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S.S. Science Math WritingMixedReview

Page 2: Jeopardy Review 2nd Q

Which document declared our freedom as a county?

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The Declaration of Independence

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What is the National Anthem of the United States?

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The Star Spangled Banner

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The Constitution of the United States makes citizens have what?

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Equal power

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Which is a law?

a. stopping at a stop sign

b. helping with the dishes

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a. stopping at a stop sign

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Define cost benefit analysis.

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What are clouds made of?

a. water vapor

b. water droplets

c. air particles

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b. water droplets

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What causes the process of evaporation?

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Energy from the sun’s heat

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Which takes up more space, frozen water or liquid water?

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frozen water

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Why would the water in a glass dry up if it was left in the window for


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The water would evaporate

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Let’s say you planted four corn seeds in four pots. You watered the

seeds at the same time each day, with the same amount of water. You

planted the seeds in four different types of soil to see which one would

grow the best corn.

What are three variables that stay the same.

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corn seeds, pots, amount of water, and/or time watered

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What is the difference between an even number and an odd number?

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An even number can be divided up evenly, while an odd number can not

be divided up evenly.

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Write 852 in standard form.

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800 + 50 + 2 = 852

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There are four wheels on a car. There are six cars. How many wheels are there all together?

Write two number sentences for your answer that represents the story

problem and solve them!

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6 x 4 = 244 x 6 = 24

4+4+4+4+4+4= 246+6+6+6+ 24

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There are twelve cookies and four students. How many

cookies will each student get?

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3 cookies

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Sammy bought a notebook for $1.36 and paid with a $5.00 bill.

Which shows the amount of change Sammy should get back?

a. 6 pennies, 3 dimes, and one dollar

b. 4 pennies, 7 dimes and 3 dollars

c. 4 pennies, 1 dime, 2 quarters, and 3 dollars

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c. 4 pennies, 1 dime, 2 quarters, and 3 dollars

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What is the first step of the writing process?

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Brainstorming or Prewriting

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What writing graphic organizer is a good one to use to make sure you have a beginning, details, and an


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The Hamburger Method

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What should you do to your sloppy copy or first draft before you publish


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Edit and Revise!

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What is the editing mark for a misspelled word?

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A circle.

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List the six parts of the writing scoring guide.

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Six Scoring Guide Categories:

1. Organization

2. Focus

3. Development

4. Complete Sentences

5. Vocabulary

6. Mechanics and Spelling

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Which genre means a true story?

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Which genre means a story that is made up and couldn’t really happen?

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Fantasy or fiction

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Which is a compound word?

a. singerb. backpackc. unhappyd. computer

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b. backpack

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Which word has the same sounds as the au in laughed?

a. autumn

b. giggled

c. apple

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c. apple

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Which is the base word for slowly?

a. lyb. sloc. slowd. lowl

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c. slow
