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For me, creativity is not limited to one direction in particular.

I want to explore all directions and trends and constantly set sail towards new challenges. A thing that really characterizes my creative work is that I always get dirty. I always make a mess, bury myself in old boxes, uncover long forgotten trends, and dig in the ground to get the perfect expressi-on.

I don t like being caught in a particular expression, and when I ve been playing for too long with, for example photography or painting, I set up to create my work on another platform. No box should ever fit me and no box CAN. I create, say and do what my heart tells me to. With respect for each other, respect for cultures and knowledge and by preserving the differences in the world, we can help inspire each other. My life motto is inspired by the Swedish author Astrid Lindsgren s famous character Pippy Longstocking. She says: ”I haven t tried that before, so I can probably do it”.



Jim can trace his family line more than 2000 years back, directly to the Vikings and the royal houses of Europe.

History and family is an important part of his life, and that is also why the Vikings are often, and almost always an important part of his designs and storytelling.

He lives at his Viking castle Ravnsborg on the small Island of Funen in the heart of Denmark. At first, the castle is difficult to see from the road if you do not know where to find it. But in the distance, you can see the magnificent building rising proudly at the end of a gravel road, in memory of a bygone era.

In the middle of the beautiful Nordic nature Jim has created his own oasis that also contains its very own temple to the Nordic Gods. It was

built in 2016, and is the first temple build on Scandinavian ground for more than 1000 years.

In everything he does, his love for the Viking culture, the old and forgotten stories of our ancestors, and his knowledge of our history comes to life.

And Jim himself? Well his genes from the Viking Northmen are easily recognized, being the tall, blue-eyed Dane with Viking tattoos covering his pale skin that he is. He fits very well the description of the Vikings given in 923 AD by the Muslim scholar Ibn Fadlan:

”I have seen the Rus (the Vikings) as they came on their merchant journeys. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date

palms, blond and light skinned. They are tattooed from ”the fingernails to the neck”.


To the left: Jims 29 Great Grandfather Knut the Holy, king of Denmark (killed in St. Albani Church in Odense in 1086 AD) In the middle: Jims 21 Great Grandfather, Haakon Haakonson Birkebeiner (The little boy), King of Norway 1204 - 1263 AD To the right: The Ravnsborg tempel tor the Nordic Gods.



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Jim is one of Denmark s most acknowledged designers, and has worked with several of the largest companies in Denmark. Moreover, he has worked with companies worldwide. He is a mastermind in design thinking, and makes things happen in all areas from ideas to development of designs for products, clothes,food, whiskey etc. Once he engages himself in a project things go fast. The process from idea to development is fast, and he takes part in the entire project phase.

Jim is known for his direct manners, and is not afraid to speak his mind, and share his thoughts. He is also known for his active social media life, and has more than 140,000followers on Facebook, where he is both loved, and reviled for his very clear and honest opinions about life, and what it entails.

He is a popular lecturer who likes to share his life with the audience, answer all questions and honestly tell about his life, the challenges he has met along the way, his love for the Vikings and his ancestors, his faith, dreams and family.

He is known for his cordial approach to the quirkier characters, his fight for the weak in society, and the great love for his fatherland, Denmark. To the left Jim is photographed in front of ”The Earls Palace” in Scotland wearing the Rollo Tartan belonging to his ancient family.


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But Jim is not only a businessman and opinion leader. He is also known for his honesty, inclusiveness, and his big heart. This is shown mostly in his circle of friends, which counts all types of people from different social classes, and everything from politicians and celebrities and also including what he would call, ”the common people like myself”.

He is often engaged in charity projects, and likes to make a difference for a good cause whenever he can. Every year his company Raunsborg donates Christmas gifts for the patients at the cancer unit at the local hospital, he has designed scarves, sold them and donated the profits to disadvantaged children, supported the homeless and participated in projects in Africa etc.

Last summer he invited more than a hundred Syrian refugees to spend a day with him in the Iron Age village in Odense. He wanted to give them a great and happy day showing them Danish culture, teach them some Danish history, and show the surroundings that integration can be done differently.

” Being a patriot does not mean you

can t be socially engaged inthe world around you.

The world is not black and white.There is room for everybody”

Jim Lyngvild

To the left: Jim hosting the charity show ”Danmarksindsamlingen”To the right: Photo from the Iron Age Village

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Jim is a trained designer from the Danish Fashion Academy, and also a trained photographer.

In early 2016 Jim went to China to prepare, and arrange a large Viking inspired show presenting Kopenhagen Fur at the Shanghai Fashion Week. He did this in collaboration with the known and acknowledged company Kopenhagen Fur. About the colaboration, Jim says:

”I use fur, because it is right for northerners. It is a culturally specific garment, which we inDenmark have used for thousands of years. In my Viking designs I add a modern twist though. Therefore, I choose fancy and colorful furs to

show that I live in 2015, and is a modern man, who is still in contact with my roots”.

During the stay, he sat down with one of Chinas most known designers Qigang. Together they designed a cap to reflect both Nordic and Chinese fur fashion.

”It is really exciting and rewarding to work with Qigang, and the Chinese interpretation of the Vikings. But in fact, the two worlds are not so far apart. Both cultures use some of the same stories. In an old Viking burial, archaeologists even found a statue of Buddha, which shows that our ancestors probably at one time or another have met and exchanged cultures”, Jim says.


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FASHION WITH PASSIONThe spectacular, and one of a kind show was called ”The Rising Of The Valkyrie”. The allusions to the Viking times were very clear in every specter of the show, which also won the price for the most beautiful show of the Fashion Week.

The rumor about the show, and the tall Danish designer quickly spread, and soon after Jim was asked to participate in the famous China TV show ”Muse Dress”.

He compares the show with ”X-factor”,but for top designers.

In the show the designer is paired with a known celebrity, and together they com-pete against four other teams to create the best collection.

The collection he designed for his Muse He Sui did not win, but was sold for more than 9 million USD. The money was donated to help sick children in China.

To the left: Jim presenting Kopenhagen FurTo the right: Jim with his muse He Sui

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For hundreds of generations, women have gathered knowledge about active qualities from plants, herbs and flowers. Qualities they have used, when wounds had to be healed, pains had to be eased, and appearances had to be cared for.

This knowledge was passed on from mother to daughter, and since passed on to scientists. With time, many of the old house-hold remedies fell into oblivion. But they still fascinate us.

In close collaboration with some of Denmark s best people in de-velopment and production of skin care products,Jim has sought back to the wisdom of earlier times, and found inspiration in Flora Danica, a Danish book about Nordic nature, which is several hundred years old.

Inspired by the Nordic nature surrounding his Viking fortress at Funen in Denmark, and with help from the old works, he has brought knowledge from the past back to life with the beauty series from Raunsborg®.

Raunsborg® have 3 beauty series with a manageable range for both women and men that make your skin care healthy, easy and simple. And the products are suitable for all skin types:

NORDIC - beauty series with mild scentsMAN - skin care and fragrances for menSENSITIVE - perfume free beauty series


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Bullying is evil itself. And society should have more focus on the matter!

Jim has felt on both body and soul what bullying feels like! A hell that he does not wish even his worst enemy to experience.

Therefore, he also eagerly participates in projects concerning vulnerable children, children who are bullied, or those who just don t feel they ”fit” in.

In 2011, he participated in the project “Buddyguard” against online bullying, organized by the organization Save The Children Denmark. In cooperation with the Danish company Prego, he designed and developed a collection of spectacles, consisting of 16 models in three colors - a total of 48 distinctive luxurious spectacle frames. And each sale would benefit the cause.

The materials are almost exclusively luxury acetates that arelaminated, and processed by hand, and 20 celebrity Danes promoted the collection to support the Save The Childrencampaign.

”It s a project I’m very proud of, and if you have read my biography ”MØGUNGE” (Brat), you will know why I feel so strongly about kids and young people that are different”, Jim says.


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The Brewery Frejdahl combines creative and creating forces - because only by combining different competences you will be able to achieve uniqueness. That was the approach Jim had when he joined forces with The Brewery Vestfyen to establisha new brewery that combines taste, design and Nordic history into an exciting local project on the Danish island Funen.

The Danish and Nordic past has always been a source of inspiration, however, our Nordic heritage has never benefitted so much from past ideas and thoughts as now. Like eg. Nordic cooking, and the general success of Danish restaurants globally.

When you are true to yourself and your heritage, the rest of the world will always appreciate your perspective - that is the cornerstone of the Brewery Frejdahl. Creating beer with premium taste, while respecting the past, having the courage to try out new raw products, and taste variations, and of course keeping ecology and naturality as the focal points.

Frejdahl is much more than bottled beer. It is the love of the craftsmanship, and the pride of the heritage of our predecessors, constantly refined, developed and challenged. When you are on an explorative path, you also have a duty to renew and improve.

The Frejdahl beers are exported all over the world and known for the exceptional variety of taste.


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THE ARTIST”To me, art is the freedom where my thoughts run wild, and I breathe mentally. In everyday life, there are so many boxes and hardcore business projects that need to be organized,for my partners to make the most of my ideas. But when it comes to art, it’s only my world that matters. That s where Jim is Jim and the other problems of the world are kept out of the ”game” for a while.

I work with many different materials and on many different platforms; plaster, bronze, photography, painting, etc. All in all, a play- ground that develops my way of looking at the world, which evolves me and improves my

skills. I always seek, and find new expressions that can be used professionally in my work as a designer.

Without progress there is stagnation, and I always try to fight my way through, even when I’m on ”thin” ice and feel unsure. I love ”being out of my depth” because that s where I develop the most”.

To the left: Jim Lyngvild plaster model of a figure of Vladimir Putin and Barak Obama.Below: Jim Lyngvild life-size photographs.

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”When a subject catches me, I get seriously engaged in the matter, and deeply absorbed by it. It doesn t matter, whether it is a subject of interest for children or adults.

The storytelling, and the fact that I have the possibility to learn and get smarter, motivates me and drives me to write my books. I love to nerd around with a specific subject, and it can be any subject from Europe’s royal houses, horse sports, beauty or Viking life.

If someone tells me, ”You can t do it”, I will prove them wrong and show them that I can! And I don t make potboilers - I seek all the information and details I can find on the matter, and then I write a book.

So far, it has resulted in 23 small ”business cards” about my interests. Several have been nominated and won awards.

My point is, you should NEVER believe it when people tell you, you are no good. The limits to your knowledge and abilities can only be set by you! No one else can define it. You and only you decide what you can do in and with your life. And you can use the opportunity given to be the best version of yourself. You were given life. Get the best out of it and make it exciting.

The most important thing in my life is knowledge!”


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HIGHLAND PARK2016 Jim joined in a collaboration with Highland Park to design a Whiskey line with Viking spirit.

Highland Park is a whiskey distillery near Kirkwall, the capital of the Orkney Islands, Scot-land. The distillery was presumably founded in the 1790s. Highland Park is the northernmost distillery in Scotland and known for its exclusi-ve products.

About the cooperation with Jim, Highland Park says: ”Jim s 36th great grandfather was Ragnvald Eysteinsson, the first Earl of the Ork-ney Islands and Jim can trace his own bloodline

all the way back to the 8th century. He is also a writer, and a designer of international renown, highly regarded for his vast and vivid imagina-tion. Who would be better to design Highland VALKYRIE for us”.

Valkyrie is the first in a series of three special Viking Legend releases. The inspiration for Jim s magnificent illustrations on both bottle and box, comes from two important sources - the ancient Hammar Stone of Gotland and an iconic Viking pendant from around 300-700 AD, discovered in Uppland in Sweden.

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