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Dear Canterbury family;

Seeing the shroud of Turin was the highlight of this most spirit filled and blessed tour. Seeing the face of Jesus close-up after Barry Schwartz explained the history of the scientific investigation I was amazed how his glorious face looked almost like 3-D. I will never forget that moment standing in the presence of the most holy of our Christian relics. Thank you Jesus for leaving your followers and those who came after a vivid reminder of your crucifixion and resurrection. Even though the church cannot explicitly declare this the actual burialcloth of Jesus one only has to be in the presence of the shroud to experience the Paschal mystery and Resurrection of the Jesus we read about in Scripture. I had only five minutes to contemplate thisHis facebut those 300 seconds will be imprinted into my mind and spirit for the rest of my life.

Every day was a complete blessing. Prior to my pilgrimage I had a chance to read about and reflect upon the many saints that we were able to see where they lived and had their ministry. Assisi was profoundly beautiful and I can imagine Francis joyouslysingingtoGod's beautiful creatures and praising Him as he ventured off the mountain to his small chapeldown into the valley. HIC LOCUS SANTUS EST. indeedthis is a holy place where Francis and Claire shared in God's loving grace to develop their communities and rebuild the church. I had the privilege to walk where Francis walked and pray where Francis prayed. I can take this experience off my bucket list and put it into my memory bank. PAX et BONUM!.

I can say that ifthis is all I experienced on this trip I'd be forever happy but Italy is such a beautiful country as we travel from Turin to Venice, theAlps on one side covered with snow and beautiful countryall around usas we traversed the highways and byways. Itwasjust awesome. The great cathedrals of Venice, Siena, Florence, Padua, and Rome full of magnificent art and history were built in a different time in the world. Vast sums of money and resources using cheap labor trying to externally express God's intervention in the history of man through many art forms and modalities. I can appreciate the artistry that was expressed but I consider it just fluff compared to the internal spiritual disposition of the many saints lives that we had a chance to reflect upon on this pilgrimage. The kingdom of God is within that was my theme for much of my time there in Italy. The call of the saints to totally love Jesus and suffer with him inthe trials of the poor such as Francis and Don Bosco weremanifestedby the fruits of their labor. The lepers, the orphans, and those suffering physical and mental illnesses were deeply blessed by these holy men and women who devoted themselves to the love of Jesus in the poor.

Two other great surprises amongst many others I'd like to share. I've had an ongoing awareness of Padre Pio in my life's journey for the last 20 years an great gift it was that Canterbury Pilgrimages offered a side trip to see his tomb in southern Italy.I received such a blessingpraying at Padre Pio's tomb. Again the four hours spent walking onthe sacred ground, where he ministered to thousands and built a state of the art hospital for the suffering poor willlast me a lifetime. I experienced a very personaljoyous momentat St. Peter's Basilica. Fathers Philand Joe celebrated daily Massbut at St. Peter's.We were blessed to have a large choral group sing songs and Latin responses for this Eucharistic celebration. At the end of worship the celebrant said we want to thank the coral group from Luther College of Decorah Iowa. It just so happens that I was born in Decorah Iowa and was so glad that a Lutheran community joined our Pilgrim group and worshiping God together at the center of the Christian Church in Rome.

I personally want to thank your guides for making my trip very enjoyable. I had a chance to share little bit about my life with them and they also shared part of their family joys with me. Who knows we may see you both again on another pilgrimage.

God bless you all!

Jerry C
