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I was thinking that not to take part in this debate but how can I remain silent when someone (very closed to my heart) misguiding the people, and 2nd thing that all the debate was on my picture so I have to defend myself. ghairat ka mamla hai aor ham tu hai he Jazbate according to some people. I dont know why we people are getting so much allergic from jiahd, weapons and sword and why we get so much aggressive and narrow-minded by hearing these words. And then we even don not have control on our self and we cross all the limit during the dialogue and we forget the golden teaching of Quran " And thats very sad that we draw such a hateful, misleading picture of muajhd .if someone have such a bad experience so its may be his personal problem why they make the juz the kul. Some bad people doing Good-Cause job by wrong way thats the problem of those men, it does not mean that just objecting that Good-Cause and blaming it due to bad people.Ive been met and at least see a lot of cute and sweat (although they are quite rough and tough) mujahid, very bright faces having the noor on their face, even clean shaved, some guys have got a trimmed stylish beard, white, clear and clean clothes, even using aroma fregrenance , well dressed, using tooth-brush with paste and at least taking bath twice or thrice in a weak may be they will have a regular bath but they have facing problems in that.And come on just have a look on Hamas leader they are well educated , handsome and all are having weapons in their hands, and they are fighting in real sense not Qalme-jiahd and remember even (they do not have an Islamic state on their back , just a few year ago they came in power but still u can called to that an illegitimate state because they are not accepted by the world leader) so Im talking that kahild-Mashal, abdulaziz rantisy ismail-haniah , shaikh Ahmad Yaseen and oh yeah Shaikh Usama all are the most smart people I ever see and some of them are belongs to the burger families and having all those luxuries for which we struggling for years but can only think about that.No one from these people having miswak in mouth, surma in eyes, not having a big dirty turben and not of those people who do not take bath for months.And why we confusing pen and sword both have equal importance, both are very fruitful for Islam and extremely dangerous when they are misuses.Let me mention some of the name who had a blunder with their pen when use wrongly intentionally or unintentionally like Qadyani Parvaize and in present like ghamde n wahiduden all these made a disaster with their pen to Islam, but due to these wrong people we are not blaming Pen nor Qalme-JiahdWe need men of pen and sword at a time, like Shaik ibn-e-taima expert in both fields and many more having Pen in one hand and sword in other hand.Abdullah Azzam a very well learned man having a strong academic background, are also been the expert of modern weapons when he felts the need.Very strange that in such a time that Ummah is in fire, everywhere we see massacre of Muslim , Muslim lands are in hands of non-muslims and we are talking of only Qalme-Jihad. What u guys think that Kashmir, Palestine disputes will be solved by Pen,no way this is the time that we stand strong well equipped ourselves and promote the culture of jihad & Qital fi sabellilah.I dont accepts such a double standard that in USSR we have a practical Qital and now when the Superpowers make the greatest alliance of the human history Nato along with non-Nato invade Afghan and this time so we just make a Qalme-Jihad we say that in that time there was a state in our back and now no state so we let the Qiatal and start qalme-Jihad, I think that this is just to cover our with some lights words, and may be this time we dont have US-funded weaponary, and we afraid of US and their alliance (seculars perception)