  • ——'


    • •


    m All Parte of tt*e World.


    tltrttki Male ky the Russia Enroy at CmsUBtloopIe.


    ny, Itttrti, Elgin* lad Crtetc (••• Mt Wig Imii i MwirtL


    [ • V CABLE TO T B S » B B t l | B j |

    U W M I , Apru 14, UTT.

    a eeat*. WltBta B l i t day*, at farthest, tin p a r t Of Ul« gT*»t COB K i t t * t * t « B KBMU

    tiraey will dart begaa. For s o r t tttaa

    years, ti'BlBiBlBg WttB f M apparently

    iftraat rebellion la taa fterxegovtaa a s 4

    t wit* taa breaking ap «f IB* Conference,

    e baa beea perplexed, warned and s l a n t e d

    a t to regard to the Beater* focatlam. A

    clostd, a * greater taaa a provincial

    us. la ao empire tBat never v a a af lite qulat-

    •to-day ended la, prectpltattag apon Earopa

    i m n M H to ba tha greatest war of hi»tory.

    e lBJoTiaatlon from the U I A A L D S correspond.

    la to. Petersburg, Berlin, Vienna and

    de ta »:i of ooo tone. The Mate.

    are unanimous ta the optnloa tttat

    at iopeteaa and that war will bo declared

    the Beat twenty-fear beam, If It baa not

    y beea done. Tbe Bertta Krrut grttung, a a

    •ttaure paper la German military circles,

    a t a r a t to amy:— "According to a

    circulated la tbo sweat positive term It ta

    rd, oa the gromad of newt received from s t .

    oarg, tttat inatrncUona were aent yeaterday

    on. to tbo Russian Cnergd d" Affaires at Con-

    tople to declare war against tbe Porte."


    Iret great natation la to know where Bnssla

    inke. Aa wa Bave long maintained it now

    aettled tbat Russia's attack will ba made

    entral Aata> * A letter receive d by tbe Foreign

    from Captain Bttrnany aays bo baa aacer-

    that a aeeret alliance exlata between Rnaata

    srsla, Rtporta from all qnartera indicate

    uaeta la massing her men for an advance

    rnteaia. Tbe better elaae or lnbaottanu are •

    I Ttftla for the interior. Rnsaiaa officers Iron

    report tbat 40,000 rcratao troops are con-1*

    ted aear the Tarklah frontier. Tbo Czat

    tart 00 tbo Mtb lost, for the tfldait*

    t army. A manifesto baa -been leaned.

    apcrtor office re of the southern army have

    lu.uicuij aummoned before a graad council of

    la 81 Peteraborg, ta ba board tweaect-, preparations tor marching tnea

    1 the Pratb eaeat week. The army baa

    ly advanced, but baa sot paasad tbe fron-

    tadoed. it ta doubtful if any thing mora tbaa a

    able paaaage through Roumantawill be asked.

    retty autbontaurely stated tost Germany doea

    tab to aee the neutrality of-Roamaala rto-

    consequebUy the principal Russian attack

    e on.the Astatic atde.

    Meauaegna illegal as bad a Baal interview to.

    Mb Balrat Paeaa, wba declared tbat tbe Porta re.

    > the* demand* Sabeeoeeatly tbe Oread

    r telegraphed Pnaoe Nicholas tbat tba

    ttea bad aadea, and weald not ba

    aaeaV Meateaefra will deter tba reaamptloa

    ituittee aatii Beaeta'a Baal dentate* letelttgeaee

    awwaraaaa, dated April a. aaaaaaaea tbat Turkish

    reparations are keiag pushed leeward aa Tig or-

    aad eiteaatvetg as tba state af tba

    ter parasite. Tba atreagtb of the Turkian

    1 • estimated at la, 00a Tba Earda aad

    aalana are to be eallad eat, aad It la aeUeeed tbat

    wilt readily respond. It ta pat expected ta

    >y lbs* tb. Raaataaa wtll be earn te adeaaee ae.

    be 1MB et May, ewtag to the want af rsasarbsa ta

    wastry through wblcb taey mu*t paaa The *V***MI

    hiaaaeaaeaa tbat reialoreemeat. bare beea seal

    « Tarkteb torcee ta tba Vitajai ef tba Danube.

    ar veeaets will be erOared te S»IIB» oa tbe BucB

    tad Baa frtfitte te eratae la tbe Medlterraaaaa.

    tava T U I I I I uacct-»a is riauimutr.

    tba ilouae »t l ord», yeateraay a luraeaj , tba

    I'S circular ta reply ta tbe protocol waa laid aa

    ibte ef tbe Haaao. Lord Derby aatd tbat ba re-

    hl ta Mr it was a** e f a aauatactory cbarae'er, » * « »t tead ta a peaeatat esHleeneat. tart ml* gave »«ttc« tbat be * M M e+n aueatteai ta abject oa MoaOar. * Baa U > tbeataer PewdVa abyeot te tta prod eat lea. Beaten tttat ba aoaM meet -tbe motasa tar etbar papers a iweet aegattra XatwwbaBtedtag tbe anew**

    eey character af' tbe Pwrta's o rcaUr gagtaad area ad aat atawed tte teat warden behalf ef aaaee. . M«rsy said tbat. be. dtdi aee balwre tbat way ta beaedt tba Cbnataaa aaljeaia af

    Parte waa 'by •raaad BBM ' 'a* right te lata

    tea af tba Cbrtetteas M Tartey. tba lateeaeta at laatbai



    —— ——

    14, 187T.--TOIl?IiS SHEET.

    af waa eet tettewwg

    tet bam aak far astd ana s'etest

    •ae Bargaaf af Barttagtea

    nieia'a arraAtiaa w two arawr aw waa. T*rfea aaesaasaa Bbat Baa Baa t less Bare aat gate

    aat ssbwrtif Bbt taa raajatbattia TaraisB fag baa aat beea

    tbe I—U lease Bawaral etbar autttere •portaaee era meaWened as betag ta

    aateia&ed atapuhniaas agreed opoa M * was stgaed Bererst Tarkisb officials

    tnafc eat batween Batata aad Hilary would eoastder


    at » e bat 1 atbafi


    gaa ywna. tao Tatab* - — Tarkteb let faery,

    Mrtted welsh might be gg deteaea. This

    , • poesibla eeaupaUaa af tap aa Daaaba, aopaarte Baamaatea tarn-

    Z ,rrraet the Reesiaaa ereestsg aear n r taa treaties establishing tba

    4 Berrta sad Baumaala tba Tarks hare

    STORM wm. litCTttllu UtenUw Wit. I . U Terrier, W-

    mtar Bf tfct ftrtf IticmtafT*


    Previous Effort* to Predict At-lantic Storms Fall. -



    taetr terrttery wMBaak dava af Ignoring \

    b t T « grawa atora or ttm

    tbe pragrrsa af ereaia, tt at improbable

    Z* eueutieu »tU Be paid ta aay axloung trwty

    l!«,^«.ke.L It is suud 1! LSgaTsTreies here tbat tba Tarabtb army - suffer-i gmtlyftew. w ^ ef praetam^ ^ " J J

    - threatened with starraUon. It M felly ea-_ tbat there will he maaaaens ef Chrtetl^s wba. Tarkah artdi«a « • mdaaad ta d^peratloa by

    saa laa IsaBtasl

    r* Rc»sia aaA»T. Tbe fcasalsn Mlanaer ef War hueeraerad tbaeaUtef

    J I t a . ^ t t e - « i « * ^ m*m of St. rwterrtmrgof !y aaMssfa •> larteega belera the « d Inst, Tbe •!«*, arraayaaawacs'i »t, feteriberg despatch - ^ L a g r a a d a o e a a d e f wsrisbetaa bate tbera The Cabinet regarda tbe Tarnish circular ss n 00m-„ „ , rewetto. ef tbe pret^l, - d therefor, da. %L \Z ?Q< la wbleb tbat great Bewaoentra. aL tboagh tary far from the Bospboras or the Neea, eaobot be lanored. A Psrts aeapatcb aays it I s stated ib«t aeeeral RassisB C a s s i s in Turkey baTS received order* 10 prepare to lesve tbe country. Count Orlofl, 1 he Kotsiao Ambaaaador. bad s o lBterrtaw with lbs Dee Deecses yeaterday. It ts sasertad that tba former protested against the statement that Rus-sia would immediately enter on a campaign against Turkey. O B the contrary, she is not disposed to reject fresh negotiations la case the Powers wished to nuke fortner attempts at conciliation.

    IT ts BlSMABCE's aBVlCB. At bat e a e of those eminently accurate correspond*

    eats of the provincial preea has found Bismarck in the faster a woodpila The London correspondent of \ tbe Msacbester Gttardtea m y s b e has l b s statement frdbj ae good a source that be deems It oeceaaary to re-A

    peat it, tbat tbe Terkiab Charge a'Affaires at Berlin baa telegraphed 3ai¥et Pacha that Prince Bismarck ad-• w e d Tarkey to rclact Rnsata's demand* i f tola bad been priotod earlier wa might hare guessed w h y be had retired Irom public Ufa Bat BOW it seems a mere joke of a y o a a g Kero of the press white all I" u rope la ia Basse*,


    A* sbowlag tba change which tne reported declara-tion of war will briag ia the press within a few hours s a extract from the Pall Mall G CASUALTY.

    EL«A*sTg, X. J. April 18,18TT. Be*. Gilbert B. Harden, aged fifty, waa killed oa the

    Central Railroad la this city last atgbt. While corn ng from New York oa a local train, wbtctt stopped oa a siding at Stager's factory for tbe express train to pass, be left the platform aad stood e a the track la froat of I c o * * Mr. Stuws aoticeti two men foliowiag tbem aad

    1 Tin i aBataft t h a r > t sttsl » r\ 1 Its* .1 #M A r* f* V •*> ^ h « C M s T u i r i / i I


    WBile Mr. Cyrns W. Pearsall, or No. 28 Lewis street, was riding on a „ar on avenue A OB Thursday night s valuable gold watch and chain were stolen from him. When tba car on wtiica Mr. Pearsall ! was riding reached the corner of Seventh street he I called Officer Peterson, of the Seventeeth precinct, aad I told Bim ot his loss. Robert Stafford, who was stand- j Ing e.o.-e sy Mr. iVarsad, was recognized and arrested j by the ' officer as a notorious pickpocket | and was locked up In tbe station bouee. He w a i f a k e u ; to the Essex Market Ponce Court yesterday and bciore • Superintendent Walling. Detectives Rbbiuson and I Bisaet were detailed oy Captain McCulIough to follow j tbo officer aud prisoner and keep a sharp loox ; out for bts confederates. Mark S tuns , a Graad street clothier, roitbed of a gold » a t c h and chain valued at | SiUdt was with tne detective*. On the way irom the



    FOR MAY, 1S77, t CONTAINS;- 4

    OCR FAMILIAR BIRDS (Second Paper). Ulnstratlons.— The Mocking llfrd-The SoaaUn Bayonet

    in Flower—The great Caroliua Wren—Fruiter the Span-ish Bayonet—The Cardinal Uroabeak—KiHdee Plov.r— Kingfisher.


    Illustrations.—Ctk Castle from within—Ahergarenny— "From America I"—Valley or the llsk—"Cattle Stealers, Sir."—lisk Church and Priory—Roman Dog Sculpture. Caerleon Museum—"A Saapence!"— Fragment of Roman Tile-r'rsgiuent of Santiau War.—Raman Lamp found in Caerleon Cburcb Vard— King Arthur's Round T a b l e -Polly— Inscription, with Name of Consul— The Ideal and the Actual —Newport Cattle—St. Woollot Chnteh—Down the Kiver at Low Tide—Mr. 'Opkias—Oa Stow Hill — Tredegar House. Newport.

    1BRAF1L. A Poem. Illustration*.— Israfil.— "Lo! Down tb* Airy Wast* Po.r

    Shining Angels Haste"—'t-or the Night Deepens, aad without tbe Gate Evil Spirits Hide and Walt"—"Tba ser-pent King with Envious Hate Whispers to Tempt Tny Angelhood''—"The Angel Linger* anil, and Murmur* Low •Datiguter of Earth, how Fair I" "—"The Shadow of t b . Grave Forever r'oilow The* I"—"To Calvary's Cross wblcb I Must Bear Alone "—"From Abel's Biooil Split ea tb* Altar Stone."

    AT THE GATEWAY OF THE CATSKILL8. illustrations,— Bishop's Falls, on the Esopos—Sbokan

    Maiden Spinning—Branch of tit* Esopus Below Old >ho-kan—Tbe Old Mill—A Bear Wallow, or Drinking Place— Eae . Brewa at Home-Setting the Irap-TUe Start from Brown's Cabin—Baiting tba Trap—Mre, Brow., a la

    AN'oLD GENTLEMAN'S RECOLLECTIONS. tl'natrattoat The Beacon. Bustou, ITdO— Tbe erlgtaal

    Faneuil Hall. Boston. \H2~Dutch Houses iu New \ or», lTsVZ-FriLC* Tallevrand

    SOLOMON PODDY'S COURTSHIP. A Story. Illustration*,—"Here was a Predicament for Solomon"—

    • I s it really \oa. Mr. Poddv •" I A WOMAN I I A T E R . Part XL

    FLO KEN CE. Illustration*.—Plasia dell* Sign or! a. witb tb* Towar ef

    the Vacca—The Centre ot Florence -Interior of th* L'roxl Gailerv ~Giotto—Ponte Vecehio-Th. Arno. looking We»t from Post* Vaccbto—Mieb*«t Angeto—Mkbael Aagclo'* Mudy—Autograph Poem ol Michael Angela—Virgau and Child—"La None," Tomb ef iSiolie*d da M*diri-9tttvriw A'.aleri— Bead ot An^el—Figure* irom Organ .-ere*, ta tbe Cathedral—tomb of Micb**i Angelo—.iuiengo-Ves-pucet—"Devil.'' in M*rc*to Vaccbio— I'omb »( tialfU Dante—Loggia del Land, or deil' Orcagna-Sevunaroia-t>avuu*roia'> t.'*l!—Autograph roem ot Savonarola—Mar-tyrdom oi Savonarola—Lautern, Palasti rtroaii — Loreato de .*!edict—lotcb-Holder lor external l i luuiuttton*.

    CUiKRoN'S JOURNEY ACROas* AFRICA li:o*tr.:ton».—Fi.atiax Island* o . L*»e Tanganyika—

    Trera'"* and Mparantuti Tree*—Wa.ogo CoiBares—Camp. I'teohe—Kutratice ta tb* Lakng* River—Mead* al tne Lake l'c>.».e — lie .d» af Mea ot Mauyuema—Njraugw*. from the Uiver—Baasana and one ot bis Wives—Waru* fiaides t a Alricaa Waddsag-Slav. Gai.g—Domiago*

    BREMA: OK. MY FATHER':* SIN. Chapter X.WI At tbe Bank: Chapter XXVUL Coatsn 11.1U'.ague. Chapter KAVUL A C At the Pair. p.


    Che**; C.aptar XXIS.

    A POEM.

    of which yoa see there

    communes ta provided with aa aneroid barometer

    oa a woodea case, la onter that these notices isajr

    be placed.proporiy under the eyes ol the public.

    S11,1.. CBetry ^J^aK at this staae, \ The service Is gratoitoos. but the eocinianes h*Te

    Kteh AT tl i taetnrlag Company, ot this city. Hta last pastorate was U l e 8 e ! in t h . t o w . of P h i a i x , X. Y. His relBttreVtttw ut Es-

    captaraa la Ar«aaaas Bev»» aa* obtained .a kaaaaa Taa Benders were eitaer »e«r*tiT

    [scBed at tue tia>* ef ih . ;r supposed escape u r e ta . SBBf r^i ly Bt . « scape asd b a v . takea tbemseives . etry K m dastaace away irom tbe s e e * , of vaa:r tern-asaatraciua*


    A T I A X T A , ©a. , Apnl 11, u n ,

    aaa TBoaaaa Siaaa. two t L a i . Joha-ta taa Crawford riot, were .rrasted

    Heaaso* •*r In tb* Untied Stat.* ar Cauada, p«*tag* prepaid ay tbe publishers, on receipt of H

    HARPER'* MHGAZIXE. HARPER'S WECKLT aad HARPER'S B A A A B . for eae year, *10; er eay twe far f 7 ; post ax* (rtt.

    A Complete Aatsviytteal l a d . , te tbe art . Pifty volume* of 1! ,thi'KK'.» MAOAZtNE his just bean pabissaed. BtBaBer* tag available (or reference tae vast and v .ned wes.tu of inlormation wbtch* this periodical a part*** tli.*-trwed .iterary eye oixdia. Sva, clwtb, *W. half call, Ba 36. feat postair* area>su4. Ajdraa* HARPER A BROTHERS. K*w Tovk.

    CBEAPBaT BOOK STORE IN TUB WOBUX Lsfcrarieaaad a*aaa Bwega*.

    5 B W P U B L I C A T I O B B .


    I. falthfel Barrar.t—Novel. i»v A a . l . Aaaaaera... JJt M

    B, Freaa Dasra t e Beea-Paeant. by Ti i le t Pea*. I Sf

    B All Pot B e r . B a J . d e * " A ^ U I M I - A K . * * ! . . t t

    4, A . B . U el a Bafcy—Cotapanio. ta H•.**'» B.BtSB.. 0 BO

    5. Pe«rlw* C a t h i e * . - A Novel, by Car* A g a . w . . . . . . 1 SO

    d BplritaallstaaBdDetectlvvt-A. Ptakart**.. I B B

    7. Badaaee—A NevaL by Frank L e . B » » S t e t . . . . . . . . I a a

    B Throwa Oa tb* World-Xov*i. by Bertha Clay . . . 1 * 9

    * - O f f . . b a c h 1 . Amariesk—Jam.** OB*nba*a... 1 10

    t a O a t e r t B e C a g a - A Newel. »y O. W. Owea I BO

    1 1 BaUU Lyl*—5*^*U by M"r*~Mary J. Netaaee I SO

    1 1 tafellc*—Novel, bv A.imsta Ersma WUse* S «

    I B Bate Da . t eo -Nov .1 . by M.y Agee . Pteat tag . . . . . . 1 Tl

    14. By Little L e v e - A BweeiaV B.r lea B a t t s a d . . . . . I »

    15. Ills Yoaag Wife-Not«:. l y Jo*.i* P Smith \ 73

    18. A P*r«*et AeeaU—By.aiber *T R a t l e d c e . M ~ . . . ~ 1 68

    17. A Wemae%Wtlel-Ncwr^»^C*tiaGB»wBer 1 »

    IB. Modern SeUaUftc Game el Pot. I »

    1 * Ch.ries DtcksBs* Works-Carl.tee'sedHte*. 1 »

    3 a Beeefw«fta* Year—Baono volnnte*. I * T * , . . . . . . . . I B *

    Aay beak seat by mat:, post paid, ea receipt of prtre.

    a W. CARLE TON A CO., P.blitaara,

    Madlaea * . .ar» . New Tot*. ^


    PBONTISPJECE IlUstratlwa sa poem ••Barbara,»,ay Al-fred Krederick*.

    THK ALSTRIAN ARCTIO EXPEDITION. I . Twa Parta Pan II. The Secoud Winter to tbe lee and tb* Return Horn*. (With ten Illustration*.! Hv A H. tlo*ru»*y.

    Illustration.:—AUaii4onltig t b . fliip—Tb. Or*** of t b . Arctic—Tbe Httrlat of kriarb— T b . 1K>*> ao4 th* Yountr 1HM»—The Winter Hot. of a Bear—Host we recelv. Rear*—r'aillag- lato aCrev.ase —View el Cap. A u k - T a . Sledge ia . Snow S t o r u - S c . a . ea the to*.

    BAR1IARA. A Po.m. Br Nor. Perry. mmmm _ _ -CHKRRV RtPE'." A Nev.i . CUaptar* XV., X T t ,

    XVII., XVitl . aud XIX. Hy Helen » . Mather*, authei of '•Comia* Tbro' t h . R y . " aad "As He Come* np the Stair."

    (This ch.rmlnr serial story waa begun la t h . nnmbei lor February, 1877.1 _

    KEELER HILL A short st .ry, eorapUl.. of early Yla inula Colonial Life. By Constance Keuituere Wools . .

    FRENCH ErtUtKTTE 1. Marrying ia Kranea II. Taa Etion*tte of visiting, A c , In Parts. By Lsiey H. lioopvr.

    A SPRING RKFRAiN. A Poem. By John Moran. ABOUT GARDENS A X D GARDE »IXH. L Tb . Coaatry

    Oardea. II. City Oarrlens. rty Ella Rodman Cbarea. HCOSONIA A satin Poem, -fly *.. «. P. _ THB TOWER Of' PtiR«:KMONT. A Nw»eL By Gears.

    Sand. Concluding rhaptart. THE WALKINU rBRN. A abort atory ot American U f a

    in fo.r chapters, eoniptete. fly Matilda Joalya Gaga OOINO HOME. A Bohemia. Souc. By SL H stoddarrl.

    THE OBBAT WUITE WALL. A ftk.tch «.f t b . EnSil«b South t'oaat. t. Pag IL Rorf 11L Sbin^l.. IV. Chalk. V. Upa and Down* VI. Lifa. By Julian Haw.

    BVadlAB DIRSENT. HEB^SY AND R C n i « B . A Pepe* o . the Carious Re.iglou* Faith* Prevalent la Russia. By Geor/e Oary Etrleston.

    THE STORt OK A RC8Y WOMtN'B LIPR. Prem •Autobiography ot Harriet Martina.. ." By George M.

    B A N S AND FRITZ. A Humorous Dialect Poem. By O. r\ Adam*. — '-,

    EDITOR'S TABLE:—Deeor.tiv. Art—Plot M.klop IB Ft* tlon—»»oct*t I aremouv In Prance—Duelling ta Franc— Tbe New Core-All—American aad Kngiitn Pnjrsta.*— Popular Liaaders.


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    This work tt not prophetical. It diseatses t h . tool , a* a Divine promise. Its plan I* to follow the narrative of a Christian'* experieuc of the revealed facts in tbe next dla-peu-ation. -Tber.l* not a Una of coutrovany I . t b . volntea. Y*t it l*tu l . f o o l d and original thoueht. apt illustration, and torcsble writing, and it I* a work wnieh ao o a . wba IS "watenfn^ and wattinst'' for the Lord rait afford to mis*

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    m i A B M l N U BOOKS for

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    Cutter, lllnstra.ed. t'2. The belt book en tbe Icdi.n* ever published.

    S-THK PLEASURES OF ANGUNG. By Oeera* Dawson, of t h . Albany Evening Journal, a Vetera* sportsman. C o . vol, tinted paper. Elegantly lllus-tiated. SI 50

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    LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE tor May. Handsomely IlluMraUd. Mew ready Containing

    I. DOWN THE RHINE. Illustrated. By Lady Murphy

    1 IN T h E VALLEY* OF PEBC. m.strated. B LONGINGS. By Chart*. D . Kay. * THE ABBESS OF IsCIUA. A Story. By Robert A,

    Mo Lead. 6. PARISIAN CLUB L I F B A Sketch. By a B . He*»

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    L G.r l'ik*a. Old aud Vauag. 1. By Ptafaaetw Bert 4* Wilder, tilliin rated.)

    IL Mesmerism. Ouvusm, f . b i . T.ralng and L By WtUiatu B. Carpenter, LL. D.. F. K. a,

    III. Aaueducts. By William E Simmoo* .lllu*ir*tad.» IV. Graruaiuta. aad Ho* is Work*. By Graj»vtlt. f.

    V: Oa the Habit* of l a t a By Sir J a l a Leak at*. B a n . VI. The New Star t . tha CentieUation ot t a . Bwaav By

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    VIII, Oa taa Botuteriol Dlri*:»ility of Gold . a d Otbae Metal*. By Alexander r.. tiut«i-knd-«. Jr

    I X Biss-etueat* of Jupttcr't C;O»MI Maaa.*. By Richard A. Proetov.

    X. Tosastoot Eating By J sua* A. Palmar, Jr. XL s-keteb of Pee.uWat Sxraarx tWita Portrait.)

    X.L CoRBESPuNDENCR. X11L EDITOR'S TABLE: Mesial Ovarwovk Under rbe

    Competitive Pru# System—Tit* r f a l r n r . I i p e a i a a i . #* teats— C.-ncersJna "Biste Glaaa**

    U T E B A B Y NOTICES: Baseh** * Ea^liab CaHitat iwa aad Other rj»*j»—Spencer I Pnactpla. *f aWteaV *aBr~rTe*c.'lt's electricity aad tit* Electric Te.a-prsob—fyudail's Loe^ns Iu Electricity—Wrtgti'. PbP«>*o©tk-al Dt»cn** T E B B S - d S per aaamm, aeetag . free, ee MeoaMB«ea»B*>

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