

Facts 1 Issues Reasoning Educators

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

Facts 2

$100 Question from Facts

Wizards, sorcerers, giants, & supernatural powers

$100 Answer from Facts

What is the claim filed by the plaintiffs (parents) to the Circuit Court beginning in 1993?

$200 Question from Facts

Christian Beliefs

$200 Answer from Facts

What is the value the plaintiff (parents) claimed that the supplemental reading seriesdirectly opposed?

$300 Question from Fact

Motion to dismiss

$300 Answer from Facts

What was filed by the directors?

$400 Question from Facts

Fed.R.Civ.P. 12 (b)(6)

$400 Answer from Facts

What are the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure?

$500 Question from Facts

Impression Series

$500 Answer from Facts

What did the district court ask the plaintiffs (parents) to provide?

$100 Question from Facts 2

Violation of 1st Amendment

$100 Answer from Facts 2

What was the parents’ claim that the Impression series violated?

$200 Question from Facts 2

Summary Judgment

$200 Answer from Facts 2

Why did the United States District Court dismiss the case?

$300 Question from Facts 2


$300 Answer from Facts 2

What is a word from our sponsors?Commercial

$400 Question from Facts2

$400 Answer from Facts 2

$500 Question from Facts2

$500 Answer from Facts2

$100 Question from Issues

Secular or Religious Purpose

$100 Answer from Issues

What did the court have to decide about the Impressions series?

$200 Question from Issues

Excessive Entanglement

$200 Answer from Issues

Did the defendants (school board) foster the knowledge that the Impressions series involved religious endorsements in the school?

$300 Question from Issues

Free Exercise of Religion

$300 Answer from Issues

What did the parents have to prove that imposed substantial burden on their religious rights?

$400 Question from Issues

Supplemental Reading Curriculum

$400 Answer from Issues

How was the Impressions series being used for the purpose of educating children?

$500 Question from Issues

Motion to Dismiss

$500 Answer from Issues

What did the District Court convert to a motion for summary judgment?

$100 Question from Reasoning

Instill Creativity & Imagination

$100 Answer from Reasoning

What did the court rule that is needed to hold the students’ attention to develop reading skills?

$200 Question from Reasoning

Broad Discretion

$200 Answer from Reasoning

What did the court decide that school boards have in determining curriculum in their school?

$300 Question from Reasoning

No Coercion

$300 Answer from Reasoning

What wording did the court use to determine that the Free Exercise of their Religion was not substantially burdened?

$400 Question from Reasoning

Simply to Educate

$400 Answer from Reasoning

What was the court’s decision about the principle effect of the Impressions reading series?

$500 Question from Reasoning

Rule 12(b)(6)

$500 Answer from Reasoning

What rule did the court use to make a decision for summary judgment that was not improper?

$100 Question from Educators

Most Literary Works

$100 Answer from Educators

What are used to expand the minds of young children and develop creativity?

$200 Question from Educators

Teach, Instruct, and Educate

$200 Answer from Educators

What are educators’ rights using literary works?

$300 Question from Educators

Religious Materials

$300 Answer from Educators

What may educators use to teach literary and historical lessons?

$400 Question from Educators

$400 Answer from Educators

$500 Question from Educators

$500 Answer from Educators
