wheat and Oat Hay, "Whole and Ground Barley,California and Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, &c,

on hand. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay asked.H. J. AGBflEW, Proprietor. 349

J. ML OAT.Have just received

A new lot of Blank Books, Blotting TabletsLetter mid Note Papers,

luliH, Mucilagre, Gold Pens, Sec.A BMAM, A8SOMTMENT OV

pPlaqixes for Hoixe Decorating.Red Rubber Stamp Agency.

STAll orders ailed promptly .JggGazette Block, No. 25 Merchant Street,


Subscription DepartmentWE prepared to receive further orders for any Paper or Magazine puhlishIn California, Eastern States, Canada, and Europe.

Prcsont ,U,mo w? receive by every over ono hundred and fiftydifferent Papers and Magazines, publibhed in the English, Frenph, German, andScandinavian Languages,As our subscription list is large, wo arc enabled to furnish tho PapersMagazines at low rate of Subscription uuu

TOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 5 to 10 per day.

Also, pulleys, bolts, etc., all In goodorder; can bo run by steam or liorsopower, just tho urtiolo plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and


50 LA1NE Co., Si Fort at.

.. ..ti.. . ... . it i



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445 m ED. O. HOWE)




(Special for tho Daily Bulletin.)

My wife and I attended a fashion-able wedding lately aud as she hada private view of tho bride's dressshe described to me for tho benefitof your lady readers. The front ofpure, white ottoman silk ground, onwhich white velvet "moons" areraised, the moons are not large

' about the size of a shilling ; the trainis of plain ottoman Bilk, and istrimmed with, white satin; is isdivided from the front by a superbpaneL of pearl embroidery uponsatin, the design being "moons"and palms, the broad part of eachpalm being edged with a fringe ofpearls ;ca the other side the panel isquite different, being composed of acascade of bridal flowers, whichcascade is continued on the edge ofthe train, which is thus outlined inin 'flowers till the embroidered panel

.checks thc:graceful "growth.". The pointed corsage .is corded

with pearl embroidery, is quite, highto the neck, with pearl epaulets andpearl collar. The sleeves are trim-med with pearl embroidery, fringe,and spray of bridal flowers. Theveil is of illusion, fastened with pearl

' pins, and the edge trimmed withseed pearls. Her dictum is that thedress was too sweetly pretty foranything.

'." Morere tho 'celebrated tenorhas just become incurably mad,and has been shut up in the privatelunatic asylum of the famous Dr,

- Legrand du Soulle. This singer pos-sessed such extremely powerful lungsthat he could whistle with as much

;';force and intensity as a railway en-gine, and he practised this peculiarart so often that it became a maniawith him, On several occasions'whilst walking on the Boulevards,he let off steam in this fashion to thegreat; terror of all nervous passers-b- y,

aud even succeeded in' 'making theParisian cab horses restive, a feat'which (Uiost people who, know the

...calibre of those wonderful animalswoidd deem an impossibility. Inone instance he was arrested andtaken to a police court, where he wasfined and severely reprimanded forthus disturbing the public peace.One eyening when Morere was sing- -

jug in r aust- - at the Grand Opera his"voic3 was in such bad form that the'gallery began to hiss, and continued'.'to' do so until the disturbance bc-ca-

general. r On this the tenorleapt down Into the 'orchestra andshouted out; "Since you have begun

, to hiss, let me tell you, that you don't,,understand tho art in the least.".Thereupon he treated them to hisloudest und most prolonged whistle,

.and the, Parisians, always good"natured, forgave him his false notes

and cheered him to the echo. I be-

lieve that the unfortunate singer'spresent mania is that he exists forthe purpose not only of surpassingthe shriek of a railway train, buteven the bells of Notre Dame. Ipity his fellow lunatics.

Apropos of- - decorations .4I am re-

minded of the story of one of theGerman reigning princes, whoevinced, a strong likiug for artists ingeneral, and actors in particular.One of the of the foot-lights had been sunning himself forsome time in the royal favour, andalthough treated with every distinc-tion, the prince noticed that onseveral occasions an expression ofgloom aud disappointment wouldsettle on the histrionic, .countenance.He therefore commissioned the LordChamberlain to discover the cause,if possible. "Sire," said that func-tionary some, hours later, "I thinkthat if an order were to be conferredon Herr M , it would settle thedifficulty." A few days afterwardsjust as the actor, had taken his leaveof his august, master, the chamber-lain placed in, his hands an officialenvelope sealed, with the royal arms.The actor sprang into his carriageand drove away,' tearing open thepacket in hot, haste. The coveted dis-

tinction had come at last ; but therewere two medals there, and ofsimilar pattern. , ,He returned at onceto the palace and met the prince, ionthe steps. "Sire," he exclaimed,breathlessly,, "the honour overpowersme. But surely there must be somemistake. There arc two medalshere." "Never mind," was thereply. "Give the other, to yourcoachman." i

An ingenious mode of turning adishonest penny has been discoveredby- certuin enterprising Dubliu pick-pockets. They-- pretend to bemarines, and under pretext of search-ing .suspicious persons, they s'oppeople in the streets and ease' them;of their watches and money ; thisdone the pseudo marines make them-selves soarcci

A Clergymau with, a cough preach-ed lately to an irritated congregationin a Dublin. Church. The nextmorning's post brought him thefollowing, anonymous communica-tion :

" 'TIs passing strange, when wcrcflcct,And seems to beat creation, ,

That when oratiot we expect,Wc get expectoration!"

"Yes" said Fenderson, "I've gotquite an ear for music." "You havequite an ear, 8ureenough""said Foggr"but I wasn't sure it was for music.I didn't know but it was intended fora windmill."


vowels I. 0. U.- -


Among the brilliant coterie ofbeauties that surrounded the Princeof Wales at Brighton was LadyHaggerstonc, whose charms, had, atfirst sight, attracted the admirationof the amorous. But- - not contentwith the general admiration whichHis Royal Highness was disposed togrant to all pretty women, her lady-ship was ambitious to captivate theheart of the heir apparent. According- -'

ly a fete champetre was announcedto come off at her pretty little Villa,and her ladyship determined tocharm the Prince by assuming arustic dress that would have satis-fle- d

the taste of a Watfeau. At herresidence she had a mihiauture farra-'yar- d,

and three pretty littleAlderneys. When the Prince had ar-

rived, the fair hostess came forward,dressed as a milkmaid, for the pur-pose of making aj syllabub for thePrince. She had a silver pail in onehand, aiid an ornamented stool inthe qtlier: Thus equipped, shetripped along, with ribbons, flyingfrom her dainty, llttle,gracefui.head,and the smallest little apron, tiedbelow her lace stomacher, till shecame opposite His Royal Highness,to whom she. dropped a bewitchingrustic, coiirtsey. Then, passing, overthe beautifully plaited straw, heriucked-u- p gowiL showing her neatankle, as well "as her colouredstockings, she placed her stool andpaii conveniently for use. Leaningagainst the flank of one of thecrossest-lookin- g of the Alderneys,she was about to begin1 her prettytask, but, hot relishing, .this new andstrange companion,., the animal atonce commenced kicking out, up-

setting stool, pail, and milkmaid,and then trotting coolly away.Lady Haggerstonc rose, coveredwith confusion, and beat a nastyretreat into her little dairy,, whenceshe did not emerge again that' day.Melbourne Bulletin.

A dentist who was ill from over-work was advised by his physibianto travel. "Where would yousuggest, doctor?" asked the toothpuller. "Why, as your mind aswell as your body needs rest, Iadvise you to take a trip on theMississippi. There are so manysnags to be seen there that youcannot help feeling perfectly' athome."

A busy doctor sent in a. certificateof death the other day, and accident-ally signed his name in'the space for"Cause of death." The; registrarsays ho wishes the profession wouldbe as accurate generally. .

., The hire-class-- sorts of laborers.--

Harlem Times. r .,


Several days ago Mr. GeorgeWcbley, one of the most promisingyoung planters in Arkansaw, cameto the city, bringing the sad intelli-gence of his father's death.

"The old man, you all remember,was one of the most noted" possunihunters in the State. Tho other nightwhen it was so dark that a black hat,thrown up' into the air, would hayclooked like Bulwer's luminousshadow, the dogs treed. I beggedthe old man hot to go, but hestraightened himself up, gave me akind of ante-bellu- m look and wantedto know if I were a fool. He left, thehouse, and after he had been goneabout two hours, I became uneasyand started out to look for hira.( Ifound the old man chopping oij'atree about four feet thick. .

' ''"" 'It's a coon, and I know he's up

here, ''the old man said. 'The treewould have been down by this time,but it is so dark that I have to strikeby wood-choppe- r's instinct.' , Hewould not let, me assist him, for hehad attained that age when', aSouthern gentleman takes great pridein accomplishing a feat alone. Itseemed as though the "tree, wouldnever fall. The" old man's "strokesbecame lighter, for his' strength..wasnearly exhausted. The dogs stoodaround and whined. They looked ome as though they were lying andhad, only .''treed' to please the oldman. Finally the enormous ' treecreaked and' slowly feel a stump,extending' only a few inches 'higherthan the old man's head. The treehad been chopped down during highwater and the poor old man bMchopped down a big stump. Byjtbistime daylight was breaking, andwhen light came sifting down amongthe branches, of? .neighboring trees,the old fellow' looked' at the stump,turned away, and went homei Hehad. just lost his third wife and' hadborne up manfully, but the stump.disappointment killed him."

Arkansas Traveller. t,


A controversy on this subject ofpeculiar interest to ethnologists andothers is at present going forward

'in the United States. One of thelatest contributions towards it is anarticle which Professor EJ. W. Gil-liam Has published in tho PopularScience Monthly, and in which hecategorically affirms that tho colour-ed race is gaining rapidly upon thewhites, and that un.ess somethingis very quickly done tho former willere lotig outnumber and consequent-ly rule the latter either by fdVcb orby ballot. This article, which pro-fesses to be based upon tho resultsof tho last two censuses, has causedmuch sensation. But an ' acute

mm- -

critic lias replied 'vfyh an exdiuiufctian of the Professor's methods. It

"appears tli'o Ta'tt'eTfi lids "that during'the decade in question the whites

.iucreascd by about 29 per cent., andthe blacks by 34: per .cent. Fromthe whites a reduction is made of9 per cent, for a guess at the im-

migration received by America dur-ing the decade, which is' regardedas a very bad guess; and from the

. blacks '5 per cent, is deducted toallow for a guess at the extent ofthe omissions by the census of 1870.But this S per cent, is afterwardsrestored on the ground that "an .

obvious consideration points to theconclusion that' the blacks will for .

the future develop, in the south un-der conditions more ,,and morefavourable." The Professor furtherreasons .that as 20 per cent., ofincrease in ton years, implies adoubling in 35 years and ,as 35 per

, cent, implies in 20 years',therefore, about a century hencethe population will stand as follow:

Northern whites, 240,000000;southern whites, "96,000,000i totalwhites, ,336,000,000 ; southern .blacks,192,000,000. This process is con-demned for resembling that knownas "guessing at the half aqd multi-plying it by two." Populationcannot be gauged by such methods.

.His figures generally, moreover, are.called in question, and it is pointedout' with regard to, the whole , sub-ject of the increase of the African,

. which is causing $p, muqh , alarm,that, the rate of increase , of thewhite from 1860 to 1880 was 6.1 percent.', and that of the hlaoks 48lpprcent. It. is consequently felt , by;many that jhe .Government of theTJriitecf States --would scarcely ,Tba

. 'justified 'iti ordering a general"exodus" of the negroes, undertapopulation panic, and for the pur-pose of insuring the, .continuance ofa. government by whites. rZi'tinclon'Times,


j. The spirit of the .renowned ioldiBunttenstill lingers-indh- c' land. '

s "Whickoad-sluUis- l 4ake?" ask--c- d

a traveller' of a man --wTiosat'onthe steps of a crossroa'd-stPre- '

"Which one dp'you want?"Hil intended 4o'iask --winch one

ahouldfl ,.takcto leadnietotheriver ?""What river?" '

"Why, the Arkansaw."... "You want to know which '?roadj.leads there?--"

. VXes.sir."' '.ow long, hate you been in this

.tcoun'try ?"

. "That makes ,no difference 'howlong you've been here, but there ain'ta geography of this neighborhood,

i but there was a lot of 'em in the. school housei when it burned.''

"How far. is' it to the river, iany-- way?" t

r . ,

, MWell, any way, it's about two; hundred miles.','. .,,Oh, how far" . .

v ,' ' 1'bu canAmakc , it as '; far , as yonplease."

TtI mean how near is it?""That'll sorter do. I don't know."'lstkis atemperancocommunity?'- -"Sorter.""How long has it been since you

had a drink?" ,

"It ain't been more than a month,but it seems like a couple of years."

"What would you give for adrink?"

"A common. sized mule.""I'ye got some, very line stuff

here in a bottle ; have some?" i

The native grasped the bottleeagerly and drank.

"What is it you want .to 'know?""The road to the river."

said : . r

"The river's right over yonder,but the ferry man will charge; youlike,. thunder if you ain't got. uo whis-key. Good day."

When the traveller arrived at, the.ferry he found his, friend of the, storestanding in the bpatr waiting .for him.

"Halloa, bere we are again.Whati will you take to -- rpw ,meacross?" . ,

"How, .much, hay,e you got?""I mean,, what' 'Three drinks ' 'and ..the cork. f

"Why want' the. cor.k?""Want to.putiittin the churn to

make the, milk ,taste .natural., rtr-Jeansax- o.


real'And IdealiThe follQwing: story, is ,told of the

late' John imbs, formerly a sab-edit- or

of e illustrated LondonJSTetva. Timbs, having a, woodcutpf,a '.hop-fiel- d, sehtapr,u6f of it 'to, aSpecial correspondent, ;a'nd askedliim toigo down ty Maidstone, visit ahoprgarden, .take note of .all he' sawaridJ heard, .and escribe the sceneas faithfully anfl .cc.urately as becould'.. The went .downinto Kent', spent-ada- and. a night

''among .the hop-picker- s,, and thencamb home and "wrote his descriptivecolumn. The next ,dayAhe tpok.itto;the" office and .handed it to the

'venerable sub. Mr. Timbs adjusted'his spectacles and, liegan to read ;

but before he' had got through thethird side of .the eppy he .burst outwith "Whatfs (this, .Mr. Jones? Do,you really think we could put thisin .oaths, .intemperance, impiety,

. debauchery,? ,Why, "sir,, --what were)iyou.'thinkingabout? This will ncvc'r(idol" "No, I thought. not;'.' replied!the writer; "but, you'jl. ,remeni,'you told mo, , to describe exactlywhatJ savy and beard ', 'Yes,yes; butrehlly, you know," angrifyinterrupted Timbs, "this is too gross,

ito.o!gross!" "Perhaps this will' dobetter?" calmly 'remarked theM special," handing him auothermanuscript. "Readidtj-sir,- , read if,":snid,the isub-cditor- .. The journalistread it, and' his hearer ,was charmed

such well turned phrases, suchhappy conceits, such poetic descrip-tions'! "Yes, that'll better, Mr.

Jones, much; hctteri-justvvhat- "I

wanted. Allow., me. to congratulateyou." "Ah,' said Jones quietly, "Ithought you would like tnat! It iswhat Twrote before I went down' toMaidstone !''


Tom Clyma, of North Butte,captured by means of a steel trap, afew days ago, an. animal supposedto be a marten. In some respectsthe animal resembles a fox aud isquite a curiosity. The most singularthing' about the quadruped, if reportbe true, is that the legs on one sideof its body are several inches shorterthan those on the other side. Shouldsuch prove to be the case the crcat-ure'- is

undoubtedly a gyascutus. ananimal always exceedingly rare,and which bos long been thoughtexfinct. It is never found in otherthan hilly regions, its peculiar struc-ture Unfitting' it for a level country.By reason bf its 'peculiar onesideddevelopment 'the gyascutus is, how-ever, adapted for living on'mountainsand hills. It can walk witheasc ,onon the side bf a steep slope, whereeven a goat would, havea precariousfoo.t hold. The animal's strangestructure, unfortunately, is in .onerespect a great disadvantage.. 'Whileit can travel around a hill' from fightto, left' with the. utmost ease, it 'cannot retrace its steps." So long as itslnff'Qirln to fnwnrrl-flir- k 'hill fVi- m.anfure stands as' a tree, but ifoblidgcd'to turn the other way itsfooting: is lostimmediately and it rollshelplessly to the bottom of the slope.

'.Hunters' of the gyascutus, whose'furwas held'in high esteem, used to

themselves pn this fact;to cap-

ture the animal. It was useless 'topursue a gyascutus 'on its chosen pathas the auirijal's 'lQcorao'tive arrange-ments gave it exceptional speed.The hunters therefore adopt the ar-tifi- ce

of tfavellingfaround 4hchill ina direction .contrary to that pursuedby the-anima- and, meeting 'itfaceto face, had no, difficulty in securing

' it. Where a-- hill was isolated T andcircular-ther- e wos'a little difficulty in

'capturing "the creature, but on amountain range 'many miles in lengthpursuit of 'the gyascutus was1 hopeless, ior it woiuu run uiuug tue siueof the) Sierra Nevada from- - Siskiyouto San 'Diego 'in a single day, re-

turning to its starting point on theday following! by way of the 'Ooast;

-- Range. 'If the -- animal caught atNorth Butte should prove to- - bo a

, gyascutus-,- - it would have great scien-tific interest. Marysville Appeal'

. '

"Is the doctor in?" "Don't livehero,'? said the lawyeiy who .was infull, scribble over some old: doou- -'

.mentsi "O I thought this ,.was. hisoffice." "Next door." "Pray, sir,can you tell mo has the, dootor many1pationts?" "Not living." The oldgentleman told the story in thevicinity, and the doctor threatenedthe lawyer with a libel.


A pretty. Qrnaincnt.for a --.windowsash is an old hat. Ram it up to thebrim and trim with Hamburg edging.A cheap and pretty bedroom curtainis made hy pihhing'Up an old shirtby the sleeves. Never ask for souptwice. It is' very ill-br- ed to sit althe theatre and call out Supe!snpe ! ' ' An inexpensive and improvedtidy is made from an old dishcloth ;

trim with tarred rope and ornamentwith bows of red tapev. Attach asockdollager fishhook at the topi ardthe guest will carry the article to hisnext calling place hitched to his coatcollar instead of, dropping it in thefront hall as usual. A lovely toiletcushion can be evolved from a largewhite turnip ; trim with Hoi uton lace,brass bugles and passementerie, flutedup the back aud gored in the centrewitli a polonaise of gunny' baggingand demi-trai- n, of crash toweling' cutpompadour? This wilU.B:nke a sim-ple but tastcfiatiddifion to the itoUettable. Boston Gornmercial ' &uile-ti- n.


A manfromJ a1 neighboring townwished one .of our banks to take hisnotei a short timcago. The1 directorssaid they would cash his note if ' hisbrother would 'indorse it. The nextday in came the man with his brother'ssignature on the note. ..'The- 'bank'took it and paid ithe'inoiiey. Whenthe note became, due the signer "did

not pay it, and the bank notified the'brother. That gentleman came intothe counting-roo- m in amazement,.and asked,. !'What have --you againstme?" .

"Didn't you indorse a Jiote .foryour brother?" asked the ;cashier.

'Not that I know of, .theman. t .

".Isn't this your signature?"' .de-

manded, the bank, official, producingthe, note.

The man looked at his name, writ-ten on the paper,, and,rutbed Jnis.cyes.

"Yes," said he, "that's my re;

but I should --think ihemight have allowed me to. write; it ! "

Hartfotd (Goniu) Globe..

Here is an "Essay Oh iAtanrather" mdre1It cousists--

concise 'than :Pope's.of. the followingcaritofrMan's a'vanbr,''

Pull of'woesfotarts;a paper,

Busts and goes. , vM

A, story is told to. tie 'effect that ;adrunken reporter stumbled' ..irifoliis

, office late one night., Tlie, city edUorsaid to him: "Hello, Sam! drunk, dsusual." "No, "lie replied, "hot

,near so drunk as usual. I can, writermy name." Washington CapUalV

A young politician explained thetattered condition of his trousers "Johis 'father by stating that ho was un-der an apple tree enjoying himselfwhen the farmer's dog came alongand1 contested hh seat.
